IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#631: Really heroic civil war

Including even if ashes have not stayed behind, after two impact baptism of pinnacle energies, the lawn center leaves behind a bare round hole. 连哪怕一点灰烬都没有留下,经过两种极致能量的冲击洗礼,草地中央留下一片光秃秃的圆坑。 The Kaecilius speed does not reduce, he jumps to span round hole, in the hand the void weapon cuts the air, rapid thorn to Wanda. Being sideways of Wanda danger evaded, the windproof coat that plundered passed over gently and swiftly by the void weapon state-of-art, immediately the photographic paper same tore into shreds an opening accordingly. 卡西利亚斯速度不减,他纵身跨越圆坑,手中虚空武器划破空气,迅疾的刺向旺达旺达险险的侧身躲过,掠起的风衣被虚空武器尖端掠过,立即像纸一样应声撕碎开一个口子。 Does not give the opposite party the opportunity that continues to pursue, Wanda shoves open the crimson energy, forms the overlapping tide, in in the air outward diffusion. Absolutely terrified aura well ups, Kaecilius will quickly back up in the future, spreads out certain with Wanda. 不给对方继续追击的机会,旺达将绯红能量推开,形成层层叠叠的潮汐,在空中往外扩散。一股毛骨悚然的气息涌上心头,卡西利亚斯急忙往后倒退,与旺达拉开一定的距离。 The crimson energy covers, in previous bakes and on the chair, item disintegrates the fragment at the naked eye visible speed. 绯红能量覆盖在先前的烧烤架和椅子上,物品以肉眼可视的速度瓦解成碎片。 In outside auditorium. 外面的观众席上。 „Does the energy that they release conveniently, endure compared with the small-scale nuclear power?” “他们随手释放的能量,都堪比小型核能么?” The audience stare dumbfounded, watches the extraordinary fight of dark Mage and Scarlet Witch. 观众们瞠目结舌,观看黑暗法师绯红女巫的非凡战斗。 Top innate different functions and collision of day after tomorrow magic arts. This war, solely in vision, not inferior Iron Man and fight of Ancient One Mage. 顶尖先天异能和后天法术的碰撞。这一战,单单在视觉上,丝毫不逊色钢铁侠古一法师的战斗。 Body cannot be hit by that red strange energy.” “身体不能被那红色的奇怪能量击中。” The Kaecilius facial expression is dignified, looks is lingering the crimson energy by Wanda, just now the short distance contacts that strange energy, makes him have one type unexpectedly facing the feeling of dark dimension that master. 卡西利亚斯脸容凝重,望着萦绕在旺达手旁的绯红能量,方才近距离接触那种奇异能量,竟让他有一种面对黑暗维度那位主人的感觉。 It seems like can only use the energy that the master grants.” “看来只能使用主人赐予的能量了。” Kaecilius discards the nihility weapon on hand suddenly, he continues to release the crimson energy facing the preparation Wanda, opened both hands slowly outward, exhibits before and Ancient One Mage similar interpretation movement. 卡西利亚斯突然将手上的虚无武器扔掉,他面对准备继续释放绯红能量的旺达,将双手缓缓往外张开,摆出之前与古一法师类似的释法动作。 This is...... 难道说,这是…… Wanda was shocked incessantly, side pays attention to Lucy that two people are fighting, Rain was shocked similarly. 不止旺达愣住了,旁边关注着二人战斗的露希,还有雨瞳都同样愣住了。 As if verifies the guess that they are reappearing, in the facial expression in Kaecilius cape, pupil rich black light extends to the corner of the eye, making him the gloomy and cold appearance fiercer fearsome. 仿佛印证着她们浮现的猜测,卡西利亚斯斗篷内的脸容上,眸子浓郁的黑光延伸至眼角,让他本就阴冷的容貌更加狰狞可怖。 Then. 而后。 The terrain on islands lawn like the Rubik's cube body, starts the irregular transformation adjustment, the lawn is downward hollow must bury alive Wanda. 岛屿草地上的地形如同魔方体,开始不规则的变换调整,草地往下凹陷着要将旺达就地活埋。 This is the mirror space is deeper a application, namely the strength of use dark dimension, grows stronger influence on the real world- 这是镜像空间更深一层的应用,即使用黑暗维度的力量,增强对现实世界的影响力- Peak reality. 巅峰现实。 