IHHH :: Volume #6

#525: I decide in the reality capture/raid them

In the game after dawn, screen below sprang three options- you have lived the first evening by the astonishing luck, you were terrified, is afraid the extreme, you started hesitant, does not know that was continues to stay here to look for mother, the old route returned, left this small town. 游戏里天亮之后,屏幕下面弹出了三个选项-你凭借惊人的运气活过了第一晚,你内心惶恐不安,害怕到了极点,你开始犹豫,不知是继续留在这里寻找母亲,还是原路返回,离开这座小镇。 One: You thought that you are here like a fish in water, you like the atmosphere of this small town very much, decides to remain, experiences an evening again. 一:你觉得自己在这里如鱼得水,你很喜欢这座小镇的氛围,决定留下来,再体验一晚。 Two: You think of your mother very much, but you felt that you had reached the limit, must leave. 二:你很想念你的母亲,但是你感觉自己已经到了极限,必须要离开了。 Three: You are very puzzled, is very painful, here all and world in your mind is different, you decide to stay here, after finding mother leaves. 三:你很纠结,也很痛苦,这里的一切都和你印象中的世界不同,你决定留在这里,直到找到母亲后再离开。 The mouse moves in three options, Chen Ge thought that he compares to favor as the player in the first option, but if makes him stand in the Little Bu angle chooses, he will choose the second option, leaves this gloomy terrifying the world, Little Bu could the healthy development. 鼠标在三个选项之间移动,陈歌思索了起来,作为玩家他比较倾向于第一个选项,但如果让他站在小布的角度去选择,他会选第二个选项,离开这个阴森恐怖的世界,小布或许可以健康成长。 Silent for a long time, Chen Ge moved in the mouse the third option: „The first option is safest, the second option is best to Little Bu, the third option possibly was the Little Bu initial choice.” 沉默许久,陈歌将鼠标移动到了第三个选项上:“第一个选项是最稳妥的,第二个选项是对小布最好的,第三个选项则可能就是小布当初的选择。” Until after finding the Little Bu mother, can leave, if the Little Bu mother has been murdered, that Little Bu will never find itself the person who wants to find, she must stay in this small town forever. 直到找到小布的母亲后才能离开,可是如果小布的母亲已经遇害,那小布永远都不会找到自己想要找的人,她也就永远都要呆在这个小镇里。 Points at the point to move, Chen Ge pressed down the mouse, he chose the third option: „To make Little Bu be redeemed truly, that cannot deceive oneself and others in the game.” 手指点动,陈歌按下了鼠标,他选择了第三个选项:“想要真正让小布得到救赎,那就不能在游戏里自欺欺人。” After he determines the choice, the game put on file the page to have new restore point much. 在他确定选择之后,游戏存档页面多出了一个新的读档点 Original restore point in the real world Little Bu family/home, this new restore point after the style changes in Little Bu family/home. 原本的读档点是在现实世界小布自己家里,这个新的读档点是在画风改变后的小布家里。 Had this new restore point, I can feel relieved that gave Fan Cong to explore all branch cases.” “有了这个新的读档点,我可以放心交给范聪去探索所有支线案件了。” Chen Ge controls Little Bu to stand in the family member roof level, looks at outside gray sky, by the small town that the thick fog covers. 陈歌操控小布站在家属楼顶层,看着外面灰色的天空,还有被大雾笼罩的小镇。 This place does not know that the hidden has many stories, wanting the lump-sum settlement is not not possible.” Chen Ge is at heart clear, he can kill the homicidal maniac with the aid of the homicidal maniac, can put to death Specter with the aid of Specter, but this eventually is not the long-term plan: I am very curious, if all have happened , how that Little Bu did live at that time finally?” “这地方不知道隐藏有多少故事,想要一次性全部解决掉根本不可能。”