IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#493: Three thousand Godfiend tribulations, Human Sovereign Seal strength!

Shen Xiao top of the head providence halo float, dense radiant. 沈晓头顶气运光环悬浮,氤氲璀璨。 Primordial Chaos divine light lingers to continue, just like the Sun and Moon stars, radiant. 混沌神光萦绕不止,宛若日月星辰,璀璨至极。 According to the Shen Xiao providence halo, the picture that appears. 根据沈晓气运光环,浮现出的画面。 Shen Tian knows the opportunity location, in a not far away cliff. 沈天得知机缘所在地,就在不远处一处悬崖。 In original opportunity Shen Xiao was chased down by the Evil Spirit clan, after escaping from more than ten li (0.5 km), arrives in the cliff. 机缘沈晓邪灵族追杀,逃出十几里后抵达悬崖。 Finally, Shen Xiao has no way out to jump down the cliff. 最终,沈晓走投无路跳下悬崖。 Originally by the Shen Xiao age and strength, cannot go out is so far. 原本以沈晓的年纪与实力,根本走不出那么远。 But these Evil Spirit have not killed her directly, but wants to play tricks on, making her die in the fear. 但那些邪灵没有直接杀死她,而是想要戏弄,令她死于恐惧中。 But Shen Xiao has not actually died by luck, instead harvests big opportunity. 沈晓却侥幸未死,反而收获大机缘 But because these Evil Spirit actually punish that to locate the ban in opportunity, changes into the flying ash directly. 而那些邪灵却因为处罚那处机缘中的禁制,直接化为飞灰。 Un, the villain dies of the wave! 嗯,反派死于浪! ...... …… Confirmed the destination, Shen Tian is looking at Shen Xiao: Xiaoxiao, walks!” 确认目的地,沈天望着沈晓:“晓晓,走吧!” Is the time leaves here!” “是时候离开这里!” The matter cannot be delayed , helping Shen Xiao harvest opportunity as soon as possible, the promotion strength is important. 事不宜迟,尽快帮助沈晓收获机缘,提升实力要紧。 Shen Tian also wants to examine as soon as possible, now Five Territories situation how. 沈天也想尽快查看,如今五域局势如何。 Shen Xiao nods, said: Yes, Venerable Teacher!” 沈晓点头,道:“是,师尊!” She then looks at the village that is growing up since childhood, in the eye sad. 她回头望着从小长大的村子,眼中悲戚。 In years past the family member and recollection, buried in this finally, how making her be able the non- downcast. 昔年亲人与回忆,最终都埋葬于此,令她怎能不神伤。 Shen Tian flicks the sleeve gently, bursts out the strength of vast boundless domain. 沈天轻轻拂袖,迸发浩瀚无边的场域之力。 In an instant the earth shook and heavens spun shook, Divine Light lets fall. 刹那间天摇地动,神芒垂落。 The endless star light sways, lets fall just like the galaxy, proliferates Heaven and Earth. 无尽星光挥洒,宛若星河垂落,遍布天地 The surrounding space surges, covers the entire village, goes into hiding thoroughly in endless void. 周围空间涌动,将整个村子笼罩,彻底隐匿在无尽虚空。 This like a tomb, secluded from the world, making the deceased rest. 这就像一座坟墓,与世隔绝,令逝者安息。 Shen Tian turns around to depart, said: Walks!” 沈天转身离去,道:“走吧!” Shen Xiao nods, in the eye is full of the gratitude: Un!” 沈晓点头,眼中充满感激:“嗯!” Two people depart together, leads the way toward the south. 两人一同离去,向着南方前行。 ...... …… Before long, two people then arrive in a cliff. 不一会儿,两人便抵达一处悬崖。 Here numerous rivers, everywhere grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, steep incomparable. 这里千沟万壑,到处都怪石嶙峋,陡峭无比。 Although this place is a cliff, but is quite ordinary, cannot see specially. 此地虽是一处悬崖,但却极为平凡,看不出一点特殊。 Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator, can easily arrive in bottom of the cliff. 天尊境修士,能轻易抵达悬崖底部。 The Shen Xiao doubts said: Venerable Teacher, why we must come to here.” 沈晓疑惑道:“师尊,我们为何要来这里。” Shen Tian smiles lightly, does intentionally said mystically: Will know!” 沈天淡淡一笑,故作神秘道:“等会就知道了!” He grips the hand of Shen Xiao, jumps, flies into the cliff. 他握住沈晓的手,纵身而下,飞入悬崖。 Quick, Shen Tian then arrives in the cliff halfway up the mountainside position, there has a cave. 