IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#488: The test of Dragon Armor heavenly palace!

Shen Tian discovered, this ancient battlefield compared with big that he imagines. 沈天发现,这处古战场比他想象的更大。 He speeds several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km), the place visited is the broken ruins, sores all over the eye. 他驰行数万里,所过之处皆是残破废墟,满目疮痍。 Is good because across the ancient battlefield, he finally arrives to the central lake. 好在穿过古战场,他终于抵达到中央湖泊。 The lake water golden light is shining, gurgles to flow just like the god fluid, sending out vigorous aura. 湖水金光灿灿,宛若神液般汨汨而流,散发蓬勃气息。 Samsara Good Fortune Lotus standing erect lake center, graceful illumination, brilliant eye-catching. 轮回造化莲屹立湖泊中央,盈盈发光,绚烂夺目。 Raises in golden lake accumulated, Samsara Good Fortune Lotus is splendid, spirit rhyme sending out. 在金色湖泊蕴养下,轮回造化莲熠熠生辉,灵韵散发。 Sees this lotus, the Shen Tian within the body Yin-Yang two air/Qi boils, has the enormous hope. 见到此莲,沈天体内阴阳二气沸腾起来,对其产生极大渴望。 The Shen Tian steps go forward, walks toward the golden lake. 沈天踏步上前,向着金色湖泊走去。 In an instant, Heaven and Earth mutation. 刹那间,天地异变。 Strange Way Mark let fall from the horizon, covers here, measures vastly not. 一道道奇异道纹自天际垂落,将这里笼罩起来,浩瀚莫测。 domain rune spreads across, the principle lingers, making Heaven and Earth change colors Sun and Moon not to have up. 场域符文纵横交错,法则萦绕,令天地失色日月无光。 The Shen Tian pupil light concentrates, is could it be that this Yin-Yang buries a god true might? 沈天眸光微凝,难道这才是阴阳葬神阵真正威力? Previously these Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi, but is the single layer hindrance? 先前那些太初阴阳气,只不过是第一重阻碍? ...... …… The endless principle gathering comes, to wind around Nine Heavens, Xuan is incomparable! 无尽法则汇聚而来,缭绕九天,煊赫无比! Void appears the exceedingly high big hand imprint, strikes to Shen Tian suddenly. 虚空中浮现出通天大手印,猛然向沈天拍击而来。 That is by the Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi gathering, unifies the strength of domain, the terrifying. 那是由太初阴阳气汇聚而成,结合场域之力,恐怖至极。 The exceedingly high big hand imprint shakes however falls, power and influence copiously not governing, instantaneously void racket broken to become fragments. 通天大手印撼然落下,威势沛然莫御,瞬间将虚空拍碎成齑粉。 The Shen Tian pupil light concentrates, the hand pinches fist seal, goes toward front hōng suddenly. 沈天眸光微凝,手捏拳印,猛然向着前方去。 The endless stars ray lingers, making the Shen Tian fist glow unparalleled, just like the Great Desolate star meteor, disruption Heaven and Earth! 无尽星辰光芒萦绕出来,令沈天拳芒盖世,宛若大荒星陨,碎裂天地 Muddy Heaven Divine Fist and exceedingly high big hand imprint hōng strikes, explodes to disperse endless divine energy. 浑天神拳与通天大手印击,爆散出无尽神能 hōng! Day sinking subsidence of the earth, principle annihilation. 天沉地陷,法则湮灭。 The void disruption, collapses stretch of ruins. 虚空碎裂,坍塌成一片废墟。 The exceedingly high big hand imprint, was broken by a Shen Tian fist directly. 通天大手印,直接被沈天一拳砸碎。 But he also receives instead shakes, the body trembles, in the pupil dignifiedly becomes even more intense. 但他也受到反震,身躯微颤,眸中凝重变得愈发强烈。 