A inventory.
一番清点。Luo Yanbeams with joy.罗阎眉开眼笑。spirit stones3000.
The classes of otherBuddhist musical instrumentsymbollu have, but the qualityis low, afterLuo Yanhas seen the world, does not enterhisdiscernment.
其余法器符箓之流也有许多,只不过品质较低,在罗阎见过世面后,已经不入他法眼。AlthoughLuo Yancannot have a liking.
虽然罗阎看不上。ButtheseBuddhist musical instrumentrune/symbolLuarequitevaluable.
但这些法器符箓还是颇为值钱。Is countedotherjunks, in additionenough78storage bag, manyalsovalueseveral thousandspirit stones.
算上其他杂物,加起来足足七八个储物袋,多少也值几千块灵石。Luo Yanselectscarefully.罗阎仔细挑拣。Finallyleaves behind something, otherconverge the junks, after going back, sells outdirectly.
最后将部分东西留下,其余则归为杂物,等回去后直接卖掉。Are been manyby the thing that hekeeps.
被他留下来的东西不多。spirit stones.
灵石。Twobamboo tubesbite the lawinsectovum.
两竹筒噬法虫虫卵。Promotes the supernatural power【Essencepill】.
增进法力的【精气丹】。Feeding that hundredpoisonousold menkeepbitesstorage bag of lawinsectto plantspirit.
百毒叟留下来的喂养噬法虫的一储物袋灵植。In additionseveralbottles of not well-knowncompounded drugs that foundfromflattertwostorage bag.
再加上从阿二储物袋中找到的几瓶不知名丹药。Luo Yanputs outgrain of compounded drugfrom the bottle, before placing the nose, smellsgently.罗阎从瓶子中拿出一粒丹药,放在鼻子前轻轻一嗅。
The flavordelicate fragrance, cansmell a bloodflavorfaintly.
他判断。Thesebottles of not well-knowncompounded drugs, aresupplemented that expands the vitality the compounded drug.
他想了想。Poursonegrain, swallows into the abdomen.
倒出一粒,吞入腹中。Hehas the Blackwaterflood dragonbloodlines, the commonpoison, basicis invalidtohim, thushisfearlesscompounded drugis also virulent.
他拥有黑水蛟血脉,一般的毒,根本对他无效,因而他也无惧丹药有毒。Is ordinarywithhim.
Not the well-knowncompounded drugis not the toxicant, butis a building upbodycompounded drug.
Shortly after swallowed, thenchanged into the purecourage vigorto be absorbedbyhim, madehimhavefeeling of the bloodlinesBenZhangunexpectedly, the mortal bodyintensityraisedonedirectly.
吞下后没多久,便化为精纯血气被他吸收,竟令他有种血脉贲涨之感,肉身强度直接拔高了一丝。„Thiscompounded drugbut actuallyalsogood.”
The Luo Yansecretnod, squeezes inownstorage bag the compounded drug.罗阎暗暗点头,将丹药塞入自己的储物袋。Then.
接下来。Is the differentharvest.
是另一样收获。Mind Searching Record!搜神录!First, isthatflattertwo.
The Luo Yanintentionmoves, Mind Searching RecordturnstoTaoist skillp. 2automatically.罗阎心念一动,搜神录自动翻到道术第二页。Looked at the flattertwothatlifelikephotographs, underhisthenvisionmoves, looked that to the method of being stripped.
看了眼阿二那栩栩如生的遗照,他便目光下移,看向被剥离出的法门。【Threeelementary work】
【傲天一击】【Young ladrevealslong-livedmerit】
The Luo Yancarefulfeeling, threeelementary workareonerefine the bodymeritlaw, when transports/fortunes the merit, mayinspire the vitalityto shake in within the body, washes out the whole body, thusachieves the strengthenedmortal body the goal.罗阎仔细感受,三元功是一门炼体功法,运功之时,可引动自身气血于体内震荡,冲刷全身,从而达到强化肉身的目的。Is divided intothree.
共分为三层。Skin Refinement.炼皮。Blood Refinement.炼血。Bone Refinement.炼骨。Thesethree, look familiarespecially.
这三层,格外眼熟。Luo Yanonlylooks atone, the browis subconsciousselects.罗阎只看一眼,眉头就下意识一挑。
The threelevels of thesethreeelementary work, notonthreeboundaries that the correspondingmartial artsdo lead a pious life?
