IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#478: Kills Quasi-Immortal continually, the anger of Shen Tian!

This man, is Shen Tian. 这名男子,正是沈天 Speeds trillion li (0.5 km), he rushes to Primordial Chaos Sea Area finally. 驰行亿万里,他终于赶到混沌海域 Shen Tian looks all around, is looking at the living hell scene, double pupil gradually ice-cold. 沈天环顾四周,望着人间地狱般的场景,双眸逐渐冰冷。 He has not thought, the North Sea war is so unexpectedly frigid. 他没想到,北海战争竟然如此惨烈。 Innumerable cultivator engage in fierce battle at risk of life, murders to pass on the sound ten thousand li (0.5 km). 无数修士拼死鏖战,杀伐声传响万里。 The bloody can be found everywhere, shocking, scared. 血腥场面随处可见,触目惊心,令人胆寒。 A Black Dragon opened up the stomach by Evil Spirit, the internal organs intestines sprinkle place. 一条黑龙被邪灵开膛破肚,内脏肠子洒落一地。 But he preys forcefully, pulls out the Evil Spirit chest dragon claw, grinds the fragment powder the heart. 但他强行搏杀,将龙爪掏进邪灵胸膛,将心脏碾碎齑粉。 Great Kun cut off the head forcefully, the blood soars to the heavens three chi (0.33 m). 一名巨鲲被强行斩断头颅,鲜血冲天三尺。 But before he at the point of death, from exploding, bringing several Evil Spirit to perish together. 但他临死前自爆,带着数名邪灵同归于尽。 The Evil Spirit natural disposition is cruel, cruel reckless, recklessly slaughter. 邪灵生性残忍,暴戾恣睢,肆意屠杀。 North Sea cultivator pledges to fight to the death the resistance, even if experiences personally the heavy losses, must draw the opponent to bury the bone in this. 北海修士誓死反抗,纵使身受重创,也要拉着对手埋骨于此。 The scene is very frigid, filling to be solemn and stirring and touching, making one get angry the blood to spurt to open. 现场无比惨烈,充满悲壮与凄婉,令人怒血喷张。 Line of sight place visited, skeleton to become mountain, blood stream to become sea. 视线所过之处,尸骨成山,血流成海。 At this moment, the Shen Tian pupil light is ice-cold, just like the extremely cold hell, freezes all. 这一刻,沈天眸光冰冷刺骨,宛若极寒地狱,冻结一切。 Then, the Shen Tian line of sight falls on Ao Bing and Shen Aoxue body. 而后,沈天视线落在敖冰沈傲雪身上 A Shen Aoxue white skirt dyes to be dyed bright red by the blood, does not know is the enemy, is own. 沈傲雪一身白裙染成被血液染成鲜红,也不知道是敌人,还是自己的。 In the hand Heavenly Punishment Sword brandishes furiously, slaughters Evil Spirit. 手中天诛剑奋力挥舞,厮杀邪灵 On her face fills firm and resolute with renouncing, even if the person of side drops down unceasingly, has not drawn back intent. 她脸上充满着坚毅与决绝,纵使身边之人不断倒下,也没有丝毫退意。 The Ao Bing black skirt similar contamination motley bloodstain, hōng draws back the rival forcefully. 敖冰黑裙同样沾染斑驳血迹,强行退敌手。 But in her eye is filling sadly, on the face did not have the dry tear stains, looks very weak. 但她眼中充满着悲伤,脸上还有未干涸的泪痕,看起来十分无力。 ...... …… Sees this, the Shen Tian imposing manner erupts immediately. 见到这一幕,沈天气势顿时爆发开来。 In an instant, void disruption. 刹那间,虚空碎裂。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) void instantaneous annihilation, the endless principle collapses, appears the destruction scene. 万丈虚空瞬间湮灭,无尽法则崩溃,浮现出毁灭场景。 His whole body bursts out the dreadful arrogance, blasts open just like the solar flare instantaneously, sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 他浑身迸发滔天气焰,宛若太阳耀斑瞬间炸裂,席卷天地 Not far away, that Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit complexion changes suddenly, on the face reveals the alarmed and afraid color. 不远处,那名准仙级邪灵面色骤变,脸上露出惊惧之色。 He feels unprecedented ice-cold killing intent, almost makes his body frozen stiff! 