IHHH :: Volume #12

#1122: White orphanage( 4000)

Red raincoat appears in the platform, everyone makes the best use of the time to seek, having a look in the platform to leave behind what clue.” Fu Bole and several other Haunted House designers search regarding the platform carefully, they soon discovered some issues. “红雨衣是在站台上出现的,大家抓紧时间寻找一下,看看站台上有没有遗留什么线索。”付伯乐和其他几名鬼屋设计者围绕着站台仔细搜索,他们很快发现了一些问题。 At the back of the platform of long street has two person's shadows, a man and a woman, these two forms engrave in the platform, seems like framing of memory. 长街的站台背面有两道人影,一男一女,这两人的身影刻印在站台上,似乎是记忆的定格。 Under platform also water stain, can see that indistinctly a boy and a female teacher of who wear school uniform are holding the red umbrella. 站台下方还有一片水渍,其中隐约能看到一个穿着校服的男学生和一位打着红伞的女教师。 Also has the writing that some carve conveniently in the station sign corner, crooked, the person who leaves behind these characters perhaps is immersing in a weak and simple happiness. 在站牌角落还有一些随手刻出来的文字,歪歪斜斜,留下这些字的人或许正沉浸在一种幼稚、简单的幸福当中。 Love, from meeting to start.” “爱,从遇见开始。” I missed the last bus, however waited till you.” “我错过了末班车,但是等到了你。” Can make me deliver you to go home?” “可不可以让我送你回家?” These crooked characters as if can bring back the viewer's recollection to the youth, is pure and clumsy, is happy. 这些歪歪斜斜的字似乎能够勾起观看者对青春的回忆,单纯、笨拙,却又美好。 Gloomy does so place inscribe such writing unexpectedly? Behind the pure first love hid a cruel terrifying story? All happy is only the upholstery, will tear into shreds at the last minute ruthlessly, makes desperately through the contrast?” In Sister She Haunted House seems to have had similar subject, she feels on the arm the black skeleton head, as if fell into the recollection, this is woman who has the story. “如此阴森的地方竟然刻有这样的文字?单纯的初恋背后是不是隐藏了一段残忍恐怖的故事?所有的美好都只是铺垫,在最后一刻会狠狠撕碎,通过反差来制造绝望?”蛇姐鬼屋里似乎有过类似的主题,她摸着手臂上黑色骷髅头,仿佛陷入了回忆,这是个有故事的女人。 „The styles and other constructions of this street are completely different, properly speaking should have massive scare spots to be right, but we what scary thing has not actually seen.” In the Zuo Han heart the unclear premonition is even more intense, as if before now is storm gather, final tranquility. “这条街的风格和其他建筑完全不同,按道理说应该会有大量惊吓点才对,可我们却什么吓人的东西都没看到。”左寒心中不详的预感愈发强烈,似乎现在就是暴风雨来临前最后的平静。 Do not inspect the platform, we go to the next place immediately!” Zuo Han looks that behind toward the black fog that they pursue, shouted another side of other person towards the street to run decisively together. “不要检查站台了,我们立刻去下一个地方!”左寒看着身后正在朝他们追来的黑雾,果断叫上其他人一起朝街道另一边跑去。 Must leave here, before Ghost Fetus scenario broke me, all rules that summarizes, any experience cannot be used to make the reference here, why can like this?” “必须要离开这里,冥胎场景打破了我之前总结的所有规律,任何经验在这里都不能用来做参照,到底为什么会这样?” All matter happen unusual is sudden, dark seems the invisible secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators to promote all. 所有事情都发生的非常突然,冥冥中就好像有一只无形的幕后黑手在推动着一切。 Begins for less than 15 minutes, must be in Stage 3, 4 Star scenario all ghost actors starts the violent to walk, by the probability that our three people escape is zero.” Zuo Han understands oneself encountered the worst situation: That several Haunted House designers are unreliable, if they do not change the view immediately, perhaps in next scenario can disappearance actually, I should how breakout?” “开场十五分钟不到,就要进入第三阶段,四星场景的所有鬼怪演员开始暴走,凭借我们三个人逃出去的几率为零。”