IHHH :: Volume #6

#523: Last secret in hotel

The old man brandished a knife cuts to the neck of woman, when the kitchen knife falls, the woman hurries to move aside, this blade cut finally on the woman shoulder. 老人挥刀砍向女人的脖子,在菜刀落下来的时候,女人慌忙躲闪,这一刀最后砍在了女人肩膀上。 On the table has the bloodstain, the old person, woman and student thrashes in the same place. 餐桌上出现血迹,老人、女人和学生厮打在一起。 The old person wants to massacre the woman, the woman goes all out to revolt, the student is to win the kitchen knife, he estimated that is to think an old person blade has not hacked to death the woman, has been defeated, then should be one's turn itself. 老人想要杀掉女人,女人拼命反抗,学生则是想要夺走菜刀,他估计是认为老人一刀没有砍死女人,已经失败,接下来该轮到自己了。 In four tenants only then Chen Ge controls Little Bu to avoid by far: Really is one group of lunatics, if can sit to chat well, even if hotel boss has the spear/gun, the tenants still have the hope of overturn, what a pity.” 四名房客里只有陈歌操控着小布远远避开:“真是一群疯子,如果能坐下来好好谈谈,就算旅馆老板有枪,房客们也不是没有翻盘的希望,可惜了。” The chef and inn boss look happily three tenants slaughter, Chen Ge while their attention attracted time, circled the hotel front door place, with mouse crazy click hotel front door. 厨师和旅店老板开心的看着三位房客厮杀,陈歌趁着他们注意力被吸引的时候,绕到了旅馆大门处,用鼠标疯狂点击旅馆大门。 He finally found the opportunity, put head-carrying female ghost: This hotel can do business at the night, inside definitely hidden the unknown secret, head-carrying female ghost is pursuing Little Bu is arriving at the hotel the time, hesitant for a long time prepared to come in very much, explained that she possibly feels the threat.” 他终于找到机会,将提着脑袋的女鬼放了进来:“这个旅馆能在夜晚营业,里面肯定隐藏着不为人知的秘密,提头女鬼追着小布来到旅馆的时候,犹豫了很久才准备进来,说明她可能是感受到了威胁。” Stands on the jet black avenue, the specific use knocked female ghost of half fontanel, in the heart was full of the anger, after seeing the Chen Ge control Little Bu, crashed in the middle of the hotel directly. 站在漆黑的大街上,用头敲了半天门的女鬼,心中充满了怒火,看到陈歌操控的小布后,直接冲进了旅馆当中。 „Haven't I provoked her ah? Why bears a grudge? Her death because of the Little Bu stepfather? Finally the Little Bu stepfather was killed, her enmity nowhere divulges, therefore staring Little Bu?” “我也没怎么招惹她?为什么这么记仇?难道她的死是因为小布的继父?结果小布继父被人杀了,她身上的仇怨无处宣泄,所以盯上了小布?” Chen Ge felt that existence of head-carrying female ghost is more like a game mechanism, for does not make the player stay in some place is too long, must maintain the vigilance frequently. 陈歌感觉提头女鬼的存在更像是一种游戏机制,为的就是不让玩家在某一个地方停留太久,必须要时刻保持警惕。 The rocking mouse and female ghost spread out, the Chen Ge facing hotel deep place run. 晃动鼠标和女鬼拉开距离,陈歌朝着旅馆深处跑去。 He is calculating and distance of hotel front door, the situation , if there is change, leaves immediately. 他心里计算着自己和旅馆大门的距离,情况如果出现变化,会立刻离开。 In the background music spreads three gunshots continuously, hotel boss seemed like facing female ghost to open fire. 背景音乐中连续传出三声枪响,旅馆老板似乎朝着女鬼开枪了。 Hits, you hit intensely is better.” Chen Ge controls Little Bu to hide in the corner, at this time the head of female ghost with the body separation, has pursued several hormicidal manias to run around. “打吧,你们打的越激烈越好。”陈歌操控小布躲在角落里,此时女鬼的脑袋已经和身体分离,追着几个杀人狂到处乱跑。 