IHHH :: Volume #9

#827: 1 st

Oozing of blood face probably deflated rubber ball, wrinkled post in ground, if not Zhu Long and Zhang Ju prevents, these dirty thing estimates have crawled on Chen Ge. 渗血的人脸好像被放了气的皮球,皱皱巴巴贴在地面上,如果不是朱龙张炬阻挡,这些脏东西估计已经爬到了陈歌身上。 It seems like this brothers do not want to talk with us well.” “看来这位兄弟并不想跟我们好好交谈。” In the studio the blood-color is spreading, Chen Ge stands in Zhu Long and Zhang Ju behind, uses Yin Eyes to size up front Red-clothed up and down. 画室内血色在蔓延,陈歌站在朱龙张炬身后,使用阴瞳上下打量面前的红衣 The blood splashes down, Red-clothed swings, on the skin is hanging all sorts of torture instruments, he walks every time one step, will have the broken face to fall from the coat. 血液溅落,红衣摇摆,皮肤上悬挂着种种刑具,他每走一步,都会有碎脸从外衣中掉落。 In Red-clothed also divides heterogeneous, the Red-clothed that unfortunately, Chen Ge they meet is the extremely dangerous that kind. 红衣之中也分三六九等,很不幸,陈歌他们遇到的这个红衣属于极度危险的那一类。 However this also lets the Chen Ge strange place, Zhang Ju and Zhu Long, when does not dread facing such Red-clothed, they and Xu Yin that type as crazy as bone, loses sanely fights with all might differently. 不过这也是更让陈歌奇怪的地方,张炬朱龙在面对这样一个红衣的时候丝毫不畏惧,他们和许音那种疯狂到骨子里,丧失理智的拼杀不同。 Zhu Long and Zhang Ju are very sane, their expression very tranquill, as if in the mind have a sound to tell them, does not absolutely need to be afraid. 朱龙张炬很理智,他们的表情很平静,似乎脑海中有一个声音在告诉他们,根本没有必要害怕。 Red-clothed after seeing Zhu Long and Zhang Ju, has not begun immediately, he raised the head slowly, the whole piece face was covered by the wet hair. 红衣在看到朱龙张炬后,也没有立刻动手,他缓缓抬头,整张脸被湿漉漉的头发盖住。 Chen Ge can by the black hair slit see face that covers entirely the black blood vessel, pale, the morbid state, it seems like it is smiling. 陈歌能透过黑发缝隙看到一张布满黑色血管的脸,苍白,病态,它似乎是在笑。 Tick-tock.” “滴答。” A middle-age man's face fell off following the Red-clothed sleeve spigot, falls in Chen Ge and his middle. 一张中年男性的脸顺着红衣的袖子口脱落,掉在了陈歌和他中间 Saves me, the devil who this likes skinning, rescues......” “救救我,这个喜欢剥皮的魔鬼,救……” "Pa!" “啪!” Did not wait for the middle-aged man saying that by blood incarnadine against pounded the shoes to suffer a relapse again on his face. 不等中年男人说完,一只被血染红的防砸鞋就重重落在了他的脸上。 His words were broken forcefully, the whole piece face has been split up. 他的话被强行打断,整张脸已经四分五裂。 In the room is very peaceful, because just peaceful, the sound that therefore the blood drops is especially clear. 屋内很安静,正因为安静,所以血液滴落的声音格外清晰。 That only against pounded the blood-color on shoes becomes deeper, the original color was covered, probably it was blood red was the same. 那只防砸鞋上的血色变得更深了,原本的颜色被掩盖,好像它本身就是血红色的一样。 We make way, his goal is not we.” Weak Zhou Tu looks up to that Red-clothed, the vision does not hide does not dodge: He stays here, for the waiting on the day, he wants first to see scenario in studio, because he is not only a manager, is the participant.” “我们让开吧,他的目标不是我们。”虚弱的周图抬头看向那个红衣,目光不躲不闪:“他留在这里,就是为了等待这一天,他想要第一个看到画室内的场景,因为他既是管理者,又是参与者。” Participant?” “参与者?” He is the sixth picture author, connects the monsters of two inversion world!” “他就是第六幅画的作者,连接两个颠倒世界的怪物!” Zhou Tu said these, the eye has been staring at that Red-clothed, his memory has regained consciousness, although at this time is weak, but the body actually had/left special makings. 