左寒明白自己遇到了最糟糕的情况:“那几个鬼屋设计者靠不住,他们如果不立刻改变看法,或许在下一个分场景里就会‘消失’,我究竟该如何破局?” Racks brains, the Zuo Han forehead emitted the sweat quickly, his present pressure is big, must face the unknown fearful enemy, as well as to have one group of pig teammate and hidden Haunted House actor. 绞尽脑汁,左寒的额头很快冒出了汗水,他现在压力非常大,既要面对未知可怕的敌人,又要带着一群猪队友和隐藏其中的鬼屋演员。 Beset with difficulties both at home and abroad, he really cannot find out the good dealing method. 内外交困,他实在想不出好的应对方法。 Was too hasty! This 4 Star scenario simply has not given me the time of cushion and ponder.” “太仓促了!这个四星场景根本没有给我缓冲和思考的时间。” After the red raincoat leaves, the street two sides constructions did not have the feeling of that to terrify person, looking like the ordinary street is the same. 在红雨衣离开之后,街道两边的建筑没有了那种瘆人的感觉,就像是普通街道一样。 visitors left the long street very much with ease, arrived at an orphanage entrance that is primarily the black and white tone. 游客们很轻松的离开了长街,来到了一座以黑色和白色为主色调的孤儿院门口。 Rusty iron gate half open, the nursery rhymes of to terrify person are not knowing where from spreads. 生锈的铁门半开着,瘆人的童谣不知从什么地方传出。 This orphanage looks left uncultivated probably for a long time, but in the courtyard is actually air-drying clothes of each article child, in the ground also has to dig the pothole newly, seems like used to dispose anything. 这座孤儿院看着好像荒废了许久,但是院子里却晾晒着一件件孩童的衣服,地面上还有新挖出来坑洞,似乎是用来填埋什么东西的。 In the orphanage can see trace that everywhere some people move, but visitors actually could not find alone. 孤儿院里处处都能看到有人活动的痕迹,但游客们却找不到一个人 Hangs the wind chimes on eaves sways gently, Zuo Han opened the door of hall. 挂在屋檐上的风铃轻轻摇晃,左寒推开了大厅的门。 Slightly the somewhat moved music spreads from some room, the end of tables, are suspending a broken shrine. 略有些伤感的音乐从某个房间传出,一张张餐桌的尽头,摆着一座残破的神龛。 This is a private orphanage, in the welfare activity that is public will definitely not have the shrine to exist.” Teacher Wang looks at the shrine, thinks before , something that encounters: „The creators in some private orphanages believe the lucky report, they will consecrate the memorial tablet in oneself room, but is placed the shrine like in the orphanage in hall directly my first sight.” “这是一家私人孤儿院,公办的福利机构里绝对不会有神龛存在。”王老师看着神龛,想到了以前遭遇的一些事情:“有些私人孤儿院的创办者相信福报,他们会在自己的房间供奉牌位,但像这样把神龛直接摆在大厅的孤儿院我还是第一次见到。” Passes through the long wooden table, on the face of Teacher Wang gradually becomes ugly. 走过长长的木质餐桌,王老师的脸上逐渐变得难看起来。 On the shrine wrote all over the Fang Yu two characters densely and numerously, looks very scary. 神龛上密密麻麻写满了方鱼两个字,看着非常吓人。 This is digs out little with the nail, above these deep black mottling are the bloodstains, they already with plank long in one, is very strange, felt that looks like some people to repeat to dig the character on the shrine to be the same for several years.” Some Teacher Wang doubts: To manufacture Haunted House props, needs to pay such big price?” “这是用指甲一点点抠出来的,上面那些深黑色的斑块是血渍,它们已经和木板长在了一起,很奇怪,感觉就像是数年来一直有人在神龛上重复挖字一样。”