陈歌心里清楚,他可以借助杀人狂来杀死杀人狂,也可以借助厉鬼来诛杀厉鬼,但这终究不是长久之计:“我很好奇,如果一切都是真实发生过的,那当时小布是如何活到最后的?” Boss Chen, I thought that you do not need to think so many, according to your own game rhythm was OK.” Fan Cong looks on the computer screen to grasp the kitchen knife to overlook Little Bu of entire cities, thought sincerely this game style has started to change. 陈老板,我觉得你不用想那么多,按照你自己的游戏节奏来就可以了。”范聪望着电脑屏幕上手持菜刀俯视整座城镇的小布,真心觉得这游戏画风已经开始改变。 New restore point has appeared, the behind game rhythm will be slow, I possibly do not have means clearance tonight, later this game must give you to capture/raid.” The Chen Ge eyes narrow the eyes gently, as if had anything to plan at heart. “新的读档点已经出现,后面游戏节奏会慢下来,我今晚可能没办法通关,以后这个游戏还要交给你来攻略。”陈歌双眼轻轻眯起,似乎心里有了什么计划。 Gives me to play?” Fan Cong rubbed rubbing hands, after looking Chen Ge’s has operated, he does not feel all right again plays. “交给我来玩?”范聪搓了搓手,看过陈歌的操作后,他不太好意思再去玩了。 All right, played casually was good, but you must remember, died every time time one charge sheet that the cause of death and involved, strove to cross this map all places for these days.” “没事,随便玩就好了,不过你一定要记住,每死一次就把死亡原因和涉及到的案件记录下来,争取这几天把这个地图所有地方全部过一遍。” All crosses?” The Fan Cong lip moves slightly, said low voice: How many talent lines do I want dead...... this am too cruel?” “全部过一遍?”范聪嘴唇微微一动,小声说道:“那我要死多少次才行……这是不是太残忍了?” Does everything possible.” Chen Ge moves the finger, in the eye is emitting none, he does not satisfy in the game the exploration small town, he prepared the belt/bring simultaneous/uniform all staff then to find this small town in the reality. “尽力而为。”陈歌活动着手指,眼中放出精光,他已经不满足在游戏里探索小镇了,他准备带齐所有员工然后在现实中找到这个小镇。 The game is mapping the reality, in knew in advance ahead of time in all dangerous situations, Chen Ge decides to initiate an attack, this small town incorporation. 游戏映射着现实,在提前预知到所有危险的情况下,陈歌决定主动出击,把这个小镇“收编”了。 In the evening is very dangerous, you make Little Bu at home, compare the security dull during the daytime, we mainly explore in the daytime.” Chen Ge controls Little Bu to run neighborhood. “晚上很危险,你就让小布呆在家里,白天比较安全,我们主要在白天探索。”陈歌操控小布跑出小区 The daytime small town looks very peaceful, the bloodstain of ground was also all cleaned up, could not see that last night on this street once had the life and death to pursue. 白天的小镇看起来很安静,地上的血迹也全都被清理掉,根本看不出昨晚这条街上曾发生过生死追击。 Little Bu discovered in the middle of mother's pajamas the key to dungeon, after entering the dungeon, will arrive at style with the real world completely opposite small town, what is strange in the Little Bu in the city died each time, the game will read the files in Little Bu own room, she lies on oneself bed, seems like is her dream is the same.” 小布是在妈妈的睡衣当中发现了通往地牢的钥匙,进入地牢后就会来到一个画风和现实世界完全相反的小镇,奇怪的是每次小布在城镇里死亡后,游戏都会在小布自己的房间读档,她躺在自己床上,就好像一切都是她的梦一样。” Chen Ge pondered was very long, found out a possibility: Game location and Liwan Town look like very much, before Dr. Gao dies, had said Ghost Stories Society that Out-of-Control Door in Liwan Town, the content in union game, I can believe, Little Bu did open the door in the dungeon of schoolmate family/home? She entered world behind the door, she is Person who pushed the door!” 陈歌思考了很久,想出了一种可能:“游戏场地和荔湾镇很像,高医生死前说过怪谈协会扇失控的门就在荔湾镇,结合游戏里的内容,我是不是可以认为,小布在同学家的地牢里推开了门?