IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#640: Air-to-surface intercontinental light artillery

After four squads compete, on the field of honor, has not competed only has four squads. 经过四场小队比赛之后,决斗场上,还未比赛的只有四支小队。 Namely 4, 8 and 9, as well as No. 12 team. 即四、八、九,以及12号队伍。 Kyle comes out to explode the field suddenly, takes one person to on remaining participants, namely 12 people in these four teams. 凯尔突然出来炸场,要一人对上剩下的参赛者,即这四支队伍中的十二人。 The rule also is very easy to understand simple. 规则也十分简单易懂。 Can attack, only need bump into Kyle oneself ; Also can defend, only need insist hand/subordinate for 30 seconds in Kyle. Regardless how to see, with first four, participant battle of must better. 可以进攻,只需碰到凯尔本人一下;也可以防御,只需在凯尔手下坚持30秒。无论怎么看,都与前四场,参赛者彼此间的厮杀要更好一点。 And. Can enter the second round of participant, had at least can in the second war Kyle subordinate, has supported five minutes of method and strength...... 并且。能进入第二轮的参赛者,都拥有至少能在二战凯尔手下,撑过五分钟的手段和实力…… Remaining 8 and No. 9 team, is the card disciple who the Carl Family clan trains composes, only then 4 th and No. 12 squad, is some outstandingly able person different gentlemen from the world , there is a certain arrogance, therefore the participant no one raised the objection. 剩下的八号和九号队伍,都是卡尔家族培养的卡徒组成,只有四号和12号小队,是来自世界各地的一些奇人异士,也有一定的傲气,所以参赛者这边没人提出异议。 The audience also loves to the rule that this changes temporarily, many people will come to watch a sports contest, comes to Symbol of Peace Kyle, now finally can see Kyle to act, let alone opposed, high and low is the view that the approval echoes. 观众们对这临时改的规则也喜闻乐见,许多人会前来观赛,就是冲着和平象征凯尔来的,现在终于能看到凯尔出手,别说反对,上下都是一片赞同附和的看法。 „Then, the fifth special competition, formally starts!” “那么接下来,第五场特殊比赛,正式开始!” The God system announced the competition schedule in the presence of everyone, the members of Kyle and other four teams, vanished from the field of honor on abundance, was shifted to the virtual duel space. 主神系统当众公布赛程,凯尔和其它四支队伍的成员,纷纷自决斗场上消失,被转移到虚拟决斗空间。 That man......, but was entered the stage, how you saw this special competition.” Ant-Man looks to Eddy, wants to know his view. Deadpool also casts the vision toward Eddy. “那个男人……,可算是出场了,你怎么看这场特殊比赛。”蚁人看向埃迪,想知道他的看法。死侍也朝埃迪投去目光。 I know are not many. However, if you think, before he also stays, that strength stage, that was completely mistaken.” “我知道的也不多。不过,如果你们以为,他还停留以前那个实力阶段,那就大错特错了。” Eddy smiles, said: As far as I know. Then head of household, has the incurable illness, the condition when compared with second war expedition dropped. But left Earth from the second war, until returning to New York, he has broken through the barrier of the strength and life.” 埃迪笑了笑,道:“据我所知。当时的家主,就已经身怀绝症,比二战征战时的状态有所下降。而自二战离开地球,直到重回纽约,他已经突破自身实力和生命的屏障。” Until now. He still in unceasing progress, study. Therefore let alone pursued, even the back is hard to look up.” “时至今日。他仍在不断的进步,学习。所以别说追赶了,连背影都难以仰望。” Shrugging that Eddy feels relaxed, the racket the shoulder of Ant-Man and Deadpool, later perhaps you knew, the tip of the iceberg of his true strength.” 埃迪释然的耸耸肩,拍拍蚁人死侍的肩膀,“待会也许你们就知道了,他真正实力的冰山一角。” The screen of field of honor above demonstration, a picture revolution, switches over the lively modern city region. 决斗场上空显示的屏幕,画面一转,切换到繁华的现代城市区域。 Innumerable tall buildings are surrounding the middle, the plane open green plants the square, the center also constructs the Symbol of Peace sculpture. 