王老师有些疑惑:“为了制作一件鬼屋道具,需要付出这么大的代价吗?” This not necessarily is Boss Chen does, he has provided the clue for many crimes, I suspected that in his Haunted House some goods are bring directly from crime.” Zuo Han said quietly, these topics are internal secret, therefore he is not willing too many to know. “这不一定是陈老板自己做的,他为很多凶案提供过线索,我怀疑他这鬼屋里有些物品是直接从凶案现场带回来的。”左寒悄声说道,这些话题属于内部秘密,所以他也不愿意让太多人知道。 „Is Haunted House Boss many crimes has provided the clue?” Teacher Wang asked one subconsciously: I truly also heard that recently was not peaceful, the Hanjiang city sub-bureau were many a informer, is that informer this Haunted House boss?” 鬼屋老板为很多凶案提供过线索?”王老师下意识反问了一句:“我确实也听说最近不太平,含江市分局多了一名线人,那个线人就是这鬼屋的老板?” Teacher, because you that matter no longer had any relation with the bureau in initially, therefore you are not quite clear, this Haunted House Boss unusual......” Zuo Han thinks the half of the day does not know how to describe: His parents are missing, to investigate this case, he 20 years ago the long-pending cases Hanjiang gave to turn forcefully, this person I do not know how should describe, in any case was four characters, kept at a respectful distance.” “老师,你因为当初那件事不再跟局里有任何联系,所以你不太清楚,这位鬼屋老板非常的……”左寒想了半天也不知道怎么形容:“他父母失踪,为了调查这个案子,他硬生生把含江二十年前的旧案都给翻了,这种人我也不知道该怎么形容,反正就是四个字吧,敬而远之。” „Can the 20 years ago long-pending cases turn?” “二十年前的旧案都能翻?” To ah, actually this is also not most fearful.” The Zuo Han sound presses was lower: He provided the clues of several important law case for the Hanjiang police, cracked many cases, but his parents' missing case progress does not have, I suspected that this inside has the major problem, his parents are missing this matter is not absolutely simple.” “对,其实这还不是最可怕的。”左寒声音压的更低了:“他为含江警方提供了数起重案的线索,破获了很多案子,但是他自己父母失踪的案子却一点进展都没有,我怀疑这里面有大问题,他父母失踪这件事绝对不简单。” You are actually because this matter has therefore come his Haunted House visit?” Teacher Wang regards as important Zuo Han very much, thought that he is one of the Hanjiang Forensic Faculty most outstanding students, he thought that Zuo Han and other children are different, absolutely is not that wanting to play all the time student. “你其实是因为这件事所以才一直来他的鬼屋参观吗?”王老师很看重左寒,觉得他是含江法医学院最优秀的学生之一,他觉得左寒和其他孩子不同,绝对不是那种贪玩的学生。 Perhaps I did not have the qualifications to investigate his parents missing case.” Zuo Han looks at the present shrine: I cannot completely understand him completely, does not know that he is thinking anything, sometimes I do not even dare to look at each other with him. I am trying the simulation analysis his mental state and character, the obtained conclusion makes me feel the fear. He has reason and calmness of exceeding the average man, exaggerating adaptiveness and extremely high intelligence quotient.” “我恐怕还没资格去调查他父母失踪的案子。”左寒看着眼前的神龛:“我完全看不透他,根本不知道他心里在想什么,我甚至有时候都不敢跟他对视。我尝试着去模拟分析他的心理状况和性格,得出的结论让我感到害怕。他拥有超越常人的理智和冷静,还有夸张的适应能力和极高的智商。” In database has similar character ratio to the parameter?” “数据库中有类似的人物比对参数吗?” No, he is a monster. Can design so many exquisite terrifying alone scenario, can find the clue that the innumerable important law case hide , compared with him, anybody does not have the qualifications to call it the talent.” The hand of Zuo Han strokes the shrine gently, the fingertip has delimited names: More many of understanding, my more fear, more is afraid me more to be curious. I want to verify the truth, if there is if possible, I also prepare to use the last vacation before graduation to come to his here to work.” “没有,他就是个怪物。