【我能强化加点】【】Icanstrengthenadd a Chapter 560to chase down
我能强化加点第560章追杀Luo Yanlooks the smile.罗阎面露微笑。Hehas the speed that slowBiaois fleeingto be extremely quick, thisZhang Ruolancanwith, the levelnot be simple.
他带着徐彪遁逃的速度极快,这张若岚能跟上来,水平也不简单。„Thiswhatsituation? Do youtribulationme to do?”
“这什么情况?你们劫下我想干什么?”slowBiaoby the yellowangelchartfetter, was squattedin the cornercannot move.
徐彪被黄天仙图束缚,蹲在角落动弹不得。Hislookpanic-strickenis looking atLuo Yan, does not understand that hadanything.
他眼神惊恐的望着罗阎,仍是不明白发生了什么。Luo Yanlooked atslowBiao, said: „Starshipwas attackedby the Yuandream, the member on shipflees to the wildernesseither, eitherwas killedby the Yuandreammember.”罗阎看了眼徐彪,道:“星船被元梦袭击,船上的修士要么落荒而逃,要么被元梦修士杀害。”Speechat the same time, heputs out a handto wield, exposesat the same time the mirage.
说话的同时,他伸手一挥,展露出一面水镜。Sees onlyabove the mirage, a greataxe came from out of the blue, the entirespaceis rippling, started the infiniteripples.
只见水镜之上,一柄巨斧破空而来,整个空间都在荡漾,掀起了无穷的涟漪。Thisiswhat kind ofterrifyingstrikes.
这是何等恐怖的一击。Onlythrough the mirage, canfeelthatbeing shatteredallterrifyingpower and influence, frightening, absolutely terrified.
光是通过水镜,就能感受到那种破灭一切的恐怖威势,令人心惊肉跳,毛骨悚然。Butimmediately, a picturerevolution, more than tenterritoryLordmemberare running awaycrazily.
而随即,画面一转,十余个域主修士在疯狂逃窜。TheseterritoryLord Godsentimentsare terrified.
It looks like the antsgeneralflusterednotto handle.
就像是蝼蚁一般慌张无措。Completelydoes not have the territoryLordcalm and great strength.
全然没有域主的从容和强大。Not difficult to imagine, theyface, is the powerfulopponent!
“这是……”slowBiaolooks on mirage, the lookshiversslightly, somedo not dareto believe.
在这画面中。Hesaw the territoryLordboundarypowerhouse of theirstarmoon/monthchamber of commerce.
他看到了他们星月商会的域主境强者。Thatoncekept aloof, the powerhouse who he can only look, was struckto rumbleto becomeblood fogbythatgreataxe, has not restoredagain.
The solemnterritorylord, was struck the bangto kill!
堂堂域主,被一击轰杀!ThisshockedslowBiao, hebelievedLuo Yanfinally, muttered: „How will a Yuandreamstare at our starships?”
这一幕震撼到了徐彪,他总算相信了罗阎,喃喃道:“元梦怎么会盯上我们这艘星船?”Luo Yanputs out a hand a move, takes back the yellowangelchart, tranquilsay/way: „Thismustaskyou.”罗阎伸手一招,收回黄天仙图,平静道:“这就要问你们了。”Hethinks the Yuandreamwill ambushin the chaoticstargorge.
他原本以为元梦会埋伏在乱星涧中。Has not thought that whenhits.
没想到当打起来的时候。In the newssymbol of blackfine beardrobust manbroadcastthatbitdreamterritoryLordvoiceunexpectedly, but the contentisto leteveryoneis patient, the Great Generalbehind the starship, canrushimmediately!
黑髯壮汉的讯符中竟然传来了那位元梦域主的声音,而内容是让大家稍安勿躁,大将军就在星船后方,马上就能赶到!Luo Yandoes not know that who the Great Generalis.罗阎不知道大将军是谁。Butthinksapparent, thatinevitablyis a powerhouse in Yuandream.
但想想便知,那必然是元梦中的一个强者。Thereforeafterknowingthissituation, hewantsnot to think,slowBiaoand the otherswas startingto fleeondrawing.
因而在得知这一情况后,他想也不想,就拉着徐彪等人开始遁逃。„Cancontact with the people in galaxyGreat Wall?”Luo YanlookstoslowBiaoheZhang Ruolan.
“能联系到星河长城的人吗?”罗阎看向徐彪和张若岚。„Cannot. Hereis the black hole, the newssymbolinthisplace, is basically useless.”
