IHAMSS :: Volume #4

#387: Bad fox

dragon Langwang runs fast, dragon Langda offered a sacrifice to also realized the danger, followed. 龙狼王跑得飞快,龙狼大祭也意识到了危险,紧随其后。 Some many first runs far, after running, takes a look here situation. 有多远先跑多远,跑了之后再来看这边的情况。 Lin Yi also thought that is not wonderful, this monk was really insane. 林毅也觉得非常不妙,这和尚真是疯了。 He must die, but must draw the people in entire Changancheng to be buried along with the dead. 他自己要死,还要拉着整个长安城的人陪葬。 Now, Changancheng's people, although and other under the group of people's leadership was far away from the battlefield core region in desolate Yuehe Gu Tinglan, but is injured with the victim is hard to count. 如今,长安城的民众虽然在萧玥和顾庭兰等一群人的带领下远离了战场核心地带,但受伤和死难者还是难以计数。 Before because fixed light Zen master, ten thousand Buddha that displays toward the sect, many general public was attracted the vitality, now cannot move. 又由于定光禅师之前施展的万佛朝宗,很多普通民众都被吸了气血,现在动弹不得。 This palm falls, person who Changancheng can live, must be hundred does not save one. 这一掌落下来,长安城能活下来的人,必是百不存一。 But Lin Yi looks that this more and more becomes terrifying big hand, absolutely does not have the means. 林毅看着这个变得越来越恐怖的大手,完全没有办法。 This thing like one in slowly nuclear bomb of formation . Moreover the energy of this big hand is unstable, does not know when it exploded. 这玩意就像一个在缓缓成型的核弹,而且这大手的能量非常不稳定,也不知道它什么时候就爆炸了。 Even Lin Yi, is still not necessarily able to run to obtain the explosion range. 就算是林毅,也未必能跑得出爆炸范围。 However, if he can drill underground, evades the first wave of fatal impact, how not dead again. 不过,他若是能钻到地下,躲过第一波致命冲击,再怎么样都不会死。 The person estimate in city is cool. 只是城里的人估计都要凉凉。 When the Lin Yi heart is anxious, the ear bank heard familiar whispering suddenly. 林毅心中焦虑之时,耳畔忽然听到了一个熟悉的低语。 „To be able in the core with arrow hit Buddha palm, this big hand will naturally break, but, must achieve this step, you somewhat will be dangerous.” “只要能用箭头命中佛掌之中的核心,这一个大手自然会破碎,不过,要做到这一步,你可能会有些危险。” Lin Yi to looking around, the person who has not seen the speech. 林毅向四处看,都没有看到说话的人。 But he knows, this is peaceful/late Qingqiu. 但他知道,这是晏青丘。 She gives his arrow of unknown origin, has actually proven its mystical twice. 她给他的箭头来历不明,却已经两次证明过它的神异了。 Reason that now peaceful/late Qingqiu words, Lin Yi has not suspected. 现在晏青丘的话,林毅也没有怀疑的理由。 However, this thing only has the head, without the pole, makes one now temporarily, possibly also without enough time. 不过,这东西只有头,没有杆子,现在临时做一个,可能也来不及了。 Lin Yi has not bent. 林毅也没有弓。 In other words, must guarantee that the arrow projects on the core of Buddha palm, he must deliver personally the arrow. 也就是说,要保证箭头打到佛掌的核心,他就必须要亲自将箭头送上去。 Makes very big risk. 这么做有很大的风险。 Perhaps he just approached the Buddha palm, this thing exploded. 没准他刚靠近佛掌,这玩意就炸了。 This is equivalent to the Lin Yi face to meet the nuclear bomb, is dangerous. 这就相当于林毅脸接核弹,非常危险。 The good result was he punctures the Buddha palm core smoothly suddenly same, the energy of Buddha palm might also spread, when the time comes he bore the brunt. 好的结果就是他顺利突刺了佛掌核心,佛掌的能量也一样有可能扩散,到时候他就是首当其冲的。 peaceful/late Qingqiu this was gives to put in the hot pot him. 晏青丘这是把他给放到热锅上了。 Goes, will have the danger by oneself, does not go, in the future definitely having a mind demon. 去,会让自己有危险,不去,日后肯定有心魔。 