IARNBS :: Volume #3

#243: Bet

Luo Liang concentrates the eye to look. 罗亮凝目看去。 56 young people who run away, the body aura disorder, the body surface scalds the trace obviously. 逃窜过来的五六名年轻人,身上气息紊乱,体表可见烫伤痕迹。 Some two people keep coughing, the mouth spits the light black solution. 有两人不停咳嗽,口吐浅墨色的药液。 cultivation base of these people, mostly are the Rank 2 peaks, even Quasi Rank 3. 这些人的修为,大多是2级巅峰,甚至准3级 Luo Liang discovered a long arm man somewhat looks familiar, on the face contaminated the solution. 罗亮发现其中一个长臂男子有些眼熟,脸上沾染了药液。 Brother Li, you are all right.” 李兄,你没事吧。” Luo Liang walks, supports Li Yunjie, whips his back, compels the solution. 罗亮走过去,扶住李云杰,拍打他的背部,将药液逼出来。 The solution in Medicine King Bath, is not suitable takes orally. 药王浴中的药液,不适宜口服。 On the one hand is the efficacy is violent, easy wound internal organs. 一方面是药力猛烈,容易伤脏腑。 On the other hand, is not hygienic, after all over a thousand people under stuffed dumpling, does not remove the quality low person in medicine pond inside...... 另一方面,不怎么卫生,毕竟上千人“下饺子”,不排除素质低下的人在药池里…… Brother Luo, you came.” 罗兄,你怎么也来了。” Li Yunjie is breathing heavily, complexion relax relaxed 李云杰喘着粗气,面色松缓 Luo Liang is just about to ask his words. 罗亮正要问他话。 „In the way, has not gone away!” “碍手碍脚,还不滚开!” Li Yunjie behind, a Caucasian youth, racing Yue comes, cold sound scolded. 李云杰身后,一名白人青年,奔跃而来,冷声呵斥。 ! 呼蓬! A Caucasian youth palm pushes, under the solution wells up a verve undercurrent, endures a momentum of ratio automobile. 白人青年一掌推来,药液下涌来一股刚猛的暗流,堪比一辆汽车的冲力。 Li Yunjie is unexpected, the figure staggers. 李云杰猝不及防,身形踉跄。 Good Luo Liang supports his shoulder, has not tumbled. 还好罗亮扶住他的肩膀,没有跌倒。 James! You hit my before, I had not investigated, now stirs up trouble?” 詹姆斯!你之前撞了我一下,我并未追究,现在又来惹事?” Li Yunjie angry looks to the Caucasian youth, in the look actually reveals the scruples. 李云杰愤怒的看向白人青年,眼神里却露出顾忌。 Central District medicine class/flow bursts out, I am forced to hit you, you are in the way, I will not drink the medicine juice. Now is in the way? I will not be polite.” 中心区药流迸发,我被迫撞你,要不是你挡路,我不会喝药汁。现在又来碍事?我不会客气。” The Caucasian youth sneers, unscrupulous dashing. 白人青年冷笑一声,肆无忌惮的冲撞过来。 pū pū! 呼噗噗! The light black solution of big piece, splashes to the Luo Liang two faces on. 大片的浅墨色药液,溅到罗亮二人脸上。 The Luo Liang cleaning face applying medicine juice, sees the Caucasian youth to dash, the complexion sinks. 罗亮擦拭脸上药汁,见白人青年冲撞过来,面色一沉。 Gives me to get down!” “给我下去!” His lifting hand suddenly, the head of holding down Caucasian youth. 他冷不丁的抬手,按住白人青年的头部。 „!! Rumble......” “啊!呜!咕噜……” The head of Caucasian youth, was pressed in medicine pond inside, filled several medicine juice. 白人青年的头部,被按在药池里,灌了好几口药汁。 After more than ten seconds, Luo Liang loosens the hand. 十几秒后,罗亮松开手。 You,......!” “你,咳咳……哇!” The Caucasian youth complexion becomes flushed, choked several, stands firm reluctantly. 白人青年脸色涨红,又呛了好几口,勉强站定。 When he clearly recognized that face of Luo Liang, the complexion changes. 待他认清罗亮的面孔,面色一变。 