“不能。这里是黑洞,讯符在这地方,基本没什么用。”Two peopleshake the head.
The newssymbolalsohas the distancelimit.
讯符也是有距离限制的。In the outside world, far away fromcultivating true virtue the starplace, is hardthrough the newssymbolrelation.
在外界,远离修真星的地方,都难以通过讯符联系。Inthisemptynestblack hole, let alone.
The terrifyinggravity, suppressedall, is not only the strength of member, includingnewssymbolgrade of item.
恐怖的重力,压制了一切,不仅是修士的实力,也包括讯符这等道具。„Ourdoes not have anythings is a Yuandreamcan have a liking , a Yuandreamshouldnot waste the time, pursuesus?”Zhang Ruolansaid.
“我们身上没有什么东西是元梦看得上的,元梦应该不会浪费时间,来追我们吧?”张若岚道。„Let us hope so.”
“但愿如此。”Luo YanlookstoslowBiao, said: „Youcontrol the starshuttle, wechange a road, goes to the galaxyGreat Wall.”罗阎看向徐彪,道:“你来操控星梭,我们换一条路,前往星河长城。”„Good.”
“好。”slowBiaodoes not pass on responsibilities.
徐彪当仁不让。Heactuallywantsto return to the corruptsiriusdirectly.
他其实更想直接返回贪狼星。However his captive, even if said that thesetwopeoplewill not comply, thereforehewas also disinclinedto offer an opinion.
然而他一介阶下囚,就算是说出来,这二人也不会答应,所以他也懒得提意见了。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】starshuttleinblack hole, fastforward running.
星梭在黑洞中,飞快向前行进。In order toevade the Kaiyuandreammember, slowBiaoalsocircled a great-circlespecially.
某时刻。slowBiaoseesZhang Ruolanto say something to smooth things oversuddenlyXu Qiurong.
徐彪忽然看见张若岚在搭讪许秋容。Zhang Ruolanthattone,张若岚那语气,Filled with the ambiguousaura, thismakeshimeat the tastevery much, was not feeling well the extreme. „That, Luofellow daoist, the earliest possible time of mutationyoucome topermitsfellow daoistroomto look forpermitsfellow daoist, do yourelatewithpermitsfellow daoistverywell?”slowBiaosuddenlyis high the sound said.
His throat.
他这一嗓子。Zhang Ruolandid not sexually harassXu Qiurong, stoppedto turn the headto looktoLuo Yan.张若岚也不调戏许秋容了,停下来转头看向罗阎。Inhisten thousandHuacong, is astute?
他万花丛中过,何等精明?Eats the tastefromslowBiaothatin the tone, helistens toslowBiaoto relate not generalwithXu Qiurong.
从徐彪那吃味的的语气中,他就听出徐彪跟许秋容关系不一般。Ifadds onLuo Yanagain......
要是再加上一个罗阎……Zhang Ruolandoes not dareto believe!张若岚不敢置信!Hewith, was mainly sharp-eyedto findXu Qiurongthisacquaintance, if the matterreallythoughtwithhim was the same, theirthree......
他跟上来,主要是眼尖瞧见了许秋容这个熟人,若事情真跟他想的一样,那他们三个岂不是……EveryonelookstoLuo Yan.
所有人都望向罗阎。Luo Yanshows a faint smile, said: „Alsook. Heis only a lucknot good slave trader.”罗阎微微一笑,道:“还行吧。他只是一个运气不太好的人贩子而已。”„Slave trader?”
“人贩子?”Zhang RuolanandslowBiaosomewhatcompelignorant.张若岚和徐彪都有些懵逼。
Isn't Xu Qiurong the storekeeper of starmoon/monthchamber of commerce?许秋容不是星月商会的一个掌柜吗?Twopeople of expressionsare more curious, is looking atLuo Yan, waits forLuo Yanto givethem an explanation.
二人表情更加好奇,都望着罗阎,等待罗阎给他们一个解释。Luo Yanlooks attwopeople, seeingintwopeople of eyes is completely the intellectual curiosity, can only sigh the one breathlightly, hit a soundto refer.罗阎看着二人,见二人眼中尽是求知欲,只能轻叹一口气,打了个响指。Bang!
砰!As the soundrefers to the soundresounding, the Xu Qiurongbodystartsto wriggle.