无数高楼大厦围拢着的中间,有一块平面开阔的绿植广场,中心还建有和平象征的雕塑。 Random fight scene: New York square. 随机战斗场景:纽约广场。 Red: Kyle. 红方:凯尔 Blue side: 4 th, 8, 9,12 th, the members of four teams. 蓝方:四、八、9,12号,共四支队伍的成员。 Everyone does not permit to leave the New York square region, so long as the blue side member bumps into Kyle, or insisted that 30 seconds of countdown, namely calculates gains the victory personally. 所有人不准离开纽约广场区域,蓝方成员只要碰到凯尔,或坚持完30秒倒计时,即算个人取得胜利。 The rule after above the virtual space demonstrates, a 30 seconds of countdown, in the sky of virtual New York square appears. 规则在虚拟空间上方显示完后,一个30秒倒计时,在虚拟纽约广场的上空出现。 12 participants stand on one side, they are staring at the directly opposite anxiously, alone situated in one side Kyle. 十二个参赛者站在一边,他们紧张盯着正对面,独自处于一边的凯尔 The audience on outside auditorium, the subconscious turning very quiet breath, are watching the large screen of God angle of view, everyone anticipated secretly, suspected how will then erupt the fierce fight. 外面观众席上的观众们,下意识的屏住呼吸,观看着上帝视角的大屏幕,所有人都暗暗期待,猜想接下来会爆发如何激烈的战斗。 This pair 12, should compete compared with the beforehand four squads, but also is splendid? 这一对十二,应该会比之前四场小队比赛,还要精彩吧? What a pity, they were doomed disappointedly...... 可惜,他们注定失望了…… The instance that the competition countdown starts, when 12 participants, the preparation wells up, but on. 比赛倒计时开始的瞬间,就在十二个参赛者,准备一涌而上之际。 The Kyle tranquil body, erupted a pressure suddenly, his pair of eyes twinkle scalding hot flame, the big body self-ignition seems to be common, the body surface burns a light dazzling color energy. 凯尔原本平静的躯体,骤然爆发一股威压,他双眼闪烁灼热火光,高大的躯体仿佛自燃一般,体表燃烧起一层淡淡的炫彩能量。 Two stars shape. 双星形态。 Erupts white dust wave same place, Kyle soars, worships Buddha on a mountain-top the arched sky to fly, suddenly breakthrough atmosphere. 原地爆发一股白色尘浪,凯尔一飞冲天,直朝顶穹的天空飞去,眨眼间就突破大气层。 This......” “这……” The participant in square stares dumbfounded, looks up to become star light Kyle. Although according to the system convention, sky over the New York square, indeed is also the New York square range, but how can this make them play? 广场上的参赛者瞠目结舌,抬头望着成为一点星光的凯尔。虽然按照系统规则,纽约广场上空,的确也算是纽约广场范围,但这要让他们怎么玩? What also bumps? The real ratio ascends to heaven is difficult! 还碰什么?真比登天还要难! This altitude, it should be almost done.” The Kyle breakthrough atmosphere of two stars shape, the edge in Earth near outer space stops. If this flies again outward, let alone the New York square, even the Earth range surpassed. “这个高度,应该差不多了。”双星形态的凯尔突破大气层,在地球近太空的边缘停下。这要是再往外飞,别说纽约广场,连地球范围都超过了。 Since explodes the field, that must explode neat. 既然是炸场,那就要炸的干脆利落一点。 In the remaining these participants, but there is to carry other five crime evil spirit card people to present, if negligent, perhaps really by their bumping into bodies easily. 在剩下的那些参赛者之中,可是有携带其它五罪邪灵的卡徒在场,要是过于大意,没准真被他们轻易的碰到身体。 As organizer who ultra can compete, naturally wants unselfishly. 作为超能比赛的举办者,当然要大公无私一点。 I can say. The real reason is, now the body is ready to make trouble, can therefore ask you to vent well?” The Kyle corners of the mouth outlined wipe to smile, he has not really moved the physique for a long time, immediately in the virtual space, first warmed up also yes. “我能说。真正的原因是,现在身体正蠢蠢欲动,所以要找你们好好的发泄一下么?”凯尔嘴角勾勒一抹笑,他真的好久没活动过筋骨了,当下又是在虚拟空间中,先热一下身也是可以的。 