IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#695: Possibility that breaks through the space and time!

From Caesar and Apocalypse, after two master and servant arrive in Magneto is a guest, here remote mountains and ancient forests, besides the previous villa, is away from a mountain top not far away, had/left a shining sacred pyramid. 自凯撒和天启,两主仆来到万磁王家中作客后,这里的深山老林中,除了先前的别墅以外,隔着一座山头不远处,又多出了一座金灿灿的神圣金字塔。 Magneto two twin Youngest daughter Wanda and Lorna, do obeisance Apocalypse for the master simultaneously. Apocalypse using summer vacation these days, will teach how they develop their powerful different functions. 万磁王的两个双胞胎小女儿-旺达洛娜,同时拜天启为师。天启将利用暑假这段时间,教导她们如何开发利用自身的强大异能。 Caesar also lived in this temporarily, in any case Apocalypse with pyramid that the variant ability creates, in has the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, is equivalent to a giant ancient castle. As for the daily three meals a day, then there is in a Magneto family/home to provide, as running about to conduct by the quick silver delivers the meal daily. 凯撒也暂时在这住了下来,反正天启用变种能力缔造的金字塔,内有洞天,相当于一座巨大的古城堡。至于每日三餐,则有万磁王家里提供,由快银作为跑腿进行日常送餐。 Then, the time then passed in an instant for a week. 就这样,时间转眼便过去了一周。 Although Caesar and Apocalypse to the time, basically have no concrete concept and feeling. 尽管凯撒和天启对时间,基本没有什么具体的概念和感觉。 After all krypton star Superman bloodlines physique, originally anti- senile ; As for Apocalypse, do not visit him to be old, actually was also several thousand -year-old person, even if lived again in 1000, he will still not die. 毕竟氪星超人的血脉体质,本就耐衰老;至于天启,别看他年纪大,却也是几千岁的人了,哪怕再活一千年,他也仍然不会死去。 Both's gene, is the true being at variance with average man, essentially certainly not in human category. 两者的基因,是真正的异于常人,本质上也绝不在人类范畴。 In the morning, cloudy day. 这一天上午,阴天。 The cool breeze flap flap, the forest sky is piling up the dark clouds, sign that will soon rain. 凉风猎猎,森林上空堆积着阴云,一副即将下雨的迹象。 At this time top level in the pyramid open square, several people completely have not paid attention to this day air/Qi. 只是此时金字塔顶层的露天广场上,几人全然没把这天气放在眼里。 Master, I achieved!” Wanda shouted nang joyfully, while lifted white and tender both hands, obviously has the energy group of similar red dense fog, from her body intrinsic derivation, as the control of both hands filled the air to linger. “师傅,我做到了!”旺达一边喜悦叫囔着,一边抬起白嫩双手,可见有着类似赤色迷雾的能量团,自她身体内在衍生而出,随着双手的操控弥漫萦绕。 Good. A week of time, can finally nature triggering.” Apocalypse rickets old thin body, cheerful nodding the head, really with charitable kind old person not different. “不错。一周的时间,总算能自然触发了。”天启佝偻着年迈瘦削的身体,乐呵呵的颔首,真与慈善和蔼的老人无异。 I can also achieve.” Nearby Lorna, she fixes the eyes on to watch the tinsel on body foreland angrily, both hands five fingers empty is grasping in the air, an attentive feeling suffocated appearance. “我也能做到。”一旁的洛娜气鼓鼓的,她定睛看着身前地上的金属片,双手五指虚握着空中,一副全神贯注的憋气模样。 Quick, the tinsel of ground floats upward, is centered on her body, transferred several circles. 很快的,地上的金属片往上漂浮而起,以她身体为中心,转了几个圆圈。 „!” Lorna excited exhibiting scissors, with Wanda, simultaneous/uniform Qiwang the altar to not far away, wants to obtain beside abatement Apocalypse immediately, another person's praise. “耶!”洛娜兴奋的摆出剪刀手,随即和旺达,齐齐望向不远处的祭坛,想得到除却天启之外,另一个人的夸奖。 Sees only in the pyramid top layer altar platform, sitting that Caesar sits in repose with eyes closed above, the solemn handsome facial expression just like the blade to truncate, the cold wind pours into the black windproof coat loose gown, lets him like an arrogant eagle vulture that wants with the day scaled height of burst, the whole body is lending this solitary one cold invincible aura. 只见金字塔顶层祭坛平台上,凯撒闭目养神的坐在上面,冷峻英俊的脸容犹如刀削,冷风灌入黑色风衣宽松的袍子,让他如同一头欲与天比高的孤高鹰鹫,浑身散发着一股孤冷无敌的气息。 