这三元功的三个层次,不就对应武道修行的三个境界吗?BeforeHua Jinfenggavehim the meritlawtimehehad not looked,until nowdiscovers......
之前火金凤给他功法的时候他都没看,直到现在才发现……„No wonder, thatflattertwososmall and weak.”
“难怪,那阿二如此弱小。”Luo Yansuddenly.罗阎恍然。Thesethreeboundaries, hehas practicedcompletely, butthatflattertwoare actually still repairing, howpossiblycompared withhim?
这三个境界,他早就修炼圆满,但那阿二却还在修,又怎可能比他强呢?Healsoplannedto choosethesethreeelementary work, nowlooks, the egghas not used, gives updirectly.
傲天一击。Thisismartial arts.
这是武学。Only hasmartial arts of fist.
只有一拳的武学。Whole bodystrength, stronglyinfist, a fist that sends out.
是将全身力量,集中在拳头,所发出的一拳。„Has the inner vigormartial artsshadowfaintly, butis far less thanHundred Rivers Vigor, thisproudheavenstrikesdoes not need.”
The Luo Yanreview, the browwrinkleis deeper.罗阎点评,眉头越皱越深。Hethinks,killedbody cultivator, canobtain the body cultivatormeritlawandmartial arts of higherlevel.
结果也就那样。Necessity that simplyhas not chosen.
根本没有选择的必要。Inhisheartsighed, lookedto the lastmethod.
他心中叹息,看向最后一道法门。„Young ladreveals the long-livedmerit, hopes that do not disappointme.”
The mindsinks.
心神沉入。Thistime, Luo Yanonlylooked, in the eyereveals a pleasant surprise.
这一次,罗阎只一看,眼中就露出一丝惊喜。Thisyoung ladreveals the long-livedmerit, looks at the name, healsothinks that ismethod that a young ladcanpractice.
这童子显寿功,看名字,他还以为是一门童子才能修行的法门。Finally is actually not.
结果却不是。Butisonerefining up the purificationair/Qi, thustakes care, increases the life the method.
而是一门炼精化气,从而保养身体,增加寿元的法门。Hereessence, referred toisin the wording‚essence’.
与其溢掉。Might as wellrefining up.
还不如炼化掉。To without person of wife and concubines, thisyoung ladreveals the long-livedmerit, obviouslyis excellent.
对无妻妾之人而言,这童子显寿功,显然是极好的。Luo Yanhas not thought.罗阎没有多想。Direct selectionthisyoung ladreveals the long-livedmerit.
直接选择这童子显寿功。Looks atflattertwo.
看完阿二。Luo Yanlookstohundredpoisonousold men.罗阎又看向百毒叟。Under the photograph, similarlyisthreelines of writing.
遗照下,同样是三行文字。Howeverwhatmadehisdisappointedwas, onhundredpoisonousold mendid not have the reallyoutstandingmethod, healso can only chooseonecasually.
然而令他失望的是,百毒叟身上根本无甚优异法门,他也只能随便选择一门。„Loose cultivator, canhave the bigability?”
“一个散修,又能有多大能耐呢?”Luo YandivergesMind Searching Record, self-ridiculedsmiling.罗阎散去搜神录,自嘲的笑了笑。Wants the meritlaw, goodmagic arts, evenis the magical powers.
想要好功法,好法术,甚至是神通。Hemustlook forthesebloodlinesextraordinaryimmortal cultivator, orisbackgroundenormousimmortal cultivator.
他必须去找那些血脉非凡的修仙者,或者是来头极大的修仙者。Onhundredpoisonousold menmustreallyhave the goodmethod, had been caughtto press for an answer, whichwheelobtainshim?
这般想着。Luo Yansets out, firstis the old routereturns, determined after no oneturn headdeals with the Sun Zhuothreepeople, thenwalkstoward the leftcorridoralone.罗阎起身,先是原路返回,确定没人回头对付孙卓三人后,便独自朝左边过道走去。
When thatflattertwowere calledhimhehas not feltright.
答应下来。Howeverishedoes not wantto followHua Jinfeng.
不过是他也不想跟着火金凤罢了。Thismausoleum chamberis uncommon.
这地宫不凡。Followsbehind the Hua Jinfengbuttocks, wherehasindependentto explorecrisply?
