IARNBS :: Volume #5

#422: Butchers the fat sheep

My Ji Xiaofeng, Black Skeleton Great Military Strategist.” “鄙人纪晓风,黑骷髅大军师。” The starry sky comes the electricity the sound, appears a calm confidence. 星空来电的声音,显出一种气定神闲的信心。 Meanwhile, this comes the electricity to have the connection request of projection video. 同时,这个来电有投影视频的连接请求。 Black Skeleton? 黑骷髅 Luo Liang did not mind, adopted the projection connection of future. 罗亮并不介意,通过了来者的投影连接。 Quick, a hand grasps the feather fan, wears the vintage confucian robe middle age, is reflected in the front. 很快,一个手握羽扇,身穿复古儒袍的中年,投映在面前。 As the matter stands. 这样一来。 In starry sky another end Ji Xiaofeng, can see the Luo Liang facial features image. 身在星空另一端的纪晓风,也能看到罗亮的面容形象。 both sides can catch opposite facial expression change. 双方都能捕捉对面的神情变化。 „Does the discipline big military do?” “纪大军事有何贵干?” Luo Liang is calm and composed even in press of work, takes a look at the legendary character in this star pirate. 罗亮好整以暇,打量这位星盗中的传奇人物。 Black Skeleton as the Luo Liang potential enemy, he naturally understands many information. 黑骷髅作为罗亮潜在的敌人,他自然了解到不少情报。 Ji Xiaofeng, itself cultivation base at least is Rank 6 Planet Rank starts, this is only next. 纪晓风,本身修为至少是6级-行星级起步,这只是其次。 He is Black Skeleton Star Pirates Great Military Strategist, absolute brain truster high level. Black Skeleton many strategies, are this Great Military Strategist formulate. 他是黑骷髅星盗团大军师,绝对的智囊高层。黑骷髅的很多战略,都是这位大军师制定的。 Even Black Skeleton Vice Group Leader, respects the opinion of Ji Xiaofeng very much. 就算是黑骷髅的正副团长,都很尊重纪晓风的意见。 This can be counted the Black Skeleton helmsman. 这位可以算作黑骷髅的舵手。 Luo Liang, our Black Skeleton Vice Group Leader Simba daughter, dies in your Tianyun Manor. This matter you whether can give a view?” 罗亮,我们黑骷髅辛巴副团长的女儿,死在你的天云庄园。这件事你是否要给一个说法?” Vice Group Leader Simba is very angry! If not I and others stopped, one two moon/month ago, he then almost makes the extreme action.” 辛巴副团长很愤怒!若非我等阻拦,早在一两个月前,他便差点做出过激举动。” A topic beginning, Great Military Strategist Ji Xiaofeng is then aggressive, in the spoken language has the meaning of threat. 话题一开场,纪晓风大军师便咄咄逼人,言语中有威胁之意。 Luo Liang laughs at one, the say/way of thinking little: 罗亮嗤笑一声,不以为意的道: „The Red Temple Lily death, has only self to blame. If your excellency this time comes the electricity, to speak the threat, can stop.” 红刹莉莉的死,是咎由自取。如果阁下这次来电,就是为了出言威胁,可以到此为止。” As for the Vice Group Leader Simba anger, I can understand that makes father's mood. But with all due respect, he is not Starry Sky Great Expert, do not bring the unexpected misfortune for Black Skeleton.” “至于辛巴副团长的怒火,我可以理解做父亲的心情。但恕我直言,他不是星空大能,不要为黑骷髅带来无妄之灾。” The strong counter-attack of Luo Liang, making Ji Xiaofeng change countenance slightly. 罗亮的强硬回击,让纪晓风微微动容。 Similar accountability and threat, Great Military Strategist had once used for Xiao Qiantong. 类似的问责和威胁,大军师曾对肖千桐使用过。 That time tone was more intense, disregards another's feelings. 那时的语气更加激烈,不留情面。 Under then Xiao Qiantong, felt indignant but not daring to speak out, suppresses the anger. 当时的肖千桐,敢怒不敢言,强忍下怒火。 Although there is at that time situation reason, but obviously Black Skeleton fearful influence and energy. 虽然有彼时局势的原因,但可见黑骷髅可怕的势力和能量。 Luo Liang this time response, is clearly opposite with Xiao Qiantong. 罗亮此时的反应,与肖千桐截然相反。 Ji Xiaofeng carefully observes his expression, that is true serene, is sporty. 