IHHH :: Volume #7

#642: Trial Mission forces to trigger

When Bus Line 104 breaks in the blood fog, Chen Ge felt that black phone is vibrating, because just the situation was urgent at that time, therefore he does not have the choice to put out the cell phone to examine immediately. 104路公交车冲入血雾当中时,陈歌就感觉到黑色手机在震动,只不过因为当时情况紧急,所以他没有选择立刻拿出手机去查看。 At this time he stands in kennel second floor alone, the surroundings do not have other passengers, he can examine the information on black phone finally safely. 此时他独自站在狗舍二楼,周围没有其他乘客在,他终于可以安心查看黑色手机上的信息了。 The finger, looks at information on screen lightly, Chen Ge narrows the eyes gently. 手指轻点,看着屏幕上的一条条信息,陈歌轻轻眯起双眼。 Lucky Specter's Favored! Congratulates you to obtain special category Specter- black dog, it possesses 90% dog soul and 10% human soul, in special Specter that under some external force intervention forms.” “幸运的厉鬼眷顾者!恭喜你获得特殊类型厉鬼-黑犬,其拥有九成狗的灵魂和一成人的灵魂,是在某种外力干预下形成的特殊厉鬼。” Special capability: The mad dog( can enter in the middle of body of living person, causing living person intelligence to be abnormal, becoming is offensive, this/should ability can only use every seven days one time, every time will use to cause irreversible damage for black dog soul one time).” “特殊能力:狂犬(能够进入活人的身体当中,导致活人神智失常,变得极具攻击性,该能力每七天只能使用一次,每使用一次都会对黑犬灵魂造成不可逆转的损伤)。” The first two information are related with the black dog, Chen Ge has not thought that this looks not strong pet dog will be so regarded as important by black phone unexpectedly. 前两条信息都和黑狗有关,陈歌也没想到这条看着并不怎么强的“宠物狗”竟然会被黑色手机如此看重。 wait a moment, why does the name of black dog appear in the middle of the House of Horrors staff list directly? I have not subdued it, but it meets.” 等一下,黑狗的名字为什么直接出现在恐怖屋员工名单当中?我并没有收服它,只是和它见了一面而已。” Was black phone has problems? Said the black dog, when runs into me, displayed to recognize the Lord meaning on own initiative?” “是黑色手机出问题了?还是说黑狗在遇到我的时候,主动表现出了认主的意思?” Chen Ge does not know that between the black dog and shadow are anything relate, but sees black dog this time performance, he had a bottom probably. 陈歌不知道黑狗和影子之间是什么关系,但是看到黑狗此时的表现,他心里大概有了一个底。 Possibly this dog is the shadow few friend.” “可能这条狗是影子为数不多的‘朋友’了。” Friend name mutual, true friend forever mutual. 朋友这个称呼是相互的,真正的朋友永远是相互的。 If the shadow transforms the appearances of others to be close to me, I can emit the black dog when being able to make up mind, may have the unexpected harvest.” “如果影子变换成其他人的样子接近我,我可以在拿不定主意时将黑狗放出,或许会有意想不到的收获。” The black dog appeared in the middle of the staff list directly, this to Chen Ge was also a good deed, but considering the ability of black dog was flagitious, he did not prepare to make the black dog come out temporarily. 黑狗直接出现在了员工名单当中,这对陈歌来说也是一件好事,不过考虑到黑狗的能力过于凶残,他暂时不准备让黑狗出来。 The glide screen, Chen Ge selected the remaining several information, when these information were he just entered in the middle of the blood fog, black phone transmits. 滑动屏幕,陈歌又点开了剩下几条信息,那些信息是他刚进入血雾当中时,黑色手机发送过来的。 Lucky Specter's Favored! You have entered in the middle of Liwan Town scenario, 3.5 Star difficulty Trial Mission Liwan Town forces to trigger!” “幸运的厉鬼眷顾者!你已进入荔湾镇场景当中,三星半难度试炼任务-荔湾镇强制触发!” this scenario is extremely dangerous, has the unknown change, chooses to withdraw midway?” 该场景极度危险,存在未知变化,是否选择中途退出?” Attention! After withdrawing midway, this scenario is unable forever the unlocking!” “注意!中途退出后,该场景将永远无法解锁!” Looks at the behind three information, Chen Ge hears in the corridor to hear the sound of footsteps, several other passengers are catching up toward the building, they seem like looked that Chen Ge quite a while has not gotten down, was worried that he has the accident/surprise. 看完后面的三条信息,陈歌听见楼道里传来脚步声,其他几名乘客正在往楼上赶,他们似乎是看陈歌半天没下去,担心他出现意外。 I have entered Liwan Town in any case, even if now had the danger still only to brace oneself to proceed.” Chen Ge chose decisively did not give up mission. “反正我已经进入荔湾镇,现在就算有危险也只能硬着头皮往前走了。”