After a negotiation .
一番交涉后。Luo Yanaccepts a bamboo tubeto bite the egg of lawinsect, temporarilylet offhundredpoisonousold men.罗阎收下一竹筒噬法虫之卵,暂时放过了百毒叟。Thisbites the lawinsectto be extraordinary.
这噬法虫非凡。Heoncein【Dayinsectprecious book】Has seen the introduction of thisdifferentinsect, knows the cultivationmethod of thisdifferentinsect.
他曾在【天虫宝典】中看到过这种异虫的介绍,也知道这种异虫的培育方法。As far as he know.
据他所知。Thisbites the lawinsectgrownisfirst-order, is equivalent to the refiningboundary, ishundredpoisonousold mencultivatesthatbatch in hand.
这噬法虫成年是一阶,相当于炼气境,也就是百毒叟培育手中的那批。However, thisbites the lawinsectactuallyalso to continue the step.
但是,这噬法虫其实还能继续进阶。Onlymustseek the stepmaterial, thencanenter the stepis the second-orderbitinggold/metalspotinsect.
只需寻到进阶材料,便能进阶为二阶的噬法金斑虫。ComparesinShifa the insect, will bitegold/metalspotinsectdemonanti- and defensewill significantly promote.
The sworddifficultwound, the water and firenot to invade.
刀剑难伤,水火不侵。Meanwhile, swallowsto attract the supernatural power the effect also more splendid.
After entering the step, itdoes not needto lieon the member, is separated by several feet, thencanabsorb the supernatural power, maybreaknearallguardsupernatural powersas well asmostmagic arts.
而且。Thishas not bitten the limit of lawinsect.
这还不是噬法虫的极限。According toancient bookrecord, afterbitinggold/metalspotinsectgrowsto the limit, will slaughtermutually, beamingbloodlines, birthinsectking.
据典籍记载,在噬法金斑虫成长到极限后,会互相厮杀,集束血脉,诞生虫王。InsectkingHuandoesto bite the lawdayinsect.
虫王唤做噬法天虫。【Dayinsectprecious book】Bites the lawdayinsectto be broughtbyone, notdetaileddescription, thusLuo Yan, does not bite the lawdayinsectto havewhat kind ofprestigeenergyevenclearly.
只是【天虫宝典】中,噬法天虫被一笔带过,并没有详细描述,因而即便是罗阎,也不清楚噬法天虫有何等威能。In brief.
总而言之。Bites the lawinsectto have boundless prospects, is【Dayinsectprecious book】One of highest leveldifferentinsects.
噬法虫前途无量,算是【天虫宝典】中最顶级的异虫之一。„Luo Yan, a moment agothank you.”
The Sun Licomplexionis pallid, arrives atsideLuo Yan, facegratefulsaying.孙黎面色煞白,走到罗阎身边,一脸感激的说道。Inhisheartlingering fear.
他心中后怕不已。If is not Luo Yan, heonlyfearsnowhad died, becomes a corpse.
若非是罗阎,他现在只怕早已死去,成为了一具尸体。„Should.”Luo Yanreturnssaid,high and lowsizes upSun Li, the concernsaid: „Is the seniorwound of all right?”
“应该的。”罗阎回道,上下打量孙黎,关切道:“前辈身上的伤没事吧?”„Might as well, bites the lawinsect unable to swallowto attract the supernatural power in dantian, isthatparalysistoxin is a little thorny, Inowsomelegsare soft, butto the quarter, Icanrefine the surplustoxinmostly.”Sun Liforced smile.
“无妨,噬法虫无法吞吸丹田内的法力,就是那麻痹毒素有点棘手,我现在还有些腿软,但至多半刻钟,我就能将剩余毒素炼化掉。”孙黎苦笑。Healsothinksoneselfcanfightonefightwithhundredpoisonousold men, againhow, will not losetoougly/difficult to look at.
却没想到。Othersemitto bite the lawinsect, hedefeated, moreoverthorough that defeats, the strength of noresistance.
人家只是放出噬法虫,他就败了,而且败的彻彻底底,没有一丝反抗之力。At this moment.
此刻。Heas ifcanfeelperiphery the memberto look athim.
他仿佛能感受到周围修士在看他。Thatvisionfloods the question , seems laughingto ridiculehim.