This strength is too terrifying, already Transcendence high rank Quasi-Immortal. 这股力量太恐怖,已经超脱高阶准仙 Worthily is God Burying Region, is really terrifying. 不愧为葬神域,果然恐怖。 If not Shen Tian immunity Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi, making the great array might weaken. 若非沈天免疫太初阴阳气,令大阵威力减弱。 This strength coordinates the Yin Yang Qi corrosiveness, perhaps really can bury to destroy completely the gods! 这股力量配合阴阳气的侵蚀性,或许真的能葬灭掉神明! ...... …… But at this time, the Heaven and Earth energy transferred again, caused the innumerable principle rappels! 而这时,天地能量再度调动起来,引起无数法则垂降! If the principle the rainstorm, hōng however falls, baptism Heaven and Earth! 法则若暴雨,然落下,洗礼天地 The strength of Heaven and Earth sweeps across to come, the power and influence, must bury to extinguish this space with amazement thoroughly. 天地之力席卷而来,威势骇然至极,要彻底葬灭这一处空间。 Sees this, the Shen Tian instantaneous reassignment within the body strength, 见到这一幕,沈天瞬间调动体内力量, His blooming endless Divine Light, receives and instructs the strength of Foreign Territory stars to let fall all over the body. 他通体绽放无尽神芒,接引域外星辰之力垂落而将。 In an instant, the stars shine, drops down Nine Heavens. 刹那间,星光灿烂,直落九天 Surrounding Grand Beginning Primordial Chaos Qi, was towed, the power and influence measures vastly not. 周围的太初混沌气,也被牵引过来,威势浩瀚莫测。 Shen Tian bases void, just like the peerless war-god, looks disdainfully unparalleled. 沈天立足虚空,宛若绝代战神,睥睨盖世。 Primordial Chaos Star Sword starts suddenly, bursts out the vast boundless strength. 混沌星辰剑骤然入手,迸发出浩瀚无边的力量。 The Shen Tian look is faint, stimulation of movement flying immortal sword qi, wields to the vault of heaven directly cuts to go. 沈天神色淡漠,催动飞仙剑气,直接向天穹挥斩而去。 hōng! Heaven and Earth disrupts the giant crack, the black color void turbulent flow is profound, the scene is alarmed. 天地碎裂出巨大裂缝,黑色虚空乱流深邃无比,场面触目惊心。 This sword, imitates, if cuts the vault of heaven becomes two halves broken. 这一剑,仿若要将天穹斩碎成两半。 However Heaven and Earth reappearing numerous and diverse Way Mark, gather the Heaven and Earth situation, resists this sword forcefully. 然而天地浮现繁杂道纹,聚集天地大势,硬生生抵挡住这一剑。 Sees this, the Shen Tian pupil light is blazing. 见到这一幕,沈天眸光炽烈无比。 This can transfer the strength of Heaven and Earth, resists with it like resisting Heaven and Earth! 此阵能调动天地之力,与之对抗就像对抗天地 Only if destroys array at the absolute strength directly, otherwise all will restore, continuously. 除非以绝对力量直接摧毁阵法,否则一切都会恢复,源源不绝。 ...... …… At this time, Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi gathered under the array reassignment unceasingly. 这时,太初阴阳气阵法调动下不断汇聚。 Heaven and Earth immediately becomes gloomy, only has two huge incomparable energy spheres, float is void. 天地顿时变得黯淡无光,唯有两道巨大无比的能量圆球,悬浮在虚空。 One Yin one Yang, sinks to fall just like huge Sun and Moon, the power and influence is easily accomplished. 一阴一阳,宛若庞大的日月沉坠,威势摧枯拉朽。 „, Here domain is so terrifying!” “没想到,此处场域这么恐怖!” The Shen Tian tone is dignified, this place domain strength must dread True Immortal. 沈天语气凝重,此地场域的力量连真仙都要忌惮。 But Shen Tian is was not worried very much, in his hand also has the card in a hand. 