ICGMTTO :: Volume #6

#515: Good fortune

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Receives quickly the weapon, these give to protect to the star-level weapon!” “快把武器收起来,那些对星级武器都给保护好!” secure because of instinct said. 安度因本能的叫了起来。 Before his mind remembered instantaneously, accepts the requests of another two big empires. 他脑海里瞬间想起了之前答应另外两大帝国的要求。 Cannot make these weapons appear in their national territory again, otherwise regards as to two Great Emperor country common the provocation and shame...... 绝不能再让这些武器出现在他们的国土境内,否则将视为对两大帝国共同的挑衅和羞辱…… Since he has carried this being unjustly discredited, naturally is impossible to fling again. 他既然已经把这黑锅背了下来,就自然不可能再甩出去。 Has not thought rapidness that such enemy presents unexpectedly. 只是没想到敌人竟然出现的这么快。 If makes this person get so far as other country's in the strange method this weapon again...... hehe, the wars between that three big empires can start directly. 如果让这人以古怪的手段把这武器再弄到别的国的话……呵呵,那三大帝国之间的战争直接就可以开始了。 Carlos's shocking whole body shivers, startled called out: He dares to leave the mystical place unexpectedly, he dares to come unexpectedly!” 卡洛斯震惊的浑身颤抖,惊叫道:“他竟然敢离开秘境,他竟然敢来!” Don't worry , he since dares to come, was doomed dead in our hands.” “不用担心,他既然敢来,就注定会死在我们的手里了。” secure because of sneering saying: Come morning skillful of not Tathagata, our scruples not merely only then he alone? Since the long-range weapon is unuseful now, then our roads also only remained one, that was sneaks the mystical place to conduct the individual to battle...... may as the matter stands, not being able to save to face this person.” 安度因冷笑道:“来的早不如来的巧,我们的顾忌不就仅仅只有他一个人吗?既然如今远程武器不能使用的话,那么我们的路也就只剩一条了,那就是潜入秘境进行单兵作战……可这样一来,省不掉要面对这个人。” His appearance, likely to cope our to star-level weapon.” “他的出现,很可能是为了对付我们的对星级武器。” Tugra Yang said: But at present because of what reason, he left his domain...... to be separated from his place to benefit after all, must kill him, this was we best opportunity.” 图拉杨说道:“但眼下无论是因为什么原因,他终归是离开了他的地盘……脱离了他的地利,要杀他,这是我们最好的机会。” So long as however killed him, before I and others, convenient is a piece of level road, no one is able to prevent us to obtain the treasure in mystical place.” “而只要杀了他,我等前方便是一片坦途,谁也无法阻止我们获得秘境内的宝物了。” secure because of Tugra Yang your my, the clarity that quick the current situation will then say. 安度因与图拉杨两人你一句我一句,很快便将目前的局势说的清楚。 Even set this time to cut to kill that person of best opportunity...... 甚至定下了此时正是斩杀那人最好的机会…… But Carlos anything could not actually have heard. 而卡洛斯却已经什么都听不到了。 His breathing rapidly, the look fear is chaotic. 他呼吸急促,眼神惶乱。 In the mind appears, is that presses up to his throat, making him evade not to have sure-kill that may evade. 脑海里浮现的,是那直逼他喉咙,让他避无可避的绝杀。 If not he had been transformed, at this time the body has died, which also has the vitality in? 若非他被改造过,此时早已经身死,哪还有生机在? But had been transformed even, the scar that on the body leaves behind still kept the body, at times grief. 可就算被改造过,身体上留下的伤痕仍然留在身上,时时伤痛。 Because of this own experience, he is clearer among two people that big such as the disparity of the world! 