IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#486: Shocking Killing Array? Snapping fingers broken

Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng eyes are dumbstruck, decide to look at the front. 诸葛元司马承双眼发懵,定定望着前方。 That islands are too magnificent, beyond the day the immortal palace is hanging the upper air likely, boundless atmosphere. 那座岛屿太壮观,像天外仙宫般悬挂高空,磅礴大气。 The surrounding appearance is riotous, the principle lets fall, performs to reveal the scenery of mystical. 周围神彩缤纷,法则垂落,尽显神异之景。 Endless Divine Light sprinkles Heaven and Earth, the phenomenon numerous, the auspicious omen lingers, sends out the grand strength. 无尽神芒洒落天地,异象纷呈,祥瑞萦绕,散发出宏伟之力。 However this islands are very strange, obviously at present, actually a far away feeling. 不过这座岛屿十分奇怪,明明就在眼前,却给人一种咫尺天涯的感觉。 To arrive in the islands, is not easy. 想要抵达岛屿,并没有那么容易。 Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng body trembles, the pleasant surprise said: Here, definitely is Profound Heaven Divine Island!” 诸葛元司马承的身躯微颤,惊喜道:“这里,肯定是悬天神岛!” They can induce, this place covers entirely domain great array, the strength of Way Mark is powerful. 他们能感应到,此地布满场域大阵,道纹之力强大至极。 Without certain array attainments, feared that is unable to approach. 若是没有一定的阵法造诣,怕是根本无法靠近。 This is the test that the Profound Heaven Divine Island master keeps, to prevent some does not understand the person of array to astray this place. 这乃是悬天神岛的主人留下来的考验,为了防止一些不懂阵法之人误入此地。 But to two big array aristocratic families, wants to decode these array is not difficult, only needs to spend a time. 但对两大阵法世家来说,想破解这些阵法并不难,只需要多花费点时间。 Finally found the destination!” “终于找到目的地了!” Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng look is joyful, looks is filling shock to the Shen Tian’s pupil light. 诸葛元司马承神色欣喜,望向沈天的眸光中充满着震撼。 They look at each other, all saw the idea in opposite party heart. 他们相视一眼,皆看出了对方心中的想法。 How can I say! 怎么说呢! Holds the thigh, is really very comfortable. 抱大腿,果然很舒服。 ...... …… But at this time, the people successfully entered this piece of Sea Area. 而这时,众人成功进入这一片海域 Here Sea Area is vast, uneventful. 这里海域辽阔,风平浪静。 Heaven and Earth was covered by the dim light screen, making Primordial Chaos Qi is unable to invade the slightest. 天地被朦胧光幕笼罩,令混沌气无法侵入分毫。 Enters this place, the people felt immediately the mind is carefree. 一进入此地,众人顿时感觉心神畅快。 They speed for a month in Primordial Chaos Sea Area, was attacked by Primordial Chaos Qi unceasingly, frequently is at the condition with trepidation. 他们在混沌海域驰行一个多月,不断受到混沌气侵袭,时刻处于提心吊胆状态。 At present, now under finally can relax well. 眼下,现在终于能好好放松下。 However, the vault of heaven changes suddenly. 然而,天穹骤然变化。 Endless divine light winds around densely, lets fall just like the brilliant galaxy. 无尽神光氤氲缭绕,宛若绚烂星河垂落而来。 Transparent domain light screens raise suddenly, block the sky, block the people leading the way step. 一道道透明场域光幕骤然升起,遮天蔽日,阻挡住众人前行步伐。 Sees this, the people look concentrates. 见到这一幕,众人神色微凝。 This place really mystical, cover entirely great array everywhere, the writing skill is shocking. 此地果然神异,到处都布满大阵,手笔惊世。 Material that light/only these array need to consume, is the pen not unimaginable expenses. 光这些阵法所需要消耗的材料,都是笔无法想象的开销。 This Profound Heaven Divine Island master, is definitely good. 