IHHH :: Volume #12

#1125: Ferocious, the arrogance is extremely rampant( 4000)

That male visitors that came from Xinhai is lowering the head lowly, his palm swings toward all around secretly, seems like in letting in the middle of palm wound the eyeball watches surrounding scenario. 新海来的那位男游客低垂着头,他的手掌偷偷朝四周摆动,似乎是在让掌心伤口当中的眼球观看周围的场景 The black fog of implication curse scatters everywhere, full is hates and kills the blood rain of intent to drop following the ceiling, weeps and wails the ugly face that begs for mercy to flee everywhere, here is completely a scene of old mans role in yuan drama day hell. 蕴含诅咒的黑雾四处飘散,满是仇恨和杀意的血雨顺着天花板滴落,到处都是哭喊求饶想要逃离的鬼脸,这里完全是一副末日地狱的景象。 If really looks like such that you guessed, all ghosts kept in Haunted House voluntarily, why will the ghosts in these black fog be also weeping and wailing must flee?” “如果真像你们猜测的那样,所有鬼怪是自愿留在鬼屋里,那些黑雾里的冤魂又为何会哭着喊着要逃离?” I guessed that this Haunted House is enslaving obsession and Specter using Red-clothed, he makes the chip and Red-clothed transaction with some visitors souls, making Red-clothed nibble these visitors seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, after standing firm Red-clothed, then makes Red-clothed coerce these small ghost through the violence. This despicable method, might as well we.” “我猜测这鬼屋在利用红衣奴役执念厉鬼,他拿部分游客的灵魂做筹码和红衣交易,让红衣蚕食那些游客的七情六欲,稳住红衣后,再让红衣通过暴力压服那些小鬼。这卑劣的手段,还不如我们。” The eyeball in man palm wound rotated several, that eye had seen probably scenario that oneself want to see, hid in the man flesh deep place quietly, later wound slowly closed, only left behind a fine lace that is infiltrating the blood. 男人掌心伤口里的眼珠转动了几下,那个眼睛好像已经看到了自己想要看到的场景,悄无声息的躲进了男人血肉深处,随后伤口慢慢闭合,只留下了一条渗着血的细线。 Why the doctor will think that some people can persuade Red-clothed? These take the negativity as the food completely, was possibly persuaded by the monster of hate, painful and desperate constitution? They most hate is all fine things, they most like doing ruins all fine things.” “为什么医生会觉得有人能够感化红衣?那些完全以负面情绪为食,由怨恨、痛苦和绝望构成的怪物怎么可能被感化?它们最憎恶的就是一切美好的东西,它们最喜欢做的就是毁掉一切美好的东西。” Raised the head, the man eyeground brings an excitement, he looks at chaotic Ghost Fetus scenario, the light lip outlined a curve. 抬起头,男人眼底带着一丝兴奋,他看着混乱的冥胎场景,薄薄的嘴唇勾勒出一个弧度。 This is Ghost Spirit should have the appearance that perhaps that once boy has had fun, is enjoying in the human nature heartily was wicked.” “这才是鬼蜮该有的样子,那个曾经的男孩恐怕已经乐在其中,尽情享受着人性中的恶了。” The men grab the hand of girlfriend, probably is pulling mannequin that does not have the sentiment, he stands rear the team, with a vision of sympathy looks visitors that these are still insisting. 男人抓着自己女朋友的手,好像牵着一个没有感情的人偶,他站在队伍最后面,用一种非常同情的目光看着那些还在坚持的游客 „The admission tickets of 40 dollars are not truly expensive, truly but this Haunted House wants is not the money, is the visitors life. They go out, perhaps the body attached to other things, then they will die some in type accident/surprise, no one and will visit Haunted House to relate their misfortunes, some people will not report. These are the hospital had handled the things, hehe, slaughter dragon turned into the dragon eventually.” “四十块钱的门票确实不算贵,但这鬼屋真正要的不是钱,是游客的命。