很快,沈天便抵达悬崖半山腰位置,那里有一个山洞。 In original opportunity, after Shen Xiao jumps the cliff . 在原机缘中,沈晓跳崖后。 Happen to falls in the cave position, preserves a life reluctantly. 正好跌在山洞位置,勉强保住一命。 Shen Tian draws Shen Xiao to enter the cave, walks into toward the deep place slowly. 沈天拉着沈晓进入山洞,向着深处缓缓走入。 The cave is spacious, does not seem like has the treasure radically. 山洞空旷无比,根本不像是有宝物。 Shen Tian does not care, tries to find out in stone wall. 沈天也不在意,在石壁上摸索起来。 Quick he found the prominence stone wall, presses gently. 很快他找到突起石壁,轻轻一按。 Immediately, the rock sways, the stone wall opens greatly. 顿时,山石摇晃,石壁大开。 Brilliant Divine Light sends vigorously, radiant, the brilliance overflows. 绚烂神芒蓬勃而发,璀璨至极,光彩四溢。 After the stone wall, reappearing dense light hole, inside aura is boundless, contains piece of Heaven and Earth. 石壁后浮现氤氲光洞,里面气息磅礴,内含一片天地 Sees this, Shen Tian nods slightly. 见到这一幕,沈天微微颔首。 Because this place peaceful, simply has not explored the desire. 正是因为此地太平凡,令人根本没有探索欲望。 Perhaps otherwise, inheritance was taken early. 不然,传承说不定早被人取走了。 ...... …… The Shen Tian corners of the mouth raise, draws Shen Xiao to enter up the hole directly. 沈天嘴角微扬,直接拉着沈晓进入光洞。 The ray twinkle, departs their form hauling. 光芒闪烁,将他们身影牵引离去。 After two people appear, already in another space. 待两人出现后,已然在另外一片空间中。 Here vast boundless, cannot look at the boundary. 这里浩瀚无垠,一眼望不到边际。 Heaven and Earth was covered by the dim fog, mysterious incomparable, just like the place of Primordial Chaos inauguration. 天地被朦胧雾霭所笼罩,玄妙无比,宛若混沌初开之地。 But in this side world center, appears a giant palace. 而在这方世界中央,浮现出一座巨大的宫殿。 The palace is resplendent in gold and jade green, grand grand palatial incomparable. 宫殿金碧辉煌,宏伟壮阔巍峨无比。 It stands erect in Heaven and Earth, sends out greatest dignified, imitates, if made Heaven and Earth submit. 它屹立于天地间,散发出莫大威严,仿若要令天地臣服。 Venerable Teacher, where is this?” 师尊,这是什么地方?” In the Shen Xiao eye appearance sending out, is full of the shock. 沈晓眼中神采散发,充满着震惊。 She has not thought, here hidden the so grand palace unexpectedly. 她没想到,这里竟隐藏如此宏伟的宫殿。 Too was simply mystical. 简直太神秘了。 Shen Tian smiles lightly, said: Holy Emperor Palace!” 沈天淡淡一笑,道:“圣皇宫!” On the front door of palace, seal is carving the Holy Emperor Palace three large characters. 在宫殿的大门上,印刻着圣皇宫三个大字。 The character such as the dragon dragon, the dragon flies Feng Wu, threatens incomparably. 字如虬龙,龙飞凤舞,威赫无比。 The careful induction, then can find that these characters are supreme expert take pen in hand to portray, the power and influence measures vastly not. 细细感应,便能发现这些字乃是无上强者提笔刻画,威势浩瀚莫测。 In the Shen Xiao eye shocks even more intensely, she has never seen the so magnificent scene. 沈晓眼中震撼愈发强烈,她从未见过如此壮观场景。 Xiaoxiao, we go in!” 晓晓,我们进去吧!” Shen Tian reminded one, bringing Shen Xiao to go forward. 沈天提醒一声,带着沈晓上前。 At this moment the front door opens slowly, reveals exceedingly high Great Way. 就在这时大门缓缓打开,露出通天大道 Shen Tian not slightly hesitant, walks into the palace directly. 沈天没有丝毫犹豫,直接步入宫殿之中。 ...... …… In two people enter the palace, the Heaven and Earth mutation, the innumerable stars light linger. 就在两人进入宫殿时,天地异变,无数星辰光萦绕而出。 Void, had form together to walk. 虚空中,亦有一道身影走了出来。 His figure is very great, is indomitable spirit, the aura measures vastly not. 他身形无比伟岸,顶天立地,气息浩瀚莫测。 body golden color battle armour, the flowing light overflows, bursts out the terrifying aura. 身上金色战甲,流光四溢,迸发出恐怖气息。 In his body, but also sends out the overbearing unparalleled imposing manner, spread Heaven and Earth. 