IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#490: Empress past events!

Shen Tian has a heavy heart, never expected that human race also has this grade of hard secret. 沈天心情沉重,没想到人族还有这等辛秘。 This world, is the endless ancestors sways the blood, exhausts the life protection. 这片世界,乃是无尽先人挥洒鲜血,耗尽生命守护的。 Now, Foreign Territory Evil Spirit invades again, the catastrophe reappears. 如今,域外邪灵再度入侵,浩劫再现。 By Five Territories the strength, is hard to resist the Foreign Territory Evil Spirit invasion now. 五域如今力量,难以抵挡域外邪灵入侵。 Why is, will this place become will go down in the world? 到底是为何,此地会变得这么落魄? Shen Tian brow slightly pressed, in heart question. 沈天眉头微蹙,心中疑问。 End of Desolate Ancient era, 36 position Immortal King displays exceedingly high secret technique, sends into exile to boundlessly Five Territories void, is separated by with the outside world by far. 荒古时代末期,三十六仙王施展通天秘术,将五域放逐到无垠虚空,与外界远远相隔。 Although this loses the contact with outside world, but also gave the Five Territories good growth space. 这虽然断绝与外界的联系,但也给了五域良好发育空间。 According to the truth, after so many ten thousand years of development, the Five Territories’ strength should have the promotion greatly. 按道理来说,经过这么多万年发展,五域的实力应该大有提升。 Even if unable to regain initially the prosperous condition, is insufficient to reduce so, even Great Emperor expert is very scarce! 纵使无法恢复当初鼎盛状态,也不至于沦落如此,连大帝强者都无比稀少! Moreover Shen Tian discovered, this place Heavenly Way principle also has incomplete, the space barrier is quite frail. 而且沈天发现,此地天道法则也有残缺,空间壁垒极为脆弱。 Probably experiences some startled day war, here dozen of remnants, making Heaven and Earth damage! 像是经历某种惊天大战,将这里打残,令天地破损! Shen Tian looks to defending the grave person, in the question the heart proposed. 沈天望向守墓人,将心中疑问提出。 Defends the grave person to sigh, said: This is completely because 490,000 years ago that extinguishes the world war.” 守墓人叹了口气,道:“这完全是因为于49万年前的那场灭世大战。” Originally by Foreign Territory Evil Spirit that First Generation Human Sovereign causes heavy losses, similarly restores essence qi.” “原本被初代人皇重创的域外邪灵,同样恢复元气。” They try to open the world barrier, invades this side universe.” “他们试图重新打开世界壁垒,入侵这方宇宙。” This had Evil Spirit clan odd/surplus evil again in addition, both collaborate from outside with the inside, quick punctures the world barrier.” “再加上此界本就有邪灵族余孽,两者里应外合,很快就将世界壁垒打穿。” Suddenly, this piece of universe falls into the catastrophe again.” “一时间,这片宇宙再度陷入浩劫。” Innumerable Evil Spirit wreaking havoc slaughter is remnant, causing the plunging the people into disaster, the stars to fall from the sky.” “无数邪灵肆虐屠残,导致生灵涂炭,星辰陨灭。” Loses Ten Thousand Races that human race rushes to rescue, is unable to contend with Foreign Territory Evil Spirit.” “失去人族驰援的万族,根本无法与域外邪灵抗衡。” They were encircled kill again and again are repulsed, finally can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, withdraws in Immortal Realm.” “他们被围杀得连连败退,最后只能苟延残喘,龟缩于仙界。” But even so, the Immortal Realm territory is also reducing unceasingly, was annexed nibbles, no resistance leeway.” “但纵使如此,仙界疆土也在不断减小,被吞并蚕食,毫无反抗余地。” ...... …… Defends grave person coldly snorted and said, he has not pitied these people. 守墓人冷哼道,他并没有怜悯那些人。 Initially if not for they were obsessed, in view of human race, how also to end up is so out. 