他感受到前所未有的冰冷杀意,几乎让他的身躯冻僵! Draws back!” “退!” The first thought in the Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit mind deriving, is far away from this human 准仙级邪灵脑海中衍生的第一个念头,就是远离这个人类 He changes to together the evil light, runs away instantaneously ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), does not dare to stay for a long time the slightest. 他化作一道邪光,瞬间逃遁万丈,不敢久留分毫。 At this time his in the heart has a feeling, if the evening walk little while, must bleed in this slightly. 此时他心中有种感觉,若是稍微晚走半刻,就要喋血于此。 This killing intent is too terrifying, making the person mind want to crack. 这股杀意实在太恐怖,令人心神欲裂。 Shen Tian not Evil Spirit that goes to the manages to run away, but is the steps goes forward. 沈天并没有去管逃遁的邪灵,而是踏步上前。 The Ao Bing body shivers, lip light, the line of sight closely gathers in his body. 敖冰身躯颤抖,嘴唇轻张,视线紧紧汇聚在他身上 In the Shen Tian eye the reappearing soft light, cancels on her face slowly the tear stains. 沈天眼中浮现柔光,缓缓抹去她脸上泪痕。 You, came finally!” “你,终于来了!” The Ao Bing sound shivers, is unable to be calm. 敖冰声音颤抖,心情无法平静。 Shen Tian nods, tranquilly said: „My meeting, urges to go faster comes.” 沈天点头,平静道:“等我一会,去去就来。” Then, Shen Tian turns around. 说完,沈天转身。 Ao Bing looks at the Shen Tian back dull, the mood is not knowing why returns to normal suddenly. 敖冰呆呆望着沈天背影,心情不知为何突然平复下来。 As if has this man, all can turn danger into safety. 仿佛有这个男人在,一切都能化险为夷。 ...... …… The Shen Tian line of sight, looks to Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit. 沈天视线,望向准仙级邪灵 He has fled several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m), stops slowly. 他已经逃离数万丈,才缓缓停下。 In the Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit heart the alarmed and afraid desire cracks, is unable to wield the powder. 准仙级邪灵心中惊惧欲裂,无法挥散。 He has turned head, sees Shen Tian not to pursue, relaxes. 他回过头,见沈天并没有追来,松了口气。 Suddenly, the Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit pupil stares suddenly in a big way, in the look is full of the shock with amazement. 忽然,准仙级邪灵瞳孔猛然瞪大,眼神中充满震惊骇然。 Sees only Shen Tian behind, appears suddenly a pair of incomparably huge golden wing, the ray is dazzling. 只见沈天身后,突然浮现出一对无比庞大的金色羽翼,光芒璀璨夺目。 gold/metal Yizhan moves, carries the endless void strength, among shuttle Heaven and Earth. 金翼展动,携带无尽虚空之力,穿梭天地间。 Instantly, the Shen Tian figure vanishes instantaneously. 刹那,沈天身形瞬间消失。 Among Heaven and Earth only one wipes the golden light to show, disappears, evasive 天地间唯有一抹金光展现,转瞬即逝,不可捉摸 When he appears, already in Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit behind. 待他出现,已然在准仙级邪灵身后。 What?” “什么?” The Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit look in great surprise, resembling has not thought that the Shen Tian speed is so unexpectedly fast! 准仙级邪灵神色大惊,似没想到沈天速度竟这么快! He turns around hastily, within the body evil aura erupts, condenses the dreadful evil fist to strike to Shen Tian hōng. 他连忙转身,体内邪气爆发,凝聚滔天邪拳向沈天击过去。 The evil light jumps shoots, carries the terrifying power, drops down forwards. 邪光迸射,携带恐怖力量,直落向前。 This is a fist that Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit puts together to go all-out , the potential of powerful broken mountains and rivers. 这是准仙级邪灵拼尽全力的一拳,亦有力碎山河之势。 He has a feeling, does not act full power, possibly did not have the opportunity. 他有种感觉,不全力出手,可能就没机会了。 