IARNBS :: Volume #5

#417: promotion plan

Luo Liang does not know, in Saint Edge Superpower College Jiang Zhaoxue, the line of sight once fell to him on, has conducted the data analysis to Stellar Miracle. 罗亮并不知道,远在圣锋超能学校姜昭雪,视线曾落到他身上,对星之奇迹进行过数据分析。 At this time, Luo Liang is being the corps of five disciples, formulates one set of promotion plan. 此时,罗亮正在为五名门生的战队,制定一套提升方案 promotion plan, is mainly divided into two major parts. 提升方案,主要分为两大部分。 Part 1, enhances the individual strength of each student. Customizes a plan for each of them, makes up the insufficient board, the tap potential, the display special skill advantage. 第一部分,提升每个学生的个人实力。为他们每人量身定制一个方案,补缺短板,挖掘潜力,发挥特长优势。 Part 2, formulates one set of team linkage the jointly attacking tactical rules, according to profession ability matching, erupts a higher upper limit the strength. 第二部分,制定一套团队联动的合击战法,根据职业能力搭配,爆发出更高上限的实力。 The rise of individual strength, is the important cornerstone. 这其中个人实力的提升,是重要基石。 Only the first part of effectiveness, the second part of teams of jointly attack the tactical rules, can play the might. 只有第一部分见效,第二部分的团队合击战法,才能发挥出威力。 Therefore, Luo Liang first aims at the first part with emphasis, is each student drafts one custom-made plan. 因此,罗亮先重点针对第一部分,为每个学生起草一套定制方案。 According to receiving the order of disciple, conducts to comb the plan. 按照收徒的顺序,进行梳理规划。 The first student, Ling Yusi. 第一个学生,凌语思 Ling Yusi as Martial Artist profession, is well-established, the operational style is verve, the technique is practical, the actual combat accomplishment is outstanding, does not have the obviously weak area. 凌语思作为武者职业,根基深厚,作战风格刚猛,技法实用,实战素养出众,没有明显短板。 Luo Liang decided that the complete curriculum optimization version, will pass to her ahead of time , to promote the Ling Yusi speed and mobility. 罗亮决定将的完整课程优化版,提前传给她,提升凌语思的速度和机动性。 Optimized version agrees with the Ling Yusi individual, the deep meaning is profounder, several points of charm of implication, can profit for a long time. 优化版的更契合凌语思个人,奥义更精深,蕴含的几分神韵,可以受益许久。 In addition. Luo Liang from the organization neighborhood to a practical value high Martial Dao secret skill, can temporary SEED, dramatically increases the Martial Artist explosive force, the battle efficiency will promote a scale in a short time. 此外。罗亮从组织里弄到一门实用价值高的武道秘技,能够临时“爆种”,大幅增加武者的爆发力,将战斗力短时间内提升一个档次。 This Martial Dao secret technique, so long as does not use lastingly, the side effect is not big. Coordinates a formula, occasionally with, even is helpful in tapping the body potential. 这门武道秘术,只要不持久用,副作用不大。配合一个药方,偶尔用用,甚至有助挖掘身体潜能。 The summary, is to enhance the Ling Yusi mobility and explosive force. 总结来说,就是提升凌语思的机动性和爆发力。 ...... …… The second student, Song Qiao. 第二个学生,宋桥 Song Qiao Paladin profession, compared with jack of all trades, can hit to resist, can treat and increase, the shortcoming is attacks the method to be mediocre. 宋桥圣骑士职业,比较万金油,能打能抗,能治疗、增益,缺点是进攻手段平庸。 Luo Liang had not planned that makes up for his attack to be insufficient, the plan of formulation, further enhances its jack of all trades overall strength. 罗亮没打算弥补他的进攻不足,制定的方案,进一步提升其万金油的整体实力。 As a brick, team where need where moves. 作为一块砖,队伍哪里需要哪里搬。 A truly powerful team, must have C positions, must have qualified toolman. 