沈天并不是很担心,他手中同样有底牌。 But at this time, two rounds of Sun and Moon have turned toward him to sink to press to come, made surrounding to annihilate the nihility void instantaneously. 而这时,两轮日月已经向着他沉压而来,令周围的虚空瞬间湮灭成虚无。 The Shen Tian pupil light becomes sharp incomparable, within the body has the inexhaustible strength to erupt. 沈天眸光变得锐利无比,体内有无穷无尽的力量爆发出来。 Terrifying Qi of Primordial Chaos burst out, is mixing with the Yin-Yang two air/Qi, the power and influence copiously not governing. 一股股恐怖的混沌之气迸发而出,夹杂着阴阳二气,威势沛然莫御。 Shen Tian shines all over the body, whole body acupoint lightens instantaneously, the power and influence goes just like the difficult situation attack. 沈天通体发光,全身窍穴瞬间点亮,威势宛若惊涛骇浪侵袭而去。 He brandishes Primordial Chaos Star Sword full power, the rhyme swings the sidereal revolution, erupts to destroy day of the strength of extinguishing the place. 他全力抡动混沌星辰剑,韵荡周天,爆发出毁天灭地的力量。 Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart!” 开天辟地!” Shen Tian opens the mouth with deep veneration, just like the Heavenly Way profound sound, solemn and respectful incomparable. 沈天肃然开口,宛若天道玄音,肃穆无比。 In an instant, the Heaven and Earth disintegration, the vault of heaven disrupts! 刹那间,天地崩碎,苍穹碎裂! The wild strength erupts instantaneously, direct impact Nine Heavens! 狂暴至极的力量瞬间爆发,直冲九天 Sword light Ling very cold, sharp supreme, unprecedented! 剑光凌冽,锐利无上,一往无前! This strikes the Primordial Chaos dim sky, cuts two halves directly. 这一击将混沌朦胧的天空,直接斩成两半。 The void disintegration, this place array light screen, disrupts instantaneously the fragment powder. 虚空崩碎,连带此地阵法光幕,都瞬间碎裂成齑粉。 Entire Profound Heaven Divine Island is rocking fiercely, is withstanding the destruction attack of incomparable terrifying. 整个悬天神岛都在剧烈晃动,在承受着无比恐怖的破坏攻击。 ...... …… The surrounding, Zhuge Yuan and the others the whole face is panic-stricken. 外围,诸葛元等人满脸惊骇。 What happened?” “发生什么事情了?” Their look big change, felt that the palpitation aura erupts, can cancel all vitalities. 他们神色大变,感觉到心悸气息爆发出来,能抹去一切生机。 Is the aura that in Yin-Yang God Burying Region transmits!” “是阴阳葬神域中传来的气息!” The Zhuge Sima sound shivers, trembles to continue, the mind is alarmed and afraid. 诸葛司马声音颤抖,战栗不止,心神惊惧。 That aura is too terrifying, making the person courage want to crack! 那股气息太恐怖,令人肝胆欲裂! At this time, a Primordial Chaos dim energy overflows to disperse, takes away as many things as possible to two big aristocratic family disciples. 此时,一丝混沌朦胧的能量溢散出来,向两大世家弟子席卷而去。 Be careful!” “小心!” Zhuge Yuan glares angrily, stimulates to movement the Eight Trigrams (gossip) compass to rush directly. 诸葛元怒目圆睁,直接催动八卦罗盘冲了上去。 ! 呲! The next second, the blood sprays. 下一秒,鲜血喷洒。 Zhuge Yuan caused heavy losses directly, was flown by hōng. 诸葛元直接被重创,被飞出去。 That ancient say/way great artefact , disrupts two halves. 连带那件古老的阵道大器,都碎裂成两半。 Old ancestor!” “老祖!” Two big aristocratic family disciple looks startle greatly, what fearful strength is this? 两大世家弟子神色大骇,这到底是什么可怕力量? Overflows the loose energy, can cause heavy losses to the old ancestor! 溢散的能量,都能将老祖重创! Too was really terrifying! 