不过……Alsowill be alone more dangerous, thusLuo Yanmaintains12to be vigilant, slowlyfaces forwardto exploreto go.
The mistsurges.
雾气涌动。Soon, a stone chamberappearsinhimat present.
不多时,一间石室出现在他眼前。ThatDugu Wufangoncesaid that righthas the stone chamber, now, healsodiscovers the stone chamberin the left.
那么……„Is thismausoleum chamber, among the symmetry is it possible that inadequate?”
“这地宫,莫非是中间对称不成?”Looks atthatstone chamber, in the Luo Yanheartmoves slightly, walkstoward the stone chambersimply.
Before hethencomes to the stone chamber .
他便来到石室前。Looks up, the stone chamberfront doorhas the mural, is a sacrificial offeringdesign, fish and shrimpturtlesand othermarine lifeencircleunder a dragonperson, pays homage to kotow, the facial expressionis reverent.
抬头望去,石室大门有壁画,是一副祭祀图案,一个个鱼虾龟等海洋生物围在一头龙人身下,膜拜叩首,神情虔诚。Somewhatstrange, is somewhat funny.
A Luo Yanbrowslightlywrinkle: „Is it possible thatguessedmistakenly, was not the mausoleum chamberimperial mausoleum, butwasplace of water clansacrificial offering?”罗阎眉头微微一皱:“莫非猜错了,不是地宫陵寝,而是一个水族祭祀之地?”Heshakes the head, does not dothinks,shoves openstone doordirectly.
The mist and dustdances in the air.
烟尘飞舞。stone dooropens wideslowly.
石门缓缓洞开。Luo Yanlooksinward.罗阎朝里望去。Thisis not a bigstone chamber, canseefaintlyis a bedroom.
这是一间不大的石室,隐隐能看出是一间卧房。At this time, amongcovers entirely the skeleton.
只是此时,其内布满尸骸。ButmadeLuo Yanfeelwhatsurprisewas, althoughtheseskeletonstaking the form ofhuman form, butwas not a human form.
但令罗阎感觉诧异的是,这些尸骸虽然形似人形,但又并非人形。Instead after probably...... the shapecompletemonsterbeasthas not died, remains!
“如此多化形妖兽?”In the Luo Yanheartsinks.罗阎心中微沉。Somanymonsterbeasts, diein the middle of a stone chamber.
如此多妖兽,死在一间石室当中。Whatis stranger, thesemonsterbeastskeletonsare all intact, has not slaughtered the fight the trace.
更加诡异的是,这些妖兽尸骸全都完好无缺,并没有厮杀搏斗的痕迹。„Is it possible that is really the sacrificial offering? Are thesemonsterbeasts, all the sacrificial offerings?”
“莫非真是祭祀?这些妖兽,全都是祭品?”„But if the sacrificial offering, who is thatsacrificial offeringobject? dragonpeople?”
“可若是祭祀,那祭祀对象是谁?那龙人?”Luo Yanfelt that the heartis startled.罗阎感到心惊。Butat this time, hefeltsuddenlygloomy and coldauraraid, hefixes the eyes onto look, has the ominoussoulto drillfrom the skeletonunexpectedly, flushedtowardhim! Theseominoussoulsnon-are the human form.
但这时候,他忽然感到一道道阴冷气息袭来,他定睛望去,竟有凶魂从尸骸中钻出,朝他冲了过来!这些凶魂非是人形。Butis a leadermonsterbeast.
而是一头头妖兽。Ineffective and worthless troops, fishmonsterturtlemonster!
虾兵蟹将,鱼妖龟妖!Hiscomplexionchanges, wantsnot to think, the courage vigorthenstartsto burn, changes intoblazing the hot bloodedlight, killsto gotoward the ominoussoulbang.
The courage vigortranspiration, has the extremelyYangaura.
血气蒸腾,带着极阳气息。Theseominoussoulsdo not know that was bornmanyyears, ominousoffensesare unusual.
这些凶魂也不知诞生了多少年,一个个凶戾非常。Butafter allhas not swallowed the essence and bloodsoul, bumps into the Luo Yancourage vigor, just likebumping into the snow and ice of flame, instantaneousablation.
但毕竟没吞噬过精血魂魄,碰上罗阎的血气,就宛如碰上火焰的冰雪,瞬间消融。Soon, was swept awaybyLuo Yan.
