IHHH :: Volume #9

#856: Another suggestion?

Ying Hong hides in the senior principal is not willing to come out behind, she looks very anxious, but Chen Ge had not found too many fears on her face, in other words even faces three Red-clothed, Ying Hong possibly still had the running away assurance. 樱红躲在老校长身后不愿意出来,她看起来很紧张,不过陈歌并没有在她脸上找到太多的畏惧,也就是说即使面对三位红衣,樱红可能仍有逃走的把握。 Chen Ge does not know that taking advantage of Ying Hong is anything, he can only deal carefully. 陈歌不知道樱红的依仗是什么,他只能小心应对。 Principal?” Chen Ge sees the senior principal to be silent, seems like has what hard thing to bring up. “校长?”陈歌见老校长一直沉默,似乎是有什么难言之隐。 These two children are the Li Xue cherries, they are alone.” The principal looked that in these two girls' vision fills to love with guilty: I know their named Ying Hong, named Ying Bai, no matter but they called anything, they were my family member.” “这两个孩子都是李雪樱,她们是一个人。”校长看这两个女孩的目光中充满疼爱和愧疚:“我知道她们一个叫樱红,一个叫樱白,可不管她们叫什么,她俩都是我的亲人。” Puts out a hand to touch the head of Ying Hong gently, the senior principal protects Ying Hong behind. 伸手轻轻摸了摸樱红的头,老校长将樱红护在身后。 Was touched the head by the senior principal, the Ying Hong eyeground flashes through a dislike, but possibly is because the present situation is extremely disadvantageous to her, she also needs the senior principal to act as the backer, therefore she has not revolted, but also displays a very clever appearance intentionally. 被老校长抚摸脑袋,樱红眼底闪过一丝厌恶,不过可能是因为现在的局势对她太过不利,她还需要老校长来充当靠山,所以她并没有反抗,还故意表现出一副很乖的模样。 Actually must say, Ying Hong looked like then snow cherry, facing the father of excessive drinking rotten gambling, body weak was unable to leave mother of wheelchair, she can only protect itself.” The senior principal blocked all responsibility on oneself: This blames me, was I am blind believes snow cherry father's nonsense, was I advanced the fiery pit them personally.” “其实要说起来,樱红更像当时的雪樱,面对酗酒烂赌的父亲,还有身体虚弱不能离开轮椅的母亲,她只能自己保护自己。”老校长把所有责任都拦在了自己身上:“这都怪我,是我瞎了眼相信了雪樱父亲的鬼话,是我亲手将她们推进了火坑。” These that the senior principal said that Ying Bai as if not know the circumstances of the matter, she looks at the senior principal at a loss, in the attractive clean eye pupil full is puzzled, the mouth muttered is talking over the grandfather two characters. 老校长说的这些,樱白似乎并不知情,她茫然的看着老校长,漂亮干净的眼眸里满是不解,嘴里喃喃念叨着爷爷两个字。 The response of Ying Hong and Ying Bai is completely different, she is suppressing the anger in heart strongly, the expression has not had the too big change, but the double pupil has spilled over wipes the blood-color. 樱红的反应则和樱白完全不同,她在竭力压制心中的怒火,表情没有发生太大的变化,但是双瞳已经泛出一抹血色。 The past memory injured to her is big, her body is changing slowly. 过去的记忆对她伤害非常大,她的身体在慢慢发生变化。 Principal, perhaps matter does not have you to think is so simple.” Chen Ge does not want to conceal anything to the senior principal, he opens Ying Hong schoolbag, turned found the balled paper that searched for from the Ying Hong drawer. “校长,事情恐怕没你想的那么简单。”陈歌不想对老校长隐瞒什么,他打开樱红书包,翻找到从樱红抽屉里搜出来的纸团。 Saw these were rubbed one group of papers, on the Ying Hong face was broken tranquilly, such looked like the murderer to know the corpse that oneself buried had been discovered to be the same by the police. 看到那些被揉成一团的纸,樱红脸上的平静被打破,那样子就像是凶手知道了自己埋藏的尸体已经被警察发现一样。 On the paper writes the dissatisfaction of Ying Hong over world, but also writes to kill the words of senior principal. 纸上写着樱红对世界的不满,还写有想要杀害老校长的话。 