„For these yearsIhad not gone to seato hunt for the monster, has stayedinhome, supports the parents, researches in thorough detail a say/way, nineyearshas not seenwiththem.”
The Sun Zhuosoundis tranquil.孙卓声音平静。At this point, his pupillightrevolution, lookstoLuo Yan:
说到此处,他眸光一转,看向罗阎:„Comparesinthem, IandLuofellow daoistare instead more intimate.”
“相较于他们俩,我和罗道友反而更加亲近。”„Right, after threedays, Hua familywill hold the fire godsacrifice, invitingmeto goto attend the ceremony, Luo was fellow daoistinterested inpassingwithmetogether?”
“对了,三日后火家将举行火神祭,邀请我前去观礼,罗道友有没有兴趣跟我一起过去?”Luo Yanmakes the hesitationshape.罗阎作沉吟状。For a long time, heshakes the head the rejection: „, Idid not know that the Hua familyperson, wentalsoonlydepending onaddingawkwardly.”
许久,他摇头拒绝:“不了,我不认识火家的人,去了也只会凭添尴尬。”Thisis the reason that hemakes up wild stories.
The goalisto naturally withdraw.
目的自然是脱身。ThisSun Zhuo, makinghimfeel the pressure.
这孙卓,让他倍感压力。Heis even thinking, so long ascanwithdraw, hewalksnow, goes to the chaoticdemonsea, does not come back.
他甚至想着,只要能脱身,他现在就走,去乱魔海,再也不回来了。„Attending the ceremonyfire godsacrifice, mayquenching the bloodlines, raisesfine of bloodlines.” The Sun Zhuotoneis indifferent.
说着。Hesizes upLuo Yantwoup and down, the opens the mouthreview: „The Blackwaterflood dragonbloodlines of Luofellow daoistare the day after tomorrowobtained, the bloodlinesare thin, the potentialis limited.”
他上下打量罗阎两眼,开口点评:“罗道友的黑水蛟血脉乃是后天所得,血脉稀薄,潜力有限。”„If not find the wayto becomebyownbloodlinesrichly, wantsto promoteDao Foundation, onlyfeared that is not32grainsbuildspill to solve.”
“若不想办法让自身血脉变得浓郁些,想要晋升道基,只怕不是三两粒筑基丹能够解决。”Luo Yanlookonecold.罗阎眼神一凛。ThisSun Zhuo said that mostlyreal.
这孙卓所言,多半是真的。HisBlackwaterflood dragonbloodlinesare thin, goto attend the ceremony, perhaps is really good.
只是。What is thisSun Zhuogoal?
这孙卓的目的到底是什么?Hethinks,passes messageasks: „What does the Hua familyfire godoffer a sacrifice tois?”
他想了想,传音问道:“火家的火神祭到底是什么?”Sun Zhuolooksto laugh, disdains saying: „Bysealindefendingdivine jade, Golden Crow that has not been born.”孙卓面露嗤笑,不屑道:“一只被封印在守神玉中,尚未出世的金乌罢了。”„ThatGolden Crowbloodlinesare extraordinary, even ifbysealindefendingdivine jade, has the mystical.”
“那金乌血脉非凡,哪怕被封印在守神玉中,也拥有神异。”„So-calledfire godsacrifice, issacrificial offeringthatGolden Crow, offers the bloodfoodforthatGolden Crow, thenearnestly seeks the Golden Crowto show the mystical.”
“所谓的火神祭,就是祭祀那金乌,为那金乌献上血食,然后渴求金乌展现神异罢了。”Thistime, Sun Zhuoalsostartsto send greetings, obviouslyunderstands that the responsibilityis significant.
这一次,孙卓也开始传音,显然明白干系重大。In the Luo Yaneyeappears a shock.罗阎眼中浮现一丝震惊。Defendsdivine jadeheto know.
守神玉他知道。Onetypespecificallyis used for the unusualjade of seallife.
一种专门用来封印生灵的奇特玉石。By the sealinlife, the mortal body and state of mindwill fall into the stationary state.