随着响指声音响起,许秋容的身躯开始蠕动。Hisbodystartsto change.
他的身体开始变化。UnderZhang RuolanandslowBiao'sgaze, slowlybecomesextremely fat, slowlybecomesobese.
在张若岚和徐彪的注视下,慢慢变得臃肿,慢慢变得肥胖。Butthatsmoothsuch as the skin of jade, graduallybecomesyellow, becomesrough.
而那光滑如玉的皮肤,也渐渐变黄,变得粗糙。Onlyis a breath.
An as pretty as a flowerfemale, turned into a bigfatman who has the plumpstomachintestinal fat!
原本如花似玉般的一个女子,就变成了一个拥有圆滚滚肚腩的大胖男子!Zhang RuolanandslowBiaohave lookeddull.张若岚和徐彪已经看呆了。Two peopleare opening mouth, suddenlyforgotclosing.
两人张着嘴,一时间忘了闭上。Untilfatmemberpanic-strickenafterretreats, theyhave gotten back one's composure, a facefirstbecomes flushed, at once the rapidashdefeats.
直到胖修士惊恐的朝后退去,他们才回过神,一张脸先是涨红,旋即飞速灰败下去。„Sun Youcai? Howcanbeyou?!”
“孙有才?怎么会是你?!”Zhang Ruolansets outsuddenly, the lookpainis incomparable.张若岚豁然起身,眼神痛苦无比。Sun Youcai!孙有才!WhycanbeSun Youcai?!
为什么会是孙有才?!How manymonths ago, withhimlove affairinroomis notXu Qiurong, butisthisSun Youcai?
不。Is impossible.
不可能。At that timecertainlywasrealXu Qiurong!
那时候一定是真的许秋容!Zhang Ruolanhelda slim chance of survivalprobably, in front ofleaptarrivingSun Youcai, raisedSun Youcai!张若岚像是抓住了一线生机,腾的来到孙有才面前,将孙有才提了起来!„Said! Whenyouturn intoXu Qiurong! Hurriesto tellthisyoung master!”
“说!你什么时候变成许秋容的!赶紧告诉本公子!”Hislookis threatening, might select the personto bite!
他眼神逼人,像是要择人而噬!slowBiaoalsoscared, rushesto sayin the one side: „Did youa moment agochange? Xu Qiurong? Lethercome out!”
徐彪也吓坏了,在一旁赶忙道:“你是不是刚才才变的?许秋容呢?让她出来!”Sun Youcaisooncried.孙有才快要哭了。Heis looking attwopeople of devils, wants to cry but have no tears saying: „Ido not know. Iremember that I...... was righton the corruptsirius, ishe, heenteredmyroom! Thenmyanythingdoes not remember!”
他望着凶神恶煞的二人,欲哭无泪道:“我不知道啊。我记得我在贪狼星上……对了,是他,他进入了我房间!然后我什么都不记得了!”Sun YoucaisawLuo Yanfinally.孙有才终于看见了罗阎。
The dust-ladenmemorywas awakened.
尘封的记忆被唤醒。Heyelledpanic-stricken,probablymeets the devilto be the same, a cheekis shivering!
“贪狼星?”Zhang RuolanandslowBiaowen said that a faceis not good.张若岚和徐彪闻言,一张脸都不好了。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】Two peoplelooktoLuo Yan, as ifwantsLuo Yanto explain, howeverLuo Yanis onlysilentbyright, the undulatingshot a look at the eyethreepeople, looksto the scene outside starshuttle.
两人看向罗阎,似乎想要罗阎解释一下,然而罗阎只是沉默以对,澹澹瞥了眼三人,就看向星梭外的光景。In a momentis not the bestwords.
不说话就是最好的话。Two peopleunderstood.
两人明白了。Indifferently after the moment, a Zhang Ruolaneyeballrevolution, onesteprebounds, is distanttoSun Youcai, simultaneouslysaidloudly: „Lyingtrough, scared to deaththisyoung master, luckilyhad not touchedyourhanda moment ago!”
漠然片刻后,张若岚眼珠子一转,一步跳开,离孙有才远远的,同时大声道:“卧槽,吓死本公子了,幸亏刚才没摸你的手!”He decided that did not acknowledge!
他决定了,不承认!Heshouldonly have his subordinateandLuo Yanwith the matter of Xu Qiuronglove affairknows.
