【我能强化加点】【】Icanstrengthenadd the Chapter 562patrol boat
The Yuandreammembercheekvibratesslightly, pupilhas reduced the needle.
太痛了。Thisinexplicablecurse, makinghimseemby the innumerableantsis gnawed, but the painwas enlargedinnumerabletimes.
The bonusishiswillis firm and resolute, is still unable to endure, wishes one could dead directly.
饶是他心志坚毅,仍然无法忍受,恨不得直接死去。Hedeeplyinspires, waits for the painto ease a little, thisclenches teeth saying: „OurYuandreamattackstarship, toseizeTianfeng.”
“天凤?”In the Luo Yanlookrevealsmighty waves.罗阎眼神中显露一丝波澜。Tianfeng, with the primarylife that Zulongshared the honor.
天凤,和祖龙齐名的原初生命。According to the Star Allianceancient book « primarylistrecord, peakTianfeng, had the destructionuniversestrength, innumerousprimarylives, the strengthwas next to the Heavenly Daobeast.
据星盟典籍《原初榜记载,巅峰的天凤,拥有毁灭宇宙的力量,在众多原初生命中,实力仅次于天道兽。Howeverin fact.
然而实际上。Tianfengstartedfrom the birth, was in the inexhaustibleNirvana, has not had the peak.
天凤曾无数次涅槃。Alsowas once suppressedinnumerable.
也曾无数次被人镇压。ButTianfengcanget rid of the suppression, depends entirely onitto direct the talent of fire of self-immolationNirvanasource!
The process of theself-immolationNirvanais irresistible.
其自焚涅槃的过程不可阻挡。If this is not the case, Tianfengwas possibly same as the bighorseshoe crab, has been suppressedinsomewhere, after onlywaited for the Heavenly Daoto be stave, selectsDao fruit!
若非如此,天凤可能和大鲎一样,被人一直镇压在某处,只等天道破碎后摘取道果!„Yes, ourYuandreamreceived the message, Tianfeng the body of Nirvana, ongoing to the road in galaxyGreat Wall. Thereforecontinues your starships, inthesemonths, allstarships that go to the galaxyGreat Wall, will be attackedbymyYuandream.” The Yuandreammembersaidtruthfully.
There is nothing to conceal.
The Yuandreamlikesstirring up trouble, is not afraid of getting into trouble.
元梦爱惹事,更不怕事。Luo Yansuddenly.罗阎恍然。Healsothinks the Yuandreamalsocomesforbighorseshoe crabDao fruit, is actually related toTianfeng.
His was affected.
他这是被波及了。Onlymustevade the Kaiyuandreamby far, shouldhave no issue.
只需远远避开元梦,应该就没什么问题了。Hisrelaxedone breath, no longersaid a word, then the planexecutedthisYuandreammember.
The Yuandreammemberfelt that killingintent in Luo Yaneye, saidhastily: „Youcannotkillme, killedme, for these years, youwere impossibleto arrive in the galaxyGreat Wall!”
The Luo Yanfacial expressionis invariable, the undulatingasked: „Why?”罗阎神情不变,澹澹问道:“为何?”„ThistimeseizedTianfeng, myYuandreamset outtwobigSon of Heaven, the swordtyrant and Great General. And the swordtyranthad arrived in a day of certainlycanyonsix months ago, butGreat Generalfromemptynestblack holeentrancedepart, firstto the skycertainlycanyon. TwobigSon of Heaven, in tandem, the intermediate regionallmember, were arrestedbymyYuandreaminevitably!”
The Yuandreammemberartillerylanguageis continuous, the anxioussay/way, „youdo not killme, Icanpledge,deliversyouto cross a day of certainlycanyonwith the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals!”
元梦修士炮语连珠,焦急道,“你不杀我,我可以发誓,用洞天送你过天绝峡!”„Dwelling place of Buddhist immortals......”
“洞天……”On the Luo Yanfaceshows the smile.罗阎脸上露出笑容。At once the palmappears the blackflame, burns down the ash the head of mancompletely.
旋即掌心浮现出黑色火焰,将男子的头颅焚烧成灰尽。Dwelling place of Buddhist immortals......
洞天……Enters others dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, thatis the fish meat on block.
Does hepossiblyhide in the maledwelling place of Buddhist immortals?