His existence, is this world and universe center. 他的存在,就是这个世界、宇宙的中心。 little loli who two just controlled the variant ability, looks Caesar who in the altar sits, felt the vision definitely is unable to put aside from Caesar, this fatal and mysterious attraction, once surpassed the ordinary feelings between human opposite sexes. 两只刚掌控自身变种能力的小萝莉,愣愣看着祭坛上坐着的凯撒,感觉目光完全无法从凯撒身上移开,这种致命而神秘的吸引力,一度超过了人类异性间的普通情愫。 Wanda cannot bear crisp asking: Master, is Brother Caesar, what he making?” 旺达忍不住脆生生的问:“师傅,凯撒哥哥,他到底在做什么?” Master said, this is senses and absorbs the energy in the universe drifting away. You only need understand that was good, this altitude, I inquired about several thousand years are unable to touch.” Apocalypse sighed again and again, if this world really bright, he can definitely be Caesar without doubt. “主人说,这是感悟并吸收宇宙中游离的能量。你们只需了解就行了,这种高度,我探寻了数千年都无法触及。”天启感叹连连,如果这个世界真的有神,那他可以肯定就是凯撒无疑。 Even if not Caesar, Caesar can still easily murder the god! 就算不是凯撒,凯撒也可以轻易弑神! Although the semblance is only human, but exceeds all, and even the general knowledge, this Is Superman! 虽然外表只是人类,但超越一切,乃至常识,这就是-超人 Buzz- 嗡- Caesar opens the double pupil suddenly, but during awakens, the vision of nonchalant overflow, turns into two scalding hot beams directly, making Apocalypse have a scare, rapidly puts aside the body Wanda and Lorna. 凯撒突然睁开双眸,只是苏醒间,不经意外溢的目光,都直接化成两道灼热射线,让天启吓了一大跳,迅速将旺达洛娜移开身位。 Two scalding hot beam passing over gently and swiftly air, on the pyramid open square floor, left behind two being too deep to see the bottom ditch marks, immediately the beam continued to plunder outward, two was divided into three mountain peak of pyramid directly opposite. 两道灼热的射线掠过空气,在金字塔露天广场地板上,留下两道深不见底的沟痕,随即射线继续往外掠去,将金字塔正对面的一座山峰给二分为三。 This......” looked at one that this is shocking everybody, Wanda and Lorna is shocked completely dull. Is walking on the halfway, delivers the lunch to the people the quick silver, the spirit that also frightens inspires, looks at deep burned black ravine. “这……”望着这惊世骇俗的一幕,旺达洛娜全部呆愣住了。连带正走在半路上,给众人送午餐的快银,也吓的精神一振,看着身旁深深的焦黑山沟。 Disregards in the restriction of gravity of Earth, sets out Caesar from the altar, such float in upper air. His translucent eye pupil vision is sparkling, suddenly gets hold of the right fist, slowly wields a fist toward the sky 无视所在地球的重力约束,自祭坛上起身的凯撒,就这样悬浮在高空中。他透亮的眼眸目光烁烁,突然握紧右拳,缓缓的朝着天空挥出一拳 ...... …… Bang!!! 嘭!!! Like startling thunderclap that the flat land has, wastes this fist, making the air explode all around, that fist vigor strength is away from the air to disseminate upward, has not stopped completely, but like taking off/escaping the dam flood divulges. 如同平地起的一声惊雷,凯撒挥出这一拳,让周遭空气为之爆裂,那拳劲力量隔着空气往上传播,并没有完全止住,而是如同脱坝洪水宣泄而出。 Buzz- 嗡- Piles up above the suburb forest sky, surrounding area dozens kilometers dark clouds were broken directly, making the gloomy sky twinkling transfer the cloudless day, falling of bright beautiful sunlight no hindrance, sprinkles heartily below pyramid. 堆积在郊外森林天空上方,方圆数十公里的阴云被直接震碎,让阴沉的天空瞬息转为晴天,灿烂明媚的阳光毫无阻碍的落下,尽情洒落在下方的金字塔上。 This, was too exaggerating......” the mouth sufficiently stopper next egg of quick silver opening. “这,太夸张了吧……”快银张大的嘴巴足以塞下一个鸡蛋。 A moment ago, was only the ordinary fist of master, not full power.” Apocalypse actually shows the understanding smiling face, swung gently under. If full power, even if perhaps has him, Wanda and Lorna of vicinity incautiously, still by fist vigor shaking wound. “刚才,只是主人的普通一拳,并没有全力。”天启却露出会意的笑容,轻轻摇了下头。如果全力,恐怕就算有他在,近处的旺达洛娜一不小心,也会被拳劲给震伤。 In Wanda and Lorna regard, if under the gaze of gods, Caesar drops to the altar platform, in his eye has some confused colors, then helpless sighing. 