正因为这亲身的经历,他才更明白两人之间那大如天地的差距! Therefore, when peaceful because of indicating to go to see that fearful mystical place person personally...... 因此,当安度因表示要亲自出去见一见那名可怕的秘境人的时候…… Carlos could not bear hit to tremble, instinct then wanted to flee. 卡洛斯忍不住打了个寒颤,本能的便想要逃离。 But looks that on own lord went out. 但看着自己的主上都出去了。 He also can only clench teeth, is restraining by force alarmed and afraid of heart, with treading armored vehicle...... 他也只能咬牙,强压着心头的惊惧,跟着踏出了装甲车…… This and other shrinking condition, make Tugra Yang unable to bear knit the brows, the heart gave birth for several points to despise the look. 只是这等畏畏缩缩之态,却让图拉杨忍不住皱眉,心头生出了几分鄙夷神色。 Heart this Carlos strength is not weak, but the disposition too is bad is too bad. 心道这卡洛斯实力不弱,但心性却委实太差太差。 The little attack, then lets his so fraught with uncertainty unexpectedly, does not have divisional-level military to have the style that. 一点点打击,竟然便让他如此畏首畏尾,毫无宗师级武者该有的风范。 At that moment sets out suddenly, how must experience this frightening Carlos to break the character of guts actually well is fierce. 当下豁然起身,倒是要好好见识一下这个吓的卡洛斯破了胆的人物到底是怎么一种厉害。 Three people trod the armored vehicle. 三人踏出了装甲车。 As they appear, is the team rapid loaded these removed to the vehicles of star-level weapon backward, as far as possible far away from permits Lingjun. 而随着他们出现,是队伍迅速的将那些装载了对星级武器的车辆向后移去,尽量远离许灵钧 But at this time, in permits Lingjun body week, has dropped down more than hundred sharpest soldiers. 而此时,在许灵钧的身周,早已经倒下了百多名最为精锐的战士。 Obviously, these people want first to take permits Lingjun, finally actually violent inadequate instead by grass, became of level. 显然,这些人想要第一时间拿下许灵钧,结果却强暴不成反被草,成了躺平的那个。 Also is discovered that the strength of enemy is too strong, even if the thermal energy weapon is also very difficult to attack him...... 也就是发现敌人的实力实在太强,哪怕是热能武器也很难攻击到他…… Therefore under commander's direction, this revolutions attacks to encircle, the person who otherwise, this little while lies down are perhaps more. 所以在指挥官的指挥之下,这才转攻为围,不然的话,这会儿躺下的人恐怕更多。 But makes these soldiers puzzled...... 但更让这些战士们不解的…… Actually runs into the enemy, naturally this/should first came out to attack the enemy the arms rack to be right...... 却是遇到到了敌人,自然该第一时间把武器架出来攻击敌人才对…… But how these weapons escape one by one quick? Is quicker than them. 可这些武器怎么逃的一个比一个快?比他们还快。 Pours is afraid the enemy robbing to be the same their weapons probably. 倒好像是害怕敌人会把他们的武器给抢走一样。 Very unscientific...... 就很不科学…… permits Lingjun heart laughs in one's heart, he naturally knows that they are what meanings. 灵钧心头暗笑,他自然知道他们是什么意思。 In fact, if he wants to aim at Blizzard Empire at this time, was simply simple. 事实上,若他此时想要针对暴雪帝国的话,简直再简单不过了。 Otherwise, uses the blank round to deliver to the country of light these weapons directly completely, but also feared that the war can't hit? 不然的话,直接把这些武器全部用时空枪送到光之国去,还怕战争打不起来? However at present, the big summer empire is at the critical moment of transformation. 不过眼下,大夏帝国正处在转型的关键时刻。 At present, is not the best time of exposition...... 眼下,还不是暴露的最佳时机…… Thinking, permits Lingjun is no longer paying attention to these almost to be possible be called the mixed fish general goods to him. 