IHHH :: Volume #9

#805: Last story

In eastern campus?” “在东校区?” Zhou Tu obviously hesitated, no matter the school leader or the teachers had once warned the new student/life, do not approach the eastern campus, they do not have the explanation specific reason, in the tone that but since they spoke can listen to the eastern campus to be very dangerous. 周图明显犹豫了一下,不管是学长还是老师都曾警告过新生,不要靠近东校区,他们没有说明具体的原因,但从他们说话的语气中能够听出东校区很危险。 You have very deep misunderstanding to the eastern campus, there actually with here similar, is only the modes of administration of two campuses is completely different, they live in the real terrifying, but you live in the false happiness.” Chen Ge looks at the eye of Zhou Tu: Compares you, actually they are close to hope, because they at least know who oneself are, knows the means of extrication.” “你们对东校区有很深的误解,那里其实和这里差不多,只是两个校区的管理方式完全不同,他们活在真实的恐怖里,而你们活在虚假的幸福中。”陈歌看着周图的眼睛:“相比较你们,其实他们更加接近希望,因为他们至少知道自己是谁,知道解脱的办法。” Chen Ge has not deceived Zhou Tu, no matter the eastern campus or the student in western campus, they were stranded in this completely in the school. 陈歌没有欺骗周图,不管是东校区还是西校区的学生,他们全部被困在了这所学校里。 The student in west campus remembers is revised, repeats the life that the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is manufacturing, the student good and evil of eastern campus also knows to look for the scapegoat, finding the way to leave. 西校区的学生记忆被修改,重复着幕后黑手制作出来的生活,东校区的学生好歹还知道寻找替死鬼,想办法离开。 „Is the student in eastern school approaches to hope? But I heard, only then western campus the trash that does not want will be delivered to there.” Zhou Tu had been persuaded, but his some are not steadfast. “东学校的学生更接近希望?可我听说只有西校区的不要的垃圾才会被送到那里。”周图已经被说动,但他心里还是有些不踏实。 No matter judges the standard is anything, any treats as the trash the student the school, that this school certainly is the trash school.” Chen Ge puts out a hand to point at two campus middle high fences: You know why that wall does exist?” “不管评判标准是什么,任何把学生当做垃圾的学校,那这个学校一定是个垃圾学校。”陈歌伸手指着两个校区中间高高的围墙:“你们知道那堵墙为什么存在吗?” Why?” “为什么?” Because the school fear loses control, they remould the human nature through all kinds of methods, but they forgot the human nature is this world's most complex thing. Matter had happened, no matter how forgets, wound association/will brand mark that leaves behind on heart. What does not remember, does not represent them not to exist, therefore the certain plans of this school will be doomed to be defeated.” Chen Ge was saying words that some mass organization members cannot understand, they do not know why Chen Ge said like this, but actually felt Chen Ge said seems like some truth. “因为学校害怕失控,他们通过各种各样的方法来重塑人性,但他们忘记了人性是这个世界上最复杂的东西。事情已经发生了,不管如何去遗忘,留下的伤口总会烙印在心上。什么都不记得,不代表它们不存在,所以这学校的某些计划注定会失败。”陈歌说着一些社团成员听不懂的话,他们不知道陈歌为什么这样说,但却感觉陈歌说的似乎有一些道理。 Child's curiosity is heavy, Chen Ge also told them unceasingly this truth of school, finally successfully aroused the interest of mass organization members. 孩子的好奇心本身就重,陈歌又不断告诉他们这所学校的真相,最后成功引起了社团成员们的兴趣。 Our present at once go over? To be honest I have really not believed, in the eastern campus will have the studio in my dream Zhou Tu to say low voice. “那我们现在就过去?说实话我还真不相信,东校区里会有我梦中的画室”周图小声说道。 Now is also not the time.” Chen Ge then looked at a shadow, shadows in 413 dormitory in the deep sleep, his body still had had very big change. “现在还不是时候。”陈歌回头看了一眼影子,413宿舍里的黑影仍在沉睡,不过他的身体已经发生了很大的变化。 