Newestwebsite: „Inthisworldwas fishy!”
最新网址:“这世上本就有鬼!”olddeerfluttersin the bedhead, looksTang Mingyuan who looks pale.
老鹿飘在床头,看着面色苍白的唐明远。„Ghost because of being resentfulandfresh, youhave never seen, generallyislivegoing smoothlyextremely, neversawto pass away the darkness.”
“鬼因怨而生,你从未见过,大抵是活的太过顺遂,从未见过世间黑暗。”„Why can't theyseeyou?”
“他们为什么见不到你?”Tang Mingyuanthoughtsdecideslightly, after allbarely escaped death, accepts the newthing the abilityto strengthensharply, referred toon dutyservant.
唐明远心思稍定,毕竟两世为人,接受新事物的能力大幅加强,指了指门外值守的仆人。Last night after frighteningfainted, the servantTang Mingyuanliftsreturns to the bedroom, invited the doctordiagnosis, justawakensmoment.
昨晚吓晕后,仆人将唐明远抬回卧房,请了大夫诊治,刚刚苏醒片刻。„Youandtheyare different, soulfarsupernormalperson.”
“你与他们不同,魂魄远超常人。”olddeerfloatsto flutter: „Mestudyto maintain mental tranquility for dozensyears, with the aid ofghostbody that building up the soultechniquecongeals, comparesyouunexpectedly, can be called a day of unfamiliar roadto plant, holy child.”
老鹿飘来飘去:“咱家读书养神数十载,借助炼魂术凝结的鬼体,竟然还比不过伱,称得上天生道种、灵童。”„Iwill not work as the taoist priest, is the monk.”
“我可不会当道士,做和尚。”Tang Mingyuanunderstands,oneselfstate of mindis powerful, shouldfuse the predecessorremnantsoul, asked: „Listens toyouto speak, resemblesserves as a petty government officialin the palace?”
唐明远明白,自己神魂之所以强大,应是融合了前身残魂,又问道:“听你说话,似是在宫里当差?”„Myolddeer, onceincold palacemanservant.”
“咱家老鹿,曾在冷宫当差。”olddeerdoes not conceal, saiddirectly: „Little Yi, isSuperintendent Zhou, said that myteacheris not overrated.”
老鹿也不隐瞒,直接说道:“小易子,也就是周督公,称咱家一声老师不为过。”Tang Mingyuanis surprised the different way: „Do masters and discipleslike the father and son, whyleavesideSuperintendent Zhou?”
唐明远诧异道:“师徒如父子,为何离开周督公身旁?”olddeersighed: „After mebecome the ghost, has followedsideLittle Yi, the surprise a hugesecret, the resultdid not expose the trailcarefully, Little Yimustkillmeto eliminate a potential informant.”
老鹿叹息道:“咱家变成鬼后,一直跟在小易子身旁,意外发现了个天大秘密,结果不小心暴露了踪迹,小易子要杀咱家灭口。”„So that's how it is.”
A Tang Mingyuaneyeballrevolution, changed a topic saying: „Father-in-lawdeer, Igives you arrangedplacetomb, the geomancyis good, hides, Superintendent Zhoudecideshowevernot to seek.”
“桀桀桀!”olddeerexudes the strangelaughter, such as the needlegrips the stabbing painstate of mind: „Yourboydoes not wantto know that isthatsecret?”
老鹿发出怪笑声,如针扎般刺痛神魂:“你小子不想知道是那个秘密吗?”„Does not think!”
“不想!”Tang Mingyuanswingslike the rattle-drum: „Knows the person who toomanysecrets, does not have the good end.”
唐明远把头摇得像拨浪鼓一样:“知道太多秘密的人,都没好下场。”„Meam bent on havingto tellyou.”
“咱家偏要告诉你。”olddeersaid: „The worldall said that the Superintendent Zhoutalentwas peerless, otherwiseactually, hecanpractice successfully the canna flowerprecious book, whatdependedconsumes the differentthing.”