Sees this, audience piece on an uproar auditorium. In the first group competition, Ancient One Mage uses this move, but received the heavyweight nuclear bomb. Many people have a vivid memory , the code name for the black participant, will also use this style. 看到这一幕,观众席上的观众哗然一片。在第一场小组比赛中,古一法师使用这一招,可是接下了重量级核弹。许多人还记忆犹新,没想到,代号为黑一的参赛者,同样会使用这一招式。 The time, it seems like really changed. 时代,看来真的变了。 Wanda at heart one startled, before the body was fallen by the surface next, she uses the crimson energy, floats the body upward, hovering in ten meters high midair. 旺达心里一惊,在身体被地表陷下之前,她动用绯红能量,将身体往上漂浮而起,悬停在十米高的半空。 Be careful!” The sound of Lucy early warning conveys towering. “小心!”露希预警的声音突兀传来。 Wanda has raising the head of sleep/felt to look to the sky, in the beautiful pupil, reflects at the same time the giant lake, is actually Kaecilius reverses the space, treats as a water plate the lake, bottom-up backing off. 旺达似有所觉的抬头望向天空,美眸之中,倒映出一面巨大的湖泊,却是卡西利亚斯扭转空间,把湖泊当做一个水盘,从上往下的倒扣。 Crash-bang, the water in lake leans the plate to drop down immediately, dense covers toward Wanda. “哗啦”一声,湖泊里的水立即倾盘倒下,黑压压的朝着旺达覆盖过去。 Opens to me!” “给我开!” At a crucial moment, the Wanda both hands extreme velocity rotates, crimson energy continuous growth, while covering to protect the body, the crimson energy releases upward. 千钧一发之际,旺达双手极速转动起来,身上的绯红能量不断壮大,在笼罩护住身体的同时,绯红能量往上释放出去。 Bang- 嘭- Boundless lake like hanging upside down in the waterfall of sky, but the crimson energy, is similar to an arrow to break open the waterfall. 茫茫的湖泊就像倒挂在天空的瀑布,而绯红能量,就如同一支箭将瀑布从中破开。 The water of lake washes out completely on the lawn, twinkling a surrounding area hundred meters region flooding rivers and lakes. 湖泊的水全部冲刷在草地上,瞬息将方圆百米地域给淹成水泽。 Stands by the lawn Kaecilius on hillside, he has not continued to transform the immediate room with enough time, two beautiful figures one on the left and other on the right besieges toward him. 站在草地旁山坡上的卡西利亚斯,他还没来得及继续改造现实空间,两道倩影一左一右的朝他围攻过去。 A person is lingering the white frozen air/Qi, steps Another person is the clear flying high flight, the body has the thought fluctuation, making his spiritual stabbing pain get up slightly. 一人身上萦绕着白色冻气,踩踏在水泽上,水面在下一刻冻结成冰带。另一人则是真切的凌空飞行,身上带着的意念波动,让他的精神都稍稍刺痛起来。 Lucy and Rain, detected that Kaecilius is not a little right, they no longer choose the onlooking, sticks out suddenly while the crevice that Kaecilius gasps for breath launches an attack. 正是露希雨瞳,察觉到卡西利亚斯有点不对劲,她们不再选择旁观,趁着卡西利亚斯喘气的空隙暴起发难。 Uses dark dimension the control force of strength enhancement for reality, Kaecilius has known, the black two black 2-3 subordinates were defeated. He criticizes two useless waste, facing besieging the Lucy two people, can only feel helpless holding up both hands: I admit defeat......” 使用黑暗维度的力量增强对现实的操纵力,卡西利亚斯已经知晓,黑二黑2-3手下都被击败了。他心里暗骂“两个没用的废物”,面对围攻过来的露希二人,只能倍感无奈的举起双手:“我认输……” Rain first stops, just hovering by Kaecilius. But the speed that Lucy runs does not reduce, she jumps high, the left leg raised an attractive curve, just kicked on the Kaecilius face. 雨瞳第一时间停下,刚好悬停在卡西利亚斯旁边。而露希奔跑的速度不减,她高高跃起,左脚提起一个漂亮弧度,刚好踢在卡西利亚斯脸上。 The white frozen air/Qi of her overflow, freezes the Kaecilius head instantaneously, in the foot kicks under the strength of striking, the Kaecilius neck ka scratches the break, the ice crystal head soars high, throws flies below rivers and lakes. 