悬天神岛的主人,肯定不俗。 Everyone does not need to worry, array of this place is decoded by the old man!” “大家无需担心,此地的阵法由老夫来破解!” At this time, Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng walked. 这时,诸葛元司马承走了出来。 They previously lost face before the clansman, must find an opportunity to make up well. 他们先前在族人面前丢了面子,可得找个机会好好弥补回来。 Zhuge Sima hears word, understood reason. 诸葛司马闻言,也明白了其中的缘由。 He arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, said: That is exhausted two old ancestors.” 他拱了拱手,道:“那就劳烦两位老祖。” Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng nod the head slightly, later before vertical body, starts to decode this place array. 诸葛元司马承微微颔首,随后纵身上前,开始破解此地的阵法 Quick they bloom all over the body divine light, the strength of lasing domain. 很快他们通体绽放神光,场域之力激射而出。 The vault of heaven phenomenon numerous, Divine Marks dances in the air. 天穹异象纷呈,神纹飞舞。 Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng grasp the ancient compass, makes Way Mark, making Heaven and Earth appear ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) divine light. 诸葛元司马承手持古老罗盘,打出一道道道纹,令天地浮现万丈神光 These special array, in two ancestors, were being relieved jointly unceasingly. 那些特殊阵法,在两位老祖宗联手下,正不断被解除。 ...... …… Sees this, Shen Tian has not acted actually. 见到这一幕,沈天倒是没有出手。 Had found Profound Heaven Divine Island in any case , not bad this point time. 反正已经找到悬天神岛,也不差这一点时间。 The key is, around him also encircled a group of young disciple. 关键是,他周围还围了一大群年轻弟子。 On their faces is covering entirely the worship and curiosity: elder brother Shen, how did you find the correct path?” 他们脸上布满着崇拜与好奇:“沈大哥,你是怎么找到正确道路?” In this, on what array has unusual mysterious?” “这里面是不是,有什么阵法上的奇特玄奥?” Shen Tian is affable, amiable. 沈天和蔼可亲,平易近人。 In addition they also differ hundred years old, in cultivator at all is not anything. 加上他们也就相差百岁,在修士界内根本不算什么。 After these days being together, looks like in two big aristocratic family disciples, Shen Tian looks like the neighbor brothers to be the same. 经过这段时间的相处,在两大世家弟子看来,沈天就像是邻家大哥哥一样。 Therefore, they made into one piece quickly, called Shen Tian for the big brother kindly. 所以,他们很快打成了一片,亲切称呼沈天为大哥。 Not far away, hears these words two old ancestor corners of the mouth to twitch. 不远处,听到这些话的两位老祖嘴角抽搐。 They and Shen Tian are called the fellow daoist mutually, is the person of the same generation. 他们与沈天互称为道友,算是平辈。 This group of young brats called Shen Tian the big brother. 这群小兔崽子却称沈天为大哥。 In this rank to mess up? 这辈分上岂不是乱套了? Simply is impolite! 简直是没大没小! Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng two people egg hurts, but sees Shen Tian and caring, they also say embarrassed. 诸葛元司马承两人蛋疼,但见沈天并不在意,他们也不好意思提出来。 ...... …… In the Zhuge Sima eye the flood light, the admiration said: elder brother Shen, your domain attainments are never so expected that profound.” 诸葛司马眼中泛光,敬佩道:“沈大哥,没想到您的场域造诣如此精深。” These days, they are it can be said that rebuffed everywhere, pitiful incomparable. 这段时间,他们可以说是四处碰壁,凄惨无比。 Finally Shen Tian one, led them to find Profound Heaven Divine Island with ease! 结果沈天一来,就轻松带领他们找到悬天神岛 Therefore, in the Zhuge Sima heart is even more intense to the Shen Tian’s admiration. 因此,诸葛司马心中对沈天的敬佩越发强烈。 Shen Tian shakes the head saying: Shen to array, truly does not have too to understand.” 