能够独自设计出这么多精妙恐怖的场景,可以找到无数重案隐藏的线索,和他比起来,任何人都没有资格被称之为天才。”左寒的手轻轻抚摸过神龛,指尖划过一个个名字:“了解的越多,我就越害怕,越是害怕我就越感到好奇。我想要查明真相,如果有可能的话,我还准备利用毕业前的最后一个假期来他这里工作。” Forensic Faculty synthesis result school's first does run up to Haunted House to work?” Teacher Wang suspected oneself misunderstood: You are more intelligent than me, what is defective is only the experience, if he really seems like so fierce, you who you said perhaps even if will come to here to work will not discover any useful thing.” 法医学院综合成绩全校第一名跑到鬼屋里打工?”王老师怀疑自己是不是听错了:“你比我聪明很多,欠缺的只是经验,如果他真像你说的那么厉害,你就算来这里打工恐怕也不会发现什么有用的东西。” Two people chatted, side the leaf of wooden door of hall was shoved open, a silver-haired old person raised the thermos bottle to go out , when he saw in the hall is standing so many people to stare. 两人聊天的时候,旁厅的一扇木门被推开,一个白发苍苍的老人提着暖瓶从中走出,他看见大厅里站着这么多人时也愣了一下。 You are adopt the child?” Old person's voice is trembling, his body is very bad, as if the next quarter will faint to be the same. “你们是来领养孩子的吗?”老人的声音在打颤,他身体很差,似乎下一刻就会晕倒一样。 age was so big also came out, when Haunted House actor? This Haunted House enough black heart ah.” Before Fu Bole arrives at the old person body : We are not adopt the child, we are look for the thing, have you seen this?” 年龄这么大了还出来当鬼屋演员?这鬼屋够黑心的。”付伯乐走到老人身前:“我们不是来领养孩子的,我们是来寻找东西的,你有没有见过这个?” He puts out that to spread out the picture of baby from the pocket, shook before the old person. 他从口袋里拿出那张布娃娃的照片,在老人面前晃了一下。 Without seeing, you are not adopt child's words to hurry, this small town is not peaceful, does not walk, you perhaps could not get away forever.” The old person coughed several, will leave, has stood in Ma Feng that in the crowd has not spoken suddenly. “没见过,你们不是来领养孩子的话就赶紧走吧,这个小镇不太平,再不走,你们恐怕永远都走不了了。”老人咳嗽了几声,正要离开,一直在人群里没有说话的马峰突然站了出来。 wait a moment! Where have I seen you?” Ma Feng takes over control of the work of Jiang Jiu, for more thorough understanding Chen Ge, he watched Chen Ge to challenge the Haunted House video at the same night, front old person seems to have appeared in the video, but he actually could not think. 等一下!我是不是在什么地方见过你?”马峰接管江九的工作,为了更深入的了解陈歌,他连夜观看了陈歌挑战自家鬼屋的视频,面前这位老人似乎在视频里出现过,但是他却想不起来了。 I have stayed in the orphanage take care of the children, has never left this small town, have you possibly seen me? Had you come to here before?” The old person is Chen Ge challenges obsession that Virtual Future Park Haunted House brings, brings together also has his grandson, the wind chimes ghost and costume Red-clothed. “我一直呆在孤儿院里照顾孩子们,从未离开过这个小镇,你怎么可能见过我?难道你以前来过这里吗?”老人就是陈歌挑战虚拟未来乐园鬼屋带回来的执念,一起带回来的还有他的孙子、风铃鬼和戏服红衣 Possibly was I admits mistakes.” “可能是我认错了吧。” May not dare the admitting mistakes person in this small town, the acquaintance who you look at not necessarily is he, likely is other anything pretends, although they have exactly the same face and sound, but the heart is completely different.” The old person coughed suddenly fiercely, probably oneself those words leaked the secret to be the same a moment ago: Hurries, do not stay here.” “在这小镇上可千万不敢认错人,你看的熟人不一定就是他,很可能是别的什么东西假冒的,他们虽然有着一模一样的脸和声音,但是心完全不同。”