纪晓风仔细观察他的表情,那是一种真正的云淡风轻,底气十足。 Did not bluster. 绝非是虚张声势。 Luo Liang grasps two Arrow God Token now, other cards in hand, naturally have the energy very much, does not need to install. 罗亮现在手握两枚箭神令牌,还有其它的底牌,自然很有底气,根本不用装。 Hehe, Tianyun Manor Young Master Luo, living up to reputation, the tone is very big. Takes a broad view at the human starry sky, but also without many chancellor people of influence dares to speak frankly that the contempt, threatens our seven big star pirate groups.” “呵呵,天云庄园罗公子,名不虚传,口气大得很。放眼人类星空,还没有多少势力的主事人敢直言轻视、威胁我们七大星盗团。” Ji Xiaofeng flaps the feather fan, said with a smile lightly. 纪晓风拍动羽扇,轻笑道。 He refers, is unexpected misfortune that Luo Liang said a moment ago, contempt to Vice Group Leader Simba. 他所指,是罗亮刚才说的无妄之灾,对副团长辛巴的轻视。 Black Skeleton has investigated the Luo Liang information, knows that he obtains looking upon with favor of North Star new and old two Principal. 黑骷髅调查过罗亮信息,知道他得到北辰新老两任校长的垂青。 However, Black Skeleton also has Starry Sky Great Expert to assume personal command. Can't Luo Liang momentarily the protections in secret 7, Rank 8 powerhouses? 然而,黑骷髅也有星空大能坐镇。罗亮总不能随时有七、8级强者的暗中保护吧? The Black Skeleton true scruples, are the mysterious strength that behind Luo Liang Tianyun Manor hides. 黑骷髅真正的顾忌,是罗亮背后天云庄园潜藏的神秘力量。 In their after action review, double Rank 6 Xiao Qiantong falls from the sky in the foreign land explores, extremely possibly is the Tianyun Manor writing skill. 在他们事后分析中,双6级肖千桐陨落在异域探索,极可能是天云庄园的手笔。 The breakthrough of Headmistress Li Yutong taboo Golden Core, the close relations with Tianyun Manor, makes Black Skeleton dread and suspect similarly. 女校长李雨桐禁忌金丹的突破,与天云庄园的紧密关系,同样让黑骷髅忌惮、猜疑。 I speak the truth. Your these star pirate again horizontal, must add a definitive, only limits in the human starry sky area.” “我只是说实话而已。你们这些星盗再横,也要加一个限定词,仅限人类星空疆域内。” Luo Liang unrestrained/no trace of politeness, during the spoken languages has to despise and despise. 罗亮毫不客气,言语间带有鄙夷、轻蔑。 The Ji Xiaofeng complexion stagnates, both eyes twinkle severe glow. 纪晓风面色一滞,双目闪烁厉芒。 He has met with some top big shot between federations, has not met Luo Liang is so rampant, is in front of his Great Military Strategist, ridiculing and threat of being relentless. 他会晤过联邦间的一些顶级大佬,还没遇到罗亮这般嚣张,当着他这位大军师的面,毫不留情的奚落和威胁。 Even the Ji Xiaofeng self-control, in the heart still has the anger. 即便是纪晓风的涵养,心中也有怒气。 The Luo Liang words, uncovered short of seven big star pirate groups. 罗亮的话,算是揭了七大星盗团的短。 These top star pirate groups, can run amuck the Freedom Federation starry sky, is powerful except for oneself influence background, has Starry Sky Great Expert to assume personal command. An important reason, that colludes with the federal regime, is in cahoots. 这些个顶级星盗团,能横行自由联邦星空,除了本人势力底蕴强大,都有星空大能坐镇。还有一个重要原因,那就是与联邦政体内部勾结,狼狈为奸。 Ji Xiaofeng deeply inspires, stills the state of mind. 纪晓风深吸一口气,平定心绪。 He knows, Luo Liang is different from Xiao Qiantong. This is sporty, simply has not paid attention to Black Skeleton star pirate, the energy of openly or covertly demonstrating, truly can pose the enormous threat to Black Skeleton. 他知道,罗亮不同于肖千桐。这位底气十足,根本没将黑骷髅星盗放在眼里,或明或暗展示的能量,确实能对黑骷髅造成极大威胁。 Black Skeleton, if refuses to accept, can, when I leave school to go out looks for trouble. Best is your Starry Sky Great Expert regimental commander acts, this has the component a little.” 