ICEG :: Volume #9

#833: Somewhat good! Falcon flight installation!

Chapter 833 is somewhat good! Falcon flight installation! 第833章有些牛!猎鹰飞行装置! Sees this electromagnetism shake shock-wave the extinguishing effect, almost all people burst with joy. 看到这个电磁震荡冲击波的灭火效果,几乎所有人都沸腾了。 The photograph personnel of these reporter and television station are also stared at to photograph the screen that to look. 那些记者和电视台的摄像人员也是愣愣的盯着自己拍摄的屏幕看了起来。 Which picture they for fear that missed a moment ago. 他们生怕刚才错过了哪个画面。 Such bidding goodbye person patted them not to pat, others definitely had the opportunity to add the egg. 那样的话别人拍下来了他们没有拍下来,别人肯定是有机会加鸡蛋了。 They could deduct the wages, until discovered oneself filmed the entire process, their all talents relax. 他们可能就要扣工资了,直到发现自己将整个过程都拍摄了下来,他们所有人才松了口气。 This technology was too astonishing. 这种技术真的太让人吃惊了。 Also only then in the movie, or is in the immortal hero soap opera can see that this instantaneously the scene that the fire eliminates. 也只有在电影中,或者是仙侠电视剧中才能看到这样瞬间将火消灭的场景。 These people of fire bureau saw this excited must shiver. 消防总局的那些人看到这都激动的要颤抖起来了。 They do this industry, naturally knows this technical representative anything. 他们就是干这个行业的,自然知道这种技术代表着什么。 If they can a morning point have such technology, that many tragedies are avoidable, some fires solely depend on their fire fighters unable to eliminate. 如果他们能够早一点拥有这样的技术,那有多少悲剧是可以避免的,有些火灾单单靠他们消防员是无法消灭的。 Even if the technical support of many modernizations, will therefore have so many fire fighters to sacrifice, tragedy that creates so many heroic families. 哪怕是有很多现代化的技术支持,所以说才会有那么多消防员牺牲,造成那么多英雄家庭的悲剧。 Actually in knowing Academician Qin must come to be the special teacher, and must study a technology personally time, they are also some anticipations. 其实在知道秦院士要来当特殊老师,并且要亲自研究出一种技术的时候,他们也是有些期待的。 After all Academician Qin reputation outside. 毕竟秦院士声名在外啊。 Everyone knows, which project once Academician Qin were interested, that can certainly cause the extremely good technology. 谁都知道,秦院士一旦对哪个项目感兴趣,那一定是能弄出绝顶好技术的。 Even because air conditioning company court death, Academician Qin studied constant temperature grass type of thing, eliminated the air conditioning directly. 甚至因为一家空调公司自己找死,秦院士研究出了恒温草这种东西,直接把空调淘汰了。 They have not thought that Academician Qin actually caused this shocking technology to them. 只是他们没有想到秦院士竟然给他们弄出了这种震撼的技术。 This technology also the technology that is only half a month manufactures. 这种技术还只是半个月制作出来的技术啊。 They even can imagine, later encounters the fire, their fire soldiers do not even need to break in the sea of fire, so long as loses into the electromagnetism shake shock-wave ball beside the sea of fire the sea of fire, can instantaneously that sea of fire elimination. 他们甚至都能想象了,以后碰到火灾,他们的消防战士甚至都不用冲入火海,只要在火海之外将电磁震荡冲击波球丢入火海里,就能瞬间将那火海消灭。 This absolutely is a milestone in fire history! 这绝对是消防史上的一个里程碑啊! They even running hurriedly into that scene of fire examination, then shocked. 他们甚至急匆匆的跑入了那火场之中查看情况,然后更加震撼了。 That electromagnetism shake shock-wave one really thoroughly eliminates the flame, even the fire hazard annihilated completely. 