If carefully looked that will discover, the Chen Ge’s shadow is different from the shadows of others, like black ink, as if all rays according to will then be swallowed to be the same to there jet black. 如果仔细看就会发现,陈歌的影子和其他人的影子不同,漆黑如墨,仿佛所有光线照到那里便会被吞噬掉一样。 It grown stronger probably. 它好像变强了很多。 Shadow potential huge this to Chen Ge is a good deed, when he regains consciousness, Chen Ge will lead the students to return to Specter that the eastern campus seeks to leave behind again to start. 黑影潜力巨大这对陈歌来说是件好事,等他苏醒,陈歌会带领学生们回东校区再次寻找落单的厉鬼下手。 Does that comes the strength that can strengthen own, secondly can stir muddy school stagnant water, shields another in school murderer. 这么做一来可以增强自己的实力,二来能够搅浑学校这池死水,掩护学院里的另一个“凶手”。 Now was still the stage of savings strength, before the school owner discovered my small insect, I must as far as possible many prepared some cards in a hand for oneself.” “现在仍是积蓄力量的阶段,在学校主人发现我这只小虫子之前,我要尽可能多的为自己准备一些底牌。” Chen Ge turns head to look to Wang Yicheng, the stories of other three mass organization members he some understanding, only had the laming boy who this first joins a company: „The next place that we must go to is the Wang Yicheng dormitory.” 陈歌扭头看向王一城,其他三名社团成员的故事他都有了了解,只剩下这个最先入社的跛脚男孩了:“咱们要去的下一个地点是王一城的宿舍。” Goes to my dormitory?” After Wang Yicheng hear, responded somewhat strangely, he beckoned with the hand again and again: That dormitory that ok, I live in has nothing attractively.” “去我的宿舍?”王一城听后反应有些奇怪,他连连摆手:“还是算了吧,我住的那个宿舍没什么好看的。” You, when spoke these words the sound to be usually higher , the language roll-of-yaw is quick, the look drifts from place to place, your child really has not excelled at lied.” Chen Ge holds in the arms the shoulder of Wang Yicheng gently: Why doesn't want to make us pass? You worried that what we do see?” “你在说这句话的时候声音比平时高,语速变快,眼神飘忽不定,你这孩子还真是不擅长撒谎。”陈歌轻轻搂住王一城的肩膀:“为什么不想让我们过去?你担心我们看到什么?” I......” Wang Yicheng think the half of the day does not know how should say, finally the vision shifted to other directions: It‘s nothing, our direct past.” “我……”王一城想了半天也不知道该怎么说,最后目光转向了其他方向:“没什么,我们直接过去吧。” Good.” “好。” Wang Yicheng lives in the 413 bedrooms in west campus, Lin Sisi lives in 413 bedrooms in eastern campus. 王一城住在西校区的413寝室,林思思住在东校区的413寝室。 The bedroom serial number is completely same, but in the 413 bedrooms in western campus except for No. 4 bed, on other beds is occupied by the student, eastern campus just right opposite, only then No. 4 bed is occupied by the person, other beds are spatial. 寝室编号完全相同,但是西校区的413寝室里除了四号床,其他床上都住有学生,东校区则正好相反,只有四号床住有人,其他床都是空的。 „The secret in our mass organization do not tell others, everyone is as far as possible lower-key, this in the school has like me the teacher, there is not that a teacher who is good to speak.” The Chen Ge time is maintaining the security, they are too big at the noise that the experiment building makes, the school authorities have possibly started to investigate. “咱们社团里的秘密不要告诉别人,大家尽量低调一些,这所学校里有像我一样的老师,也有不那么好说话的老师。”陈歌时刻保持着警戒,他们在实验楼闹出的动静太大,校方很可能已经开始调查。 Leaves my time is not many, after going to 413 bedrooms to look, must first lie low until something blows over.” “留给我的时间不多了,去413寝室看完之后,要先避避风头。” Male student dormitory altogether four of west campus, the student number is several times of eastern campus, now has not turned off the lights, is the male student bedroom building liveliest time, the sound and conversation sound that the washing sound and plastic basin fall, stand in downstairs can hear clearly. 