Shen Tian imposing does not fear, the hand makes a fist seal to tough it out to go forward. 沈天凛然不惧,手握拳印硬挺上前。 Whole body Star Aura fills the air, brilliant eye-catching, is radiant and brilliant. 周身星辰气弥漫,绚烂夺目,璀璨而又绚烂。 The innumerable stars light linger the double fist, probably trillion meteorites come in waves, bury to extinguish the common people. 无数星辰光萦绕双拳,像是亿万陨石滚滚而来,葬灭苍生。 Among breaths, Shen Tian then hōng knocks out more than 1200 fists, pierces void, crushes the vault of heaven. 一息间,沈天便出一千二百多拳,洞穿虚空,击碎天穹。 The Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit arm annihilates instantaneously, even the mortal body also starts to blast open, is split up, by hōng broken to become fragments. 准仙级邪灵手臂瞬间湮灭,甚至连肉身也开始炸裂,四分五裂,被碎成齑粉。 He is miserable the howling sound not to send out, with state of mind by instantaneous insta-kill. 他连惨嚎声都没有发出,连人带神魂被瞬间秒杀 Suddenly, four all startle. 一时间,四下皆骇。 The people stare dumbfounded, mind shock. 众人瞠目结舌,心神剧震。 They decided to look in the vault of heaven the abundant god like the jade, the elegant demeanor peerless form, in the eye are exuding the light. 他们定定望着天穹中丰神如玉,风采绝世的身影,眼中都泛起了光。 Is this, the Divine Firmament Holy Lord Shen Tian’s real strength? 这,才是神霄圣主沈天的真实实力吗? North Sea, was hopeful! 北海,有希望了! ...... …… Saw that Shen Tian strikes insta-kill Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit, everyone mind shakes. 见到沈天一击秒杀准仙级邪灵,所有人心神震荡。 These days, they have been pressed hitting by the Evil Spirit clan, the morale have been dropping the valley. 这段时间,他们一直在被邪灵族压着打,士气早就跌落谷底。 Now Shen Tian acts strongly, cuts to kill Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit, making the people morale increase, re-enters the peak. 如今沈天强势出手,斩杀准仙级邪灵,令众人士气大增,重回巅峰。 Brothers, Shen Tian Holy Lord came, North Sea could be saved!” “兄弟们,沈天圣主来了,北海有救了!” Insisted, when the reinforcements came, can expel Five Territories these Evil Spirit bastards.” “坚持,等援军来了,就能将这些邪灵崽子赶出五域。” Kills, kills off them!” “杀,杀光他们!” Sea clan cultivator is all bellowing, the imposing manner is vigorous. 海族修士皆在大吼,气势蓬勃。 Under this grade of imposing manner buff, people, if hit the chicken blood, becomes even more supernaturally brave. 在这等气势加持下,众人如打了鸡血,变得愈发神勇。 Was pressed hitting cultivator to turn over/to stand up to work as the master instantaneously, in turn suppresses same step Evil Spirit. 原本被压着打的修士瞬间翻身当主人,反过来压制同阶邪灵 But evenly matched cultivator, fought the blood combustion directly, hits the opponent cough blood again and again. 而原本势均力敌的修士,直接战血燃烧,打得对手连连血。 North Sea cultivator reports of victory keep coming, hits Evil Spirit temporarily to be repulsed unexpectedly, seized the imposing manner. 北海修士捷报频传,竟打得邪灵暂时败退,将气势夺了回来。 Sees this, the people mind is joyful. 见到这一幕,众人心神喜悦。 Ao Ye and Kun Xu and the others, in the heart sighed extremely. 敖夜昆虚等人,心中感叹万分。 Shen boy worthily is Son of Providence of name will follow reality, appears makes the North Sea situation happen reverses temporarily. 沈小子不愧是实至名归的天命之子,一出现就让北海局势发生暂时逆转。 However, wants to win this war, without is so simple! 不过,想要打赢这场战,没有那么简单啊! ...... …… At this time, Evil Immortal responded finally, in his pupil light glittered the profound evil light: Only brat, but also thinks the salvation?” 这时,邪仙终于反应过来,他眸光中闪烁起深邃邪光:“区区一个小子,还想救世?” Is brings death, solves him!” “不过是来送死罢了,解决掉他!” Evil Immortal does not care, the death of that trivial Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit. 