当初若不是他们鬼迷心窍,针对人族,又岂会落得如此下场。 But this world some innocent people, were also damaged. 只不过这处世界还有许多无辜之人,同样遭受到祸害。 Moreover, this Great Tribulation in view of the trim entire world, no one can cultivate one's own moral worth. 而且,这场大劫针对整片寰宇,无人能独善其身。 The keepers continue to explain: At that time Five Territories, although in 36 position Immortal King, sends into exile in jointly boundlessly void, loses the contact with the outside world.” 守护人继续解释:“当时五域虽然在三十六仙王联手下,放逐于无垠虚空,与外界断绝联系。” But Foreign Territory Evil Spirit from the rebel race, learns of the news.” “但域外邪灵还是从叛逃种族当中,得知消息。” They dreaded that the First Generation Human Sovereign strength, must completely cut off human race inheritance, by never recurring trouble.” “他们忌惮初代人皇的力量,要彻底断绝人族传承,以绝后患。” Foreign Territory Evil Spirit starts to search, explores the vast starry sky, seeks for the Five Territories world.” 域外邪灵开始寻觅,探索浩瀚星空,寻找五域世界。” In, the Five Territories’ position exposes accidentally, causes Foreign Territory Evil Spirit to covet, and starts the long invasion and war.” “在偶然中,五域的位置暴露,引起域外邪灵觊觎,并开始漫长的入侵和战争。” Initially human race essence qi damaged severely, even if training some time, has not restored the peak.” “当初人族元气大伤,纵使修养一段时间,也尚未恢复巅峰。” Five Territories encounters the catastrophe again, human race with the aid of the supreme treasure stubborn resistance that the ancestor keeps.” 五域再度遭遇浩劫,人族借助先祖留下来的至宝顽强抵抗。” Is good because, initially Immortal King once under the arrange/cloth the Five Territories barrier, blocked this piece of Heaven and Earth.” “好在,当初仙王曾布下五域壁垒,封锁这片天地。” Made Evil Spirit clan True Immortal above battle strength, is unable easily to enter this.” “令邪灵真仙以上的战力,无法轻易进入这一界。” But the situation is still not wonderful to Five Territories, wants the thorough destruction shortly.” “但情况对五域依旧不妙,眼看着就要彻底覆灭。” At this point, defends the grave person body to shiver, the spoken language is resentful! 说到这里,守墓人身躯颤抖,言语愤懑! That catastrophe has compelled the dead end human race, basically Without Life machine. 那场浩劫已经将人族逼到绝路,基本上毫无生机。 human race all top expert, perish in that war, the skeleton not saves. 人族所有顶尖强者,都在那一战中灭亡,尸骨无存。 ...... …… Afterward defends grave person tone One Revolution, said: Saw that Five Territories must fall to the enemy thoroughly, does not have the turnaround power.” 随后守墓人语气一转,道:“眼看五域就要彻底沦陷,已无回天之力。” At this moment, Second Generation Human Sovereign should tribulation to live, to the potential rapidly grow absolutely.” “就在这时,二代人皇应劫而生,以绝对之势迅速成长。” Ancestral Torch Scripture that he cultivates, can refine Primordial Chaos Qi, and opens the world in within the body, grasps the Heaven and Earth vast mighty force.” “他修炼的薪火祖经,能炼化混沌气并且在体内开辟世界,掌握天地浩瀚伟力。” This strength, even far exceeds in Ancestral Torch Scripture, is honored as «Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra»!” “这股力量,甚至远超于薪火祖经,也被誉为《混沌薪火经》!” This is the «Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra» origin.” “这就是《混沌薪火经》的由来。” Defends the grave person to decide to look at Shen Tian, in the eye is being full of the profound ray. 守墓人定定望着沈天,眼中充满深邃光芒。 Shen Tian hears word, the body stagnates. 沈天闻言,身躯一滞。 Originally, Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra is Second Generation Human Sovereign creates, no wonder is so powerful! 