Also thinks by Luo Liang holding down head, seemed suppressed by a giant beast, cannot move. 又想到被罗亮按住头部时,仿佛被一头巨兽镇压,动弹不得。 Calculates that you suppress!” “算你狠!” The Caucasian youth toward the Medicine King Pond peripheral region, escapes distressedly. 白人青年朝药王池的外围区域,狼狈逃去。 Brother Luo, you are truly ruthless enough.” 罗兄,你确实够狠。” A Li Yunjie face is venting. 李云杰一脸解气。 Caucasian youth cultivation base is Quasi Rank 3, the strength compared with him, the background is bigger than him. Li Yunjie was dashed, most condemned several orally, does not dare to hit back, let alone to square head according to medicinal bath. 白人青年修为准3级,实力比他强,来头比他大。李云杰被冲撞了,最多口头谴责几句,不敢还手,更别说把对方头按在药浴中。 That person seems like Luo Liang!” “那人好像是罗亮!” Do not provoke, maintains the distance.” “不要招惹,保持距离。” The young people of nearby several other evacuations, look to dread, detours to run off decisively. 附近另外几个撤离的年轻人,面露忌惮,果断绕路跑开。 Luo Liang the day before yesterday prestige at evening banquet, Medicine King Bath participant, even if has not witnessed, mostly still has heard. 罗亮前天在晚宴上的威名,药王浴的参加者,就算没亲眼目睹,大多也听说过。 Brother Li, why you escape, what situation Medicine King Pond is Central District?” 李兄,你们为何逃出,药王池中心区是什么情况?” Luo Liang then asked. 罗亮这才问道。 Li Yunjie said: Medicine King Pond Central District, the drug efficacy is excellent, the solution ingredient is also purer. Many people go to there, strives for a better treatment.” 李云杰道:“药王池中心区,药效极好,药液成份也更精纯。不少人去那里,争取更好的待遇。” I overreached oneself a moment ago, wants to pass to attempt. Finally is close to core range 100 meters, the body, seems by the stove is somewhat baked.” “我刚才不自量力,想过去尝试。结果才接近核心范围的一百米,身体就有些受不住,好似被火炉烘烤。” Said, you have not entered the true kernel range.” “这么说,你还没进入真正的核心区。” Luo Liang looks the unusual look. 罗亮面露异色。 Li Yunjie this year over 20 years old, is Rank 2 peak cultivation base, and are physique powerful Martial Artist. 李云杰今年二十多岁,是2级巅峰修为,并且是体魄强大的武者 Right. I am approaching a core 100 meters position, absorbed a moment, the preparation evacuated. Finally Central District has the unstable efficacy to burst out, many people run away in a panic, trigger the tumult.” “没错。我在靠近核心一百米的位置,吸收了一会,准备撤离。结果中心区有不稳定的药力迸发,很多人仓惶逃窜,引发骚动。” At that time that James hit I, drank several medicine juice, becomes angry out of shame, has the opinion to me very much.” “当时那个詹姆斯撞中我,喝了几口药汁,恼羞成怒,对我很有意见。” Li Yunjie stated the cause and effect of matter. 李云杰陈述事情的前因后果。 Luo Liang nodded, to the Medicine King Pond Central District situation, had understood. 罗亮点了下头,对药王池中心区的情况,有所了解。 Under the Central District place bottom, has the giant pill furnace after all, as well as existence of place fire, has the opportunity harvest, there is a difficult risk. 中心区的地底下方,毕竟是有巨大丹炉,以及地火的存在,有机遇收获,也有困难风险。 You first go to outer ring slow one.” “你先去外圈缓一下吧。” Luo Liang said to Li Yunjie, latter within the body aura was not confused, flooded the hot tempered efficacy. 罗亮李云杰道,后者体内气息不紊,充斥了暴躁的药力。 The Li Yunjie subconscious nod, the circle walks outward. 李云杰下意识点头,往外圈走去。 Quick, he stares, lives in the figure. 