在他身上,还散发出霸道无双的气势,蔓延天地 This aura is too vast, has to plant to rule the world conceited unparalleled heroic bearing! 这股气息太浩瀚,有种君临天下唯我独尊的盖世英姿! This person bases void, just like the peerless Monarch control big world, making Ten Thousand Races submit. 此人立足虚空,宛若绝代君主统御大世,令万族臣服。 ...... …… The Shen Tian look concentrates, the mind shocks. 沈天眼神微凝,心神震撼。 This person of aura terrifying, anybody is more powerful than he has seen. 此人气息恐怖,远比他见过的任何人更强大。 But Shen Tian can feel that this person is the remnant soul, is very weak, will vanish momentarily. 只不过沈天能感觉此人乃是残魂,无比虚弱,随时都会消失。 Even so, the aura looking disdainfully vault of heaven that he sends out, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes as before. 纵使如此,他散发的气息依旧睥睨苍穹,傲视群雄。 This person, is supreme exists absolutely! 此人,绝对是无上存在! ...... …… At this time, that form looked, the pupil light was profound. 这时,那道身影望过来,眸光深邃。 That pupil shocks, imitates, if whether there is side entire world circulation, vast boundless. 那道眸子太震撼,仿若有无边寰宇流转,浩瀚无边。 He opens the mouth with deep veneration, the spoken language resounds through the vault of heaven shock and awe will of the people. 他肃然开口,言语响彻天穹震慑人心。 I am First Generation Human Sovereign Sui!” “吾乃初代人皇燧!” You entered this place, is being predestined friends person, may obtain this Emperor inheritance.” “尔等进入此地,便是有缘人,可获得本帝传承。” Hopes that you can carry forward this Emperor inheritance, helping human race be separated from the dangerous boundary, fights against Evil Spirit.” “希望你们能将本帝传承发扬光大,帮助人族脱离危险境,抗击邪灵。” The form lifts the hand, toward void one finger/refers. 说完身影抬手,向着虚空一指。 In an instant, vault of heaven fission. 刹那间,天穹裂变。 Two rays sweep across, the lasing enters the Shen Tian two people of mind. 两道光芒席卷,激射入沈天二人脑海。 Completes all these, the First Generation Human Sovereign form dissipates directly, annihilates in Heaven and Earth. 做完这一切,初代人皇身影直接消散,湮灭于天地间。 Shen Tian sees that in the eye is filling respectfully. 沈天见状,眼中充满着恭敬。 This Holy Emperor Palace, should be First Generation Human Sovereign Sui initial Taoist Temple! 圣皇宫,应该就是初代人皇燧当初的道场 Just, according to the present situation comes to see. 只不过,依照现在情况来看。 First Generation Human Sovereign only leaves behind some inheritance, even/including remnant soul is not. 初代人皇只留下一些传承,连残魂都算不上。 After all initially the flint engaged in fierce battle three Evil Spirit Immortal Emperor, the itself/Ben is the difficulty that is inconceivable. 毕竟当初燧鏖战三位邪灵仙帝,本就是难以想象的艰难。 Although First Generation Human Sovereign draws three Evil Spirit Immortal Emperor to perish together forcefully, but oneself are also thorough the annihilation in this. 初代人皇虽然强行拉着三名邪灵仙帝同归于尽,但自身也彻底湮灭于这一界。 Here should be he arranges ahead of time, for does not make human race lineage/vein easily cut off. 这里应该是他提前布置,为了不让人族一脉轻易断绝。 ...... …… Thinks of here, in the Shen Tian eye admires even more intensely. 想到这里,沈天眼中敬佩越发强烈。 This is expert that is worth respecting, has the supreme mind/bosom of protecting the common people. 这是值得敬重的强者,拥有守护苍生的无上胸怀。 Even if the body dies, is caring about this safety. 纵使身死,也在关心这一界的安危。 Shen Tian to cups one hand in the other across the chest void: „The Human Sovereign senior, we decides does not disappoint the expectation, pledges to fight to the death to protect Five Territories, fights against Evil Spirit!” 沈天向虚空拱手:“人皇前辈,吾等定不辜负期望,誓死守护五域,抗击邪灵!” This is the respect to expert, to the admiration of all previous worthy people of former times. 这是对强者的尊重,也是对历代先贤的敬佩。 