IHHH :: Volume #5

#470: Begins?

Chapter 471 第471章 Begins? 动手? The lamp on printer shone suddenly, a printing paper falls before the Tail body, this miss is horror magazine publisher editor, the courage is also very big, saw that paper first responded is not the fear, but picks up it: What mechanism I trigger? Is the luck so good?” 打印机上的灯突然亮了起来,一张打印纸掉落在尾巴身前,这姑娘是恐怖杂志社编辑,胆子也挺大,看到那张纸的第一反应不是害怕,而是将其捡起:“我是不是触发什么机关了?运气这么好?” She took up the white paper to look at one, on the A4 paper had a very fuzzy outline. 她拿起白纸看了一眼,A4纸上有一个很模糊的轮廓。 What thing?” Tail looked at for quite a while not to learn: Ah Nan, you come to see this paper, suddenly falls from the printer, above also has a very shallow design.” “什么东西?”尾巴看了半天也没看明白:“阿楠,你来看看这张纸,突然从打印机里掉出来的,上面还有一个很浅的图案。” Is studying Ah Nan of costume to receive the white paper, he looks that above the fuzzy outline is a little also dumbstruck: Does not have the digit and letter, should not be the password and so on thing.” 正在研究戏服的阿楠接过白纸,他看着上面模糊的轮廓也有点发懵:“没有数字和字母,应该不是密码之类的东西。” Ah Nan put out the cell phone to illuminate: Very ordinary white paper, without band.” 阿楠拿出手机照了一下:“很普通的白纸,没有夹层。” He moistened a saliva, rubbed on the white paper to be printed with very shallow outline place: Paper surface color has not had any subtle change, the surface should not smudge the chemical agent.” 他又沾了点口水,搓了搓白纸上印有很浅轮廓的地方:“纸面颜色没有发生任何细微变化,表面应该也没有涂抹化学药剂。” Tried various methods, but Ah Nan discovered finally this seems a very ordinary white paper. 尝试了各种方法,但是阿楠最后发现这似乎就是一张很普通的白纸。 I read so many suspense spy class novels, the method that can think of tried.” Ah Nan gives back to Tail the white paper: Receives, perhaps the following checkpoint can use.” “我看了那么多悬疑侦探类小说,能想到的方法都试了。”阿楠把白纸还给尾巴:“收起来吧,或许后面的关卡能用上。” Good.” Tail folds the white paper, but also without loading into the pocket, sees the printer spitting to come out a white paper. “好。”尾巴将白纸叠好,还没装进口袋,就看见打印机又“吐”出来一张白纸。 The similar size, above is printing the similarly fuzzy outline, was only with a moment ago compared with, as if clear a point. 同样的大小,上面印着同样模糊的轮廓,只是跟刚才相比,似乎清晰了一点。 „Are some people controlling the printer?” Ah Nan lifted the cover of printer, inspected, has not discovered what issue, this was a very ordinary printer: Really was blamed, was some usually we lived have seen the ordinary thing, how after to moving to this Haunted House, became weird?” “有人在操控着打印机?”阿楠将打印机的盖子掀开,检查了一下,并没有发现什么问题,这就是一台很普通的打印机:“真是怪了,都是些平时我们生活里见过的再普通不过的东西,怎么搬到这鬼屋里以后就变得邪门起来了?” Captures the plug, Ah Nan not the second paper that goes to the manages printing aircraft-missile to come out, he is a little flustered: „The time that we lose here is a little long, does not look, first left said again.” 拔掉插头,阿楠没有去管打印机弹出来的第二张纸,他有点心慌:“咱们在这里耽误的时间有点长,不找了,先离开再说。” Storehouse innermost Canine Tooth is appreciating several pictures in cabinet, her expression was a little strange, seems like by that strange weird style shocking. 库房最里面虎牙正在欣赏柜子里的几幅画,她表情有点奇怪,似乎是被那奇诡怪诞的画风给震撼到了。 Sis Canine Tooth? We should walk.” Ah Nan urged one. 虎牙姐?我们该走了。”阿楠催促了一句。 