他怎可能躲进男子洞天?Luo Yancoldlysmiles, puts out a starstone, seals into which the malestate of mind, isputs out a handto search, strips the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals of man.罗阎冷冷一笑,拿出一枚星石,将男子神魂封入其中,又是伸手一探,剥离男子的洞天。
The Star Lordstate of mind, refines the essential item of Star Lordlevelweapon.星主神魂,乃炼制星主级兵器的必需品。ThisYuandreammemberhasStar Lordboundarylatecultivation base, the state of mindis powerful, almostachieved the territoryLordrank, withsells, at leastcansellthreestarcrystals!
这个元梦修士拥有星主境后期的修为,神魂强大,几乎达到了域主级别,拿出去卖,至少能卖三块星晶!Butdwelling place of Buddhist immortalsnot to mention.
The Star Lordboundarylatedwelling place of Buddhist immortals, withsells, at leastvaluefivestarcrystals!星主境后期的洞天,拿出去卖,至少值五块星晶!This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】„Killing and torchinggold belt, the ancientdoes not bullymehonestly.”
“杀人放火金腰带,古人诚不欺我。”Luo Yanfeeling.罗阎感慨。Strikesto kill a Star Lordboundarylatermember, does not proposeopposite partywealth, is only the state of mindandwithin the bodydwelling place of Buddhist immortals, is a greatasset!
击杀一个星主境后期修士,不提对方身上的财富,光是神魂和体内洞天,就是一笔巨大的财富!Luo Yandivine consciousnesssearchesinto the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals of Yuandreammember.罗阎神念探入元梦修士的洞天。Oneseekscarefully, foundseveralstarcrystals, on additionseveralStar Lordlevelweapons, as well asthat the skysword of territoryLordrank.
一番仔细寻找,又找到几块星晶,外加上几件星主级兵器,以及那把域主级别的苍空剑。„Also is really the poor devil.”
“还真是穷鬼。”Luo Yanis incapable ofcomplaining, put out the skyswordto size uptwo.罗阎无力吐槽,拿出苍空剑打量了两眼。Thisskysword, althoughis the territoryLordrank, butcompareswithhisdaybuddhistsword, issomedisparities.
这把苍空剑虽然是域主级别,但跟他的天梵剑比,还是有些差距。Oneselftakeuselessly, only when canwait till the galaxyGreat Wallsold outagain.
自己拿着没用,只能等到星河长城时再去卖掉了。Tidies up.
收拾完毕。Luo Yanflewin the direction that slowBiaowas.罗阎朝徐彪所在的方向飞了过去。Heleft behind the markonslowBiao, thusshortly, hethencaught up withslowBiao.
他在徐彪身上留下了标记,因而没多久,他便追上了徐彪。„Are youalso living? ThatYuandreammember?”
“你还活着?那个元梦修士呢?”slowBiaoseesbehindLuo Yan, on the facereveals the surprise the expression.
徐彪看到身后的罗阎,脸上露出诧异的表情。Henoticed before the YuandreammemberpursuesLuo Yangoes, thenat hearthas been paying silent tribute, feelingLuo Yanmustdie.
他之前看到元梦修士追逐罗阎而去时,便已经在心里默哀,觉得罗阎必死。Unexpectedly.没想到。SawLuo Yanunexpectedly.
竟然又见到了罗阎。„Was thrown offbyme.”
“被我甩掉了。”On the Luo Yanfacereveals the exhaustedcolor, is looking atslowBiaodao, „will youcultivate/repair the starshuttle?”罗阎脸上露出疲惫之色,望着徐彪道,“你会修星梭吗?”„Cannot.”
“不会。”slowBiaoshakes the head.
徐彪摇头。Inhismindappearsthatonlyto be left overhalf ofstarshuttles.
他脑海中浮现出那仅剩下一半的星梭。Restoressuchstarshuttle, withrefines a starshuttleto have no difference, can hepossibly?
“那就麻烦了。”Luo Yanbrowtightwrinkle.罗阎眉头紧皱。Thisis the emptynestblack hole, ifStar Lordis good, the siphonuniverseenergy, fliesfor a long time, except fortired, caninsist.
这可是虚巢黑洞,若是星主还好,虹吸宇宙能量,长时间飞行,除了累一点,还是能够坚持。Buthistrivialdwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundary, cannot flyfor half a month, within the bodysupernatural powermustrun out.