原来,混沌薪火经乃是二代人皇所创,怪不得这么强大! ...... …… Defends the grave person to continue to explain: „When Second Generation Human Sovereign reveals itself, cultivation base is not high, battle strength actually terrifying.” 守墓人继续解释道:“二代人皇出世时,修为并不高,战力却恐怖至极。” He once by the Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra supreme mighty force, killed a piece of bloodshed in the Five Territories world, pushes four directions Evil Spirit not to have the rival horizontally.” “他曾以混沌薪火经无上伟力,在五域世界杀出一片血海,横推四方邪灵无敌手。” Even still in Transcending Tribulation Stage, then counter cuts over a thousand Evil Spirit Quasi-Immortal, killing Evil Spirit clan expert is scared.” “甚至还在渡劫期,便逆斩上千尊邪灵准仙,杀得邪灵强者胆寒。” To Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit, does not dare to look for Second Generation Human Sovereign.” “以至准仙级邪灵,根本不敢找二代人皇。” Even comes still delivers the vegetable/dish, gives for nothing!” “就算来也是送菜,白给!” However True Immortal level above Evil Spirit, because of the Five Territories barrier, is unable to enter, can only continue in the outside world wildly with rage.” “而真仙级以上的邪灵,因为五域壁垒,根本无法进入,只能在外界狂怒不止。” Defends the grave person pupil glittering, in the tone is being full of the admiration. 守墓人眸光闪烁,语气中充满着敬佩。 Second Generation Human Sovereign regarding then person, such as radiant blazing sun, brought about the hope to entire Five Territories. 二代人皇对于当时的人来说,就如璀璨烈阳,给整个五域带来希望。 Also his birth, making human race be separated from the tribulation of demise. 也正是他的出世,令人族脱离灭亡之劫。 It can be said that Second Generation Human Sovereign is the Savior who human race deserves, the prestige is not weak in First Generation Human Sovereign. 可以说,二代人皇乃是人族当之无愧的救世主,威名不弱于初代人皇 Also because Second Generation Human Sovereign reveals itself, making Five Territories restore the vitality again.” “也正是因为二代人皇出世,令五域再度恢复生机。” „The human race numerous Heaven’s Chosen intention hopes, practices with concentration , to promote strength.” 人族天骄心怀希望,潜心修行,提升实力。” Heaven and Earth was affected, lowers infinite spirit qi, the principle becomes intimate with incomparably, making human race can rapidly grow.” 天地都被影响,降下无穷灵气,法则变得亲近无比,令人族能迅速成长起来。” Under this environment buff, top Heaven’s Chosen and expert rises like mushrooms after a spring rainfall.” “在这种环境加持下,顶尖天骄强者如雨后春笋般崛起。” Second Generation Human Sovereign marvelous ability Great Accomplishment, with its unparalleled elegant demeanor, making countless heroes compete to bow.” 二代人皇神功大成,以其盖世风采,令无数英雄竞折腰。” These days, the Second Generation Human Sovereign success develops under the influence, making that era talent peak 108 peerless Heaven’s Chosen submit.” “在这段时间,二代人皇成功发展起麾下势力,令那个时代天赋最为顶尖的108位绝代天骄都为之臣服。” Between the 36 peerless Immortal King strengths and Desolate Ancient years of then 36 Heaven’s Chosen, shows are similar.” “其中便有36位天骄,所展现出来的力量与荒古年间的36位绝代仙王相似。” It is said that they are that 36 Immortal King True Spirit fragment samsara are reincarnated, talent extremely.” “据说,他们是那36位仙王真灵碎片轮回转世,天赋绝顶。” Then, Heaven’s Chosen of these Takuji uncommon lofty and unyielding character, submit to under Second Generation Human Sovereign finally.” “然后,这些卓尔不凡一身傲骨的天骄,最终都臣服于二代人皇麾下。” Because they believe that Second Generation Human Sovereign can lead them to re-enter the peak, leading human race to return Immortal