Side, Shen Xiao decides to look at Shen Tian, the pupil light is trembling. 旁边,沈晓定定望着沈天,眸光微颤。 She closely grips the small hand, in the thin and small body erupts the strong willpower. 她紧紧握住小手,瘦小身体中爆发出强大的意志力。 The Venerable Teacher goal, is my goal. 师尊目标,就是我的目标。 In any event, I must protect Venerable Teacher. 无论如何,我都要守护师尊 Protects this! 守护这一界! ...... …… Time one minute/share one second passes by. 时间一分一秒过去。 Just now converges Divine Light in two people mind, splits up slowly. 方才汇入两人脑海中的神芒,缓缓分化开来。 That is the incomparably complicated obscure content, huge, bountiful is unable to absorb by Shen Tian’s cultivation base immediately. 那是无比繁复晦涩的内容,庞大至极,饶是以沈天的修为也无法立刻吸收。 This share of strength too profound strange, related to Heaven and Earth Great Way, measures mysteriously not. 这股力量太玄奇,涉及天地大道,奥妙莫测。 Shen Tian knows, this inheritance Ancestral Torch Scripture. 沈天知晓,这传承正是薪火祖经 In his hand also has Ancestral Torch Scripture, is obtains from the Human Sovereign palace. 他手中同样有一本薪火祖经,乃是从人皇殿中获得的。 Shen Tian its thorough sensibility, had not known about it very much. 沈天还没有将其彻底感悟,对其不是很了解。 At present, First Generation Human Sovereign inheritance, compares an old book more precious personally. 眼下,初代人皇亲自传承,远比一本古籍更加珍贵。 Not only in this inheritance contains Ancestral Torch Scripture inheritance cultivation technique, First Generation Human Sovereign sensibility genuine solution. 这股传承中不仅蕴含薪火祖经传承功法,还有初代人皇的感悟真解。 By Human Sovereign inheritance, can omit a Shen Tian many years of self-torture. 凭借人皇传承,能省去沈天多年苦修。 ...... …… Nearby, Shen Xiao has fallen into quietly. 一旁,沈晓已经陷入沉寂。 First Generation Human Sovereign teaches personally, these numerous and diverse contents have become understand simply. 初代人皇亲自传授,这些繁杂内容已经变得简单明了。 Shen Xiao, can comprehend slowly. 就连沈晓,也能慢慢领悟。 Her aura constantly is growing, becomes even more powerful. 她气息在不断增长,变得越发强大。 Sees Shen Xiao to have no issue, Shen Tian also closes eyes to cultivate. 沈晓没有什么问题,沈天也闭目修炼起来。 Quick he then senses mysteriously, just like universe star sea, boundless boundless. 很快他便感悟其中玄奥,宛若宇宙星海,无边无垠。 He places oneself in the boundary sea, enjoys the Great Way baptism, the state of mind has the inexplicable transformation. 他置身于道境海洋,享受大道洗礼,心境产生莫名蜕变。 This inheritance is too mysterious, even if the Shen Tian body has Innate Way Physique, is unable to control immediately. 这门传承太玄妙,哪怕沈天身具先天道体,也无法立即掌控。 After all, Ancestral Torch Scripture is source inheritance, has the infinite possibility 毕竟,薪火祖经乃是本源传承,拥有无限可能 Various Torch Sutra of Shen Tian cultivation, but is the Ancestral Torch Scripture branch, contains some deep meanings. 沈天修炼的各种薪火经,只不过是薪火祖经分支,蕴含部分奥义。 Now obtains the Ancestral Torch Scripture genuine solution, Shen Tian sees the light suddenly immediately again. 如今获得薪火祖经真解,沈天顿时再次顿悟。 ...... …… Three days later. 三天后。 Shen Tian opens the eyes, within the body aura is broad. 沈天睁开双眼,体内气息恢宏。 Brilliant Shenhua circulation whole bodies, burst out the strength of mysterious not measuring. 一道道绚烂神华流转周身,迸发出玄妙莫测的力量。 After these days sudden enlightenment understanding, his harvest is significant. 经过这段时间的顿悟理解,他的收获匪浅。 At this time, Shen Tian already about 90% Way Intent sensibility Ancestral Torch Scripture. 此时,沈天已经将薪火祖经中近90%道意感悟。 Part extremely obscure, temporarily is unable to understand thoroughly. 还有一部分太过晦涩,暂时无法理解透。 But he had confidence, soon can grasp it thoroughly. 但他有把握,用不了多久便可将其彻底掌握。 Moreover, is sensing Ancestral Torch Scripture these days. 而且,在感悟薪火祖经这段时间。 Shen Tian discovers a strange matter, making his mind somewhat shock. 