沈天摇头道:“沈某阵法,确实没有太多了解。” Besides All-Heaven Great Array, Shen Tian has almost not studied what specially array. 除了周天星斗大阵外,沈天几乎没学过什么特别阵法 The Profound Heaven Divine Island direction, sees from the Zhuge Sima top of the head opportunity picture completely. 悬天神岛方向,完全是从诸葛司马头顶机缘画面中看到的。 Naturally, Shen Tian naturally cannot say. 当然,沈天自然不会说出来。 Zhuge Sima actually does not believe, he worships saying: elder brother Shen you are too modest, can look through here array, absolutely is the array big energy.” 诸葛司马却不这么认为,他崇拜道:“沈大哥您太谦虚,能一眼看破这里的阵法,绝对是阵法大能。” Does not know whether elder brother Shen could explain some array to be concise for us?” “不知,沈大哥能否为我们讲解些阵法精要?” Even array that their ancestors cannot completely understand, Shen Tian can actually look through. 连他们老祖宗都看不透的阵法,沈天却能一眼看破。 That explained that elder brother Shen compared with ancestor! 那就说明,沈大哥比老祖宗强啊! If can be under the elder brother Shen instruction, the array attainments can definitely go a step further. 若是能得到沈大哥指导,阵法造诣肯定能更进一步。 Shen Tian does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately, explained: I to some All-Heaven Great Array understanding.” 沈天顿时哭笑不得,解释道:“我只是对周天星斗大阵有些了解。” All-Heaven Great Array?” 周天星斗大阵?” Hears the Shen Tian’s words, the people are filling curiously. 听到沈天的话,众人都充满着好奇。 They have listened to this grade of supreme great array, the power and influence is infinite. 他们听过这等无上大阵,威势无穷。 Initially Shi Tianzi, then with the aid of All-Heaven Great Array, pestered with the Evil Spirit clan for hundred years. 当初石天子,便是借助周天星斗大阵,与邪灵族纠缠百年。 This is supreme great array, can erupt incomparably powerful prestige energy, increase dozens times of battle strength. 此乃无上大阵,能爆发无比强大的威能,增幅数十倍战力 Does Divine Firmament Holy Lord also understand this grade of great array unexpectedly? 没想到,神霄圣主竟还懂这等大阵 Suddenly everyone has the interest, is hopeful: elder brother Shen, can explain this array mysterious?” 一时间所有人都产生兴趣,满怀期待:“沈大哥,能讲解一下这阵法的玄奥吗?” Shen Tian smiles, has not declined said: Ok! I then explained to you.” 沈天笑了笑,也没有推辞道:“行吧!我便给你们讲解一番。” This is providence uncommon big leek, must look after well. 这都是气运不凡的大韭菜,还是要好好关照一下。 Therefore, he then concise told to the people the All-Heaven Great Array general idea. 因此,他便将周天星斗大阵的大概精要给众人讲述一遍。 The Shen Tian look solemn silence, opens the mouth slowly, just like the Great Way profound sound, making the person state of mind open greatly. 沈天神色庄严肃穆,缓缓开口,宛若大道玄音,令人心境大开。 Suddenly, everyone falls into the immersion, on the face appears blurredly. 一时间,所有人都陷入沉浸,脸上浮现出迷离。 They imitate, if drifts away in the vast starry sky, spies on way direction that the stars change, falls into mysterious realm. 他们仿若游离在浩瀚星空,窥探星辰变化的途径方向,身陷玄而又玄的境界 Way Intent lets fall, the principle lingers, measures mysteriously not. 道意垂落,法则萦绕,玄妙莫测。 Quick, has in the human body to erupt the vast strength, is even more powerful. 很快,有人体内爆发出浩瀚的力量,越发强大。 In a while, Zhuge Sima takes the lead to regain consciousness, on the face appears the color of feeling. 没过多久,诸葛司马率先苏醒出来,脸上浮现出感慨之色。 elder brother Shen, you added that you do not understand array.” 沈大哥,你还说你不懂阵法。” Your array attainments, absolutely are Five Territories peak existence!” “你的阵法造诣,绝对是五域最顶尖的存在!” Heard Shen Tian this saying, the sensibility of Zhuge Sima to array strove a stride. 