想着,许灵钧不再关注那些对他而言几乎堪称杂鱼一般的货色。 Slowly lifts the hand, aimed at Carlos, under the assistance of Xiaoya. 慢慢抬手,指向了卡洛斯,在小雅的辅助下。 The faint tone: I know that you are also living, can live from my hand from no one, therefore this time, I take your life especially.” 以淡漠的语气说道:“我知道你还活着,从没有人能从我的手里活下来,所以这次,我特地来取你的命。” Comes to me? 冲我来的? Carlos could not bear shake shook, clenches teeth saying: Kills me? I may today we are no longer as we have been......, I experience the tribulation of life and death, is saved from death, your chapter, is bringing about own destruction completely, walks into a trap!” 卡洛斯忍不住震了一震,咬牙道:“来杀我?我可已经今非昔比了……,我经历了生死之劫,又死里逃生,你这回过来,完全是在自寻死路,自投罗网!” Because even if secure faces a peerless powerhouse, at this time was still maintaining Mr.'s of a country style, said lightly: What Yan and Huang clansman are you that? This king can/but does not know when the mystical place also has human has...... this is a king makes a mistake, does not know that I and others whether to sit down consults 12 well?” 安度因哪怕面对一位绝世强者,此时仍然保持着一国之君的风范,淡淡道:“你就是那个什么炎黄族人?本王可不知道秘境什么时候还有人类的存在……这是本王失误,不知我等可否坐下好好协商一二?” Idle talk are really many.” “废话真多。” permits Lingjun actually to secure because of the words pay no attention. 灵钧却对安度因的话理也不理。 Words more flaws are more. 话越多破绽越多。 Goal that his comes...... on only Carlos, if the condition permits, stresses one, does not allow to guarantee a minimum becomes. 他此来的目的……就只卡洛斯一人而已,如果条件允许,多抓一个,不允许就保底就成。 His whole person incarnation one group of black fog, flush away toward Carlos. 他整个人化身一团黑雾,直朝着卡洛斯冲去。 He came, the old chart, collaborates!” “他过来了,老图,联手!” Carlos called, knows in the heart your majesty here, is evades not to be possible to evade, if escapes, perhaps Blizzard Empire cannot accommodate him. 卡洛斯叫了起来,心知陛下在此,已是避无可避,若是逃跑,恐怕暴雪帝国也容不得他。 Even if knows that enemy again how powerful, he must support...... 纵然知道敌人再如何强大,他也必须撑下来…… Tugra Yang actually pays no attention to Carlos's words, high sound said: I come to see you to have many weights.” 图拉杨却对卡洛斯的话理也不理,高声道:“我来看看你有多少斤两。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 His body week Saint phosgene splits open, flaming ignites just like a Sun, both hands empty grasp, the spirit can the sledgehammer melt the trail obviously, as his both feet gets sucked into the land suddenly, this great hammer pounds toward permits Lingjun. 他身周圣光气迸裂,宛若一颗太阳般熊熊燃起,双手虚握,灵能大锤显化形迹,随着他双足猛然深陷大地之中,这巨锤直朝着许灵钧砸去。 permits Lingjun lifts the hand. 灵钧抬手。 Bang a loud sound...... 嘭的一声巨响…… The Saint phosgene pounds in permits Lingjun body week, he actually does not injure painful, even moves also motionless, backhanded a palm bang to approach Tugra Yang. 圣光气砸在许灵钧的身周,他却不伤不痛,甚至动也不动,反手一掌轰向了图拉杨。 Must hide the real skill facing these people...... 面对这些人必须隐藏真实功力…… But what martial skill does he also need now? 但他如今还需要什么武技了么? Spies on all around the spiritual energy by the spirit knowledge, now looks seriously is clear incomparable, opposite party really Yuan in spiritual energy, like a fish in water, but cannot hide the truth from spying on water eventually. 