他们出去的时候,或许身上就依附了其他东西,然后他们会死于某种‘意外’,没有人会把他们的不幸和参观鬼屋联系起来,更不会有人去报案。这些都是医院曾经做过的事情,呵呵,屠龙者终究变成了龙。” Male visitors that Xinhai comes obtains the information that oneself wanted probably, he starts to get ready to leave, this place makes him very uncomfortable, he must before the exposition, sneak off secretly. 新海来的男游客好像已经得到了自己想要的信息,他开始准备离开,这个地方让他很不舒服,他必须要在暴露之前,偷偷溜走。 I go down to the tiger's den to inquire that such important information, the doctor should continue to provide the medicine for me.” At this time the men thought also only then oneself, he simply do not remind the meanings of other visitors. “我深入虎穴打听到了如此重要的信息,医生应该会继续为我提供药吧。”男人这时候想的也只有自己,他根本没有要去提醒其他游客的意思。 When this to the distance slowly move back between lover and large unit, while Ma Feng their attention places the Little Sun body completely, two people directly turn around to leave. 这对情侣和大部队之间的距离慢慢拉远,趁着马峰他们注意力全部放在小孙身上时,两人直接转身离开。 The black fog is even more rich, the vision of man has swept on the wall the partly visible face, as if saw beforehand. 黑雾愈发浓郁,男人的目光扫过墙壁上若隐若现的人脸,仿佛看到了以前的自己。 But in his eye does not have to sympathize slightly, instead has the thick dislike. 但他眼中没有丝毫同情,反而带着浓浓的厌恶。 Steps out, then when goes out to the lover the white orphanage arrives at the ghost street, they gradually discovered that some are not right. 加快脚步,当那对情侣走出白色孤儿院来到鬼街的时候,他们慢慢发现有些不对劲。 The face that in the black fog called out pitifully vanished, all around was peaceful, as if had anything also to want the thing ambush of terrifying compared with the ghost in the thick fog, let these pain was cursed the face not to dare to sob loudly. 黑雾中惨叫的人脸消失了,四周非常安静,似乎有什么比鬼还要恐怖的东西潜伏在大雾里,让那些痛苦的被诅咒人脸都不敢在大声哭泣。 „Did I expose?” The men entrain the girlfriend before the body, he uses the nail to cut the wound of palm, seems like wants to communicate with that eyeball. “我暴露了?”男人将自己女朋友拽在身前,他用指甲划开掌心的伤口,似乎是想要和那枚眼球沟通。 But has not waited for him to awaken that eyeball, in the middle of the black fog presented a form. 可还没等他唤醒那枚眼珠,黑雾当中就出现了一道身影。 He puts on the contamination bloodstain and tattered uniform, on the face is melting very pale makeup, that makeup yields him seemingly seems more delicate and prettier, but looks long will think that face is like the deceased person. 他穿着沾染血迹、破破烂烂的制服,脸上化着很淡的妆,那妆容让他看起来显得更加俊美,只是看的久了会觉得那张脸和死人一样。 The men had very not good premonition, he his back of the hand after behind, adjusts the expression, seems like by oneself with ordinary visitors has no difference. 男人产生了很不好的预感,他将自己的一只手背在身后,调整表情,让自己看起来和普通游客没什么区别。 Wife, careful.” His pretense is protecting the girlfriend, in fact regarded the human shield that woman, is having the black silk threads of sections of breaks to climb woman body on his arm like the insect. “老婆,小心点。”他假模假样的护着自己女朋友,实际上是把那个女人当成了人肉盾牌,在他的手臂上正有一截截断裂的黑色丝线像虫子一样爬进女人身体 The person in black fog arrived in front of them finally, 黑雾中的人终于走到了他们面前, Sees clearly that face time, the man somewhat is slightly flustered, to conceal own anxiety, his driving opens the mouth: Your this, when boss went forth to battle personally? You such famous does Haunted House also lack the manpower?” Staff does not lack, but manpower are truly few.” Chen Ge stands in that to the lover in front , the expression of woman the delay, she somewhat has no longer been afraid is holding the arm of man: It seems like you have become reconciled, can experience outside no fear in Haunted House, facing the danger, most can examine alone whether is worth depending upon. Therefore, likes him leading him to come Haunted House to play.” 