听到沈天这番讲道,诸葛司马阵法的感悟精进了一大步。 Even cultivation base has broken through, successfully is promoted Heavenly Venerable Middle Stage. 甚至连修为都有所突破,成功晋级天尊中期 By the Zhuge Sima present ability, the coordinate topography arranges domain great array, even had confidence that contends with common Saint. 诸葛司马现在的能力,配合地势布置出场域大阵,甚至有把握抗衡寻常圣者 What concept is this? 这是什么概念? Only the moment time, Zhuge Sima then promoted several times battle strength. 仅片刻时间,诸葛司马便提升了数倍战力 Shen Tian smiles lightly, has not said anything. 沈天淡淡一笑,并没有多说什么。 All-Heaven Great Array after all is Immortal King inheritance, nature mysterious and unpredictable. 周天星斗大阵毕竟是仙王传承,自然玄奥莫测 Even if what Shen Tian explanation is only some fur/superficial knowledge, made the disciple on the scene benefit greatly. 纵使沈天讲解的只是些许皮毛,也令在场的弟子受益匪浅。 ...... …… But at this time, the flying boat stopped finally. 而这时,飞舟终于停了下来。 These days, Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng had decoded massive array successfully. 这段时间里面,诸葛元司马承已经成功破解了大量阵法 They close to Profound Heaven Divine Island, were isolated by last array. 他们临近悬天神岛,被最后一道阵法所隔绝。 There Way Mark appears, the array light screen covers Heaven and Earth, the strength copiously not governing. 那里道纹显现,阵法光幕笼罩天地,力量沛然莫御。 Here array, just like side Heaven and Earth, isolates Profound Heaven Divine Island and outside world thoroughly. 此处阵法,宛若一方天地,将悬天神岛与外界彻底隔离。 Zhuge Yuan said: This array is Profound Heaven Divine Island most array, the impersonal force can decode.” 诸葛元道:“这道阵法悬天神岛阵法,非人力所能破解。” Was good because of the ancestor once left behind ancestral instruction, this array only needed to use Universe (Qiankun) Key, can open.” “好在先祖曾留下祖训,这处阵法只需要使用乾坤钥匙,便可打开。” Then, Zhuge Yuan flying boat Antiquity old Qian Key will then take down. 说完,诸葛元便将飞舟上古老的乾之钥取了下来。 In an instant, Divine Light overflows, that ancient great artefact turns into the jade pendant size immediately, mounts above Heaven and Earth great array. 刹那间,神芒四溢,那古老的大器顿时变成玉佩大小,镶嵌在天地大阵之上。 But nearby Sima Cheng sees that similarly took Kun Key. 而一旁的司马承见状,同样将坤之匙取了出来。 Universe (Qiankun) Key combines, constructs the complete universe design. 乾坤钥匙合二为一,构建成完整的乾坤图案。 Immediately, endless divine light, if the god rain, tilts, brilliance Heaven and Earth. 顿时,无尽神光若神雨,倾覆而出,光耀天地 Sent out array hōng of greatest pressure however to open, appears together the principle light gate, to island. 原本散发着莫大威压的阵法然打开,浮现出一道法则光门,通往岛内。 Sees this, everyone becomes excited incomparable. 见到这一幕,所有人都变得兴奋无比。 They can enter Profound Heaven Divine Island finally, seeks for supreme array inheritance. 他们终于可以进入悬天神岛,寻找无上阵法传承 We go in!” “我们进去吧!” Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng are hopeful, walks in the frontline. 诸葛元司马承满怀期待,走在最前方。 Others also follow, enter Profound Heaven Divine Island together. 其他人也紧随其后,一同进入悬天神岛 ...... …… Initially enters this place, the people felt immediately the mind is happy. 初入此地,众人顿时感觉到心神舒畅。 The surrounding fine spring day, the rock towers, performs obviously the tranquil scene. 周围鸟语花香,山石耸立,尽显平静场景。 The trees grow thickly, reach to the sky. 树木丛生,高耸入云。 The palatial mountain range becomes the frontline continually, surrounds the entire islands, grand grand. 巍峨山脉连成一线,环抱整座岛屿,雄伟壮阔。 