This and situation of beforehand fixed light Zen master may be different, the fixed light Zen master acts, he meets must die, naturally can save others rescues, cannot save others does not rescue. 这和之前定光禅师的情况可不一样,定光禅师出手,他接就是必死,自然是能救人就救,不能救人就不救。 But this time has the opportunity to rescue about 1 million people, is not necessarily able dead, looked that he is willing to bet a gambling. 而这次是有机会能救下近百万人,也未必会死,就看他愿不愿意赌一赌。 The eye of Lin Yi looked to the Buddha palm in sky, according to peaceful/late Qingqiu prompt, Lin Yi looked specially with rapt attention, really this unstable energy actually had a core. 林毅的眼睛看向了天空中的佛掌,按照晏青丘的提示,林毅特意凝神去看,果然这不稳定的能量其实有一个核心。 The strength of wind hot thunder and lightning reunites in together, formed a cyclone regarding this core. 风火雷电的力量都团聚在一起,围绕着这个核心形成了一个气旋。 The cyclone is still absorbing unceasingly the spirit strength, so long as broke this cyclone, this magic arts were naturally defeated and dispersed. 气旋还在不断吸收外界的灵力,只要打破了这个气旋,这法术自然溃散了。 Lin Yi does not have the too much time to hesitate, sees the cyclone also to stabilize temporarily, immediately stretches the legs same place taking off. 林毅也没有太多的时间犹豫,见气旋暂时还稳定,当即一个原地蹬腿起跳。 This little while, mouse Daoist exactly from underground process. 这会儿,鼠道人恰好从地下经过。 Mentioning the mouse Daoist is also unlucky, digs in underground left Wayou, digs out a hole with great difficulty, actually by fixed light Zen master relaxed collapsing. 说来鼠道人也是倒霉,在地下左挖右挖,好不容易挖出个洞来,却被定光禅师轻松震塌。 The mouse Daoist also competed, we do not dig today the channel! 鼠道人也较上劲了,咱今天非把通道挖出来! Therefore, he penetrated underground, only waits to dig an upward channel to come out. 于是,他更加深入了地下,只等挖一个向上的通道出来。 However, Lin Yi this foot, buried alive him directly. 然而,林毅这一脚,直接把他活埋了。 Bullies the mouse very!” “欺鼠太甚!” The mouse Daoist also has the temperament, he pinches the law to decide, branches out a wisp of state of mind, then must drill the ground, to a person curse that stamps the feet randomly, quite makes him know that the mouse Daoist is not good to bully. 鼠道人也是有脾气的,他捏出法决,分出一缕神魂,便要钻到地面,给乱跺脚的人一个诅咒,好让他知道鼠道人不是好欺负的。 However, this comes out, he was scared. 然而,这一出来,他就傻眼了。 Sees only Lin Yi to grasp the arrow, one a big hand center that gripped in the space , a scary energy burst, Lin Yi was instead shaken the ground at the scene, pounded a ten meters deep big hole. 只见林毅握着箭头,一下扎在了天上的大手中心,紧接着,一股骇人的能量爆发,林毅当场被反震到了地上,砸出了一个十米深的大坑。 The day fire descends, the thunder washes, happen to fell on Lin Yi. 紧接着,天火降落,雷霆洗地,正好都落在了林毅身上。 The mouse Daoist divides the soul to come out, in this region, the thunder does not blink, that may really wash, every here, was struck by lightning. 偏偏鼠道人分魂出来,也是在这个区域,雷霆不眨眼,那可真是洗地,凡在此处,都被雷劈。 The mouse Daoist divided the soul to unravel suddenly, but dug up soil mouse Daoist because also Lin Yi was pounded underground, once again was buried alive. 鼠道人分魂眨眼间就灰飞烟灭了,而才扒去了身上土壤的鼠道人也因为林毅被砸到地下,又一次被活埋。 Compared with him, the Lin Yi present situation is more uncomfortable. 和他相比,林毅现在的处境更加难受。 He before beginning, first threw the cat, so as to avoid injured the dark cloud, this acted, was really invites trouble. 他在动手之前,先将猫丢了出去,免得伤到了乌云,这一出手,果然就是惹祸上身。 After the arrow punctures the cyclone, the wild energy erupts instantaneously, is good because of this strength majority is the crosswise eruption, the naked eye can see a ripple, scatters in all directions in the sky, but also leaves behind the ring-like dark cloud that had not dissipated for a very long time. 