沈天发现一件奇怪事情,令他心神有些震撼。 Although Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra from Ancestral Torch Scripture, but both attribute is not same. 混沌薪火经虽然源自薪火祖经,但两者属性并不相同。 But these days, these two different strengths, made to blend to link up faintly together. 可这段时间,这两股不同力量,令隐隐融汇贯通在一起。 In other words, after Ancestral Torch Scripture buff, Shen Tian entered one step to the Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra sensibility. 也就是说,经过薪火祖经加持,沈天混沌薪火经感悟又进了一步。 In turn similarly is so, Ancestral Torch Scripture also because of Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra, by buff powerful. 反过来同样是如此,薪火祖经也因为混沌薪火经,被加持得更加强大。 Both verify mutually, have the unprecedented change. 两者相互印证,产生前所未有的变化。 The Shen Tian mortal body is glittering and translucent carving, Divine Light winds around, becomes strange incomparable. 沈天肉身晶莹剔透,神曦缭绕,变得奇异无比。 Whole body lingering ancient rune, motley mysterious, like colluding Heaven and Earth Great Way, contains the supreme mighty force. 周身萦绕古老符文,斑驳玄奥,像勾连天地大道,蕴含无上伟力。 Meanwhile, the Shen Tian mortal body intensity is also transforming. 与此同时,沈天肉身强度也在蜕变。 The whole body flesh is even more strong, contains the strength of headstrong desolate. 浑身血肉越发强壮,蕴含着莽荒之力。 The vitality soars to the heavens, enters Ninth Firmament. 气血冲天,直入九霄 This strength is too huge, vast boundless, unthinkable. 这股力量太庞大,浩瀚无边,匪夷所思。 Shen Tian felt the own mortal body tenacious degree is great just like Immemorial, may shake the Sun and Moon stars. 沈天感觉自己肉身坚韧程度宛若太古巨凶,可撼动日月星辰。 Roar! 吼! He cried loud and long, making various days ten side clouds break the fragment powder, the vault of heaven turns wells up. 他长啸一声,令诸天十方云朵震碎成齑粉,苍穹翻涌。 The terrifying vitality just like the difficult situation, condenses the dreadful drying furnace in Shen Tian top of the head! 恐怖气血宛若惊涛骇浪,在沈天头顶处凝聚成滔天烘炉! This is the performance of mortal body achievement supreme, unthinkable. 这是肉身成就无上的表现,匪夷所思。 Shen Tian Godfiend Body Refinement cultivation base also in the Connecting Soul Realm peak. 要知道,沈天神魔炼体修为还在通神境巅峰。 Does not have success Transcending Tribulation, the mortal body not to reach the peak. 没有成功渡劫,肉身还未达到巅峰。 However, has the strength of many supreme physique by him, pushes to spread out the mortal body to the pinnacle intensity sufficiently. 然而,以他拥有多种无上体质的力量,足以将肉身推衍到极致强度。 Sanctification, the Shen Tian mortal body intensity has not endured to compare Quasi-Immortal. 还未成圣,沈天肉身强度就堪比准仙 But at present, his Human Sovereign Body goes a step further again, the mortal body strength is raised again. 而眼下,他人皇体再进一步,肉身力量再度提升。 He now pure by mortal body, then can with True Immortal preying! 他现在单纯以肉身,便能与真仙搏杀! If breaks through Life and Death Tribulation, mortal body after thunder tribulation baptism, but can also transform again. 若是突破生死劫,肉身经过雷劫洗礼,还能再度蜕变。 In this case, Shen Tian even had confidence that the hand rips common True Immortal. 这样的话,沈天甚至有把握手撕寻常真仙 However breaks through Life and Death Tribulation from the Connecting Soul Realm peak, will definitely reduce massive providence. 不过从通神境巅峰突破到生死劫,肯定会降低大量气运 Therefore, Shen Tian had not broken through. 因此,沈天一直都没有突破。 ...... …… At this moment, Shen Tian felt suddenly whole body one light, the graceful feeling is following. 就在这时,沈天突然感觉周身一轻,飘飘欲仙的感觉随之而来。 This type felt that he is very familiar, before has experienced more than once. 这种感觉他很熟悉,之前经历过不止一次。 This, is rises the feeling of providence!!! 这,是涨气运的感觉!!! The Shen Tian look great happiness, the mind rouses: This Holy Lord’s providence rose! 