周图在说这些的时候,眼睛一直盯着那个红衣,他的记忆已经苏醒,此时虽然虚弱,但是身上却多出了一股特殊的气质。 Entrance Red-clothed because of not being called the monster is angry, he as if also likes this name very much. 门口的红衣并没有因为被称为怪物而生气,他似乎还很喜欢这个称呼。 The sound of footsteps resounds in the oil painting, Red-clothed and Chen Ge brushed past, leave behind place the bloodstain, arrived at the studio center. 脚步声在油画室内响起,红衣陈歌擦肩而过,留下一地的血迹,走到了画室中央。 He stopped finally by the sixth picture, looks oil painting that has changed beyond all recognition. 他最后停在了第六幅画旁边,看着那早已面目全非的油画。 Chen Ge remembers vaguely the sixth marking content, alone carries the big mirror of dance room, the result does not slip carefully, the mirror was thrown down and broken. 陈歌依稀记得第六幅画上的内容,一个人扛着舞蹈室的大镜子,结果不小心滑倒,镜子被摔碎。 The ground everywhere is the fragment of mirror, in each fragment is producing an inverted image a face of blood red. 地上到处都是镜子的碎片,每个碎片里都倒映着一张血红色的人脸。 He, we first walks leave alone.” Zhou Tu is held by Wang Yicheng, walks toward out of the door. “别管他,我们先走。”周图王一城扶着,朝门外走去。 Chen Ge does not want with this monster to, to follow other mass organization members to escape temporarily together toward downstairs. 陈歌也暂时不想和这个怪物对上,跟随其他社团成员一起朝楼下逃去。 Also jumps the window?” “还跳窗吗?” Wang Yicheng opens the gate of nearby classroom, in room by white bouquet the mannequin sculpture presents the change, under the plain white cloth appears quietly the blood beads. 王一城拉开旁边教室的门,屋子里被白布盖着的人偶雕塑出现异动,白布下面悄然浮现出一个个血珠。 Most drawing materials and props in experiment building were that anomaly did a moment ago.” The Zhou Tu complexion was still very bad, not, because leaves the studio to change for the better: Including the oil canvas that the red pigment and these become stale.” “实验楼内的大部分绘画材料和道具都是刚才那个变态做的。”周图脸色仍旧很差,并没有因为离开画室就有好转:“包括红色的颜料和那些发臭的油画布。” Does not need Zhou Tu to relate in detail, everyone has understood how these drawing materials manufacture. 不用周图细说,大家都已经明白那些绘画材料是怎么制作出来的了。 In this waste school has died so many people?” Some Chen Ge doubts: I saw several storehouses in fourth floor, inside piled up with drawing material.” “这废校里死过那么多人吗?”陈歌有些疑惑:“我在四楼可是看到了好几个库房,里面都堆满了‘绘画材料’。” I truly know the lots, but this does not represent my anything to know.” Zhou Tu is very strange to the Chen Ge’s attitude, compared with before, said not good, said no on bad, but can listen to one to dread from his words. “我确实知道很多东西,但这并不代表我什么都知道。”周图陈歌的态度很奇怪,和之前相比,说不上好,也说不上坏,只是能从他的话语中听出一丝忌惮。 In the oil painting spreads a loud sound suddenly, several people turn head to look, the spine of that Red-clothed monster opens completely, the back swells, ribs extend to the two sides, on each bone is hanging a cruel tool. 身后的油画室内突然传出一声巨响,几人扭头看去,那个红衣怪物的脊骨完全张开,后背胀大,一根根肋骨向两边延伸,每一根骨头上都悬挂着一种残忍的工具。 He turns away from the door to stand, seems like using oneself tool to revise that picture. 他背对房门站立,似乎是正在用自己身上的工具去修改那幅画。 To his distant point.” Zhou Tu makes Wang Yicheng shove open the window, first leads itself to get down. “离他远点。”周图王一城推开窗,先带自己下去。 The glass window was shoved open, Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng first leave, Chen Ge follows, but when he stands when window side, suddenly gawked. 