被封印在其中的生灵,肉身和神魂都会陷入停滞状态。Initially, YuanYiyangstate of mindonconceals, inninein the middle of the jade pendant that defendeddivine jadeto cast, caninsisthundredyears of time.
The Hua familyfire godsacrifice, unexpectedlyis the sacrificial offeringGolden Crow.火家的火神祭,竟然是祭祀金乌。Hedoes not understand the Golden Crow, buthas listened to the given name of Golden Crow.
他并不了解金乌,但听过金乌的名号。Thisis a phoenix, is borninfiercelyYangmiddle, inborn is the hotdarling.
这是一种神鸟,诞生于烈阳当中,天生便是火的宠儿。Thisexisted, actuallyexistsonthisyoungfierceYangDao, reallyunthinkable.
这等存在,却存在于这小小的烈阳岛上,实在令人匪夷所思。„Hua family, knowswhatownsacrificial offeringis the Golden Crow?” The Luo Yanvisionflashes, as far as possibletranquilasking.
“火家,知道自己祭祀的是金乌吗?”罗阎目光微闪,尽量平静的问道。„How do theyknow?” The Sun Zhuomanneris gentle.
The Golden Crowis the phoenix.
金乌乃神鸟。IfHua familyknows,has the disasterto arriveinevitablyearly.
若火家知道,必然早有祸事降临。After allinimmortal cultivation world, sometimesignorantlyis the luck.
毕竟在修仙界中,有时候无知才是福。„Does grandsonfellow daoistwantto begintothatGolden Crow?”Luo Yanthought ofanything, the pupilshrinksslightly.
“孙道友想对那金乌动手?”罗阎想到了什么,瞳孔微微一缩。Who is Sun Zhuo?孙卓是谁?GloomydayVenerable, Venerableboundarybigenergy!
黯日尊者,尊者境大能!Refining, Dao Foundation, Yuan Pill, Divine NascentandLaw Phase......
炼气、道基、元丹、神婴、法相……In the middle ofLuo Yanlimitedimmortal cultivationknowledge, evendoes not know that Venerable placed several boundary!罗阎有限的修仙知识当中,甚至不知道尊者排在第几境!Thisgrade of terror existence, those whosee the Hua familysacrificial offering after isoneby the Golden Crow of seal, canbeardoes not hit the attention of thatGolden Crow?
这等恐怖存在,看出火家祭祀的是一头被封印的金乌后,能忍住不打那金乌的注意?Thatis the Golden Crow.
那可是金乌啊。Indefendingdivine jadecanreveal the mysticalby the seal, itsmain body, the inevitablewhole bodyis the treasure!
被封印在守神玉中就能显露神异,其本体,必然浑身是宝!„ThatGolden Crowuses the personbloodas the food, has tended to the monsterto be evilgradually. Ifnot, except that when its day of birth, inevitableplunging the people into disaster.”
“那金乌以人血为食,已渐渐趋于妖邪。若不除去,等到其出世之日,必然生灵涂炭。”Facing the inquiry of Luo Yan, Sun Zhuolooks the grief, profoundpupillightrotation, gazeLuo Yan, said: „ExceptthatGolden Crow, inpublicinprivate, is the good deeds. Luofellow daoistwhy notwithmetogether?”
The Luo Yansurging emotionssurge, felt that the blood streamis accelerating.罗阎心潮激荡,感到血流在加速。Butquick.
但很快。Hethenrestores the reason.
The Golden Crowmystical, the whole bodyis the treasure.
金乌神异,浑身是宝。Butdoes not proposesun'sdanger, isthisSun Zhuo, perhapsis also planninghim.
但不提金乌本身的危险,就是这孙卓,或许也在算计他。Hehesitateslittle, opens the mouthslowly: „Grandsonfellow daoistis powerful, whichis usefulI?”
九年时间。Once can Venerablerestoretowhat kind ofstrength?
Is Dao Foundation, Yuan Pill?道基,还是元丹?Heis unable to imagine, butdefinitelycompared withhim, on anyone compared withthisfierceYangDaoand that's the end.
