«Iincultivation worldImmortality»
《我在修仙界长生不死》Chapter 419reforms radically
第419章正本清源„Lunch that inthisworldhas not really eaten without paying!”
“这世上果然没有白吃的午餐!”HelplessTang Mingyuansighed, so long as the personlivedcannot be avoiding the causes and effectsentanglement.
唐明远无奈叹息,人只要活着就避不开因果纠缠。Spoke thoughtlesslyto readseveralpoetry, resulted inZhao Muto regard as importantunexpectedly, latterfor the Subusiness, for the comfortablelevel, borrowed the Zhao Mucalling cardto obtainqualifications.
随口念了几首诗词,竟然得了赵穆看重,后为了苏家生意,也为了自己舒服的躺平,借用赵穆名帖获得了布贡资格。Is runby the division, thereforehadinvolvementwithDongchangSuperintendent Zhou.
布贡由御用司掌管,所以与东厂周督公有了牵连。Superintendent Zhouonlydepends on the refrigeratinglaw, thenperceived that Tang Mingyuanhas the great ability, told that supervised the father-in-lawto giveconvenientlymany.周督公只凭制冰之法,便觉察出唐明远身怀大才,吩咐监察公公给了许多方便。Dongchangpotentialis how big, leakssomebits and piecesslightly, Subecomes the rich merchantgreat merchant who Jiang Ninghas severalrapidly!
东厂何其势大,稍稍漏一些边角料,苏家就迅速成了江宁有数的富商巨贾!Has not thought the deliberation hallto change constantly, suchrapidness that backlashes.
未曾想朝堂风云变幻,反噬来的如此之快。„Whopasses on the personto be stupid, Irevealslightlyunreliablysomedifferent, resulted in the imperial princeandsuperintendentto win over the investment, the vision the sinisternon-average man can!”
“谁说古人愚笨,我稍稍露出些许玄异,就先后得了皇子、督公拉拢投资,眼界之毒辣非常人能及!”„Suchworldly person, inlosttoward the struggleinunexpectedly......”
“偏偏这样的人精,竟然在朝争中输了……”Tang Mingyuanreadandhence, has not hadslightlydispiritedly, in the eyeeruptedintensewarintent.
唐明远念及至此,未有丝毫颓废,眼中爆发出强烈战意。Fights, endless enjoyment!
与人斗,其乐无穷!„Your highness, Ihavedoubts, how did your majestycollapsesuddenly?”
“殿下,我有个疑惑,陛下怎么忽然就崩了?”Emperor ZhengtongwhenTang Mingyuaneyes, may be calledenlightened ruler, divesDihas the reformto plan, after ascending the throne, actuallyunder the ability the temper, firstgoes on a punitive expedition against the alien raceto open up territoryto develop the earth.正统帝在唐明远眼中,堪称明君圣主,潜邸时已有改革谋划,登基后却能耐下性子,先征伐异族开疆拓土。Thenwith the prestige of win, the clearquantityfields, reforms the tax systemforcefully.
回头携大胜之威,强行清量田亩,改革税制。According toTang Mingyuanspeculated,Emperor Zhengtongcancontinuehundredyears of peaceforDaqing, who would have thoughtpassed awaysuddenly.
The destinyso, does to!
天命如此,为之奈何!„father sovereigncause of deathtruecause of death, Iam not clear, the Royal Motherclaimedis the acute illness, passed awayalsotrulydeclared that days beforeis recuperating.”
“父皇死因真正死因,我也不清楚,母后声称是暴疾,驾崩前些日也确实宣称在养病。”Zhao Musaid: „father sovereignregarded asKing Pingxi of trusted aidearmcounter-, the sidehad the rebelinevitably, onecup of poisoned liquorsleeve arrowscansend the persondeathtrap!”赵穆说道:“父皇视为心腹臂膀的平西王都反了,身边必然另有叛逆,一杯毒酒一支袖箭就能致人死地!”„Your highnesscanthink that poisoned liquorandstab in the back, late sovereignis how could unexpected.”
“殿下能想到毒酒、暗箭,先皇岂能不防着。”Tang Mingyuansaid: „For exampleintoxicatesto needto bribe the imperial kitchen, manytrypoisonousimperial servant, and diagnosiscourt physician, the knownpersonwere manydecidedhoweverexposes.”
