IANYIBTTH :: Volume #9

#802: Today is also nuclear even 1 day

Medicine garden deep place, above altar. 药园深处,祭坛之上。 I sit cross-legged to sit in the altar edge, because ancient times the rebellion of day phoenix residual soul strength, I fell into absent-minded, almost no plants from several feet high altar. 我盘膝坐在祭坛边缘,因为远古天凰残留灵魂力量的暴动,我陷入失神之中,差点没一头从数丈高的祭坛栽下去。 Chirp!” “啾!” Suddenly, the cruel phoenix cry sound resounds in my mind together directly, all around I observe the situation to look, discovered oneself do not know when appeared in barbarian barren hill forests unexpectedly. 忽然,一道暴戾的凤鸣声直接在我脑海中响起,我环视四周看去,发现自己不知何时竟然出现在了一片蛮荒山林间。 The surroundings everywhere are the towering giant tree that needs more than ten adults to joint hold, under the giant tree is goes all out the green and glossy bush, wisteria and weed that derives sunshine and rain to grow, is covered with the entire mountain forest densely and numerously, some likely are small the calf big centipede, spider and poisonous snake to drill in the old grove, scene to terrify person. 周围到处都是需要十几个成年人才能合抱的参天巨木,巨木下是拼命汲取阳光雨露成长的绿油油的灌木、藤萝、杂草,密密麻麻长满整座山林,一些像小牛犊子大的蜈蚣、蜘蛛、毒蛇则在老林子中钻来钻去,场景瘆人。 After a I seven chi (0.33 m) six cuns (2.5 cm) high solemn son throws into this mountain forest, the shock discovered oneself did not have nearby one high bush......, if this gadget can also calculate the bush. 我一个七尺六寸高的堂堂男儿扔入这片山林后,震惊发现自己还没边上一株“灌木”高……如果这玩意儿也能算灌木的话。 A wingspan exceeds 20 zhang (3.33 m) day monster phoenix, is wrapping the golden flame of flaming combustion all over the body, circles to dance in the air sky over the barren hill forest, is passing cruel savage aura. 一头翼展超过二十丈的“天妖凰”,通体包裹着熊熊燃烧的金色火焰,在蛮荒山林上空盘旋飞舞,透着一股暴戾凶残的气息。 „Is this...... the soul battlefield?” “这是……灵魂战场?” I knit the brows to look at the flame big bird that a space danced in the air, knows that estimate is not the day of monster phoenix, but was that „the ancient times day phoenix, the excessiveness of this cover, mountain forest that the sunlight somewhat could not shine, should be the ancient times mountain forest that it lived, sets up the woodworm snake and present mountain forest different. 我皱眉看了眼天上飞舞的火焰大鸟,知道那估计不是天妖凰,而是那头“远古天凰”,这片茂密的过头,以至于阳光都有些照射不进来的山林,应该是它生活的远古山林,树木虫蛇与如今的山林有许多不同。 Worthily is eight step demon beasts, even if died so many years not to sit waiting for death, was only left over a wisp of residual soul mark, before dissipation must wrestle at risk of life! 不愧是八阶魔兽,即便死了这么多年也不肯坐以待毙,只剩下一缕残留的灵魂印记,临消散前都要拼死一搏! „To draw me to make the pad back? Hehe, if I come in 3000 early, perhaps you have that strength, now......” “只是想拉我做垫背的?嘿嘿,我要是早来三千年,你说不定还有那个力量,如今嘛……” I smile do not speak, no matter once this ancient times day phoenix imposing, the present is only in a shell-mound the bleached bone, I have the confidence to cope with 12. 我就笑笑不说话,不管曾经这头远古天凰有多威风,如今只是一具冢中枯骨,我还是有信心对付一二的。 Chirp chirp!” “啾啾!” Ancient times the day phoenix face upwarded to sound, phoenix cry was resonant and clear, its whole body is bathing the golden flame, both wings, changed to the flowing fire to dive together toward me, powerful, as powerful as a thunderbolt! 远古天凰仰天鸣叫,凤鸣嘹亮而清脆,它浑身沐浴着金色火焰,双翅一阵,化作一道流火朝我俯冲下来,气势如虹,雷霆万钧! But in my both hands does not know when had/left a big iron ball, threw by far toward the ancient times day phoenix, seemed is telling this once ancient times overlord a few words: 但我双手之中不知何时多出了一颗大铁球,朝远古天凰远远扔出,好似是在告诉这位曾经的远古霸主一句话: Sir, the time changed.” “大人,时代变了。” After throwing the thing, I turn around to fly over a summit fiercely, the head have shrunk, hide in the mountain massif back, then hears the mountain massif to resound a radical explosion directly. 