很快,他一愣,顿住身形。 oneself goes to the outer ring, the direction that Luo Liang walks, how on the contrary...... 自己去外圈,罗亮走的方向,怎么相反…… Brother Luo, you should better not Central District.” 罗兄,你最好不要去中心区。” Li Yunjie spoke frankly that the persuasion said. 李云杰直言劝说道。 The Luo Liang cultivation base strength is inferior to oneself, going to Central District will be only more distressed. 罗亮修为实力不如自己,去中心区只会更狼狈。 Luo Liang trigged the Caucasian youth a moment ago, Li Yunjie thinks that is the unexpected effect, and opposite party dreads the Luo Liang status, does not dare to revolt. 罗亮刚才制住白人青年,李云杰以为是出其不意的效果,以及对方忌惮罗亮身份,不敢反抗。 All right, I give a try.” “没事,我去试试看。” Luo Liang is relaxed. 罗亮轻松自如。 Li Yunjie wants the word to stop, knows that cannot block Luo Liang. 李云杰欲言而止,知道拦不住罗亮 Perhaps, only then and other Luo Liang ate the lesson, can realize the fearfulness of Central District. 或许,只有等罗亮吃了教训,才能体会中心区的可怕。 Medicine King first disciple Lin Donglai said right, without Rank 3 cultivation base, should better not to go to there. 药王首徒林东来说得没错,没有3级修为,最好不要去那里。 Luo Liang is at a moderate pace, moves toward the Medicine King Pond center. 罗亮不紧不慢,走向药王池中心。 The temperature of medicinal bath, rises unceasingly, probably is entering into the magma area little. 药浴的温度,不断攀升,好像在一点点迈入岩浆区。 „, This drug efficacy is really getting better and better, no wonder some females must come Shared Medicine Pond.” “啧,这药效果真越来越好,难怪一些女子非要来公共药池。” Luo Liang looks the smile, joyfully nod. 罗亮面露笑容,欣然点头。 All the way, often some young men and women, run away from Central District. 一路上,不时有些年轻男女,从中心区逃窜出来。 When Luo Liang leisure, takes a look at the beautiful girls of some wet bodies, these exquisite content tender body outlines, nearly translucent, the shape is clearly discernible. 罗亮闲暇之余,打量一些湿身的漂亮女孩,那些玲珑美满的娇躯轮廓,近乎半透明,形状清晰可见。 What a pity, Gongsun Qin does not seem to come to the public pond. 可惜,公孙琴好像没来公共池。 Well! Isn't that Luo Liang?” “咦!那不是罗亮?” All troops of evacuation, see Luo Liang, the complexion surprise. 撤离的各方人马,见到罗亮,面色诧异。 This cultivation base, dares to approach Central District, overreaches oneself.” “这点修为,也敢靠近中心区,不自量力。” „Does he look very relaxed?” “他看起来挺轻松?” I do not believe! The performing skill is actually good, does not know how long can install.” “我不信!演技倒是不错,不知道能装多久。” ...... …… Luo Liang disregards the unusual looks of these people, only if meets the beautiful woman of wet body. 罗亮无视这些人的异样眼神,除非遇见湿身的美女。 Not a moment. 一会 He is close to Medicine King Pond core hundred meters region, is the place that Li Yunjie halts. 他接近药王池“核心百米”区域,也就是李云杰止步的地方。 Luo Liang felt relaxed, the drug efficacy is 2-3 times of outer ring. 罗亮感觉还算轻松,药效是外圈的2-3倍。 A core hundred meters region, the solution tumbles, heat flows well up from the place bottom. 核心百米的区域,药液翻滚,一股股热流从地底下方涌来。 There, is the eruption exit|to speak of solution. 那里,是药液的喷发出口。 The kernel range deep place, the mist is very thick, can only see some people 's shadows reluctantly, who recognizing is. 核心区深处,雾气很浓,只能勉强看到一些人影,认不出是谁。 