Who can think, in the deep place of Primordial Chaos star sea, actually still has such a region. 谁人能够想到,在混沌星海的深处,竟然还会存在着这么一处区域。 This place spirit qi is abundant, the fog fills the air, is abundant just like the spirit sea. 此地灵气充沛,雾霭弥漫,宛若灵海充沛无比。 The flowers and plants trees graceful illumination, is sending out the light delicate fragrance, brings a feeling of seeping person heart and soul. 花草树木盈盈发光,散发着淡淡的清香,亦给人带来一种沁人心魄的感觉。 Looking into the distance, is the wonderful rare grass, spirit medicine is in flood everywhere. 放眼望去,遍地都是奇珍异草,灵药泛滥。 Sees this, everyone called out in alarm. 见到这一幕,所有人都惊呼了起来。 , has not thought that here spirit qi is so abundant.” ,没想到这里灵气那么充沛。” Everywhere is the spirit grass, this writing skill also was too rather big!” “遍地都是灵草,这手笔未免也太大了吧!” This may be the weed wild flower of roadside. 要知道,这可都是路边的杂草野花。 But raises in spirit qi accumulated, all becomes existence of spirit medicine rank. 但在灵气蕴养下,皆都成为灵药级别的存在。 Thus, this place is filling uncommonly. 由此可以看出,此地充满着不凡。 Shen Tian is actually very calm, because roadside these spirit grass are highest is also only the high-grade spirit grass, has no attraction to him. 沈天倒是十分淡定,因为路边这些灵草最高也只是上品灵草,对他没有什么吸引力。 Must know that initially in Battle Holy Emperor Taoist Temple, Shen Tian harvested large quantities of spirit medicine holy medicine. 要知道当初在斗战圣帝道场,沈天收获一大批灵药圣药 Only is these spirit medicine holy medicine in space ring, piled up several hills, might be called the huge volume. 光是空间戒指中的那些灵药圣药,都堆积成了几座小山,堪称海量。 These spirit grass, naturally cannot make Shen Tian have the interest. 这些灵草,自然不会让沈天产生兴趣。 But Shen Tian does not care, does not mean that the disciples of two big aristocratic families do not care. 沈天不在意,并不意味着两大世家的弟子不在意。 They live in seclusion all the year round, rarely inquires about secret realm. 他们长年隐居,很少探寻外界秘境 Even if the high-grade spirit grass, regarding these young disciples, is precious incomparable. 纵使是上品灵草,对于这些年轻弟子来说,也是珍贵无比。 Suddenly, both respected family many young disciples disperse everywhere, collects the spirit medicine spirit grass of roadside. 一时间,两大家族很多年轻弟子都四处分散,去收集路边的灵药灵草。 Zhuge Sima does not have to select the spirit grass actually anxiously, but is all around waits and sees. 诸葛司马倒是没有急着去摘取灵草,而是四周观望起来。 He discovered that this place is filling mysteriously, each mountain peak seems like ordinary, but they sit the vertical position, has some special meaning indistinctly. 他发现此地充满着玄奥,每座山峰看似平平无奇,但它们所坐立的位置,却隐约有着某种特殊含义。 Surrounding mountain Large expanse, hands over handles abreast, encircles mutually, surrounds and protects an emperor just like the innumerable guards. 周围高山成片,交相并措,相互合围成一圈,宛若无数卫兵拱卫一帝。 These mountain ranges assemble the Heaven and Earth situation, constructs supreme great array, can make Profound Heaven Divine Island float in in the air. 这些山脉集结天地大势,构建无上大阵,才能令悬天神岛悬浮在空中。 Sees this, the Zhuge Sima pupil light concentrates. 见到这一幕,诸葛司马眸光微凝。 Here does not seem like the place of secret realm, is more like Taoist Temple. 这里看起来并不像是秘境之地,更像是一处道场 Can by Taoist Temple that such great writer constructs, definitely is not the simple character. 能以这么大手笔构建出的道场,肯定不是什么简单的人物。 ...... …… Zhuge Sima pupil light One Revolution, the line of sight stares at the front. 诸葛司马眸光一转,视线凝望前方。 