IHAMSS :: Volume #4

#394: Prepares hundred ghosts to travel by night

From the beginning Lin Yi makes the flower read drinks the blood softly, the flower read softly is the rejection, she was a proper person, how can the diet similar blood? 一开始林毅让花念柔喝血,花念柔是拒绝的,她可是个正经人,怎么能饮食同类的鲜血呢? Moreover blood that that respectable stream of people sheds, she under mouth. 而且还是自己那么尊敬的人流出的血,她就更下不了口了。 Does, Lin Yi looked that her look filled encouraged and expected, she also has to hold one's nose thump thump to drink. 奈何,林毅看她的眼神充满了鼓励和期望,她也只好捏着鼻子咕咚咕咚喝了下去。 This blood just now into the belly, looks like one group of raging fire, burns agitated in within the body, she only feels the whole body to give off heat, before long, the body then seeps out many perspiration, these perspiration, actually congealed tiny frost in her body surface. 这血才刚入肚,就像是一团烈火,在她体内汹汹燃烧起来,她只觉得全身发热,不一会儿,身上便渗出许多汗来,这些汗,却是在她的体表凝成了细小的冰霜。 This is not the perspiration, but is her within the body the air/Qi of Yin ghost. 这不是汗,而是她体内的阴煞之气。 Lin Yi the exuberance of courage vigor, one read the deformable body air/Qi of Yin ghost to compel the flower, the present flower reads softly, was outside the cold internal heat, clear ice hot twofold day. 林毅的血气之旺盛,一下就将花念柔体内的阴煞之气逼出了许多,现在的花念柔,便是外冷内热,真真切切的冰火两重天了。 Lin Yi looks at this symptom, hits with an art hastily in the flower reads the supple abdomen, the flower reads softly , put out a big blood. 林毅一看这症状,连忙用一种巧劲打在花念柔的腹部,花念柔噗的一下,就吐出了一大口血。 These are not the flower read soften oneself, but just now drinks not to digest. 这些却不是花念柔自己的,而是才刚喝下去没有消化的。 The blood of Lin Yi met cause, met the cold water like the hot oil, the ultra-high temperature can evaporate actually the water, but itself will also release the huge energy. 林毅的血遇上了引起,就像热油遇上了冷水,超高的温度倒是能将水蒸发掉,但本身也会释放出巨大的能量。 The flower read the supple body is too weak, gave under her one time such fierce medicine, she definitely could not withstand. 花念柔身子骨太弱,一次给她下这么猛的药,她肯定承受不住。 Lin Yi has to interrupt the treatment forcefully. 林毅只好强行中断了治疗。 But this effect is also good, the flower read softly, although spits blood, but the facial expression on face clearly was much ruddy. 但这一次效果也还不错,花念柔虽然吐了血,但脸上的气色分明红润了不少。 Your body must recuperate well, thinks that cured you unable one time actually, when this, later my in daily day came to diagnose for you, usually you then ate some things of restoring vital energy, sunned, took a walk, was good?” “你的身子还得好好调理,想一次治好你倒是不能了,这样吧,以后我每天日中时都来为你诊治,平时你便多吃一些补气的东西,多晒晒太阳,多走动走动,好不好?” Own sickness is unable to cope, but knew that every day can see Lin Yi, the flower reads the supple mood is also good. 自己的病没治好,但得知每天都能见到林毅,花念柔的心情又好了起来。 She wants to comply immediately, but somewhat is also embarrassed, said: Every day you come, was too troublesome you , did I look for you?” 她想马上答应,但又有些不好意思,道:“每天你都过来,是不是太麻烦你了,要不,还是我去找你吧?” „It is not troublesome, the matters of several roads, the way of the world is now chaotic, your girl little goes out is quite good.” “也不麻烦,几步路的事而已,现在世道混乱,你一个女孩子还是少出门比较好。” Feels Lin Yi the meaning of concern, the flower reads softly cannot say the rejection words again, has to comply shyly. 感受到林毅的关切之意,花念柔也再说不出拒绝的话,只好羞涩的答应了。 Until Lin Yi said goodbye to depart with her, she also stupid looked at Lin Yi to leave the direction that the look clearly does not have the focal distance, does not know that is thinking anything. 直到林毅跟她道别离去,她还痴痴呆呆的望着林毅离开的方向,眼神分明没有焦距,也不知道在想什么。 