ICSBAP :: Volume #6

#536: Big nephew

How if owes to origin the World Lord causes and effects supposed?” Luo Yan thinks to say. “若是欠下起源界主因果该如何?”罗阎想了想道。 Young master, if dreads origins planning of World Lord, might as well repay as soon as possible.” Dorama thinks to say. “公子若是畏惧起源界主的算计,不如尽早偿还。”多罗摩想了想道。 How to repay?” Luo Yan said. “如何偿还?”罗阎道。 Origins World Lord, although disappears, but this Rain World origins the World Lord writing skill mostly, this Rain World life also with originating World Lord has causally-related. If the young master wants to repay the causes and effects, can try to give this member Rain World to pass on the law.” Dorama laughs at secretly two, offers advice to Luo Yan. “起源界主虽不见踪影,但这雨界多半是起源界主的手笔,这雨界生灵也跟起源界主拥有因果联系。公子若是想偿还因果,可以试试给这雨界修士传法。”多罗摩窃笑两声,给罗阎出了个主意。 Passes on the law?” “传法?” The Luo Yan thoughts are nimble and resourceful. 罗阎心思灵动起来。 Magic arts magical powers that he controls, vast boundless. 他掌控的法术神通,已经浩瀚无垠。 Even if Star Lord territory lord, the magic arts magical powers of meeting not possible more than him. 纵然星主域主,所会的法术神通都不可能比他多。 Therefore he passes on the law, an issue does not have. 故而他去传法,一点问题都没有。 „, Changes a waistcoat to pass on the law tonight, extinguishes this hidden danger.” “罢了,今晚就换个马甲去传法,将这点隐患消弭掉。” With within the body destiny are getting more and more. 随着体内气运越来越多。 Luo Yan as if had ability that understands thoroughly the good and bad fortune. 罗阎仿佛拥有了洞彻吉凶的能力。 When passes on reading of law to reappear, in his heart is similar the giant stone to fall general. 当传法之念浮现,他心中仿佛有一块巨石落下一般。 But this feeling, makes him more assured, passes on the law effective. 而这种感觉,也让他更加笃定,传法是有效果的。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 In the sky unceasing lasing of escaping light from the immortal city come. 天空中一道道遁光从长生城外不断激射而来。 Obviously. 显然。 Entered this member to be received and instructed by Longevity Cult, gathers in this immortal city. 许多进入此界的修士都被长生教接引,汇集到了这座长生城。 But in afternoon time. 而在下午时候。 Luo Yan then saw Liu Hao that for a long time has not seen. 罗阎便见到了许久未见的刘昊 What made Luo Yan not think, side Liu Hao also had the monks of two dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundaries. 只是令罗阎没想到的是,刘昊身边还有两个洞天境的和尚。 Liu Hao.” 刘昊。” When three people fall to the ground, Luo Yan then moves forward to meet somebody. 在三人落地时,罗阎便迎了上去。 Luo fellow daoist.” “罗道友。” Sees Luo Yan, Liu Hao smiles bitterly, looked at the eye to clamp own two monks one on the left and other on the right, the meaning was self-evident. 见到罗阎,刘昊苦笑一声,又看了眼一左一右夹着自己的两个和尚,意思不言而喻。 He was held under duress. 他被挟持了。 But holds under duress his is about two monks. 而挟持他的便是左右两个和尚。 Two fellow daoist, Liu Hao is my friend, can be accommodating?” Luo Yan looks to two monks. “两位道友,刘昊是我朋友,能否行个方便?”罗阎看向两个和尚。 The left is a fat monk, the smile is temperate, corpulent, in maitreya buddha like legend. 左边是个胖和尚,笑容温和,肥头大耳,如同传说中的弥勒佛。 The right is a thin monk, the height is lanky, the both arms cross the knee, in golden pupil seems Fokuang to emerge. 