邪仙并不在意,那名区区准仙级邪灵之死。 At present, does he send out five Quasi-Immortal, could it be that unable to solve this brat? 眼下,他派出五名准仙,难道还解决不掉这个小子 Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” Immediately, slaughter five Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit in the crowd gathered to come recklessly completely. 顿时,原本在人群中肆意屠杀的五名准仙级邪灵全部汇聚而来。 Their whole body evil aura is turbulent, imposing manner terrifying. 他们浑身邪气动荡,气势恐怖至极。 Who said that only has a person?” “谁说只有一个人?” „Don't you pay attention to old daoist?” “你这是不将老道放在眼里?” At this time void again shatter , the form walked together. 这时虚空再度破碎,又一道身影走了出来。 This person, is Elder Green Lotus Chu Longhe. 此人,正是碧莲长老楚龙河 Chu Longhe grasps golden divine staff, the aura is imposing, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes. 楚龙河手持黄金神棍,气息凛然,傲视群雄。 The long stick brandishes, breaks innumerably void, making all Evil Spirit that wanted to approach bleed, annihilation. 长棍挥舞间,震碎无数虚空,令所有想要靠近的邪灵喋血,湮灭。 Sees this, the North Sea cultivator imposing manner surges upward again. 见到这一幕,北海修士气势再度高涨。 Elder Green Lotus also came.” 碧莲长老也来了。” Divine Firmament Holy Land this time sets out the strong help, I and other hope was bigger.” 神霄圣地这次出动强援,我等的希望更大了。” Chu Longhe is not also weak in the North Sea prestige, can say prevails for a time. 楚龙河北海威名同样不弱,可以说盛极一时。 Initial Divine Firmament pair child one, how also to be weak? 当初的神霄双子之一,又怎会弱? Sees Chu Longhe to appear, North Sea numerous cultivator think that the Divine Firmament Holy Land’s reinforcements have rushed. 见到楚龙河出现,北海众多修士都以为神霄圣地的援军已经赶到。 How comes a smelly taoist priest?” “来个臭道士又怎样?” Killed together!” “一起杀了!” These Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit do not care, branches out two people to prepare to solve Chu Longhe directly. 那些准仙级邪灵并不在乎,直接分出两人准备解决楚龙河 But another three people kill toward Shen Tian. 而另外三人则是向着沈天杀去。 In their opinion, the threat of Chu Longhe, is less than Shen Tian completely. 在他们看来,楚龙河的威胁,完全不及沈天 Day does not live my Chu Longhe eternally, the stick say/way like the endless night!” “天不生我楚龙河,棍道万古如长夜!” Chu Longhe long and loud cry, in hand golden divine staff blooming endless golden glow. 楚龙河长啸而起,手中黄金神棍绽放无尽金芒 divine light ten thousand, the imposing manner measures vastly not, covers two Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit instantaneously. 神光万道,气势浩瀚莫测,瞬间将两名准仙级邪灵笼罩。 In an instant, the day sinking subsidence of the earth, that void instantaneous blasting open, annihilates the ruins. 刹那间,天沉地陷,那一处虚空瞬间炸裂,湮灭成废墟。 Chu Longhe is dragging two Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit directly, escapes into the void turbulent flow, starts to engage in fierce battle. 楚龙河直接拖着两名准仙级邪灵,遁入虚空乱流,开始鏖战。 Radiant divine light bursts out, shines upon Heaven and Earth, making one unfathomed. 璀璨神光迸发而出,映照天地,令人无法窥探。 But, has the terrifying power and influence biography to well up , the power and influence is continuously scary. 但其中,有恐怖的威势传涌出来,源源不断,威势骇人至极。 ...... …… Sees this, Shen Tian hesitates slightly. 见到这一幕,沈天微微沉吟。 The Chu Longhe strength is not always weak, often and hides one's incompetence by remaining silent. 楚龙河实力向来不弱,而且时常藏拙。 Strongly actually he does not know the Chu Longhe strength. 以至于,他也不知道楚龙河的实力究竟有多强。 Since Chu Longhe acts on own initiative, does not have any issue. 既然楚龙河主动出手,想必没有什么问题。 