在箭头刺破气旋之后,狂暴的能量瞬间爆发,好在这力量大部分都是横向爆发的,肉眼可以看到一圈波纹,在天空中四散开,还留下了久久没有消散的环形乌云。 But vertical strength, slightly obviously weak, but fell in torrents on Lin Yi. 而纵向的力量,稍显微弱,但都倾泻在了林毅身上。 Lin Yi whole person by wind hot thunder and lightning winding, rumbling, this is insufficient, the day hot heavenly thunder is still attacking him unceasingly. 林毅整个人都被风火雷电缠绕,给轰到了地里,这还不够,天火天雷还在不断地攻击他。 This is struck by lightning to burn down, the momentum is especially scary. 这雷劈火烧的,声势格外骇人。 Lin Yi lies in the pit, motionless, to dying was the same. 林毅趴在坑里,一动不动,跟死了一样。 peaceful/late Qingqiu then appears the figure, when the thunder and lightning stopped, the fire was put out, stands near the pit to look downward. 晏青丘这才显出身形来,等雷电停了,火熄灭了,才站到坑边上往下看。 Seeing only on Lin Yi the clothes are lossless, actually this reveal was burnt down a cleanness outside hair by the day, the exposed skin somewhat is also sallow. 只见林毅身上衣服无损,倒是这露在外面的头发被天火烧了个干净,裸露的皮肤也有些焦黄。 Died, has not died squeak.” “死了没,没死吱一声。” peaceful/late Qingqiu is shouting to Lin Yi. 晏青丘对着林毅喊道。 Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” He has not certainly died, but does not think squeak. 他当然没死,但也不想吱。 peaceful/late Qingqiu ideological consciousness is insufficiently profound, how he says that now is also hero who saved the city, where has to let the hero squeak? 晏青丘的思想觉悟到底是不够深刻,他现在怎么说也算是个拯救了城市的英雄吧,哪有让英雄吱的? Had not seen that the hero did put this to lie cannot be getting up? 没看到英雄搁这趴着起不来了么? Also is his mortal body defense is powerful, otherwise trades to be anyone, by chaotic four spirit strength from head to foot baptism, is under that big impact, definitely passed away at the scene. 也是他肉身防御强悍,否则换做任何一个人,被混乱的四种灵力从头到脚地洗礼一番,又受到那么大的冲击,肯定是当场去世了。 But was also at this time, Lin Yi felt the full of vitality in within the body. 但也是这个时候,林毅感受到了体内的勃勃生机。 Slips off by the skin that the flame and thunder fire rapidly, a new skin is born rapidly, white and tender such as new. 被火焰和雷霆灼烧的皮肤迅速褪下,一层新皮又迅速诞生,白嫩如新。 He Dong gives his Painted Skin is still safe and sound, the immortal clothes that Jiang Linglong gives also protected his most skins. 何冬给他的画皮依然安然无恙,姜玲珑给的仙衣也护住了他大部分的皮肤。 Now looks like, injured only has the hair. 现在看来,受伤的只有头发。 Lin Yi is feeling the condition of body silently , peaceful/late Qingqiu jumps down suddenly, turned a surface him, visits him light/only the top of the head, cannot bear smile to make noise. 林毅默默感受着自己身体的状态,冷不丁的,晏青丘跳了下来,将他翻了个面,看着他光了的头顶,忍不住笑出了声。 This smiles, is the Lin Yi tooth of air/Qi is itchier. 这一笑,更是气的林毅牙痒痒。 You said that if I now begin to you, you do go against cannot withstand?” “你说,我现在要是对你动手,你顶不顶得住?” Speech time, peaceful/late Qingqiu happen to picked up dropped in nearby arrow, the split vision of Lin Yi corner of the eye looks at peaceful/late Qingqiu smile, immediately back one cool. 说话的时候,晏青丘正好捡起了跌落在一旁的箭头,林毅眼角的余光看着晏青丘的微笑,顿时后背一凉。 This? The mystery of head, he has asked for advice. 这?头的神奇,他已经领教过了。 The fixed light Zen master is because was injured by this arrow, completely disregarded the defense, in a short time the life essence drains, the wound is unable to heal, will then choose to play one desperately in a big way. 定光禅师就是因为被这箭头伤了,完全无视了防御,在很短的时间里生命精气流失,伤口无法愈合,然后才会绝望地选择玩一把大的。 