那电磁震荡冲击波一下就真的将火焰彻底消灭,连火源都完全湮灭了。 Situation how?” Mr. Lu goes forward, asked toward leaders of fire bureau. “情况如何?”鲁先生上前,也朝一个消防总局的领导问。 The leaders of that fire bureau said immediately: Mr. Lu, this technology is simply inconceivable, had this fire services technology, the fire aspect in our country will completely change, moreover various countries will be shocked for this reason.” 那消防总局的领导马上说:“鲁先生,这技术简直是不可思议呀,有了这消防技术,我们国家的消防局面将彻底改变,而且各国都会为此震惊的。” Mr. Lu, how can we be able there to attain this technology from Academician Qin? The fund of our fire prevention bureau is not too high, you know that our pension are quite tight, have the heroic surviving family of deceased to look , the injured fire fighter, the subsequent life also needs to look.” “鲁先生,我们要怎么才能从秦院士那里拿到这个技术呢?我们消防总局的资金并不是太高,你知道呢,我们的抚恤金比较紧张,有英雄遗属要照顾,受伤的消防员,后续生活也需要照顾。” Mr. Lu nods, he naturally knows these, therefore also said toward the leaders of that fire bureau: Felt relieved, this technology cannot ask for money, is technology that That side Boss Qin offered free of charge.” 鲁先生点了点头,他自然知道这些,所以也朝那消防总局的领导说:“放心好了,这个技术并不需要什么钱,算是秦老板那边免费赠送的技术了。” „? Offers free of charge?” Unbelievable that somewhat the leader of that fire department feels. “啊?免费赠送?”那消防局的领导就感觉的有些难以置信。 This technology, in his mind, does not spend the huge price, that is not possible, now Mr. Lu actually says that Boss Qin directly did deliver? 这种技术,在他的印象里,不花费巨大的代价,那是不可能的,现在鲁先生竟然说秦老板直接送了? Mr. Lu sees the leadership that surprised appearance of this fire department, said: Custom was good, these technologies to us are very shocking, may regarding Boss Qin, actually be at all is not anything, you also know that this is his half a month time studies.” 鲁先生见到这消防局的领导那惊讶的样子,笑着说:“习惯就好了,这些技术对于我们来说是非常震惊的,可对于秦老板来说,却是根本不算什么,你也知道这是他半个月时间就研究出来的。” The leader of that fire department nods saying: Un, indeed is so, Academician Qin was too fierce, in the world should not have the scientist who he is fiercer than?” 那消防局的领导点了点头说:“嗯,的确是如此,秦院士真的太厉害了,世界上应该没有比他厉害的科学家了吧?” Also can say!” Mr. Lu smiles., “也可以这么说吧!”鲁先生笑了笑说。、 This naturally is he thinks that the fact that but he thinks is so. 这自然是他认为的,但是他觉的事实就是如此。 Did not say this fire fighting technology. 不说这灭火技术。 Solely that bat car(riage), the previous experiment was astonishing, lets them and leaders shocks. 单单那蝙蝠车,上次的实验就非常惊人,让他们和领导都震惊了。 Moreover, above has manufactured several bat car(riage)s, naturally all spurted on the red, belt/bring 5 stars. 而且,上面已经制作出了好几台蝙蝠车,自然全都喷上了红色,还有带着五颗星星。 What only regret obtained the technology of bat car(riage), their magnificent * the institute simply did not have the means to study the new model in a short time. 唯一遗憾的是得到了蝙蝠车的技术,他们华*院这边短时间里根本没有办法研究出新的车型。 They also did not have the means to make Boss Qin change the model. 他们又没有办法去让秦老板改车型。 Cannot reach out for a yard after taking an inch. 不能得寸进尺。 Humiliation that such they can think. 那样他们自己都会觉的丢脸。 Moreover, after these bat car(riage)s are operational, effect extraordinary good that plays. 而且,那些蝙蝠车投入使用之后,起到的效果出奇的好。 After that fire bureau leaders hear the reply that Mr. Lu determines, on the face also relaxes thoroughly. 