以灵识窥探周遭灵气,如今看的当真是清晰无比,对方的真元在灵气之中,如鱼得水,但终究瞒不过水的窥探。 Fine single. 一丝一缕。 permits Lingjun optional swaying, the style mysterious is not inferior in any no higher authority martial skill certainly strong energy. 灵钧随意的挥洒,招式却玄妙不逊色于任何无上级武技的绝强之能。 Only one move, let Tugra Yang Shengchu the feeling of feel alienated, only felt own Saint phosgene, as making a move of opposite party, the latter strength that unexpectedly changed was bad. 只一招,却生生让图拉杨生出了疏离之感,只感觉自身的圣光气随着对方的出手,竟变的后力不济起来。 Especially an opposite party palm cuts. 尤其对方一掌斩下。 This blade, cut him to this world. 这一刀,将他斩离了这个世界。 Probably was separated from the fish of water. 好像脱离了水的鱼。 Also is in the similar space obviously, but had a suffocating feeling. 明明还处在同样的空间之内,但却有了一股窒息之感。 Especially opposite party meat palm sending out is better than any style boundless blade astral. 尤其对方肉掌散发远远胜过任何招式的无边刀罡。 A blade. 一刀。 The Saint hammer was shattered. 圣锤破碎。 The remaining blade vigor prestige can not reduce, cuts his whole person blade in the chest front, follows a dark red blood blowout. 残余刀劲威能不减,将他整个人一刀斩在胸前,伴随噗的一口殷红鲜血喷出。 The blade air/Qi that before Tugra Yang backs up dozens steps...... actually still to remove body, that illness/quick to/clashes to come staggering difficultly. 图拉杨踉踉跄跄倒退几十步……却仍难卸去身前那疾冲而来的刀气。 Weak kneeling down on the ground, stood unable to stand unexpectedly continually. 无力的跪倒在地上,竟连站也站不起来了。 This......” “就这……” permits Lingjun shakes the head, in the tone full is regrettable. 灵钧摇头,语气里满是遗憾。 Obviously, this grade of strength cannot make him enjoy oneself to the full. 显然,这等实力并不能让他尽兴。 But in fact, this Tugra Yang's strength compared with Carlos must...... through him, permits Lingjun be looks to see clearly even better. 而事实上,这图拉杨的实力较之卡洛斯还要更胜一筹……通过他,许灵钧算是看看清楚了。 This promotion, has not actually made the absolute strength promotion of permits Lingjun too many. 这一次升级,其实并没有让许灵钧的绝对实力提升太多。 More, is reborn. 更多的,是脱胎换骨。 If before he were a fierce tiger of growing up, then after former that transformation, he has succeeded got made a young dragon. 如果说之前他是一只成年的猛虎的话,那么历经之前那次蜕变,他已经成功的变作了一只幼龙。 Although on the battle efficiency, possibly misses too many not...... 虽然就战斗力而言,可能还是差不太多…… But in fact, upper limit actually by big raising. 但事实上,上限却被大大的拔高了。 Especially had existence of spirit knowledge, his absolute strength has not been increased, but the battle efficiency actually greatly enhanced absolutely much. 尤其是有了灵识的存在,他的绝对实力没有提升,但战斗力却绝对大大提高了不少。 Your majesty, walks quickly!” “陛下,快走!” Saw with own eyes that a Tugra Yang move is defeated. 眼见图拉杨一招落败。 Carlos is more anxious, protecting of instinct in peaceful before the body, said: I will win the time for you as far as possible.” 卡洛斯更为紧张,本能的护在了安度因的身前,说道:“我会尽量为您争取时间。” No need.” “不必。” secure because of was still unhurried, but saw that a Tugra Yang move was defeated, the life and death does not know...... 安度因仍是不慌,只是看到图拉杨一招落败,生死不知…… His eyeground appears several points of complex look. 他眼底浮现几分复杂神色。 The Tugra Yang Naishi sacred hall list expert ranked third, how could it not be is actually not his move of enemy...... this is expressing now, does the sacred hall list of his collection, in the front of front this man, collapse at the first blow painstakingly radically? 