If peaceful/late Qingqiu also pulls out to hail this to oneself, the mortal body that he is proud perhaps cultivates is not able to withstand. 晏青丘要是也给自己抽冷子来这一下,他引以为傲的肉身修为没准也顶不住。 He is just struck by lightning now, the condition is bad, can evade peaceful/late Qingqiu attack? 只是他现在刚被雷劈,状态正糟糕着,能躲得过晏青丘的攻击么? The muscle of Lin Yi tightens quietly, prepares to travel or counter-attack at any time. 林毅的肌肉悄悄绷紧,随时准备跑路或反击。 Really to the time awfully words, he should be able to insist. 真的到要命的时候的话,他应该能坚持一下。 Haha, looks at you to frighten, before cultivated/repaired for not the high time was frightened by me, now the wing is abundant gradually, must be frightened by me!” “哈哈,瞧你吓得,以前修为不高的时候被我吓,现在羽翼渐丰,还是要被我吓吧!” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” Looks at peaceful/late Qingqiu eyes, Lin Yi knows, now she smiles certainly is very happy. 看着晏青丘的眼睛,林毅就知道,她现在一定笑的很开心。 But can relax while him pulls out vigilantly hails comes to him, this does not know. 但会不会趁着他放松警惕抽冷子给他来一下,这就不知道了。 After the appraisal, this is also a bad woman! 经鉴定,这也是个坏女人! It is not right, bad fox! 不对,坏狐狸! Lin Yi hurries to open Demon Subjugating Scroll to look at peaceful/late Qingqiu condition, if she really saved killed the heart, he also hurried to travel well. 林毅赶紧翻开降妖谱去看晏青丘的状态,若是她真存了杀心,他也好赶紧跑路。 Condition: Plays jokes upon the prey, the mood is very joyful 【状态:戏耍猎物,心情十分愉悦】 Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” Probably could not see that she has to kill the heart not to kill the heart, but she now happy real, smiling is also very real. 好像也看不出她到底是有杀心还是没杀心,但她现在心情很好是真的,笑得也很真实。 However, looked that Lin Yi is so disturbed, peaceful/late Qingqiu did not have the again unseemly behavior, if frightened Lin Yi at the scene to begin with her, that was unamusing. 不过,看林毅这么忐忑,晏青丘也没再作怪了,万一吓得林毅当场与她动手,那也就不好玩了。 She the arrow also the stopper to Lin Yi, said: This thing is predestined friends with you, gave to you, what kind of, now doesn't fear me?” 她将箭头又塞到了林毅手里,道:“此物与你有缘,就送给你了,怎么样,现在不怕我了吧?” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” He has not really thought, peaceful/late Qingqiu will let off him, at this time when he absolutely did not have the strength of resistance, the condition previous time they to be besieged by moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha is better. 他是真没想到,晏青丘会放过他,这个时候他不是完全没有反抗之力,状态比上次被月白光明佛他们围攻时还好一些。 But peaceful/late Qingqiu was too mystical, even if her magical skill lower, Lin Yi was also worried that she can pull out any fierce treasure. 但晏青丘太神秘了,哪怕她的道行比自己低,林毅也担心她可以掏出什么厉害的宝物。 Who knows her really to frighten him. 谁知她真就只是吓一吓他。 Bad fox! 坏狐狸! The arrow handed over in his hand, enough explained the sincerity. 箭头都交到他的手里了,也足够说明诚意了。 But Lin Yi is offended to the prey two characters, he relaxed slightly, in fact the attention is very centralized. 林毅还是对猎物两个字非常介怀,他稍微放松了一些,实际上注意力还是非常集中。 What background this thing is, so to be how fierce?” “这个东西是什么来头,怎么这么厉害?” Lin Yi does not care about the issue the answer, but hauls in taking advantage of a topic with peaceful/late Qingqiu relations. 林毅并不在乎问题的答案,只是借一个话题来拉进和晏青丘的关系而已。 peaceful/late Qingqiu replied: This thing called the broken day, did Houyi shoot day the legend to listen? That arrow that this has not projected.” 晏青丘却回答道:“此物名唤破日,后羿射日的传说听过吧?这就是没射出的那一支箭。” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” Was slightly obviously exaggerating? 