唐明远说道:“譬如下毒需要买通御膳房,诸多试毒内侍,以及诊治御医,知道的人多了定然败露。”„Is the exquisiteconspiracyis easierto make a mistake, instead the assassination of simple and crudeis most difficultto guard!”
“越是精妙阴谋越是容易出错,反而简单粗暴的刺杀最难防备!”Tang Mingyuancontinues saying: „The person of killing one's sovereigninevitablyis the late sovereignfaith, about the attendant, and strengthexcels, sneak attacks to succeedunexpectedly, otherwiseis pointing atEunuch Malikemewithpistol.”
The innategrandmasteraidsEmperor Zhengtongpersonal, the assassintouches off the opportunity of triggernot to havecontinually!
先天宗师贴身护佑正统帝,刺客连扣动扳机的机会都没有!„Inpalacetwoinnatemasters, father-in-lawWeiapprove the new deal, runs the supportrepeatedlypersonally.”
“宫中两位先天宗师,魏公公认可新政,屡屡亲自奔走支持。”Zhao Musinks saying: „Anotherseafather-in-lawfor a long timeoccupiesin the palaceto diveto cultivate/repair, makes an appearancerare, the SilijianEunuch Yuanpersonalattendant, martial artscultivation base is also good.”赵穆沉说道:“另一位海公公久居宫中潜修,少有露面,还有司礼监圆公公贴身随侍,武道修为亦是不俗。”Tang Mingyuanknocks the tablesincerely, the hesitationmomentwas saying: „Your highnessis staring atthesethreepeoplecarefully, includingtheirclansmenanddisciple, whoobtained the advantagewhois the person of killing one's sovereign!”
唐明远笃笃笃敲着桌子,沉吟片刻说道:“殿下仔细盯着这三人,包括他们族人、弟子,谁得了好处谁就是弑君之人!”Zhao Muasked: „Howthento do?”赵穆问道:“然后如何做?”Tang Mingyuansaid: „Announced the world the matter of killing one's sovereign, collaborated the reigning dynastypure loyaltyagain, the thunderstrikes, brings order out of chaos!”
唐明远说道:“自是将弑君之事公布天下,再联手国朝精忠,雷霆一击,拨乱反正!”„Whetherwas hasty?”
“是否仓促了?”Zhao Musaidscruple: „The civil and militaryhundredofficers, have acknowledgednewMonarchlet alone, wherealsogoesto seek for the reigning dynastypure loyalty?”赵穆迟疑道:“更何况文武百官,已经承认新君,又去哪里寻找国朝精忠?”„Queen motherandKing Pingxikill one's sovereignto seize power, the foundationis not steady.”
“太后、平西王弑君夺权,根基未稳。”Tang Mingyuansaid: „SomeImperial Courthundredofficerinevitablypeopleare discontented with the queen motherregent government, the imperial clanwill not support the brainvigorousimperial princeto succeed to the throne, simultaneouslyabolishes the taxesto reform, making the common peopleresentmentgrave, it can be said thatbestopportunity.”
唐明远说道:“朝中百官必然有人不满太后摄政,宗室也不会支持脑疾皇子继位,同时废除税赋改革,让百姓怨气深重,可以说是最好的机会。”„When the queen mothercleans the deliberation hall, hundredofficersexchange the person on one's own side, wantsto reform radicallyto be difficultagain. As for the reigning dynastypure loyalty...... all civil and militaryis the bigloyal minister, whowins, theyare loyalwho!”
“说得有理。”Zhao Muponders overcarefully, maysucceedseriously, perhaps the dangeris bigger, howeverbetsdoes not dareto bet, whatLaiyingopportunity.赵穆仔细琢磨,当真有可能成功,或许危险更大,然而连赌都不敢赌,何来赢的机会。For the throne, is worth the shedlifeabundantlyone.
为了皇位,值得舍命一博。At oncesets firm resolve, saidwith deep veneration: „According to the mistersaid, is only left over a difficulty, howto command troopsto penetrate the palace chambers?”
旋即下定决心,肃然道:“依先生所说,只剩下一个难点,如何率兵突入宫闱?”Tang Mingyuansaid: „King Pingxicontrols the Capital Citysoldiers, is very difficultto makelots ofsoldiersenterCapital, can only form the crack troopsby the expert, fights a battle to force a quick decision.”