图拉杨乃是圣堂榜排名第三的高手,如今竟然不是他一招之敌……这岂非表示着,他苦心收集的圣堂榜,在面前这个男人的面前,根本就是不堪一击? He shakes the head saying: Your excellency strength is profound, is inferior to this, joins my Blizzard Empire, the mystical place your I shares, Blizzard Empire, but how also do your I share......?” 他摇头道:“阁下实力高深,不如这样,加入我暴雪帝国,秘境你我共享,暴雪帝国,亦可你我共享……如何?” What matter has your? Here chatty endless?” “有你什么事儿?在这里叽叽歪歪个没完没了?” permits Lingjun seems to discover peaceful at this time because of existence. 灵钧好像这时候才发现安度因的存在。 Although wears the mask, cannot see the eye, but Carlos and peaceful because of actually can still the obvious feeling permits Lingjun vision in secure because of the body swept one. 虽然戴着面具,根本看不到眼睛,但卡洛斯和安度因却仍然能明显的感觉到许灵钧的目光在安度因的身上扫了一眼。 Then, fell Carlos's body. 然后,就落到了卡洛斯的身上。 Carlos is instantaneously unbending. 卡洛斯瞬间僵直。 Is the goal unexpectedly I? 目标竟是我自己? Then, so long as I leave your majesty a little, was safe? 这么说来,我只要离陛下远一点儿,就安全了? Carlos ignorant period of time. 卡洛斯懵了好一阵子。 But saw with own eyes that permits Lingjun approaches again...... 而眼见许灵钧再度逼近…… Carlos then responded, first shot up to the sky, from the sky not borrowed the place of strength, but actually still a transition, seemed one to turn toward the distant place to run away baseless to go like lightning. 卡洛斯这才反应过来,第一时间冲天而起,在空中毫无借力之处,但却仍然凭空一个转折,好似一道闪电般向着远处逃遁而去。 permits Lingjun sneers saying: Falling of escaping?” 灵钧冷笑道:“逃的掉吗?” To escape? 想逃? That better...... 那更好…… You escape again far, Xiaoya had planted the coordinates on you, you could not escape. 你逃再远,小雅已经在你身上种下了坐标,你逃不掉了。 permits Lingjun is just about to catch up, actually suddenly a brow wrinkle. 灵钧正要追上,却突然眉头一皱。 The footsteps that originally lifts put slowly, he stops, said: Cannot think that Blizzard Empire really also has the expert.” 本来抬起的脚步慢慢的放了下来,他停下,说道:“想不到暴雪帝国竟然还有高手。” Hence, permits Lingjun then looked finally directly to peaceful, because, said: „Is this you are at facing I so calm reason?” 至此,许灵钧这才终于正面看向了安度因,说道:“这才是你面对我如此淡定的原因所在吧?” This king Jiran dares to come to here, naturally can prepare full, originally provides against contingencies, but cannot think that returned the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances unexpectedly.” “本王既然敢来这里,自然会做好十足准备,本来不过是以防万一,但想不到竟然还阴错阳差了。” secure because was still maintaining its consistent calm bearing, said lightly: By your ability, should be the lord of mystical place, very good, today, asks you dead here......” 安度因仍是保持着其一贯的从容气度,淡淡道:“以你的能耐,应该就是秘境之主了吧,很好,今天,就请你死在这里吧……” Saying, him is turning the head to look to another direction. 说着,他转头看向了另外一处方向。 Said: Teacher, does not need to keep the hand, he is we conquers the mystical place biggest barrier, my Blizzard Empire dominates Blue Star, was just round the corner.” 说道:“老师,不必留手,他是我们征服秘境最大的障碍,我暴雪帝国称霸蓝星,就指日可待了。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 A short sturdy form appears from the distant place slowly. 一名身材矮小粗壮的身影慢慢从远处出现。 Although the figure is short, but he walks step by step, the feeling of heavy pressure unexpectedly one Mount Tai comes topplingly...... 