但他区区洞天境,飞不了半个月,体内法力就要告罄。„Or...... do Ileadyouto fly?”
“要不……我带你飞?”slowBiaois sizing upLuo Yan, thinksto say.
徐彪打量着罗阎,想了想说道。„Do youcarryme?”
“你背我?”Luo Yanshakes the head, said,„considers as finished, welook forZhang Ruolan, having a look athisthereto have the starshuttle.”罗阎摇了摇头,道,“还是算了,我们去找张若岚,看看他那里有没有星梭。”LetslowBiaobei......
让徐彪背……Hethinksactually, buthecultivatesCrystal Body God Kingdom, is the mortal bodyheavy?
他倒是想,但是他修炼晶体神国,肉身何等沉重?PressesonthisslowBiao, thisslowBiaofeionlyfeared that is slower than the Law Phaseboundarymember.
“好。”Two peoplepick up the speed, shortly, caught up withZhang Ruolan.
两人加快速度,没多久,就追上了张若岚。SeesLuo Yan, Zhang Ruolan is also very accidental/surprised.
见到罗阎,张若岚也很意外。Luo Yanis an explanation, helookssuddenly, sighs with emotion: „Fellow Daoistis really all-resourceful, even the Star Lordboundarymembercanthrow offlater.”罗阎又是一番解释,他才面露恍然,感慨道:“道友果然神通广大,连星主境后期修士都能甩掉。”„Lucky.”
“侥幸罢了。”Luo Yanspoke thoughtlesslyto reply, the sinkingsoundaskedimmediately: „Your does therehave the starshuttle?”罗阎随口回答了一句,随即沉声问道:“你那里有星梭吗?”Zhang Ruolanboth handsone, sighed: „Youlooked that Ido have the appearance of starshuttleprobably?”张若岚双手一摊,叹息道:“你看我像是有星梭的样子吗?”Ifhehas the starshuttle, sat the starshuttleto runearly, served a needto flyinthisslowly?
他要是有星梭,早坐星梭跑了,用得着在这慢慢飞?Luo Yanhearsword, onlyfelt that a paradeis big.罗阎闻言,只感觉一阵头大。Onhimalsohasseveralstarshuttles.
他身上还有好几艘星梭。Howeverthesestarshuttles, arebelow the Star Lordlevels, navigationinstarry skyunobstructive, butinthisemptynestblack hole, how long unable to flyto be extrudedpile of scrap ironby the gravity.
然而那些星梭,都是星主级以下,在星空中航行无碍,但在这虚巢黑洞,飞不了多久就会被重力挤压成一堆废铁。ThisZhang RuolanandslowBiaoshouldalsobeso!
这张若岚和徐彪应该也是如此!After all, Star Lordlevelstarshuttlevalue not poor, hasspirit crystal that buys the Star Lordlevelstarshuttle, saving moneyto buy the territorybasic shellweapon is not good?
毕竟,星主级星梭价值不菲,有买星主级星梭的灵晶,存钱买域主级兵器不好吗?„Thatwhat to do? Were ourthreesame placesfinished?”
“那怎么办?我们三个一起完蛋啊?”This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】slowBiaois scared.
徐彪慌了神。Thisis the emptynestblack hole, not only the spaceis boundless, thesedark starsaredeathly stillnessonepiece, a lifecannot bump.
这可是虚巢黑洞,不仅空间无垠,那些暗星更是死寂一片,连个生命都碰不着。Without the starshuttle, theydependto fly, flyfor several years, not necessarily canfly the galaxyGreat Wall.
没有星梭,他们靠飞,飞个三年五载,都不一定能飞到星河长城。„Really is the bastard, daresto attack the starship near galaxyGreat Wallunexpectedly!”
“真是混蛋啊,竟然敢袭击星河长城附近的星船!”Zhang Ruolanis very angry.张若岚无比恼怒。
The courage of Yuandreamwas too big.
The starshipwas attackedinemptynestHeidong, before thisis, extremely little matter of occurrence, heback and forthis corrupt the siriusnot to bump intowith the galaxyGreat Wallover a thousandtimesonetime.
星船在虚巢黑洞被袭击,这是以前极少发生之事,他来回贪狼星跟星河长城上千次都没碰上过一次。If this is not the case, hemust certainlyprepareone...... not, threeStar Lordlevelstarshuttles!