旺达洛娜视若神明的注视下,凯撒回落到祭坛平台上,他眼中带着些许迷茫之色,而后无奈的叹了口气。 Also failed. 又失败了。 Since these days, Caesar has been weary of the absorbed energy to expand itself, but starts to attempt and ponder over, possibility how to break through this space and time. 这段时间以来,凯撒已经厌倦了吸收能量壮大自身,而是开始尝试并琢磨着,如何突破这一界时空的可能性。 Initially. 当初。 He through the science and technology of Ant-Man domain, through the quantum domain, the microscopic breakthrough the fetter of Marvel universe, arrived here X-Men universe accidentally. 他是通过蚁人领域的科技,通过量子领域,微观的突破了漫威宇宙的束缚,无意中来到这边的X战警宇宙。 Since can come from that side, that have no reason unable to return! 既然能够从那边过来,那就没理由无法返回! Caesar does not have Pym Particles now, is unable to enter the quantum domain again, is unable to use the microscopic way to break through the space and time. 凯撒现在没有皮姆粒子,即无法再度进入量子领域,无法利用微观方式突破时空。 But under the macroscopic premise, isn't able to break through the fetter of this space and time? 可难道在宏观前提下,就无法突破这一届时空的束缚么? Caesar has been thinking deeply about this issue, over the past several years, and proved with Apocalypse occasionally. Finally draws a conclusion, so long as has the enough powerful strength, can break through this strength, has the possibility that defeats this macroscopic universe space and time! 凯撒一直在思索着这个问题,过去十几年,并偶尔与天启进行论证。最终得出一个结论,只要拥有足够强大的力量,可以突破这一界的力量,就存在击破这处宏观宇宙时空的可能性! Although drew the relative conclusion, the process that but confirms is very arduous. 虽然得出了相对的结论,但验证的过程却十分艰巨。 Caesar felt oneself are powerful enough, a fist gets down, has the feeling of breakthrough space and time. Actually also remains at the feeling stage merely, is unable to penetrate the space and time that does not have truly, can only penetrate the specific matter in reality. 凯撒觉得自己已经足够强大了,一拳下去,有突破时空的感觉。却也仅仅停留在感觉阶段,无法真正击穿不存在的时空,只能击穿现实里的具体事物。 Always felt, missed a thing, what is?” The Caesar brow tight wrinkle, sits cross-legged to sit down , to continue to fall into the long thinking. “总感觉,差了一点东西,到底是什么呢?”凯撒眉头紧皱,盘膝坐下,继续陷入漫长的思索。 At this time. 此时。 Young people talent school, in a classroom. 青少年天才学院,一间教室中。 Because the storm female has the matter temporarily, can only act as the zither | Jean of supply teacher, changes the suit attire of female teacher, smiles to hint toward nearby young girl, ok, introduced oneself with everyone.” 由于暴风女临时有事,只能充当代课老师的琴,换上女教师的西装衣着,朝旁边的少女微笑示意,“好了,和大家自我介绍一下吧。” Hello, my name was Xueli! The new new student|life, asking fellow schoolmates to advise much.” Wears a beautiful young girl of jasmine skirt, on the fair face exudes the small dimple, stands bows on the classroom platform slightly. “大家好,我叫雪莉!新来的新生,请各位同学多多指教。”身穿一身茉莉花裙的美少女,白皙脸上泛起小酒窝,站在教室讲台上稍稍鞠躬。 Under the stage the new student|life delivers the resounding earnest applause immediately, the non- young man schoolmate is difficult to cover the joyful color, they did not have the opportunity as the zither | Jean goddess of teacher, but this new female schoolmate beauty actually also excellent, can definitely become class flower/spend. 台下新生立即送上响亮热切的掌声,不少男同学更是难掩喜悦之色,作为老师的琴女神他们是没机会了,但这新来的女同学姿色却也极好,完全可以成为班花。 Schoolmate Shirley, do you have the boyfriend?” Confessed that the face value good male schoolmate, raises hand to inquire immediately. “雪莉同学,请问你有男朋友么?”一个自认颜值不错的男同学,当即举手询问。 Under a schoolmate's hiss, Xueli shows a faint smile, does not have, but I have the male god, therefore was sorry very much.” 在同学的一片嘘声下,雪莉微微一笑,“没有,不过我心里已经有男神了,所以很抱歉。” Looks the boys who the big piece gets down dejectedly, the zither | Jean also provoked laughter, asking gently: What male god?” 看着大片颓靡下去的男学生们,琴也被逗笑了,轻轻的问上一句:“什么男神?” Xueli blinks, straightforward opens the mouth: Superman, Caesar.” 雪莉眨眨眼睛,直白开口:“超人,凯撒。”
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