右边是个瘦和尚,身高瘦长,双臂过膝,金色的童孔中似有佛光涌现。 At first sight. 乍看之下。 Luo Yan as if such as sees really Buddha, will ascend the throne happily. 罗阎仿佛如见真佛,将登极乐。 Actually was out of sorts the flash! 竟然失神了一刹那! The Luo Yan look dreads immediately. 罗阎眼神顿时忌惮起来。 Unfortunately, Donor Liu is also the friend of monk.” That fat monk holds their palms together, saying of smiling. “不巧,刘施主也是小僧的朋友。”那胖和尚双手合十,笑眯眯的说道。 Luo Yan deeply inspires, is looking at two humanity: Where may I ask two sacredly?” 罗阎深吸一口气,望着二人道:“敢问两位何方神圣?” Greatly filling the heavens Qingyun.” The fat monk smiles toward Luo Yan good Buddha ritual. “大弥天庆云。”胖和尚笑眯眯的朝着罗阎行了个佛礼。 Greatly filling the heavens celebrate Chen.” The thin monk thin lips move slightly, facial expression peaceful desert. “大弥天庆尘。”瘦和尚薄唇微动,神情澹漠。 Originally is Qingyun fellow daoist and celebrates the dust fellow daoist, does not know how two fellow daoist do want to be willing to let off my friend?” Luo Yan opens the mouth slowly. “原来是庆云道友和庆尘道友,不知二位道友要如何才愿意放过我这位朋友?”罗阎缓缓开口。 Lets off? Donor Liu is the friend of monk, not awkward, what discussed that lets off?” On the fat monk face the happy expression does not reduce. “放过?刘施主是小僧的朋友,未曾为难,何谈放过?”胖和尚脸上笑意不减。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 Two monks bypass Luo Yan, walks toward the front. 两个和尚绕过罗阎,朝前方走去。 When thin and still at passing by Luo Yan shot a look at Luo Yan, the pupil golden light flashed, veiled threat. 瘦和尚在路过罗阎时瞥了眼罗阎,童孔金光微闪,暗含威胁之意。 Liu Hao is shakes the head to Luo Yan, immediately sends out a sigh. 刘昊则是对罗阎摇了摇头,随即发出一声叹息。 He degenerates into the captive now. 他如今沦为阶下囚。 Actually also understands that wants to rescue him by the Luo Yan strength from two monk hands is not possible. 却也明白以罗阎的实力想要从两个和尚手中救出他是不可能的。 Therefore he does not hope that Luo Yan acts forcefully. 所以他不希望罗阎强行出手。 Luo Yan sees that sneers, does not want to give up: Where does you two dead buddhist monk toward walk?” 罗阎见状,冷笑一声,不想善罢甘休:“你们两个死秃驴往哪走?” ! 唰! His figure mold lake, blocks again before two monk bodies, grins to sneer saying: I said that puts down my friend.” 他身形一个模湖,再次拦在二个和尚身前,咧嘴冷笑道:“我说了,放下我朋友。” His murderous intention is imposing, during the spoken languages taunted to the utmost. 他杀机凛然,言语间极尽嘲讽。 Actually is to enrage two monks, making two monks make a move to oneself. 却是想要激怒两个和尚,让两个和尚对自己出手。 However. 然而。 Two monks as if heard Sima Xin suffers the matter of Heaven Punishment. 两个和尚似乎听说了司马欣遭受天罚之事。 Facing Luo Yan method of goading somebody into action, only the undulating shot a look at Luo Yan, goes round Luo Yan again, faces forward to walk. 面对罗阎的激将法,只澹澹瞥了眼罗阎,就再次绕开罗阎,朝前走去。 Luo Yan sees that thorough helpless. 罗阎见状,彻底无奈。 Also can only gaze after three people to depart. 也只能目送三人离去。 These two monks pursued your Sima Xin to be stronger than before, was more sane, “这两个和尚比之前追你的司马欣强,也更加理智, You want to save your friend from their hands, does not only fear easily. ” Dorama said suddenly. Acts according to circumstances.” Luo Yan undulating say/way. 