那消防总局领导听到鲁先生确定的回答之后,脸上也是彻底松了口气。 This is good. 这就好。 Really thanked Academician Qin.” The leaders of fire-fighting suit bureau cannot bear say. “真的太谢谢秦院士了。”消防服总局的领导忍不住道。 Mr. Lu said immediately: Ok, my here will arrange the person to manufacture some electromagnetism vibrational waves to shoot, when the time comes you arrange to go to the rescue to have a look at the situation again.” 鲁先生马上说:“好了,我这边会安排人多制作出一些电磁振波弹出来的,到时候你再安排去现场救援看看情况。” Un, us coordinates certainly.” The leaders of fire bureau said immediately. “嗯,我们这边一定配合。”消防总局的领导马上说。 Mr. Lu said, he also the call, was arranged by own secretary, he comes to Capital City time, there obtains the complete technology of electromagnetism vibrational wave ball from Boss Qin, has issued magnificent * that side the institute, immediately makes one arrange the production is the proper business. 鲁先生说完,他也拨打电话,让自己的秘书安排,他来京城的时候,就已经从秦老板那里得到了电磁振波弹的完整技术,早已经发给了华*院那边,马上让人安排下去生产才是正事。 Quick, the news of this electromagnetism vibrational wave ball also passed to online, the scene of that instantaneous fire fighting was also makes everyone shock. 很快,这电磁振波弹的新闻也传到了网上,那瞬间灭火的情景也是让所有人都震惊了。 That flaming raging fire, how was such possibly annihilated instantaneously? 那熊熊的烈火,怎么可能那样瞬间被湮灭? The key is that impact ripple, was too inconceivable. 关键是那一圈冲击波纹,太不可思议了。 Everyone knows that little Academician Qin participated in the research, will definitely cause very extraordinary thing, but has not thought that will cause such extraordinary fire fighting technology. 所有人都知道小秦院士参加研究,肯定会弄出非常了不得的东西,只是没有想到会弄出这么了不得的灭火技术。 Coming out that who looks, if there is this thing, what fire that is afraid? The big flame loses a ball to go. 谁都看的出来,如果有这东西,那害怕什么火灾?多大的火焰丢一颗球进去就可以。 ... Qinglin manor. 箐霖庄园。 Qin Lin comes out from the entre region, saw that Zhao Moqing and Lin Fen are gathering round several car(riage)s. 秦霖从内部区域出来的时候,就看到赵默箐林芬正围着几辆车。 His eyes know that this is the float bicycle that side the Qinglin automobile company makes. 他一眼就知道这是箐霖汽车公司那边生产出来的悬浮单车。 He the technical data to the Qinglin laboratory, that side constructs the mold, after can make the levitation vehicle, this technology transmitted to the Qinglin automobile that side, was produced by that side. 他把技术资料给箐霖实验室,那边建好模具,可以生产悬浮车之后,这技术就转交给了箐霖汽车那边,由那边进行生产。 Now this is the first batch of levitation vehicles produces, sent the manor. 现在这是第一批悬浮车生产出来,送来庄园了。 After all the new product comes out, definitely by own boss, or first experiences with the company intimate person. 毕竟新产品出来,肯定是让自己老板,或者和公司亲近的人先体验。 This does not understand, Qinglin automobile company's that side person must the put on small shoes. 这都不懂,箐霖汽车公司那边的人就要被穿小鞋了。 Husband, you teaches me to open this levitation vehicle.” Zhao Moqing saw that Qin Lin greeted immediately. “老公,你来教我开一下这悬浮车。”赵默箐看到秦霖马上招呼。 She has read the news of many levitation vehicle, naturally anticipated to this levitation vehicle very much, has looked like experiences to try. 她已经看过不少悬浮车的新闻了,对这悬浮车自然很期待,早就像体验尝试一下了。 Un.” Qin Lin smiles, goes forward, how also starts professor Zhao Moqing to use, leads sky over her, making her learn/study, if drives the levitation vehicle. “嗯。”