老人突然剧烈咳嗽了起来,好像自己刚才那句话泄露了天机一样:“赶紧走吧,不要在这里停留。” Hey!” Fu Bole puts out a hand to catch the old person, but when he soon catches old person's arm, the old person actually hid by a very strange posture, everyone has not seen clearly, only then Fu Bole maintains the movement that are getting nothing for one's effort. “喂!”付伯乐伸手想要去抓老人,可就在他快要抓到老人的手臂时,那老人却以一个非常诡异的姿势躲了过去,所有人都没看清楚,只有付伯乐保持着自己抓空的动作。 Side the gate of hall not related, but after the old person goes, actually vanishes to disappear. 旁厅的门没有关,但是老人进去后却消失不见了。 A very not good feeling spreads in the people, by Fu Bole subconscious trend hall. 一股很不好的感觉在众人心里蔓延,付伯乐下意识的走向旁厅。 Stands laughter sound that can hear the children outside, but after opening the door, side in the hall does not have one person, the ground is actually throwing some toys casually. 站在外面能够听见孩子们的嬉笑声,但是推开门以后,旁厅里却没有一个人,地上只是随便扔着一些玩具。 In this orphanage definitely hidden has anything, moreover you think well, Boss Chen makes the cloth doll that we seek for so worn-out, such baby normal families' children will definitely not play, it very possible is one is abandoned child's toy.” Wei Chaochao tries the analysis saying: In orphanage adopts is the homeless child, the cloth doll that we must look for has big probability hidden here.” “这个孤儿院里肯定隐藏有什么东西,而且你们好好想一想,陈老板让我们寻找的布娃娃如此破旧,这样的娃娃正常人家的孩子肯定不会去玩,它很可能是一个被遗弃孩子的玩具。”魏超超试着分析道:“孤儿院里收养的全都是无家可归的孩子,我们要找的布娃娃有很大概率隐藏在这里。” Everyone felt Wei Chaochao said is reasonable, only then Zuo Han is knitting the brows, did not say a word. 大家都觉得魏超超说的有道理,只有左寒皱着眉,一言不发。 What's wrong? You to have the opinion that I did say?” Wei Chaochao is a very intelligent person, but his intelligence limits to certain aspects merely. “怎么了?你对我说的有意见吗?”魏超超是一个很聪明的人,但他的聪明仅仅局限于某些方面。 One-sided that somewhat you ponder, if takes a broad view at entire scenario to look, the cloth doll hidden the probability here to be very small, because some behind many scenario have not explored.” Zuo Han said own view. “你思考的有些片面,如果放眼整个场景去看的话,布娃娃隐藏在这里的概率很小,因为后面还有很多场景没有探索。”左寒说出了自己的看法。 What do you mean?” “那你是什么意思?” I thought that the orphanage is Boss Chen is used to conceal intentionally, here big probability is a trap, we should better not to delay in this too for a long time.” Zuo Han knows oneself said these people not necessarily listen, therefore he said, arrived with He Shan and Teacher Wang directly one side, starts to turn looks for the clue. “我觉得孤儿院是陈老板故意用来掩饰的,这里大概率是一个陷阱,我们最好不要在这耽误太长时间。”左寒知道自己说了那些人也不一定听,所以他说完后直接和鹤山王老师走到了一边,开始翻找线索。 Do not be knocked the morale of troops by him, we defer to our idea exploration.” Fu Bole is like the Wei Chaochao view, they careful are seeking for the trail of cloth doll according to beforehand grouping in scenario. “不要被他动摇军心,我们按照自己的想法探索。”付伯乐魏超超看法一样,他们按照之前的分组仔细在场景中寻找着布娃娃的踪迹。 The black fog has fluttered the street, slowly surrounded the orphanage. 黑雾飘过街道,慢慢围住了孤儿院。 The Zuo Han preparation evacuates, rushes to next scenario, these Haunted House designers persist in keeping in the middle of orphanage scenario. 左寒准备撤离,赶往下一个场景,那些鬼屋设计者则坚持留在孤儿院场景当中。 both sides are in disagreement, finally is separated. 