只是身材虽然矮小,但他一步一步走来,竟有一种泰山倾颓而来的重压之感…… But at this time, permits Lingjun also saw clearly the facial features of this old man finally, or cannot see clearly...... 而此时,许灵钧也终于看清了这老者的面容,或者说看不清…… Thick-skinned heavy full beard, seems for many years not to patch disorderly, the facial features give the blocking solid, only reveals two muddy eye pupils. 一脸厚重的络腮胡子,凌乱好似多年不曾修补,将五官都给遮挡的严严实实,只露出两只浑浊的眼眸。 The eye pupil of this pollution is seeing permits Lingjun flash. 只是这浑浊的眼眸在看到许灵钧的一瞬间。 Actually explodes none suddenly. 却猛然间爆裂精光。 At this moment...... 这一刻…… permits Lingjun felt awakens of hungry dragon. 灵钧感觉到了一头饿龙的苏醒。 But he, had been regarded food by it. 而他,已经被其当成了食物。 Makes the stage of perfection!” “造化境!” permits Lingjun smiled lowly. 灵钧低低笑了起来。 Yeah, front is short, old man who even his nape of the neck does not arrive at...... 可不是么,面前这名身材矮小,甚至连他脖颈都不到的老者…… Has just like achieved strong military who certainly the human military force highest apex in legend makes the stage of perfection! 俨然就是已经达到传说中的人类武力最高顶点造化境的绝强武者! Initially the grandson did not extinguish had then said that making the stage of perfection was the highest boundary that human can achieve at present. 当初孙不灭便曾经说过,造化境乃是人类目前所能达到的最高境界。 Very strange, to military of this boundary, how regarding to break through to this boundary, actually keeps mouth shut, as if has secretive what secret hidden in resembles. 只是很离奇的,到得这个境界的武者,对于如何突破至这个境界,却都是三缄其口,似乎有什么不可告人的隐秘隐于其中似的。 Therefore, as long as the strength arrives turns over to the Yuan boundary. 因此,但凡实力到得归元境界。 Basically had arrived, wants to break through to again making the stage of perfection, then must try to find out alone...... this is not the issue that the pure perception or the accumulation can solve. 基本上就已经到了头了,再想突破至造化境,便必须独自摸索……这已经不是单纯的悟性或者积累所能解决的问题了。 More importantly, possibly is the luck. 更为重要的,可能更是运气。 Perhaps which step walked right, touched the threshold of good fortune. 也许哪一步走对了,就摸到了造化的门槛。 But are more, is actually halts life-long in Guiyuan the boundary, the difficult inch to go a step further again. 但更多的,却是终生止步于归元境界,再难寸进一步。 On for example Feng Zhihen, why he studies diligently the low-end merit law specially, no doubt there is a benefitting polar star battlefield idea, but are more, because he knows, his life visited the good fortune boundary hopelessly, remains to use the body would rather, handles more things. 就比如风之痕,他为何专而钻研低端功法,固然有造福极星战场的想法,但更多的,还是因为他知道,他此生本就无望踏足造化境界,倒不如留得用有之身,做更多的事情。 But permits Lingjun most earnestly seeks now, is actually the opponent who makes the stage of perfection. 而许灵钧如今最渴求的,其实就是造化境的对手。 By an enemy four, in addition strikes to kill the enemy overwhelmingly! 以一敌四,尚且以绝对的优势将敌人击杀! Of present permits Lingjun strength, the self-confident in Guiyuan same boundary does not have the rival again...... after all he is not pure military, but has become a lay priest by the military, visits the boundary of immortal cultivation. 如今的许灵钧实力之强,自信于归元同境再无敌手……毕竟他根本就不是单纯的武者,而是已经以武入道,踏足修仙之境。 Especially becomes a lay priest by the military. 尤其以武入道。 Is deeper both long. 更是深得两者之长。 