Shen Tian no longer pays attention, but pupil light deflection nearby. 沈天不再关注,而是将眸光偏转一旁。 There has three Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit attacks. 那里有三名准仙级邪灵侵袭而来。 Sees the pupil light of Shen Tian that Ling Ruiru sword to sweep, three people of palpitations. 沈天那凌锐如剑的眸光扫来,三人不由心悸。 The chill in the air imitates, if spreads from the sole board, begins study withstand/top the forehead, making one tremble extremely. 寒意仿若从脚底板蔓延上来,直入头顶脑门,令人颤栗万分。 The warning of first history, Shen Tian strikes the insta-kill Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit matter also to come clearly into view. 前史之鉴,沈天一击秒杀准仙级邪灵的事还历历在目。 That is from the heart terrifying, in any event wields cannot diverge. 那是源自于心底的恐怖,无论如何都挥散不去。 Be not fooled by him, collaborates the set up formation.” “别被他唬住,联手布阵。” Three Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit angry roar, displays secret technique directly. 三名准仙级邪灵怒吼,直接施展秘法 Immediately, the evil fog is torrential, the terrifying evil aura sweeps across. 顿时,邪雾滔滔,恐怖邪气席卷而出。 The vault of heaven above derives giant light screen, the black light is sparkling, blocks the sky. 天穹上空衍生出一道巨大光幕,乌光烁烁,遮天蔽日。 Instantly, this region was then prohibited thoroughly, the terrifying evil fire brings to burn to extinguish the state of mind the strength, attack Heaven and Earth. 刹那,这片区域便被彻底封禁,恐怖邪火带着焚灭神魂的力量,侵袭天地 They are displaying Evil Spirit clan Three United Refining Soul Array, can refine Fifteenth Tribulation following Quasi-Immortal. 他们在施展邪灵三合炼魂阵,能将十五劫以下的准仙炼化。 Under Three United Refining Soul Array buff, three Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit imposing manners increase, becomes even more ominous severe, tyrannical. 三合炼魂阵加持下,三名准仙级邪灵气势大增,变得愈发凶厉,暴虐。 The Shen Tian look is invariable, the whole body fills the stars light, all Yin evil isolation outside. 沈天神色不变,周身弥漫星辰光,将一切阴邪隔绝在外。 Afterward, in his hand pinches to print secret art, the aura eruption. 随后,他手中掐印法诀,气息爆发。 War God Transformation!” 战神变!” The Heaven and Earth rare item strength transfers instantaneously, radiant divine light sends vigorously, brilliant eye-catching. 天地奇物的力量瞬间调动起来,璀璨神光蓬勃而发,绚烂夺目。 ahoge of Shen Tian top of the head stands erect, drags with the wind, becomes the incomparable supernatural might. 沈天头顶的呆毛竖立起来,随风摇曳,变得无比神武。 His aura is rising rapidly , to promote at the scary speed doubled and re-doubled. 他的气息在迅速上涨,以骇人速度成倍提升。 This had not finished, in the Shen Tian hand secret art again changes. 这还没有结束,沈天手中法诀再变。 Battle Blood Burns the Heaven!” 战血焚天!” The terrifying fights intent to burst out all, changes to the scarlet flame winding around whole body, soars to the heavens three chi (0.33 m). 恐怖战意尽数迸发,化作赤焰缭绕周身,冲天三尺。 In it behind, bursts out the vast phenomenon. 在其身后,迸发出浩瀚异象。 Incomparably huge Battle Holy Ape phantom appears Heaven and Earth, roared Heaven and Earth, the power and influence was earth-shaking. 一尊无比庞大的斗战圣猿虚影浮现天地,咆哮天地,威势撼天动地。 The Battle Holy Ape looking disdainfully heaven, overlooks ten thousand spirits, changes to the scarlet glow to break in Shen Tian within the body instantaneously. 斗战圣猿睥睨苍天,俯瞰万灵,化作赤芒瞬间冲入沈天体内。 In an instant, the Shen Tian aura promotes, to erupt the incomparable terrifying again the imposing manner. 刹那间,沈天气息再度提升,爆发出无比恐怖的气势。 This, is Shen Tian fights the intent startled day for the first time, displays the pinnacle to fight to fight secret technique. 