Realm.” “因为他们坚信二代人皇能带领他们重回巅峰,带领人族杀回仙界。” „, The Second Generation Human Sovereign influence even more is gradually strong.” “渐渐地,二代人皇的势力越发壮大。” Each combat general battle strength unparalleled, powerful.” “每一位战将都战力无双,强大至极。” Under Second Generation Human Sovereign leads, they fiercely compete and successfully compete, cuts to kill Foreign Territory Evil Spirit everywhere.” “在二代人皇带领下,他们越战越勇,四处斩杀域外邪灵。” Place visited, innumerable Evil Spirit are panic at the news, lifts the clan destruction.” “所过之处,无数邪灵闻风丧胆,举族覆灭。” Five Territories is occupied 70% by Foreign Territory Evil Spirit, actually under Second Generation Human Sovereign leads, fights for unceasingly the territory.” “原本五域已经被域外邪灵占据70%,却在二代人皇带领下,将领土不断争夺回来。” Foreign Territory Evil Spirit is repulsed one after another, in an extremely difficult situation, expels this thoroughly.” 域外邪灵接连败退,狼狈不堪,彻底赶出这一界。” This war, made prestige of Second Generation Human Sovereign in human race heart, reached the peak.” “这一战,令二代人皇人族心中的威信,达到顶峰。” He is honored as peerless Human Sovereign, the prestige endures to compare First Generation Human Sovereign!” “他被誉为绝代人皇,威名堪比初代人皇!” „The influence that they found, was called Heavenly Court!” “他们所创建的势力,被称之为天庭!” However under Second Generation Human Sovereign 108 Heaven’s Chosen, was generally called 108 Heavenly Generals by the world.” “而二代人皇麾下的108位天骄,也被世人统称为108位天将。” Heavenly Court is the Five Territories strongest influence, establishes the illustrious military exploits, making the Evil Spirit clan talk about the look changes.” 天庭乃是五域最强大的势力,立下赫赫战功,令邪灵族谈及色变。” ...... …… Defends the grave person tone becomes even more excited, the pupil light is blazing. 守墓人语气变得愈发激动,眸光炽烈无比。 Mentioned this matter, making his within the body fight the blood unable to bear boil. 提及这件事情,令他体内战血都忍不住沸腾起来。 Hears here, Shen Tian pupil light brilliant. 听到这里,沈天眸光灼灼。 Heavenly Court that originally in the old book records, is Second Generation Human Sovereign creates. 原来古籍中记载的天庭,乃是二代人皇所创。 Then according to the truth, there is Second Generation Human Sovereign this and other peerless expert, shouldn't the Evil Spirit clan already by the striking back native place? 那按道理来说,有二代人皇这等绝世强者,邪灵族不应该早就被打回老家吗? Why, Five Territories so will also go down in the world! 为何,五域还会如此落魄呢! Defends the grave person double pupil to hang, sighs: But afterward, had the accident/surprise to happen.” 守墓人双眸一垂,叹息道:“但是后来,有意外发生。” Under Second Generation Human Sovereign leads, Heavenly Court is mammoth.” “在二代人皇带领下,天庭声势浩大。” Even blows to counter-attack the bugle, plans in transmission array through Leading to Heaven Foundation Tree, lifts toward flying upwards to return Immortal Realm.” “甚至吹起反攻号角,打算通过通天建木里的传送阵法,举朝飞升杀回仙界。” However, Foreign Territory Evil Spirit also starts fight in which both sides perish.” “然而,域外邪灵也开始鱼死网破。” They spend the huge price, hōng opens the Five Territories barrier forcefully.” “他们花费巨大代价,强行五域壁垒。” „The Evil Spirit clan sends out three Evil Spirit Great Emperor, besieged only had Second Generation Human Sovereign of Quasi-Emperor rank at that time.” 