他无法想象,但肯定比他强,比这烈阳岛上任何一人强就是了。„No, thatGolden Crow, althoughis the youngliving body, but the bloodlines are extraordinary. Depending onme, can the enemyit, be still hardto leave behinditeven.”
“非也,那金乌虽是幼生体,但毕竟血脉非凡。光凭我一人,就算能敌它,也难以留下它。”„Ifhowevercannot leave behindit, it that ahead of timereveals itself, is disgruntledinevitablyofme.”
“而若是留不下它,提前出世的它,必然对我心生怨愤。”„Ido not think,sets up an archenemytooneself.”
“我可不想,给自己树立一位大敌。”„Therefore, Iam absolutely safe.”
“所以,我要万无一失。”„Ineed the help of fellow daoist, Icanguarantee,will not injure the fellow daoist, will not have the idea of fellow daoist.”
“我需要道友的帮助,我可以保证,不会加害道友,更不会打道友的主意。”Sun Zhuois saying, looked at the lower abdomen of Luo Yan.孙卓说着,看了眼罗阎的小腹。Hismeaningis self-evident.
他的意思不言而喻。Luo Yan is also very clear.罗阎也很明白。Origins the writing!
起源文字!Sun Zhuoknowsoneselfobtained the originwriting, moreover ensure will not hit the originwriting the idea!孙卓知道自己得到了起源文字,而且保证,不会打起源文字的主意!„Thisexisted, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, does not needto deceive my youngmember.”
“这等存在,言出法随,没必要诓骗我这个小修士。”In the Luo Yanheartis thinking, wasunderstands.罗阎心中想着,算是懂了。Sun Zhuoneedshimto helpsurround the Golden Crow, preventing the Golden Crowto flee.孙卓需要他帮忙困住金乌,防止金乌逃离。Readandhere, helifted the pupilto ask: „How do Iwantto do?”
念及此处,他抬眸问道:“我要如何做?”„Simple, the postponementGolden Crowreveals itselfbreathtimethen.”Sun Zhuoextends a handto point out.
“简单,延缓金乌出世一息时间即可。”孙卓伸出一根手指道。„This...... Icannot achieve.”Luo Yanshakes the headdecisively.
“这……我做不到。”罗阎果断摇头。Heunderstands the meaning of Sun Zhuo.
他明白孙卓的意思。Wantshimto touch‚trading’character, the postponementGolden Crowreveals itselfbreathtime.
要他触动‘换’字,延缓金乌出世一息时间。Howeverthisexistedrelated to the Golden Crow, even ifdelaysitsbreathbirthtime, the paidpriceinevitablyis also huge.
然而涉及金乌这等存在,哪怕只是延缓其一息出世时间,付出的代价也必然巨大。„No, youcan.”Sun Zhuois staring atLuo Yan, categoricalsay/way.
“不,你可以。”孙卓盯着罗阎,斩钉截铁道。Was staringbyit.
被其盯着。Luo Yanonlythinks that the whole bodytightenssuddenly, meaning of the terrifyingarrivesonhim.罗阎只觉浑身骤然绷紧,一股恐怖之意降临在他身上。At this moment, heunderstood, oneselfare unable to reject.
这一刻,他明白了,自己无法拒绝。Hedeeplyinspires, nods, thenalsosaid: „Whatadvantage can Iobtain?”
The Sun Zhuocorners of the mouthcurl upwards, the smilepondersis staring atLuo Yan, resemblingdoes not understandhow dareLuo Yanisdemands the advantagetohim.孙卓嘴角一翘,笑容玩味的盯着罗阎,似是不明白罗阎为何敢向他索要好处。Luo Yanmaintains composure, withitslooking at each other.罗阎不动声色,与其对视。Touches the movingcharacter, the price that hepaysis inevitably huge, heis impossiblecomplete wipe-out.
触动换字,他付出的代价必然巨大,他不可能血本无归。Otherwise, hisratherfight in which both sides perish, has a lookwhether to fleefromthisSun Zhuohand.