沈天神色大喜,心神振奋:本圣主的气运又涨了! On this day, I waited too for a long time to annoy! 这一天,我等了太久惹! Shen Xiao with the Shen Tian help, obtains Ancestral Torch Scripture inheritance. 沈晓沈天帮助下,获得薪火祖经传承 Therefore, Shen Tian also obtains certain providence to feed back. 因此,沈天也得到一定气运反馈。 But this time, unlike the past! 但这次,与以往不同! But Shen Xiao top of the head Primordial Chaos Qi transports/fortunes the halo Son of Providence, providence huge to being inconceivable. 沈晓可是头顶混沌气运光环的天命之子,气运庞大到难以想象。 She obtains the providence feedback of opportunity, is absolutely terrifying. 她获得机缘气运反馈,绝对恐怖。 Shen Tian cannot repress in the heart excited, takes directly the mirror. 沈天按耐不住心中激动,直接将镜子取出来。 Looks at the top of the head to glitter the incomparably radiant ray, his look rouses. 望着头顶闪烁起无比璀璨的光芒,他神色振奋无比。 Sees only the top of the head purple light to linger, the multi-colored sunlight overflows brilliantly. 只见自己头顶紫光萦绕,霞光四溢绚烂至极。 The light Purple providence halo, unexpectedly becomes at the naked eye obvious speed even more profound, eventually achieves dark Purple. 原本浅紫色气运光环,竟以肉眼可见速度变得越发深邃,最终达到深紫色 Shen Tian body shock. 沈天身躯剧震。 This providence rises, compares favorably with he to harvest several leek. 这次气运上涨,比得上他收割好几次韭菜 The key is, skillful of come Tathagata very! 关键是,来的好不如来的巧! He happen to taking this opportunity, exceeds Soul Connecting Godfiend Body Refinement cultivation base, enters into Life and Death Tribulation. 他正好借这个机会,将神魔炼体修为一举突破通神,迈入生死劫 Although, cultivation base breaks through can cause providence to drop. 虽说,修为突破会导致气运下降。 But at present grows so many providence, should hold result in completely. 但眼下增长这么多的气运,应该完全hold得住。 ...... …… Shen Tian not slightly hesitant, mobilizes within the body strength directly, attacks Life and Death Tribulation. 沈天没有丝毫犹豫,直接调动体内力量,冲击生死劫 In an instant, endless divine light lingers, the multi-colored sunlight overflows. 刹那间,无尽神光萦绕而出,霞光四溢。 His within the body erupts incomparably to threaten the imposing manner, the direct impact clouds. 他体内爆发出无比威赫气势,直冲云霄。 The Heaven and Earth big change, Sun and Moon changes colors. 天地大变,日月失色。 The tribulation cloud gathering comes, profound, fills to make the person palpitation aura. 劫云汇聚而来,深邃至极,充满令人心悸气息。 Jet black tribulation cloud blocks the sky, covers the sky, the eruption destroys day of the strength of extinguishing the place. 漆黑劫云遮天蔽日,覆盖天空,爆发毁天灭地的力量。 Looking into the distance, can see that tribulation cloud turns wells up, enormous and powerful unceasingly. 放眼望去,能看到劫云翻涌,浩荡不绝。 Inside imitates, if 3000 terrifying lives are whooshing roar, shakes the bright vault of heaven. 里面仿若有三千道恐怖生灵正在嘶吼咆哮,震烁苍穹。 Each life, is indescribable. 每一道生灵,都不可名状。 If some people see this, must frighten the courage to want surely to crack. 若是有人见到这一幕,定要吓得肝胆欲裂。 This Heavenly Tribulation is too terrifying, such as wants the slaughter remnant big world to exterminate the common people. 这道天劫太恐怖,如要屠残大世灭绝苍生。 ...... …… This Heavenly Tribulation might, is not weak in Three Thousand Ways Tribulation that Shen Tian crossed initially. 这股天劫的威力,丝毫不弱于沈天当初渡过的三千道劫 Because of this Heavenly Tribulation, is three thousand Godfiend tribulations. 因为这道天劫,乃是三千神魔劫。 If said Three Thousand Ways Tribulation, is Refining Qi system most terrifying Heavenly Tribulation. 若是说三千道劫,乃是炼气体系最恐怖的天劫 That three thousand Godfiend tribulations, are in the Godfiend system most terrifying Heavenly Tribulation. 那三千神魔劫,便是神魔体系中最恐怖的天劫 According to the rumor, this grade of Heavenly Tribulation only has Heaven and Earth newborn Immemorial Godfiend to resist. 