陈歌果断选择了不放弃任务 Lucky Specter's Favored! You have accepted 3.5 Star difficulty Trial Mission Liwan Town.” “幸运的厉鬼眷顾者!你已接受三星半难度试炼任务-荔湾镇。” Liwan Town: The gate has lost control, killer and Specter revelry in the shadow of city, whenever arrives at night, all strange will become the reality. Trades the soul the hotel, the child who in the hospital plays hide-and-seek, the neighbor family/home knocks against the wall person head, the god of death that intersection beckons, in the elevator turns away from your spirit forever, under bed smiles a dog, the redeye in wardrobe......” 荔湾镇:门已经失控,杀人魔和厉鬼在城市的阴影中狂欢,每当黑夜降临,所有怪异都会变为现实。贩卖灵魂的旅馆,医院里捉迷藏的孩子,邻居家磕碰墙壁的人头,十字路口招手的死神,电梯里永远背对你的幽灵,还有床底下的笑面狗,衣柜中的红眼睛……” Mission Requirement: Escapes from Liwan Town, every time rescues an innocent person, the hidden reward will increase one additionally!” 任务要求:逃出荔湾镇,每救助一名无辜者,隐藏奖励将额外增加一份!” Mission Hint: I think you to cry, visit you to smile, visit you to be sad, visit you to kid around, I have been gazing at you, I want to become you, I am willing with being you best friend, but why you only leave me sadly, do oneself monopolize happily all?” 任务提示:我看着你哭,看着你笑,看着你悲伤,看着你嬉闹,我一直注视着你,我想要成为你,我愿意和做你最好的朋友,可你为什么只把悲伤留给我,自己独占所有欢乐?” Looks at all information, Chen Ge the text message content in the heart, then received the cell phone. 看完所有信息,陈歌短信内容记在心底,然后收起了手机。 You are all right ah! Scared to death us!” The male drunkard is a big voice, he goes upstairs latter to look to arrive in corridor middle Chen Ge. “你没事!吓死我们了!”醉汉是个大嗓门,他上楼后一眼就看到站在走廊中间陈歌 Do not fear, this person surface dog had been solved by me.” Chen Ge referred to the paralysis in the man of ground, after seeing information of black phone transmission, he to other passenger attitudes was better, always to rescue an innocent person after all, can obtain a reward additionally. “不要怕,这个人面犬已经被我解决掉了。”陈歌指了指瘫在地上的男人,在看到黑色手机发送的信息后,他对其他乘客态度好了很多,毕竟每多救助一位无辜者,就能额外获得一份奖励。 No matter stemming from morality and justice, is the self-interest, Chen Ge will protect them. 不管是出于道义,还是自身利益,陈歌都会保护好他们。 „Is this fellow that monster? Seeming like isn't very fierce ah?” The scissors hold the chin of man: Body does not have the obvious wound, I have not heard the sound that fights in downstairs, how did he drop down?” “这家伙就是那个怪物?看起来也不是很厉害?”剪刀托着男人的下巴:“身上没有明显的伤口,我在楼下也没听到交手的声音,他怎么就倒下了?” You best leave him, he should faint, may wake up anytime.” Chen Ge had not replied that the issue of scissors, found the rope to tie up the man in the room, then leads others to go out of this house. “你们最好离他远一点,他应该只是晕厥,随时都有可能醒来。”陈歌没有回答剪刀的问题,在屋内找到绳索将男人捆绑好,然后带领其他人走出这个房子。 After having looked at the mission information on black phone, Chen Ge to Liwan Town also some approximate understanding, on the cell phone had introduction about Liwan Town, mentioned the hotel, hospital, intersection and neighbor family/home and other places. 看过黑色手机上的任务信息后,陈歌荔湾镇也有了一个大致的了解,手机上有一段关于荔湾镇的介绍,其中提到了旅馆、医院、十字路口、邻居家等几个地方。 Before him has played Little Bu game, Chen Ge suspected the family/home of hotel and neighbor who black phone said that is he operates Little Bu went to these places in the game. 结合他之前玩过的小布游戏,陈歌怀疑黑色手机所说的旅馆和邻居的家,就是他在游戏中操纵小布去过的那些地方。 Gate in neighborhood that Fan Cong occupies, no matter that door can also use, I must pass to have a look, these scenario all transfer one to be not quite realistic, I only went to these constructions on the way to have a look.” “门在范聪居住的小区里,不管那扇门还能不能使用,我都要过去看看,这些场景全部去转一遍不太现实,我就只去顺路的那些建筑里看看好了。” Chen Ge had the decision, he leads several other passengers to return to Bus Line 104 there. 陈歌有了决定,他带领其他几位乘客回到104路公交车那里。 The vehicle cover by the blood threads package, was unable to start thoroughly. 车子外皮已经被血丝包裹,彻底无法启动了。 I have a friend to live in Liwan Town, therefore I am familiar with here, you all, follow me close, the luck good words, we can go out before dawn.” “我有个朋友住在荔湾镇,所以我对这里还算熟悉,你们跟紧我,运气好的话,天亮之前我们就能出去。” Chen Ge has not deceived other passengers, in the blood fog world not to have the sunlight and hope, only then escapes to see Sun. 