The edge in kernel range, Luo Liang saw the two acquaintance actually. 倒是在核心区的边缘,罗亮见到了两个熟人。 A slender delicate and pretty youth, roughly 30 years old. 一名修长俊美的青年,约莫三十来岁。 A gently beautiful gentle blue hair girl. 一位柔美文静的蓝发女孩。 Luo Liang? How dares to come Central District?” 罗亮?怎么敢来中心区?” Xiao Fengzhou looks being astonished color. 肖风舟面露讶色。 His cultivation base achieves Rank 3 Capital Rank, can stay the edge calmly and steadily in kernel range. 修为达到3级城邦级,才能安稳呆在核心区的边缘。 We can come, why he cannot.” “我们能来,他为什么不能。” The blue hair girl is calm, tranquil such as the pupil of water looks to Luo Liang. 蓝发女孩语气平静,恬静如水的眸子看向罗亮 The Luo Liang corners of the mouth are hanging the vague happy expression, stares at her to look. 罗亮嘴角挂着若有若无的笑意,正“盯着”她看。 Because the tunic soaks, her that song line gently beautiful figure outline, translucent exposition in the Luo Liang field of vision. 因为裙衫湿透,她那曲线柔美的身段轮廓,半透明的暴露在罗亮视野里。 blue hair girl cheek slightly red, is good is rich because of the nearby mist, is insufficiently awkward. 蓝发女孩脸蛋微红,好在附近雾气浓郁,不至于尴尬。 Xiao Fengzhou sneers secretly, Luo Liang only feared that must meet with a disaster. 肖风舟暗自冷笑,罗亮只怕要遭殃。 In previously, some men stared at the blue hair girl to look unscrupulously, in the eye filled to be fiery and greedy. 在此前,有些男子肆无忌惮的盯着蓝发女孩看,眼里充满火热、贪婪。 Finally, these men eat the inexplicable lesson, one after another tumble in the medicine pond, was choked by the medicine juice. 结果,那些男子吃到莫名的教训,一个个在药池中跌倒,被药汁呛到。 Space and Time Mage, is not good to provoke. 时空法师,不好招惹。 As powerful superpower profession on pyramid point, restrains various profession naturally. 作为金字塔尖上的强大超能职业,天然克制各种职业 The blue hair girl does not have Rank 3 cultivation base, can actually in the kernel range edge. 蓝发女孩没有3级修为,却能在核心区边缘。 What is unexpected is. 出乎预料的是。 Until Luo Liang approaches, steps into the kernel range edge, the blue hair girl has not begun. 直至罗亮靠近,踏入核心区边缘,蓝发女孩并未动手。 A Xiao Fengzhou brow wrinkle, cannot think through. 肖风舟眉头一皱,想不通。 Does the blue hair girl dread the Luo Liang background influence? 难道,蓝发女孩忌惮罗亮的背景势力? But in previously, some people who the blue hair girl taught, many background influence powerful young talent. 但在此前,蓝发女孩教训的一些人,不乏背景势力强大的年轻才俊。 The blue hair girl as Space and Time Mage, the back has Starry Sky Great Expert, without the influence backing, instead does not need scruples too. 蓝发女孩作为时空法师,背后有星空大能,没有势力依托,反而不用顾忌太多。 How to Luo Liang here, to make an exception. 怎么到了罗亮这里,就破格了。 Because of Luo Liang graceful? 因为罗亮帅? In fact, Luo Liang does not have Xiao Fengzhou to be delicate and pretty, in participating in the Medicine King Bath good-looking man beautiful woman, can only middle-grade. 事实上,罗亮没有肖风舟俊美,在参加药王浴的俊男美女里,只能算中等。 Xiao Fengzhou does not know. 肖风舟并不知道。 When previous fishing, Luo Liang fishes Silver Floating Fish, one passes blue hair girl profession shortly, and dimension category pet. 上次钓鱼时,罗亮钓到银浮鱼,一眼看透蓝发女孩职业,且还有维度系宠物。 The blue hair girl has not grasped copes with Luo Liang. 