是不是稍显夸张了点? The thing that the Lin Yi sleep/felt goes well suddenly is somewhat hot, he has not made clear the pre-Qin history now, this contacts the legend time the thing, this appropriate? 林毅忽然觉得手上的东西有些烫手,他现在连先秦历史都还没搞清楚,这就接触到传说时代的东西,这合适吗? Obviously is inappropriate. 显然是不合适的。 In his heart shocks, peaceful/late Qingqiu also adds: Naturally, this is the legend. Since is the legend, naturally has really also has the false, in cruel unkind King Zhou like legend, perhaps is also a benevolent sir, did you say?” 正在他内心震撼的时候,晏青丘又补充道:“当然,这是传说。既然是传说,自然就有真也有假,就像传说中残暴不仁的纣王,没准也是个仁君,你说呢?” peaceful/late Qingqiu vision brilliant looks at Lin Yi, as if anticipated what reply very much Lin Yi will have. 晏青丘目光灼灼地看着林毅,似乎很期待林毅会有什么样的回答。 Lin Yi now the physique is slightly detachable, then sat to set out, spoke the sentence strange words. 林毅现在筋骨稍微活络了一些,便坐起身来,说了句奇奇怪怪的话。 peaceful/late fellow daoist violated the classics mistake!” “晏道友是犯了经典的的错误啊!” „???” “???” A peaceful/late Qingqiu face compels ignorant, the reply of Lin Yi made her somewhat unable to feel the mind. 晏青丘一脸懵逼,林毅的回答让她有些摸不着头脑了。 what for?” “何为?” Does not add the concrete study blind denial history, King Zhou who for example you say now, people said that he is cruelly unkind, you said that he is a benevolent sir. “就是不加具体分析盲目否定历史,比如你现在说的纣王,人们都说他残暴不仁,你却说他是个仁君。 Although fact not necessarily so, but first should present the facts, spoke the evidence, but cannot decide subjectively. 事实虽然未必如此,但首先应该摆事实,讲证据,而不能主观臆断。 I am not experiencing of history, is not a witness, has not seen the related historical data, in this case, I can speculate subjectively the predecessor is slanders to the appraisal of King Zhou? ” 我不是历史的亲历者,也不是见证者,更不曾见过相关史料,在这种情况下,我能主观地臆测前人给纣王的评价是污蔑吗?” peaceful/late Qingqiu hears word, has not said a word for a long time, obviously by the Lin Yi resentment. 晏青丘闻言,许久没做声,显然是被林毅怼得很了。 Actually Lin Yi does not think the resentment intentionally she, but thought that this issue was a little unreasonable, before this issue him, in online also saw many. 其实林毅也不是故意想怼她,只是觉得她这种问题有点不讲道理,这种问题他以前在网上也见得很多。 For example Emperor Yang of Sui was an eternity Monarch and Zhuge Liang can be common, Liu Chan was wise often appear slow-witted. 比如隋炀帝是千古一君、诸葛亮才能一般,刘婵乃是大智若愚。 Resulted, abandons the fact not to discuss purely. 得了,纯粹就抛开事实不谈。 Lin Yi will certainly not judge King Zhou, he also knew in the heart, this Tushan fox and azure mound Hu were the stand mistakenly the team, in the past should with King Zhou one group, therefore had the favorable impression to King Zhou very much. 林毅当然不会对纣王做出评价,他也心知,这涂山狐和青丘狐都是站错了队的,当年应该就是跟纣王一伙,所以对纣王很有好感。 This little while will ask, is well-founded. 这会儿会如此问,也有理由。 The Lin Yi attitude is also very straight, you produce the evidence, I believe that with, me does not express the opinion. 只是林毅的态度也很端正,你拿出证据来,我就信,拿不出来,我就不发表意见。 peaceful/late Qingqiu silent long time, nods saying: You said also right.” 晏青丘沉默了半晌,才点点头道:“你说的也对。” She had happy expression pair of eyes little while to be somewhat cloudy, obviously is unhappy. 她原本带着笑意的双眼这会儿有些阴沉,显然是不开心了。 The atmosphere becomes depressing, Lin Yi was musing at heart, this seductress peaceful/late Qingqiu brings the innate intelligence, won't she before be the young sweetheart of King Zhou? 