邪灵族派出三名邪灵大帝,围攻当时只有准帝级别的二代人皇。” both sides in boundless void erupt the battlefield, the power and influence shake the bright entire world vault of heaven.” “双方在无垠虚空中爆发战场,威势震烁寰宇苍穹。” That fights too terrifyingly, making the surrounding trillion stars disrupt the fragment powder.” “那一战太恐怖,让周围亿万星辰都碎裂成齑粉。” Trim vault of heaven, degenerates into stretch of ruins.” “整片天穹,沦为一片废墟。” No one can approach this place, how also no one knows the tactical situation.” “没有人能靠近此地,也没有人知道战况到底如何。” But, since this fights, Second Generation Human Sovereign thoroughly vanishes, without a trace, had not appeared again.” “但自从这一战之后,二代人皇彻底消失,无影无踪,再未出现过。” However Foreign Territory Evil Spirit clan three Great Emperor, also have not appeared again.” “而域外邪灵族三位大帝,同样再也没有出现过。” Defending the grave person tone is heavy, is filling being unwilling. 守墓人语气沉重无比,充满着不甘。 Second Generation Human Sovereign is missing, is huge regarding this attack. 二代人皇失踪,对于这一界的打击巨大。 War heart that they establish with great difficulty, also vacillates. 他们好不容易建立起来的战心,也随之动摇起来。 Foreign Territory Evil Spirit propagandizes in the outside world wantonly, said that Second Generation Human Sovereign has fallen from the sky in three big Evil Spirit Great Emperor hands.” 域外邪灵在外界大肆宣传,说二代人皇已经陨落在三大邪灵大帝手中。” But the people of Heavenly Court know, by Second Generation Human Sovereign battle strength, possibly so to be how easy to fall from the sky?” “但天庭之人都知道,以二代人皇战力,怎么可能那么容易陨落?” But, Second Generation Human Sovereign had not acted, making everyone worry.” “只不过,二代人皇一直未出面,令所有人都为之担忧。” „The Evil Spirit clan also while this opportunity, launches the attack wantonly, lifts the clan to attack.” 邪灵族也趁着这个机会,大肆发动进攻,举族侵袭。” Loses the leadership of Second Generation Human Sovereign, the Heavenly Court influence gradually falls leeward.” “失去二代人皇的带领,天庭势力逐渐落入下风。” 108 Heavenly Generals exerts the dead resistance, but is unable to save the situation as before.” 108位天将奋死反抗,但依旧无力回天。” Finally Heavenly General died in battle more than half, the blood dyes among Heaven and Earth.” “最终天将战死过半,血染天地间。” Even Heavenly Court was hit to collapse, sinks to fall North Sea.” “连天庭都被打崩,沉坠北海。” At this point, defends the grave person to sigh deeply layer on layer/heavily, fills was regretting. 说到这里,守墓人重重长叹,充满着惋惜。 If Second Generation Human Sovereign grows, extremely exists absolutely. 若是二代人皇成长起来,绝对是绝顶存在。 Could lead Heavenly Court, successfully expels this Foreign Territory Evil Spirit. 说不定能带领天庭,成功将域外邪灵赶出这一界。 Shen Tian mood, becomes depressed. 沈天心情,也变得郁闷起来。 Fight that must win shortly, was hit thoroughly. 眼看着要胜利的战斗,又彻底被打了回去。 Even, the crisis was more serious than previously. 甚至,危机远比先前还要严重。 Shen Tian inquired: „Did Second Generation Human Sovereign go?” 沈天询问道:“二代人皇到底去了哪?” „Does he really fall from the sky in the Evil Spirit Great Emperor hand?” “他真的陨落在邪灵大帝手中?” Defends the grave person to shake the head: No one knows.” 守墓人摇头:“无人知晓。” But by Second Generation Human Sovereign battle strength, is impossible to defeat.” “但以二代人皇战力,不可能会败。” Defends in the grave person tone to be full of the faith, without a doubt. 守墓人语气中充满着信赖,毋庸置疑。 After all Second Generation Human Sovereign once killed the illustrious prestige, the talent spacious certainly past and present, far ultra worthy people of former times. 毕竟二代人皇曾杀出赫赫威名,天赋旷绝古今,远超先贤。 Just, defends the grave person not to know why he will disappear suddenly. 只不过,守墓人也不知道他为何会突然消失。 Thinks of here, defends the grave person to fall into quietly. 想到这里,守墓人陷入沉寂。 