IHAMSS :: Volume #4

#385 Part 3: The monster monk disaster year in which one was born as represented by an animal leaves, corrupt sirius shining Changancheng

But the desolate Yue 30,000 people are to attack a city gate, 100,000 soldiers in Chang'an actually disperse in the four directions, and one place is in difficulty, the three parties surround. 而萧玥的三万人是攻一处城门,长安的十万兵却分散在四方,且一方有难,三方围观。 So war, how can there be not lopsided truth? 如此战事,岂有不一面倒的道理? But at this time, the fixed light Zen master ordered suddenly, every saw him, all bowed the head. 但这个时候,定光禅师忽然下令,凡见他者,皆俯首。 Suddenly, the warring parties, put down the weapon uncontrolled, worships on bended knees in the direction of fixed light Zen master. 一时间,交战双方,都不受控制的放下了武器,朝定光禅师的方向跪拜。 desolate Yue also felt this pressure, looked like has a pair of big hand, pressed her to kneel down. 萧玥也感受到了这股压力,就像是有一双大手,压着她跪下。 desolate Yue this also has to kneel for a lifetime. 萧玥这一辈子也不是没跪过。 Has knelt the parents, has knelt the ancestor, has knelt the master, but in addition, she has not bowed to anybody. 跪过父母,跪过祖宗,跪过师父,但除此之外,她没有向任何人低头。 She also has to shamelessly seek gain in the imperial palace, has lived servilely, may be this, her self-respect is stronger. 她在皇宫中也不是没有蝇营狗苟、卑躬屈膝的生活过,可越是这样,她的自尊心越强。 She fights tooth and nail such long time by the body, is, was not bullied, does not bow, this time, where has the truth of worshipping on bended knees? 她以身搏命这么长的时间,为的,就是不被人欺负,不向人低头,今时今日,哪有跪拜的道理? Her cultivating for is not high, but at this time, in her body actually emerged a strength, let she curved not under own knee. 她的修为不高,但在这个时候,她身体里却涌现出一股力量,让她弯不下自己的膝盖。 She thinks suddenly Lin Yi to that a few words that she leaves behind. 她忽然想到林毅给她留下的那一句话。 The will of the people are the sky overhead, the people's desires is the destiny. 人心即天心,人意即天命。 She gets angry immediately exclaims: I am the destiny am, how could to bow to the monster monk, the officers, stand to me!” 她当即怒吼道:“我乃天命所在,岂能向妖僧低头,众将士,都给我站起来!” Receives desolate Yue's inspiration, her attendant soldier also followed to give out angry roaring, shouted the sound to link up into a single stretch, let the imposing manner of soldiers continually a body. 受到萧玥的鼓舞,她身边的亲随士兵也跟着发出了怒吼,嘶吼声连成一片,也让士兵们的气势连成了一体。 Bearing the brunt is the Chang'an garrison commander, army that they look at desolate Yue, like seeing one flock of wicked wolves, saw a great wolf probably. 首当其冲的就是长安守将,他们看着萧玥的部队,就像看到了一群恶狼,又好像是看到了一匹巨狼。 That night, corrupt sirius sparkle nighttime sky...... 这一夜,贪狼星闪耀夜空…… 7017 k 7017k
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