一个真正强大的队伍,要有C位,也得有合格的工具人 Luo Liang provides a superpower resource inventory table to Song Qiao, on matching according to list resources, can promote its cultivation base as soon as possible, displays the profession special skill the might. 罗亮宋桥提供一张超能资源清单表,按照清单资源上的搭配,可以尽快提升其修为,发挥职业特长的威力。 In this list table, including Paladin magic spell and war that technique needs to train. 这张清单表上,包括需要训练的圣骑士法术和战技。 As for the expense of this superpower resource inventory, makes the Song Family plutocrat pay. 至于这张超能资源清单的费用,就让宋氏财阀去买单吧。 Luo Liang only provides the mentality plan to him, is impossible to shell out. 罗亮只给他提供思路方案,不可能自掏腰包。 ...... …… The third student, Vivian. 第三个学生,薇薇安 Vivian is rare profession in team, the talent is most outstanding. The shortcoming is cultivation base is lowest, is a small seedling, is easy to become the breach. 薇薇安是队伍里的稀有职业,天赋最出众。缺点是修为最低,还是一个小幼苗,容易成为突破口。 Luo Liang is suitable for his optimized versions teaching one set to her. Speeds up tapping the Vivian mind potential, strengthens Mind Strength. 罗亮将一套适用其个人的优化版传授给她。加快挖掘薇薇安的心灵潜能,强化心灵力量 Meanwhile, Luo Liang purchases a powerful mind secret skill that in the organization suits Vivian. 同时,罗亮在组织里购买一门适合薇薇安的强大心灵秘技。 This mind secret skill, only then the rare talent of mind talent, can cultivation succeed. 这门心灵秘技,只有心灵天赋的奇才,才能修炼成功。 Is a passive masterstroke/divine skill. 是一种被动神技。 If or spies on secret in the distant place by the enemy, in practitioner Mind Lake, will reflect the position of opposite party. 如果被敌人在远处或者暗中窥探到,会在修炼者心灵镜湖中,反射出对方的位置。 Said simply, is the passive radar feeds back. 简单的说,就是被动雷达反馈。 This is only the basic function. 这只是基础功能。 Regards the both sides energetic thought the disparity, but can also catch the thought fluctuation of pryer, understands the approximate intention of opposite party. 视双方精神思维的差距,还能捕捉到窥探者的思维波动,了解到对方的大致意图。 cultivation to certain extent, but may also the attack absorption of opponent spiritual level, reflect in the Mind Strength way, the mind mood of turbulent opposite party. 修炼到一定程度,还可将对手精神层面的攻击吸收,以心灵力量的方式反射回去,动荡对方的心神情绪。 The summary, is counter-surveillance mind reflect damage. 总结来说,就是反侦察心灵反伤 So long as Vivian can realize initially, cultivation base arrives at the Rank 2 peak, the attack of general Rank 3 Spirit Reader, various investigation methods, will be counterattacked by her. 只要薇薇安能初步练成,修为到达2级巅峰,一般的3级精神念师的攻击,各种探查手段,都会被她反制。 ...... …… The fourth student, Ning Yeying. 第四个学生,宁夜莺 After bloodlines eye pupil of awakening Arrow God Kunluo, Ning Yeying becomes in the team to attack a strongest point. 觉醒箭神昆罗的血脉眼瞳后,宁夜莺成为队伍里攻击最强的一点。 Whatever if it gathers the strength to shoot arrows unceasingly, even the super corps of league tournament, are hard to stop the offensive. 如果任由其蓄力不断射箭,就算是联赛的超级战队,都难以阻挡攻势。 Regarding Ning Yeying, the place that Luo Liang many may not strengthen. So long as she speeds up comprehending Ancient God in the bloodlines strength utilization and archery technique in the dream inheriting, the attacked special skill and method can further strengthen then the foot. 对于宁夜莺,罗亮没有多少可增强的地方。只要她加快领悟古神在梦中传承的血脉力量运用和箭术技艺,攻伐的特长和手段能更进一步增强便足矣。 Naturally, to display the special skill of Ning Yeying bloodlines eye pupil, Luo Liang gets so far as an auxiliary class in the organization to her Eye Technique, the enhancement detection, broken hidden, traces the method of enemy. 