你想从他们手中救下你那朋友,只怕不容易。”多罗摩忽然道。“见机行事吧。”罗阎澹澹道。 Greatly filling the heavens is the Wish Alliance influence. 大弥天是愿盟势力。 But Wish Alliance is the Star Alliance mortal enemy. 愿盟星盟的死敌。 If the time approaches, copes with these two monks, definitely continues his Luo Yan. 若时机来临,对付这两个和尚,肯定不止他罗阎一个。 In the afternoon ten points. 下午十分。 Shen Yue then also achieved the immortal city. 神玥便也达到了长生城。 She lives in Luo Yan not far away, found Luo Yan after staying, but also was Luo Yan recommended an extremely famous character. 她就住在罗阎不远处,在住下后就找到罗阎,还为罗阎引荐了一位极负盛名的人物。 This is my nephew, Shen Jun.” “这是我侄子,神钧。” In yard, by stone table. 小院中,石桌旁。 Shen Yue sits opposite of Luo Yan, pointing is hands tied behind and vertical blonde youth said. 神玥坐在罗阎对面,指着自己身后束手而立的金发青年道。 Her tone is careless, unexpectedly is a stance of elder. 她语气漫不经心,竟是一副长辈的架势。 Luo has seen the god fellow daoist.” “罗某见过神道友。” Luo Yan hears this name, immediately one startled, stood, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward Shen Jun. 罗阎听到这个名字,当即一惊,站了起来,朝神钧拱了拱手。 Shen Jun two characters. 神钧二字。 Liking thunder reverberating in one's ears. 如雷贯耳。 This is the heads of Linglong Immortal Sect ten big true line, god family/home young generation of words matter person. 这可是玲珑仙宗十大真传之首,神家年轻一辈的话事人。 This grade of character, he cannot touch, has not actually thought, unexpectedly is the Shen Yue nephew. 这等人物,他都触及不到,却没想,竟然是神玥的侄子。 Shen Yue in the rank of god family/home, but also really makes Luo Yan be startled. 神玥在神家的辈分,还真是让罗阎大吃一惊。 Has seen Luo fellow daoist.” Shen Jun nods slightly, the attitude is neither cold nor hot. “见过罗道友。”神钧微微颔首,态度不冷不热。 That eye has never left Luo Yan, resembling to look at a purity the Luo Yan details. 只是那双眼睛始终不曾离开过罗阎,似要将罗阎的底细看个一清二楚。 Do not manage him.” “你别理他。” Shen Yue gave a Shen Jun supercilious look, immediately asked that „your friend Liu Hao? Originating the treasure house is he opens, he perhaps knows this Rain World details.” 神玥给了神钧一个白眼,随即问道,“你那朋友刘昊呢?起源宝库是他打开的,他或许知道这雨界的底细。” Luo Yan sighed: He was controlled by the greatly filling the heavens two monks.” 罗阎叹了口气:“他被大弥天两个和尚控制住了。” Was controlled?” “被人控制了?” Shen Yue selects the brow, the tone regrets saying that was a pity this Rain World rule is treacherous, even Sima Xin suffers Heaven Punishment dead. If the outside world, my nephew acts, can force that two people to hand over your friend mostly.” 神玥一挑眉头,语气惋惜道,“可惜这雨界规则诡谲,连司马欣都遭受天罚而死。若是外界,我这侄子出面,多半就能逼迫那二人交出你朋友。” She also heard obviously Sima Xin by the matter that thunder Pi dies, does not dare to open the outbreak of war lightly. 她显然也听说了司马欣被雷噼死的事情,不敢轻启战端。 That side Liu Hao acts according to circumstances.” 刘昊那边见机行事吧。” Helpless Luo Yan smiles, a voice road for grain shipment: „Did you eat this Rain World immortal fruit?” 