据传言,这等天劫唯有天地初生的太古神魔才能抵御。 Shen Tian imposing does not fear, rushes to the vault of heaven directly. 沈天凛然不惧,直接冲上天穹。 He stands erect void, the whole body bursts out endless Divine Light. 他屹立虚空,周身迸发出无尽神芒 Primordial Chaos Qi sweeps across, but, surging forward, duplicate covers the whole body. 混沌气席卷而出而出,汹涌澎湃,覆掩周身。 Immortal of Shen Tian beyond just like the day, wears Primordial Chaos battle armour, wanting to with the Godfiend bloody battle. 沈天宛若天外仙,身披混沌战甲,欲要与神魔血战。 hōng rumble! 隆隆! The thunderclap hōng cry, resounds through the vault of heaven. 雷声鸣,响彻苍穹。 tribulation thunder is even more profound, the twinkle to the utmost ray, making the person mind tremble. 劫雷越发深邃,闪烁极尽光芒,令人心神颤栗。 In tribulation cloud, 3000 form power and influence are dreadful, cause the vault of heaven to tremble. 劫云中,三千道身影威势滔天,引得天穹震颤。 These forms, just like can probably this side world, thoroughly destroy the ruins. 这些身影,宛如能要将这一方世界,都彻底摧毁成废墟。 ...... …… War!” “战!” Eating delicacies broken vault of heaven! 一啸破苍穹! The Shen Tian elegant demeanor is peerless, foot treads void, goes toward tribulation cloud hōng on own initiative. 沈天风采绝世,脚踏虚空,主动朝着劫云去。 Resembles is affected by Shen Tian, tribulation cloud also becomes even more wild. 似被沈天影响,劫云也变得越发狂暴。 hōng ka! 咔! Innumerable tribulation thunder sink to fall to come, to burst out radiant Divine Light, breaks ten thousand li (0.5 km) vault of heaven. 无数劫雷沉坠而来,迸发璀璨神芒,震碎万里苍穹。 In an instant, the vault of heaven was covered by the endless thunder light, blocks the sky, gloomy and light. 刹那间,天穹被无尽雷光覆盖,遮天蔽日,暗淡与光。 Is sparkling, brilliant eye-catching, bursts out the incomparable terrifying the power and influence. 雷芒烁烁,绚烂夺目,迸发出无比恐怖的威势。 Sees only these thunder tribulation to evolve three thousand Godfiend, roared Heaven and Earth, making the vault of heaven tremble. 只见那些雷劫演化成三千神魔,咆哮天地,令苍穹震颤。 Their appearance is fierce, the whole body proliferates the terrifying tribulation light, waves to break ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) void. 它们面目狰狞,浑身遍布恐怖劫光,挥手间震碎万丈虚空。 Three thousand Godfiend simultaneously act, dominate the entire world, subverts Heaven and Earth. 三千神魔齐出,叱咤寰宇,颠覆天地 The vault of heaven changes suddenly, imitates, if appears the endless blood rain, the ghost crying god is howling, making ten thousand die out spirit. 天穹骤变,仿若映现出无尽血雨,鬼哭神嚎,令万灵寂灭。 This strength is too wild, can easily write off Quasi-Immortal. 这股力量太狂暴,能轻易抹杀准仙 The Shen Tian complexion is invariable, the ice however goes forward. 沈天面色不变,凌然上前。 Govern moves endless Primordial Chaos Qi, carries the supreme mighty force, engages in fierce battle three thousand Godfiend. 御动无尽混沌气,携带无上伟力,鏖战三千神魔 In an instant, the vault of heaven fission, the universe shakes. 刹那间,苍穹裂变,乾坤撼动。 Shen Tian aura overwhelming, both hands open greatly gather greatly, erupt the endless invincible might. 沈天气息浩然,双手大开大合,爆发无尽神威。 He deducts supreme to arrive, launches most intense preying with three thousand Godfiend. 他演绎无上到达,与三千神魔展开最激烈的搏杀。 Under every shoots down, can shake powder several Godfiend Heavenly Tribulation, scatters the innumerable tribulation light. 每一击落下,都能震散数名神魔天劫,散落成无数劫光。 The vault of heaven was hit instantaneously crushes, endless divine light hiding the sky and covering the earth, this covers thoroughly. 天穹瞬间被打得粉碎,无尽神光铺天盖地,将这一界都彻底笼罩起来。 The terrifying fluctuation sweeps across Heaven and Earth, making this side world shiver fiercely. 恐怖波动席卷天地,令这一方世界都在剧烈颤抖。 Here erupts the supreme fight, such as must destroy thoroughly. 