当然,为发挥宁夜莺血脉眼瞳的特长,罗亮在组织里给她弄到一门辅助类的瞳术,增强侦查、破隐、追踪敌人的手段。 Considering her insight and calm clever, Luo Liang planned that makes Ning Yeying work as the lord direction of team. 考虑到她的洞察力和冷静聪睿,罗亮打算让宁夜莺当队伍的主指挥。 The truly powerful corps, have the direction of core, like a direction military officer of army. 真正强大的战队,都有核心的指挥,如同一支大军的指挥将领。 Without the captain, the team is in disagreement, does not act unified, is unable to condense the true strength of team. 如果没有指挥者,队伍意见不合,行动不统一,无法凝聚团队的真正实力。 ...... …… The fifth student, Gongsun Qin. 第五名学生,公孙琴 Gongsun Qin after the use, the species sublimation transforms, Deity gene talent buff, making her have the outstanding overall quality. 公孙琴在使用后,物种升华蜕变,“神灵”的基因天赋加持,让她拥有出众的综合素质。 In the magic spell might, in speed, Gongsun Qin far ultra general Witch Doctor. 法术威力,施法速度上,公孙琴远超一般的巫医 That that Luo Liang selected initially, selection indigenous Deity, compared with agreeing with Gongsun Qin profession, has the powerful talent in the poisonous technique, treatment and resilience. 罗亮当初挑的那支,取材的土著神灵,比较契合公孙琴职业,在毒术、治疗、恢复能力方面拥有强大的天赋。 Gongsun Qin does not have many enhancement places. 公孙琴同样没有多少增强的地方。 The Luo Liang strategy is, further unearths that potential talent. 罗亮的策略是,进一步挖掘那份的潜力天赋。 Formulates study and training of plan one set of magic spell and Innate Ability for her. 为她制定一套法术天赋能力的修习、训练方案。 In the future. Gongsun Qin meets the main attack poisonous technique and treatment, to purify magic spell. And studies several group control magic spell and defends magic spell. 往后。公孙琴会主攻毒术、治疗、净化法术。并修习几门群控法术和防御法术 ...... …… Individual promotion plan of five students completes. 五名学生的个人提升方案完成。 Luo Liang with the Little Primary help, drafted one to jointly attack the tactical rules. 罗亮又在小初帮助下,起草了一门合击战法。 These two parts of custom-made plans, Luo Liang has not taught to the student immediately. 这两部分的定制方案,罗亮没有立即传授给学生。 He must observe for several days, according to the student displays the data that feeds back, conducts the partial trimming. 他还要观战几天,根据学生表现反馈的数据,进行局部微调。 This time Stellar Miracle also obviously immature. 此时的“星之奇迹”还显稚嫩。 Luo Liang expected that five students come across the setback. Waits to experience to whet, baptism, again the plan queue management to them, seems precious. 罗亮期望五名学生遇到挫折。等经历磨砺、洗礼,再将方案作业分配给她们,才显得弥足珍贵。 League tournament elimination series fourth day. 联赛淘汰赛的第四天。 The Mass Selection Fight fourth round of match showdown starts. 海选战的第四轮匹配对决开始。 Stellar Miracle has not achieved Luo Liang it is expected that, by nicely setback. 星之奇迹没有达成罗亮的“预期”,受到像样的挫折。 On the contrary. 相反。 Stellar Miracle in the fourth round, captures 100 games difference. 星之奇迹在第四轮,斩获100战分。 Corps' ranking in league tournament official site, rises to 227 straightly, misses dozens with Vanguard Corps. 战队在联赛官网的排名,直线上升到227名,跟先锋战队差几十名。 Promotes about 400 all of a sudden, its improvement scope, is listed as the list first. 一下子提升近四百名,其提升幅度,列居榜单第一。 Stellar Miracle takes the reputation of dark horse corps, shows talent for the first time in the league tournament, was paid attention by more strong teams. 星之奇迹作为黑马战队的名声,在联赛中崭露头角,被更多的强队关注到。 