罗阎无奈笑了笑,话音一转道:“你吃这雨界的仙果了吗?” Shen Yue said: Ate, how? I asked Longevity Cult member, they said that the immortal fruit takes out from within the body microcosm, so long as cultivation base achieves the Venerable this member, the microcosm in within the body can the birth immortal fruit. Therefore the immortal fruit is not scarce in this Rain World.” 神玥道:“吃了,怎么了?我问了长生教的修士,他们说仙果都是从体内小世界中取出,只要修为达到尊者的此界修士,体内的小世界就能诞生仙果。所以仙果在这雨界不算稀少。” Luo Yan starts to speak but hesitates, thinks, passes on the sound said: within the body world of member Rain World is origins World Lord to grant mostly. I heard that origins World Lord to be skilled in the causes and effects, his thing, little eat to wonderfully.” 罗阎欲言又止,想了想,传音道:“雨界修士的体内世界多半是起源界主赠与。我听说起源界主精通因果,他的东西,还是少吃为妙。” The Shen Yue pupil light flashes, looks startled to accommodate: Real? I what to do?” 神玥眸光一闪,面露惊容:“真的吗?那我怎么办?” Luo Yan said: You ate ate, next time will pay attention is. Also, this is only my guess, if false, that has a false alarm.” 罗阎道:“你吃了就吃了,下次注意就是。再说了,这只是我的猜测,万一是假的,那就是虚惊一场。” Shen Yue complexion slightly white, said: Does not have the blunder carefully, you said how I should recover?” 神玥脸色微白,道:“小心无大错,你说我该怎么补救?” Luo Yan said: I once used the origin writing several times, if competes, I was also owed causes and effects that originated World Lord. Therefore, I planned that tonight gives this local member to pass on the law. Can you with me together?” 罗阎道:“我曾数次使用起源文字,若较劲起来,我也算是欠了起源界主的因果。所以,我打算今晚去给此界的本土修士传法。你要跟我一起么?” Good.” “好。” Shen Yue hesitates little, complies. 神玥沉吟少许,答应下来。 As for Shen Jun. 至于神钧 He only stands in Shen Yue behind, vision cool is looking at Luo Yan. 他只站在神玥身后,目光澹然的望着罗阎 Right, have you seen Longevity Cult that big elder?” Luo Yan asked. “对了,你见过长生教那位大长老吗?”罗阎问道。 Has not seen.” “没见过。” Shen Yue shakes the head, immediately said with a smile lightly, in some time ago, my nephew once overlooked this by the Heavenly Eye technique, sneaked a peek western has a boundless vastness, but in the vastness had islands to hang this solitary one.” 神玥摇了摇头,随即轻笑道,“不过在不久前,我这位侄儿曾以天目术俯瞰此界,窥见西部有一无边汪洋,而汪洋中有一座岛屿孤悬。” That islands are giant, just like a stretch of land, above the islands is the dense fog covers, cannot observe obviously, can only feel has the big danger.” “那岛屿巨大,宛如一片陆地,岛屿之上更是迷雾笼罩,不可见不可察,只能感觉其中有大危险。” Luo Yan heard that the word look concentrates: „Are that islands the big horseshoe crab corpse?” 罗阎闻言眼神一凝:“那岛屿是大鲎尸体?” Shen Yue nods, says with a smile: I and my nephew also guess like this.” 神玥点头,笑道:“我和我侄儿也是这样猜的。” Luo Yan shot a look at Shen Yue behind Shen Jun, said curiously: „Have you explored?” 罗阎瞥了眼神玥身后的神钧,好奇道:“那你们去探索过吗?” Shen Yue shakes the head, said: Aura terrifying, has knot to cover, both of us when have the thousand li (500 km) from the islands could not go.” 神玥摇头,道:“气息恐怖,更有结界笼罩,我俩在距离岛屿还有千里的时候就进不去了。” The Luo Yan eye narrowed the eyes. 罗阎眼睛眯了起来。 Shen Jun as the Linglong Immortal Sect first true line, skill mother Yong doubted. 神钧作为玲珑仙宗第一真传,本事母庸置疑。 Even Shen Jun loses. 神钧都铩羽而归。 He went, mostly is also a result. 那他去了,多半也是一个结果。 „The foresight sees that Longevity Cult big elder, has a look what medicine that in that big elder bottle gourd sells.” Shen Yue sighed, at once looks to is hands tied behind and vertical Shen Jun, you went to say with the local member, says tonight, had the outside world to pass on the law greatly.” “还是先见见那位长生教的大长老,看看那位大长老葫芦里卖的什么药吧。”神玥叹息,旋即望向身后束手而立的神钧,“你去跟本土修士说,就说今天晚上,有外界大能传法。” Shen Jun looks at Shen Yue, the vision is filling with astonishment. 神钧望着神玥,目光充满惊愕。 As if was questioning whether Shen Yue can be joined to the outside world to be able greatly four characters. 似乎在质疑神玥是否配得上外界大能四个字。 But after cross-eyed a while, he nods gently, outward walking of keeping silent. 但对视一会儿后,他还是轻轻点头,默不作声的朝外走去。 ...... …… ...... …… Because some member are discrete, after was sought by member Longevity Cult has not coordinated, but avoided member Longevity Cult, chose explored this alone. 由于部分修士性格谨慎,在被长生教修士寻到后没有配合,而是躲开了长生教修士,选择了独自探索此界。 Therefore. 故而。 In the afternoon. 当天下午。 Luo Yan received the notice of Xu Muzhi. 罗阎就收到了许牧之的通知。 Said three days later the big elder will unify with everyone meets. 说三天后大长老才会统一与大家见面。 Is the night. 是夜。 Luo Yan and Shen Yue same place, goes to the immortal city biggest square. 罗阎神玥一起,来到长生城最大的广场。 This thinks that will have many local member to gather, accepts his these two outside world to be able greatly the biography law. 本以为会有许多本土修士聚集,接受他这两位外界大能的传法。 However after square, two people actually discovered that a person does not have. 然而到了广场后,两人却发现一个人都没有。 Nephew, this what situation? People?” Shen Yue looks to Shen Jun, the look is inwardly angry. “侄子,这什么情况?人呢?”神玥看向神钧,眼神愠怒。 Let you call the person. 让你去叫人。 Your hasn't called? 你一个没叫来? I the words that wanted me to speak spread over in the immortal city everyone ear by the day sound technique you, they did not come, I did not have the means.” Shen Jun shrugs, the expression somewhat is quite helpless. “我以天音术将你要我说的话传遍了长生城所有人耳中,他们不来,我也没办法。”神钧耸了耸肩,表情颇有几分无奈。 This member Rain World, to a merit law magical powers interest?” Luo Yan is somewhat inconceivable. “这雨界修士,对功法神通一点兴趣都没有?”罗阎有些不可思议。 This is not normal. 这不正常。 If most member are not interested. 若是大部分修士不感兴趣也就罢了。 The present is one does not have. 现在是一个都没有。 „The consciousness that under this rule, the member has not thought of danger in peace is also normal.” Shen Jun undulating say/way. “此界规则之下,修士没有居安思危的意识也算正常。”神钧澹澹道。 Shen Yue is resigned-looking, looks at the empty square, said: That present what to do?” 神玥一脸无奈,看着空荡荡的广场,道:“那现在怎么办?” Luo Yan said: First goes back.” 罗阎道:“先回去吧。” So long as the group the old route returns. 一行人只要原路返回。 After returning to the Longevity Cult station, how Luo Yan wants how not to feel right. 回到长生教驻地后,罗阎怎么想怎么觉得不对。 He is looking at a immortal fruit on table. 他望着桌上的一盘仙果。 The sitting in meditation moment after the room, the body mold lake, walks outward. 在房间里静坐片刻后,身躯模湖,朝外走去。 This time. 这一次。 He went to the immortal city liveliest place, is known as the red candle work place of non- night street. 他来到了长生城最热闹的地方,号称不夜街的红烛坊。 This place men and women are continuous. 