After solving the ominoussoul .
解决凶魂后。Luo Yanlookssuddenlytoward the stone chamberoutside,shouted: „Who?”罗阎忽然朝石室外看去,利喝道:“谁?”Hisfivefeelingswere keen, feel the vision of watching.
The oldcoughsoundtransmits.
苍老的咳嗽声传来。Then, a ricketsold manwalkedfrom the wall.
而后,一个佝偻老者从墙外走了进来。Heis serious, is looking atLuo Yan, the sinkingsound said: „Young fellow, did youcreate the catastropheyouto know?”
“大祸?”InLuo Yanheartvigilant, maintains composure saying: „Is the meaning of senior?”罗阎心中警惕,不动声色道:“前辈的意思是?”Helooks at the old man.
他看着老者。Thisold manaurais indistinct, hisdetailscannot lookunexpectedly.
这老者气息缥缈,他竟一点底细都看不出来。If this is not the case, meets a strangeold manin a mausoleum chamber, hehas fought with the fists.
若非如此,在一个地宫中遇上一个陌生老头,他早就一拳打过去了。„Snort! Youalarmed the ghost, alarmed the master in thismausoleum chamber, do youknow, ifthismausoleum chambermasterrecovers, will start the bigcatastropheinimmortal cultivation world?”
“哼!你惊扰了亡魂,也惊扰了这座地宫的主人,你知不知道,若这地宫主人复苏,将在修仙界掀起多大的浩劫?”Old mancoldsnort/hum, the complexionis gloomy, resembling to drop the water leakageto come.
浩劫?Is putting the storytelling?
搁着说书呢?In the Luo Yanheartslandered, insurface, maintained composure saying: „Senior, is the masterbackground of thismausoleum chambervery big?”罗阎心中诽谤,表面上,还是不动声色道:“前辈,这地宫的主人来头很大?”old mancoldsound said: „Naturallygreatly, Heavenly Demon can youknow?”
老头冷声道:“当然大,天魔你可知道?”Luo Yannods.罗阎点头。Heavenly Demon, dayforeign substance, intruder.天魔,天外来物,入侵者。Someare the puredemons, swallowsto killto read the desire, swallows the essence and bloodcultivation basesoul.
有些是纯粹的魔头,吞噬杀念欲念,吞噬精血修为魂魄。Alsosomearebyseizing the shedwayoccupy the membermortal body, plansin secret, toachieve the unknowngoal.
The old mancontinues saying:
老头继续道:„The master in thismausoleum chamber, is Heavenly Demon.”
“这地宫的主人,便是一尊天魔。”„ThatHeavenly Demoncallsmakes the greatlyblackdeity, you may also call itgloomydayVenerable.”
“那天魔唤做大黑天神,你也可称其为黯日尊者。”„Thatisexistence of nearimmortal, cultivates【Greatlyblackdaylaw】, Swallowed the day of eclipseday, perishedall.”
“那是一尊近仙的存在,修【大黑天法】,吞天蚀日,灭亡一切。”„Everygreatlyblackdayshines, all thingswill be swallowedbyit, becomesitgreatlyblackdayLaw Phasepart.”
“凡大黑天映照,万事万物都将被其吞噬,成为其大黑天法相的一部分。”At this point.
The old mancoldlysmiles, askedLuo Yan: „Youmayknow, how that greatlyblackdeityprovesto result in the position of Venerable?”
老头冷冷一笑,问罗阎:“你可知,那大黑天神怎样证得尊者之位的吗?”Luo Yanshakes the head.罗阎摇头。HisVenerableiswhat kind ofboundarydoes not know......
The old mansaid: „Thatgloomydaywasto proveVenerable, swallowed the boundary that hewas by greatlyblackdayLaw Phase, the countlesslife, the wide and openland, allbecamehiscapitalgrain, integratedingreatlyblackdayLaw Phasebyhim.”
老头道:“那黯日为证尊者,以大黑天法相吞噬了他所在的地界,恒河沙数般的生灵,广袤无垠的土地,全都成了他的资粮,被他融入大黑天法相中。”„Now, youmayunderstandthatgloomydayVenerablepowerful?”
The Luo Yaneyelidbeatsslightly.罗阎眼皮微微跳动。Whatifthisold mansaidisreal.
