ICSBAP :: Volume #6

#538: Posting a reward

When Luo Yan returns to the yard. 罗阎回到小院。 As he expected, the Celestial fruit disappears, was stolen again. 如他所料,天人果不见了,再次被人偷了。 Young bright king these person of lofty and unyielding character zheng zheng, mostly not good this larceny action, who is?” “小明王那些人傲骨铮铮,多半不会行此偷窃举动,那么是谁呢?” The Luo Yan eye narrows the eyes slightly. 罗阎眼睛微微一眯。 Such as previous time is the same, pretends not to know, has not caused complications. 还是如上次一样,装作不知,没有节外生枝。 Is the night. 是夜。 Quiet at dead of night. 夜深人静。 Luo Yan sits cross-legged to sit, in expiration and inspiration supernatural power. 罗阎盘膝而坐,在吐纳法力。 Some time, he had detected suddenly, suddenly opening eyes pupil. 某时刻,他忽然有所察觉,陡然睁开眼眸。 Where ganef?!” “何方宵小?!” In the Luo Yan eye the god is only dense. 罗阎眼中神光氤氲。 The god of sudden rise light/only, changes into a day of fire, toward burns to go in all directions. 暴涨的神光,化为天火,向着四面八方燃烧而去。 In an instant, the entire space, was covered by the flame. 刹那之间,整个空间,都被火焰所覆盖。 However the surroundings are quiet. 然而周围静悄悄。 Luo Yan arrived at a secluded from the world world probably, the surroundings are empty void, does not see the enemy, did not see once immortal city. 罗阎像是来到了一个与世隔绝的世界,周围是空荡荡的虚空,不见敌人,也不见曾经的长生城。 He looks like by the exile is been same, does not know where arrived. 他就像是被放逐一样,不知来到了何地。 Soft is not good hardly?” “软的不行来硬的吗?” Luo Yan sneers. 罗阎冷笑。 Even more assured this Longevity Cult is not normal. 越发笃定这长生教不正常。 He is sizing up the surrounding space. 他打量着周围的空间。 This seems like together the different space small technique, quite somewhat mysterious place. 这似乎是一道异空间小术,颇有些玄妙之处。 At this time. 这时候。 The flame of flaming combustion, was towed in towering, goes toward the distant place gathering, finally changes into a firing line to be swallowed dark. 熊熊燃烧的火焰,在突兀间受到牵引,朝着远处汇聚而去,最终化为一根火线被黑暗吞噬。 Along with even if sees the familiar person's shadow to pace from the darkness together, appears in front of Luo Yan. 随即便见一道熟悉的人影从黑暗中踱步而出,出现在罗阎面前。 Big elder?” “大长老?” Luo Yan looks at the present white hair old man, selected the eyebrow, somewhat is quite surprised. 罗阎看着眼前的白发老者,挑了挑眉毛,颇有些意外。 The present big elder, had very big difference from the big elder who he saw in the morning. 眼前的大长老,跟他早上见到的大长老有了很大区别。 The morning big elder, the strength is very mediocre, just like a gentle old person, the body cannot see any point. 早上的大长老,实力很平庸,宛如一位慈祥老人,身上看不到任何锋芒。 But now. 但现在。 He actually changed individual probably, turned selected the terrifying ominous beast that the person bit, that seedling source from bone in powerful and fearful exposed thoroughly. 他却像是换了个人,变成了择人而噬的恐怖凶兽,那种源自骨子里的强大和可怕彻底展露了出来。 To the feeling of Luo Yan. 罗阎的感觉。 Does not seem like a mediocre dwelling place of Buddhist immortals initial period member, instead probably far exceeds his Star Lord territory lord. 不像是一个平庸的洞天初期修士,反而像是一位远超他的星主域主。 Keeping aloof. 高高在上。 Irresistible! 不可抗拒! Death.” “死吧。” The big elder is built on the darkness, extends a hand toward Luo Yan slowly. 