He sees a Sima Family disciple, is turning toward the Profound Heaven Divine Island deep place to set out. 他看到一名司马家弟子,正向着悬天神岛深处进发。 That person, is Sima Gang. 那人,正是司马刚 He was inquiring about unceasingly, tries to seek for spirit grass spirit medicine. 他在不断探寻,试图寻找灵草灵药 In his front, there is a mountain valley. 在他前方,有一处山谷。 The entrance, the standing tall and erect old tree, above has charming gentle vermilion fruit. 入口处,正有一株高耸的古树,上面结出一枚枚娇嫩欲滴的朱果。 vermilion fruit fragrant greets the nostrils, the spirit rhyme is broad, sends out the attractive delicate fragrance. 朱果芳香扑鼻,灵韵恢宏,散发诱人清香。 Sees this, the Sima Gang look great happiness: vermilion fruit of holy medicine rank!” 见到这一幕,司马刚神色大喜:“圣药级别的朱果!” Regarding their these Nascent Soul and Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator, the holy medicine value is immeasurable. 对于他们这些元婴天尊境修士来说,圣药的价值无量。 Sima Gang cannot repress in the heart excited, takes a step to go forward directly, wants to select holy medicine. 以至于司马刚按耐不住心中激动,直接迈步上前,想摘取圣药 Before the mountain valley, has the pale glow twinkle faintly, imitates, if the ripples spread, arouses some mighty waves. 山谷前隐隐有淡芒闪烁,仿若涟漪扩散,激起些许波澜。 The Zhuge Sima complexion changes, loudly exclaimed: Sima Gang, be careful!” 诸葛司马面色微变,大吼道:“司马刚,小心!” However Sima Gang has gone forward, must step shortly. 然而司马刚已上前,眼看就要迈进去。 At this moment, the rattan sweeps across together from the rear area, ties down Sima Gang directly, entrains at one fell swoop him. 就在这时,一道藤条从后方席卷过来,直接缠住司马刚,将他一举拽回来。 „! That is holy medicine that I see!” “啊!那是我看到的圣药!” Sima Gang thinks that some people must rob his holy medicine, yelled hastily. 司马刚以为有人要抢夺他的圣药,连忙大叫起来。 But later, his pupil light One Revolution, saw that is Shen Tian acts. 但随后,他眸光一转,见到是沈天出手。 elder brother Shen, why can you block me?” 沈大哥,你为啥要拦住我?” In Sima Gang heart puzzled, expert of Shen Tian this grade of rank, how also to care about some holy medicine? 司马刚心中不解,沈天这等级别的强者,又怎会在乎一些圣药 Shen Tian smiles lightly: Do not be harebrained, sometimes sees with own eyes not necessarily is the reality.” 沈天淡淡一笑:“别那么冒失,有时候眼见未必为实。” Then, he picks up a stone at will, throws towards the mountain valley. 说完,他随意捡起一块石头,丢向山谷。 hōng! In an instant, principle disorder, void shatter! 刹那间,法则紊乱,虚空破碎! That stone annihilates the fragment powder instantaneously, surrounding void was torn the nihility. 那块石头瞬间湮灭成齑粉,连带周围的虚空都被撕裂成虚无。 Sees this, the Sima Gang heart trembles greatly, lingering fear. 见到这一幕,司马刚心头大颤,后怕不已。 No wonder Shen Tian will block him, originally here has such terrifying trap. 怪不得沈天会拦住他,原来这里存在着这么恐怖的陷阱。 Many thanks elder brother Shen rescues!” “多谢沈大哥相救!” Sima Gang expressed gratitude hastily, in the heart felt grateful incomparably. 司马刚连忙道谢,心中感激无比。 If not for Shen Tian acts, just now he proceeds to tread again several steps, died. 若不是沈天出手,方才他再往前踏几步,就死定了。 Zhuge Sima also caught up, stern-faced said: Has not thought that here really has Illusionary Killing Array.” 诸葛司马也赶了过来,一脸凝重道:“没想到这里竟然有一处幻杀阵。” So-called Illusionary Killing Array, enters the Killing Array trap with the illusion seduction person, contains the greatest might. 所谓幻杀阵,就是用幻觉诱惑人进入杀阵的陷阱,蕴含莫大威力。 Might that shows from this array, even if Saint falls into, must bury the bone in this. 从这道阵法展现出的威力来看,就算是圣者陷入其中,也要埋骨于此。 But Zhuge Sima actually raising curiosity. 