不然,他宁愿鱼死网破,看看能否从这孙卓手中逃离。Crossed for severalseconds, Sun Zhuowas defeatedfinally, coldsoundopens the mouth: „Besides the attending the ceremonyfire godsacrifice, the promotionbloodlinesdensity, after waiting for the matterto become, Iagainadditionallybestowyourthreedrops of Golden Crowsourceblood.”
过了几秒,孙卓终是败下阵来,冷声开口:“除了观礼火神祭,提升血脉浓度之外,等事成之后,我再额外赠送你三滴金乌源血。”Luo Yanrelaxes, thenalsoasked: „Is Golden Crowsourceblooduseful?”罗阎松了口气,而后又问道:“金乌源血有什么用?”Sun Zhuoexplained: „Refining up the Golden Crowsourceblood, has the probabilityto obtain the Golden Crowmagical powers. Even ifhas not obtained the magical powers, the Golden Crowsourceblood is still quenchings the body and spirit the divine object.”孙卓解释道:“炼化金乌源血,有几率获得金乌神通。就算没有得到神通,金乌源血也是淬炼体魄的神物。”„At least, canyourmortal bodypromotionto the Dao Foundationlevel.”
“至少,能将你的肉身提升到道基水平。”„Golden Crowmagical powers......” the Luo Yaneyegroundflashes through a burning hot, the nodshouldunder: „Good, threedayslater, Ithenaccompany the grandsonfellow daoistto walkonetime.”
“嗯。”Sun Zhuois light, sets out saying: „Walks, along withmegoes back, thesethreedaysyouthenstayinmySun Jia.”孙卓轻哼,起身道:“走吧,随我回去,这三天你便在我孙家住下。”Knows that is unable to reject.
知道无法拒绝。Luo YanthenfollowsSun Zhuo, arrives atSun Residence.罗阎便跟着孙卓,来到孙府。Sun Residenceis located infierceeastern Yangcheng, is the say/wayaristocratic family, in the clan the disciple is skilled in the strategy, is one of the powerfulfamiliesinfierceYangchenghaving several.
孙府位于烈阳城城东,乃是阵道世家,族内弟子皆精通阵法,算是烈阳城中有数的强大家族之一。Luo Yanstayed for threedaysinSun Residence.罗阎在孙府呆了三天。Discovered that Sun Zhuowaitshisparentsto be extremely filial, can be calledis the bigloyal son.
发现孙卓待其父母极其孝顺,称得上是大孝子。All sorts ofperformance, letin the Luo Yanheart the bigfeelingsurprise.
种种表现,让罗阎心中大感诧异。He the impressiontoSun Zhuo, staysonswallowing a terrifyingdemon of boundary, howeverSun Zhuodisplays, demon who actuallynotlikewhatbloodthirsty.
他对孙卓的印象,停留在吞噬一个地界的恐怖魔头上,然而孙卓表现出来的,却不像什么嗜杀的魔头。Thismakeshimfeelsurpriseat the same time, relaxes.
这让他感到诧异的同时,也松了口气。Thisis also representing, Sun Zhuoperhaps is really not a demon.
The nightfalls, Luo YanfollowsSun Zhuo, walkstowardfierceYangGong.
不多时。Thenarrives atfierceYangGongqian.
便来到烈阳宫前。„Thissolardisc, unusual, not onlymaygather in the spaceto be fierce, evengathers the spiritfunction. Thisinexplicableis a magic weapon?”Luo YanandSun Zhuotravel togethershoulder to shoulder.
“这太阳圆盘,非同一般,不仅可聚集天上烈阳,甚至还有聚灵作用。这莫名是一件法宝?”罗阎和孙卓并肩同行。Heraised the headgreatlylookstofierceYangGongcomplete, in the pupilbringsto wipe the astonishedcolor.
他抬头看向烈阳宫上方的巨大圆满,眸中带着一抹惊异之色。During the daytimelooks atthisfierceYangGong, such as a goldenSunis common, brightcannotlook straight ahead.
白天望这烈阳宫,如一轮金色太阳一般,熠熠不可直视。Butnowwas near.
而如今近了。Discovered that thissolardisc is so unexpectedly giant, just likehanging a day of cloudis ordinary, blocks the sky, coverpress/pressureabovefierceYangGong.