Papers in the hand, Chen Ge look that wants to protect the Ying Hong senior principal wholeheartedly, the eyes flood red closely grab Ying Hong of senior principal clothes, he also hesitated. 一张张纸拿在手中,陈歌看着一心想要保护樱红的老校长,还有双眼泛红紧紧抓着老校长衣服的樱红,他又犹豫了。 Shakes the head gently, Chen Ge returns in that several papers schoolbag: Principal, can say why in detail a snowing cherry will turn into this appearance?” 轻轻摇头,陈歌将那几张纸放回书包里:“校长,能详细说一下雪樱为什么会变成这个样子吗?” Took back these to write all over the white paper of crazy talks, Chen Ge discovered that Ying Hong and senior principals relax. 收回那些写满了疯言疯语的白纸,陈歌发现樱红和老校长都松了口气。 He understood indistinctly, senior principal actually anything knows. 他心里隐约明白了,老校长其实什么都知道。 Ying Bai is snow cherry heart deep place cleanest side, she pure, good and naive, but she can live like this , because all anxieties, fears, hatred and so on negativities were withstood by Ying Hong.” In the senior principal voice has a regret and anger: „The mother of snow cherry is the first child who I adopt, her body is not good, is unable to give birth, therefore adopted the snow cherry. At that time was I accompanies their couple same place to go, the snow cherry was very small at that time, I think that their family of three chatted is so happy, oneself were also very happy, but I know later, matter at all was not such that I thought.” 樱白是雪樱内心深处最干净的一面,她单纯、善良、天真,但她之所以可以这样生活下去,是因为所有的不安、恐惧、憎恨等等负面情绪都被樱红承受。”老校长声音中带着一丝懊悔和愤怒:“雪樱的母亲是我收养的第一个孩子,她身体不好,无法生育,所以就收养了雪樱。当时是我陪着他们夫妻两个一起去的,雪樱那时还很小,我看着他们一家三口说说笑笑那么幸福,自己也很开心,但随后我才知道,事情根本不是我想的那样。” Chen Ge listened to hatred from the voice of senior principal, this made him somewhat surprised, the temperament such good senior principal so will actually also hate alone. 陈歌从老校长的声音里听出了一股恨意,这让他有些惊讶,脾气这么好的老校长竟然也会如此憎恨一个人 One may know a person's face but not what's in his heart, the father of snow cherry is a from head to tail swindler, he is close to the snow cherry mother because of not liking from the beginning, but wants to get so far as several real estate under my name. He knows that I do not have the child in blood relationship, therefore is close to us specially, including adoption snow cherry matter, is he does to develop intentionally to us looks.” “知人知面不知心,雪樱的父亲就是一个彻头彻尾的骗子,他一开始接近雪樱的母亲就不是因为喜欢,而是想要弄到我名下的几处房产。他知道我没有血缘上的孩子,所以才专门接近我们,包括领养雪樱这件事在内,所有的一切都是他故意做出来演给我们看的。” If merely is only this, the senior principal will be not so angry, his behind said that is the truly enraged reason: In knowing me prepares to contribute completely own real estate, and after inviting early the attorney set up the will, he becomes angry out of shame, every day is finding various excuses to stir up trouble, beats the snow cherry mother, even also had the idea one time on the snow cherry, was discovered by mother of snow cherry luckily promptly.” 如果仅仅只是这样,老校长也不会如此生气,他后面说的话才是自己真正被激怒的原因:“在得知我准备把自己的房产全部捐出,并且早早请律师立了遗嘱后,他恼羞成怒,每天都在找各种理由挑事,殴打雪樱的母亲,甚至有一次还把主意打在了雪樱身上,幸好被雪樱的母亲及时发现。” Old person's voice is shivering, he is a good person, but this will not represent him is not angry. 老人的声音在颤抖,他是个好人,但这不代表他不会生气。 , Cannot swallow other Specter by the senior principal's character estimate from a different angle, he can become half-length Red-clothed in this case, that can only explain that his obsession is very deep, having matter that must complete. 换一个角度来说,以老校长的性格估计不会吞食其他厉鬼,他在这种情况下能成为半身红衣,那只能说明他的执念很深,有必须要完成的事情。 