大长老立于黑暗中,朝着罗阎缓缓伸出一只手。 The darkness starts to wriggle. 黑暗开始蠕动。 Changes into tentacles, the instantaneous social climbing to Luo Yan on, starts to twine, collects. 化为一只只触手,瞬间攀附到罗阎身上,开始缠绕,收束。 That fearful strength. 那可怕的力量。 Then makes Luo Yan stuffy instantaneously snort/hum, muscle from top to bottom, uncontrolled start recovery. 瞬间便让罗阎闷哼一声,浑身上下的肌肉,不受控制的开始复苏。 The Luo Yan complexion becomes flushed, asking of face pain: „Do you actually want to do?” 罗阎脸色涨红,一脸痛苦的问道:“你到底想干什么?” The big elder had not replied, the complexion peaceful desert, a body mold lake, appears in front of Luo Yan, in the hand the dagger points to the thorn to the Luo Yan forehead. 大长老没有回答,脸色澹漠,身体一个模湖,出现在罗阎面前,手中尖刀直指刺向罗阎的眉心。 Really...... 果然…… By asking not to be is asking. 靠问是问不出来的。 Even if oneself ship out the appearance that is on the verge of death. 哪怕自己装出濒死的模样。 Luo Yan somewhat regretted, actually also knows at this moment is not the sigh with emotion time, facing killing big elder before body, he stimulates to movement Greater Dragon Force Technique directly. 罗阎有些惋惜,却也知道此刻不是感慨的时候,面对杀到身前的大长老,他直接催动大龙力术 Bang! 轰! The tyrannical aura, making him shake off the fetter of shadow tentacle instantaneously, an arm was more common like the Blue Dragon, appeared in the big elder top of the head instantaneously, at once pats ruthlessly! 强横的气息,令他瞬间挣脱黑影触手的束缚,一只手臂更是如同苍龙一般,瞬间出现在大长老头顶,旋即狠狠拍下! What?” “什么?” Big elder pupil micro, does not seem to expect Luo Yan Venerable boundary initial period cultivation base to have this strength. 大长老童孔微缩,似乎没料到罗阎尊者境初期修为拥有这份实力。 He wants to avoid, actually also without enough time. 他想要躲避,却也来不及。 Withstood this palm forcefully, the half body changes into the blood fog directly. 硬生生的承受了这一掌,半边身躯直接化为血雾。 But next flickers, black fog then appeared in the distant place, reorganizes the body of big elder. 但下一瞬,一道黑雾便在远处浮现,重组出了大长老的身躯。 Belittled you, trivial Venerable......” “小觑了你,区区尊者……” Big elder startled and anger, turns around to run toward the distant place. 大长老又惊又怒,转身就朝远处跑去。 Where runs!” “哪里跑!” Luo Yan aura is surging upward, has been on par the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary member. 罗阎身上的气息在高涨,已经比肩了洞天境修士。 But maintains the consumption of this grade of condition is also enormous, every seconds, is consuming his massive strength every minute. 但维持这等状态的消耗也极大,每一分每一秒,都在消耗他的大量力量。 The Luo Yan complexion is dignified. 罗阎脸色凝重。 The back wing of Gabon launches, changes into the rainbow light to pursue together toward the big elder. 背后加蓬之翼展开,化为一道虹光朝着大长老追去。 He caught up with the big elder quickly, the palm grasped, then grasped the big elder in the hand. 他很快就追上了大长老,手掌一握,便将大长老握在手中。 Too weak. 太弱了。 Seemingly immeasurably deep. 看上去深不可测。 But fights, actually weak ants probably. 但一交起手来,却弱的像是蝼蚁。 Some Luo Yan even feelings, even if oneself do not display Greater Dragon Force Technique, can beat the big elder at will. 罗阎甚至有种感觉,哪怕自己不施展大龙力术,也能随意击败大长老。 