黑骷髅若是不服,可以在我离校外出的时候来找麻烦。最好是你们星空大能的团长出面,这样更有份量有点。” Luo Liang faint smile say/way. 罗亮似笑非笑的道。 Young Master Luo chatted. When I star pirate is too long, the beforehand expression is somewhat improper, please must mind not.” 罗公子说笑了。鄙人当星盗太久,之前的措辞有些不当,请莫要介意。” Ji Xiaofeng no being out of sorts shows the warm smile, seemed the aggressiveness and smell of gunpowder completely does not exist. 纪晓风毫无违和的露出热情笑容,好似刚才的咄咄逼人和火药味全然不存在。 Actually, words language that he begins, is probe that the union watches a person's every mood. 其实,他开头的一番话语,是结合察言观色的试探。 The result of probe, is not optimistic. 试探的结果,非常不乐观。 Luo Liang is faint has a self-confidence, Black Skeleton regards, if clown, is Starry Sky Great Expert kills, is fearless. 罗亮隐隐间有种自信,将黑骷髅视若小丑,便是星空大能杀来,也毫无畏惧。 Imitates if the top character of summit of standing erect starry sky. 仿若屹立星空之巅的顶级人物。 I this time meet with Young Master Luo, was entrusted by Vice Group Leader Simba, wants to purchase the same goods in your hand.” “鄙人这次与罗公子会晤,是受辛巴副团长受托,想购买你手中的一样物品。” Ji Xiaofeng makes concessions on own initiative, the spoken language is polite, on the face greets with a smile. 纪晓风主动退让,言语客气,脸上陪笑。 At this time, he facing the Luo Liang attitude, formed the striking contrast with Xiao Qiantong at that time. 此时,他面对罗亮的态度,与肖千桐那时形成鲜明对比。 The rule of law of the jungle, in the star pirate world cruel reality. 弱肉强食的规则,在星盗世界更加残酷现实。 Luo Liang is desirably arbitrary, suppresses the arrogance of opposite party unscrupulously. 罗亮是刻意蛮横,肆无忌惮打压对方的气焰。 This type to spelling or does not die continuous, either the side recognizes instigated. 这种对拼要么不死不休,要么有一方认怂。 Finally, Black Skeleton Great Military Strategist recognized instigates. 最终,黑骷髅大军师认怂了。 Purchase goods? Is Red Temple Lily Bloodline Essence Whitesoul?” “购买物品?是红刹莉莉血脉精魄?” The Luo Liang vision flashes, immediately thinks of the Ji Xiaofeng purpose in coming. 罗亮目光一闪,立即想到纪晓风的来意。 That day in Tianyun Manor. 那日在天云庄园 Before the Red Temple Lily, combustion body bloodlines, form extremely rare Bloodline Essence Whitesoul at the point of death. 红刹莉莉临死前燃烧身体血脉,形成一颗极其罕见的血脉精魄 This Bloodline Essence Whitesoul, can inherit the Red Temple Lily before death bloodlines strength, some fight skills and experiences remember. 这颗血脉精魄,能让人继承红刹莉莉生前的血脉力量,部分战斗技巧和经验记忆。 In addition, an uncertain opportunity, making Red Temple Lily recover, in alternative forms continues the life. 此外,还有一丝渺茫机会,让红刹莉莉复苏过来,以另一种形式将生命延续下去。 Right, is this thing.” “没错,正是此物。” Ji Xiaofeng had not denied. 纪晓风没有否认。 „Do you want to recover Red Temple Lily? This is not very easy, this existed except for Universe Supreme, only then Spirit Controller wait/etc. extremely rare profession, has good cultivation base and inheritance, can say that had confidence.” “你们想复苏红刹莉莉?这不算很容易,除了宇宙至尊这等存在,只有御灵师等极其罕见的职业,具备不俗的修为和传承,才能说有把握。” Say/Way that Luo Liang smiles. 罗亮笑眯眯的道。 In the Ji Xiaofeng heart smiles bitterly, with the Luo Liang level and experience, is very difficult to hide the truth from him. 纪晓风心中苦笑,以罗亮的层次和见识,果然很难瞒过他。 The method of Luo Liang to recovery, clear. 罗亮对复苏的方法,一清二楚。 Ji Xiaofeng does not want rubbish, spoke frankly: We are willing to pay the sincerity the value, hopes that Young Master Luo lifts one, offers the standard.” 纪晓风不想废话,直言道:“我们愿意付出诚意的价值,希望罗公子抬一手,报个价格。” Luo Liang hearing this, was at heart happy. 罗亮闻言,心里乐了。 He happen to lacks points, the arrangement catches space-time category variant beast. 