唐明远说道:“平西王掌控京城兵卒,很难让大量兵卒入京,只能以高手组成精兵,速战速决。”Zhao Mulookstonearbyimperial servant, asked: „Does father-in-lawslow, how manyexpertsneed to break open the defense of Zhidianjian?”赵穆看向一旁的内侍,问道:“徐公公,需要多少高手才能破开值殿监的防守?”„ReplyYour highness, manyexpertscannot break.”
“回禀殿下,多少高手都破不开。”Father-in-lawslowsaid: „Medo not blow own horn, is really inZhidianjian the expertare innumerable, Superintendent Zhouadjustedsomeimperial servant, formsDongchang to sweep away the rivers and lakes!”
徐公公说道:“咱家并非自吹自擂,实在是值殿监中高手无数,周督公调了部分内侍,组建东厂就能横扫江湖!”Tang Mingyuanhas doubts saying: „Why can Zhidianjianbecome the organization systemto train the expert? Oninheritanceandaptitude, imperial servantdistantratioSectdisciple.”
唐明远疑惑道:“为何值殿监能成建制培养高手?论传承、资质,内侍远远比不过宗门弟子。”„The meritlaw that mecultivation, the namecalls the canna flowerprecious book.”
“咱家修炼的功法,名唤昙花宝典。”Father-in-lawslowexplained: „Every timerevolves a sidereal revolution, obtainedtrue qitentimesincommonmeritlaw, howevermeets the buckleseveral dayslife, will practicepresenility!”
徐公公解释道:“每运转一个周天,所得真气十倍于寻常功法,然而会折损数日寿元,练多了就会未老先衰!”Zhao Mu has long known the canna flowerprecious book, sighed: „Even iflooks for missing people to practicenow, at least35yearscanbecome, at that timeRoyal Motherhas held on to the deliberation hall.”赵穆早就知道昙花宝典,叹息道:“纵使现在寻人修行,至少三五年才能有所成,那时母后已经坐稳朝堂了。”„Firmfortress, alwaysbreaksfrom the interior!”
“坚固的堡垒,总是从内部打破!”Tang Mingyuansaid: „Superintendent Zhoubuilds upfromCommanderZhidianjian, the iron bucket that operatesinevitablyis common, the darkchildare innumerable. OnlymustseekSuperintendent Zhouandcollaboration, Zhidianjiancollapses of itself, evencanboostforyour highness!”
唐明远说道:“周督公自值殿监提督起家,必然经营的铁桶一般,暗子无数。只需寻到周督公并联手,值殿监不攻自破,甚至可以为殿下助力!”Zhao Musaid: „Ihave also once thoughtgathersSuperintendent Zhou, did topassed awayfromlate sovereign, hisnewsdid not see, does not know that manypeoplesearched, had not foundincluding a trail.”赵穆说道:“我也曾想过招揽周督公,奈何自先皇驾崩,他就消息不见,不知多少人寻觅,连一丝踪迹都未找到。”„By the temper that Superintendent Zhouseeks revenge for the slightest grievance, is still dormantinCapital Cityinevitably, evenis planningto assassinateKing Pingxiandqueen mother.”
“以周督公睚眦必报的性子,必然还在京城蛰伏,甚至在谋划刺杀平西王、太后。”Tang Mingyuanasked: „Can your highnesshave the companyinCapital City?”
唐明远问道:“殿下在京城可有商号?”Zhao Musaid: „In additionseveralsmallcompanies, the surface and palacedo not have the responsibility, evadedDongchangraid.”赵穆说道:“尚且有几家小商号,表面与王府毫无干系,躲过了东厂搜捕。”Tang Mingyuanbrings the written records, brushedto write a formula: „Thislawmaymake the frostsugarmassively, tobecome the divisiontributeextremelywith low price, Superintendent Zhouwill pay a visit.”
“先生当真是无所不能!”Zhao Muhas read the formula, with the claywater of finding at everywhere, canturn into the frostsugar the blacksugarunexpectedly, the valueturnedtentimesto continue.赵穆看过方子,竟然用随处可见的黄泥水,就能将黑糖变成霜糖,价值翻了十倍不止。„Father-in-lawslow, fastgives the kingtwothisside, takes the method of ministry of public worksvice ministerLiuto enter the division.”