若非如此,他肯定要备一艘……不,三艘星主级星梭!„Walks, firstgoes to the chaoticstargorge. Ireceive the message, a YuandreamSon of Heaven, stopped upsix months agoin the daycertainlycanyon. Althoughis the Son of Heaven, butheis impossibleto removeallmember, perhapsin the chaoticstargorgehas the fellow daoist of survival.”Luo Yansaid.
“走吧,先去乱星涧。我收到消息,元梦一位天王,半年前就堵在了天绝峡。虽是天王,但他也不可能除掉所有修士,或许乱星涧内就有幸存的道友。”罗阎道。„Has the Son of Heavento stop upin the daycertainlycanyon? Does the newstake seriously?”
“有天王堵在天绝峡?消息当真?”slowBiaoandZhang Ruolaneyestremble.
The YuandreamSon of Heaven, thatmaybe the powerhouse of World Lordboundary!
元梦天王,那可都是界主境的强者!„Absolutely true.”Luo Yannods, lookstoslowBiaotwohumanity, „the road map in myhand, mustpass through the daycertainlycanyoncompletely. Iwantto ask,yourtherehas hadotherroad, cango round a day of certainlycanyon, goes to the galaxyGreat Wall.”
“别的路……”slowBiaoshakes the head, heis the helmsman of starmoon/monthchamber of commerce, walkedis the plannedpaths, wherewill knowotherroad?
“我倒是知道一条。”Zhang Ruolanraises a hand, is onlysound some are not self-confident, as ifthatroadanddifficult to walk.张若岚举起一只手,只是声音有些不自信,似乎那条路并不好走。„Howto walk?”
“怎么走?”Luo Yanimmediatelyat presentonebright, lookstoZhang Ruolan.罗阎当即眼前一亮,看向张若岚。Has the groupwell.
If not really ableto avoid a day of certainlycanyon, hemustconsiderto turn arounddirectly, returns to the corruptsirius.
要是真无法避开天绝峡,那他都要考虑直接转身,返回贪狼星了。After allheis strong, is impossibleto spanthreebigboundariesto defeatWorld Lord.
毕竟他再强,也不可能跨越三个大境界战胜界主。„Simple, does not walk a day of certainlycanyon, walks the fallingstardeep pool.”Zhang Ruolanbraces oneselfto say.
His sayingjust said that that sideslowBiaochanged the complexion.
他这话刚说出口,那边徐彪就变了脸色。„Fallingstardeep pool? In the chaoticstargorge, region that piecedoes not have the dark star?”
“嗯。”Zhang Ruolannods, the smilebitter and astringentsay/way, „otherchaoticstargorgeplacesare proliferating the dark star, butdark starmanyregions, the gravitymusthuger1 milliontimes. Oncemeets the voidundercurrent and black holestops the spot, weare unable to avoidpromptly. But the fallingstardeep poolis different, theredoes not have the dark star, the gravity is not too big, even ifmeets the voidundercurrent and black holestops the spot, we can also hide.”张若岚点头,笑容苦涩道,“乱星涧其他地方都遍布着暗星,而暗星多的区域,重力要更加巨大百万倍。一旦碰见虚空暗流和黑洞湮斑,我们根本无法及时躲避。但坠星渊不同,那里没有暗星,重力也不算太大,纵然碰见虚空暗流和黑洞湮斑,我们也能躲一躲。”Alsohidesmerely.
也仅仅只是躲一躲。Ifmoves aside, the consequenceis dreadful.
若是躲闪不及,后果不堪设想。Luo Yanhearsword, looks the ponder.罗阎闻言,面露沉思。
After the moment, helookstotwopeople, the sinkingsound said: The fellow daoist who „otherfortunately survive, shouldalsotakethatroad. Nowlooks like, mustgo to the galaxyGreat Wall, can only walk the fallingstardeep pool. You two, planto walk the fallingstardeep pool, returns to the corruptsirius?”
The starshuttleis not, necessity that alsohas not travelled together.
星梭不在,也没有同行的必要了。ThereforeLuo Yanmakesthemchoosesimply.
于是罗阎干脆让他们自己选择。„Walks the fallingstardeep poolto try. Mythistimeisran away, if unable to return to the galaxyGreat Wallin six months, Idied.”Zhang Ruolanwants to cry but have no tearsto say.
During slowBiaofalls intointertwines, after hesitantmoment, since the heartsaid,„Iplanto return to the corruptsirius.”