若这老头说的是真的。ThatgloomydayVenerable, greatlyblackdeity, indeedpowerfultoinconceivablesituation.
那黯日尊者,大黑天神,的确强大到了不可思议的地步。But the powerhouse, can thissmallmausoleum chamber, surroundlike that gloomydayVenerable?
但那般强者,这座小小的地宫,能困住那黯日尊者?Inhisheart the doubt, askedimmediately: „Senior, thatgloomydayVenerable, ifreally seems like so strong, he who yousaidhowwill be strandedinthisplace?”
The old manshows the whites of the eyes, said: „Thisis not simple, gloomydayVenerableline of swallowingsay/way, after swallowingoneselfboundary, rebelseverywhere, cansuppressgreatlyinstardeep place. Only the wisp of remnantsouls, escapedthisplace.”
A wisp of remnantsoul......
一缕残魂……Luo Yanhesitateslittle, asked: „Senior, was a thatgloomydayVenerablewisp of remnantsoul, very strong?”罗阎沉吟少许,问道:“前辈,那黯日尊者的一缕残魂,很强吗?”
The old manshakes the head, said: „Not. Butheamends the meritlawisgreatlyblackdaylaw, thisfamily meritlaw, mayswallowall, bloodlines, magical powers, essence and bloodandsupernatural power......”
老头摇头,道:“不强。但他所修功法是大黑天法,这门功法,可吞噬一切,血脉、神通、精血、法力……”„Ifputshimto go out, thissidecultivation world, welcomedreign of terrorinevitably.”
“若放他出去,此方修真界,必然迎来一场腥风血雨。”„Hemoststarts, possiblyonlyswallows the member, butwithhisstrengthstrengthen, spirit vein of thissideboundary, even the boundary, will becomehistarget.”
“他最开始,可能只吞噬修士,但随着他的实力变强,此方地界的灵脉,甚至地界,都会成为他的目标。”„Do not forget, heprovesVenerable, dependedisswallowsto livehimto raisehisboundary.”
“你别忘了,他证尊者,靠的就是吞噬生他养他的地界。”„He, canextinguish the world!”
“他,是能灭世的!”Luo Yanis absolutely terrified.罗阎毛骨悚然。Hewill also swallow.
他也会吞噬。Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, mayswallow the personessence and blood, returns nurturing to parentsoneselfbody.夺天魔功,可吞人精血,反哺己身。Butalso is only restricted in the essence and blood . Moreover the principleis vulgar, is the blood sucking+refining up the essence and blood.
但也仅限于精血,而且其中原理粗鄙,就是吸血+炼化精血。ButthatgloomydayVenerablebigblackdaymethod, even the bloodlinesmagical powerscanattractunexpectedly, even can also attract the spirit veinboundary!
而那黯日尊者的大黑天法,竟然连血脉神通都能吸,甚至还能吸灵脉地界!Anddisparity, an underground, a space!
其中差距,一个地下,一个天上!Luo Yancongealingsound said: „The meaning of senioris, thatgloomyday has Venerableescape?”罗阎凝声道:“前辈的意思是,那黯日尊者已经逃出来了?”
The old mannods, said: „Snort! Alsois notyou.”
老头点头,道:“哼!还不是你们。”At this point.
His voicerevolution, said: „Does not needto be worried, the old manasthisplaceprotectorate, will assistyou, finding the wayto findhim, thensuppressedhim.”
The Luo Yanvisionflashes, asks: „Why can seniorprotectorateinthisplace?”罗阎目光一闪,问道:“前辈为何会镇守在此地?”
The old manas iflistens to the question in Luo Yansound, foams with rage saying:: „Worldrise and fall, everyone has a share of responsibility. What's wrong? Do the old menalsowantto explaintoyou?”
老头似乎听出罗阎音中的质疑,吹胡子瞪眼道::“天下兴亡,匹夫有责。怎么?老夫还要向你解释?”Hisaurais indistinct, immeasurably deep.
他气息缥缈,深不可测。Luo Yansees that immediatelyis forcedsmiles: „Seniorprinciple of righteousness. How can that...... findthatgloomydayVenerable?”罗阎见状,当即牵强一笑:“前辈大义。那……要如何找到那黯日尊者?”
The old mansaid: „Simple, youcomewithme.”
老头道:“简单,你跟我来。”Then, heturns aroundto walkoutward.