玻璃窗户被推开,周图王一城最先离开,陈歌紧随其后,可当他站在窗户旁边时,忽然楞了一下。 Southeast in the experiment building shadow is standing alone, he wears the black leather shoes, is pale, the look is gloomy, in the hand is holding resting skirt and a collar of that one set of little girl are used to tie up the dog. 实验楼东南角的阴影里站着一个人,他穿着黑色皮鞋,脸色苍白,眼神阴沉,手里抱着一套小女孩的睡裙和一个用来拴狗的项圈。 Teacher Bai?” 白老师?” Chen Ge has Yin Eyes, saw Teacher Bai, saw the girl rests the bloodstain on skirt: „Did his daughter have an accident?” 陈歌拥有阴瞳,一眼就看见了白老师,也看到了女孩睡裙上的血迹:“他的女儿出事了?” Hid Teacher Bai in shadow also to discover Chen Ge, he seems to have squatted here, it is estimated that was because never expected that side Chen Ge had others , therefore had not begun. 躲藏在阴影里的白老师也发现了陈歌,他似乎早就蹲守在这里了,估计是因为没有想到陈歌身边有其他人在,所以才一直没有动手。 This, but real Teacher Bai, I took away his document, replaced his status, if these things make my students know that perhaps is not quite good.” Chen Ge thought that Zhang Ju they should be able to guess correctly oneself are not the school teacher, but this window paper no one has pierced, in the surface everyone is at least maintaining the stability of mass organization diligently. “这个可是货真价实的白老师,我拿走了他的证件,顶替了他的身份,这些事情如果让我的学生们知道恐怕不太好。”陈歌觉得张炬他们应该能猜到自己不是学校老师,不过这层窗户纸谁都没有捅破,至少表面上大家都在努力维持社团的稳定。 Must ask a reason to get rid of him, destroys the corpse and leave no trace this matter, my side should have many people to excel.” In the Chen Ge shadow is also hiding Specter, the opposite party is most does not have the dignity original ghost, he becomes a board game piece in Chen Ge now on the contrary. “得找个理由把他干掉,毁尸灭迹这种事,我身边应该有很多人都擅长。”陈歌影子里还躲着一个厉鬼,对方算是最没有尊严的原鬼,他现在反倒成了陈歌手里的一枚棋子。 Some decision, Chen Ge looked that became to the Teacher Bai vision gentle, he sped up acting, only used less than one minute to jump downstairs. 有了决定,陈歌看向白老师的目光都变得柔和了,他加快动作,只用了不到一分钟时间就跳到了楼下。 Person?” After the both feet falls to the ground, Chen Ge again toward testing building Jiaoluo looked, Teacher Bai has been missing. “人呢?”双脚落地之后,陈歌再朝实验楼角落看,白老师已经不见了踪影。 „Are you doing?” The Zhou Tu sound getting smaller, feeling momentarily the dissipation will be as if same: My time are not much, something I must tell you, this concerns me to retrieve itself, relates each of you's life and death.” “你在干什么?”周图的声音越来越小,给人的感觉仿佛随时都会消散一样:“我的时间不多了,有些东西我必须要告诉你们,这关乎我能不能找回自己,也关系你们每个人的生死。” Said that we are listening.” Zhang Ju and Zhu Long stand in Chen Ge about, their several people encircle in the same place. “说吧,我们听着呢。”张炬朱龙站在陈歌左右,他们几人围在一起。 In oil studio 13 pictures are representing 13 people, each is like Red-clothed that we met a moment ago, is terrifying.” Zhou Tu gasps for breath, when Wang Yicheng holds in him the grove, after being far away from the experiment building , to continue to open the mouth: Sorting and strength irrelevant, is completely stochastic, but there is an exception.” “油画室里十三幅画代表着十三个人,他们每个都和我们刚才遇到的红衣一样,非常恐怖。”周图喘了一口气,等王一城将他扶到树丛中,远离了实验楼后才继续开口:“排序和实力无关,完全随机,但是有一个例外。” Exception?” “例外?” „1st is an exception, I have nothing about the 1st memory, only knows that he likes drawing very much, he is Painter.” “一号是个例外,我没有任何关于一号的记忆,只知道他很喜欢画画,他是一个画家。”
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