徐彪陷入纠结当中,犹豫片刻后,还是从心道,“我打算返回贪狼星。”This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】Helooked atLuo Yan, seeing the Luo Yanfacial expressionis tranquil, relaxesquietly , to continue saying that „twofellow daoistfelt relieved, whenIreturn to the corruptsirius, Icertainfirstmatter that hasherereporttoStar Alliance!”
他看了眼罗阎,见罗阎神情平静,才悄悄松了口气,继续道,“两位道友放心,等我返回贪狼星,我一定第一时间将这里发生的事情上报给星盟!”„Good, thatwishedslowfellow daoistbon voyage.”Luo Yansaid with a smile.
“好,那就祝徐道友一路顺风。”罗阎笑道。Returns to the corruptsiriusfromhere, even if Star Lord, oneyearis impossibleto arrive.
从这里返回贪狼星,纵然是星主,没个一年时间也不可能抵达。Let alone.
更何况。Hehas a feelingfaintly, perhaps the entrance of emptynestblack hole, the member of Yuandreamguards.
他隐隐有种感觉,虚巢黑洞的入口处,或许还有元梦的修士把守。slowBiaothisgoes, onlyfearsmore unfortunate than fortunate.
徐彪这一去,只怕凶多吉少。Hethinks, reminded: „If by some chancethere is a Yuandreammemberto defendin the black holeentrance, youdraw back, looks for a dark starto hidecasually, using temporarily ascloses up the cultivation.”
他想了想,又提醒道:“万一有元梦修士守在黑洞入口,你就退回来,随便找个暗星隐藏,权当是闭关修炼了。”„Iknew, many thanksLuofellow daoist.”
“我知道了,多谢罗道友。”slowBiaowas archingcupping one hand in the other across the chesttoLuo Yan, nodstowardZhang Ruolan, thenhas turned around, changeswipes the escapingphotodissociationto go.
徐彪对着罗阎拱了拱手,又朝张若岚点了点头,便转过身,化作一抹遁光离去。Luo Yangazes afterslowBiaoto go far away.罗阎目送徐彪远去。UntilslowBiao'sbackvanishesin the line of sightend, helookstoZhang Ruolan.
直到徐彪的背影消失在视线尽头,他才看向张若岚。„Walks, the fallingstardeep pool.”
The fallingstardeep poolisin the chaoticstargorgedoes not have a dark starregion.
坠星渊是乱星涧中没有暗星的一块区域。Butwantsto achieve the fallingstardeep pool, must pass through a bulkdark starregion.
但想要达到坠星渊,仍是要穿过一大块暗星区域。Ininnumerabledark stars.
无数的暗星中。Twotinyflylike the dustperson's shadowslowly.
两道渺小如尘埃般的人影缓缓飞行。Two peopleone side, a dark starpeakhoweverstands, probablyat the same timeblackprecipice, hugejust likevault of heaven.
两人的一侧,一颗暗星耸然而立,像是一面黑色的绝壁,巨大的宛如天穹。Dark starby way of the black holeinnumerableyear of quenchingextrusion, the qualityis very astonishing, butattraction that itssends out , the terrifying, attractssufficientlyfrom1 million a dwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundarymember!
暗星经由黑洞无数年的淬炼挤压而成,质量无比惊人,而其所散发出的引力,也恐怖至极,足以将一个洞天境修士从百万里外吸过去!„What kind of, living that Luofellow daoistalsoinsists?”Zhang Ruolanlooked ateyeLuo Yan, is smiling bitterlyasking.
After entering the dark starregion, gravity1 milliontimesrise suddenly.
The bonusishe, the speedreducesgreatly, is quite strenuous, hasto plantmustmomentarilyby the feeling of dark starcapture.
“还行。”ComparesinZhang Ruolan, the Luo Yancomplexionis usual.
相较于张若岚,罗阎脸色如常。Hisbodyendurescompared with the territorybasic shellweapon, canactually the quiterelaxedresistance the attraction of dark star.
“是吗?”Looks at the Luo Yanusualcomplexion, the Zhang Ruolancomplexiontwitchesslightly.
看着罗阎如常的脸色,张若岚脸色微微抽搐。Lowered a bigboundaryobviously, facing the dark star, to be how calmer than him, is more relaxed than him?