那目光充斥质疑,又仿佛是在嗤笑嘲弄他。If notheexperiencesquite a lot, the willis firm and resolute, is shameful, found a placeto hidedirectly.
若非他经历颇多,心志坚毅,早就无地自容,直接找个地方藏起来了。„Thatis good.” The Luo Yansmile, thenasked: „Rightsenior, Iheard, underthisMt. Huoyan, is hiding a flamebrightcave mansion?”
“那就好。”罗阎微笑,而后问道:“对了前辈,我听人说,这火焰山底下,藏着一座焱明洞府,是真的吗?”Sun Lislightlyonehesitant, nods: „.”孙黎微一犹豫,点了点头:“是真的。”„Thisflamebrightcave mansion, isDao Foundationlater the cave mansion of member.”
“这焱明洞府,是一个道基后期修士的洞府。”„Hua Jinfengsaid that memberis calledHuo Yanming, is their Hua familyoldancestor.”
“火金凤说那修士叫做火焱明,是他们火家一位老祖。”„Huo Yanmingwhen the limitarrives, arrives atthisplaceto close up, attacksYuan Pill. The resultbreakthroughfailure, the bodydyingsay/waydisappears, thendiesin the middle of the cave mansiondirectly.”
“火焱明在大限降临之际,来到此地闭关,冲击元丹。结果突破失败,身死道消,便直接死在洞府当中。”„Hefalls from the skyinthisplace, thisno oneknows, in the Hua familygenealogy is also goes outtohisrecord‚wanders, is gone forever’.”
“他陨落在此地,本无人知晓,就连火家族谱中对他的记载也是‘出门云游,一去不返’。”„Butsome time past, Hua Jinfengsought the cluein the Hua familyolddwelling.”
“但前些时候,火金凤在火家老宅中寻到线索。”Sun Lisaid.孙黎说完。AlsolookstoLuo Yan, said: „ThisHua Jinfengcomes outsecretly, the news of flamebrightcave mansion, wasshetoldmesome time ago.”
又看向罗阎,道:“这次火金凤是偷偷出来的,焱明洞府的消息,也是她不久前告诉我的。”Luo Yannods, facial expressionlooking pensive.罗阎点头,神情若有所思。
A Dao Foundationlatecave mansion, is attractiveto their grade of refiningmembernature.
尤其是。MemberDao FoundationorHua familyoldancestor.
那道基修士还是火家老祖。Alsofell from the skydirectlyin the middle of the cave mansion.
还直接陨落在了洞府当中。Disclosed the matter of cave mansionas forHua Jinfeng the reason that the strengthfalls shortonly, is not only ableto enter the cave mansiondepending ononeselfonegroup, needsothermemberto help.
念及此处。Luo Yanrestrainingthoughts, askedSun Li: „Senior, thatHua Jinfenghad saying that whattreasurein the flamebrightcave mansionhid?”罗阎收敛心思,又问孙黎:“前辈,那火金凤有说焱明洞府中藏了些什么宝贝吗?”Sun Lisaid: „Shewas tight-lipped, anythinghad not said,onlymadeusassisther.”孙黎道:“她口风很紧,什么都没说,只让我们协助她。”Luo Yanselected the eyebrow, asked: „Whatadvantage did shepledgeto give the senior?”罗阎挑了挑眉,又问道:“那她承诺给前辈什么好处?”Sun Lispeechless the forced smile saying: „ Shehad not said.孙黎哑然苦笑道:“她没说。
” Luo Yangawked, is surprised the different way: „Hadn't really said?”