她身上外溢的白色冻气,瞬间冻结住卡西利亚斯头部,在脚踢击的劲道下,卡西利亚斯脖子咔擦断裂,冰晶化的头颅高高飞起,抛飞到下方的水泽里。 Admits defeat, if useful, what also wants the referee to make?” Lucy light snort/hum, takes back the left leg, the mouth mumbles: Makes you bully my family younger sister.” “认输如果有用,还要裁判做什么?”露希轻哼一声,收回左脚,嘴里嘟囔道:“让你欺负我家妹子。” My mother, you looks.” Rain hints Lucy to look to the lawn. “家母,你看。”雨瞳示意露希看向草地上空。 After seeing only the water in lake all falls, Wanda also float in in the air, on her pale face full is the sweat, a little takes off/escapes letting fall both hands of strength, standing tall and erect chest fluctuating is uncertain, in gulps is breathing heavily the steam, downward slowly landing to hillside on. 只见湖泊里的水全部落下后,旺达还悬浮在空中,她苍白的脸上满是汗水,有点脱力的垂落双手,高耸胸脯起伏不定,大口大口的喘着热气,往下缓缓降落到山坡上。 A moment ago that move, she was reluctantly following. 刚才那一招,她还是勉强接下来了。 Good.” “太好了。” Lucy jumps for joy, Wanda that will just fall to the ground grasps, rubs gently her face with the cheek, as the matter stands, won on the whole staff.” 露希雀跃不已,将刚落地的旺达抱住,用脸蛋去磨蹭她的脸,“这样一来,就全员胜出了。” Wanda does not repel, this protected feeling, in her opinion is really pretty good...... 旺达也并不排斥,这种被呵护的感觉,在她看来还真不赖…… The Kaecilius team whole staff were defeated, the system determines the Lucy team victory. Three people leave from the virtual islands, return to the field of honor. 卡西利亚斯队伍全员被击败,系统判定露希队伍胜利。三人自虚拟岛屿上离开,回到决斗场上。 The audience deliver cheers with the applause at the same time, in warned itself at heart secretly, do not annoy the woman in Carl state, otherwise died does not know how dead. 观众们送上欢呼和掌声的同时,在心里暗暗告诫自己,千万别惹卡尔国度的女人,否则连死都不知道怎么死。 In their opinion. It is not Kaecilius is too weak, was Lucy they was too strong, arrived at all not in a level. 在他们看来。不是卡西利亚斯太弱,实在是露希她们太强了,强到根本不在一个层次上。 Two splendid peerless semi-finals, the audience a little are weary, these competition showdowns, had the impulse to the body and mind. 两场精彩绝伦的小组赛下来,观众们都有点疲倦,这些比赛对决,对身心太有冲击力了。 The cognition and world outlook, collapse to remould because of a fight momentarily, this who can withstand! 认知和世界观,随时因为一场战斗而坍塌重塑,这谁顶得住啊! But no matter how, the third group competes, still starts as scheduled. 但不管如何,第三场小组比赛,依然如期开始。 The God system springs the screen, samples the third round of showdown group publicly. Quick, the lineup of third competition sets. 主神系统弹出屏幕,公开抽选第三轮对决组。很快的,第三场比赛的阵容定下。 No. 2 Blue team group, the member is: Captain America and Winter Soldier, as well as falcon. 二号蓝队小组,成员为:美国队长冬兵,以及猎鹰。 No. 7 red team group, the member is: Black Widow and Vision, as well as quick silver. 七号红队小组,成员为:黑寡妇幻视,以及快银。 Sees the showdown group of third round of competition, even Kyle could not bear smile, was the Avengers acquaintance. 看到第三轮比赛的对决小组,连凯尔都忍不住笑了,都是复仇者联盟的熟人。 This competition, to a certain extent, is the true heroic civil war. 这场比赛,在某种程度上,算是真正的英雄内战。 Captain, you, put down the water to us later lightly.” Black Widow blinks toward Captain America, teases one. 队长,待会你们轻点,给我们放下水。”黑寡妇美国队长眨眨眼,调侃一句。 Your that side is.” The Captain America forced smile again and again, that side Black Widow has Vision and quick silver! “你们那边才是。”美国队长苦笑连连,黑寡妇那边可是有幻视和快银啊! After exchanging one next, six people vanish from the field of honor on collectively. 互相交流一下后,六人集体自决斗场上消失。 The third group competes, formally starts! 第三场小组比赛,正式开始!
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