明明比自己低了一个大境界,怎么面对暗星,比他还要从容,比他还要轻松?Heis complaining, near the earbroadcasts the Luo Yansurprisedsoundsuddenly.
他正吐槽,耳边忽然传来罗阎惊奇的声音。„What is that?”
“什么?”Zhang Ruolanrefers to the directionlookingfollowingLuo Yan,sees onlyamong the dark stars of distant place, a starshipis navigating.张若岚顺着罗阎所指方向看去,只见远处的暗星中间,一艘星船正在航行。Onthatstarshiphullis flooding the air/Qi of withering, has the giantblackmoon/monthflagto stand erect, is entirely different from the starship of starmoon/monthchamber of commerce.
那星船船体上充斥着肃杀之气,更有巨大的黑月旗帜竖立,和星月商会的星船截然不同。„Is this...... the patrol boat of blackmoon/montharmy?!”
“这是……黑月军的巡逻船?!”Zhang Ruolanfixes the eyes onlooked,immediatelylookswild with joy!张若岚定睛一看,随即面露狂喜!Patrol boat!
巡逻船!Unexpectedlyis the patrol boat of galaxyGreat Wall!
竟然是星河长城的巡逻船!„What are the blackmoon/montharmy?”Luo Yanasked.
“黑月军是什么?”罗阎问道。„The blackmoon/montharmyare an army of galaxyGreat Wall. In brief, wecould be saved!”Zhang Ruolanpicks up the speed, fliestoward the patrol boat, simultaneously the excitedsay/way, the patrol boatcame, definitelywas the galaxyGreat Walldiscovered a Yuandreamis doing the matter! ”
“黑月军是星河长城的一支军队。总而言之,我们有救了!”张若岚加快速度,往巡逻船飞去,同时激动道,巡逻船都过来了,肯定是星河长城发现了元梦在搞事!”Ship of galaxyGreat Wall?
星河长城的船吗?In the Luo Yanheartmoves slightly, at the same time of relaxing, asked: „Canhave the false?”罗阎心中微动,松了口气的同时,又问道:“会不会有假?”This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】Zhang Ruolanshakes the head, said: „Is impossible, is thisstarshipafter the baptism of bloodandfire, howpossibly a Yuandreampretends?”张若岚摇头,道:“不可能,这星船经过血与火的洗礼,怎么可能是元梦假冒的?”
The starshipalsohas the disparity!
星船亦有差距!Is the starship of blackmoon/montharmy, hiseyescandistinguish!
是不是黑月军的星船,他一眼就能分别!„Thatis good.”
“那就好。”In the Luo Yansurfaceexposes the happy expression.罗阎面上展露笑意。Two peoplepick up the speed, fliestoward the patrol boat.
两人加快速度,向着巡逻船飞去。Howeverat this time, the rapidsound, resoundedintwo peoplemindtogethersuddenly.
然而这时候,一道急促的声音,忽然在两人脑海中响起。„Do not pass! Thatpatrol boathas downcast, do not passto bring death!”
这紧张而虚弱的声音。Letpleasant surprises on twofacestop suddenly.
让两人脸上的惊喜戛然而止。Luo Yanlooksfollowing the sound,sees onlyon the dark star of not far away, where a having hair dishevelledmemberwithdraws.罗阎循着声音看去,只见不远处的暗星上,一个披头散发的修士龟缩在哪儿。
The memberlooks nervous, is beckoningtotwo people, hintstwo peopleto hurryto hide.
那修士神情紧张,正向两人招手,示意两人赶紧躲过去。„What to do?”
“怎么办?”Zhang Ruolanhesitateslittle, turns the headto looktoLuo Yan.张若岚迟疑少许,转头看向罗阎。Heis not willingto believe,frontthatpatrol boat, canbe the trap that others arrange!
他不愿相信,前面那艘巡逻船,会是他人布置的陷阱!„Walks, firsthides.”
“走,先躲过去。”Luo Yanshot a look at the distant placesizesuch as the starship of ant, turns aroundthento flyto the member on thatdark star.罗阎瞥了眼远处大小如蚂蚁的星船,转身便向那暗星上的修士飞去。„Un.”
“嗯。”Zhang Ruolannods, inheart a lingering fear.张若岚点头,心中一阵后怕。Luckilyhasthismemberto remind, otherwise, heandLuo Yanonlyfearedhow dead does not know!
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