双方意见不合,最终分开。 Zuo Han leads He Shan and Teacher Wang leaves, others continue to explore in gradually the rich black fog. 左寒带领鹤山王老师离开,其他人则在逐渐浓郁的黑雾中继续探索。 Here is an orphanage, but our child has not seen.” Wei Chaochao stands in side hall entrance: „Can we by that old man deceiving?” “这里是孤儿院,但是我们一个孩子都没有看到。”魏超超站在旁厅门口:“我们会不会被那个老头给骗了?” „The old man entered side the hall finally, have you inspected side the hall?” Fu Bole and Qin Guang stand by Wei Chaochao, others are searching the kitchen and backyard. “那老头最后进了旁厅,你检查过旁厅了吗?”付伯乐秦广站在魏超超旁边,其他人正在搜查厨房和后院。 All has inspected, without finding person, after side he enters the hall, vanished probably same......” Wei Chaochao, the eye shone at this point suddenly: Side the hall and backyard connect, we are indelib, thinks that he went to the backyard, actually another possibility- side the hall has secret path!” “全都检查过了,没找到人,他进入旁厅后就好像消失了一样……”魏超超说到这里,突然眼睛亮了起来:“旁厅和后院相连接,我们先入为主,以为他去了后院,其实还有另外一种可能-旁厅有条密道!” Side their three enter the hall again, the toy in ground places before is different. 他们三个再次进入旁厅,地面上的玩具摆放和之前有所不同。 Some people moved here thing!” Wei Chaochao first finds the problem, he finishes barely the words sees the backyard and side the hall connected place has the diminutive form to run together: Halts!” “有人动了这里的东西!”魏超超第一时间发现问题,他话音未落就看见后院和旁厅相连的地方有一道矮小的身影跑过:“站住!” Wei Chaochao and Fu Bole rush over directly, they have not managed following Qin Guang, pursued that form to enter backyard miscellaneous room. 魏超超付伯乐直接冲了过去,他们没有管后面的秦广,追着那道身影进了后院的杂物间 Shoves open the wooden door, the front is a worn-out altar, on the table is suspending a strange picture. 推开木门,面前是一张破旧的供桌,桌上摆着一张古怪的照片。 The picture old person is turning away from Wei Chaochao and Fu Bole, the bosom is also holding anything probably. 照片里的老人背对着魏超超付伯乐,怀里好像还抱着什么东西。 „The person back in this picture a little looks familiar.” “这照片里的人背影有点眼熟。” Side keeps Qin Guang of hall to be just about to walk out alone, near the ear hears the sound that the rubber ball flapped suddenly, he turns head to look. 独自留在旁厅的秦广正要往外走,耳边忽然听见了皮球拍动的声音,他扭头看去。 Side the hall had toy ball to roll in the hall, what was strange, is hiding anything in the gloomy corner probably. 旁厅当中有一个玩具球自己滚到了大厅里,诡异的是,在阴暗的角落里好像躲着什么东西。 The rubber ball rolls into the darkness, will then be kicked, as if two not visible children are playing the game. 皮球滚入黑暗,然后又会被人踢出,仿佛有两个看不见的小孩正在玩游戏。 The corner of the eye twitch, Qin Guang without delay, left side the hall directly, runs and others converges. 眼角抽动,秦广二话不说,直接离开了旁厅,跑去和其他人汇合。 After he walks, a wear Red-clothed young boy eyeful scarlet goes out from the corner. 等他走后,一个穿着红衣的小男孩满眼猩红的从墙角走出。 I look at them scary am a very simply very joyful matter, why so difficult to here? Why ah?” “我看他们吓人是一件很简单很快乐的事情,为什么到我这里就这么难?为什么?” When the Red-clothed boy mood is gradually hot tempered, a quiet family/home Room 1 gate pounded layer on layer/heavily on the wall, a woman of wear red raincoat has the deceived anger goes out of the corridor. 红衣男孩情绪逐渐暴躁的时候,静谧之家一层一号房的门重重砸在了墙壁上,一个穿着红色雨衣的女人带着被欺骗的怒火走出楼道。 blood threads surges, in the middle of boundless black fog, had the blood red rain. 血丝翻腾,无边的黑雾当中,又下起了血红色的雨。
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