他正好缺积分,筹备捕获时空系异兽 Truth that the fat sheep that this Black Skeleton delivers, how can there be he does not butcher. 黑骷髅送上门的肥羊,他岂有不宰的道理。 Said, I gave you a list. You put out the resources on list, can trade with me.” “好说,我给你一份清单。你们拿出清单上的资源,便可与我交易。” The Luo Liang smile is temperate. 罗亮笑容温和。 Refreshed of Luo Liang, lets a Ji Xiaofeng facial expression loosen. 罗亮的爽快,让纪晓风神情一松。 The worst case scenario has not appeared finally. 最坏的情况总算没出现。 Also right. 也对。 This Bloodline Essence Whitesoul, does not have to Luo Liang affects. If detains, has the dead enmity with Black Skeleton, might as well receive in exchange a richer benefit, why not go ahead with it. 这颗血脉精魄,对罗亮无甚作用。如果强留,就是跟黑骷髅结下死仇,不如换回更丰厚的利益,何乐不为。 However. 然而。 When Ji Xiaofeng receives the list, sees the above resource demand, the complexion becomes embarrassed. 纪晓风收到清单,看到上面的资源需求,面色变得难堪。 The Luo Liang initial price was too black! 罗亮的开价太黑了! In list these superpower resources, although is not top or scarce, but the total value compares Red Temple Lily Bloodline Essence Whitesoul, wants high 20-30 times. 清单上那些超能资源,尽管算不上顶级或者稀缺,可总价值相比红刹莉莉血脉精魄,要高20-30倍。 Young Master Luo, was this price somewhat excessive.” 罗公子,这价格是不是有些过分了。” The Ji Xiaofeng complexion becomes dark. 纪晓风脸色发黑。 Red Temple Lily Bloodline Essence Whitesoul, is unique in the entire universe, is scarcer than Universe Supreme, where was excessive?” 红刹莉莉血脉精魄,在全宇宙独一无二,比宇宙至尊还要稀少,哪里过份了?” Luo Liang shakes the head to say. 罗亮摇头道。 The Ji Xiaofeng nose quick air/Qi was crooked. 纪晓风鼻子快气歪了。 Luo Liang this is the fallacy! According to his theory, each mortal individual is unique. 罗亮这是谬论!按照他的理论,每个凡人个体都是独一无二。 Luo Liang knows that their demands, this is asks an outrageous price. 罗亮知道他们的需求,这是漫天要价。 Ji Xiaofeng is preparing to negotiate. 纪晓风正准备砍价。 Suddenly, he looks at the resources on these lists, the feeling is somewhat familiar. 忽然,他看着那些清单上的资源,感觉有些熟悉。 Wait a bit, I and Vice Group Leader discussed 12.” “稍等,我与副团长商议一二。” Ji Xiaofeng rotates the body suddenly, leaves the projection picture. 纪晓风突然回转身体,离开投影画面。 In the profound palace in his ships fortress. 他所处舰船堡垒的幽深殿室内。 On the white bones throne, sits a waist hip double sword, to shoulder the bronze flintlock, big such as the blonde man of lion. 白骨王座上,坐着一位腰胯双剑、背负青铜火枪,高大如狮子的金发男子。 The Vice Group Leader Simba entire journey pays attention to Ji Xiaofeng and dialogue of Luo Liang projection, the complexion is deep, a word has not sent. 辛巴副团长全程关注纪晓风罗亮投影的对话,面色深沉,一言未发。 „The price that Second Leader, Luo Liang opens the mouth is high.” 二当家,罗亮开口的价格非常高。” Odd?” “有多离谱?” The Simba brown blue color eye pupil, concentrates wipes presently ice-cold. 辛巴棕蓝色眼瞳,凝现一抹冰冷。 At your worth, pouring is not very exaggerating.” Ji Xiaofeng said scruple. “以您的身价,倒也算不上很夸张。”纪晓风迟疑道。 Is only, has the point of coincidence. superpower resources that in his list is listed as, basically is our Black Skeleton nearly a half year plunders, has not completed the superpower resources that disposes stolen goods.” “只是,有很巧合的一点。他清单上列居的超能资源,基本是我们黑骷髅近半年掠夺,还没有完成销赃的超能资源。” At this point, the Ji Xiaofeng complexion is very dignified. 说到这里,纪晓风面色无比凝重。 Vice Group Leader Simba feels an invisible chill in the air, the innermost feelings are serious. 辛巴副团长感到一股无形的寒意,内心沉重。 They believe, this is not the coincidence. 他们相信,这绝非是巧合。 