实在太恐怖了! ...... …… But at this time, the Shen Tian front, has turned into stretch of ruins 而这时,沈天前方,已然变成一片废墟 The endless principle disintegration, domain is defeated and dispersed. 无尽法则崩碎,场域溃散。 Here was divided into two by him directly, thorough shatter. 这里直接被他一分为二,彻底破碎。 array before Samsara Good Fortune Lotus is finally stave, reveals thoroughly. 轮回造化莲前的阵法终于破碎,彻底显露出来。 It sends out light Divine Light, the vitality spews out, vast boundless. 它散发淡淡神芒,生机喷涌而出,浩瀚无边。 Shen Tian searches to act, directly this Undying medicine income hand. 沈天探出手,直接将这朵不死药收入手中。 Immediately, the strength that incomparably rushes sweeps across to come, making the Shen Tian body shake. 顿时,一股无比澎湃的力量席卷而来,令沈天身躯一震。 That Samsara Good Fortune Lotus seemed to be attracted by his within the body strength, changes to Yin Yang Qi to break in the dantian directly. 那株轮回造化莲似乎被他体内力量所吸引,化作阴阳气直接冲入丹田。 It stands erect with the dantian in drags to continue, bursts out inexhaustible Grand Beginning Primordial Chaos Qi. 它矗立与丹田中摇曳不止,迸发无穷无尽的太初混沌气 These strengths blend the penetration in the Shen Tian dantian, mutually staggered, finally forms two color wheel disk. 这些力量在沈天丹田中融汇贯通,互相交错,最后形成一道两色轮盘。 One Yin one Yang, the rotation continues! 一阴一阳,轮转不止! The Yin-Yang wheel disk strength spout, sends out the mysterious strength. 阴阳轮盘力量喷涌,散发玄而又玄的力量。 This imitates, if the samsara is the same, is filling with the inexhaustible life aura, the power and influence is vast. 这仿若轮回一样,充满着无穷无尽的生命气息,威势浩瀚无边。 Shen Tian felt that mortal body in also baptism, becomes even more capable. 沈天感觉肉身在随之洗礼,变得越发精壮。 Incessantly so, under this strength buff. 不止如此,在这股力量加持下。 Shen Tian control Good Fortune Myriad Things big Divine Ability, also obtains unprecedented striving. 沈天掌控的造化万物神通,也同样得到前所未有的精进。 This strength involves the life true meaning, has the strength of reversal life and death Yin-Yang. 这股力量涉及到生命真谛,具有逆转生死阴阳之力。 After grasping this strength, even if not draw support from Pāramitā Flower and Three Lights Divine Water, he can achieve the life and death flesh white bones similarly. 掌握这种力量后,哪怕不借助彼岸花三光神水,他同样能做到生死人肉白骨。 Because, the Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi itself/Ben is among Heaven and Earth the purest vitality. 因为,太初阴阳气本就是天地间最为精纯的生命力。 Sees this, Shen Tian cannot bear the corners of the mouth raise. 见到这一幕,沈天忍不住嘴角微扬。 The trip harvests greatly! 此行收获巨大啊! ...... …… Shen Tian jumps, leaves this. 沈天纵身而起,离开这一界。 After seeing Shen Tian comes out, the surroundings people all are in great surprise. 见到沈天出来后,周围众人皆是大惊。 Shen Tian really decodes this supreme domain great array, successfully walks! 沈天真的破解这处无上场域大阵,成功走出来! Here what happened?” “这里发生什么事情了?” Shen Tian brow slightly pressed, a while does not see, was Zhuge Yuan hit half life not to have? 沈天眉头微蹙,才一会儿不见,诸葛元就被打得半条命都没了? Zhuge Sima hears word, matter after explaining. 诸葛司马闻言,将事情经过解释一遍。 Old ancestor this time received the source wound, feared that is not easy to restore.” “老祖这次受了本源伤,怕是没有那么容易恢复。” The Zhuge Yuan forced smile, he has not thought that will receive the unexpected misfortune. 诸葛元苦笑,他也没想到会受到无妄之灾。 