IARNSP :: Volume #2 神霄圣地——绿光普照

#110: Teacher, is you teacher?

In the Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus heart raises the doubts, at this time Divine Firmament Holy Lord opens the mouth: Junior Apprentice Sister Gold Lotus came.” 金莲天尊心中升起疑惑,这时神霄圣主开口:“金莲师妹来了。” Come, this throne said that this was this gate new generation Holy Son, Shen Tian.” “来,本座介绍一下,这位便是本门新任圣子,沈天。” Shen Tian nods, salutes respectfully: Has seen Uncle-Master Gold Lotus.” 沈天点头,恭恭敬敬地行礼:“见过金莲师叔。” The Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus brow slightly wrinkle, said: „Are you surnamed Shen? East Desolate Great Fire Kingdom king monarch sovereign Shen Ao, what person is Ye Lanyu your?” 金莲天尊眉头微皱,道:“你姓沈?东荒大炎国国主沈傲,还有叶兰语是你什么人?” Listens to the Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus issue, Shen Tian somewhat unable to feel the mind: Shen Ao is my father, Consort Lan is my mother.” 听着金莲天尊的问题,沈天有些摸不着头脑:“沈傲乃家父,兰妃乃家母。” Listens to the Shen Tian’s words, the ashamed and resentful lust in Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus eye is abundant: You went too far! 听完沈天的话,金莲天尊眼中的羞愤之色欲盛:尔等欺人太甚! 20 years ago your Ye Lanyu depends on the appearance to press the this venerable crest of wave, this. 二十年前你叶兰语靠着容颜压过本尊风头,这也就罢了。 20 years later your son also is so unexpectedly handsome, steamroll my son? 二十年后你的儿子居然也这么英俊,碾压我儿子? Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus turned the head, looked at eye own unlucky son. 金莲天尊转过头来,望了眼自己的倒霉儿子。 Although is also delicate, but called Shen Tian’s brat to have no way to compare with this completely! 虽然也算清秀,但跟这叫沈天的小子完全没法比好嘛! At once, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus even more must hate him not to struggle to Qin Yundi, takes a look at others family/home child! 一时之间,金莲天尊秦云迪愈发得恨其不争,瞧瞧别人家孩子! Handsome! 多英俊! Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus moves toward Shen Tian slowly, the golden hair flutters with the wind, in an eye is full of the intense hallucination color. 金莲天尊缓缓走向沈天,金发随风飘扬,一双眼睛中充满强烈的迷幻色彩。 As her lotus steps come leisurely, raises the difficult situation mammoth immediately, however the facial features actually appear young and young beautiful. 随着她莲步款款而来,波澜壮阔随即掀起惊涛骇浪,然而面容却显得年轻而稚美。 Yes, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus is displaying to flatter merit «Confusing the Heaven Charm Sutra», she must conquer at present this youngster by the beautiful appearance. 是的,金莲天尊在施展媚功《迷天媚经》,她必须以美貌征服眼前这少年。 The person of this imaginary technique, in the heart the desire will be enlarged infinitely, thus deeply is infatuated with art user. 中这种幻术的人,心中欲念会被无限放大,从而深深迷恋施术者 The idea of Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus is very simple, I could not conquer you, that conquered your son! 金莲天尊的想法很简单,我征服不了你,那就征服你儿子! However what made Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus shock, how regardless of oneself stimulated to movement to flatter the merit, at present the man seems very calm. 然而令金莲天尊震撼的是,不论自己如何催动媚功,眼前男子看起来似乎都很淡定。 She uses to flatter the merit in various desire pictures that in the Shen Tian mind raises, is unable to make him produce unexpectedly slightly rude. 她利用媚功在沈天脑海中掀起的各种欲念画面,竟无法让他产生丝毫失态。 Must know that «Confusing the Heaven Charm Sutra» is most fearful, what is you sees is most wants to see the person. 要知道《迷天媚经》最可怕的,就是你看到的是最想看到的人。 The person who most wants to see, surrenders, happy of fish water to you in the illusion. 最想看到的人,在幻象中对你投怀送抱、鱼水之欢。 Even if cultivation base high day certainly, is very difficult to dominate! 纵使修为高绝之日,也很难把持得住啊! At present can this youngster, mind like still water unexpectedly? 眼前这位少年,竟能心如止水? ...... …… Finally, Shen Tian opened the mouth in front of Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus: ***? Is you ***?” 终于,沈天金莲天尊面前开口了:“***?是你吗***?” His words, make the Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus corners of the mouth twitch immediately crazily, instantaneous frustrated body anteflexion. 他的话,顿时让金莲天尊嘴角疯狂抽搐,瞬间失意体前屈。 Heaven ah! 天啊 The this throne self-torture flatters the merit hundred years, is actually why, for anything! 