他跟许秋容风花雪月之事应该只有他那手下和罗阎知道。Histhatfalls from the sky under the territoryLordfightcomplementary waves.
他那手下陨落在域主们的交手余波下。Now is only left overLuo Yanis the insider.
现在就只剩下一个罗阎是知情人。Hedid not say,Luo Yandid not say, thismatterwill not have the thirdpersonto know.
他不说,罗阎不说,这事根本不会有第三个人知道。Thinks ofthis.
想到这。Hesympathizeslooked atslowBiao, pattedslowBiaoshouldergently, consoles saying: „Brothers, leavingis too sad. The mortal bodydisassimilationtechnique of Luofellow daoistwas extremely wise, changes intomyme is also swindled.”
After consoling .
劝慰完毕后。Heis looking atSun Youcai, thought aloud: „Morning that fortunately, Luofellow daoistreminded, Ihave not made the big mistake.”
他又望着孙有才,自言自语道:“还好,罗道友提醒的早,我没铸成大错。”Thissayinghalfsaid that toslowBiaoting, halfsaidlistenstooneself.
他心中庆幸不已。Ina moment ago, himis also thinkingandXu Qiurongcontinues the predestined affinityagain, bringingXu Qiurongto enter the roomto come a love affairagain, luckilythisslowBiaosuddenlywas howling a throat, otherwise......
那画面他不敢去想!slowBiaomianlikedying embers.
徐彪面如死灰。Hestandsdullon the spot.
他呆呆的站在原地。For a long time, hesmiles bitterly, said: „Blamesme, blamingmenot to defendmalevirtue. All theseareIask.”
许久后,他才苦笑一声,道:“怪我,怪我自己不守男德。这一切都是我自讨的。”Hesighed, at oncereturns to the home position, probablyis nothing happened same.
他叹了口气,旋即回到原位,像是什么都没发生过一样。„slowfellow daoist, are youall right?”Zhang Ruolanwalksto go forwardto ask.
“徐道友,你没事吧?”张若岚走上前问道。„Whatmatterhas?”slowBiaoraised the head, looked atZhang Ruolancuriously.
“有什么事?”徐彪抬头,好奇的看了眼张若岚。HiswindlightcloudDan, as if anything has not happened is the same.
他风轻云澹,仿佛什么事都没发生过一样。„That...... don't youdislike?”Zhang Ruolanshocked, before heremembersslowBiao , an appearance of bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, hownowcalmly?
“那个……你不膈应?”张若岚震惊了,他记得徐彪之前还一副苦大仇深的模样,怎么现在就若无其事了呢?„Whatdislikes? Iaskedyou, before Xu Qiurong, female?”slowBiaoshows the whites of the eyes, ill-humoredasking.
“膈应什么?我就问你,许秋容之前是不是女的?”徐彪翻了个白眼,没好气的问道。„Yes, is only......”
“是,只是……”„Whatis only? Iaskedyou, did dragonfemaleyoulove?”
“爱啊。”„Dragonfemaleis the dragon, but the dragonnothing butis the specialpointreptile. Dragonfemaleyoucanaccept, why couldn't IacceptXu Qiurong?”slowBiaois sneering, in the eyebringsto wipe the color of disdaining.
“真的吗?”Zhang Ruolanthought aloud,thinks is also.张若岚自言自语,想想也是。Luo Yanmortal bodydisassimilationtechnique, indeedwisely.罗阎的肉身异化术,的确高明至极。Xu Qiurong that the disassimilationhas, their two, have not looked at the genuine and fake.
异化出的许秋容,他们两个,都没看出来真假。Zhang RuolanacceptedslowBiaoview, arrives at the Luo Yanside, passes on the sound said: „Luofellow daoist, Imaygive others a bad timebyyou.”张若岚接受了徐彪的说法,又走到罗阎的身边,传音道:“罗道友,我可被你害苦了。”Luo Yanreturnssaid: „What's wrong?”罗阎回道:“怎么?”
The Zhang Ruolangrievancesaid: „At that timeSun Youcaiwas the fellow daoistyouchanges?”张若岚委屈道:“那时候孙有才是道友你变的吧?”Luo Yannods: „Yes.”罗阎点头:“是。”Zhang Ruolansighed, said: „Thatblamesme, Iforce, younotXu Qiurong......”张若岚叹了口气,道:“那就怪我,要不是我逼迫,你也不会将许秋容……”Hestarts to speak but hesitates, the soundis very bitter and astringent.