此地男女络绎不绝。 Member many not all. 修士更多数不尽数。 Luo Yan walks in the crowd, suddenly holds an arm of youth. 罗阎走在人群中,忽然抓住一个青年的手臂。 Little brother, I have an immortal law, may let your achievement Venerable, is on par the Longevity Cult big elder, are you willing to study?” “小兄弟,我有一门仙法,可让你成就尊者,比肩长生教大长老,你愿意学吗?” The youth figure is slim, looking pale, the eyes are atheistic. 那青年身材瘦弱,面色苍白,双眼无神。 Looked wallows the person of appearance for a long time. 一看就是长期沉迷色相之人。 Suddenly was held by Luo Yan, he has a scare. 忽然被罗阎抓住,他吓了一大跳。 When he discovered that surrounding person round trip free, as if when has not seen they are the same, he is startled the chin to fall the ground. 而等到他发现周围人都来去自如,仿佛没看见他二人一样时,他更是惊得下巴都要掉到地上。 He stares is looking at Luo Yan. 他直勾勾的望着罗阎 That unique look, making Luo Yan think that the next second of this person will say asked the senior to teach me. 那股独特眼神,让罗阎都觉得下一秒此人就会说‘请前辈教我’。 However what has not thought is. 然而没想到的是。 The youth merely are silent the moment, says: I study, isn't being on par big elder useful? I only want to talk in the night with small butterfly miss Bing Zhu now.” 青年仅仅沉默片刻,就开口说道:“我不学,比肩大长老有什么用?我现在只想跟小蝶姑娘秉烛夜谈。” „......” “……” Luo Yan is speechless. 罗阎无语。 But after several seconds, unwilling asked again: I observe you not to have cultivation base. Thus, I have a Taoist skill, may make you builds from a mortal the base member, can you be willing to receive my Taoist skill?” 但几秒钟后,还是不甘心的再次问道:“我观你毫无修为。这样,我有一道术,可让你从一介凡人成为筑基修士,你可愿受我这道术?” The azure year swings looks like the rattle-drum, said alarmed and afraid: Senior, you drops, my anything does not want, I only want to see the young butterfly miss.” 青年头摇得像拨浪鼓,惊惧道:“前辈,你放手,我什么都不想要,我只想去见小蝶姑娘。” Stable running many years of novel app, compare favorably with the old version to pursue the book divine tool, old bookworms using trading source app, 】 稳定运行多年的小说app,媲美老版追书神器,老书虫都在用的换源app,】 Luo Yan is staring at the youth. 罗阎凝望着青年。 Seeing the youth complexion is even more terrified. 见青年脸色越发惶恐。 He is sneers finally one, said: Also can not want!” 他终是冷笑一声,道:“你不要也得要!” Said. 说罢。 As soon as he directs to the youth. 他一指点向青年。 The strength of mysterious good fortune emerges on the youth, promoting cultivation base of youth to increase successively. 玄妙的造化之力在青年身上涌现,推动青年的修为节节攀升。 Refining. 炼气一层。 Refining five. 炼气五层。 Builds Dao Foundation! 道基 In an instant, the youth then from a mortal, becomes a member Dao Foundation! 刹那之间,青年便从一个凡人,成为了一个道基修士! ...... this small blessings technique to display, but also was really exhausting.” “呼……这小赐福术施展起来,还真是累人。” Luo Yan wipes head sweat. 罗阎擦去头上的汗水。 No matter also the feeling and expression of youth, shuttle back and forth in the crowd, finds the second person again. 也不管青年的感受和表情,在人群中穿梭,再次找上第二个人。 The Rain World person is very strange. 雨界的人很古怪。 The memory is unable to peep. 记忆无法窥视。 The state of mind was also protected firmly. 神魂也被牢牢保护。 