这,是沈天首次战意惊天,施展极致斗战秘法 Under War God Transformation and Battle Blood Burns the Heaven buff, Shen Tian battle strength strengthens dozens times. 战神变战血焚天加持下,沈天战力增强数十倍。 The scary aura sends vigorously, sweeps across among Heaven and Earth, making the Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit complexion change. 骇人的气息蓬勃而发,席卷天地间,令准仙级邪灵面色微变。 At this time, Shen Tian just like the peerless war-god, if with a vault of heaven war! 此时,沈天宛若绝代战神,若要与苍穹一战! ...... …… Kills!” “杀!” Three Evil Spirit explode drinks, flushes away to Shen Tian. 三名邪灵爆喝,向沈天冲去。 They do not want to continue to delay again, is worried to present what accident. 他们不想再继续拖延下去,担心出现什么变故。 Three Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit make a move full power, governing moves the endless specters rush to go, calls out the sound penetrating vault of heaven. 三名准仙级邪灵全力出手,御动无尽魔影冲杀而去,嚎叫声响彻天穹。 The sky becomes sinks instantaneously secretly, the specters are torrential, making Heaven and Earth shiver. 天空瞬间变得暗沉下来,魔影滔滔,令天地在颤动。 The Shen Tian look is cold, the silver light shows together, Primordial Chaos Star Sword hōng however starts, jumps projects the scary sword glow. 沈天神色冷然,一道银光展现,混沌星辰剑然入手,迸射出骇人剑芒。 He wields a sword, the sword potential is light and lively, the winding around sidereal revolution, hōng however cuts! 他挥剑而起,剑势轻灵婉转,缭绕周天,然斩下! Flying immortal sword qi!” “飞仙剑气!” Shen Tian behind, appears together beautiful phantom, beyond the immortal just like the day dances floating, grace and talent peerless. 沈天身后,浮现出一道绝美虚影,宛若天外仙飘然起舞,风华绝代 This, looked to stay everyone. 这一幕,看呆了所有人。 The public eyes gather in that say/way beautiful phantom body, the eyes become dim soulless. 众人视线汇聚在那道绝美虚影身上,双眼变得朦胧无神。 Including three Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit, is the body stagnates, pupil light with amazement. 连三名准仙级邪灵,也是身躯一滞,眸光骇然。 But later, their whole body shivers fiercely, in the eye is filling panic-stricken. 但随后,他们浑身剧烈颤动,眼中充满着惊恐。 Sees only that phantom to pass the pupil light that ignores the common people, wields gently cuts in the hand the long sword, drops down the horizon. 只见那道虚影透着漠视苍生的眸光,轻轻挥斩手中长剑,直落天际。 hōng! The void collapse, the principle was shattered! 虚空崩溃,法则破碎! The ice cold sword light spans Heaven and Earth together, probably the Nine Heavens Milky Way lets fall, pierces the vault of heaven, shatter innumerable void. 一道凌冽至极的剑光横亘天地,像是九天银河垂落而下,洞穿天穹,破碎无数虚空。 In an instant, Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit was covered by the sword light, the mortal body changes to the flying ash, thorough annihilation. 刹那间,一名准仙级邪灵被剑光笼罩,肉身化作飞灰,彻底湮灭。 Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit dies, Three United Refining Soul Array is instantaneous. 准仙级邪灵一死,三合炼魂阵瞬间破碎。 The Shen Tian steps go forward, the left hand wheel moves Sun Divine Furnace, pounds to another Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit. 沈天踏步上前,左手轮动起太阳神炉,向另一名准仙级邪灵砸去。 Sun Divine Furnace power and influence violent burst, instantaneously its suppression. 太阳神炉威势盛烈,瞬间将其镇压。 When! 当! The loud acoustic shock recited! 响声震吟! Sun Divine Furnace spans void, divine fire ten thousand brilliant raise, making the vault of heaven change to endless fire domain. 