Awakes, the person walked away.” “醒醒吧,人都走远了。” The flower read softly hears Gu Tinglan the voice suddenly, turned the head to look, discovered Gu Tinglan does not know when appeared side oneself, thinks oneself displayed a moment ago, her also flushed. 花念柔忽然听到顾庭兰的声音,转头看,才发现顾庭兰不知道什么时候出现在了自己身边,想到自己刚才的表现,她也一阵脸热。 But turns over to shy shy, has nothing actually does not acknowledge well. 但害羞归害羞,倒是也没什么不好承认的。 Attends to the miss, you how here?” “顾姑娘,你怎么在这里?” Is all right, just saw that my stupid Elder Brother prepares to a crown anger is a young person, I blocked him, now he is just sad!” “没事出来走走,刚好看到我那愚蠢的哥哥准备冲冠一怒为红颜,我把他拦住了,现在他正伤心呢!” A moment ago Lin Yi to the flower read the supple treatment the time, read the supple abdomen to hit a palm in the flower, seemed like very scary, just Gu Tingxuan saw, drew a sword to come out on the strategic place. 刚才林毅给花念柔的治疗的时候,在花念柔的腹部打了一掌,看上去还是挺吓人的,刚好顾庭轩看到了,拔剑就要冲出来。 Gu Tinglan but, has to hit to fall face down him, made Gu Tingxuan see while convenient the flower read is looking at the picture of Lin Yi back softly longingly. 顾廷兰无奈之下,只好把他打趴下了,也顺便让顾庭轩看到了花念柔依依不舍地望着林毅背影的画面。 Then, Gu Tingxuan anything understood. 这下,顾庭轩什么都懂了。 He has not flushed is also the good deed, at least, before others he is not the clown. 他没有冲出去也是好事,至少,在别人面前他还不是小丑。 The flower read listens to Gu Tinglan such a saying softly, somewhat was slightly surprised, but understood clearly immediately, said: Your elder brother temper impulsed, but also is a gentleman.” 花念柔听顾庭兰这么一说,微微有些惊讶,但随即了然,道:“你哥性子是冲动了一些,但也是个君子。” The flower read supple not too clear Gu Tinglan to say before her what meaning intentionally this was, is it possible that wants to reconcile her and her elder brother? 花念柔只是不太清楚顾庭兰故意在她面前说这个是什么意思,莫非是想撮合她和她哥? Looks that does not look like. 看着也不太像。 Thinks it over, the flower read softly decides to speak frankly: Attended to the miss saying this to me, what wants to make me make?” 思来想去,花念柔还是决定直说:“顾姑娘对我说这个,是想让我做点什么吗?” She is so direct, makes Gu Tinglan not know actually for a while how to reply. 她这么直接,倒是让顾庭兰一时不知道怎么回答了。 Actually her elder brothers are the minor matter, when is young who has not selected the sad melancholy time, he would growing up, but Gu Tinglan discovered that oneself matter trouble was big. 其实她哥都是小事,年少时谁还没点忧愁忧郁的时候,他总会长大的,但顾庭兰发现自己的事情麻烦大了。 In the morning she has the induction suddenly, she had the new inexorable fate. 早上她忽然生出感应,她有新的劫数到了。 An induction, saw Lin Yi again exactly. 再一感应,恰好就看到了林毅 When attended to courtyard Langton understands, her inexorable fate, must should on Lin Yi. 顾庭兰顿时明白,她的劫数,要应在林毅身上了。 Suddenly, Gu Tinglan the thoughts are complex. 一时间,顾庭兰心思复杂。 She does not know Lin Yi what kind of person, but from understanding of an information judged, Lin Yi is also some Buddha is possibly reincarnated . Moreover, he also used the technique of taboo to enhance the strength. 她并不知道林毅何许人也,但从了解到的一点信息来判断,林毅可能也是某个佛陀转世,而且,他同样用了禁忌之术提升实力。 This is the information obtained from the fixed light Zen master and Lin Yi dialogue, but Lin Yi is upright, this is also her master can with the foundation of Lin Yi cooperation. 这是从定光禅师和林毅的对话中得到的信息,但林毅又有一身正气,这也是她师父能和林毅合作的基础。 Synthesizes these, can know, Lin Yi possibly takes a life hand/subordinate innumerably, but he is still a good person. 综合这些,可以得知,林毅手下可能杀生无数,但他依然是一个好人。 Stands the angle of person, that is true. 站在人的角度来说,的确如此。 But violates religious commandment violates religious commandment, should be punished. 