看清楚那张脸的时候,男人稍微有些慌张,为了掩饰自己的不安,他主动开口:“你这个当老板的怎么亲自上阵了?难道你们这么出名的鬼屋还缺人手吗?”“员工不缺,但‘人手’确实挺少的。”陈歌站在那对情侣面前,女人的表情已经不再呆滞,她有些害怕的抱着男人的手臂:“看来你们已经和好了,在鬼屋里能够体验到外面没有的恐惧,面对危险,最能检验出一个人是否值得依靠。所以,爱他就带他来鬼屋玩吧。” Chen Ge was with smile on the face, revealed the white tooth, he opened the manhua book in hand, very optional passed through to the lover side from that. 陈歌面带笑容,露出了洁白的牙齿,他翻开手里的漫画册,很是随意的从那对情侣身边走过。 The heartbeat of man constantly is speeding up, and he brushed past until Chen Ge. 男人的心跳在不断加快,直到陈歌和他擦肩而过。 A heart fell the belly, his vision became gloomy, he does not know why oneself will that be afraid Chen Ge, he was not at all a expression, but is cursing Chen Ge in the heart silently. 一颗心落回了肚子,他目光重新变得阴沉,他也不知道自己为什么会那么害怕陈歌,他不敢当面表达,只是在心底默默咒骂着陈歌 Starting to walk footsteps, when he prepares to continue to proceed, his palm suddenly starts to bleed! 迈开脚步,就在他准备继续往前走的时候,他的掌心突然开始淌血! The eyeball of concealed in wound rotates crazily, seems like urging that he leaves quickly. 藏在伤口当中的眼珠疯狂转动,似乎是在催促他赶快离开。 The men have not detected exceptionally, just Chen Ge that passes through from his side stopped the footsteps suddenly, be with smile on the face is staring at him. 男人还没察觉出异常,刚从他身边走过的陈歌忽然停下了脚步,面带微笑的盯着他。 Most can examine alone facing the danger whether is worth depending upon, today, you facing danger?” “面对危险最能检验出一个人是否值得依靠,今天,你面对危险了吗?” The morbid state tone, the fearful smile, Chen Ge just spoke these words, Specter and Red-clothed go out from the black fog. 病态的语气,可怕的笑容,陈歌刚说完这句话,一位位厉鬼红衣就从黑雾中走出。 That male at this time responded, Chen Ge all Specter hide in the manhua book, he passed through from oneself side a moment ago, walks scattering, placed around several Specter and Red-clothed oneself. 那男的这时候才反应过来,陈歌所有的厉鬼都藏在漫画册里,他刚才从自己身边走过,走一路“撒”一路,将数个厉鬼红衣放在了自己四周。 Man all attention centralized on Chen Ge, until now responds. 男人所有注意力都集中在陈歌身上,直到现在才反应过来。 This fellow was too virulent! 这个家伙太恶毒了! The men look down to oneself palm, he revealed the praying for rescue look, what may make him not think, oneself just looked to the palm, that eyeball of palm explodes unexpectedly. 男人低头看向自己手掌,他露出了求救的眼神,可让他没想到的是,自己刚看向手掌,掌心的那枚眼珠竟然自己爆开了。 The blood falls following the wound, the man stupidly responded after in same place moment, oneself was abandoned. 血液顺着伤口滑落,男人傻愣在原地片刻后才反应过来,自己被抛弃了。 The hospital obtains the information of wish, for it does not expose oneself more secrets, disrupted on own initiative the eyeball, cut off the clue. 医院已经得到了想要的信息,它为了不暴露自己更多的秘密,主动碎裂了眼珠,斩断了线索。 This ruthless spicy resolute impressive, all have possibly planned. 这份狠辣果决让人惊叹,一切可能是早就计划好的。 The eyeball disruption, the man lost the dependence, now the escape route cut off, his forehead seeps out the cold sweat unceasingly. 眼珠碎裂,男人失去了依靠,现在后路被斩断,他额头不断渗出冷汗。 What to do?” “怎么办?” By several Red-clothed and Specter surrounding, this treatment lets his some enjoyments. 