蓝发女孩没有把握对付罗亮 Luo Liang stepped into the kernel range edge, the step slows down, extends one to stretch. 罗亮踏入核心区边缘,步伐放缓,伸了一个懒腰。 Too was really comfortable. 实在太舒爽了。 Luo Liang Martial Artist physique, true essence, has been quenchinged under the efficacy function, the effect is several times of outer ring. 罗亮武者体魄,真元,在药力作用下得到淬炼,效果是外圈的几倍。 At this progress. 以这种进度。 Continues to stay for seven days in the Medicine King Bath center, Luo Liang Martial Artist cultivation base, how long could not want to promote Rank 3 Middle Stage. 药王浴中心持续呆七天,罗亮武者修为,要不了多久能晋升3级中阶 ...... …… The Central District temperature is very high, nearly places oneself the magma. 中心区温度很高,近乎置身岩浆。 The efficacy is violent, as strong as certain extent, is as good as the toxicant. 药力猛烈,强到一定程度,不亚于毒药。 But Luo Liang has True Dragon's Body, Variant Cold Power Two big special characteristics, in addition Rank 3 Martial Artist powerful physique, can definitely resist. 罗亮拥有【真龙之躯】、【异种寒力】两大特质,再加上3级武者本身的强大体魄,完全能抗住。 It is not relaxed, but cannot call strenuously. 不算轻松,但也称不上吃力。 After Luo Liang steps into the kernel range edge, has not halted completely, but also in slow vanguard. 罗亮踏入核心区边缘后,并没有完全止步,还在缓慢的前行。 Arrived this region, the medicine tank depth was 67 meters. 到了这个区域,药池深度有六七米。 Absorption efficacy at the same time, but must guarantee that floats in medicine pond inside, the swimming technique will be too bad will increase the difficulty. 吸收药力的同时,还得保证漂浮在药池里,泳技太差会增添难度。 Luo Liang experienced edge world pirate world, exercised an extraordinary swimming technique, adapts to this circumstances very much. 罗亮经历了边缘世界的“海盗世界”,练就了一身非凡的泳技,很适应这种环境。 „Does he also walk toward the core?” “他还往核心走?” Luo Liang from Xiao Fengzhou two people of side slowly processes. 罗亮肖风舟二人身边慢慢经过。 This time, the blue hair girl also feels astonished. 这一次,蓝发女孩亦是感到惊异。 Luo Liang seems like, without using Rank 3 above superpower's strength. 罗亮看上去,没有动用3级以上的超能力量 He should have what powerful physique or treasure, just adapts to this place circumstances, can resist the pressure of core place.” “他应该具有什么强大体质或者宝物,刚好适应此地环境,能抗住核心处的压力。” The blue hair girl guessed. 蓝发女孩猜测道。 Sees with own eyes Luo Liang’s figure, will soon be covered up by the color black ink mist. 眼见罗亮的身影,即将被彩墨雾气遮掩。 Luo Liang.” 罗亮。” The blue hair girl made noise suddenly, stopped by calling him. 蓝发女孩忽然出声,喊住了他。 What's wrong? Does Miss Lan want with travel together below hand in hand?” “怎么?蓝姑娘想与在下携手同行?” Luo Liang smiles easely. 罗亮悠然一笑。 blue hair girl rolled the eyes at him, said indifferently: I want to hit a gambling with you.” 蓝发女孩白了他一眼,淡然道:“我想跟你打一个赌。” Making a bet, is gambling Silver Floating Fish? What is your gambling stake?” “打赌,是赌‘银浮鱼’吗?你的赌注是什么?” Luo Liang is interesting. 罗亮饶有兴趣。 The blue hair girl said: My gambling stake, value is definitely higher than Silver Floating Fish, is agrees with Martial Artist or spirit class profession Jane|treasure material treasure. If you are unsatisfied, I can pledge your matter, so long as I in one's power.” 蓝发女孩道:“我的赌注,肯定比‘银浮鱼’价值更高,是契合武者或者精神类职业的珍材宝物。