Under outside innumerable audience amazed visual, float in Kyle of Earth near axle outer space, the left hand grips the right hand wrist/skill, acts as the fort general the right hand, the palm condenses to burn the bright dazzling two stars energy immediately. 在外面无数观众惊诧的目视下,悬浮在地球近轨太空的凯尔,左手握住右手手腕,将右手充当炮台一般,手掌随即凝聚起灼亮刺目的双星能量。 What is that?” “那是什么?” The participants in virtual New York square, maintain the posture that raises head, in their fields of vision, the little dazzling star light glows, that star light is getting bigger and bigger, as if under the square toward this is crashing. 虚拟纽约广场上的参赛者们,保持仰头的姿势,在他们的视野中,一点点刺目的星光焕发,那星光越来越大,仿佛正往这底下的广场坠落。 Quick, runs!” “快、快跑!” And a card disciple shouts one panic-stricken, immediately one two stars energy light beams fall loudly, that say/way dazzles the color light beam to have the wrist mouth fully thickly, one meter, like an intercontinental light arrow, the twinkling passed over gently and swiftly several tens of thousands meters space, more than half submerges by a participant foot cement floor. 其中一个卡徒惊恐的大喊一声,随即一束双星能量光束轰然落下,那道炫彩光束足有腕口般粗、一米长,如同一枚洲际光矢,瞬息掠过数万米的空间,过半没入一个参赛者脚旁的水泥地面。 Leaning?” The participant back gushes out the sweating, is looking by the foot, is only left over the half exposition light arrow outside. “偏了?”那参赛者背脊涌出虚汗,望着脚旁,只剩下半截暴露在外的光矢。 His speech sound just fell, light Yadachi turns into the highlight white light, the powerful explosive shock wave, the participant direct bang will fly. 他的话声刚落,光矢立即化成高亮的白光,还有强大的爆炸冲击波,将那参赛者直接轰飞出去。 Indeed leaning. 的确偏了。 What a pity, this light/only artillery is the range attack, avoided uselessly. 可惜,这光炮是范围攻击,躲开了也没用。 But this is only all starts. 而这只是一切的开始。 Then. Light artillery bombing one after another, like the storm , to continue to the virtual New York square, conducts the undifferentiated wanton bombing. 接下来。陆续的光炮轰炸,如同暴风雨,持续对虚拟纽约广场,进行无差别的狂轰滥炸。 After 30 seconds that until the countdown ended. 直到倒计时结束的30秒过后。 Yes. 是的。 The several hundreds of millions audience outside auditorium and sky net platform, scalp tingles, are watching this like the movie special effect, like the natural divine punishment, devastates the steamroll unilaterally the bombardment baptism. 外面观众席和天网平台的数亿观众,头皮发麻的,观看着这场如同电影特效,如同自然神罚,单方面蹂躏碾压的炮轰洗礼。 This competition is not splendid, even is a little cruel, the audience looks to compete the entire journey, only direct-viewing feeling- time really changed. 这场比赛并不精彩,甚至有点残忍,观众看完比赛全程,只直观的感受到一点-时代真的变了。 No longer cuts Kyle of person with the sword, exchanged the intercontinental light artillery...... 不再用剑砍人的凯尔,换上了洲际光炮…… Living that this who withstand/top? 这谁顶的住啊? The competition countdown ended, the virtual New York square, has become hole that gets sucked into the bottom. In hole, but also really had the participant to support this to be similar to 30 seconds of hell. 比赛倒计时结束,虚拟纽约广场,已经成为深陷地底的窟窿。在窟窿里面,还真有参赛者撑完了这如同地狱的30秒。 Is code-named is respectively greedy, guzzling and envy, and lust four card people, have evilly protect them of body spirit, insists reluctantly at the last minute. 分别是代号为贪婪、暴食、嫉妒,以及色欲的四位卡徒,有邪灵护体的他们,勉强坚持到最后一刻。 Is good.” “还算不错。” Float Kyle above sky, blows down the gunsmoke on right hand palm, is overlooking that four card people, shows the understanding happy expression. 悬浮在天空之上的凯尔,吹掉右手手掌上的硝烟,俯视着那四位卡徒,露出会意的笑意。
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