秦霖笑了笑,上前,也开始教授赵默箐怎么使用,同时也带着她上空,让她学习如果驾驶悬浮车。 To be honest, driving the levitation vehicle is very simple, only requests what traffic regulations, words that oneself sky can fly casually. 说实话,驾驶悬浮车是很简单的,只要不要求什么交通规则,有一片自己的天空可以随便飞的话。 Zhao Moqing has this condition, after all the manor can make them fly casually. 赵默箐就有这个条件,毕竟庄园就可以让他们随便飞。 Therefore, without how long, Zhao Moqing has been able to drive the levitation vehicle, this experience makes her very novel. 所以,也没有过多久,赵默箐就可以自己驾驶悬浮车了,这体验让她非常新奇。 The levitation vehicle falls, Qin Lin also inquired toward the mother: Mother, you also studies study.” 悬浮车落下,秦霖也朝老妈询问:“老妈,你也学学。” Lin Fen shook the head to say immediately:: I did not need, an age.” 林芬马上摇头说::“我就没有必要了,一把年纪了。” Come!” Qin Lin smiles. “来吧!”秦霖笑了笑说。 The coming out mother who he naturally looks at somewhat is also eager to try. 他自然看的出来老妈也是有些跃跃欲试的。 Really, after he draws the mother is boarding, teaches her to drive, the mother is also very excited studied, can drive that levitation vehicle until oneself. 果然,他拉着老妈上车之后,教授她驾驶,老妈也是非常兴奋的学了起来,直到自己可以驾驶那悬浮车。 Qin Lin the professor ends Zhao Moqing and Lin Fen levitation vehicle driving, saw Mr. land to come. 秦霖才教授完赵默箐林芬悬浮车驾驶,就见陆先生又来了。 This comes in then to greet with a smile: Boss Qin, was this levitation vehicle has produced? Should such quick be able to promote?” 这位一进来便笑着打招呼:“秦老板,这是悬浮车已经生产出来了?那样应该很快就可以推广了吧?” Qin Lin said: Concrete I do not know, this is that side the Qinglin automobile company delivers.” 秦霖解释说:“具体的我不知道,这是箐霖汽车公司那边送过来的。” Mr. Lu nods: My these comes to give the thing to you time.” 鲁先生点了点头:“我这一次是来给你送东西的。” Saying, he put out a certificate and a badge gave Qin Lin. 说着,他拿出了的一本证书和一个徽章递给了秦霖 What is this?” Qin Lin doubts takes two things. “这是什么?”秦霖疑惑的拿着两个东西。 Mr. Lu explained: Boss Qin, this is that side the fire bureau gives to you, for that electromagnetism vibrational wave ball technology, although this thing is only an immaterial honor, to you at all is not anything, but this is fire bureau's that side intention, I gave you to bring.” 鲁先生解释道:“秦老板,这是消防总局那边送给你的,为了那电磁振波弹技术,虽然这东西只是一种无关紧要的荣誉,对你来说根本不算什么,但是这是消防总局那边的心意,我就给你带过来了。” I accepted.” Qin Lin nodded with a smile, received the thing. “那我就收下了。”秦霖笑着点头,接过了东西。 The electromagnetism vibrational wave ball he must find the excuse to give above, can help the fire bureau, can let fire industry few sacrifice, is he is willing to see. 电磁振波弹本就他要找借口送给上面的,能帮助消防总局,能让消防行业少一点牺牲,就是他所愿见到的。 Mr. Lu these has not remained time actually much, quick left. 鲁先生这一次倒是没有多留,很快就离开了。 Qin Lin also won into the entre region of manor that honorary certificate and medal, after the thing put away, Qin Lin then by game picture attraction. 秦霖也把那荣誉证书和勋章拿入了庄园的内部区域,将东西放好之后,秦霖便被游戏画面吸引了。 Sees in the game picture, the form appeared in the pasture together. 就见游戏画面上,一道身影出现在了牧场之中。 Who isn't this form goblin Herbart is? 这身影不是地精艾尔巴是谁? Did this fellow come to the pasture? Also is really surprised. 这家伙怎么来牧场了?还真是惊奇。 Key Herbart bears these actually also to bring a special wing time. 关键艾尔巴的背上这一次竟然还带着一对特殊的翅膀。 