诸葛司马却升起好奇心。 He as the array aristocratic family disciple, is interested in world strange array. 他身为阵法世家弟子,对世间奇阵都充满兴趣。 If Zhuge Sima can decode this Illusionary Killing Array, deciding to make his array attainments strive. 诸葛司马若是能破解这次幻杀阵,定能令他的阵法造诣有所精进。 Thinks of here, he not slightly hesitant, said: I try!” 想到这里,他没有丝毫犹豫,道:“我上去试试!” Then, he jumps, walks toward that mountain valley. 说完,他纵身而起,向着那处山谷走去。 Zhuge Sima grasps the Eight Trigrams (gossip) compass, shoulders the Five Elements compass, the body surface erupts radiant divine light. 诸葛司马手持八卦罗盘,背负五行罗盘,体表爆发出璀璨神光 The huge compass phenomenon blocks the sky, sends out the strength of vast not measuring. 巨大罗盘异象遮天蔽日,散发出浩瀚莫测的力量。 He stands erect void, just like say/way gods, waves to arrange supreme great array. 他屹立虚空,宛若一尊阵道神明,挥手间便可布置无上大阵 Deeply inspires, Zhuge Sima takes a step directly to enter the mountain valley. 深吸一口气,诸葛司马迈步直接进入山谷。 In an instant, endless Divine Marks shoots up to the sky. 刹那间,无尽神纹冲天而起。 Great Way rune outlined a principle sharp blade, went toward the Zhuge Sima impact. 大道符文勾勒成一柄柄法则利刃,向着诸葛司马冲击而去。 The Zhuge Sima look is invariable, in the hand the compass brilliance overflows, appears a giant Eight Trigrams (gossip) god seal. 诸葛司马神色不变,手中罗盘光彩四溢,浮现出一道巨大的八卦神印。 The Eight Trigrams (gossip) god prints the evolved sidereal revolution, is carrying the easily accomplished potential, sweeps away. 八卦神印演化周天,携带着摧枯拉朽之势,横扫而过。 hōng! Sound resonance. Heaven and Earth trembles. 响声共鸣。天地震颤。 The innumerable sharp blade were gossipped the god to print directly push horizontally, sweeps away. 无数利刃直接被八卦神印横推而过,一扫而空。 Sees this, the disciple looks of surroundings two big array aristocratic families are surprised. 见到这一幕,周围两大阵法世家的弟子神色惊讶。 Big brother Zhuge's strength strives!” “诸葛大哥的实力又有精进!” Worthily is our family's peerless Heaven’s Chosen, is really powerful.” “不愧是我们家族的绝代天骄,果然强大。” Big brother Zhuge this grade of elegant demeanor, will want achievement say/way supreme expert in the future surely!” “诸葛大哥这等风采,将来必定要成就阵道无上强者!” Zhuge Sima is always the pride of two respected families, his strength is stronger, two disciples are very naturally happy. 诸葛司马向来都是两大家族的骄傲,他的实力越强,两家弟子自然十分开心。 In the Shen Tian heart slightly somewhat is also surprised. 沈天心中也微微有些惊讶。 The Zhuge Sima talent, was not weak in initial Shi Tianzi. 诸葛司马的天赋,不弱于当初的石天子 Worthily is top of the head dark Purple providence halo Son of Providence, is really uncommon. 不愧是头顶深紫色气运光环的天命之子,果然不凡。 But Shen Tian does not care, this is his fragrant-flowered garlic younger brother fragrant-flowered garlic younger sisters, is naturally fatter is better! 沈天并不在意,这都是他的韭弟韭妹们,自然越肥越好! ...... …… Zhuge Sima goes forward again, wants in one vigorous effort, to break open this Killing Array directly! 诸葛司马再度上前,想要一鼓作气,直接破开这一处杀阵 However, in the array deep place, bursts out incomparably scary murderous aura suddenly. 然而,在阵法深处,突然迸发出一股无比骇人的杀气。 killing intent is incessant, just like the Nine Heavens Milky Way lasing, the power and influence ice is cold, scary heart and soul. 杀意滔滔不绝,宛若九天银河激射而出,威势凌冽至极,骇人心魄。 Scarlet red Divine Light pierces together void, crushes the endless principle, hōng however erupts. 一道赤红色神芒洞穿虚空,粉碎无尽法则,然爆发。 The Zhuge Sima complexion changes, the ray splits greatly. 