Shen Tian said immediately understandingly: Might as well, I have the means.” 沈天顿时会意道:“无妨,我有办法。” He arrives in front of Zhuge Yuan, the big hand wields. 他走到诸葛元面前,大手一挥。 Dense Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi surges, does not have the slight threat. 氤氲的太初阴阳气涌动,却不具丝毫威胁。 Instead, an incomparably pure vitality, covers the Zhuge Yuan whole body. 反而,其中还有股无比精纯的生机,覆盖诸葛元周身。 Sees only his injury, recovers at the naked eye obvious speed. 只见他的伤势,以肉眼可见速度复原起来。 This, looked to stay everyone. 这一幕,看呆了所有人。 The Zhuge Sima body shock, was shocked by the method of Shen Tian strange its technique thoroughly. 诸葛司马身躯剧震,被沈天神乎其技的手段彻底震撼。 Zhuge Yuan shocks, he can feel that oneself was thorough the injury of source, fully restores in several breath unexpectedly. 诸葛元更是震撼,他能感觉到自己原本深入本源的伤势,竟在几个呼吸间完全恢复。 This method, may be called shocks everybody! 这种手段,堪称惊世骇俗! Many thanks Shen Tian little friend!” “多谢沈天小友!” Zhuge Yuan expressed gratitude hastily submissively. 诸葛元连忙拱手道谢。 Perhaps if not for Shen Tian, this source injures him to need the training many years. 若不是沈天,这本源伤他恐怕要修养多年。 Is polite!” “无需客气!” Shen Tian waves, reminds: Walks! Now does not need to detour!” 沈天挥了挥手,提醒道:“走吧!现在不用绕路!” Samsara Good Fortune Lotus vanishes, here domain also collapses of itself, the radical concealment is void. 轮回造化莲消失,此处场域也不攻自破,彻底隐匿在虚空。 ...... …… The people continue to hurry along, after speeding ten thousand li (0.5 km), finally arrive in a mountain valley. 众人继续赶路,驰行万里后终于抵达一处山谷。 In their front, is standing erect a giant stone wall. 在他们的前方,屹立着一块巨大的石壁。 The stone wall reaches to the sky, blocks the sky, is sending out the powerful pressure. 石壁高耸入云,遮天蔽日,散发着强大威压。 Above is also carving all kinds of Way Mark, unusual incomparable. 上面还刻着各种各样的道纹,奇特无比。 From the distant place just like say/way Holy Land, fills mysteriously. 从远处看宛若阵道圣地,充满玄奥。 Sees this, the Zhuge Yuan look one is happy: Here, definitely is Land of Inheritance that the ancestor said!” 见到这一幕,诸葛元神色一喜道:“这里,肯定就是老祖宗所说的传承之地!” You are quicker go in! The old men wait for you here!” “你们快些进去吧!老夫在这里等你们!” Here is under 500 years old young generation, can enter. 这里只有500岁以下的年轻一辈,才能进入。 Zhuge Yuan and the others, can only wait in the peripheral region. 诸葛元等人,只能在外围区域等候。 The people nod, walks into the mountain valley together. 众人点头,一同走入山谷。 Shortly after they enter, the old sound resounds together. 就在他们进入不久后,一道苍老的声音响起。 His voice is solemn and respectful, said: You, are the second batch enters the person of Profound Heaven Divine Island.” 他声音肃穆庄重,道:“尔等,乃是第二批进入悬天神岛之人。” So long as senses this stone wall, then can obtain supreme array inheritance. “只要感悟这处石壁,便能得到无上阵法传承 In the front of people, appears to wear the gray long gown, the old man who the facial features were covered. 在众人的面前,浮现出一名身穿着灰色长袍,面容被遮盖住的老者。 But, you only have the time of burning a joss stick.” “不过,你们只有一炷香的时间。” „The person who comprehends some deep meanings, can enter the Dragon Armor heavenly palace through the test.” “参悟出部分奥义的人,才能通过考验进入龙甲天宫。” Then, that say/way grey robe form disappears directly. 说完,那道灰袍身影直接消失。 