老鹿说道:“世人皆言,周督公天赋绝世,实则不然,他能修成昙花宝典,靠的是消耗另一样东西。”Tang Mingyuanlistens toZhao Muto speakthisevilmerit, in the hearthad guessedfaintly,frightenscovers the ear, wishes one couldto faintagain.
唐明远听赵穆讲过这门邪功,心中隐隐有所猜测,吓得捂住耳朵,恨不得再次晕过去。„Lasting youthfulness, lives forever!”
“青春永驻,长生不老!”Onolddeerfacedoes not have the mouth and noseear, the soundresoundsinTang Mingyuanminddirectly, hasnot mincing mattergreedyandinfatuated, crazyandfears.
老鹿脸上没有口鼻耳,声音直接在唐明远脑海响起,带有毫不掩饰的贪婪、痴迷、疯狂、恐惧。„Metoprolong life, maintains mental tranquilitypure in heart for dozensyears, the power and influenceis obviously extremely easy to obtain, actuallydoes not dareto touch the slightest.”
“咱家为了延寿,清心寡欲养神数十载,明明权势唾手可得,却不敢触碰分毫。”„Before at the point of death, experiencesall sorts oftorture, the hate of stimulationtoworld, tows the innateair/Qiirrigationstate of mindforcefully, just nowbyhominizationevil spirit!”
“临死前,又经历种种酷刑,强行激发对人世的怨恨,牵引先天之气灌注神魂,方才由人化厉鬼!”olddeerenvies saying: „In the worldhas the person, anythingdoes not needto pay, canobtain the immortal.”
“长生……”Tang Mingyuanlying downon the bed, wherehas the thoughtsto listen toolddeerto complaindull, howwill ponder overwholeheartedlyto maintain a livelihoodin the future.
唐明远呆愣愣的躺在床上,哪有心思听老鹿诉苦,一心琢磨着日后如何活命。Those who lived in agesmanyemperors, for the illusoryimmortal, ratherbrought disaster on the nation and people.
历朝历代多少皇帝,为了虚无缥缈的长生,宁肯祸国殃民。Nowsawtrueimmortal, thatshouldbe how crazy, butknows that thissecretperson, except fordyingto have no alternative.
现在看到了真正的长生者,那又该如何疯狂,而知道这个秘密的人,除了死别无选择。olddeerfromfranticsober, turns the soulbody that wells upto be slowly tranquil.
老鹿从狂热中清醒,翻涌的魂体慢慢平静。„Whatyourboyfears, mewill reveal to the publicthissecret, cankillinadequately the worldpeople?”
“你小子怕什么,咱家会将这个秘密公之于众,难道还能将天下人都杀了不成?”Tang Mingyuanrelaxesimmediately: „Sogood, Idid not needto hidein the ravineto eat the earth.”
唐明远顿时松了口气:“如此甚好,我就不用躲山沟里吃土了。”olddeersaid: „Yourboydoes not ask why medo wantto announce the secret?”
老鹿说道:“你小子就不问问,咱家为何要将秘密公布?”Tang Mingyuansaid: „Shouldbefather-in-lawdeercannot do toSuperintendent Zhou.”
唐明远说道:“应是鹿公公奈何不得周督公吧。”„Little Yisleepscontinuallyis opening eyes, nineheavytrue astralprotect the bodymomentarily, mecannot seekto seize the shedopportunitycompletely.”
“小易子连睡觉都睁着眼,随时有九重真罡护体,咱家完全寻不到夺舍机会。”olddeersaid: „Reveals to the publicsimply, the worldoutstanding heroesencirclekillLittle Yi, perhapssomewhathopes.”
“鹿公公好算计。”Tang Mingyuansneerssecretly, guessed that olddeermustfish in troubled watersincessantly, severalcannot obtainon the meaning of destruction.