”罗阎愣了,诧异道:“真没说?”Sun Linods: „, SheisMissHua family, the positionis really honored, whereunderstandsthese? Whensheenters the cave mansion, obtained the advantagewell, after the mood, mayrewardusanything.”孙黎点头:“真的,她是火家小姐,地位尊贵,哪懂这些?等她进入洞府,得了好处,心情好了以后,或许会赏赐我们点什么。”Luo Yantouches the chin, sighed: „Said, Iwithwrongperson.”Valley罗阎摸了摸下巴,叹息道:“这么说,我跟错人了啊。”谷Sun Lisaid with a smile: „Weren't you advantage? Thatthreeelementary workextremelyrarebuilding upbodymeritlaws, ifyoubuy, at leasttakes1000spirit stones.”孙黎笑道:“你不是得了好处了吗?那三元功可是极其罕见的炼体功法,你要是去买,至少要一千灵石。”Luo Yansaid with a smile: „Pitifully, the meritlawcannotsell for money.”罗阎笑道:“可惜,功法不能卖钱。”Sun Lipasses on the sound said: „Whosaid that is unsellable? The downtown streetsare not good, the black market, will be only the pricewill be less.”孙黎传音道:“谁说不能卖?坊市不行,黑市可以,只是价钱会少一些。”Luo Yanhearsword, in the heartmoves: „Does seniorhave the method?”罗阎闻言,心中一动:“前辈有门路?”Sun Lisaid: „Black marketpositionis uncertain, beforewill openeach timewill send out the message. Ifyouwantto go, waitsto return tofierceYangDao, Ithentell you position that the nextblack marketopens, andenters the black marketto you key.”孙黎道:“黑市位置不定,会在每次开启前发出消息。你若是想去,等回到烈阳岛,我便将下次黑市开启的位置告诉你,并且给你进入黑市的钥匙。”„Downtown streetsdo not permit the meritlaw of transaction, and evensometaboogoods, the black marketpermits the transaction. But the black market is extremely also dangerous, youmustbe ready that stared atto be good.”
The Luo Yaneyedivine willmoves, rushesto nod: „Ifcanlive, mustgo to the black marketto experience.”罗阎眼神意动,赶忙点头:“若能活着回去,一定要去黑市见识见识。”Inhisheart the meritlaware innumerable.
他心中功法无数。Ifthatblack marketcantrade the meritlaw, hecangainoneinevitablygreatly.
若那黑市能交易功法,他必然能大赚一笔。„Un.”Sun Linods should under.
“嗯。”孙黎点头应下。Luo Yanhas the life-saving effortstohim, whatintroduced a black marketis?罗阎对他有救命之恩,介绍一个黑市算什么?Two peoplealsochattedtwo.
两人又闲聊两句。Hua Jinfengthendisperses the surroundingmember, startsto discuss the proper business.火金凤便驱散周围修士,开始商议正事。ShecalledSun Liand the others, the itself/Bendiscusses the proper business, finally the proper businesshas not comeanddiscussed,thenfirstcametwoto fight.
她将孙黎等人叫过来,本就是商议正事的,结果正事还没来及商议,便先来了两场打斗。At this timefoughtto finish, naturallymustcontinueto discuss.
此时打斗结束,自然要继续商议。„Icalledyouto come, for the flamebrightcave mansion, youalsoknew. But the entrance of flamebrightcave mansion, there.”Hua JinfengextendswhiteXi the arm, refers totoward the flameislandcenter.
“我叫你们过来,是为了焱明洞府,想必你们也知道了。而焱明洞府的入口,在那儿。”火金凤伸出白细手臂,朝火焰岛中央指去。Luo Yanlooksfollowingherarm, the browselects.罗阎顺着她的手臂望去,眉头就是一挑。Thisflameislandis a volcano.
这火焰岛是一座火山。Butplace that Hua Jinfengrefers, is the crater.
而火金凤所指的地方,就是火山口。Although the volcanodoes not have the eruptionnow, but the entireflameislandis steaming hot, under the craterhas the magmato existinevitably.
The Luo Yanbody and spiritis powerful, fearlesscommoneveryfire.罗阎体魄强大,无惧一般凡火。Butifplunges into the magma, onlyfeared that cannot remain the bone ash.
但要是跳入岩浆中,只怕连骨灰都留不下来。„Young lady, yourmeaning, mustpass through the magma, canarrive in the flamebrightcave mansion?”Dugu Wufangopens the mouth.
“小姐,您的意思,要穿过岩浆,才能抵达焱明洞府?”独孤无方开口。„Can't hotyoung lady, change a mentality? For exampledigsfrom the seabed?”Hundredpoisonousold mancautioussay/way.
“火小姐,就不能换个思路?比如从海底挖过去?”百毒叟小心翼翼道。„Cannot. Ihave nosed, when mygrandfatherbuildsthiscave mansion, underarrange/clothbigoutsidecave mansion, butthatbigdefenseis astonishing, evenYuan Pillmayprevent the moment.”