被数位红衣厉鬼包围,这种待遇让他有些“享受”不起。 The eyeball gave up the man, he can only help oneself now. 眼珠放弃了男人,他现在只能自救。 Spells hardly definitely brings about own destruction, he knows that Chen Ge was sheltered by Evil Spirit. 硬拼肯定是自寻死路,他知道陈歌被一位凶神庇护。 The opportunity of now only going on living uses the visitors status, he entered Haunted House time many people to see, the monitoring also patted, visitors of peer also knew own existence. 现在唯一活下去的机会就是利用游客的身份,他进入鬼屋的时候很多人都看到了,监控也拍到了,同行的游客也都知道自己的存在。 If oneself disappear directly does not see, visitors will definitely discover, he can only bet Chen Ge not to dare now in Haunted House to destroy the corpse and leave no trace. 如果自己直接消失不见,游客们肯定会发现,他现在只能赌陈歌不敢在鬼屋里毁尸灭迹。 He attaches to part of consciousness in the curse, hidden in the head deep place, even if like this Chen Ge makes other Specter occupy own body, he still ray of overturning hopes. 他将一部分意识依附在诅咒当中,隐藏在脑袋深处,这样就算陈歌让其他厉鬼占据自己的身体,他也还有一丝翻盘的希望。 These things were cursed the hospital to teach him, does not arrive at the final moment he not to use absolutely casually. 这些东西都是被诅咒医院教给他的,不到最后关头他绝对不会随便使用。 Boss Chen, do you do? Suddenly asked so many staff to aim at me and my girlfriend?” The men fish out oneself cell phone from the pocket, opened the video recording function, photographs to person and Specter: Do not go too far!” 陈老板,你这是干什么?突然叫来这么多员工来针对我和我女朋友?”男人从口袋里摸出自己的手机,打开了录像功能,对着身边的人和厉鬼拍摄:“你们可不要太过分了!” The men are visitors come to visit now, he really thinks that does not understand how oneself are exposes, has to brace oneself to continue to act visitors. 男人现在是游客进来参观,他实在想不明白自己是如何暴露的,只好硬着头皮继续扮演游客 He hopes that Chen Ge suspects him, has not had what substantive evidence. 他希望陈歌只是怀疑他,并没有掌握什么实质性的证据。 If merely is only the suspicion, any normal Haunted House Boss should to not silence a witness of crime savage directly? 如果仅仅只是怀疑的话,任何一个正常的鬼屋老板应该都不会凶残到直接杀人灭口吧? Saw the man to lift the cell phone photography, was being happier, he who Chen Ge smiled has not thought that was cursed the person in hospital also to meet this move. 看到男人举着手机拍摄,陈歌笑的更开心了,他没想到被诅咒医院的人还会这一招。 If I moved you, you also do prepare to touch the porcelain?” Chen Ge makes Tongtong enter the cell phone of man, the definite opposite party after networking livestream, his expression did not relax. “如果我动了你,你是不是还准备碰瓷?”陈歌童童进入男人的手机,确定对方不是在联网直播后,他表情更加的放松了。 I hope that this is only a misunderstanding, you make way, I do not visit.” The men lift the arm of cell phone to tremble, he wants to control itself strongly, but faces so many Specter and Red-clothed all of a sudden, he cannot control. “我希望这只是个误会,你们让开吧,我不参观了。”男人举着手机的胳膊都在发抖,他竭力想要控制住自己,但一下子面对这么多厉鬼红衣,他根本控制不住。 Bought my ticket, you said that doesn't visit does not visit? Thought my Haunted House is not very scary?” Chen Ge uses Yin Eyes, high and low takes a fast look around that to the lover, wanted to find from them and is cursed the hospital related thing. “买了我的票,你说不参观就不参观?是不是觉得我的鬼屋不够吓人?”陈歌使用阴瞳,上下扫视那对情侣,想要从他们身上找到更多和被诅咒医院有关的东西。 The men are at a loss for words for a while, slow said for a long time: Is because is too scary, therefore I do not visit.” 