唐明远暗自冷笑,猜测老鹿不止要浑水摸鱼,还有几分得不到就毁灭的意思。olddeersaid: „Proper businesssaid,me have a minor matter.”
老鹿说道:“正事说完,咱家还有一件小事。”Tang Mingyuansaid: „Lumade a joint invitationto say.”
唐明远说道:“鹿公公请讲。”olddeersighed: „Meam childless, livingtimedoes not have a successor, diedto visit a graveto burn paper resembling moneydid not have.”
老鹿叹息一声:“咱家无儿无女,活着的时候没个传人,死了更是连个上坟烧纸的都没有。”„Todayseesyourinbornstate of mindto be powerful, wantsto receivefor the disciple, inheritsmylegacy.”
“今日见你天生神魂强大,想收为弟子,传承咱家衣钵。”„This...... is not good, Ihave the teacher.”
“这……不好吧,我有老师。”Tang Mingyuanis extremely vigilant, at presentthisseriouslyis the ghost talk, does not know that severalarereal.
唐明远万分警惕,眼前这位当真是鬼话连篇,也不知有几句是真。Livingtimecanshear the egg, alienates oneselfin the ruthlessperson of ancestral grave, after dying, does not consider as finished the person, howpossiblyto care aboutwhatnonsenselegacysuddenly.
活着的时候能割卵子,自绝于祖坟的狠人,死后连人都不算了,怎么可能忽然在意什么狗屁衣钵。„Meam heavy, butnon-duplicate.”
“咱家重实而不重名。”olddeersaid: „Mepass on the meritlawwithyou, in the futurewill cultivateordoes not practice, will all chooseinyou.”
老鹿说道:“咱家将功法传与你,将来修炼或者不修炼,全在你自行选择。”Tang Mingyuanis unassailable, moreovercannot blockto keep offfather-in-lawdeer the sound, compliesto saysimply: „Alsoaskedfather-in-lawdeerto grant instruction.”
唐明远无可反驳,而且挡不住挡鹿公公声音,索性答应道:“还请鹿公公赐教。”„Me, sinceknowsin the worldhas ghost, and ominoussoulevil spiritlifeis long, isseveral times of living person, thenhowponders over the personto become the ghostwholeheartedly.”
“咱家自从知晓世上有鬼,且凶魂厉鬼寿元悠长,是活人的数倍,便一心琢磨人如何变成鬼。”olddeerconfidentsaying: „Leafs through the Secretary of Internal AffairsBuddhist scripturespavilion, seeksseveralBuddhism and Daoismmaintaining mental tranquilityancient books, after comprehending, meltsonevolume of maintaining mental tranquilitytechniques.”
老鹿不疾不徐的说道:“翻遍内侍司藏经阁,寻得几门佛道二教养神典籍,参悟后融成一卷养神术。”„Latterdoes obeisanceintoSanyang Cult, studiesrefining up the ghosttechnique, before dying, displaysononeself, lucking out.”
“后拜入三阳教,学得炼鬼术,死前在自己身上施展,侥幸成功。”„Nowbecame the ominoussoulevil spirit, tomaintaining mental tranquilityandbuilding up the technique of ghostalsohas the sensibility, plug up the leaks, improved an entirevolumemeritlaw......”
“如今成了凶魂厉鬼,对养神、炼鬼之术又有感悟,查漏补缺,完善成了一整卷功法……”olddeerhesitationmomentcontinues saying: „Gives a namefor the ghostimmortallong lifepasses through, when methisclassics and commentarieswithyou, in the futurelongevitycompletely, maytrydisplaying.”
老鹿沉吟片刻继续说道:“起名为鬼仙延寿经吧,咱家将此经传与你,将来寿尽时,可试着施展。”„Lifefirst, a vegetationautumn!”
“人生一世,草木一秋!”Tang Mingyuanas ifcardinal virtueeminent monk, expostulates saying: „Livingtimemustidly spendnot, death the dustturns over to the dustandearthto turn over to the earth, whyto be attached toexcessively?”