但犯戒就是犯戒,应该得到惩罚。 In other words, Lin Yi will become her enemy. 也就是说,林毅将成为她的敌人。 But now, her inexorable fate should on Lin Yi, moreover induces carefully, unexpectedly the sentiment tribulation, this made Gu Tinglan calm. 而现在,她的劫数又应在了林毅身上,而且细细感应,居然还是情劫,这就让顾庭兰淡定不了了。 Even if makes her fight a hopeless battle with Lin Yi fights one, she does not bring to fear that but goes to and Lin Yi discusses the sentiment, did this also feel embarrassed the person? 哪怕让她以卵击石跟林毅打一架,她都不带怕的,可是去和林毅谈感情,这也太为难人了吧? But inexorable fate, since came, does not have the possibility of avoidance, can only go to face. 可劫数既然来了,就没有躲避的可能,只能去面对。 She also has to try to find the solution, how should boil smoothly the sentiment tribulation, this got in the flower to read the supple idea. 她也只好想办法,该怎么顺利地将情劫熬过去,这才打起了花念柔的主意。 But before arriving opened the mouth, she does not know how should express is good. 但临到开口了,她又不知道该怎么表达才好。 Hesitant over and over, she opens the mouth saying: Hoyden, to avoid misunderstanding, later the Yi child you treat, I remain to accompany you, how?” 犹豫再三,她才开口道:“花姑娘,为了避免误会,以后易公子给你治疗的时候,我留下来陪你,如何?” The flower read softly: „......” 花念柔:“……” Does this woman want to do the matter? 这个女人是不是想搞事情? In her eye has the ray of danger to past. 她的眼里有危险的光芒在流转。 The sixth sense of woman is very keen, do not look at the flower to read softly is only a mortal, she also detected that at this time Gu Tinglan the goal did not seem like her, but is Lin Yi. 女人的第六感都很敏锐,别看花念柔只是个凡人,她在这个时候也察觉到了顾庭兰的目的似乎不是她,而是林毅 Therefore, does she want to snatch the man? 所以,她是想抢男人? Although Lin Yi is not her man, but the flower read softly had the mood of protecting the food. 虽然林毅还不是她的男人,但花念柔还是产生了一种护食的情绪。 Looked in Gu Tinglan looked after her attentively to the share that in she feels the pulse, the flower read to soften this uncomfortable mood to press, said: I asked him to say again, so as to avoid he thought that we did not trust him, did you feel?” 看在顾庭兰用心照料了她又给她诊脉的份上,花念柔将这种不爽的情绪压了下去,道:“我还是问过他再说吧,免得他觉得我们是不信任他,你觉得呢?” Also good.” “也好。” Two people were decide for the time being, but starting from this moment, but also without the stable plastic sisters sentiment had the fissure. 两人算是暂且商定了,但在这一刻开始,还没稳固的塑料姐妹情就有了裂痕。 Another side, Lin Yi left the green bamboo library, brought desolate Yue faith token to go to a military compound person. 另一边,林毅离了翠竹书斋,就带着萧玥的信物去军营点人了。 He selects quite casually, because wants is individual, can understand the direction on the line. 他挑得比较随便,因为只要是个人,听得懂指挥就行。 Selected 100 people in the military compound, these 100 people must manage the public security in good entire Changancheng, is not absolutely realistic. 在军营挑了一百人,这一百人要管理好整个长安城的治安,是绝对不现实的。 The remaining people, he must selects from the prisoners of war and ordinary people. 剩下的人,他要从战俘和普通老百姓里面挑。 The folk has had the tradition of organization rural militia surrounding village, even if in the city, many people have this consciousness, must therefore mobilize, is not difficult. 民间一直有组织乡勇包围村庄的传统,即便是在城里,很多人都有这种意识,所以要动员起来,也不算困难。 Quick, Lin Yi pulled out thousand people of teams, given promise, can eat to sate the appetite. 很快,林毅就拉出了一只千人队伍,给出的许诺,也就是能吃饱饭。 After calling the manpower, Lin Yi then makes one disperse to the city in various places propagandizes, every violates the law and commit crime the person of breaking the law, must be punished. 召集了人手之后,林毅便让人分散到城里各处进行宣传,凡作奸犯科违法乱纪之人,必遭严惩。 