“徐公公,速速将此方交给王二,走工部刘侍郎的门路入御用司。”„Congratulatesyour highness.”
“恭喜殿下。”Father-in-lawslowreceives the formulacarefully, saidwith a smile: „Ifcanresult insuperintendentto assist, the imperial palacesnaps fingers to break, great undertakingperiod!”
徐公公小心收起方子,笑着说道:“若能得督公相助,皇宫弹指可破,大业可期!”Tang Mingyuanasked: „Superintendent Zhouactuallystrong?”
唐明远问道:“周督公究竟有多强?”Father-in-lawslowsaid: „News that according to the palaceinpasses on, threeinnatemasterscollaborate, a difficultenemysuperintendentperson, only to walk randomly the dogfight!”
徐公公说道:“据宫里传出来的消息,三位先天宗师联手,难敌督公一人,只能游走缠斗!”Tang Mingyuanexclaims: „Sotyrannical, unmatched in the world?”
唐明远惊叹道:“如此强横,岂不是天下无敌?”Father-in-lawslowwithhaving the glorysaid: „Treads the rivers and lakesfrom the Superintendent Zhouhorse, cuts the swordgod, in the rivers and lakes the personheard that imperial servantis scared, the incompletepeopleadded the facefor my and otherseriously!”
徐公公与有荣焉道:“自周督公马踏江湖,阵斩剑神,江湖中人闻内侍而胆寒,当真为咱家这等残缺之人添了脸面!”„Father-in-lawslow, in my eyes, imperial servantis not worse than anybody!”
“徐公公,在我眼中,内侍不比任何人差!”Zhao Mucoldsnort/hum: „King Pingxiinstead, the Royal Motherinstead, onlyhasSuperintendent Zhou games tofinally. In the history bookalwaysgives scoldingimperial servant, expostulates the kingfar away from the eunuch, in my opinionhasbiased, many of rebellionare the civil officialmilitary commanders!”赵穆冷哼一声:“平西王反,母后反,唯有周督公至最后。史书上总是痛骂内侍,劝诫君王远离阉宦,在我看来多有偏颇,造反的多是文官武将!”
The imperial servantpowerfrom the emperor, a few wordscantake backcompletely.内侍权力源自皇帝,一句话就能全部收回。Even ifpresents the imperial servantcontrolthroneto alternate, will not change from one dynasty to anothertruly, after itdies , the imperial authoritystillbelonged toZhaoall.
纵使出现内侍操控皇位更迭,也不会真正改朝换代,待其死后皇权仍归于赵家所有。slowfather-in-lawand otherimperial servanthearsword, is grateful, kotowsworships on bended knees.
徐公公等内侍闻言,感激涕零,叩首跪拜。„Is willingto be ready to give one's lifeforyour highness!”
“愿为殿下效死!”Tang Mingyuanbrowselects, saidthisgrade of wordsby the Zhao Mustatus, has the favor and trustimperial servantindication, immediatelychanged a topic.
唐明远眉头一挑,以赵穆的身份说出这等话,已然有宠信内侍的征兆,当即换了个话题。„How many does your highnessknowaboutHis Majestynow?”
“隆庆帝?”Zhao Musaid: „TenThird Brothermothers is a palace maid, after father sovereignis drunkvisit, the productionsoondied of illness. The tenThird brother'sinwet nurseby the palaceraises, since childhoodhad the brainto be vigorous, sixyears old will voice, now16years old could not have learnedfood and clothing!”赵穆说道:“十三弟母亲是个宫女,父皇酒醉后临幸,生产不久就病逝。十三弟由宫中嬷嬷养大,自幼有脑疾,六岁才会发声,如今十六岁还学不会穿衣吃饭!”„Thislife experienceis listening, inexplicablyafraid......”
“这身世听着,莫名让人心虚……”Tang Mingyuanpursuesasks: „Can the matter of brainillness/quick, have the imperial physicianto diagnose?”
唐明远追问道:“脑疾之事,可有太医确诊?”„Imperial physicianhas diagnosedrepeatedly, however the brainillness/quicknon-commonillness, can only judgethrough the words and deeds, cannotreally a diagnosis.”