诸葛司马面色微变,身后光芒大绽。 Five Elements compass divine light is sparkling, jumps projects endless Way Mark, condenses a Immemorial giant ape. 五行罗盘神光烁烁,迸射出无尽道纹,凝聚成一头太古巨猿。 The Immemorial giant ape face upwards the long and loud cry, erupts the endless power and influence, copious not governing. 太古巨猿仰天长啸,爆发出无尽威势,沛然莫御。 It brandishes the gigantic fist, hōng however is forwarding, strength resists red Divine Light. 它挥舞着硕大拳头,然向前,力抗赤色神芒 Void shatter, the earth shook and heavens spun shook. 虚空破碎,天摇地动。 The gigantic fist glow carries the potential of trying broken mountains and rivers, falls suddenly. 硕大拳芒携带着力碎山河之势,猛然落下。 However, when facing that scarlet red Divine Light, actually seems very weak. 然而,在面对那股赤红色神芒之时,却显得十分无力。 hōng! In an instant, the fist glow was stirred directly broken, dissipation Heaven and Earth. 刹那间,拳芒直接被搅碎,消散天地 The scarlet red Divine Light ice is cold, crosses void. 赤红色神芒凌冽无比,横贯虚空。 ! 呲! The Immemorial giant ape cut off directly around the middle, bleeds three chi (0.33 m). 太古巨猿直接被拦腰斩断,喋血三尺。 Zhuge Sima body shock, form suddenly/violently to retreat. 诸葛司马身躯剧震,身影暴退。 But is good because of having the Immemorial giant ape resists, making him withdraw safely. 但好在有太古巨猿抵挡,令他安然退出。 But this, making all people panic-stricken. 但这一幕,令所有人为之惊骇。 This Illusionary Killing Array is so unexpectedly terrifying, aren't big brothers even/including Zhuge able to decode? 幻杀阵竟如此恐怖,连诸葛大哥都无法破解? A Zhuge Sima also face dreaded, said: This terrestrial pole for good, in cannot easily enter.” 诸葛司马也一脸忌惮,道:“此地极为不俗,不可轻易入内。” He felt that this Illusionary Killing Array, resembles is also hiding anything, can erupt the incomparable terrifying killing intent. 他感觉到这幻杀阵当中,似还隐藏着什么,能爆发出无比恐怖的杀意 Shen Tian explained with a smile: This is not Illusionary Killing Array, is only Killing Array.” 沈天笑着解释道:“这并不是什么幻杀阵,只是杀阵而已。” Is only Killing Array?” “只是杀阵?” Zhuge Sima look doubts, perplexed. 诸葛司马神色疑惑,不明所以。 Ordinary can Killing Array, how erupt such terrifying might? 普通的杀阵,怎能爆发出这么恐怖的威力? Shen Tian had not said that but goes forward directly. 沈天没有多说,而是直接上前。 He finds out the big hand, immediately deep green sweeps across like the emerald vine. 他探出大手,顿时有一条碧绿如翡翠般的藤蔓席卷而出。 The vine is glittering and translucent carving, is sturdy just like the dragon dragon, carries the copious not governing power and influence, enters void. 藤蔓晶莹剔透,宛若虬龙般粗壮,携带沛然莫御的威势,直入虚空。 In an instant, innumerable Divine Light erupt all. 刹那间,无数神芒尽数爆发。 In Killing Array arouses dreadful Divine Light, the terrifying, imitates, if destroys Heaven and Earth. 杀阵中激起滔天神芒,恐怖至极,仿若要毁灭天地 However at this time, void shatter, appears together the dense light hole. 然而这时,虚空破碎,浮现出一道氤氲光洞。 Sees only Immortal Devouring Vine to take back immediately, but also curls up all over the body scarlet Nine Leaves Lotus Flower. 只见噬仙藤顿时收回,还卷起一朵通体赤红的九叶莲花 As Nine Leaves Lotus Flower appears, this Killing Array disintegrates immediately. 随着九叶莲花出现,这处杀阵顿时瓦解。 Sees this, everyone in same place, dumbfounded. 见到这一幕,所有人愣在原地,目瞪口呆。 Not! 不是吧! ...... …… Such powerful was Killing Array, decoded by Divine Firmament Holy Lord? 这么强大的杀阵,就这么被神霄圣主破解? Who is the disciple of array aristocratic family? 到底谁才是阵法世家的弟子? Is the disparity so big? 差距怎么这么大?
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