他欲言又止,声音无比苦涩。Butquick, his thenvoicerevolution, requested: „Luofellow daoist, thismatterdo not tellothers, when we beforehandthatmatterhas not happened, how?”
但很快,他便话音一转,请求道:“罗道友,这事千万别告诉别人,我们就当之前那事没发生过,如何?”This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】Luo Yansaid with a smilelightly: „Good.”罗阎轻笑道:“好啊。”Hedid not matter.
他本来就无所谓。Previousall sorts ofactions, tohideidentity.
先前的种种举动,也不过是为了隐藏身份而已。„Xu Qiurong, whatXu Qiurong?”
“许秋容,什么许秋容?”Only then, Sun Youcaidaresto speak.
直到此时,孙有才才敢说话。Heweakopens the mouth, in the lookis curious.
他弱弱的开口,眼神中充满好奇。Howeverhas not waited forsomepeopleto replyhim, the starshuttlethenshakes, startsto tumbletowardone side!
The mutationlivessteep!
The terrifyinglight beam came from the rearlasingtogether, is almost pasting the starshuttle, directgeneralshuttleone sidetearing, the entirestarshuttlediscardsdirectly!
一道恐怖的光柱从后方激射而来,几乎贴着星梭而过,直接将星梭一侧撕裂,整艘星梭直接报废!ButSun Youcai, was brought disaster toby the complementary waves, the steeptimechanges into the bloodfog!
而孙有才,更是被余波殃及,陡时间化为血雾!„Does JieJie, your ants, wantto escapeunexpectedly?”
The soundconveysfrom the rear arealike the startling thunderclaptogetherfrom afar, vibrates the surrounding area1 millionli (0.5 km).
一道声音如同惊雷般从后方远远传来,震动方圆百万里。Luo Yanand the othersheardthissound, isonestartled, the complexionbecomeswith deep veneration.罗阎等人听到这声音,都是一惊,面色变得肃然。„Did the member of Yuandreampursueunexpectedly?”
“元梦的修士竟然追上来了?”„Are severalpeople, whatboundary?”
“有几个人,都是什么境界?”Luo Yanturns the head, looked that todirection that the soundconveys, sinkingsound said: „An eye of institute, only hasoneperson, the strengthshouldin the Star Lordboundarylaterabout.”罗阎转头,看向声音传来的方向,沉声道:“目之所及,只有一人,实力应该在星主境后期左右。”„What to do, to escape?”
徐彪脸色挣扎。Hewantsto run.
他想跑。Howeverinhispouchshy, the bodydoes not have the Star Lordlevelstarshuttle, if a personran, it is estimated thatgoodlongsome time to roam aboutinchaoticstargorgeregion.
唰!Does not use the Luo Yanopens the mouth, Zhang Ruolanisfirstescapesrapidlytoward the distant place.
不用罗阎开口,张若岚已是第一个向着远处飞速逃去。Heuses the mystique, the speedterrifying.
他施展秘法,速度恐怖至极。ButLuo Yan is also so, the wing of Gabonlaunchesinhimbehind, the goldenwingshakesgently, the whole personthenlike the shellto the string, the speedalsowantson the quickseveralpointscompared withZhang Ruolanunexpectedly!
而罗阎也是如此,加蓬之翼在他身后展开,金色的羽翼轻轻一震,整个人便如炮弹般离弦而出,速度竟比张若岚还要快上几分!Threepeoplefleeto gointhreedirections.
三人向着三个方向遁逃而去。Onlyseesoneperson, does not representonly hasoneperson that the Yuandreamcomes!
只见到一人,不代表元梦来的就只有一人!Theycannot bet.
他们赌不起。Fleeing, is the best plan!
遁逃,是上上之策!„Escapes? Can escape?”
“逃?逃得掉吗?”ThatYuandreammemberlaughs, has not goneto pursueZhang RuolanandslowBiaounexpectedly, insteadcaughtspeedquickestLuo Yanto pursue!
那元梦修士哈哈大笑,竟然没去追张若岚和徐彪,反而逮着速度最快的罗阎追了上来!Luo Yanfullheavy line.罗阎满头黑线。
The Yuandreammember, bullies the weak and fears the strongunexpectedly, is afraidtwoStar Lordboundarymemberwithownfight in which both sides perish, pursues a hesmalldwelling place of Buddhist immortalssimply.