Said, you actually do want to do?” “说,你到底想干什么?” The big elder was seized the neck by Luo Yan, the complexion is ugly, in the eye surges to be terrified and alarmed and afraid. 大长老被罗阎掐住脖子,脸色难看,眼中涌动惶恐和惊惧。 His next second, he sneers, shouted: Dies!” 他下一秒,他就冷笑一声,利喝道:“去死!” In his brown eye, projects two black light suddenly. 他那褐色的眼睛中,忽然射出两道黑光。 This black light rapid incomparable, but somewhat is slow to Luo Yan, Luo Yan stretches out two fingers, then blocked easily black light. 这黑光迅疾无比,但对罗阎而言却有些慢,罗阎伸出两根手指,轻而易举便挡住了黑光。 In bellow. 轰鸣声中。 Has the blood to splutter. 有血液溅射而出。 The big elder indeed extraordinary weakness, is mediocre and ordinary, sneak attack under short distance, only damages by abrasion the finger of Luo Yan merely, making the Luo Yan finger sprinkle several drops of blood. 大长老的确出奇的弱,平庸而普通,近距离下的偷袭,也仅仅只擦破罗阎的手指,令罗阎手指洒出几滴血。 The Luo Yan look peaceful desert, then wants to pinch the big elder, one and burns the mortal body and state of mind of big elder for the nihility. 罗阎眼神澹漠,便欲捏死大长老,将大长老的肉身和神魂一并焚为虚无。 But in this is at a crucial moment, he repressed oneself killing heart, chose a head of fist bang broken big elder. 但在这千钧一发之际,他还是按捺住了自己的杀心,选择一拳轰碎大长老的脑袋。 This old ordinary man is really good to plan! If I killed him, only feared that Heaven Punishment arrives instantly!” “这老匹夫真是好算计!我若是杀了他,只怕天罚即刻降临!” In the Luo Yan heart ponders over. 罗阎心中琢磨。 This Rain World rule was too special. 雨界的规则太特殊了。 So-called Heaven Punishment, looks like hangs the sharp swords in all external member top of the heads, lets the external member, does not dare to act rashly. 所谓天罚,就像是悬在所有外来修士头顶上的利剑,让外来修士,根本不敢轻举妄动。 But this member Rain World, then innate is in an impregnable position. 而这雨界修士,则先天立于不败之地。 Really hits, can pile the dead member by the human life! 真打起来,靠人命就能堆死外界修士! Boy, had to plant killed me!” “小子,有种就杀了我!” The big elder flesh wriggles, the body quickly restores such as beginning. 大长老血肉蠕动,身躯很快恢复如初。 His facial features are fierce, secure. 他面容狰狞,有恃无恐。 Immediately. 随即。 By a Luo Yan again fist bang broken head. 罗阎再次一拳轰碎脑袋。 Luo Yan look ice-cold, has not paid attention to shouting loudly of big elder, the big elder whole body strength seal, then throws into the Absolute Heaven Gate inner layer world directly. 罗阎眼神冰冷,没有理会大长老的大喊大叫,直接将大长老浑身力量封印,然后丢进绝天之门内层世界。 Although did not kill. 虽然杀不了。 But some are the time concocts well. 但有的是时间好好炮制。 „In well dull......” “在里面好好呆……” Finishing barely the words. 话音未落。 Bellow that near the Luo Yan ear then transmits the terrifying. 罗阎耳边便传来恐怖的轰鸣声。 He with astonishment raised the head, only sees together thunder light, lasing from dark clouds. 他惊愕抬头,只见到一道雷光,从阴云中激射而来。 Moreover, the nondescriptive strengths arrive, decided same place in him. 不仅如此,更有一股难以名状的力量降临,将他定在了原地。 Heaven Punishment! 天罚 Does not kill this member, imprisons this member merely, brought in Heaven Punishment unexpectedly! 不杀此界修士,仅仅只是将此界修士囚禁,竟然也引来了天罚 Luo Yan also planned catches several member Longevity Cult to interrogate and torture...... 罗阎本来还打算抓几个长生教修士拷问的…… Bad!” “糟了!” The Luo Yan complexion changes. 罗阎脸色微变。 