男人一时语塞,缓了好久才说道:“就是因为太吓人,所以我才不参观了。” Ghost will also think that Haunted House is scary?” “鬼也会觉得鬼屋吓人吗?” I did not understand you to say anything!” The man tone becomes rapid, he discovered that these Red-clothed and Specter are approaching slowly, was stranded him and his girlfriend in middle: You do not make way! I may on...... the warning!” “我不懂你在说什么!”男人语气变得急促,他发现那些红衣厉鬼正在慢慢逼近,将他和他女朋友困在了中间:“你们再不让开!我可就……报警了!” Reported ah, now hits.” Chen Ge wants to do the limit to exert pressure, has a look to be cursed the method of hospital, finally the opposite party does not put out the cell phone photography, reported to the police, this made Chen Ge very speechless. “报,现在就打。”陈歌想要搞极限施压,看看被诅咒医院的手段,结果对方不是拿出手机拍摄,就是报警,这让陈歌挺无语的。 Cruel and abnormal, does not know that the ghosts of how many people have harmed, what victim installs? 一个残忍、变态、不知道害过多少人的鬼,装什么受害者? The cold sweat falls following the man forehead, in his eyes full is blood threads, the tooth fastens to nip, finally he pointed at fast skids on the phone screen, dialed warning phone call/number. 冷汗顺着男人额头滑落,他双眼之中满是血丝,牙关紧咬,最终他手指快速在手机屏幕上滑动,拨打了报警电话 „Do you also really hit ah?” “你还真打?” The busy signal only made a sound two, phone call/number is put through, the man did not wait for phone call/number that side person to open the mouth, shouted loudly: Comes Hanjiang western suburbs New Century Park Haunted House quickly! Haunted House Boss buys and sells by using compulsion! Blackmails visitors in the Haunted House internal threat! This group of people are ferocious, does not pay attention to the police, the arrogance is extremely rampant! My name was! You must remember my name was!” 忙音只响了两下,电话就被接通,男人不等电话那边的人开口,就大声喊道:“快来含江西郊新世纪乐园鬼屋鬼屋老板强买强卖!在鬼屋内部威胁讹诈游客!这伙人穷凶极恶,根本不把警方放在眼里,气焰极度嚣张!我叫查文!你们一定要记住我叫查文!” The men in a short time said the case location and object, he also repeatedly stressed oneself name, possibly was hopes that Chen Ge therefore had scruples. 男人在很短的时间内就说出了案发地点和作案对象,他还反复强调自己的名字,可能是希望陈歌因此有所顾忌。 Then incessantly Chen Ge, becomes including surrounding Red-clothed and Specter expression strange, they are staring at that man named completely. 这下不止陈歌,连周围的红衣厉鬼表情都变得古怪,他们全部盯着那个叫做查文的男人。 I have reported to the police! The police immediately come! You put me to go out now, this matter even, if you are besotted, will wait to have you to be attractive!” The men are lifting the cell phone, has not forgotten to protect the girlfriend after behind, makes the play to make the complete set after all. “我已经报警了!警察马上就过来!你们现在放我出去,这事就算了,要是你们执迷不悟,等会有你们好看!”男人举着手机,还不忘记将女朋友护在身后,毕竟作戏要做全套。 You determined number that oneself dial right?” The Chen Ge’s sound spreads in the man ear spookily. “你确定自己拨打的号码没错吗?”陈歌的声音幽幽传出男人耳中。 I can also remember incorrectly on three numbers?” The men are just about to refute, slowly does not detect right, that side the cell phone no one has responded: Hey? Hey! Hey?!” “就三个数字我还能记错?”男人正要反驳,慢慢察觉不对,手机那边一直没有人回应:“喂?喂!喂?!” The men yell loudly, after several seconds, in the microphone broadcast a childish and innocent sound: Sorry, the user who you dial is busy, please dial later, show auspicious......” 男人大声叫喊,几秒钟之后,话筒里传来了一个孩子稚嫩的声音:“对不起,你拨打的用户忙,请稍后再拨,骚瑞……” Hears the voice of child, the man realized anything fiercely, waved the arms about to throw the cell phone. 