Until after half quarter, he slow the god has come, said: This war, human race almost perishes.” 直到半刻钟后,他缓过神来,道:“这一战,人族差点灭亡。” Is good because, has followed in Second Generation Human Sovereign little girl, goes against heaven's will the rise.” “好在,一直跟随在二代人皇身边的小女孩,逆天崛起。” She creates Swallowing Heaven and Earth Art this to go against heaven's will cultivation technique, transforms own every body to forcefully have no time the Primordial Chaos body.” “她创造出吞天噬地诀这等逆天功法,硬生生将自己的凡体转化为无暇混沌体。” And successfully realizes Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra, leading human race to fight against Foreign Territory Evil Spirit.” “并且成功练成混沌薪火经,带领人族抗击域外邪灵。” Also because this female appearance, the Five Territories crisis completely relieves.” “也正是因为此女出现,五域危机才彻底解除。” Under Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra buff, her cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, quick then achievement imperial throne.” “在混沌薪火经加持下,她修为突飞猛进,很快便成就帝位。” She leads the Heavenly Court former subordinates to return Immortal Realm, fights against Foreign Territory Evil Spirit, resists for hundreds of thousands of years.” “她带领天庭旧部杀回仙界,抗击域外邪灵,足足抵抗数十万年。” This female is unsurpassed, grace and talent peerless, was politely called by the world for the empress!” “此女盖世无双,风华绝代,被世人尊称为女帝!” However Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra also becomes representative cultivation technique of empress, making innumerable Evil Spirit scared.” “而混沌薪火经也成为女帝的代表功法,让无数邪灵胆寒。” Shen Tian responded immediately, defends empress who in the grave population said that with definitely is the same person who he saw initially. 沈天顿时反应过来,守墓人口中所说的女帝,与他当初见到的肯定是同一人。 Because of Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra, is that empress inheritance gives him. 因为混沌薪火经,便是那位女帝传承给他的。 But he has not led a pious life according to cultivation technique that the empress gives, but realizes Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra directly. 但他并没有按照女帝所给的功法修行,而是直接练成混沌薪火经 The Shen Tian pupil light concentrates, inquired: could it be that am I also Human Sovereign Body?” 沈天眸光微凝,询问道:“难道我也是人皇体?” Defends the grave person to nod: You have not practiced Swallowing Heaven and Earth Art, realizes Primordial Chaos Torch Sutra, wants to come to be Five Territories third Human Sovereign Body.” 守墓人点头:“你并未修炼吞天噬地诀,就练成混沌薪火经,想来应该是五域第三位人皇体。” At this point, defends in the grave person heart to be filled with all sorts of feelings. 说到这里,守墓人心中感慨万分。 He has not thought, today will meet third Human Sovereign Body between Heaven and Earth. 他没想到,今日会遇见天地间的第三位人皇体 Difficult to be inadequate, can the human race initial honor, reappear in this youngster hand? 难不成,人族当初的荣光,要在这位少年手中重现吗? ...... …… The Shen Tian mind shocks, he thinks oneself physique is the waste body. 沈天心神震撼,他原本以为自己的体质乃是废体。 Who can think, if the day ghost unlucky star physique, is supreme Human Sovereign Body? 谁能想到,如天煞灾星般的体质,乃是至高无上人皇体 If not for Shen Tian is always calm, Gou dwell grows, feared that has died. 若不是沈天向来沉稳,苟住发育,怕是早就死翘翘了。 Defends the grave person to decide to look at Shen Tian, said: Goes to Primordial Chaos Sea Area most deep place!” 守墓人定定望着沈天,道:“去混沌海域最深处吧!” Perhaps arrives there, you will obtain former Human Sovereign Body inheritance.” “或许到那里,你会得到先任人皇体传承。” The Shen Tian body shakes said: could it be that said......” 