扔出东西后,我猛地转身飞越过一座山顶,脑袋一缩,躲在山体背面上,然后便听到山体正面响起一阵剧烈的爆炸。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Before looking like 1000 summer thunder showers when is stuffily identical erupts, seems like the cavalry to cry out in the charge surely, the intense shock-wave destroyed the trim mountain forest, innumerable rock soil broken wooden splash, deafening! 就像是一千道夏天雷阵雨前的闷雷同时爆发,又像是千万铁骑在冲锋呐喊,激烈的冲击波摧毁了整片山林,无数岩石泥土碎木飞溅,震耳欲聋! I stand up from the mountain massif, am away from a thick mountain massif to feel a blazing dry feeling, somewhat has a parched mouth, looks up, saw only the peak seems is pared several feet altitude, mushroom cloud raised from that side of mountain slowly...... 我从山体背面站起身,隔着一座厚厚的山体都能感受到一股炽热干燥感,有些口干舌燥,抬头看去,只见峰顶好似被削去了数丈高度,一朵蘑菇云从山的那边冉冉升起…… Today is also nuclear even one day. 今天也是核平的一天呢。 Is welcoming the flame, on my face shows a bright smile, however in the next quarter, phoenix cry sound resounds through the skies again, the huge figure flutters to depart from the mushroom cloud together! 迎着火光,我脸上露出一个灿烂的笑容,然而就在下一刻,那凤鸣声再度响彻云霄,一道庞大的身形从蘑菇云中振翅飞出! The golden flame that ancient times on the day phoenix bathed was dim, the body fiery red feather at sixes and sevens, like a drenched chicken, but it has not actually submitted slightly, arrogant hovering in the sky, sent out resonant proud phoenix cry as before, seemed like showing once the military might of mainland overlord the world. 远古天凰身上沐浴的金色火焰黯淡许多,身上火红的羽毛乱七八糟,就像一只落汤鸡,可它却丝毫没有屈服,依旧高傲的翱翔在天空上,发出嘹亮骄傲的凤鸣,似乎是在向世人展示曾经大陆霸主的威武。 Muttered! 咕哝! I swallowed a saliva, some vision delay looks at that only ancient times the day phoenix, it affirmed a moment ago...... extremely angrily, therefore lived. 我咽了口口水,目光有些呆滞的看着那只远古天凰,它刚才肯定……极度愤怒,所以才活了下来。 This is very normal, Xiao Yan once in the extremely angry situation, took Dou Emperor to cultivate/repair to be defeated Yunshan that fights sect Xiuwei, the physique of person and person cannot be generally spoken. 这很正常,萧炎就曾经在极度愤怒的情况下,以斗皇修为打败了斗宗修为的云山,人和人的体质是不能一概而论的。 Under I deeply inspire, return to normal the flurried mood, at this time the ancient times day phoenix dived again, wants the sharp curving claw to grasp ruthlessly toward my skull compared with the goshawk! 我深吸口气,平复下慌乱的情绪,这时远古天凰又再次俯冲下来,比苍鹰还要锋利的弯曲爪子狠狠朝我头盖骨抓来! My tip of the toe ground, the figure soars, avoids this time to throw fiercely strikes, before the right hand does the sword refers to delimiting to pass away void, immediately purple thunder Xianchao ancient times the day phoenix lasing went together. 我脚尖一点地面,身形腾空而起,猛地躲避开这次扑击,右手做剑指划过身前虚空,顿时一道紫色雷线朝远古天凰激射而去。 It has been seriously injured in the attack, now facing this strikes, the opens the mouth blowout tiny column of flame, resisted thunder string together reluctantly, was unexpected I one step to take, the figure arrived at behind it towering, turned the palm to pat. 它在刚才的攻击中已经受了重伤,如今面对这一击,张口喷出一道细小的火柱,勉强抵御住了雷线,却不防我一步迈出,身形突兀来到它背后,翻掌拍下。 Bold evildoer/monstrous talent, fast appear primary form- big thunder Heavenly Dragon!” “大胆妖孽,还不速速显出原形-大雷天龙!” Purple Thunder Dragon held from me together departs, leading dazzling to hit ruthlessly after the ancient times day phoenix conducts the back, sharp dragon claw tearing, ancient times the day phoenix sent out to call out in grief immediately sad and shrill, kicks the pair of wings to go all out to dance in the air, wants to fling Thunder Dragon of back, but actually radically useless. 