听到小孩的声音,男人猛地意识到了什么,甩手将手机扔了出去。 That cell phone falls in the place, but also embarks unceasingly child's immature voice. 那手机掉落在地,还不断出发出孩子稚嫩的声音。 It seems like you were only a sacrificed board game piece, did not have the too big value.” Chen Ge waves, making a Red-clothed starting trig and his girlfriend manually controlled, then sent in their body Zhang Yi. “看来你只是一个被牺牲的棋子,没有太大的价值。”陈歌挥了挥手,让身边的红衣一起动手控制住查文和他女朋友,然后把张忆送入了他们的身体 Some Zhang Yi, need to spend the matter that the big strength can solve, now became very easy. 张忆在,很多原本需要花费大力气才能解决的事情,现在变得非常容易了。 After several minutes, Zhang Yi drills from the male person head skull, he took to the Chen Ge some important information. This to the lover who came from Xinhai, male named, female named magnificent is satisfactory, they are the average people, itself has no issue. 几分钟后,张忆从男人头颅中钻出,他带给了陈歌一些很重要的信息。这对从新海来的情侣,男的叫做查文,女的叫做华美美,他俩都是普通人,本身没有任何问题。 But, the No. 101 patient in hospital was attached the body by that for some reasons. 只不过因为某些原因,查文被那所医院的101号病人附了身。 But 101 patients instructed in his physician-in-charge these things that handles, Zhang Yi read the memory of No. 101 patient, discovered that this patient knew about the hospitals. 而101病人又是在他的主治医生指示下去做的这些事情,张忆翻看了101号病人的记忆,发现这位病人对医院非常了解。 He the hospital stayed for about 20 years in that for is not frightened out of one's wits, he can say stops at nothing. 他在那所医院呆了将近二十年,为了不魂飞魄散,他可以说无所不用其极。 This patient knows many secrets, but also understood that makes the transaction by this, many patients and doctors have the relation with him. 这位病人知道很多隐秘,还懂得以此来做交易,很多病人和医生都跟他有联系。 No. 101 patient to Chen Ge is a treasure house, but the memory of No. 101 patient was unfortunately fudged. 101号病人对陈歌来说是一座宝库,但可惜的是101号病人的记忆被动了手脚。 When that eyeball of his palm explodes, the memory of No. 101 patient starts to vanish rapidly, he himself has not even realized this point. 在他掌心的那枚眼珠爆开的时候,101号病人的记忆就开始飞速消失,他自己甚至都还没有意识到这一点。 The cursed hospital should before No. 101 patient comes Haunted House, prepared for gave up his, will therefore have all sorts of arrangement. 被诅咒的医院应该在101号病人来鬼屋之前,就做好了放弃他的准备,所以才会有种种布置。 However merely is only some residual memory fragments, had had very big help to Chen Ge. 不过仅仅只是一些残留的记忆片段,就已经对陈歌产生了很大的帮助。 That the hospital is more terrifying , No. 101 patient who everyone imagines 20 years ago when is hospitalized the hospital has existed was very long. 那所医院比所有人想象的都还要恐怖,101号病人二十年前住院时医院就已经存在了很久。 No one knows when that the hospital establishes, does not know the appearance that it most starts is anything. 没人知道那所医院是何时成立的,也不知道它最开始的样子是什么。 The time passed was too long, No. 101 patient also only remembers, at that time Dean wanted to build one not to have the painful and desperate place. 时间过去了太久,101号病人也只记得,那个时候院长想要打造出一个没有痛苦和绝望的地方。 He treats as the family member to regard the doctor and patient, but from some moment, Dean changed. 他把医生和病人当做家人来看待,但是从某一刻起,院长变了。 He tears down several children's faces, names to call to them not to smile. 他将自己几个孩子的脸撕下,给他们取名叫不笑。 After he also other family members close the gate, all people who disobey his idea made medicine. 他还将其他的家人关到了门后,将所有违逆他想法的人做成了“药”。
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