沈天身躯一震道:“难道说……” Defends the grave person to nod, said: Initially Ancient Heavenly Court ruins, in the Primordial Chaos Sea Area deep place.” 守墓人点头,道:“当初古天庭的遗址,就在混沌海域的深处。” But, there is filling unclear.” “不过,那里充满着不详。” Initially Foreign Territory Evil Spirit was worried Human Sovereign Body will reappear, does not hesitate to take several Evil Spirit Immortal King sources dead out for the price, arranges the supreme evil incantation, cursed Ancient Heavenly Court and Human Sovereign Body.” “当初域外邪灵担心人皇体会重新出现,不惜以数名邪灵仙王本源寂灭为代价,布置无上邪咒,诅咒古天庭人皇体。” „, Some later generation people want again rise Ancient Heavenly Court, will encounter unclear.” “以至于,后世有人想要重新崛起古天庭,都会遭遇到不详。” Defends the grave person to sigh deeply leisurely, regrets incomparably. 守墓人悠悠长叹,惋惜无比。 Past the so strong influence, actually buried the bone deep sea finally, was miserable? 昔日如此强大的势力,最终却埋骨深海,何等凄凉? Shen Tian looking pensive, said submissively: Many thanks the senior informs.” 沈天若有所思,拱手道:“多谢前辈告知。” This Ancient Heavenly Court ruins, he must go. 古天庭的遗址,他必然要前往。 There has Second Generation Human Sovereign inheritance, can make his strength increase. 那里有二代人皇传承,能令他实力大增。 Meanwhile, Shen Tian also wants to make clear the situation. 同时,沈天也想要搞清楚情况。 Why, Second Generation Human Sovereign in is most prosperous the disappearance trace? 为何,二代人皇会在最为鼎盛时消失踪影? In this, what secret is hiding? 这里面,到底隐藏着什么秘密? ...... …… Zhuge Sima has not waked, Shen Tian has not continued to get down. 诸葛司马还没醒过来,沈天也没继续等下去。 Now the time press, he must race against time, enhances the strength as soon as possible. 如今时间紧迫,他必须争分夺秒,尽快提升实力。 Also, Zhuge Sima has obtained opportunity that he should result, Shen Tian does not need to continue to stay here. 再说,诸葛司马已经获得他该得的机缘,沈天也没有必要继续留在这里。 The Shen Tian direct farewell defends the grave person, jumps to depart. 沈天直接告别守墓人,纵身离去。 Is looking at the Shen Tian departure back, defending the grave person pupil light is dignified. 望着沈天离去背影,守墓人眸光凝重。 He muttered: He, if can grow, perhaps really can lead this, repels Foreign Territory Evil Spirit.” 他喃喃自语道:“他若是能成长起来,说不定真能带领这一界,击退域外邪灵。” ...... …… After Shen Tian leaves the Dragon Armor heavenly palace, has not rushed to the ancient heavenly palace ruins immediately. 沈天离开龙甲天宫后,并没有立即赶往古天宫遗址。 But branches out Blood Divine Child clone, first returns to Divine Firmament Holy Land to place the subsequent hand. 而是分出一个血神子分身,先返回神霄圣地安置后手。 After all is the Ancient Heavenly Court ruins, fills unclear. 毕竟是古天庭遗址,充满不详。 Shen Tian does not know, the trip will meet anything. 沈天也不知道,此行到底会遇到什么。 Although helps Zhuge Sima obtain opportunity, Shen Tian obtains providence to feed back. 虽然帮诸葛司马获得机缘,沈天得到气运反馈。 The providence halo has broken through the purple gold color successfully, achieves light Purple. 气运光环已经成功突破紫金色,达到浅紫色 But goes to this restricted area, is not overrated discretely. 但前往这种禁地,多谨慎都不为过。 Foundation Tree World Muddy Heaven Chess Game, gave a Shen Tian lesson. 建木界浑天棋局,给了沈天一个教训。 He does not think this time comes back informed and experienced, is several hundred over a thousand years passes. 他可不想这次历练回来,又是几百上千年过去。 At the appointed time if Five Territories has what accident/surprise, he must regret dead. 到时万一五域有什么意外,他得后悔死。
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