Boss Chen, now what to do should we? Leaves the hotel?” Fan Cong really grows in experience tonight, after looking at Chen Ge to operate, he knows, originally this game can also play like this. 陈老板,现在我们该怎么办?离开旅馆吗?”范聪今晚是真的长见识了,看过陈歌操作之后他才知道,原来这游戏还可以这样玩。 The tranquil hotel is in chaotic situation now, Little Bu of Chen Ge control simply is the source of disaster hardship can move. 原本平静的旅馆现在鸡飞狗跳,陈歌操控的小布简直就是个可以自己移动的灾厄之源。 You to me said before the old person is the hotel boss father, does he have spare key of hotel?” Chen Ge controls Little Bu to paste the wall, runs toward the guest room. “你之前给我说老人是旅馆老板的父亲,他拥有旅馆的备用钥匙?”陈歌操控小布贴着墙壁,朝客房跑去。 Our plot is different, I arrive at the hotel time, the old person had been gunned down, I in the key that in his room drawer found.” “咱们剧情不一样,我来到旅馆的时候,老人已经被枪杀了,我在他房间抽屉里找到的钥匙。” First took the key said again.” Chen Ge controls Little Bu to enter No. 1 guest room, this room seems the old person specially, on the wall is hanging many pictures, including him and hotel boss picture, when he is young and a picture of woman. “先把钥匙拿到手再说。”陈歌操控小布进入一号客房,这房间似乎专属于老人,墙壁上挂着很多照片,其中有他和旅馆老板的照片,还有他年轻时和一个女人的照片。 What that female is old person's wife? “那个女的是老人的妻子? Chen Ge with the mouse click drawer, screen below sprang a dialog box- you saw a rusty key, many tooth and a worn-out note. 陈歌用鼠标点击抽屉,屏幕下面弹出了一个对话框-你看到了一把锈迹斑斑的钥匙、很多牙齿和一本破旧的笔记。 „Is this old man's fondness very strange, likes collecting the tooth?” “这老头的癖好很奇怪,喜欢收集牙齿?” The Chen Ge click notebook, in the screen dialog box presented new Content March 1st, my husband was insane, he imprisons me in the kitchen refrigerator following secret room, every day only gives me three pieces of bread and one cup of water, he forbids me to go out, forbids me and customer contacts, he was really insane. 陈歌点击笔记本,屏幕对话框里出现了新的内容-三月一日,我丈夫疯了,他将我囚禁在厨房冰箱后面的密室里,每天只给我三块面包和一杯水,他禁止我外出,禁止我和顾客接触,他真的疯了。 March 2nd, delicious what is the chef doing? I smelled the meat to be fragrant, was quite hungry, that lunatic is suffering me intentionally! 三月二日,厨师又在做什么好吃的?我闻到了肉香,好饿,那个疯子就是在故意折磨我! On April 1, I very long have not eaten to the full, I must go out from here, right, tonight ran away secretly. 四月 1 日,我已经很久没有吃饱过了,我必须要从这里出去,对,今夜就偷偷跑出去。 On April 2, I was discovered, we quarrelled, the appearance that lunatic was angry was really fearful, he like a brown bear of out-of-control, captured my tooth finally unexpectedly. 四月 2 日,我被发现了,我们争吵了起来,那个疯子生气的样子真可怕,他就像一头失控的棕熊,最后竟然拔掉了我的一颗牙齿。 On May 5, was quite hungry, dull here, I will be suffered dead by him sooner or later, I must leave! 五月 5 日,好饿,呆在这里,我迟早会被他折磨死,我一定要离开! On June 6, who can save me, my husband is a devil, he actually wanted to capture all my teeth, this abnormal lunatic! 六月 6 日,谁能救救我,我丈夫是魔鬼,他竟然想要拔掉我所有的牙齿,这个变态的疯子! On November 1 perhaps, I could not eat the meat again, was quite hungry, quite hungry...... 十一月 1 日,我恐怕再也吃不了肉了,好饿,好饿…… The content that writes down is very strange, at first sight in recording the old person is young the atrocity, but after carefully read several, Chen Ge discovered that the matter is not simple, but has not waited for him to understand, in the background music spreads the gunshot, under the screen sprang three options- you looked at the old person wife's diary, knew the hotel biggest secret, please select you to think the most important belt/bring from the following three types of things. 