These things I after the snow cherry dies, from the diary of her room saw that you know I did hold that diary so to be at heart uncomfortable at that time?” The senior principal blocks Ying Hong gently in the side: Ying Bai is unable to live in that place, will therefore have the appearance of Ying Hong.” “这些东西我都是在雪樱死后,从她房间的日记本上看到的,你知道我当时捧着那本日记心里有那么难受吗?”老校长轻轻将樱红拦在身边:“樱白是无法在那种地方生活下去的,所以才会有樱红的出现。” Listens to the words of senior principal, Chen Ge somewhat to rejoice oneself have not put out these balled papers directly, he looks at Ying Hong, in the mind remembered another matter suddenly. 听完老校长的话,陈歌有些庆幸自己没有直接将那些纸团拿出,他看着樱红,脑海里忽然想起了另外一件事。 Ying Bai said that own father left the home in some time suddenly, then has not come back, at first Chen Ge has not thought that but sees Ying Hong after now, he guessed correctly that man final fate of indistinctly. 樱白说自己的父亲在某个时间突然离开了家,然后再也没有回来,起初陈歌也没有多想,但是现在看到了樱红以后,他隐约猜到了那个男人最终的下场。 He will not definitely come back, he will also never come back. 他肯定是不会回来的,他也永远不会回来了。 Ying Hong had the opinion to the senior principal very much, she even extreme wants to harm the senior principal. 樱红本来对老校长很有意见,她甚至偏激的想要伤害老校长。 The matter that but later has makes her not expect, in by three Red-clothed in view , the senior principal won't budge her protects after behind, became her straw to grasp on the contrary, this made her have the change to the view of senior principal. 但随后发生的事情让她没有料到,在被三位红衣针对时,老校长一步不让将她护在身后,反倒成了她的救命稻草,这让她对老校长的看法有了变化。 When she noticed that the senior principal regretted when sad appearance, in the heart had a very uncomfortable mood, on as if chilling heart scab presented a tiny fissure. 紧接着当她看到老校长懊悔难过的样子时,心中产生了一种很不舒服的情绪,似乎冷硬的心痂上出现了一条细小的裂痕。 Never expected that she also had such past, I can understand, but......” Chen Ge had not said that following words, he received headless female ghost and red high-heeled shoes, these two have not been able to calculate that the Haunted House true staff, headless female ghost did not prefer very much, the red high-heeled shoes are less obedient, although the shoes took in the backpack, but blood red footprints on table were getting more and more. “没想到她还有这样的过去,我能够理解,但……”陈歌没有说后面的话,他将无头女鬼和红色高跟鞋收起,这两位还不能算鬼屋真正的员工,无头女鬼很是不情愿,红色高跟鞋就更不听话了,鞋子虽然被收进了背包里,但是桌子上的血红色鞋印却越来越多。 Receives two Red-clothed to indicate that own attitude, Chen Ge decided makes senior principal handle this matter, Ying Hong, although the innermost feelings are full of the negativity cruelly, but she after all with Ying Bai is a body. 收起两位红衣就是表明自己的态度,陈歌决定让老校长自己来处理这件事,樱红虽然内心残暴充满负面情绪,但她毕竟和樱白是一体的。 Both hands build on the Ying Bai shoulder, the Chen Ge’s vision moves between Ying Hong and Ying Bai, he is just about to inquire again some senior principal issues, suddenly realized a matter. 双手搭在樱白肩上,陈歌的目光在樱红樱白之间移动,他正要再询问老校长一些问题,忽然意识到了一件事。 How Ying Hong and Ying Bai this situation felt a little familiar? It seems like me and Liwan Town shadow is the same?” 樱红樱白这种情况怎么感觉有点熟悉?就好像我和荔湾镇的影子一样?” Exactly said, Chen Ge thinks oneself and Ghost Fetus, optimistic open Haunted House Boss, another is actually in 4 Star scenario most terrifying existence. 确切的说,陈歌想到了自己和冥胎,一个只是乐观开朗的鬼屋老板,另一个却是四星场景里最恐怖的存在。 wait a moment, wait a moment......” Chen Ge is rubbing own temples ruthlessly: My family member told the senior principal snow cherry in School of the Afterlife, in other words the situation of his very clear snow cherry, can this be they give my another suggestion?” 等一下,等一下……”陈歌狠狠揉着自己的太阳穴:“我的家人告诉老校长雪樱在通灵鬼校里,也就是说他非常清楚雪樱的情况,这会不会是他们给我的又一个暗示?” Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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