AsHeavenly Star Palaceselected the day of discipleto be getting more and more near.
随着天星宫选拔弟子之日越来越近。FierceYangchengis livelier.
烈阳城更加热闹。Cave mansionfull strength.
洞府满员。Innfull strength.
The powerfulrefiningmember of manystrangefacesfromotherislandsto the fierceYangchenggathering, thisalsocausefierceYangchengto be even more chaotic.
许多陌生面孔的强大炼气修士都从其他岛屿向烈阳城汇聚,这也导致烈阳城愈发混乱。Badly battered that evenfierceYanghealth/guard, is busy, startsto recruitto cooperate the managespersonnel.
即便是烈阳卫,都忙的焦头烂额,开始招募协管人员。Luo Yanwalksin the city.罗阎走在城中。In the handtakesfinestorage bag.
手中拿着一个精致的储物袋。divine consciousnesssweeps, in the eyereveals an astonishedcolor.神念一扫,眼中露出一丝惊异之色。„Thisboy , is very unexpectedly rich.”
“这小子,竟也挺富。”storage bagis uncommon, the inner spacehas50cubicfully.储物袋不凡,内部空间足有五十立方。spirit stones2000.
一阶上品符箓数打。Over a hundredbottles of various compounded drugs.
上百瓶各类丹药。First-orderhigh-gradeBuddhist musical instrumenttwo.
一阶上品法器两件。Even, Luo Yanalsosaw a best quality goodsBuddhist musical instrument!
甚至,罗阎还看到了一件极品法器!„, The boy is also participates in the selection? What a pity, the preparationwas so sufficient, the selectionhas not started, the thingarrived in myhand.”
The Luo Yanlookis pleasantly surprised.罗阎眼神惊喜。He a basinsuch aswashesnow, instorage bag is only left overthreespirit stones.
他如今一盆如洗,储物袋中只剩下三块灵石。Was worrying that does not havemoneyto spend, bit the lawinsect unable to raisecontinually, somepeopledeliveredtohim.
正愁没钱花,连噬法虫都养不起了,就有人给他送。Healmostfeltoneselfwere the child of destiny.
他差点都觉得自己是天命之子了。High-graderune/symbolLu and high-gradeBuddhist musical instrumentdo not needto pay attention, byhispresentstrength, high-graderune/symbolLu and Buddhist musical instrumentalso can only improve on perfection.
上品符箓和上品法器无需理会,以他现在的实力,上品符箓和法器也只能锦上添花而已。Hisattention, entirecentralizedonbest quality goodsBuddhist musical instrument.
他的注意力,全集中在了极品法器上。Thatis a sword.
The sword bladeshining white, hitthreebans.
The Luo Yanobserving and emulatingsay/waygenuine solution, knows somethingto the say/way of refiner.罗阎观摩器道真解,对炼器之道也略知一二。So-calledban, visibleposition‚strengthening’.
所谓禁制,可视之位‘强化’。Threebans, are equal tothreestrengthening.
三道禁制,等于三次强化。Butcanwithstandthreebans, representative the Buddhist musical instrumentmaterial qualityis extraordinary.
而能承受三道禁制,代表法器本身材质非凡。Generally speaking.
一般而言。Does not have the Buddhist musical instrument of banto call it the low-gradeBuddhist musical instrument.
The Buddhist musical instrument of bancalls it the mid-gradeBuddhist musical instrumenttogether.
The Buddhist musical instruments of twobanscall it the high-gradeBuddhist musical instrument.
两道禁制的法器称之为上品法器。Ex analogia.
The limit of Buddhist musical instrument, isthreebans.
法器的极限,是三道禁制。Ifoverthree, are spirit, but the ban of spiritare mostmayreach99, strongercompared withitBuddhist musical instrumentondoes not knowmanytimes.
若超过三道,便是灵器,不过灵器的禁制最多可达九十九道,比之法器要强上不知多少倍。Luo Yandivine consciousnesssearchesinto, carefulfeeling.罗阎神念探入,细细感受。
The bannedtypeare innumerable.
禁制种类无数。Buthitsin this threebans on best quality goodslawsword, is‚supernatural powerwells upand ‚ peaking’respectivelycrazily ’ and‚brokenenemy’.
而打在这把极品法剑上的三道禁制,分别是‘法力狂涌’、‘锐化’和‘破敌’。Is very commonbans.
都是很寻常的禁制。Alsoincreases the ban of might.
同时也都是增加威力的禁制。Obviously, the lethality of thisbest quality goodslawswordis astonishing.
显然,这把极品法剑的杀伤力惊人。Luo Yanhas a mindto attempt, butplacesto cause troubleafter all, healso can only repressin the heartto impulse , to continue to walktowardRegistrationPlace of Heavenly Star Palaceselection.罗阎有心尝试,但毕竟身处闹事,他也只能按捺住心中冲动,继续朝天星宫选拔的报名处走去。Afteroneinquired.
经过一番打听。Quick, hethenarrives at the fierceYangchengcentraldaystarbuilding.
很快,他便来到烈阳城中央的天星楼。On this day the starbuilding, isfierceYangchengspeciallyisHeavenly Star Palacethatstar envoyYuanrealchildconstructs.