太阳神炉横亘虚空,神火万道灼灼升起,令天穹化作无尽火域 That Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit evil aura is defeated and dispersed, exudes the sad and shrill incomparable miserable howling sound, scary heart and soul. 那名准仙级邪灵邪气溃散,发出凄厉无比的惨嚎声,骇人心魄。 Meanwhile, Shen Tian stimulates to movement Muddy Heaven Divine Fist, carries the strength of Sun and Moon stars, falls from the sky just like the big star, hōng strikes in right Evil Spirit body. 同时,沈天催动浑天神拳,携带日月星辰之力,宛若大星陨落,击在右边的邪灵身上 Thump! 咚! The physical body collision sound gets up, shocking. 肉体碰撞声响起,触目惊心。 That Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit hōng entering the sea bottom ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the water splash splutters ten thousand li (0.5 km). 那名准仙级邪灵入海底万丈,水花溅射万里。 Shen Tian follows up a victory with hot pursuit, the fist glow is unparalleled, such as beyond the day the alpha of ursa minor subsides, is above mundane thoughts with trillion star light. 沈天乘胜追击,拳芒盖世,如天外帝星沉降,携亿万星光绝尘而出。 Each fist falls, just like the stars to explode broken, destroys Heaven and Earth. 每一拳落下,都犹如星辰爆碎,摧毁天地 „......!” “呃……啊啊啊!” The seabed deep place, transmits the profound heart the miserable howling sound, just like the evil spirit to roar, is bearing the great suffering. 海底深处,传来痛彻心扉的惨嚎声,犹如厉鬼咆哮,在承受着巨大痛苦。 The sea level appears the huge vortex, the power and influence is rock the earth. 海平面浮现出巨大漩涡,威势震天动地。 Quick, Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit was flown again by hōng, the body flies in the midair, then blasts open instantaneously. 很快,准仙级邪灵被再度飞出来,身躯飞到半空中,便瞬间炸裂开来。 No!!!” “不!!!” The Evil Spirit state of mind sends out sad and shrill miserable howling, runs away to the day. 邪灵神魂发出凄厉惨嚎,向天外逃遁。 However, Shen Tian acts again, both hands become divine light to linger, contain greatest dignified. 然而,沈天再度出手,双手变得神光萦绕,蕴含着莫大威严。 Breaking Heavens Origin Hand!” 破苍元手!” His big palm sweeps away, carries the strength of vast Heaven and Earth, pierces this vault of heaven directly, pats to Evil Spirit. 他大掌横扫,携带浩瀚的天地之力,直接将这处天穹洞穿,向邪灵拍去。 In an instant, the Evil Spirit state of mind annihilates thoroughly, is frightened out of one's wits. 刹那间,邪灵神魂彻底湮灭,魂飞魄散。 pēng! Also the invincible might blooms. 又有一股神威绽放出来。 The Sun Divine Furnace ray is radiant, the imposing manner threatens incomparably, release endless Sun True Fire. 太阳神炉光芒璀璨,气势威赫无比,释放出无尽太阳真火 Under Sun True Fire burning down, another Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit blasts out similarly, nascent spirit was burnt to extinguish, changes to flying ash dissipation Heaven and Earth. 太阳真火焚烧下,另一名准仙级邪灵同样炸开,元神被焚灭,化作飞灰消散天地 Shen Tian is situated in void, the appearance is unparalleled, making countless people turn one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily. 沈天立于虚空,神采盖世,令无数人神驰目眩。 Everyone is dumbfounded, the mind shakes. 所有人目瞪口呆,心神震荡。 They have not thought, Shen Tian battle strength is so unexpectedly powerful! 他们万万没有想到,沈天战力竟然如此强大! By an enemy three, in ten moves solve the opponent! 以一敌三,十招之内解决对手! This grade of battle strength, terrifying in this way! 这等战力,恐怖如斯! This grade of elegant demeanor, peerless is unparalleled! 这等风采,绝代盖世! ...... …… Is this new Divine Firmament Holy Lord, the destiny Son of Providence Shen Tian’s real strength? 这就是新一任神霄圣主,天命气运之子沈天的真实实力吗? Really the having god-given wisdom supernatural might, loved the love!!! 果然天纵神武,爱了爱了!!!
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