Two big aristocratic family disciples see that first stare, later looks the happy expression. 两大世家弟子见状先是一愣,随后面露喜色。 Here said exactly the same as their ancestors, can sense array inheritance directly. 这里与他们先祖所说一模一样,可以直接感悟阵法传承 The strength of if sensing are many enough, perhaps can also obtain supreme inheritance that this place expert keeps. 若是感悟的力量够多,说不定还能得到此地强者留下来的无上传承 People not hesitant, sits cross-legged to sit, starts to sense profound mystery in stone wall. 众人没有犹豫,纷纷盘膝而坐,开始感悟石壁中的玄奥。 Zhuge Sima also chooses a position, starts to sense. 诸葛司马也选择一处位置,开始感悟。 Shen Tian has not worried actually, starts to size up everywhere. 沈天倒是没有着急,开始四处打量起来。 Here is ancient and glorious, probably exists for hundreds of thousands of years. 这里古老而又悠久,像是存在着数十万年。 When he looks to stone wall, discovered that above is covering entirely the strange mark. 当他望向石壁,发现上面布满着奇异的阵纹。 Each Way Mark, is corresponding a special ability. 每一处道纹,都对应着一种特殊的能力。 The mark is countless, respectively corresponding primal chaos, Yin-Yang(two meter), Three Talents, Four Zodiacs, Five Elements, six directions, Seven Stars, Eight Trigrams (gossip), Nine Palaces and other innumerable array schools. 阵纹数之不尽,分别对应太极、两仪三才四象五行、六合、七星、八卦、九宫等无数阵法流派。 So many array strengths all include, measures mysteriously not. 那么多阵法力量全都囊括其中,奥妙莫测。 Eight Trigrams (gossip) domain and Five Elements domain that two big aristocratic families study, is part. 两大世家所学的八卦场域五行场域,便是其中的一部分。 Although Shen Tian has not led a pious life array, but can feel this place to be mysterious as before. 虽说沈天并没有过于修行阵法,但依旧能感受到此地玄奥。 If can sense these strengths all, not only can strengthen the array attainments, but can also significantly promote battle strength. 若能将这些力量尽数感悟,不仅能增强阵法造诣,还能大幅度地提升战力 This place regarding Shen Tian, has big using. 此地对于沈天来说,同样具有大用。 Thinks of here, Shen Tian not slightly hesitant, starts to practice directly. 想到这里,沈天没有丝毫犹豫,直接开始修行。 Quick, his body surface then sends out the light ray, Innate Way Physique stimulates to movement the pinnacle. 很快,他体表便散发出淡淡光芒,先天道体催动到极致。 His double pupil illumination, profound incomparable. 他双眸发光,深邃无比。 Innate Way Pupil the place of looking, all information were all carved by seal. 先天道瞳所望之处,一切信息全被印刻。 Shen Tian thoughts constantly welling up, in the mind endless array is mysterious is deducting. 沈天思绪万千,脑海中无尽阵法玄妙在演绎。 They interweave to wind around, burst out endless divine energy. 它们交织缭绕,迸发出无尽神能 Suddenly Shen Tian falls into quietly, transforms unceasingly. 一时间沈天陷入沉寂,不断蜕变。 ...... …… After half fragrant time, the Shen Tian eyes open suddenly, in the eye shines through the incomparably profound fine glow. 半株香时间后,沈天双眼猛然睁开,眼中透射出无比深邃的精芒。 These days, he has successfully sensed all array in stone wall. 这段时间,他已经成功将石壁中的阵法尽数感悟完毕。 This array is too mysterious, like vast vastness, boundless boundless. 阵法太玄奥,如同浩瀚汪洋,无边无垠。 But under Innate Way Physique buff, all becomes understands clearly, was grasped by him all. 但在先天道体加持下,一切都变得清晰明了,被他尽数掌握。 Shen Tian can feel that oneself knew about array , to promote several scales. 沈天能感觉到自己对阵法了解,提升数个档次。 