唐明远仿佛大德高僧,劝诫道:“活着的时候莫要虚度,死的时候尘归尘、土归土,何必过分眷恋?”„Thisgrade of bullshit, mehave listened toseveral thousandtens of thousands.”
“这等屁话,咱家听过几千几万句。”olddeersaid: „Yourboyis young, does not know after being senile when no use, without the experiencelongevitycompletelyfear, discussed that whatendures the brokenlife and death?”
老鹿说道:“你小子还年轻,不知衰老后的无助,没有体会寿尽时的恐惧,谈什么堪破生死?”„Meritlawpasses ontodaywithyou, whenoldthendecideswhethercultivates.”
“功法今日传与你,等老了再决定是否修炼。”olddeercurls up a writing brush, brusheswritingon the paper, fallsinotherperson of eyes, is the writing brushwritesinoneself.
After the moment .
The writing brushfallson the table, in the room the chill/yin coldauradissipates.
毛笔啪嗒落在桌上,屋内阴寒气息消逝。Tang Mingyuanstaresfullyis being the paper of handwriting, silentfor a long time, incautiousincomebosom.
The previous generationlifeat the time of informationandtechnicallarge explosion, turns intoghostmatter, is easier than to accept the person of thistime.
前世生活在信息、科技大爆炸的时代,对于人变成鬼这种事,比这个时代的人更容易接受。Tang Mingyuancomplexionis in a jam, the heartsighs woefully.
唐明远面色发窘,心底不禁哀叹。„Thiscalled anything! How do Ilose to the ancientrepeatedly?”
……Swelled the Qingyuan years.
隆庆元年。1 st.
初一。Secretary of Internal Affairsrestswashes.内侍司休沐。Eunuch Yuandoes not have time, the cold windbone-chilling coldwashes the toilet, the both handsfrozenredto split open.圆公公却不得闲,寒风凛冽中洗马桶,双手冻的通红开裂。
The personalattendant when aslate sovereign, changes from one dynasty to anothercannotrender meritorious service, afterwardwas criticizedinevitably, eitherdefends the imperial tomb, eitherloses footingto fall in the water.
Under solemnCommanderSilijianEunuch Yuan, gives up the face, kneelsthump thump thumpkowtowsbefore the younger generationyoungloyalchildren.
堂堂司礼监提督圆公公,舍得下面子,跪在晚辈小忠子面前咚咚咚磕头。Pattedmanyflattersto speakonepile of loyalsoul talk, scolded the father-in-lawZhouancestor18generations.
The happiness that the youngloyalchildlistens certainly, wavesto let the Eunuch Yuanbut actuallynightfragrance.
小忠子当然听的高兴,挥手就让圆公公倒夜香。Eunuch Yuanbrushes the toiletto go all outvery much, stainless in slit, withfingerlittledigs out, mustlet the happiness that the honored personuses, enjoyable that causes.圆公公刷马桶很卖力,缝隙里的无垢,用手指一点点的抠出来,务必让贵人用的高兴,使的舒心。Suddenly.
The oldsoundfloatstogetherwith the wind.
一道苍老声音随风飘来。„SolemnCommanderSilijian, soputs in great inconvenience to himself, is worth? Might as wellgo to the imperial tombretirement!”
“堂堂司礼监提督,这般委屈自己,值得么?不如去皇陵养老!”OnEunuch Yuan the movementnon-stop, puts in the middle of the head the toilet, smells the stinkcarefullywhetherflushescleanly, covers the opportunityto send greetings the covered passageway.圆公公手上动作不停,将头伸进马桶当中,仔细闻一闻臭味是否冲洗干净,借此遮挡机会传音回复道。„Hasn't Eunuch Yileft?”
“易公公不是也没离开吗?”„Mewantalsoinsidethispalace, sooner or latercanbring backto belong to all my!”
( This chapterends)
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