The ranking promotion is so big, because the front score bites tightly, differential pressure a group of people. 排名提升这么大,因为前面分数咬得紧,一分压一批人。 And after the first three rounds, massive weak teams was eliminated, match gold content increase. Except for the super strong team, most teams have to lose to win, hit to have, is very difficult to obtain the high score. 且在前三轮后,大量弱队被淘汰,匹配含金量提升。除了超级强队,绝大多数队伍有输有赢,打得有来有回,很难取得高分。 Then cast skyrocketing of Stellar Miracle. 这才铸就了星之奇迹的扶摇直上。 Luo Liang is a little depressed. 罗亮有点郁闷。 Fourth round of online fights, Luo Liang observes. 第四轮线上战斗,罗亮有观战。 The opponent is actually very weak, the team that but in the fourth round, matches a very iron, likes the upfront resisting hardly. 倒不是对手很弱,而是在第四轮,匹配到一个很头铁的队伍,喜欢正面硬抗。 Finally, five people of this team, by Ning Yeying in killing of following arrow arrow. 结果,这支队伍的五人,被宁夜莺在后面一箭箭的射杀。 In Teacher Luo little class group, happy talks and laughters. 罗导师小班群里,一片欢声笑语。 Ning Yeying: Felt proud and elated finally. These round captures 100 games minute/share again, ranking promotes first. 宁夜莺:总算扬眉吐气了一回。这一轮再次斩获100战分,排名提升第一。 Gongsun Qin: Also misses dozens, must catch up with Vanguard Corps. Everyone refuels! Makes the face countenance for teacher. 公孙琴:还差几十名,就要追上先锋战队。大家加油!为老师挣回颜面。 Ling Yusi: What a pity the opponent is too silly is too gruff, cuts the back row does not have, all prostrates oneself under the Junior Sister Ning pomegranate skirt. 凌语思:可惜对手太傻太憨,一个切后排的都没有,全部拜倒在宁师妹的石榴裙下。 Such remarks, in the group laughs. 此言一出,群里一阵哈哈大笑。 Luo Liang pays attention silently, without speech 罗亮默默关注,没有发言 ...... …… However, how long laughing heartily of Stellar Miracle has not continued. 然而,星之奇迹的欢笑没有持续多久。 At the fifth round of match showdown, runs into a powerful powerful enemy finally, corps Hidden Killers' Creed from Dark Moon Superpower College. 在第五轮的匹配对决上,终于遇到一个强大的劲敌,来自暗月超能学院的战队“隐杀信条”。 This corps have three big Capital Rank, the strength compare Five Moons Corps even better. 该战队有三大城邦级,实力比五月战队更胜一筹。 Hidden Killers' Creed five main forces, are partial to the attribute that the assassin assassinates. Are constituted by the assassin, Thief, Shadow Warlock, knight-errant and Curse Master. 隐杀信条”的五名主力,偏向刺客暗杀的属性。由刺客、盗贼暗影术士、游侠、诅咒师构成。 This team, at all the upfront fight, most is not the guerrilla warfare, plots, intoxicates, curses and ambushes uses nothing which is not. 这个队伍,根本不会正面战斗,最多是游击,暗算、下毒、诅咒、埋伏无所不用。 Even the bloodlines eye pupil of Ning Yeying, has certain tracing ability, the Vivian mind talent has forewarned, the audience basically does not have the counter-control capability. 即便宁夜莺的血脉眼瞳,有一定追踪能力,薇薇安的心灵天赋有所预警,全场基本没有反制能力。 This war, the Stellar Miracle casualties were serious, put together one to be without ammunition and food. 这一战,星之奇迹伤亡惨重,拼了一个弹尽粮绝。 Vivian, Ning Yeying and Song Qiao, died in battle. 薇薇安宁夜莺宋桥,先后阵亡。 The Ling Yusi disability, loses an arm. 凌语思伤残,损失一条手臂。 The relatively complete person Duke is Sun zither | Jean. 相对完整的人公是孙琴。 Finally the hard victory, overturns by Gongsun Qin unexpectedly. 最终惨胜,竟然是靠公孙琴翻盘。 Hidden Killers' Creed to strike to kill Stellar Miracle strongest firepower Ning Yeying, pays the big price. 隐杀信条”为了击杀星之奇迹最强火力手的宁夜莺,付出较大的代价。 Finally is the 4 V 2 aspect. 最后是4V2的局面。 Hidden Killers' Creed three big Capital Rank are also in good health, only then an assassin is injured. 