如果你不满意,我可以承诺你一件事,只要我力所能及。” Luo Liang is surprised slightly, how the blue hair girl sees oneself to have spirit class profession, learns from the summit small group. 罗亮稍感意外,蓝发女孩怎么看出自己有精神类职业,难道是从山顶小圈子获知的。 Un, in comparison, I to you pledged that a matter is interested.” “嗯,相比之下,我对你承诺一件事更感兴趣。” Luo Liang plays the vision of play, passed over gently and swiftly rich and smooth exquisite attractive body that the blue hair girl tunic soaks, appearance of harboring evil intentions. 罗亮玩戏的目光,掠过蓝发女孩裙衫湿透的丰润玲珑倩躯,不怀好意的样子。 Naturally, he cracks a joke. 当然,他只是开玩笑。 Luo Liang does not lack the common cultivation resources. On the contrary, a commitment of Space and Time Mage, the value affects is bigger. 罗亮并不缺一般的修炼资源。相反,一个时空法师的承诺,价值作用更大。 Does not have the issue, so long as you dare to bet.” “没问题,只要你敢赌。” The blue hair girl has not avoided his tease vision unexpectedly, the facial features are quiet and gentle. 蓝发女孩竟然没回避他的挑逗目光,面容柔静坦然。 Very good! Bets me to be able in the kernel range in 100 meters, insists the two hour.” “很好!就赌我能不能在核心区一百米内,坚持两个小时。” Does not wait for her to open the mouth, Luo Liang proposed the bet content. 不等她开口,罗亮主动提出打赌内容。 The blue hair girl is startled, ill-humored say/way: You think that I am silly?” 蓝发女孩一怔,没好气的道:“你以为我傻?” Tomorrow, both of us compare notes. The won person, obtains the chip.” “明天,我们二人切磋。赢的人,获得筹码。” The blue hair girl said. 蓝发女孩道。 Compares notes?” “切磋吗?” Luo Liang is surprised, does not know self-confidence where the blue hair girl comes. 罗亮大感意外,不知道蓝发女孩哪来的自信。 Although Space and Time Mage is very strong, but cultivation base has not achieved Capital Rank after all, the method is quite limited. 尽管时空法师很强,可毕竟修为没有达到城邦级,手段较为有限。 Right, compared notes not to use the pet or special item.” “对了,切磋中不许用宠物或者特殊道具。” The blue hair girl added. 蓝发女孩补充道。 Her small squirrel to Luo Liang somewhat dreaded. 她对罗亮的小松鼠有些忌惮。 Good, I received.” “好,我接下了。” Luo Liang ponders double profession, but also fears Rank 2 Space and Time Mage? 罗亮自忖双职业,还怕一个2级时空法师 Furthermore, he is not afraid of losing. 再者,他也不怕输。 In the short-term, Silver Floating Fish affects to him is not big, can withstand the loss. 短期来说,银浮鱼对他作用没那么大,经得起损失。 Gazes after Luo Liang’s figure, integrates in the mist of deep place. 目送罗亮的身影,融入更深处的雾气中。 Is too young.” “还是太年轻。” Xiao Fengzhou shakes the head smiles, ridiculed wear a look. 肖风舟摇头一笑,面带讥讽。 He knows, the blue hair girl after today undergoes the Medicine King Bath baptism, immediately must promote Rank 3. 他可是知道,蓝发女孩在今日经受药王浴的洗礼后,马上要晋升3级 Rank 3 Space and Time Mage. 3级时空法师 The battle efficiency and method, will obtain the qualitative leap, being possible be called the same step is invincible, suppresses nearly all profession. 战斗力和手段,将会得到质的飞跃,堪称同阶无敌,压制近乎一切职业 It can be said that tomorrow's comparing notes, Luo Liang has no odds of success from the start. 可以说,明天的切磋,罗亮压根没有任何胜算。 Even if he hid Rank 3 cultivation base, facing Rank 3 Space and Time Mage, is not meaningful. 哪怕他隐藏了3级修为,面对3级时空法师,也没有任何意义。
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