Afternoon time, captured 17 burglaries, three robberies, as well as 36 pick a quarrel stirring up trouble. 一下午的时间,就抓获了十七起盗窃案,三起抢劫案,以及三十六起寻衅滋事事件。 Where this type is to see has the attractive miss, makes the movement to others, the whistle, Lin Yi met simultaneously stressed one. 这种就是看到哪里有漂亮姑娘,对人家做动作,吹口哨的,林毅遇到一起就抓了一起。 The penalty takes the leather whip to pull out in the presence of everyone, the burglary pulls out 20 whips, robs to pull out 50 whips, picks a quarrel stirs up trouble ten whips to 100 whips, comes the bulletin populace to observe law and discipline by this, as long as runs into the lawless element, no matter the opposite party anything status, having a record to grasp. 惩罚就是当众拿皮鞭抽,盗窃案抽二十鞭,抢劫抽五十鞭,寻衅滋事十鞭到一百鞭不等,以此来告示大众遵纪守法,但凡遇到不法分子,不管对方什么身份,有案必抓。 In an instant passed three days of time, in Changancheng one of the atmosphere for it austere, the orders in various aspects are stabilizing restore. 转眼过去了三天时间,长安城内风气为之一肃,各方面的秩序都在稳定恢复。 Yellow Zhang Hetian Zhen facing this situation , can only stare dry/does. 黄璋和田甄面对这种形势,也只能干瞪眼。 Lin Yi this fellow was also too professional, a day 12 double-hour, Lin Yi only rests two double-hour, other times, he is leading to go on patrol everywhere. 林毅这家伙也太敬业了,一天十二个时辰,林毅只休息两个时辰,其他的时候,他都在带队四处巡逻。 In this case, they want to seize the person to complete the blood sacrifice massively, certainly will be discovered by Lin Yi, once with Lin Yi to, they must make into the sauce by the Lin Yi iron fist probably. 在这种情况下,他们想要大规模地掳人完成血祭,一定会被林毅发现,一旦和林毅对上,他们大概要被林毅的铁拳打成酱。 Not blood sacrifice they with the qualification that Lin Yi fights, the blood sacrifice by Lin Yi are actually discovered, was discovered will die. 不血祭他们就没有跟林毅战斗的本钱,血祭却会被林毅发现,被发现就会死。 Now can only think that means constrain him, the sirius left Changancheng, is our last chances.” “现在只能想个办法拖住他,天狼星离开了长安城,是我们最后的机会。” The generals travel to the East, Changancheng defends is actually weak, without army's suppression, during the destiny asylum of Chang'an also no longer Northern Wei, can say, here in a short time, is the heaven of person of practicing. 将星东行,长安城防守其实非常薄弱,没有大军的镇压,长安也不再北魏的气运庇护之中,可以说,这里在短时间内,都是修行之人的天堂。 Is possibly insufficient by our strengths, but if can attract ten thousand monster to attack a city? Lin Yi definitely finds it hard to cope with when the time comes.” “靠我们自己的力量可能不够,但若是能引来万妖攻城呢?林毅到时候肯定应接不暇。” Tian Zhen Geichu a good suggestion, this is also their Pure Heaven Cult consistent method. 田甄给出了一个不错的建议,这也是他们净天教的一贯手段。 Out of office demonic cult surely does not have the means and orthodox way influence and official influence meets the tough head-on with toughness, but their advantage, is the official in bright, they are dark. 在野的魔教肯定没有办法和正道势力和官方势力硬碰硬,但他们有一个优势,就是官方在明,他们在暗。 Only needs to raise involves the official energy chaotic, their people can seize the chance to start, Night Pacifying Ministry of Southern Dynasty, the big witch of Northern Dynasty, suffered their move of a lot. 只需要掀起混乱牵扯官方的精力,他们的人就能趁机下手,南朝的靖夜司,北朝的大巫,都没少吃他们这一招的亏。 But sometimes clearly knows their repertoires, does not have the means to deal. 可有时候明知道他们的套路,也没办法应对。 The strength of defense is limited, without the means integrates the extent of protection everyone, where can only have problems, where toward runs. 防卫的力量有限,没办法将所有人都纳入保护范围,只能是哪里出了问题,就往哪里跑。 yellow Zhang listens, immediately thought has the worth doing very much. 黄璋一听,顿时觉得很有搞头。 