Such person, crosses the technique, the technique of spying on, a point with useless, even even/including Qiangsai the merit law magical powers enter the head unable to achieve. 这样的人,渡化之术,窥探之术,一点用都没用,甚至连强塞功法神通进脑袋都做不到。 Is good because. 好在。 Luo Yan has the small blessings technique. 罗阎有小赐福术。 This type can exert like the good fortune method actually on the body of person of Rain World, making the person of Rain World gain the advantage from the good fortune. 这种如同造化般的手段倒是能施加在雨界之人的身上,让雨界之人从造化中获取好处。 Does not make me return the causes and effects, I am bent on having.” “不让我还因果,我偏要还。” After discovering the strangeness of person of Rain World. 在发现雨界之人的古怪后。 Luo Yan to originating World Lord even more dreads. 罗阎对起源界主越发忌惮起来。 He according to the bottle gourd picture wooden scoop, seeks for suitable targets, uses the small blessings technique unceasingly. 他依葫芦画瓢,寻找一个个合适目标,不断施展小赐福术。 The people of these Rain World, the source World Lord people, with originating World Lord have the causal relation. 这些雨界之人,都算起源界主的子民,和起源界主具有因果关系。 Luo Yan helps the people of these Rain World. 罗阎帮助这些雨界之人。 Pours can also repay some causes and effects indirectly. 倒也能间接偿还部分因果。 Although is indirect, so long as the causes and effects are big enough, origins World Lord definitely to withstand part. 虽然只是间接,但只要因果够大,起源界主必然要承受一部分。 To night. 一直到了深夜。 After Luo Yan feels is exhausted, he stopped, puts out foul air slowly. 罗阎感觉疲惫不堪后,他才停了下来,缓缓吐出一口浊气。 Tomorrow continues!” “明天继续!” Midnight the time, he used thousand small blessings techniques continuously. 半夜时间,他连续施展了千道小赐福术。 Even if his resilience is extremely quick, at this time the spirit is also tired, is difficult to sustain. 纵然他恢复能力极快,此时也精神疲乏,难以为继。 Luo Yan returns to the Longevity Cult station quickly. 罗阎很快回到长生教驻地。 After entering the room, he footsteps, on the face the exhausted chromatic dispersion goes immediately, the look also becomes sharp. 走进房间后,他当即脚步一顿,脸上疲惫之色散去,眼神也变得锐利起来。 Some people have come. 有人进来过。 The immortal fruit on his table did not have. 他桌上的仙果没了。 „Do some people steal the immortal fruit?” “有人窃取仙果?” The Luo Yan look is strange. 罗阎眼神古怪。 But immediately, he felt relaxed. 但马上,他就释然了。 Immortal Tang is expensive, is the advantage is more to Venerable and dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary member. 仙果珍贵,对尊者和洞天境修士来说更是好处多多。 If origins World Lord is a good person, has not planned their groups of member who enter Rain World, then that member who steals the immortal fruit, it may be said that was the draw resulted in a big good fortune white/in vain. 若是起源界主是个好人,没有算计他们这群进入雨界的修士,那么那个窃取仙果的修士,可谓是平白得了一场大造化。 „, When I ate.” “罢了,就当我自己吃了。” Luo Yan thinks, finally planned does not pay attention. 罗阎想了想,最终还是打算不加理会。 On the one hand is dreaded that origins World Lord. 一方面是忌惮起源界主 On the other hand is extremely troublesome, even if found that person, cannot act, but cannot act, finding that person was also useful? 另一方面是太过麻烦,就算找到那人,也出不了手,而出不了手,找到那人又有什么用? Can't that to spit? 总不能让那人吐出来吧?
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