This thunder Guangtai was quick, but the will of the world adds various on him, making him unable to move. 这道雷光太快了,而世界的意志又加诸在他身上,令他无法动弹。 In other words, he cannot avoid! 也就是说,他根本躲不开! Hasty , the Luo Yan only energy level completely sublimates, Greater Dragon Force Technique, urges to send to the pinnacle! 仓促之下,罗阎只能极尽升华,将大龙力术,催发到极致! Greater Dragon Force Technique!” 大龙力术!” The Luo Yan anger howls. 罗阎怒啸。 The flesh and supernatural power flaming combustion , to promote his strength, steadily surges upward upwardly. 血肉和法力熊熊燃烧,推动他的力量,不断向上高涨。 His eyes blood red, the body ignites the fire. 他双眼血红,身上燃起大火。 Own strength, under the stimulation of movement of Greater Dragon Force Technique, rises unceasingly, does not know that arrives in what kind of altitude. 自身的力量,在大龙力术的催动下,不断攀升,不知抵达何等高度。 His each granular cell is crystallizing, becomes even more hard. 他的每一粒细胞都在晶化,变得越发坚硬。 His body defensive power, is achieving the pinnacle at this moment, touches the Star Lord threshold! 他的身体防御力,更是在此刻达到极致,触及星主的门槛! However facing this thunder light, he actually felt together as before oneself are tiny, is unable to resist, cannot prevent! 然而面对这一道雷光,他却依旧感觉自己渺小,无从抗拒,不能阻挡! This is not a level strength, looks like the glow compared with it bright moon. 这根本就不是一个层面的力量,就像是萤火比之皓月。 Luo Yan as if saw oneself is out. 罗阎仿佛见到了自己下场。 A narrow escape! 九死一生! Even if did not die by this thunder Pi, he will still be seriously battered. 就算不被这道雷噼死,他也将遭受重创。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” I do not believe!” “我不信!” Luo Yan eye of zi wants to crack. 罗阎目眦欲裂。 Then wants to burn all, revolves the limit Greater Dragon Force Technique. 便欲燃烧一切,将大龙力术运转到极限。 But in the meantime, the mutation lives steep, the destiny golden lotus in his god palace, unexpectedly is dense a strange strength. 但就在此时,异变陡生,他神宫内的气运金莲,竟然氤氲出一股奇异力量。 This strange strength is indistinct and mysterious, covers his whole body. 这股奇异力量缥缈而玄妙,将他全身笼罩。 But at this time, he saw, his state of mind, does not know when contaminated pitch-black, was being cancelled by this strange strength little, vanished without the trace quickly. 而这时候,他才看见,他的神魂,不知何时沾染了一点乌黑,正被这股奇异力量一点点抹去,很快消失无踪。 „Is this...... the causes and effects?” “这是……因果?” Luo Yan stares. 罗阎一愣。 In the meantime, thunders along with one. 就在此时,伴随着一声轰鸣。 Silver-white thunder light, arrives to come, having the will of the world Heavenly Dao, the potential to destroy existence of disobedient rule. 银白色的雷光,降临而来,带着世界天道的意志,势要毁灭忤逆规则的存在。 But in wanting when the Luo Yan body, the thunder optical phenomena lost the goal, flickered in the midair, then gradually reduction, if immediately the snow and ice extinguish do not see. 但就在要噼在罗阎身上时,雷光像是失去了目标,在半空顿了一瞬,便渐渐缩小,随即如冰雪般消弭不见。 Luo Yan raised the head, is feeling in the sky the residual destruction aura, spirit is willing season, actually relaxed tone. 罗阎抬头,感受着天空中残留的毁灭气息,心有余季,却又轻松口气。 His also Unexpectedly. 他也没想到。 Oneself force in Absolute Heaven Gate the big elder, actually also calculates that violates this rule, was attacked by Heaven Punishment. 