陈歌没有欺骗其他乘客,血雾世界里没有阳光和希望,只有逃出去才能看到太阳。 The similar meaning, changes a way of expression to take to people the strength, this is also one of the Chen Ge’s abilities. 同样的意思,换一个表达的方式就能带给人力量,这也是陈歌的能力之一。 For does not waste the time, Chen Ge does not have each building to go in the examination, actually he himself also thought that was a pity very much. 为了不浪费时间,陈歌并没有每栋建筑都进去查看,其实他自己也觉得很可惜。 If the time is sufficient, I allow the doctor they first to enter during the construction, I ambush in behind, so long as some people dare to act to them, I stand immediately.” Others fish, Chen Ge fishes the ghost, he has been planning all at heart. “如果时间充足的话,我就让医生他们先进入建筑当中,我埋伏在后面,只要有人敢对他们出手,我就立刻站出来。”别人钓鱼,陈歌钓鬼,他已经在心里计划好了一切。 The blood fog fills the air, is hiding the murderous intention, what surprises several passengers is quite, they have not encountered too stop. 血雾弥漫,隐藏着杀机,但让几位乘客比较意外的是,他们并没有遭遇太多阻拦。 First stops, side we go to this Family Apartment to have a look.” Chen Ge stops the footsteps suddenly, he looks around several family member buildings, revealing makes one ascertain the airtight expression. “先停一下,我们去旁边这个家属院里看看。”陈歌突然停下脚步,他看着旁边的几栋家属楼,露出让人捉摸不透的表情。 Here construction he is very familiar, is in Little Bu game, Family Apartment that Little Bu and foster father occupy. 这里的建筑他很熟悉,正是小布游戏里,小布和养父居住的家属院 Is inappropriate? In this gloomy.” The male drunkard retrocede decisively. “不合适吧?这里面阴森森的。”醉汉果断后退。 According to our beforehand experiences, constructing the area is bigger, inside ghost is more terrifying, in this Family Apartment definitely has very terrifying thing.” The doctor grabs the scarf, does not want to go. “按照我们之前的经验,建筑占地面积越大,里面的鬼怪就越恐怖,这个家属院里肯定有很恐怖的东西。”医生抓着围巾,也不想进去。 This Family Apartment is truly dangerous, so long as you listen to me, I ensure you are all right.” Chen Ge said that walked directly. “这个家属院确实很危险,不过只要你们听我的话,我保证你们没事。”陈歌说完就直接走了进去。 Hey! Your careful ah!” The male drunkard cannot bear whisper: „The place that was possibly killed momentarily, how felt that you to getting oneself home were the same?” “喂!你小心一点!”醉汉忍不住嘀咕起来:“随时都可能丧命的地方,怎么感觉你跟回到了自己家一样?” Courage is really small, I do not know that what you are afraid daily?” The scissors delete the blood of corners of the mouth. “胆子真小,我都不知道你天天在害怕些什么?”剪刀擦去嘴角的鲜血。 This place everywhere is the monster and ghost, the abnormal homicidal maniac, you said that what I am afraid?” The male drunkard do intentionally strongly, is actually afraid at heart, is following close on Chen Ge. “这地方到处都是怪物、鬼魂,还有变态杀人狂,你说我在害怕些什么?”醉汉故作强硬,心里却十分害怕,紧跟着陈歌 Is peaceful, I had a matter to you say.” Chen Ge interrupted the words of male drunkard, puts out a hand to aim around thick patch of grass: There has a anomaly to process the corpse, everyone passes through time try not to make the sound, do not frighten him.” “都安静一下,我有个事情要给你们说。”陈歌打断了醉汉的话,伸手指向旁边的草丛:“那里有一个变态正在处理尸体,大家经过的时候尽量不要发出声音,千万别吓到他。” Hears the Chen Ge’s words, several passengers on the scene look at each other in blank dismay. 听到陈歌的话,在场几位乘客面面相觑。 They can understand each character that Chen Ge said that but the entire words are linked to each other, they actually do not know that Chen Ge is expressing anything. 他们能听懂陈歌所说的每一个字,但是整句话连在一起,他们却不知道陈歌在表达什么。 Processing corpse? Do not frighten him? This what with what ah?” The questions of several people of brains. “处理尸体?不要吓到他?这都什么跟什么?”几人满脑子的疑问。 Met that anomaly also to use, explained without enough time, you according to make will be fine that I said.” Chen Ge takes the lead alone, avoided the thick patch of grass specially: „Haven't the abnormal hormicidal manias in thick patch of grass, known in the elevator that raincoat homicidal maniac also in?” “等会那个变态还有用,来不及解释了,你们按照我说的去做就行了。”陈歌独自走在前面,特意避开了草丛:“草丛里的变态杀人狂还在,不知道电梯里那个雨衣杀人狂还在不在?”
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