才发现这太阳圆盘竟如此巨大,就宛如垂天之云一般,遮天蔽日,盖压在烈阳宫之上。„Whatmagic weapon? mid-gradespirit.”Sun Zhuolooked at the solardisc of top of the head, said: „Thissolardiscis usedto cover their ears and eyes, gathers the fierceYangandspiritual energytruly, isthatGolden Crow the place of seal.”
“什么法宝?一件中品灵器罢了。”孙卓看了眼头顶的太阳圆盘,道:“这太阳圆盘只是用来掩人耳目的,真正聚集烈阳和灵气的,是那金乌的封印之地。”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow.罗阎挑眉。Thissolardiscis so grand, unexpectedlyis only the spatialshell......
这太阳圆盘如此壮阔,竟只是空壳子……AlsoisSun Zhuo, ifchanges a personto tellhim, hewill be doubtful.
也就是孙卓,若换个人告诉他,他都会心生怀疑。Helooked atSun Zhuo, passes messageasks: „Why does fellow daoistknowthatGolden Crowto be ableby the seal?”
他看了眼孙卓,传音问道:“道友知道那金乌为何会被封印吗?”Sun Zhuoshakes the head, after hesitatinglittle, actuallyopens the mouthto explain: „So-calleddaycannothavetwodays. Golden Crowgrade of godbeast, a time can only haveone. Itis not possibly in luck, there areothergolden crowsto exist foreverinworld, thereforeit can only by the seal.”孙卓摇头,沉吟少许后,却开口解释:“所谓天不可有二日。金乌这等神兽,一个时代只能存在一只。它可能不走运,有其它金乌长存于世,所以它只能被封印。”„That...... , if bornforcefully?”Luo Yanaskedagain, in the pupilrevealed a curiosity.
“那……要是强行出世呢?”罗阎再度问道,眸中露出一丝好奇。„Destinynotinit. Is bornforcefully, onlyhas the dyingsay/wayto disappear. Therefore, itshoulddieinyourmyhandtonight.”Sun Zhuolooked atLuo Yan, in the eyeexuded a strangesmile.
“天命不在它。强行出世,唯有身死道消。所以,它今晚合该死在你我手中。”孙卓看了眼罗阎,眼中泛起一丝诡异微笑。ThisGolden Crowyoungliving body.
这只金乌幼生体。Nowactuallyhas been athalfbirthcondition.
如今其实已经处于半出世状态。Thispossiblyis notitsoriginal intention, evenwas possibly awakenedby the Hua familyolder generationforcefully.
这可能不是它的本意,甚至可能是被火家先辈强行唤醒的。Butpartlyreveals itselfpartlyreveals itself.
The destinyinit, does not have the inexorable fatedayto fall.
天命不在它,自有劫数天降。Hefelt,oneselfis the inexorable fate of thisGolden Crowyoungliving body.
他觉得,自己就是这金乌幼生体的劫数。Luo Yanis sizing upSun Zhuo, the visionis somewhat unusual.罗阎打量着孙卓,目光有些异样。ThisSun Zhuo, a godstickappearance, the bodyhas a type of most profoundstrangeauranowunexpectedly.
His slightlyconsideration, asked: „Thisworld, does the destinyreallyexist?”
The Sun Zhuosilentseveralseconds, said: „Does not know. Before, Idid not believe the life, insteadthought that Iwas assignedbymenotby the day.”孙卓静默几秒,道:“不知道。以前,我是不信命的,反而觉得我命由我不由天。”„Butexperienceswere many, something , can only pushtoward the destiny.”
“但经历的多了,有些事,又只能往命运上去推。”„Youcanbelieve, the destinyreallyexists, canbelieve,thisistoomanyoneconsoling oneselfwaysbut.”
“你可以认为,命运真的存在,也可以认为,这是太多无奈之下的一种自我安慰方式。”Inhiseyeappearsvicissitudes, person who has the storylikely.
他眼中浮现一丝沧桑,像个有故事的人。Regarding the Sun Zhuowords.