笔记上的内容很奇怪,乍一看是在记录老人年轻时的暴行,但仔细读了几遍后,陈歌发现事情并不简单,可还没等他想明白,背景音乐里就又传出枪响,紧接着屏幕下面弹出了三个选项-你看完了老人妻子的日记,知晓了旅馆最大的秘密,请从下面三种东西中选出你认为最重要的一个带在身上。 One: You take up the rusty stain stained key, thought that this key is very possible is hotel main entrance spare key. 一:你拿起锈迹斑斑的钥匙,觉得这把钥匙很可能是旅馆正门的备用钥匙 Two: You load into the backpack these teeth, thought that this has the collection of commemorative significance very much. 二:你将那些牙齿装进背包,觉得这是很有纪念意义的收藏品。 Three: You squeeze in the note the bosom, thought that inside hidden has very important clue. 三:你把笔记塞入怀中,觉得里面隐藏有很重要的线索。 Looks at the three options on screen, the Chen Ge brow wrinkles gently: Fan Cong, before this chooses you, has also met?” 看着屏幕上的三个选项,陈歌眉头轻轻皱起:“范聪,这个选择你之前是不是也遇到过?” Un, opens the drawer to spring these three options, at that time what I chose is hotel spare key, had the key to pass in and out the hotel front door freely, even if caged is still all right.” Fan Cong also wants last-ditch struggle, he to feel again this should be able with Chen Ge to think goes together. “恩,拉开抽屉就会弹出这三个选项,我当时选择的是旅馆备用钥匙,有了钥匙可以自由进出旅馆大门,就算上锁也没事。”范聪还想再最后挣扎一下,他感觉这次自己应该能和陈歌想到一起去。 It seems like the first option can remove.” Chen Ge as if thought aloud general, the mouse moved in two and three two options. “看来第一个选项可以排除了。”陈歌仿佛自言自语一般,鼠标在二、三两个选项之间移动。 That choice No. 3 option, writes down the estimate to have the special use. I favor in terrifying suspense movie, information that in the note will leave behind the murderer.” Fan Dade makes the option according to own life experience. Writing down is truly important, but the content in note hadn't we looked a moment ago? ” Listened to the Fan Dade words, Chen Ge to shake the head, finally chose No. 2 option. “那就选择三号选项吧,笔记估计有特殊的用处。我看好多恐怖悬疑电影里,笔记里都会留下凶犯的信息。”范大德只是根据自己的生活经验来做选项。笔记确实很重要,可是笔记里的内容我们刚才不是已经看过了吗?”听了范大德的话,陈歌摇了摇头,最终选择了二号选项。 Tooth? Can this thing be useful?” Fan Dade and Fan Cong do not think completely clearly, but two people do not dare to open the mouth casually, can only in nearby low voice whisper. “牙齿?这东西能有什么用?”范大德范聪完全想不明白,但两人又不敢随便开口,只能在旁边小声嘀咕。 Should be the tooth.” The Chen Ge brain revolves rapidly, his sinking sound said: That three options shot a moment ago, screen under has a few words, you looked at the old person wife's diary, knew the hotel biggest secret.” “应该就是牙齿。”陈歌大脑飞速运转,他沉声说道:“刚才那三个选项弹出来的时候,屏幕下方有一句话,‘你看完了老人妻子的日记,知晓了旅馆最大的秘密’。” „What can this prove?” Fan Cong thought the key is most important. “可这能证明什么?”范聪还是觉得钥匙才是最重要的。 „The hotel biggest secret on the old person wife, the hotel will turn into this in other words, because of old person's wife.” Chen Ge clicks on that note with the mouse, looks content that writes down. “旅馆最大的秘密就在老人妻子身上,换句话说旅馆之所以会变成这样,就是因为老人的妻子。”陈歌用鼠标点击那本笔记,看着笔记的内容。 Old person's wife should be innocent, the husband and children are abnormal, she was imprisoned, was captured the tooth, was suffered, she is only a victim.” Fan Dade does not understand the Chen Ge’s choice. “老人的妻子应该是无辜的,丈夫和孩子都是变态,她被囚禁,被拔掉牙齿,饱受折磨,她只是个受害者。”范大德也不理解陈歌的选择。
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