Now is really the rare opportunity, the past Changancheng will have the Northern Dynasty destiny asylum, the common evil spirit cannot invade, there is an army to protect, present Changancheng anything does not have, on Lin Yi and product Ruxiu. 现在真的是难得的机会,以往的长安城会有北朝气运庇护,寻常妖魔侵扰不得,又有军队守护,如今的长安城什么都没有,也就林毅和一个一品儒修而已。 Is only the Changancheng nearby evil spirit is scarce, where do we go to gather the evil spirit?” “只是长安城附近妖魔稀少,咱们去哪里聚拢妖魔呢?” Or, do we open hundred ghosts to travel by night?” “要不,我们开启百鬼夜行吧?” Tian Zhen's proposition is very bold, the cinnamomum parthenoxylon listened, somewhat hesitates. 田甄的这个提议十分大胆,黄樟听了,也有些犹豫。 Hundred ghosts travel by night are the Pure Heaven Cult most precious objects, before controlled in Earth Mother, now is controlled by them together. 百鬼夜行乃是净天教的至宝,以前掌控在地母手里,现在则是由他们两个共同掌控。 This treasure not good rating , because it has no might, but portrays transmission scroll paintings, once opens, was equivalent among the northwards to open a channel, demons and monsters of netherworld can arrive at the world from the channel. 这宝贝不好评级,是因为它本身没有任何威力,只是一个刻画着传送阵的画轴,一旦打开,也就相当于向阴间打开了一条通道,阴间的妖魔鬼怪都可以从通道来到人间。 But these arrive at demons and monsters of the world not to obey dispatching of picture scroll master, but attacks anybody without distinction. 但这些来到人间的妖魔鬼怪并不会听从画卷主人的调遣,而是无差别地攻击任何人。 Demons and monsters majority of netherworld was corroded the brain by the air/Qi of Yin ghost, has the intelligence unusual are few, therefore they will attack the life that all sees savage, will not have any rationality. 阴间的妖魔鬼怪大部分都是被阴煞之气腐蚀了脑子,拥有神智的非常少,所以他们会凶残地攻击所有见到的生灵,不会有任何理性。 This kills greatly, with simple, feared that recycles difficultly. 这一件大杀器,用出来简单,就怕回收起来困难。 But at present this situation, they except for using hundred ghosts travel by night, did not have other means. 可眼下这种情况,他们除了使用百鬼夜行,也没有别的办法了。 Bets, I thought that Yì Lin arrives at the green bamboo library frequently, which miss is intimate probably, tonight 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, we then open hundred ghosts to travel by night outside the green bamboo library, looked that he comes not to rescue. “赌一把,我看那易林经常到翠竹书斋去,大概是和里面哪个姑娘相好,今夜子时,我们便在翠竹书斋外开启百鬼夜行,看他来不来救。 If he rescues, the person in this city, he may be unable to preserve. ” 他若来救,这城里的人,他可就保不住了。” Two people are discussing in a low voice, muddy does not know that nearby has an big dog to hear clear their words. 两人低声商议着,浑不知附近有一只大狗将他们的话听得一清二楚。 This big dog is dragon Langwang, as a wolf king, he changed a dog is also quite suffering. 这大狗便是龙狼王,作为一只狼王,他变化成一只狗也是相当委屈了。 But for the dragon, he did that mixes to enter a city by the image of dog, no one too will pay attention to him. 但为了化龙,他还是这么做了,以狗的形象混进城,没有人会太注意他。 The celestial phenomenon that Changancheng dragon tiger connects has not dissipated, obviously on this day looks like the representative is not a battle, battle that but continues. 长安城龙虎交汇的天象还没消散,可见这天象代表的不是一场争斗,而是持续的争斗。 Therefore , the lead has not arrived, this matter has not ended. 所以说,主角没登场,这事还没完。 Accidentally hears these two to cope with Lin Yi, dragon Langwang the nature is delighted, the enemy of enemy is a friend. 偶然听到这两人要对付林毅,龙狼王自然喜出望外,敌人的敌人就是朋友。 Although dragon Langwang has no intention to provoke Lin Yi this powerful enemy, but Lin Yi, since stands desolate Yue, affects seizes the treasure him, that naturally also became the enemy. 龙狼王虽然无意招惹林毅这个强敌,但林毅既然站在萧玥这边,影响到他夺宝,那自然也就成了敌人。 Facing the enemy, he is not forgiving. 