说罢,他转身向外走去。Luo Yanturn headlooked at the skeleton of eyefullstone chamber, thinks,waswith the past.罗阎回头看了眼满石室的尸骸,想了想,还是跟了过去。
The old manwalksextremelyquickly, obviouslyis familiar and easy.
老头走得极快,显然轻车熟路。Luo Yanfollowsin the old manbehind, to asksuddenly: „How did seniorcall?”罗阎跟在老头身后,冷不丁问道:“前辈如何称呼?”„Changes...... youto askmeto change the senior.” The oldleaderdoes not returnsaid.
换?Thissurnameis strange.
这姓氏奇怪。Butworldsurname, how?
A strangesurname, Luo Yanhas not cared.
一个奇怪姓氏,罗阎并没有放在心上。„Seniorinthisplaceprotectoratehow manyyears?”Luo Yanalsoasked.
“前辈在此地镇守多少年了?”罗阎又问。„Calculates the time, more than 400years.”
“算算时间,四百多年了。”„400years? Is the seniorstrengthverycertainly strong?”Luo Yanmaintains composure.
“还行。”„Will the senior, inthatstone chamber, whyhave the somanymonsterbeastskeletonsa moment ago?”Luo Yanclosely examines.
“这……”OldVung Tauseveralseconds, said: „ThatgloomydayVenerablefledtothisplace, triggering the phenomenonto attractmanymonsterbeasts.”
老头顿了几秒,道:“那黯日尊者遁逃到此地,引发了异象吸引过来了许多妖兽。”„Senior, Ithought that thesemonsterbeastsas ifare athalfshapecondition? Why is this?”
The old manhesitateslittle, said: „Theywantto melt the shape, butpaysare too few, cannotmelt the shapeto be complete.”
老头沉吟少许,道:“它们想要化形,但付出的太少,未能化形完全。”„Paystoofew, what do you mean?”Luo Yanlooks the color of surprise.
The old manlong time, saidhesitant: „Thismausoleum chambercenter, dragonpersonsculpture, so long aspays the price, cancomplete the wish. Thesemonsterbeasts, thenfoundthatdragonpeoplea moment ago.”
老头犹豫半晌,道:“这地宫中央,有一龙人雕塑,只要付出代价,就能完成心愿。刚才那些妖兽,便是找了那龙人。”At this point.
他声音变得顺畅起来。„Pitifully, theyare only greedy.”
“只可惜,它们贪心无限。”„At first, waswantsto melt the monster.”
“起先,是想要化妖。”„After melting the monster, wantsto grow stronger.”
“化妖之后,又想变强。”„After the strengthen, thinks the directshape.”
“变强之后,更是想直接化形。”„Throws over the generation of scalebelt/bringarmoreventually, underreadcorruptlycauses trouble, theypaidfleshfinally.”
The old manlaughs, the tonefillsto disdain.
老头嗤笑,语气充满不屑。„equivalent exchange?”
The Luo Yaneyepupilhas developedblazing, saidhastily: „Is thatdragonpersonsculptureso mysterious?”罗阎眼眸演过一丝炽热,连忙道:“那龙人雕塑这般神奇?”„Naturally.”
The old manresembled the interest, startedto boast: „Besides the monsterbeast that thesedied, actuallymanypeople and monstershave also paid a visitthatsculpturedragonpeople, andmade the desire, paid the price.”
老头似来了兴趣,开始吹嘘:“除了那些死去的妖兽之外,其实还有不少人和妖也拜见过那雕塑龙人,并且许下愿望,付出代价。”„Theseperson and the monster, the strength is too lowis too low.”
“不过这些人和妖,实力都太低太低。”„Strongesttwo, later period ofDao Foundation.”
“最强的两个,也才道基后期。”„, Callsmakesthousandghostsharks, itpaidoneselfhundred zhang (333 m)monsterbody, received in exchange for a state of mindmystique.”
“其中一个,唤做千眼鬼鲛,它付出了自身百丈妖身,换取了一门神魂秘法。”„Another, is calledwhatHuo Yanmingprobably, hewantsto promoteYuan Pill, pitifully, the accumulation are too only few, the fleshsoulalldisappears, insufficientlyrepays the price.”
“另一个,好像叫做什么火焱明,他想要晋升元丹,只可惜,积累太少,血肉灵魂全都泯灭,也不够偿还代价。”Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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