Even wants to read, is not not possible! 甚至想一念成阵,也不是不可能! His present array attainments, are not completely weak in these cultivation several tens of thousands of years of array big energies! 他现在的阵法造诣,完全不弱于那些修炼数万年的阵法大能! Has saying that this Way Inheritance jade indeed mystical. 不得不说,这传道玉璧的确神异。 Trip, not empty! 此行,不虚! ...... …… Sensing array is mysterious, attainments of Shen Tian in All-Heaven Great Array aspect, has been promoted. 感悟阵法奥妙,沈天周天星斗大阵方面的造诣,也得到提升。 By within the body Samsara Good Fortune Lotus and inexhaustible Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi, again with the aid of array mysterious deep meaning of new comprehension. 凭借体内轮回造化莲与无穷无尽的太初阴阳气,再借助新领悟的阵法玄妙奥义。 He even had confidence that deducts supreme samsara great array, the soul that may see somebody off directly goes to the samsara. 他甚至有把握演绎出无上轮回大阵,可直接送人的灵魂去轮回。 What concept is this? 这是什么概念? This has touched the strength of Heaven and Earth source, is as deep as a well. 这已经触及到天地本源的力量,高深莫测。 Normal, is not the manpower can grasp. 正常来说,绝非人力所能掌握。 May in Undying medicine and under shocking array buff, is not possible probably to turn! 可在不死药与惊世阵法加持下,一切不可能都变成可能! ...... …… At this time, the time of burning a joss stick has passed by. 此时,一炷香的时间已经过去。 Everyone revives, on their faces fills is sighing with emotion and regretted. 所有人都苏醒过来,他们脸上充满着感慨与遗憾。 Obviously, most people success sensibility is mysterious, but also benefits greatly, obtains the huge harvest. 很显然,大多数人并未成功感悟其中玄奥,但也受益匪浅,获得巨大收获。 They practice here burning a joss stick time, far ultra hundred years, millenniums. 他们在这里修行一炷香时间,已经远超外界的百年,千年。 Therefore although many people are somewhat regrettable, but is also well satisfied. 因此很多人虽然有些遗憾,但也心满意足。 At this time, Zhuge Sima aura hōng however erupts, rushes incomparably. 此时,诸葛司马气息然爆发,澎湃无比。 His body surface winds around innumerable Way Mark, causes the Heaven and Earth ten thousand method rappels. 他体表缭绕出无数道纹,引起天地万法垂降。 In him behind, appears two rounds of huge phenomenon, threatens incomparably. 在他身后,浮现出两轮巨大异象,威赫无比。 Innumerable Way Mark lingering in, transforms two giant compass phantom. 无数道纹萦绕其中,幻化出两道巨大罗盘虚影 These two phenomenon, are in the middle of mural Four Zodiacs and Nine Palaces. 这两道异象,正是壁画当中的四象九宫 In addition Zhuge Sima practice the Eight Trigrams (gossip) and Five Elements, can say that has grasped here most array. 再加上诸葛司马本就修行八卦与五行,可以说已经将这里大半阵法掌握。 At this moment, the grey robe form appears again. 就在这时,灰袍身影再度出现。 You are very good, then can enter the Dragon Armor heavenly palace, accepts second round of inheritance!” “你们很不错,接下来便可进入龙甲天宫,接受第二轮传承!” Then, the grey robe form big hand wields, transmits Shen Tian and Zhuge Sima. 说完,灰袍身影大手一挥,将沈天诸葛司马传送走。 Sees this, on all faces is filling envying. 见到这一幕,所有人脸上都充满着羡慕。 ...... …… elder brother Shen is really the array big energy, big brother Zhuge the talent is also powerful! 沈大哥果然是阵法大能,还有诸葛大哥天赋同样强大! Also does not know their two people, can obtain what kind of inheritance? 也不知道他们两人,能获得何等传承 Only thinks, is good to envy! 光是想想,就好羡慕啊!
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