对于孙卓的话。Luo Yansympathize.罗阎感同身受。To put it bluntly, issometimes, will feel that faintlywas arranged.
说白了,就是有时候,隐隐会感觉到被安排了。Two peoplethoughtsvary, enterfierceYangGong.
刚走进烈阳宫。ThenmemberHua familywelcomed: „Two, but attended the ceremony?”
“是。”Sun Zhuogoes forwardonestep, hands overownwritten invitation.孙卓上前一步,递上自己的请帖。MemberHua familyswept the eye, nods, lookstoLuo Yan.
那火家修士扫了眼,点了点头,又望向罗阎。„HeandItogether.”Sun Zhuosaid.
“他和我一起的。”孙卓道。„Good, youcomewithme.”
“那好,你们跟我来吧。”UndermemberHua familyleadership.
在火家修士的带领下。Two peoplewere broughtto a main hall.
两人被带到一间大殿。At this time, in the main hallhad gathereddozenspeople, is discussing the matter of fire godsacrificeexcitedly.
此时,大殿中已经聚集了数十人,都在兴奋的谈论着火神祭之事。Sees the Luo Yantwopeopleto come.
见罗阎二人进来。Immediatelysomepeoplestood, highsound said: „Grandsonfellow daoist, here.”
当即有人站了起来,高声道:“孙道友,这边。”Luo Yanlooked atSun Zhuo, asked: „Is he?”罗阎看了眼孙卓,问道:“他是?”„My the family friendship of many generations of Sun, youdo not needto pay attention.”
“我孙家的世交,你无需理会。”Sun Zhuo said that thenwalked.孙卓道了一句,便走了过去。Later.
之后。Oneboreddialogue that does not have the nutrition.
一番没营养的无聊对话。Luo Yansitsin the corner, is listening attentively to the main hallpeople'sconversation.罗阎则坐在角落,倾听着大殿中众人的交谈。Theseparticipate in the person of attending the ceremony, there are both men and women, but is quite young, notgray-hairedold man.
这些参加观礼之人,有男有女,但都较为年轻,并没有头发花白的老者。Moreoverlooks at the conversationcontent.
而且看交谈内容。Onsomefacesis hanging the excitingcolor that is difficultto cover, isfirstattending the ceremony, somepeopleare quietas usual, is not the firsttime.
有些人脸上挂着难掩的激动之色,是第一次观礼,有些人却平静如常,已经不是第一次。„Heard that the short distanceattending the ceremonyfire godsacrifice, transformsinto the hotlineage/veinprobabilityis bigger?”
“听说近距离观礼火神祭,蜕变为火脉的几率越大,是不是真的?”„Thisisnatural. The previousfire godsacrifice, participates in 100member who attend the ceremony, there arefivepeople of awakeninghotlineage/vein. ButentirefierceYangcheng, only has67people of awakeninghotlineage/vein.”
“这是当然。上一次火神祭,参加观礼的一百修士中,有五人觉醒火脉。而整个烈阳城,也就只有六七人觉醒火脉。”„5%? HopesIamthatlucky fellow.”
“百分之五吗?希望我是那个幸运儿。”„Butincessantly5%, the attending the ceremonymemberis not the innatebloodlines.”
“可不止百分之五,观礼修士又不都是先天血脉。”„Where does fire godoffer a sacrifice toholds? Is thatfire godwhat kind ofappearance?”
“火神祭在哪儿举行?那火神又是何等模样?”„Heldplacenaturallyis the Hua familyancestorplace, as for the fire god, a sculpture, is not worth mentioning.”
“举行的地点自然是火家祖地,至于火神,一个雕塑而已,不值一提。”„How the Hua familypersonhas not come......”
The attending the ceremonymembersomewhatare impatient.
The fire godoffers a sacrifice to the Hua familyancestorholds, when the double-hourarrived, naturallycanhavememberHua familyto come, leadingthemto go to the ancestorplace.
火神祭在火家祖地举行,等时辰到了,自然会有火家修士前来,带他们前往祖地。Although the memberare anxious, actuallyalso can only wait forpatiently.
