Comes outfromZhidianjian.
从值殿监出来。Zhou Yi heartruthlesslyspat a spit.周易心底狠狠的唾了口吐沫。Naturallydoes not darereallyto spit, if made one seeon the misdemeanor.
当然不敢真吐,万一让人看见就坏事了。„Adoptive fatherlight/only makes one work, does not make one eat meal, the landlordfamily/homewill hire the long-term laborslike this, do not blameusto investunderEunuch Zhu!”
“干爹光让人干活,不让人吃饭,地主家雇长工都不会这样,可别怪咱投入朱公公麾下!”Zhou Yi days beforeboughtdisguise cream, paidhundredtaels of silverintentionally, said that isthanksEunuch Zhuto helpcovering up.周易前几日买易容膏,故意多付了百两银子,说是感谢朱公公帮着遮掩。No matter whatthismatterwholistened unable to pick up the problem, moreoverEunuch Zhu can also understand, if under had a mindto enroll, will look for an opportunityto disclose the meaning.
这事儿任谁听去了也挑不出毛病,而且朱公公也能明白,若有心招入麾下,也会寻机透露出意思。FromZhidianjiantonorth, acrossnumerouspalaceerror, arrives at the Buddhist scripturespavilion.
The Zhou Yi on dutyEmperor's gardenfullthreeyears, canreceiveonevolume of meritlaws.周易值守御花园满三年,可以领取一卷功法。Has shown the number and route plate, as well asfather-in-lawXu'shand-written letter, on dutyimperial servantexcessivelyis not awkward, informs can only selecthalfdouble-hour.
The DaqingBuddhist scripturespavilionistooZumatreads the rivers and lakes, searches everywhere for the worldconstructing, was known as that gathersten thousandvolumes of marvelous abilityingenious methods, halfdouble-hourcannot look the name list.
大庆藏经阁乃太祖马踏江湖,穷搜天下所建,号称汇聚万卷神功妙法,半个时辰连名录都看不完。Zhou Yi takes out a paper money, the stopperto the imperial servanthandin: „Father-in-lawon dutyis laborious, thismoneybuys the potliquorto taste.”周易取出一张银票,塞到内侍手中:“公公值守辛苦,这银子去买壶酒尝尝。”In the palacehas the kitchen, according toregulationsupplymess, andforbidsimperial servantto drink wine. However the places of somepeoplehave the method, the puissantplacemust have the corruption, the kitchenmeets the high priceto sell the liquorin secret.
宫中有伙房,按照律法供应大锅饭,且禁止内侍饮酒。然而有人的地方就有门路,有权力的地方就少不了贪腐,伙房私下里会高价卖酒。Potliquor52, the pricefar more thanturnedtentimes.
In the palacein the money-makingpalacespendsseriously, onewantsto bring back to the homerespectively!
当真是宫里赚钱宫里花,一分别想带回家!imperial servantskilledreceives the paper money, shows the satisfactorysmile: „Weheard, butheard that reorganizes the Buddhist scripturesimperial servant, in order, deposited the southeast corner the topmeritlaw.”内侍熟练的收起银票,露出满意笑容:“咱听说,只是听说啊,整理藏经的内侍为了方便,将顶尖功法都存放东南角了。”„Many thanks the father-in-lawdirects.”
“多谢公公指点。”Zhou Yi enters the Buddhist scripturespavilion, takes a broad viewto look atbookshelves, abovechocked up the books.周易走进藏经阁,放眼看去一座座书架,上面摆满了书册。
The booksincessantlyare the meritlawrare book, the martial artssensibilityandsenior explained that as well asvarioustypesat sixes and sevensabout the ancient book that the rivers and lakesandsaid.
书册不止是功法秘籍,还有武道感悟、前辈讲解,以及各种乱七八糟关于江湖、佛道的典籍。„Thisfar more thanten thousandvolumes? Helpless, the coming inrevolutionshalfdouble-hour, can only bytransportingto elect!”
“这何止万卷?不知所以的,进来转半个时辰,只能靠运去选了!”Directly soarssoutheast the main hall, walked more than hundredzhang (3.33 m), reallysees a specialbookshelf.
The shininggold threadcedarwoodcarvingbecomes, byabovescatteredplacingbook titleratioalsohas the imposing manner, shouldbe the topmeritlaw that imperial servantsaid.
明晃晃金丝楠木雕成,上面稀稀落落的摆放书名比旁的也有气势,应是内侍所说的顶尖功法。„Hottest part of summerdemon, Kunlun Mountainsswordstandard, Romanian-MoroccansecretDian, innatemerit, onclearmerit, primal chaosmerit......”
“大伏魔经,昆仑剑典,罗摩秘典,先天功,上清功,太极功……”Zhou Yi has lookedone by one, the directpassing over gently and swiftlyswordpointed weaponstime, slightlycrossedagaincultivates the true qiinternal strength, onlyhad the fists and feet, qing gong and true qisecret techniquethreekinds of ancient books.周易逐个看过,直接掠过刀剑兵刃功夫,再略过修炼真气内功,只剩下拳脚、轻功、真气秘术三类典籍。„fists and feetdoes not need the almighty troopssharp weapon, to leaveeventuallyfor the time being, shouldtakemaintaining lifeasfirst!”