隐杀信条的三大城邦级还健在,只有其中一个刺客受伤。 But Stellar Miracle only has Ling Yusi and Gongsun Qin. 星之奇迹只剩下凌语思公孙琴 However, Hidden Killers' Creed underestimated the Ling Yusi toughness, underestimated the Gongsun Qin strength particularly. 然而,隐杀信条低估了凌语思的韧性,尤其是低估了公孙琴的实力。 After Gongsun Qin use, the body overall quality is powerful, including body intensity, agile, reaction. 公孙琴使用后,身体综合素质强大,包括身体强度、敏捷、反应力等。 Cannot by conventional brittle skin weighs her. 不能以常规的“脆皮”来衡量她。 Moreover her speed is fast, the magic spell might surpasses same step Witch Doctor. 而且她施法速度快,法术威力超出同阶巫医 The critical moment, near body of Hidden Killers' Creed kills, not only has not succeeded, but also was counterattacked by Gongsun Qin, the voodoo and controlled magic spell negative. 关键时刻,隐杀信条的近身袭杀,非但没有成功,还被公孙琴反制,中了巫毒和负面控制法术 Coordinates Ling Yusi counter-attacks certainly, Gongsun Qin several rounds of magic spell erupt, revealing true colors near body Hidden Killers' Creed four people roll to extinguish. 配合凌语思的绝地反击,公孙琴几轮法术爆发,将现形近身的“隐杀信条”四人团灭。 This war, final overturn, is nothing less than alarmed. 这一战,最后的翻盘,不可谓不惊心。 Hidden Killers' Creed finally 4 V 2, the preparation clears to encircle kills the prey, lost their enduring patiently, simultaneously somewhat treats it lightly. 隐杀信条”最后4V2,准备清场围杀猎物,失去了他们的忍耐,同时有些掉以轻心。 If keeps the original tactic unchanged, remaining Ling Yusi and Gongsun Qin, without overturn opportunity. 如果还是维持原战术不变,剩下的凌语思公孙琴,没有翻盘机会。 ...... …… The fifth round of match fights. 第五轮匹配战斗。 Stellar Miracle only obtained 65 points, ranking fell behind dozens, fell back on 289, has not slid too. 星之奇迹只获得65分,排名落后了几十名,退到289名,没有下滑太多。 Arrived the fifth round, the weak team and soy sauce team did not exist basically, the team that more and more closely-matched team meets, frigidity of very fighting with all might, can take the high score was few. 到了第五轮,弱队和酱油队基本不存在,越来越多实力相近的队伍相遇,拼杀的很惨烈,能取高分的队伍很少。 Stellar Miracle the war, although is the hard victory. 星之奇迹的这一战,尽管是惨胜。 Many strong teams see the video playback, is moved, even is shocked. 不少强队看到视频回放,为之动容,甚至感到震动。 Stellar Miracle true strength, more than everyone expected, and very big potential may dig. 星之奇迹的真正实力,超出大家预期,且还有很大潜力可挖。 This dark horse corps, besides attack injury marksman extremely, overall quality, the magic spell might are big, was not cut the back row easily Witch Doctor. 这支黑马战队,除了攻击伤害绝顶的神射手,还有一个综合素质强,法术威力大,不容易被切后排的巫医 Such equipment, lets try to construct the tactic in view of the Stellar Miracle team to feel that has a headache thornily with. 这样的配备,让许多试图构建战术针对星之奇迹的队伍感到头疼和棘手。 Had a headache person, including Vanguard Corps coach Fu Xianfeng. 头疼的人,包括先锋战队的教练付先锋 Fu Xianfeng just dug to the Ability Department trump card player, the corps strength strengthens sharply, originally thought can eat Stellar Miracle steadily, must form a question mark. 付先锋刚刚挖到异能系的王牌选手,战队实力大幅加强,本以为可以稳吃星之奇迹,现在要打一个问号。 Felt that the thorny person, has Swallows and Clouds Corps data analyst Jiang Zhaoxue. 感到棘手的人,有燕云战队的数据分析师姜昭雪 Jiang Zhaoxue after the detailed analysis, discovered Stellar Miracle the back row is not easy to cut. 姜昭雪经过详细的分析,发现“星之奇迹”的后排没那么容易切。 cultivation base lowest Mind Mage Vivian, seems like has not affected, can actually play the early warning role, the resistance spirit class offensive. 