You come to see these pictures, seems like by the deceased person angle of view plan, I even can feel person of that type painting almost to show the hope of drawing paper, it wants to experience the life, as if soon drills from the picture, will appreciate drags to be the same picturesquely.” Canine Tooth puts out the cell phone to photograph, but considering this is in the middle of Haunted House, she endured: Later has the opportunity I to with these pictures authors chat well, if can ask him to draw illustration that for our magazine company to be perfect.” “你来看看这些画,似乎是以死人视角绘制的,我甚至能感受到作画之人那种几乎要透出画纸的渴望,它想要体验生命,仿佛就快要从画里钻出来,将欣赏者拖入画中一样。”虎牙拿出手机想要拍照,但考虑到这是在鬼屋当中,她又忍了下来:“以后有机会我一定要跟这些画的作者好好聊聊,如果能请他为我们杂志社画插画那就完美了。” Your this saying makes our art designing hear the estimate to have a fit of bad temper.” Ah Nan smiles helplessly. “你这话让咱们的美工听见估计又要炸毛。”阿楠无奈一笑。 Canine Tooth and Ah Nan walk toward outside, the preparation leaves. 虎牙阿楠朝外面走去,准备离开。 Tail in behind, she also prepared to walk, but spread a light sound in this time printer, printer nearby computer started. 尾巴在后面,她本来也准备走的,可就在这时候打印机里传出一声轻响,紧接着打印机旁边的电脑又自己启动了。 All around is very peaceful, any sound will be enlarged, Tail looks with own eyes computer screen shine, in the entire process does not have one person has touched it. 四周很安静,任何声响都会被放大,尾巴是亲眼看着电脑屏幕自己亮起,整个过程中没有一个人触碰过它。 Is Haunted House Boss controls in the backstage?” “是鬼屋老板在后台操控吗?” Tail stops in same place, in the brain starts to indulge in flights of fancy: Haunted House Boss is impossible to waste the spatial arrangement useless scenario, can the secret of this warehouse on conceals in the computer?” 尾巴停在原地,脑中开始胡思乱想起来:“鬼屋老板不可能浪费空间布置出一个没用的场景,这间仓库的秘密会不会就藏在电脑里?” Just came in Tail was very curious, why such a worn-out warehouse entrance writes the park two characters, must have the fishy. 刚进来的时候尾巴就很好奇,这么一个破旧的仓库门口为什么会写着乐园两个字,其中必有蹊跷。 She stared in a big way that attractive eye, gathered by the computer. 她瞪大了那双漂亮的眼睛,凑到了电脑旁边。 The screen sends out dim light, overall background or black, is printing an outline of face indistinctly. 屏幕散发出淡淡的光,整体背景还是黑色的,其中隐隐约约印着一张人脸的轮廓。 From the beginning Tail also thinks that is the screen reflection, reflected own face, but she more looked that the feeling is less right. 一开始尾巴还以为那是屏幕反光,把自己的脸映了上去,但她越看感觉越不对。 „Does this open face ah of man probably?” “这好像是张男人的脸?” In the warehouse the thing are many, is very chaotic, three editor of magazine company push in the innermost, the Yang Chen three people in the slightly outside position, their middle is also away from some worn-out shelves. 仓库里东西很多,也很乱,杂志社的三位编辑挤在最里面,杨辰三人在稍靠外的位置,他们中间还隔着一些破旧的货架。 Li Xue, you look at the organ models in these glass pots, and in our school these specimens are almost same.” 李雪,你看这些玻璃罐里的器官模型,和我们学校里那些标本几乎完全一样。” Is consistent with the physical proportion.” Cannot pick up a problem as medical students to the present organ model unexpectedly, this makes Li Xue feel one inexplicable fear, must know them now not in Forensic Faculty, but is visiting Haunted House. “与实物比例一致。”作为一个医学生竟然对眼前的器官模型挑不出一点毛病,这让李雪感到一种莫名的恐惧,要知道他们现在可不是在法医学院里,而是在参观鬼屋 „It is not the person who frequently and organ internal organs have to do, cannot make the so real model.” The visceral organ model and mannequin model are different, only then opens body of living creature to see . Moreover, the internal organs and animal of person are completely different, Yang Chen can determine, in shelf these specimen jar is suspending is the internal organs model of person: „The previous time visits time I felt that Haunted House Boss knew about the body constitution, as a rule, alone knew about the visceral organ specially, he is not the doctor of life-saving, is the butcher of murder.” “不是经常和器官脏器打交道的人,根本做不出来如此真实的模型。”