这天星楼,乃是烈阳城专门为天星宫那位星使元真子修建而成。According to what has been heard.
据闻。At first year, a YuanrealchildlivesinfierceYangGong, infierceYangshanwithstand/top.
起初一年,元真子居住在烈阳山顶的烈阳宫中。Eightyears ago, a Yuanrealchildwantsto move fromfierceYangGong, thereforeHua familythenconsumessix months, using the financial resourcephysical resourceare innumerable, was a Yuanrealchildnewly-builtthisitsextravagantdaystarbuilding.
八年前,元真子欲搬离烈阳宫,于是火家便耗费半年时间,动用财力物力无数,为元真子新建了这座其穷奢极欲的天星楼。Thisbuildingoccupying land areais huge.
此楼占地巨大。In order tobuildthisbuilding, levelled offinfierceYangcheng a livelieststreet.
为了建立此楼,足足夷平了烈阳城中最繁华的一条街道。But after thisbuildingcompletes, on this day the starbuildingalsobecameinfierceYangchengto be highest the mostsymbolicconstruction.
After Tianxingge, there is a small bridge over the flowing stream, gathering of beautifully dressed people, is a uniquemanor.
天星阁后,有小桥流水,花团锦簇,是一座别致的庄园。But before Tianxingge, is a giantsquare.
而天星阁前,则是一座巨大广场。Enters for the selection the place, theninsquare.
报名参加选拔的地点,便设在广场上。Squarenotlively, except formaintainingtwoteams of fierceYanghealth/guard of order, only thenfewmember.
广场并没有多热闹,除了维持秩序的两队烈阳卫,就只有寥寥几个修士。The one whois responsible forregisteringis the refininglateold man.
负责报名的是个炼气后期的老者。SeesLuo Yanto walk, does not liftsaid: „MyHeavenly Star Palacethisselection, onlyrecruits the refininglateabovemember, ifcultivation baseinsufficientrefiningsix, pleasereturn.”
看到罗阎走来,头也不抬道:“我天星宫这次选拔,只招收炼气后期以上修士,若修为不足炼气六层,就请回吧。”One of thresholds, refining over six.
The Luo Yanvisionflashes.罗阎目光一闪。Hethinks,theseinfluencerecruitmentdisciples, is younger, the aptitudeis more outstandingis better.
他本以为,这些势力招收弟子,年龄越小,资质越优异越好。Withoutthinkingto needcultivation baseto achieverefiningsix......
没想到上来就需要修为达到炼气六层……Did not fear that the discipledoes not have the sense of belongingtoHeavenly Star Palace, oris the undercover who otherinfluencesmix in?
难道就不怕弟子对天星宫没有归属感,亦或者是其他势力混入的卧底?Luo Yanis suspicious, butalsoextremelycoordinationrevealssomeownspiritstrengthfluctuations.罗阎心存疑惑,但也极其配合的显露些许自身的灵力波动。
The old mansaw, the nodsaid: „Ok, cultivation baseenough, but must acceptsometests.”
那老者见了,点头道:“行,修为够了,但还需接受些考验。”„Sawthatbigcauldron, liftedthatbigcauldron, Ithencalculatedyouthrough the test.”
“看到那大鼎了没有,将那大鼎抬起来,我便算你通过考验。”Luo Yanrefers to the directionlookingtoward the old man.罗阎朝老者所指方向望去。Sees onlythreefootbigcauldronsto stand erecton the ground, at first sight, knows the weightto be astonishing.
只见一尊三足大鼎矗立在地上,乍一看,就知重量惊人。„Beforehandremindedyourone, thatbigcauldron10000 cattys in weight.” The old menremindedin the one side.
“事先提醒你一句,那大鼎重10000斤。”老者在一旁提醒道。10,000jin (0.5 kg).
It seems like not heavy.
看似不重。Howeverin fact, lifts10,000jin (0.5 kg)andmakes10,000jin (0.5 kg)strengthistwoconcepts.
然而实际上,抬起一万斤和打出一万斤的力道是两个概念。To the refiningmember, lifting10,000jin (0.5 kg)is obviously more difficult.
对炼气修士而言,抬起一万斤显然更加困难。Luo Yannods, walkstowardthreefootbigcauldrons.罗阎点头,朝三足大鼎走去。Butat this time, nearhisearbroadcasttogether the soundsuddenly.
但这时候,他耳边忽然传来一道声音。„Thisfellow daoist, the old manis demanding the bribe, the casualstoppergiveshimhundredspirit stones, canexemptthistest.”
“这位道友,那老头在索要贿赂呢,随便塞给他百来块灵石,就能免去这个考验。”Somepeopleare sending greetingstohim.
The ordinaryrefiningmember, holdsinin addition of supernatural power, is actually very also difficultto hold up10,000jin (0.5 kg)bigcauldron.
普通炼气修士,在法力的加持下,其实也很难举起一万斤的大鼎。Thistestsaidis the test, is actually feeling embarrassed the personto be the sameprobably.
After listening tothisto send greetings .