本座苦修媚功百年,究竟是为什么,是为了什么啊! Ye Lanyu you can disregard the this venerable beautiful appearance, this venerable are speechless. 叶兰语你能无视本尊美貌,本尊无话可说。 Is thinking your son also insulted this venerable! 想着就连你儿子也如此侮辱本尊 this venerable emits the charm before him with all might and main, rouses in his heart the desire, finally does he see a teacher unexpectedly? 本尊在他面前竭尽全力地散发魅力,勾动他心中欲念,结果他居然看到一个老师? Your is brat a klutz? Actually is what teacher, can I be more attractive than this venerable? 小子是个木头人吗?究竟是什么样的老师,能比本尊我还更有魅力? this throne these hundred years of self-tortures flatters the merit peerless, is it possible that is really useless to your lineage/vein? 本座这百年苦修的绝世媚功,莫非真的对你们一脉毫无用处吗? At once, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus crazy suspect life, flatters the merit also to collapse of itself. 一时之间,金莲天尊疯狂怀疑人生,媚功也不攻自破。 Shen Tian shook the head, recovers, at once perspiration however. 沈天晃了晃脑袋,回过神来,一时之间汗然。 Really, in this Cultivation World everywhere is the crises, filled planning. 果然,在这修仙界中处处都是危机,充满了算计。 Even the Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus in Divine Firmament Holy Land, will plot against me secretly. 甚至就连神霄圣地里的这位金莲天尊,也会偷偷暗算我。 Just now Shen Tian with Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus looking at each other, in the mind presents many pictures incautiously instantaneously. 方才沈天一不小心与金莲天尊对视,脑海中瞬间出现许多画面。 Stood in Shen Tian front Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus, turns into a familiar affection teacher appearance suddenly. 原本站在沈天面前的金莲天尊,也突然变成一位熟悉慈爱的老师模样。 If not the Shen Tian previous generation bustling place refining up the heart, has experienced the innumerable similar tempering, has exercised the saints and sages state of mind. 若非沈天前世红尘炼心,早已经历过无数次类似的磨炼,早已练就圣贤心境。 Perhaps a Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus look, has just now made Shen Tian not be oneself loses face rude. 恐怕方才金莲天尊的一个眼神,已经让沈天神魂颠倒失态出丑了。 At this time, Divine Firmament Holy Lord was full of the sound of appreciation to resound: Good, very good.” 这时,神霄圣主充满赞赏的声音响起:“好,非常好。” Has not seen Tian’er your cultivation base, although is shallow, said that the heart is so firm.” “没见到天儿修为虽浅,道心却如此坚定。” Sees a teacher in the Junior Apprentice Sister Gold Lotus illusion unexpectedly, this is very good.” “在金莲师妹的幻象中居然看见一位老师,这很好。” Notice will only court destruction hostile aggressive, studies the multi- studies to progress!” “须知好勇斗狠只会自取灭亡,多读书多学习才能进步!” Maintains this pure feelings, in the future this gate must lead carrying forward by you!” “保持住这种赤子之心,日后本门还要靠你领导着发扬光大!” Hears Holy Lord to appreciate to Shen Tian, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus is uncomfortable, this is the child of others family/home. 听到圣主沈天赞赏,金莲天尊不由难受,这就是别人家的孩子。 The own that far-fetched kid does not exercise martial arts diligently, the same generation one crowd of Gold Core, he still shakes in Foundation Building Stage. 自家那不靠谱的娃练功不努力,同辈都一群金丹,他还在筑基期晃悠。 Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus was uncomfortable enough, now looks the Consort Lan son has become Holy Son. 原本金莲天尊都够难受了,现在一看兰妃的儿子已经当上圣子 Moreover Divine Firmament Holy Lord also quite appreciates to it, prepares shortly, when Holy Lord training! 而且神霄圣主对其还相当赞赏,眼瞅着准备当圣主培养! Immediately, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus at heart, that say/way beautiful shadow appeared. 顿时,金莲天尊的心里,那道绝美阴影又出现了。 ...... …… She gets angry saying: Holy Lord calls this venerable to come, so-called what matter?” 她黑着脸道:“圣主本尊前来,所谓何事?” Divine Firmament Holy Lord shows a faint smile, said: junior apprentice sister, you had a good son!” 神霄圣主微微一笑,道:“师妹,你生了个好儿子啊!” Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus gawked staring, is Senior Apprentice Brother Holy Lord this is praising the son who my does not make every effort to succeed? 金莲天尊愣了愣,圣主师兄这是在夸我那个不争气的儿子吗? She looks to Qin Yundi, actually sees the Qin Yundi golden hair to flutter at this time, is narrowing the eye, seems very self-satisfied. 她望向秦云迪,却见此时秦云迪金发飘扬,眯着眼睛,似乎很得意。 Said that so many years, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus sees for the first time own son so high-spirited appearance. 