还有。ThatYuandreammember, onlyfeared that saw the grade of wing of Gabon, but alsowantsto kill peopleto seize the treasure!
那元梦修士,只怕看出了加蓬之翼的品级,还想要杀人夺宝!„Really isdamn!”
The Luo Yancomplexionis ugly.罗阎脸色难看。Pursuesme?
Can youcatch up?
你追得上吗?Hismortal bodystartsto thunder, the strength of body of Heavenly Daobursts out, in additionholdson the wing of Gabon, letsthisterritorybasic shellweapon, showed the percentagehundredspeeds!
唰!Hejust like a Great Pengbird.
他宛若一尊大鹏鸟。Spreads the wings, is 1 millionli (0.5 km)!
一个展翅,便是百万里!„Soto be how quick?”
The Yuandreammemberlooks atLuo Yan, in the eyeis reappearingnot to dareto believe the color.
From move back.
距离在拉远。HissolemnStar Lordboundarymember, was pulled away the distancebydwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundaryinitialantslaterunexpectedly!
他堂堂星主境后期修士,竟然被一个洞天境初期的蝼蚁拉开了距离!Thisbroke throughhiscognition, before ishim, has never encounteredsituation.
这突破了他的认知,是他以前从未遇到过的情况。IfLuo Yanislater period of the dwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundary, but the dwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundaryinitial period...... nearly the disparities of twobigboundaries, hecannot catch upunexpectedly!
若罗阎是洞天境后期也就罢了,可洞天境初期……近乎两个大境界的差距,他竟然追不上!„How longImusthave a look atyouto be ablebut actuallyto insist!”
The Yuandreammembermakes a determined effort, within the bodydwelling place of Buddhist immortalsthunders, the combustionsupernatural power, ownspeed, raised a scaleagain!
元梦修士发了狠,体内洞天轰鸣,燃烧法力,将自己的速度,再次提升了一个档次!This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
【我能强化加点】【】HeisStar Lord.
他乃星主。ButStar Lordwith the dwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundarymembermaximumdisparity, is the vigorousdegree of supernatural power, as well asendurance!
而星主跟洞天境修士最大的差距,就是法力的雄浑程度,以及持久力!Star Lordboundarymember, within the bodydwelling place of Buddhist immortalsbirthworldroot, butrapidsiphonstarry skyenergy, even ifinalonestarry sky, possiblyfightsfor a long time, does not needto be worried that within the bodysupernatural powerexhausts!星主境修士,体内洞天诞生天地根,可飞速虹吸星空能量,哪怕在孤寂的星空,也可能长时间战斗,不用担心体内法力耗尽!
唰!Two peoplein tandem, flyto escapeto gotoward the chaoticstargorge.
两人一前一后,朝着乱星涧飞遁而去。Moststarts, the rearYuandreammemberis still sneering.
最开始,后方的元梦修士还在冷笑。Becausehethought how longinitial period ofdwelling place of Buddhist immortalsLuo Yancould not insist.
因为他觉得洞天初期的罗阎坚持不了多久。But, hediscoveredgradually a trend of frontLuo Yannotdeceleration, but the distance between both was still sprawling, heevenmust unable to seeLuo Yan!
他慌了。„Howpossibly? Is thispossible? Will the trivialdwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundary, howhave the sovigoroussupernatural power?”
The Yuandreammemberdoes not dareto believe.
半个时辰!Inthisgravityastonishingblack hole, flewfull powerhalfdouble-hour!
在这重力惊人的黑洞中,全力飞了半个时辰!Even if Star Lord, the supernatural power should also exhaustis right!
纵然是一位星主,法力也该耗尽才对!Hedoes not dareto believe that simultaneouslyin the heartwas more curious.
他不敢置信,同时心中更加好奇了。Thisstrangedwelling place of Buddhist immortalsboundarymember, the bodywants the treasure, the bodyhas certainly the good fortune, otherwise, is impossibleto insistsuchfor a long time!
这个古怪的洞天境修士,身上一定要宝贝,身上一定有造化,要不然,不可能坚持这么久!Hehesitateslittle, puts outrune/symbolLu.
这是仙箓。Immortallu of tenstep.
一张十阶的仙箓。Mayhisspeed, raiseto the World Lordrank!
可将他的速度,提升到界主级别!„Ido not believe that youcanbe quicker than World Lord!”
The Yuandreammemberwhole facemortal body, takesimmortalluat once, toward a bodyruthlesslyracket!
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