面对敌人,他绝不留情。 However, he does not plan to come with the Pure Heaven Cult two Heavenly Eye alliances temporarily, he knows the plan of opposite party, the opposite party actually does not know that his existence, he has more dealing leeway. 不过,他暂时不打算现身和净天教的两个天目联盟,他知道了对方的计划,对方却不知道他的存在,他就有更多的应对余地。 Calculates the strength, Lin Yi are most with him is level, these two Pure Heaven Cult, if can the blood sacrifice be successful, can be equivalent to a strength, wins land Yuanhua. 算算战力,林毅最多与他持平,这两个净天教的若是能血祭成功,也能相当于一品战力,完胜陆元化。 In addition their blood sacrifice will definitely affect in the city the popularity, when the time comes this Changancheng popularity is deficient, he uses the secret technique again, making the dragon wolf big sacrifice have a strength. 再加上他们血祭势必会影响城中人气,到时候这长安城人气匮乏,他再施展秘术,让龙狼大祭也拥有一品的实力。 Is equivalent to four one and two fights, the advantage in me. 相当于四个一品与两个一品战斗,优势在我。 dragon Langwang sought a place to go into hiding self-confidently, actually does not know that Lin Yi saw clearly his trend, but also taking advantage of its angle of view, saw yellow Zhang Hetian Zhen's conspiring. 龙狼王自信满满地去寻了个地方隐匿,却不知林毅将他的动态看得清清楚楚,还借着它的视角,看到了黄璋和田甄的密谋。 Demon Subjugating Scroll, yyds!” 降妖谱,yyds!” dragon Langwang since by the Lin Yi record after the spectrum, Lin Yi can observe his localization, discovered that he continuously in Changancheng, Lin Yi to him naturally is the key attention. 龙狼王自从被林毅记录在谱之后,林毅就能观察他的定位了,发现他一直在长安城,林毅对他自然是重点关注。 The seductresses can not every day look, but the shepherd must stare. 狐狸精可以不每天看,但狼狗必须得盯着。 This unfortunately, dragon Langwang when using the mystique listened secretly yellow Zhangtian Zhen Duihua, Lin Yi is also observing him secretly. 这不巧了么,龙狼王在施展秘法偷听黄璋田甄对话时,林毅也在偷偷观察他。 Wrapping the kid belonged is. 套娃了属于是。 Hears that two old man old women to plan that makes ten thousand Yaolai harass, Lin Yi almost smiles to make noise. 听到那两个老头老太打算引万妖来扰,林毅差点笑出声。 My goodness, puts this to deliver the benefits! 好家伙,搁这送福利呢! Lin Yi was worrying that the evil spirit of Northern Wei hid deeply, he to kill people to seal oneself spirit accumulated to cause Heavenly Eye unable to open completely, wanted to search for the evil spirit more difficult, without thinking of some people delivered the pillow sleepily. 林毅正愁北魏的妖魔藏得深,他又为了杀人封了自己的灵蕴导致天目不能完全开启,想要搜寻妖魔更加困难,没想到瞌睡了就有人来送枕头。 What a pity, opposite party's last option is hundred ghosts travels by night. 可惜,对方最后的选择是百鬼夜行。 This was also equivalent to Lin Yi one renovated small strange transmission infinitely, this good deed? 这也相当于给了林毅一个无限刷新小怪的传送阵,还有这种好事? However, knows their plan, the Lin Yi innermost feelings a little are also puzzled. 不过,知道了他们的计划,林毅内心也有点纠结。 He brushes strangely in this, two sorcerers want the blood sacrifice, if he first processes these two people, missed this promotion to cultivate/repair for the golden opportunity. 他在这刷怪吧,两个妖人要血祭,他若是先处理这两个人,又错失了这提升修为大好机会。 Really must make him make the choice the words, definitely ensure will not have the blood sacrifice, blames later to brush, but the person died really died. 真要让他做选择的话,肯定还是确保不会发生血祭,怪以后可以刷,但人死了就真死了。 The adult does not want to make the choice, he all wants! 只是,成年人不想做选择,他全都要! If he can have a powerful helper...... 若是他能有一个强有力的帮手…… The Lin Yi vision looked that to seductress who Demon Subjugating Scroll qualified...... 林毅的目光看向了降妖谱榜上有名的狐狸精…… 7017 k 7017k
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