自己将大长老塞进绝天之门,竟然也算违背此界规则,遭受天罚的攻击。 Good at the final moment, destiny golden lotus passive triggering, cancelled his trace and existence, making him escape from locking of this side Heavenly Dao. 好在最后时刻,气运金莲被动触发,抹去了他的痕迹和存在,让他逃脱了此方天道的锁定。 Dao fruit, imagines him obviously is more wonderful. 道果,显然比他想象中更加神妙。 Only is the seed, then has the energy of camouflage secret, making one break out of the fetter of Heavenly Dao. 光是种子,便有遮蔽天机之能,令人摆脱天道的束缚。 This clearly has the limit. 只是这显然有限度。 Was a moment ago that scrap causes and effects black spots, exhausted the destiny golden lotus nearly 1/3 strengths. 就是刚才那一小块因果黑斑,就耗去了气运金莲近乎三分之一的力量。 Homicide big elder!” “他杀了大长老!” Damn, my family big elder delicious tasty entertainment you, do not hesitate to put out the immortal fruit, you are unexpectedly ungrateful, plot to murder the big elder!” “该死,我家大长老好吃好喝的招待你,不惜拿出仙果,你竟然忘恩负义,谋害大长老!” Killed him!” “杀了他!” As the big elder is captured, the surrounding darkness vanishes, reveals the Longevity Cult station. 随着大长老被擒,周围的黑暗消失,显露出长生教的驻地。 Luo Yan standing erect midair. 罗阎屹立半空。 Under, member Longevity Cult eye blood red, all hatred is staring at Luo Yan. 下方,一个个长生教修士眼睛血红,全都怨毒的盯着罗阎 Is Xu Muzhi of head, was the face twists, takes a law sword to kill to Luo Yan. 为首的许牧之,更是面庞扭曲,拿着一把法剑杀向了罗阎 At once, innumerable member Longevity Cult encircles kills to come, law light everywhere, submerges Luo Yan directly! 一时之间,无数长生教修士围杀而来,法光漫天,将罗阎直接淹没! These member Longevity Cult cultivation base is extremely low, but actually fierce does not fear, charges before, no one choose to withdraw. 这些长生教修士修为都极低,但却悍不畏死,一个个冲锋在前,无一人选择退后。 These people?” “这些人?” The Luo Yan look is dignified. 罗阎眼神凝重。 Deeply looked at the eye took the lead to rush to Xu Muzhi, immediately turned around to run. 深深看了眼率先冲上了的许牧之,随即转身就跑。 It is not normal! 不正常! This group of people are not normal! 这群人都不正常! Law Phase Celestial, dare to draw a sword to his Venerable unexpectedly. 一个个法相天人,竟然敢向他这位尊者拔剑。 Even, he also sees several refining member, eye blood red flushed toward him. 甚至,他还看到几个炼气修士,也眼睛血红的朝他冲了过来。 Inexplicable. 莫名的。 In the Luo Yan heart then trembles, as if at present these member Longevity Cult actually turn into the big elder. 罗阎心中便是一颤,仿佛眼前这些长生教修士却都变成了大长老。 „, First walk to wonderfully.” “罢了,先走为妙。” Kills and does not kill, Luo Yan can only run. 杀又杀不得,罗阎只能跑。 Is good is not high because of Xu Muzhi one crowd of person cultivation base, is only several breath, Luo Yan then gets rid of chasing down of people, vanished in the horizon. 好在许牧之一群人修为都不高,仅是几个呼吸,罗阎便摆脱众人的追杀,消失在了天边。 Xu Muzhi one group of people turn over to embarrasedly. 许牧之一群人讪讪而归。 After returning to the Longevity Cult station, Xu Muzhi goes forward one step, the eye blood red cups one hand in the other across the chest toward the member of many seeing a play. 当回到长生教驻地后,许牧之上前一步,眼睛血红的朝众多看戏的外界修士拱手。 