说起来这么多年,金莲天尊还是第一次看到自己儿子如此意气风发的样子。 Holy Lord told Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus the water counter Yin-Yang Great Way theory with a smile, opens fire to her. 圣主笑着将水逆阴阳大道理论告诉金莲天尊,对她开了一枪。 Immediately, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus to this mysterious strength shock. 顿时,金莲天尊对这种神奇的力量震惊了。 Did the son who own this does not make every effort to succeed, study this mysterious magical item unexpectedly? 自己这不争气的儿子,居然研究出了这种神奇法器 Has not used the Gold Core Stage above principle obviously the strength, can threaten Gold Core Stage expert unexpectedly. 明明没有动用金丹期以上法则的力量,竟能威胁到金丹期强者 However in knowing this theory and magical item is the Holy Son research, after oneself son is only the tool person . 然而在得知这种理论和法器都是圣子研究的,自家儿子只是个工具人后。 The Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus crack, really oneself son did not make every effort to succeed as always, the person supposed has not collapsed. 金莲天尊裂了,果然自家儿子还是一如既往不争气,人设没崩。 Divine Firmament Holy Lord said: Although is the theory that Holy Son put forward, but Yundi nephew-apprentice helped Holy Son develop magical treasure also to have the merit.” 神霄圣主道:“虽然是圣子提出的理论,但云迪师侄帮助圣子研制法宝也有功劳。” Therefore this throne decided that builds a secret palace in Gold Lotus Peak additionally, special production this Thunder Talisman.” “所以本座决定在金莲峰额外建立一座秘密宫殿,专门生产这种雷符。” However the Junior Apprentice Sister Gold Lotus duty, is refines to be able recycle electrolysis magical item.” “而金莲师妹的任务,便是炼制出可以循环使用的电解法器。” This magical item must seal, inscribes profound shield array, cannot to know secretly.” “这种法器必须密封,铭刻高深的屏蔽阵法,不能让人得知其中秘密。” „The disciple of participation duty only need transform the spirit strength as the thunder inputs magical item, another end then can discharge the Yin-Yang two air/Qi.” “参与任务的弟子只需将灵力转化为雷霆输入法器,另一端便能排出阴阳二气。” According to the Tian’er view, if this magical item can the Yin-Yang two air/Qi income symbols, have Thunder Explosive Talisman to be better simultaneously directly.” “按照天儿说法,如果这法器能同时将阴阳二气收入符中,直接产生雷爆符就更好了。” Divine Firmament Holy Lord looks at Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus, the smile was saying: According to this request refines magical item, should not be difficult!” 神霄圣主望着金莲天尊,微笑道:“按照这种要求炼制法器,应该并不难吧!” Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus faintly said: This magical item core is to then shield array, other is very relaxed.” 金莲天尊淡漠道:“这法器的核心便是屏蔽阵法,其他的很轻松。” this venerable inscribes bullies day of great array, even if Saint cannot easily look through.” 本尊铭刻的‘欺天大阵’,纵使圣者也不能轻易看破。” Divine Firmament Holy Lord nods: „, this throne generation of Holy Land apologized to junior apprentice sister.” 神霄圣主点头:“如此,本座圣地谢过师妹。” If Yin-Yang Thunder Explosive Talisman delivers officially, the net profit 40% turn over to Holy Son, 10% turn over to Yundi.” “若阴阳雷爆符正式产出,净利润40%归圣子,10%归云迪。” If junior apprentice sister is willing to assume the Gold Lotus Peak supervision hierograph manufacture, then in other 50% net profits.” “若师妹愿坐镇金莲峰监督神符制造,那么剩余的50%净利润中。” Holy Land can put out 20% to come out, treats as to give the junior apprentice sister’s reward, will not disappoint junior apprentice sister.” 圣地可以拿出20%出来,当做给予师妹的酬劳,绝不会让师妹失望。” As the Divine Firmament Holy Lord’s words fall, after the production line establishes the profit carved up the result. 随着神霄圣主的话落下,生产线建立后的利润瓜分有了结果。 Shen Tian and Qin Yundi were compelled to divide 50% net profits, Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus were responsible for following overseeing the manufacture of daily, divide 20% net profits. 沈天秦云迪被逼着分了50%净利润,金莲天尊负责后续日常督造,分走20%净利润。 But the Holy Land achievement sells the Thunder Talisman platform and for the backstage that the people support, takes 30% net profits. 圣地作为出售雷符的平台和替众人撑腰的后台,取走30%净利润。 Generally speaking, the wood has sentimental Holy Lord to the person on one's own side is very sincere. 总的来说,木有感情的圣主对自己人还是很厚道的。 At this time everyone on the scene, almost divided the advantage. 此时在场的所有人,几乎都分到了好处。 Yes, almost divided the advantage. 是的,几乎都分到了好处。 Except for some Big Apprentice Brother. 除了某大师兄
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