一道紫色雷龙从我掌中飞出,带着耀眼雷芒狠狠撞在远古天凰后背上,锋利的龙爪撕裂而下,远古天凰顿时发出凄厉悲鸣,扑腾着双翼拼命飞舞,想要将后背的雷龙甩出去,可却根本没用。 Thunder Dragon grasps stubbornly after it conducts the back, is attacking it crazily, everywhere thunder falls, ancient times day phoenix back immediately torn pulp. 雷龙死死抓在它后背上,疯狂攻击着它,漫天雷霆落下,远古天凰后背顿时被撕扯的稀烂。 Bang!” “嘭!” Probably a hot-air balloon explodes suddenly, the wingspan surpasses 20 zhang (3.33 m) huge day phoenix to explode everywhere flame, the dissipation in this stretch of ancient times world, dissipated with its time slowly together. 像是一只热气球陡然爆炸,翼展超过二十丈的庞大天凰炸成漫天火光,缓缓消散在这片远古的天地中,跟着它的时代一起消逝。 Everywhere flame is quite beautiful, I think them, subconscious flew, puts out a hand light/only to grasp several tiny fires in the palm, the skin just now contacts them, immediately the flame permeates my within the body, several pictures appear in my mind. 漫天的火光极为美丽,我看着它们,下意识就飞了过去,伸手将几粒火光抓在手心,皮肤才刚接触到它们,顿时火光就渗入我体内,几道画面在我脑海中浮现。 Was some memories of this ancient times day phoenix! 是这头远古天凰的一些记忆! My vision sparkles, now my soul strength is quite strong, what side effect on me selects the residual memory should not to have, but can inside have some interesting things? 我目光闪了闪,如今我的灵魂力量极为强大,这么点残留的记忆对我应该不会产生什么副作用,但里面或许会有一些有趣的事情? A right hand five fingers palm, a huge attracting customer interest spreads, the flame of everywhere twinkle star was performed by me all inhales in the palm, immediately massive pictures appear in my mind fast, when just like watching movie quick enters, is my soul strength is powerful, otherwise the common person has not seen clearly the picture content from the start is anything, has dodged passes. 右手五指一掌,一股巨大的吸扯力传出,漫天星星点点的火光被我尽皆吸入掌中,顿时大量画面在我脑海中飞快浮现,宛如看电影时的快进,也就是我灵魂力量强大,否则寻常人压根还没看清楚画面内容是什么,就已经一闪即逝了。 Ancient times under the day phoenix remained the memory is not many, quick examined, on my face revealed an excitement, suddenly found a lintel technique? 远古天凰残留下的记忆不多,很快就查看完了,我脸上露出一丝兴奋,竟然找到了一门斗技? That was an inheritance of ancient times day phoenix clan fights the technique, the might was extremely powerful, perhaps has been lost in the battle qi mainland! 那是远古天凰一族的传承斗技,威力极其强大,说不定在斗气大陆上早已经失传了! At this time, under my body this ancient times mountain forest is also vanishing gradually, in the world was only left over the rich profound darkness...... 这时,我身下这片远古山林也在渐渐消失,天地间只剩下浓郁深邃的黑暗…… Nalan Ye, are you good?” 纳兰叶,你还好吗?” Nalan Ye, you awake quickly!” 纳兰叶,你快醒醒啊!” Does not know the shout where hears, the sound has several familiarities, in my mouth voices sobbing of unconsciousness, somewhat vacant opening eye, sees a face to shout cautiously my purple beautiful, she sees me to open the eye, on the small face is quite immediately pleasantly surprised. 不知道从哪里传来的呼喊声,声音带着几丝熟悉感,我口中发出一声无意识的呜咽,有些茫然的睁开眼睛,就看见一脸小心翼翼喊着我的紫妍,她见到我睁开眼睛,小脸上顿时颇为惊喜。 Nalan Ye, did you awake?!” 纳兰叶,你醒了?!” My blurry nod, also has a look at all around, recalled suddenly where this is, the whole person is startled fiercely. 我迷迷糊糊的点了点头,又看看四周,恍然回想起来这是哪里,整个人猛地一惊。 „It is not good, cost that long time a moment ago, the soul seed has not had an accident!” “不好,刚才耗费了那么久时间,灵魂种子没出什么事吧!” Chinese net 中文网
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