听了这传音后。Luo Yanis suddenly enlighted, understands.罗阎才恍然大悟,明白过来。Heturn headlooks, the discoveryis the yellowskirtfemale.
他回头望去,发现是个黄裙女子。Heshows a faint smiletowardthatyellowskirtfemale, thenextends the left hand, holds the legs of threefootbigcauldrons.
他朝那黄裙女子微微一笑,而后伸出左手,抓住三足大鼎的一只鼎足。„Gets up!”
“起!”Luo Yanlowroar.罗阎低吼。
The whole bodymuscleballooning, the blue veinsuch asdragondragon-likeskids.
浑身肌肉鼓胀,青筋如虬龙般滑动。Butthreefootbigcauldrons, were liftedbyheextremelyrelaxedsingle-handed, has lifted the top of the headdirectly.
而三足大鼎,被他极其轻松的单手举了起来,直接举过了头顶。„Sufficed?”Luo Yanis calm, the atmospherehas not breathed heavily.
“够了吗?”罗阎语气平静,大气都没喘一口。Heisbody cultivator.
他可是体修。Lifts a 10,000jin (0.5 kg)cauldron.
举一个一万斤的鼎而已。Let alonesingle-handed.
别说单手。Does not have the issuewith a strengthsmallerleft hand.
就是用力气更小的左手都没问题。„Un.” The old mennodslowly, thenlooks the smile: „Was OK, comes the registration.”
“嗯。”老者缓缓点头,而后面露笑容:“可以了,过来登记吧。”Canhold up the bigcauldronsingle-handed, obviouslyis the outstanding person in refining.
能单手举起大鼎,显然是炼气中的佼佼者。Thisgrade of member, evenhe, does not dareto offendextremely.
“姓名。”„Luo Yan.”
“年龄。”„Three...... I am 20 years old.”
The old mencaught the eyeto look atLuo Yan, smiled saying: The female who „changes the agecultivates, the malecultivatesto be possiblefew. The fellow daoistactuallydo not need.”
老者抬眼看了眼罗阎,莞尔一笑道:“更改年龄的女修很多,男修可没几个。道友其实没必要的。”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow: „Should agenot be the issue?”罗阎挑眉:“年龄应该不是问题吧?”
The old mennodwith a smile, reply: „Naturallyis not the issue, let aloneyour30 years old are, are100 years old, so long ascancomplete the test, canregister.”
老者笑着点头,答道:“自然不是问题,别说你三十来岁,就是一百岁,只要能完成考验,都能报名。”„Your does Heavenly Star Palaceaccept the disciple is so optional?” The Luo Yanlookis curious.
The 100-year-oldrefining, halffootstepped into the coffin.
Does Heavenly Star Palacethisalsoreceive?天星宫这也收?„Heavenly Star Palaceaccepts the disciple, teaches all comers without discrimination. Naturally, this is also the reportgroupwarms up, immortal cultivation worldis brutal, if not stick together, can only be bullied.” The old menanswered.
“天星宫收徒,有教无类。当然,这也是报团取暖罢了,修仙界残酷,若不抱团,只能被人欺压。”老者解释道。immortal cultivation worldlooks like a darkforest, the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest.修仙界就像是一片黑暗森林,弱肉强食,适者生存。IfmakeswildernessLoose cultivator, perhapswas butcheredby the passer-byconveniently.
若做个荒野散修,说不定就被路人随手宰了。ButjoinsHeavenly Star Palace.
而加入天星宫。HasHeavenly Star Palacethisreputation, even ifotherswantto moveyou, mustconsider the consequence.
有天星宫这一名头,纵然别人想动你,也需考虑考虑后果。Heavenly Star Palacecanrule a day of star sea, dependedisseeks revenge for the slightest grievance the broughtdeterrent force.天星宫能统治天星海,靠的就是睚眦必报所带来的威慑力。Heavenly Star Palacehas a member, was known as that the day of starold person, excels at the star chartdivination, but the divinationcalculates others whereabouts.天星宫有一修士,号称天星老人,擅长星象占卜,可卜算他人行踪。Thereforedaystar seahasa few words.
因而天星海有一句话。KillsmyHeavenly Star Palacedisciple.
杀我天星宫弟子。Even ifyouescape the ends of the earth, I can also look foryou, andavenges a grievance.
纵然你逃到天涯海角,我也能将你找出来,并报仇雪恨。„Can the fellow daoistsaythistimeselectionwaytome?”Luo Yanalsoasked.
“那道友能跟我说说这次的选拔方式吗?”罗阎又问。„Simple, onemonthlater, myHeavenly Star Palacewill escort to a spiritislandallregistrationmember, collects the resources on spiritisland, the member who collects the resourcesstandard, canjoinmyHeavenly Star Palace, becomesmyHeavenly Star Palacedisciple.” The old menrepliedwith a smile.
“简单,一个月后,我天星宫会将所有报名修士送往一座灵岛,采集灵岛上的资源,采集资源达标的修士,就能加入我天星宫,成为我天星宫弟子。”老者笑着答道。„Otherspiritislands? Doesn't selectonfierceYangDao? I.”Luo Yandirectauthorities.
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