“拳脚终究不必过神兵利器,暂且舍去,应以保命为先!”Zhou Yi looksto the qing gongancient book, has the lunar shadowstep and wanderingmerit, sixgoverningsecret artswait/etc, buildinglaterflashes the revolutionsto organize the speedto be extremely quick, when accomplishmentmayfly highto fly acorssdozenszhang (3.33 m).周易看向轻功典籍,有月影步、云游功、六御诀等等,修成之后闪转腾挪速度极快,大成时可凌空飞渡数十丈。„Leapsdozenszhang (3.33 m), withflightwhatstrange/different?”
“一跃数十丈,与飞行何异?”Zhou Yi is quite excited, had planned the practicingqing gong, when takes down a crossing a rivermeritlaw, noticesplacenearbymeritlaw.周易颇为心动,本已打算修行轻功,取下一叶渡江功法时,注意到放在旁边的功法。«diamond not BadMarvelous ability».
《金刚不坏神功》。„Thisnameis listeningaggressively!”
“这名字听着霸气!”Zhou Yi takes down the books, reads the marvelous abilitysummary, knew that thismeritlawis the revolutiontrue qisecret technique.周易将书册取下,翻看翻看神功简述,得知此功法是运转真气的秘术。Oncewere displayed, the whole personwill turn into the golden yellow, the copper headiron bone, the strengthis greatly infinite, andhundreddo not invadepoisonously. The skillis higheritsdefense effect better, because during displaying, true qirapidconsumption, whenchanges the bodylongis vigorouswithtrue qi.
一经施展,整个人就会变成金黄色,铜头铁骨,力大无穷,且百毒不侵。功力越高其防御效果越佳,由于施展期间真气迅速消耗,所以变身时长与真气浑厚有关。„Is true qivigorous?”
“真气浑厚?”Zhou Yi eyeonebright, thislawagrees with extremely.周易眼睛一亮,此法与自己极为契合。
The canna flowerprecious booktimerevolves, the true qicontinuousgrowth, is happen to usedto display the diamond not badmarvelous ability.
昙花宝典时刻运转,真气源源不断的增长,正好用来施展金刚不坏神功。„The againrapidness of running, runs into the armyto encirclekillsorten thousandarrowsfires , can only die with great regret, instead the body of fearlessflesh wounddiamond, being usedto escapeis just appropriate!”
“跑的再快,遇到大军围杀或万箭齐发,也只能含恨而死,反而金刚之躯无惧外伤,用来逃跑正合适!”„Threeyearslater, thenchooses a qing gong, wedid not haveextra worries.”
“三年后,再选一门轻功,咱就无后顾之忧了。”Zhou Yi looks at the exalted godmerit the reason, hundreddo not invadepoisonously, in the palace the schemes and trickswere too many, said that whichdaydrinkingteadid not permitto containviolently poisonously.周易看上神功的缘由,还有百毒不侵,宫中阴谋诡计太多,说不准哪天喝的茶水就蕴含剧毒。Displays the diamond not badmarvelous ability, thencaneasilyreduce and solve.
施展金刚不坏神功,便能轻易化解。Chooses the meritlaw, arrives at the palaceentranceregistration, the one whois responsible formanagingis an oldcourt eunuch.
选好功法,来到殿门口登记,负责管理的是个老太监。Perhapsbecause of the canna flowerprecious book, inside the palace the oldcourt eunuchare very many, onlylooks at the semblance unable to distinguish the concreteage, Zhou Yi bowsto saluteto politely call the father-in-law.
或许因为昙花宝典,宫里边老太监特别多,只看外表分辨不出具体年龄,周易躬身施礼尊称公公。„Doesn't diamondgo bad?”
The oldcourt eunuchvisionpollution, sizes up the Zhou Yi moment: „The person who thismeritlawelectsmaybe few, commonimperial servantdisplays, 35breathsexhausttrue qi, notmanyeffectiveness!”
“这……”Zhou Yi does intentionallyto hesitate, the probesaid: „Father-in-law, can thattradeonevolume?”周易故作迟疑,试探道:“公公,那能换一册吗?”
The oldcourt eunuchsnort/hum, thisboydid not givecoherently, but alsowantsto makehimstretch the rules, impatientbeckoning with the handsaid.
“滚滚滚!”Zhou Yi does not dareto refute, the distresseddepartureBuddhist scripturespavilion, the heartinscribesone.周易不敢反驳,狼狈的离开藏经阁,心底又记上一笔。Hongmilitary1 st, the Buddhist scripturespavilionoldcourt eunuchscoldedus in January 35, old codgerdiesas soon as possible, otherwisedecidesto teachyouto go tobut actually the nightfragrance!
弘武35年一月初一,藏经阁老太监骂咱,老不死的尽早死,否则定教你去倒夜香!Returns to the dwelling.