Senior also saw, that Luo Yan returned evil for good, killed my Longevity Cult big elder. This enmity is absolutely irreconcilable, but my member Longevity Cult is small and weak, if not Rain World blesses, only feared just, already by that evil person slaughter completely!” “诸位前辈也看见了,那罗阎恩将仇报,杀了我长生教大长老。此仇不共戴天,但我长生教修士弱小,若非雨界庇佑,只怕刚刚,就已被那恶人屠尽!” Herd wants to trade the life by the life, but that Luo Yan cultivation base is too high, twinkling then far escaping thousand li (500 km).” “牧之本想以命换命,但那罗阎修为太高,瞬息便远遁千里。” Shaking the head of Xu Muzhi face grey defeat, deeply is doing obeisance to the member at once, herd and the others the strength is pure, wants to trade the life by the life unable to achieve. The herd here, can only request senior, killed that Luo Yan, revenges for the big elder!” 许牧之一脸灰败的摇了摇头,旋即对着众外界修士深深一拜,“牧之等人实力淳弱,想要以命换命也无法做到。牧之在此,只能请求诸位前辈,杀了那罗阎,为大长老报仇!” Which senior, if can kill Luo Yan, my Longevity Cult, will offer thousand immortal fruits, as well as ten Celestial fruits!” “哪位前辈若是能杀了罗阎,我长生教,将奉上千枚仙果,以及十枚天人果!” Xu Muzhi is resolute. 许牧之语气坚定。 After the surrounding member listens Xu Muzhi said that shows the assorted facial expression. 周围外界修士听许牧之说完后,露出各色的神情。 Some, some looks are looking pensive greedy, some maintain composure. 有的若有所思,有的眼神贪婪,有的不动声色。 Value mother Yong of immortal fruit doubted. 仙果的价值母庸置疑。 The Celestial fruit has the probability to enhance promotes the Star Lord probability, is to make one be jealous. 天人果有几率提高晋升星主的概率,更是令人眼红。 I want to help your Longevity Cult actually, but this Rain World rule is placed here, who dares to kill people?” Some people open the mouth. “我倒是想帮你们长生教,但这雨界规则摆在这儿,谁敢去杀人?”有人开口。 Xu Muzhi looked at eye that person, the facial expression said respectfully: „The Rain World rule only blesses the region that the heavy rain covers, probably that hangs the overseas islands is not in the range that my Rain World rule blesses this solitary one. That Luo Yan to originating the World Lord buried treasure comes, certainly must go to that isolated island, the senior , to revenge for the big elder, only need remove that Luo Yan on that isolated island then.” 许牧之看了眼那人,神情恭敬道:“雨界规则只庇佑大雨笼罩的地域,像是那座孤悬海外的岛屿就不在我雨界规则庇佑的范围内。那罗阎是冲着起源界主的宝藏来的,肯定要去那座孤岛,前辈若是想为大长老报仇,只需在那座孤岛上除掉那罗阎即可。” A Xu Muzhi explanation, making the surrounding many people be suddenly enlighted. 许牧之一番解释,让周围不少人恍然大悟。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” You can count on that ate your Longevity Cult immortal fruit, helping your Longevity Cult kill is a cinch personally.” “你们放心,吃了你们长生教的仙果,帮你们长生教杀个人不在话下。” One group of people twist the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth, showed the smile. 一群人咧开嘴角,都露出了笑容。 Has, even, the form the mold lake, has vanished in same place, does not know that was chases down Luo Yan to go is only simple departure. 更有甚至,身影已经模湖,消失在了原地,也不知是追杀罗阎去了还是只是简单的离去。 ...... …… Overseas. 海外。 In the turbulent sea level, the Luo Yan ice sets up the midair, the observation present isolated island. 波涛汹涌的海面上,罗阎凌立半空,瞭望眼前的孤岛。 He behind like waterfall curtain of rain, before the body , the treacherous mist that floats from the isolated island. 