气氛变得压抑起来,林毅不禁在心里暗想,这狐狸精晏青丘是带着宿慧的,她以前还不会是纣王的小情人吧? Has the wishful thinking of this Eight Trigrams (gossip), the Lin Yi driving active atmosphere saying: „The past matter we were not many said that you help me in any case today, this favor, I remembered, in the future will have anything to need to help, performing to look for me.” 带着这种八卦的小心思,林毅主动活跃气氛道:“过去的事情咱就不多说了,反正你今天帮了我,这个人情,我记下了,日后有什么需要帮忙的,尽可找我。” „? If I do make you help me catch your brothers?” “哦?若是我让你帮我抓你兄弟呢?” peaceful/late Qingqiu look is very dangerous, Lin Yi had the happy expression expression also to break down. 晏青丘的眼神很危险,林毅原本带着笑意的表情也垮了下来。 This must consider as finished separatedly.” “这个就要分开算了。” Lin Yi grasps the arrow in the hand, said slowly: If among you have what contradiction, I could come to compromise.” 林毅将箭头握在手里,缓缓道:“若是你们之间有什么矛盾,我或许可以居中调和一下。” Enmities should unmade and not made, if really encounters the conflicts that anything cannot solve, he definitely helps the brothers! 冤家宜解不宜结,真要是遇到了什么化解不了的矛盾,那他肯定帮兄弟啊! I guess that you are definitely thinking helped her.” “我猜你心里肯定想着帮她了。” peaceful/late Qingqiu looks at the person. 晏青丘看人真准。 Lin Yi had not denied, his attitude, was equal to acknowledging peaceful/late Qingqiu speculation. 林毅也没否认,他这个态度,等于是承认了晏青丘的猜测。 peaceful/late Qingqiu look seems like has the happy expression, but in which danger were also clearly many. 晏青丘的眼神似乎是带着笑意,但其中的危险分明也多了许多。 I almost should walk, in the future we will also say goodbye, only hoped that time, I delivered your arrow, do not shoot in my body.” “我差不多该走了,日后我们还会再见的,只希望那时候,我送你的箭,不要射在我的身体里。” Saying, the peaceful/late Qingqiu calm floating body departs, her movement is elegant, is nimble and resourceful, Lin Yi cannot catch her path completely. 说着,晏青丘从容飘身离去,她的身法飘逸,非常灵动,林毅也不能完全捕捉她的运动轨迹。 Her last lines are extremely bad, makes Lin Yi have not the good premonition at heart. 只是,她这最后一句台词太过糟糕,也让林毅心里生出不好的预感。 Generally speaking, this words will become the reality finally, said that anything comes anything. 一般来说,这种话最后都会变成现实,说什么来什么。 Thinks that peaceful/late Qingqiu cause of death may be in the future same as the fixed light Zen master, Lin Yi some are not at heart comfortable. 想到日后晏青丘的死法可能会和定光禅师一样,林毅的心里还是有些不自在的。 Actually some of his also many issues want to ask that peaceful/late Qingqiu, for example, why she must help him. 其实他还有许多问题想问晏青丘,比如,她为什么要帮他。 He and peaceful/late Qingqiu has meets twice alone, peaceful/late Qingqiu have the opportunity to kill him, but she does not have. 他和晏青丘有两次单独见面,晏青丘都有机会弄死他,但她都没有。 Frightens him not to want each time, then she ran. 每次都吓得他不要不要的,然后她又自己跑了。 This is only the bad fox. 这是只坏狐狸。 But Lin Yi has somewhat feared peaceful/late Qingqiu, even if his paper surface magical skill is higher than peaceful/late Qingqiu now, is not a little steadfast. 林毅一直都有些怕晏青丘,哪怕现在他的纸面道行都高于晏青丘了,还是有点不踏实。 Is it possible that this hidden the big boss deterrent force? 这莫非就是隐藏大boss的威慑力? The Lin Yi brain made up an arrow to shoot dead peaceful/late Qingqiu scene, suddenly somewhat was at heart sad, is depressed. 只是,林毅脑补了一下自己一箭射死晏青丘的场面,心里忽然有些难过,闷闷的。 „, Does not go to think so many, allow nature to take its course well.” “罢了,不去想那么多,顺其自然就好。” Lin Yi puts out a arrange/cloth, wrapped the arrow, receives personal. 林毅拿出块布,将箭头包了起来,贴身收好。 At this time, the dark cloud also came back to rescue finally...... 这个时候,乌云也终于回来救驾了…… 7017 k 7017k
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