Sees this, his eyes one bright, knows probably that was anything. 看到这一幕,他的双眼一亮,大概知道那是什么了。 He the thought moved immediately, entered during the game, appeared in the pasture, he saw Herbart, then startled: My grass......” 他马上念头一动,进入了游戏之中,出现在牧场的时候,他看到了艾尔巴,接着便是惊了:“我艹……” Sees that Herbart's back pair of wings to launch, flies unexpectedly instantaneously, then fell him behind, that movement passing clouds and flowing water, as if he really had a wing to be the same. 就见那艾尔巴背后的双翼展开,竟然瞬间飞起,然后又落到了他的身后,那动作行云流水,仿佛他真的长了一对翅膀一样。 Qin Lin naturally was one recognizes that is anything. 秦霖自然是一眼就认出了那是什么东西。 He gave Herbart's one of the two videos before. 正是他之前交给艾尔巴的两个视频之一。 Falcon flight vehicle. 猎鹰飞行器。 Herbart conducts the back this thing, all, he can soar freely, this is really the human long-awaited sky vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 艾尔巴背上的正是这东西,所有,他可以自由的飞翔,这真的是人类梦寐以求的纵横天空啊。 After all, the sky is human forever fantasy. 毕竟,天空是人类永远的幻想。 Moreover, this falcon flight vehicle in the game is also a very mysterious equipment, although this thing does not have the means and steel hero compares, but regarding the present society, absolutely is a terrifying black science and technology, 而且,这猎鹰飞行器在游戏里也是一件非常神奇的装备,虽然这东西没有办法和钢铁侠比,但是对于现实社会来说,绝对是一件恐怖的黑科技、 Has watched the Marvel movie should remember profoundly to a picture. 看过漫威电影的应该对一个画面都记忆深刻。 That is the falcon puts on picture of the flight installation fast shuttle before two aircraft carriers, that two aircraft carriers fired at the innumerable shells, cannot hit him unexpectedly, instead made the falcon fall on the aircraft carrier, started to slaughter. 那就是猎鹰穿着飞行装置在两艘航母前快速穿梭飞行的画面,那两艘航母射击出了无数的炮弹,竟然都没能击中他,反而让猎鹰落到了航母上,开始大开杀戒。 Therefore, this thing, if can make, coordinates the bat car(riage), that matches absolutely certainly, in which battlefield, so long as these two things send out, that can the steamroll opposite party, making the opposite party desperate. 所以,这东西如果能够弄出来,配合蝙蝠车,那绝对是绝配,在哪个战场上,只要这两个东西出动,那就可以碾压对方,让对方绝望的。 This gives you!” Herbart gave Qin Lin to say a material: This is I complies your, so long as my father manufactures this technology, I steal to share with you material.” “这个给你!”艾尔巴将一份资料递给了秦霖说:“这是我答应你的,只要我爸爸将这技术制作出来,我就把资料偷出来和你分享。” Congratulated you to obtain special flight installation- falcon flight vehicle technical data! Uses?】 【恭喜你获得了特殊飞行装置-猎鹰飞行器技术资料!是否使用?】 Qin Lin received that material time, in the mind received an information cue. 秦霖接过那一份资料的时候,脑海中就接到了一个信息提示。 Prompt whether uses. 还有是否使用的提示。 This makes his eyes one bright, Herbart is credible. 这让他双眼一亮,艾尔巴还是靠谱啊。 Friend, I first went back, when my father manufactures another thing, I look for you again.” Herbart is saying, the back falcon installment then started again, sees him to fly, fast fleeing approached the Mother's Hill direction. “朋友,那我先回去了,等我爸爸将另外一个东西制作出来的时候,我再来找你。”艾尔巴说着,背后的猎鹰装置便再次启动了,就见他飞起,快速的窜向了圣母山的方向。 This also really made Qin Lin envy, he was also good to fly. 这一幕还真是让秦霖羡慕了,他也是好想飞啊。 This flying is not that type in that in the bat car(riage) flies, but is this type really free toward flying of sky soaring. 