他身后是如瀑般的雨幕,身前则是从孤岛上飘来的诡谲雾气。 The world changes into two world that distinguish right from wrong here. 天地在此处化为泾渭分明的两个世界。 One is the isolated island, another all regions excluding isolated island. 一个是孤岛,另一个则是除孤岛外的所有地域。 The Rain World rule, could not permeate the isolated island. 雨界的规则,渗入不了孤岛。 Instead is the mist on isolated island, surges unceasingly, is turning toward the distant place to expand. 反而是孤岛上的雾气,不断涌动,在向着更远处扩张。 Big horseshoe crab corpse, is indeed out of the ordinary.” “大鲎尸身,的确非同凡响。” Luo Yan is observing the present isolated island. 罗阎观察着眼前的孤岛。 Knot outside isolated island is declining, that treacherous mist is surging, as if in the roaring filial piety, the strategic place gives a written guarantee, crashes in this piece of curtain of rain. 孤岛外的结界在衰落,那诡谲的雾气在涌动,似乎在咆孝,要冲出结界,冲进这片雨幕。 Luo Yan even through the mist of surging, saw the evil spirit after mist. 罗阎甚至通过涌动的雾气,看到了雾气后的妖魔。 That fierce and huge physique, brings to be tyrannical and greedy, has locked him. 那一个个狰狞而庞大的形体,带着暴虐和贪婪,已经锁定了他。 Luo Yan looked at a while. 罗阎看了一会儿。 The form is a mold lake, escapes into void, hid. 身影便是一个模湖,遁入虚空,藏匿了起来。 Also when his form just disappeared, several person's shadows then catch up one after another, in his former whereabouts stop moment, vanishes in the horizon rapidly. 也就在他身影刚刚消失之际,几道人影便接连赶来,在他之前所在之处停顿片刻,又飞速消失在天边。 These person's shadows, are almost the dwelling places of Buddhist immortals. 这些人影,几乎都是洞天。 And, even Luo Yan two old acquaintances, that greatly filling the heavens Qingyun and celebrate Chen. 其中,甚至还有罗阎的两个老熟人,那大弥天的庆云和庆尘。 „To kill me?” “这么想杀我?” Before Luo Yan, receives the Shen Yue news, said that member Longevity Cult got down posting a reward to him. 罗阎之前就接到神玥的消息,说长生教修士对他下了悬赏。 Therefore he also has no accident/surprise, hides silently void, gazes after member to depart. 因而他也没有任何意外,默默藏匿虚空,目送一个又一个修士离去。 Some time. 某时刻。 A Venerable boundary intermediate youth arrives at this place. 一个尊者境中期的青年来到此地。 He in same place stop moment, about looks around two, at once thinks aloud: Person? Vanish did the aura to this unexpectedly?” 他在原地停顿片刻,左右张望两眼,旋即自言自语道:“人呢?气息到了这竟然消失了?” He about looked at two. 他又左右望了两眼。 Even also drills in entering the sea, sought for a while carefully. 甚至还钻入海中,仔细寻找了一会儿。 For a long time , the youth drills the sea level, shakes the head. 许久后,青年才钻出海面,摇了摇头。 Ok, that Luo Yan arrogance is powerful, even if found, I estimated that still can only 55 open with him.” “算了,那罗阎气焰强大,就算找到,我估计也只能跟他五五开。” The youth thought aloud, drops gu two, then wants to depart. 青年自言自语,滴咕两句,便欲离去。 But at this time, a big hand appeared from him suddenly behind, was only a racket, cranked up the blood fog him. 但这时候,一只大手忽然从他身后出现,仅是一拍,就将他拍成了血雾。 Are many on your words.” “就你话多。” Luo Yan drills from void, swallows these blood fog completely. 罗阎从虚空中钻出来,将这些血雾全部吞噬。 Immediately swings the body in a flash, turned into the appearance of youth. 随即摇身一晃,变成了青年的模样。
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