“太医诊治过多次,然而脑疾非寻常病症,只能通过言行举止判断,并不能真个确诊。”Zhao Muknits the brows: „Is it possible thatmistersuspected that tenThird Brotherdoes play the fool? That timewas only young young child!”赵穆皱眉道:“先生莫非怀疑十三弟装傻?那时才几岁的小儿!”„Whoalsosaid?”
“谁又说得准呢?”Tang Mingyuansaid: „Myoneaverage person, may be unable to fight the learnedto play the foolsince childhood, has deceived the fellow of Queenlate sovereignandcivil and militaryhundredofficer!”
唐明远说道:“我就一普通人,可斗不过从小就学会装傻,骗过先皇太后、文武百官的家伙!”Zhao Mucarefulrecollection, allmemoriesaboutLongqingemperor.赵穆仔细回想,关于隆庆帝的所有记忆。„Previouslylistened toimperial servantto discuss,tenThird Brothergoes toEmpress'Palaceonce for a while, after such aspuppyMs. Xiang, begsto eat, because the brainillness/quickspeechis weak, oftenteases the Royal Motherto laugh heartily......”
“先前听内侍议论,十三弟时不时去坤宁宫,如小狗般向母后讨要吃食,由于脑疾说话幼稚有趣,常逗得母后欢笑……”At this point, Zhao Muis startledswiftly.
说到这里,赵穆倏然一惊。Tang Mingyuanshrugs, quitehelplesssaying.
唐明远耸了耸肩,颇为无奈的说道。„Interestinginteresting, difficultyhell!”
……Zhengtong 6.
In October/ten months.
十月。Longqingemperorobserved one's mourningto finish, ascended the throneto proclaim oneself emperorofficially.
The folkhas the rumorsuddenly, the newsovereignresults in the position is not positive, difficultlyfollowingDatong.
民间忽有传言,新皇得位不正,难继大统。Alsothere is a fulfilled prophecy that corresponds: Superintendent Zhouunmatched in the world, results insuperintendent to win the world!
……Imperial palace.
皇宫。East gate.
东门。Whencold winter, north windbone-chilling cold.
时值寒冬,北风凛冽。Zhou Yi is on dutyvery early in the morning, the bodyfell a hoar frost, unceasingstamps the feetto drive out the cold, seems like that not the slightest difference from martial artsmeanimperial servant.周易大清早来当值,身上落了层白霜,不断的跺脚驱寒,看似与武道低微的内侍一般无二。SimultaneouslydisplaysAudiology Technique, eavesdrops onnearbyimperial servantspeech.
同时施展听息术,探听附近内侍说话。Majoritywere discussing how to flatternewpromoteCommanderSecretary of Internal Affairs, Eunuch Zhong, was the Zhou Yi onceadopted sonyoungloyalchild, nowinvestsunder the queen mother.
大多数都在议论如何巴结新晋内侍司提督,忠公公,也就是周易曾经的干儿小忠子,现在投入太后麾下。Anotheradopted sonlittlepermitschild, becamesecondDongchangsuperintendent, the power and influenceis dreadful.
另一个干儿小许子,成了第二任东厂督公,权势滔天。As long asimperial servantdiscussed that thesetwo, definitelywill speak oftheircommonadoptive fathers, vanishesEunuch Yi that does not see.内侍但凡议论这两位,必然会提起他们共同的干爹,消失不见的易公公。„Heard, outsideis passing on......”
“听说了么,外边都在传……”„superintendentwins the world, is quite imposing, mecanresult insuchappraisal, diedalsonotregrets!”
“得督公者得天下,好生威风,咱家能得这么个评价,死也无憾了!”„Is latter voice, do youreallywant dead?”
“……”Zhou Yi standsin the lower part of wallplace, listening toimperial servantto whoop, somepeopleenvyandrespect, somepeoplerevileandcurse.周易站在墙根处,听着内侍议论纷纷,有人羡慕、敬仰,亦有人唾骂、诅咒。
The heart11remember, in the futurewill do accountsone by one.
心底一一记下,日后逐个算账。„Backchaoticwagging the tongueroot, is the meetingdeceased person, JieJieJie......”
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