This list showed. Is Luo Liang familiar with their Black Skeleton nearly a half year of plundering harvest? Also or virtual invaded their internal storehouse information simply. 这份清单岂不是证明。罗亮对他们黑骷髅近半年的掠夺收获了如指掌?亦或干脆虚拟入侵了他们的内部库房信息。 Their internal properties and storehouses, are in the net, has the physics to isolate the method. Even Dark Web top Virtual Grandmaster, cannot achieve the traceless invasion. 他们内部的财物和库房,可是内网,有物理隔绝手段。就算是暗网的顶级虚拟大师,也做不到毫无痕迹的入侵。 Simba and Ji Xiaofeng believe that is the former. 辛巴纪晓风更相信是前者。 Promises him.” “答应他。” Vice Group Leader Simba deeply inspires, a fist grips tightly, difficult said three characters. 辛巴副团长深吸一口气,一只拳头攥紧,艰涩的说出三个字。 At this moment, has to do with Luo Liang truly. Vice Group Leader Simba realized truly this youngster weird is immeasurably deep with Tianyun Manor. 这一刻,真正与罗亮打交道。辛巴副团长才真正体会到这个少年的邪门和天云庄园深不可测。 Even if his such legendary star pirate that shakes the starry sky, feels weak, the subconsciousness does not want with Luo Liang for the enemy. 就算是他这样名震星空的传奇星盗,都感到无力,下意识不想与罗亮为敌。 Young Master Luo, Vice Group Leader Simba complies with your offer.” 罗公子,辛巴副团长答应你的报价。” Ji Xiaofeng returns to front of the projection drawing, deeply looked at Luo Liang one. 纪晓风回到投影画面前,深深看了罗亮一眼。 Has wisdom fox he of name, facing this youngster, felt that all intelligence plan, in the face of the non-solution strength and method, seems without the function. 有“智狐”之称的他,面对这个少年,感觉一切智力算计,在无解的实力和手段面前,显得毫无作用。 The Luo Liang conduct attitude the simple and crude, making him feel helpless. 罗亮的行事作风又简单粗暴,让他感到无奈。 Then. 接下来。 Two people discussed the transaction place and related regulation. 二人商议了交易地点和相关细则。 Trades the Dark Web black market the channel. 交易走暗网黑市的渠道。 In order to guarantee reliability of transaction, place on Dawn Galaxy remote planet. 为保证交易的可靠性,地点在晨光星系的一颗偏远星球上。 Luo Liang planned that makes Headmistress Li Yutong run. 罗亮打算让女校长李雨桐跑一趟。 Li Yutong from Heaven Blue Star set off, on going to the North Star road, happen to took the goods on the way in the past. 李雨桐已经从天蓝星出发,在前往北辰星的路上,正好顺路过去取货。 both sides happy agreement agreement. 双方愉快的达成协议。 The offer on Luo Liang list, is the superpower resources that in the Black Skeleton storehouse has not disposed stolen goods. 罗亮清单上的报价,都是黑骷髅库房里没销赃的超能资源。 These are the stolen goods, cannot by the market price theory, at least need to give the 50% discount. 这些属于赃物,不能以市面价论,至少要打五折。 Vice Group Leader Simba truly was a chapter of fool, the price of but paying is not very actually big, is accepting the range. 辛巴副团长确实当了一回冤大头,但付出的代价其实没有特别大,在接受范围。 Luo Liang butchers the fat sheep, will grasp one, lets the opposite party anxiety at the same time, in limit of acceptance. 罗亮宰肥羊,会掌握一个度,让对方肉疼的同时,又在接受的极限内。 Generally shears chives, will keep a root, leaves behind a longer-term benefit. 一般割韭菜,也会留一个根,留下更长远的利益。 Before hanging up telephone conversation. 在挂断通话前。 Say/Way that Luo Liang smiles: Military Strategist Ji, conveyed one for me to Vice Group Leader Simba.” 罗亮笑眯眯的道:“纪军师,替我向辛巴副团长转达一句。” Please say.” “请讲。” Received Lily Bloodline Essence Whitesoul. If you do not have the appropriate candidate recovery, I can recommend senior Spirit Controller for you. Naturally, that Spirit Controller appearance money is not low, your oneself has the ability solution is best.” “等收到莉莉血脉精魄。如果贵方没有合适的人选复苏,我可以为你们推荐一位资深的御灵师。当然,那位御灵师出场费不低,你们自己有能力解决是最好。”
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