她进入了门后的世界,她自己就是推门人!” Controls Little Bu aimless walks on the street, the Chen Ge brain revolves rapidly: Supposed that Little Bu is Person who pushed the door, what did she see in the dungeon of schoolmate family/home? Is the reason that she pushes the door what? Why will she wear mother's pajamas?” 操控小布漫无目的的在街道上行走,陈歌大脑飞速运转:“假设小布就是推门人,那她在同学家的地牢里看见了什么?她推门的原因是什么?她为什么会穿着妈妈的睡衣?” Chen Ge wants to call Men Nan, consults him on the spot, after all Men Nan and Little Bu age most is close, both likely are Person who pushed the door, the body should have some general character. 陈歌很想唤出门楠,现场咨询一下他,毕竟门楠小布年龄最接近,两者又很可能都是推门人,身上应该会存在某种共性。 Little Bu can go on living in the so terrifying environment, she definitely has the issue, if she is Person who pushed the door, passing that said.” Chen Ge looks in the middle of the screen pure lovable, but in the hand is actually raising the girl of sharp kitchen knife, did not have the production of reason at heart a strange feeling, probably the sympathy, seemed like regretted. 小布能在如此恐怖的环境当中活下去,她本身肯定有问题,如果她是推门人,那就说的通了。”陈歌看着屏幕当中单纯可爱,但是手里却提着把锋利菜刀的女孩,心里没来由的产生了一种奇怪的感觉,像是同情,又像是惋惜。 Perhaps I understand the thing that this game wants to express, it should want to tell the person who plays the game, Little Bu is actually most innocent.” Chen Ge opens the mouth suddenly, has a scare nearby Fan Cong and Fan Dade, their thought and Chen Ge come apart completely, but is not good to display, therefore no matter now Chen Ge says anything, two brothers will echo what others say. “或许我明白这游戏想要表达的东西了,它应该是想告诉玩游戏的人,小布其实才是最无辜的。”陈歌突然开口,把旁边的范聪范大德吓了一跳,他俩思维和陈歌完全脱节,但是又不好表现出来,所以现在不管陈歌说什么,两兄弟都会随声附和。 Using the daytime time, Chen Ge controlled Little Bu to stroll the small town, dashed many murders, experienced all kinds of abnormal hormicidal manias and Specter, but had no discovery in addition again. 利用白天的时间,陈歌操控小布逛遍了小镇,撞破了多起凶杀,见识了各种各样的变态杀人狂和厉鬼,不过除此之外再没有什么发现了。 Quick that in the game the daytime time passes, Chen Ge before the darkness, controls Little Bu to return to the middle of neighborhood. 游戏里白天的时间过去的很快,陈歌在天黑之前,操控小布回到小区当中。 The gray sky again becomes jet black, second night arrival. 灰色的天空再次变得漆黑,第二夜到来了。 Outside street often resounds the sound of footsteps that the strange laughter and approaches slowly, Chen Ge controls Little Bu to turn off the door, takes the corpse of kitchen knife and Little Bu stepfather sits together: Red-clothed female ghost probably not in hotel comes the trouble of find me, but has to guard, after she swallows the neighbor ghost , the estimate must digest the period of time, when she was hungry, will definitely eat along the street, after all fed her homicidal maniac to be killed.” 外面的街道不时响起诡异的笑声和慢慢逼近的脚步声,陈歌操控小布关好房门,拿着菜刀和小布继父的尸体坐在一起:“旅馆里的红衣女鬼应该不会找我的麻烦,不过不得不防,她吞食掉邻居鬼后估计要消化一阵子,等她再饿了,肯定会沿着街道一路吃过来,毕竟喂养她的杀人狂已经被杀了。” „Will that very be several days later dangerous?” Fan Cong somewhat worried, Chen Ge decided gives him to play the game, he does not want to disappoint the Chen Ge’s trust. “那过几天岂不是很危险?”范聪有些担忧,陈歌决定把游戏交给他来玩,他不想辜负陈歌的信任。 Issue is not big, female ghost in hotel wants to digest Red-clothed at least to take one week, this time enough you have explored the complete map.” Chen Ge left from the seat, looked at a nearby table, the present is 2 : 30 am. “问题不大,旅馆里的女鬼想要消化红衣至少要一个星期,这个时间已经足够你探索完整张地图了。”陈歌从座位上离开,看了一眼旁边的表,现在是凌晨 2 点半。
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