“不能。我查探过,我祖父修筑这洞府时,在洞府外布下大阵,而那大阵防御惊人,连元丹都可阻挡片刻。”„Therefore, can only go from the entrance.”
The Hua Jinfengscarletpupilhangs, both legsoverlapping, directauthorities.火金凤赤眸微垂,双腿交叉,直截了当道。
The peopleare silent.
众人沉默。Luo Yandeeply frowned.罗阎眉头紧锁。Hua JinfengthatgrandfatherhasDao Foundationcultivation baseto add on the uniquehotlineage/veinlateragain, crosses the magma, easy as pie.火金凤那位祖父拥有道基后期修为再加上独特的火脉,横渡岩浆,易如反掌。Butthey, maybe only the refiningmember.
但他们这些人,可都只是炼气修士。Evensupernatural powerfull, condensesprotects the shield, caninsist for severalseconds is the limit.
就算法力全开,凝聚护盾,能坚持几秒便已是极限。Seeing the people are silent, Hua Jinfenglooksdisgruntledly, coldsound said:
见众人都沉默,火金凤面露不悦,冷声道:„Icalledyouto come, totake the best, found outacross the means of magma.”
“我叫你们过来,就是为了博采众长,想出穿过岩浆的办法。”„What's wrong, don't youhave the means?”
“怎么,你们都没办法?”Onegroup of peoplecontinuesilent.
一群人继续沉默。For a long time, Sun Liraised the head, smallsound said: „Hotyoung lady, it is reported that the Hua familymost precious object, callsdoesto evade the hotbead......”
许久,孙黎抬头,小声道:“火小姐,据传火家有一至宝,唤做避火珠……”„Thatand othermost precious objects, howinmyhand?”Hua Jinfenginterrupts the Sun Liwordsdirectly.
“那等至宝,岂会在我手上?”火金凤直接打断孙黎的话。Ifthere areto evade the hotbead, shehas entered the cave mansionalone, whyto wantthesepeopleto help.
若有避火珠,她早就独自进入洞府了,何必要这些人帮忙。„Isn'tsomemagma? Iand other directtransportingsea water, suppressthatmagma is.”Somepeopleopen the mouth, the soundis loud and clear.
“不就是些岩浆吗?我等直接搬运海水,将那岩浆扑灭便是。”有人开口,声音洪亮。„Suppresses the magma? Thisfellow daoist, or do youtry?”Hundredpoisonousold menlaugh, probablylooked that the foolsamelookstothatperson.
“扑灭岩浆?这位道友,要不你去试试?”百毒叟嗤笑,像是看傻子一样看向那人。Luo Yanalsolooked atthatperson of one.罗阎也看了那人一眼。
A middle-aged man, looked that the appearanceis somewhat maneating.
一个中年男子,看模样有些凶悍。„Whyisn't good?”Thatperson of doubt, the browis pressed.
“为何不行?”那人狐疑,眉头蹙起。„Does not have the thing of brain, one side rolls!”Hua Jinfenglookstothatperson, coldsoundscolded.
“没脑子的东西,滚一边去!”火金凤看向那人,冷声呵斥。Looks atthatperson of seriousexpression, sheair/Qinot to hitone.
看着那人一本正经的表情,她就气不打一处来。Shereallycannot think through, howthispersoncultivatesrefiningnine.
The middle-aged manwas scolded, the complexionbecomes flushedsuddenly.
中年男子被呵斥,脸色猛然涨红。Butunder the intently watch of Hua Jinfeng, lowers the head, walkstoward the distant place.
但在火金凤的逼视下,还是低下头,朝远处走去。„Smellywoman, is waitingto the master.”
“臭娘们,给爷等着。”Hiseyegroundflashes throughtogether the cold light, nearbyincomparablyaggrievedarriving.
他眼底闪过一道冷光,无比憋屈的走到一旁。Butat this time.
而此时。Luo Yanisgoes forwardonestep, said: „Young lady, slightlytransfers the strategywhether to crossthatmagma, arrives in the cave mansionentrance?”罗阎已是上前一步,道:“小姐,小挪移阵法能否横渡那岩浆,抵达洞府入口?”
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