这里爆发无上战斗,如要彻底毁去。 The might similar terrifying of three thousand Godfiend tribulations, can easily swallow Quasi-Immortal expert. 三千神魔劫的威力同样恐怖至极,能轻易吞噬准仙级强者 Especially three thousand Godfiend simultaneously act, even True Immortal must bleed. 尤其是三千神魔齐出,连真仙都要喋血。 But their attacks fall on Shen Tian body, but made his body slightly shakes, too has not in a big way affected. 但它们的攻击落在沈天身上,只是令他身躯微震,并没有太大影响。 Shen Tian mortal body divine light overflows, contains terrifying divine energy, imitates, if useful not strength. 沈天肉身神光流溢,蕴含恐怖神能,仿若有用之不尽的力量。 Under this strength buff, he fiercely competes and successfully competes, killing Heaven and Earth is scared, Godfiend dies out. 在这股力量加持下,他越战越勇,杀得天地胆寒,神魔寂灭。 The moment time, three thousand Godfiend tribulations were only torn into shreds by Shen Tian thoroughly, space tribulation cloud was also shaken the powder forcefully. 仅片刻时间,三千神魔劫便被沈天彻底撕碎,连带天上劫云也被硬生生震散。 Shen Tian foot treads Heaven and Earth, the whole body bathing terrifying tribulation light, the aura copiously not governing. 沈天脚踏天地,浑身沐浴恐怖劫光,气息沛然莫御。 Shen Tian at this moment, just like the peerless war-god, the elegant demeanor is unparalleled. 此刻的沈天,宛若绝代战神,风采盖世。 Now, Heavenly Tribulation has extinguished. 如今,天劫已灭。 Shen Tian Godfiend Body Refinement cultivation base , the success breaks through Life and Death Tribulation, the strength increases. 沈天神魔炼体修为,也成功突破到生死劫,实力大增。 ...... …… Resembles to remember anything, Shen Tian takes again the mirror. 似想起什么,沈天再度将镜子取出来。 Sees only his top of the head providence halo, as before is radiant dark Purple. 只见他头顶气运光环,依旧是璀璨深紫色 This time, Shen Tian as if because of not breaking through, but reduces providence. 这次,沈天似乎并没有因为突破,而降低气运 Hiss ~ 嘶~ This...... this is not right! 这……这不对劲啊! The Shen Tian pupil light is surprised, mutters: What's the matter, how this time to break through providence not to fall?” 沈天眸光惊疑,喃喃自语:“咋回事,怎么这次突破气运没掉?” Does not conform to the common sense!” “不符合常理啊!” Shen Tian brow slightly pressed, perplexed. 沈天眉头微蹙,不明所以。 Practices Torch Sutra, the breakthrough will fall providence, this is inevitable. 修炼薪火经,突破就会掉气运,这是必然的。 This has continued for nearly 1 million years, simply has not changed. 这已经延续近百万年,根本没有变化。 But breaks through Life and Death Tribulation now, finally has not actually fallen providence, is simply unthinkable. 可如今突破到生死劫,结果却没有掉落气运,简直匪夷所思。 could it be that is, because of Human Sovereign Seal? 难道是,因为人皇印 Shen Tian feels Human Sovereign Seal of palm place, is sending out a mystical mighty force, shelters the whole body. 沈天感受到掌心处的人皇印,正散发出一股神异伟力,庇护周身。 When breaks through cultivation base the strength of curse has, is unable to invade. 突破修为时产生的诅咒之力,根本无法入侵进来。 Therefore this breakthrough, Shen Tian’s providence has not dropped. 因此这次突破,沈天的气运才没有下降。 ...... …… Thinks of here, in Shen Tian heart great happiness. 想到这里,沈天心中大喜。 Never expected that Human Sovereign Seal also has this grade of effect, was too powerful. 没想到人皇印还具有这等功效,太给力了。 Has this grade of supreme treasure, later does not need to be worried issue that providence drops! 有这等至宝在,以后都不用担心气运下降的问题! This is a big celebration! 这可是件大喜事! Was short of this type of shackles, he does not need to suppress cultivation base. 少了这种桎梏,他再也不用压制修为 In this case, Shen Tian had confidence that in catches up with these established expert most in a short time. 这样的话,沈天有把握在最短时间内追上那些老牌强者 The time of crisis, cultivation base is so higher, more can change the war! 如此危机的时刻,修为越高,越能改变战局!
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