这种飞不是那种在蝙蝠车里飞的那种,而是这种真的自由自在往天空飞翔的飞。 The Qin Lin hesitant, direct selection had not used the technical data of falcon flight vehicle. 秦霖没有犹豫,直接选择使用了猎鹰飞行器的技术资料。 The next quarter, that technical data changed to a star light, drilled into his mind, then, in his mind also started to reappear the dense and numerous information flows. 下一刻,那份技术资料就化作了点点星光,钻入了他的脑海中,接着,他的脑海中也开始浮现出了密密麻麻的信息流。 This information flow technical data about that falcon flight installation., 这信息流正是关于那猎鹰飞行装置的技术资料。、 After obtaining all information of this technology, he then withdrew from the game, then put out the cell phone Shen stand call directly. 得到这个技术的所有信息之后,他便退出了游戏,然后直接拿出手机拨打了沈立的电话。 This thing obtained, he wants to manufacture impatiently, therefore, must make that side the Qinglin laboratory help him prepare, if the Qinglin laboratory does not have the means that that must ask magnificent * that side the institute to help. 这东西得到了,他就是想迫不及待的制作出来,所以,必须让箐霖实验室那边帮他准备了,如果箐霖实验室没有办法,那就又要请华*院那边帮忙了。 But this falcon flight vehicle most essential is the power, if the power is insufficient, simply does not have the means to fly. 而这猎鹰飞行器其中最关键的就是动力,如果动力不够,根本没有办法让人飞起来。 Must know that the falcon installment is really the book bag size does not even have. 要知道猎鹰装置真的是连书包大小都没有。 The facility of this volume, not only need carry the weapon, but must carry the pair of wings, but must lead the heaven, without the sufficient power absolutely is incorrect. 这种体积的设施,不仅要携带武器,还要携带双翼,还要把人带上天,如果没有足够的动力绝对是不行的。 May see the power of this falcon flight vehicle, he was somewhat scared. 可看到这猎鹰飞行器的动力,他有些傻眼了。 Half cold fusion power? 半冷核聚变动力? Especially unexpectedly is this thing. 特么的竟然是这东西。 Isn't this cracks a joke? 这不是开玩笑吗? Has watched the Marvel movie should know the steel hero, knows what the steel hero uses is what power, is of his chest compared with the bowl also small nuclear reactor. 看过漫威电影的应该都知道钢铁侠,更知道钢铁侠使用的是什么动力,就是他胸口的那比碗还小的核反应堆。 Do not despise that battery, must know that small, the power almost can promote a supercarrier. 别小看那个电池,要知道那么小小的一个,动力几乎都可以推动一艘超级航空母舰。 The falcon flight installation naturally is not the thing that uses. 猎鹰飞行装置自然不是用的这个东西。 But half cold fusion power can succeed the premise of research nuclear fusion. 可半冷核聚变动力正是能成功研究核聚变的前提啊。 Gives an example, the true nuclear fusion is 10 levels of technologies, that this half cold fusion power is 3 levels of technologies, but must manufacture these 10 levels of nuclear fusions, that must first solve 3 levels of half cold fusion powers.. 举个例子,真正的核聚变是十级技术,那这半冷核聚变动力就是三级技术,可要制作这十级的核聚变,那就要先解决三级的半冷核聚变动力。。 No wonder the falcon flight installation can such fly unexpectedly, that power is this. 难怪猎鹰飞行装置竟然能那样飞行,那动力原来是这个。 Qin Lin was then more surprised, Academician Chu they not in exploration rocket thrust power technology? 秦霖接着更加惊讶了,褚院士他们不是在研究火箭推进动力技术? If there is this thing, what also studies? This technology compared with better does not know many that they study absolutely. 如果有这东西,还研究什么?这技术绝对比他们研究的更牛不知道多少。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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