Now saw with own eyes that the good fortune boundary big grandmaster appears, permits Lingjun not startled counter- happy. 如今眼见造化境界大宗师出现,许灵钧不惊反喜。 Made the stage of perfection...... to expect for a long time, happen to had a look on you, so-called made the stage of perfection to have what secret, making you make every effort to keep secret.” “造化境……期待已久了,正好在你身上看看,所谓造化境到底有什么秘密,让你们这么讳莫如深。” permits Lingjun smiled lowly. 灵钧低低笑了起来。 Respects the young.” “后生可畏啊。” Wuseer. 乌瑟尔。 The Blizzard Empire sacred hall ranking first generation first place, is in 12 knights the position highest first knight. 暴雪帝国圣堂排行榜第一代榜首,亦是十二骑士之中地位最高的第一骑士。 50 years ago, it is the double list first, after resigning retirement, had gone into hiding. 五十年前,其便已是双榜第一,自卸任退休之后,本已经销声匿迹。 Everyone thinks that he had died, actually does not think that he still is also still living unexpectedly, not only living, is repairing for has become to the boundary of good fortune. 大家都以为他已经死了,却不想他至今竟仍然还活着,不仅活着,一身修为更已趋至造化之境。 But at this time looks at front young people. 但此时看着面前的年轻人。 Black clothes black armor, cannot block from war intent that on him that moves restlessly. 一身黑衣黑甲,遮不住他身上那躁动的战意。 That is only some young people vigor. 那是唯独年轻人才有的活力。 But the piercing chill in the air makes his heart unable to bear all around sends slightly coldly. 但周遭刺骨的寒意却让他心头忍不住微微发寒。 Without a doubt, front young people do not make stage of perfection military, but of his strength, has actually exceeded any to turn over to the Yuan grandmaster absolutely. 毫无疑问,面前的这个年轻人并非是造化境武者,但他的实力之强,却绝对已经超越了任何一位归元宗师。 Presses up to make the stage of perfection big grandmaster. 直逼造化境大宗师。 Teacher, this child cannot remain.” “老师,此子绝不可留。” secure because of also wants to say anything. 安度因还想说些什么。 Was actually given to break by Wuseer directly, he said: Your majesty, this place danger, but also asked your majesty to withdraw 30 li (0.5 km), in order to avoid being injured accidentally.” 却直接被乌瑟尔给打断,他说道:“陛下,此地危险,还请陛下退后三十里,以免被误伤。” What?!” “什么?!” This, peaceful because was the true shock. 这回,安度因是真正震惊了。 He thinks that please move the teacher to act, this war is ninety percent sure...... 他本以为既请动老师出手,此战便是十拿九稳…… Actually does not think that Wuseer to permits Lingjun, attaches great importance to unexpectedly, even just like treats the opponent of the same class. 却不想乌瑟尔对许灵钧,竟是如此重视,甚至俨然对待同级别的对手。 secure because of beckons with the hand immediately, hints the people to withdraw. 安度因当下摆手,示意众人退后。 The body week, that thick regelation solid atmosphere, has made his heart panic-stricken. 身周,那厚重凝实的气氛,却已经让他心头惊骇。 Master, his body has not transformed trace.” “主人,他的身体并没有改造过的痕迹。” Xiaoya said near the ear of permits Lingjun in a low voice. 小雅在许灵钧的耳边低声说道。 Un, very good.” “嗯,很好。” permits Lingjun is saying, the spirit knowledge has been similar to the vast vastness, above another battlefield, submerges Wuseer thoroughly. 灵钧说着,灵识已经如同浩瀚汪洋,在另外一个战场之上,彻底将乌瑟尔淹没。 Although the fist palm has not encountered. 拳掌虽未交锋。 However at this time, the boundless dark potential has competed in the wind. 然而此时,无边暗势已在风中较劲。
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