众修士虽急,却也只能耐心等待。At this time.
这时候。Twofamiliarperson's shadowswalkfromout of the door.
两道熟悉人影从门外走来。Two peoplejustcame, Luo Yan in cornerthenselects the brow.
两人刚进来,角落中的罗阎便一挑眉头。These two, unexpectedlyarethreedays ago looks that Huangbrother and sister who in cave mansionhedemanded.
这两人,竟然是三天前找他索要的洞府的那黄家兄妹。Heshows no trace, takes back the vision, pretendsnothing happened.
他不着痕迹,收回目光,装作什么都没发生。But the Huangbrother and sistercome, thenlockedhimwith the vision.
但那黄家兄妹一进来,便用目光锁定了他。Twobrother and sistertalkedtwo, thenwalkedtowardLuo Yan, before arriving at the Luo Yanbody, quickly.
两兄妹交谈两句,便朝罗阎走来,很快来到罗阎身前。„Thisfellow daoist, my can storage bag, give back tome?” The yellowcourt attendantcups one hand in the other across the chesttowardLuo Yan, the expressionis sincere, in the soundhas the slightlyexcitingvibrato.
“这位道友,我的储物袋,能否还给我?”黄之郎朝罗阎拱手,言辞诚恳,音中带着略显激动的颤音。Helookedthisperson of entirethreedays, god knows, after timesare disappointedhedesperate.
结果没想到。Joy after sorrowYau Yat Tsuen.
After hegives up, will seethispersoninthisfierceYangGongunexpectedly!
他放弃后,竟然会在这烈阳宫见到这人!„Cannot.”Luo Yancoldlyputs outtwocharacters.
“不能。”罗阎冷冷吐出两个字。Arrived the thing of hishand, howpossiblyalsoto go back?
到他手的东西,怎可能还回去?„Fellow Daoist, beforewasmybrother and sisteroffended the fellow daoist. Igiveyouto apologize......”yellowcourt attendantcomplexionsomewhatto become flushed.
The thing in storage bag, ishis fatherpreparesforhim.储物袋中的东西,都是他父亲为他准备的。Symbollucompounded drug.
符箓丹药。Evenis a best quality goodsBuddhist musical instrument.
甚至是一件极品法器。Thesethings, preparetohimparticipate inHeavenly Star Palaceto cross the threshold the selectionto use.
这些东西,都是准备给他参加天星宫入门选拔用的。Butnowselectshas not startedstorage bagto be robbed.
这事。Hedoes not even dareto tellhis father!
他甚至都不敢跟他父亲说!SeesLuo Yannot to speak, the yellowcourt attendantlowers the head, said: „Sorry, but alsoasked the fellow daoistto forgivemybrother and sister.”
见罗阎不说话,黄之郎低下头,又道:“对不起,还请道友原谅我兄妹。”Butitbehindyoung girlalsoshows the miserableexpression, said: „Sorry, askingyoualsoto come backelder brother'sstorage bag.”
而其身后的少女也露出楚楚可怜的表情,道:“对不起,求你把哥哥的储物袋还回来吧。”Luo Yanis looking atthisto the brother and sister, in the heartis somewhat speechless.罗阎望着这对兄妹,心中有些无语。According torepertoire.
按照套路。Should notbecarries out the fierceYangDaocustomtohim the pressure, draws inHua familywhile convenient.
不该是搬出烈阳岛的规矩给他压力,顺便拉上火家。Thenis defeated, the incarnationwas called the fatheragain, did the father who letitsDao Foundationboundaryact?
然后失败,再化身叫父,让其道基境的父亲出面吗?Thiscomes upto recognizeon the apologyinstigated,doeshimto fall intointertwines, what to dodid not know should.
这一上来就道歉认怂,搞得他都陷入纠结,不知道该怎么办了。Issaidcoldly the apologyusefulwords, whydo want the police? Your fathercomesstorage bag is not not possibleto give back toyou.
是冷笑着说道歉有用的话,要警察干吗?你爹来储物袋都不可能还给你。Warnedtwo, thenalsowent backstorage bag?
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