西校区的男生宿舍楼一共有四栋,学生数量是东校区的好几倍,现在还没有熄灯,正是男生寝室楼最热闹的时候,洗漱声、塑料盆掉落的声音、交谈声,站在楼下都能听得清清楚楚。 This building is similar to the eastern campus.” Chen Ge displays naturally, followed to enter the first building behind four students together. “这栋楼跟东校区差不多。”陈歌表现得非常自然,跟在四名学生后面一起进入了第一栋楼。 The hut door of night/lodge manages housing shuts tightly, but the glass window is starting, inside has a 50-year-old aunt snort/hum the song, she is seemingly happy. 宿管居住的小屋房门紧闭,不过玻璃窗户开着,里面有一个50多岁的大妈正在哼歌,她看起来心情不错。 By the window is pasting an announcement, above writes is refusing the student in the dormitory use high efficiency electric appliance, forbidding the student to prepare food in dormitory. 小窗旁边贴着一张公告,上面写着严禁学生在宿舍使用大功率电器,禁止学生在宿舍自己做饭。 I remember that the eastern campus dormitory announced writes seems like- recently had the vicious case to happen, forbidding the student to go out after turning off the lights.” “我记得东校区宿舍楼公告上写的好像是-最近有恶性案件发生,禁止学生在熄灯后外出。” The separation of one wall, is almost two world, looking like outside "Door" and "Door" is the same. 一墙之隔,几乎是两个世界,就像是“门”内和“门”外一样。 Across the corridor, Chen Ge and several mass organization members arrived at 413 dormitory entrances. 穿过走廊,陈歌和几名社团成员来到了413宿舍门口。 This dormitory has no difference from other dormitories.” The Wang Yicheng door opens, after he enters in the room, others with bedroom when probably he does not exist, handles own matter, does not have one person is speaking to him. “这个宿舍跟其他宿舍没什么区别的。”王一城将门打开,他进入屋内后,同寝室的其他人都好像当他不存在一样,做着自己的事情,没有一个人跟他说话。 Waited for Wang Yicheng to walk several steps toward, rested the male student in that bed by the door lifts the mosquito net to stare his one eyes suddenly: How many times said? Comes to close the door after oneself, your leg was lame, is the ear is not easy-to-use?” 王一城往里走了几步,睡在房门旁边那个床位的男生突然掀开蚊帐瞪了他一眼:“说多少次了?进来随手关门,你腿瘸了,耳朵是不是也不好使?” The male student speech is very coarse, why he does not know probably very repugnant Wang Yicheng. 男生说话很难听,他不知道为什么好像很讨厌王一城 He does not close is because behind also some people must come, if you need to apologize, several of us can give you to apologize for him, but does not know that which form apology you do need?” Chen Ge grabs the door knob to enter in the room, he swept others in bedroom. “他不关门是因为后面还有人要进来,如果你需要道歉,我们几个可以替他给你道歉,只是不知道你需要哪种形式的道歉?”陈歌抓着门把手进入屋内,他扫了一眼寝室的其他人。 The mosquito net male saw that Chen Ge instigated immediately, without the speech, gets angry draws in the mosquito net again. 蚊帐男见到陈歌顿时怂了,没有说话,黑着脸重新将蚊帐拉上。 Teacher Bai, this is No. 4 bed, because no one lives, therefore we were used to put the baggage.” Wang Yicheng is pointing at No. 4 bed, above is throwing several suitcases, in this bedroom only then his baggage is places under the bed, others threw on the junks and baggage No. 4 bed. 白老师,这就是四号床,因为没人住,所以我们就用来放行李了。”王一城指着四号床,上面扔着几个行李箱,这个寝室里只有他的行李是放在自己床下面的,其他人都把杂物和行李扔到了四号床上。 Chen Ge is very familiar with No. 4 bed, he himself has lain down on the No. 4 bed of eastern campus. 陈歌对四号床很熟悉,他自己就在东校区的四号床上躺过。 Arrives by No. 4 bed, although this bed has not been occupied by the person, but the shop has the bedding and bed sheet, but these beddings now smeared by the baggage and junks. 走到四号床旁边,这张床虽然没有住人,但是却铺有被褥和床单,只不过那些床上用品现在被行李和杂物弄脏了。
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