内脏器官模型和人偶模型不同,只有打开活物的身体才能看到,另外,人的内脏和动物是完全不同的,杨辰可以确定,货架那些标本罐里摆着的全都是人的脏器模型:“上次来参观的时候我就感觉鬼屋老板对人体结构非常了解,通常来说,一个人对内脏器官特别了解,那他不是救人的医生,就是杀人的屠夫。” „Did your movie look?” Wang Yan by fear that a little Yang Chen said: Haunted House Boss pays great attention to the detail very much, these internal organs model estimates are he ask the person to make to order specially.” “你电影看多了吧?”王琰杨辰说的有点害怕:“鬼屋老板很注重细节,这些内脏模型估计是他专门请人定做的。” I felt that the matter is not simple.” Yang Chen takes back the vision, facing outside walks: Comes this Haunted House to have the different experience each time, each horror scenario style is entirely different, but is that real, looks like in the reality really to have these constructions to exist to be the same with ghost stories that corresponds.” “我感觉事情没有那么简单。”杨辰收回目光,朝着外面走去:“每次来这个鬼屋都有不一样的体验,各个恐怖场景风格迥然不同,但都是那么真实,就像是现实中真的有这些建筑和相对应的怪谈存在一样。” Three medical students are about to leave the warehouse, Little Li grabs the cell phone, but also without finding the opportunity of photograph, stopped up again outward in entrance Bai Qiulin. 三位医学生准备离开仓库,小李抓着手机,还没找到拍照的机会,再往外就是堵在门口的白秋林 His one hand inserts in the pocket, looked at Fan Cong calmly. 单手插在口袋里,若无其事看了一眼范聪 The fat on belly shivers gently, Fan Cong does not know oneself had stared, his completely attention centralized in the middle of channel. 肚子上的肥肉轻轻颤动,范聪并不知道自己已经被盯上,他全部注意力都集中在通道当中。 Wall lamps go out, the frequency seems to be getting quicker and quicker, feels to look like in the channel to have anything to accelerate to clash unceasingly. 一盏盏壁灯熄灭,频率似乎越来越快,给人的感觉就像是通道中有什么东西在不断加速冲来。 Finger subconscious getting hold, Fan Cong eye staring slowly is big, dark attack, the person's shadow rocks, but also some lie on the ceiling probably. 手指下意识的握紧,范聪眼睛慢慢的瞪大,黑暗侵袭,其中人影晃动,还有的好像是趴在天花板上。 The heart starts to jump crazily, Fan Cong holds the arm of Fan Dade: Elder Brother, attention! Had the thing to come!” 心脏开始狂跳,范聪抓住范大德的胳膊:“哥,注意!有东西过来了!” What thing?” The Fan Dade person is quite simple-hearted, was reminded after by Fan Cong, starts to control to look around. “什么东西?”范大德人比较木讷,被范聪提醒后才开始左右张望。 In that side! Asked them to come out quickly!” Fan Cong remembers the Ah Nan words, no matter what happened, everyone must gather together. “就在那边!快叫他们出来!”范聪牢记着阿楠的话,不管发生什么事情,大家都要聚在一起。 Do not fluster, I have a look.” That side Fan Dade facing intersection walks, he is timid, but wants to put on an act before own younger brother, after taking 2-3 steps, stopped, elongated the neck, goes all out to look toward the crossroad that side. “别慌,我去看看。”范大德朝着十字路口那边走去,他胆子很小,只不过是想在自己弟弟面前装装样子,迈出2-3步后就停了下来,伸长了脖子,卖力朝路口那边看去。 The wall lamp goes out is getting quicker and quicker, ray all of a sudden dark, Fan Dade also anxious. 壁灯熄灭的越来越快,光线一下子暗了下来,范大德也紧张了起来。 When he proceeds, Old Zhou and Duan Yue move backwards several steps, they and Bai Qiulin encircled middle Fan Cong. 在他往前走的时候,老周段月往后退了几步,他俩和白秋林范聪围到了中间 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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