修为最低的心灵法师薇薇安,看似没作用,却能起到预警作用,抵御精神类的攻势。 Ling Yusi and Song Qiao are two big front, the former has the advance ability, the latter can protect and treat. 凌语思宋桥是两大前排,前者有突进能力,后者能保护、治疗。 She believes before, Stellar Miracle is pure four guarantee a lineup, now seems like inaccurate. 她以前认为,星之奇迹是单纯的“四保一阵容”,现在看来并不确切。 Ning Yeying is the absolute core right. 宁夜莺是绝对核心没错。 But she is not the only output firepower! 但她不是唯一的输出火力! In the team also the injury good and overall quality strong, has Witch Doctor Gongsun Qin of self-preservation ability. 队伍中还有一个伤害不俗、综合素质强、有自保能力的巫医公孙琴 If pays the too big price to cut dead Ning Yeying, remaining Gongsun Qin and Ling Yusi have good battle strength, has the continue voyage fight and harvesting aftermath ability. 如果付出太大代价切死宁夜莺,剩下的公孙琴凌语思有不俗战力,有续航战斗和收割残局的能力。 Swallows and Clouds Corps has the odds of successfaced withStellar Miracle as before, but this is a bone that is difficult to gnaw.” “‘燕云战队’面临‘星之奇迹’依旧有胜算,但这是一块难啃的骨头。” Jiang Zhaoxue draws the conclusion, the report of data analysis, reorganizes gives the Swallows and Clouds Corps coach. 姜昭雪得出结论,将数据分析的报告,整理给燕云战队的教练。 By the strength of Stellar Miracle performance, can kill 64 strong matches absolutely. 星之奇迹表现的实力,绝对能杀进六十四强的正赛。 The probabilities of two team meets are very big, sooner or later war. 两支队伍相遇的概率很大,早晚有一战。 ...... …… After the second round of match ended . 第二轮的匹配结束后。 The five students in Luo Liang little class group, the atmosphere of jubilation is not, appears a dignified atmosphere. 罗亮小班群里的五名学生,喜庆的氛围不在,显出一片凝重氛围。 Ling Yusi: This fought was too thrilling, the opponent resorted to all means that at all not upfront fight. Senior Sister Gongsun defeats the enemy by a surprise attack, we must lose the competition. 凌语思:这一战太惊险了,对手不择手段,根本不正面战斗。要不是公孙师姐出奇制胜,我们就要输比赛了。 Ning Yeying: Is I protects oneself too badly, Vivian has forewarned, I actually cannot avoid the assassination. 宁夜莺:是我自保太差,薇薇安已经预警,我却没能躲避刺杀。 Song Qiao: Does not blame you! I responded at that time slowly a racket, cannot help you block the injury promptly. 宋桥:不怪你!我那时反应慢了一拍,没能及时帮你挡住伤害。 Vivian: Is my ability is insufficient! If my cultivation base is higher, can a quicker early warning, disturb the attack of opposite party by Mind Strength. 薇薇安:是我能力不够!要是我的修为再高些,就能更快预警,以心灵力量干扰对方的攻击。 Gongsun Qin: the Hidden Killers' Creed corps compared with our corps, the competition first half actually do not control the competition, making us nearly crash. Now recalled, we have many deficiencies...... 公孙琴:隐杀信条战队并不比我们战队强,比赛前半段却主宰比赛,让我们近乎崩盘。现在回想,我们有许多不足之处…… In the group, the students or rebuke oneself, or reconsiders the oneself insufficiency. 群里面,学生们或自责,或者反思自己的不足。 Sees this scene, Luo Liang nods secretly. 看到这一幕,罗亮暗自点头。 Today's hard victory, regarding Stellar Miracle, is a small setback, making them be wheted and precipitated, reconsiders own many weak area. 今天的惨胜,对于星之奇迹,是一次小挫折,让她们得到磨砺、沉淀,反思自身的很多短板。 Was the time puts out the custom-made promotion the meal. 是时候拿出定制提升的套餐了。 Luo Liang spoke in little class group. 罗亮小班群里发言。 Teacher Luo: Tonight, everyone arrives at my Real Study Department villa set. 罗导师:今天晚上,所有人到我实修系的别墅集合。
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