回到住处。Zhou Yi reads the diamond not badmarvelous ability, entire more than ten thousandcharacters, related tosidereal revolutionholehole.周易翻看金刚不坏神功,全篇万余字,涉及周天窍穴。„The true qicirculation, stimulates the holehole, changes togolden armor......”
“真气流转,激发窍穴,化作金甲……”In the evening.
晚间。Threeyoungimperial servantreturn to the roomtogether, usuallyindid not divideparallel, todayimperial servant of namedsmallcassia budbefore, anothertwosubmissivefollowing on the heels.
The Zhou Yi browselects, JieJiesmilestwostrangely.周易眉头一挑,桀桀怪笑两声。Howso the laughterdoes not know, is all the ragein the palace, everyhasimperial servantJieJie of positionto smilestrangely.
这般笑声也不知怎么,风靡宫中,凡有地位的内侍都桀桀怪笑。„Does father-in-lawGui, whathappymatterexperiencetoday?”
The smallcassia budnodsslightly, does not wait forhimto speak, abouttwobootlickersboasted.
小桂子微微颔首,不等他说话,左右两个马屁精就吹嘘起来。„Father-in-lawwarmsaid that the Brother Guitalentdifferent reported that in the futurecanreachto the innategrandmaster, becomes the seafather-in-lawandfathers-in-lawWeilike that the great person!”
“温公公说桂哥儿天赋异禀,将来能臻至先天宗师,成为海公公、魏公公那般大人物!”„Our grade of mortal, maycompared withBrother Gui, laterservequite, canseek a goodassignment!”
“咱这等凡人,可比不过桂哥儿,以后好生侍候,也能寻个好差事!”„So that's how it is.”
“原来如此。”Zhou Yi nodsslightly, does not understand that father-in-lawwarmhitswhatwicked scheme, perhapsreallyoldsought a legacyalsoto have the possibility.周易微微颔首,不明白温公公打什么鬼主意,或许真的老了寻个衣钵也有可能。
The smallcassia budjust nowten years old, entersshortly after the palace, have not seendangerouslyhas been elated with success, among the featuremovementsexposes for severalpointsto keep aloof, looks down uponZhou Yi sosmallimperial servant.
The Zhou Yi eyegroundflashes the underheatingglow, looksinfather-in-lawwarmin the face, depresses the heartto killintent , to continue to comprehend the diamond not badmarvelous ability.周易眼底闪过冷芒,看在温公公面子上,压下心底杀意,继续参悟金刚不坏神功。Since then.
The Csixshedshad the barrier.
丙六舍就有了隔阂。Smallcassia budthreepeople of onegroup, Zhou Yi eats mealto be on dutyalone.
小桂子三人一伙,周易孤零零吃饭当值。Perhapsis the smallcassia budfateis excellent, perhapsisfather-in-lawwarmintendsto look, oneyearis literate for a year to exercise martial arts, has not appeareddies a violent death, falls in the waterand other accidents/surprises.
或许是小桂子运道极好,或许是温公公有意照拂,一年认字一年练功,没有出现暴毙、落水等意外。Assigns the on dutypalace, is the most superiorYangxindian.
分配值守宫殿,也是最上等的养心殿。„, Having a goodadoptive fatherto be really good, westood for fiveyearsin the Emperor's garden, the gate of Yangxindianhas not gone in!”
“啧啧,有个好干爹真不错,咱在御花园站了五年,养心殿的门都没进去过!”Zhou Yi was very difficultnot to envy, in the two yearsgreatEmperor Wubasicallyin the Yangxindianheated room, held the smallmeetingwithseveraltrusted aideofficials, everyon dutyimperial servantpositionincreased suddenly.周易很难不心生羡慕,这两年弘武帝基本都在养心殿暖阁,与几个心腹臣子开小会,凡是值守内侍都地位陡增。Got down the value.
下了值。Zhou Yi went to the kitchento buy the altar/jarnice wine, the gift boxwas carryingfourgoodvegetables/dishes.周易去伙房买了坛好酒,食盒拎着四个好菜。
The smallcassia budgot down the value, behindfollowsas usualtwobootlickers, returns to the roomto seeto place the goodfood and wine, is startledslightly, leadsmilingsaying.
小桂子下了值,后面照例跟着俩马屁精,回屋见到摆放好的酒菜,微微一怔,率先笑意盈盈的说道。„Does Eunuch Yi, whathappymatterexperiencetoday?”
“易公公,今儿遇到什么喜事儿?”„diamond not badmarvelous abilityrefine, shouldcongratulate!”
“金刚不坏神功炼成了,合该庆贺一番!”Zhou Yi revolutiontrue qi, the palmchanges to the pure goldsuddenly, has swepton the wall, leaves behind the clearhand imprint.周易运转真气,手掌陡然化作赤金,在墙壁上扫过,留下清晰手印。„Should should!”
The smallcassia budacclaimedrepeatedly, told that aboutmoved in the stool, sat facing each otherwithZhou Yi .
小桂子连声赞叹,吩咐左右搬来凳子,与周易相对而坐。Smilesto vanish the love and hate, pastdoes not vanish into thin airhappily.
( This chapterends)
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