IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#592: Sad Ultron

After the staff are ready, Ultron closes the eye, lies down on the work table, to guarantee the core data successfully transmits, its mechanical body enters the short dormant state. 在工作人员准备就绪后,奥创闭上眼睛,躺在工作台上,为了确保核心数据成功传输,它的机械躯体进入短暂的休眠状态。 The quick silver signals with the eyes toward Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch nods silently, Ultron has previously guarded, conducts the encryption to process to the thought that she is unable to read its idea directly. 快银朝绯红女巫使了个眼神。绯红女巫默默点头,先前奥创一直有所防备,对意念进行加密处理,她无法直接读取到它的想法。 But now. 可现在。 Ultron for own data thought that changes to the body of vibranium, oneself relieved the encryption method, peeps at its innermost feelings idea the opportunity. 奥创为了将自己的数据意念,转到振金之躯上,自己解除了加密手段,正是窥视它内心想法的机会。 Finger bringing back upward with no trace, the Scarlet Witch intention moves, in the hand hikes up the scattered red fog, lingers to invade in the brain of Ultron. 手指不留痕迹的往上勾起,绯红女巫心念一动,手上飘起零零星星的红雾,萦绕侵入到奥创的大脑之中。 Next flash. 下一瞬间。 She was indistinct looks arrived, toward the human city that the sky floated off, when the city rose to ten thousand meters upper air, crashed toward the surface under vain, city falling from the sky land the shock-wave that in an instant, erupts swept across the annihilation entire Earth. 她隐约‘看’到了,一座朝天空浮起的人类城市,当城市升到万米高空,徒然往地表下坠落,城市陨落大地的刹那间,所爆发的冲击波席卷湮灭整个地球。 „!” “呀!” Scarlet Witch calls out in alarm one, the complexion is pallid, does not want to be too much, immediately unties in view of staff's mind control. 绯红女巫惊呼一声,脸色煞白,没想过多,当即解开针对工作人员的心灵控制。 The staff of assistance Ultron upload data restore the intelligence, almost the instinct, will put out a hand to transmit to half of data lines captures. Then takes to one's heels to escape to leave toward the entrance, was actually blocked by the mechanical soldiers of steel regiment quickly, uses up the artillery to kill in the place. 协助奥创上传数据的工作人员恢复神智,几乎本能的,伸手将传输到一半的数据线拔掉。而后撒腿往门口外逃离,却很快被钢铁军团的机械士兵拦住,用光炮射杀在地。 Un?” “嗯?” The thought data upload interrupt, Ultron opens the red pupil, gloomy uncertain looks to the twin of treachery. 意念数据上传中断,奥创重新睁开赤色眸子,阴沉不定的看向临阵倒戈的双胞胎。 Chest fluctuating that Scarlet Witch stands tall and erect is uncertain, knows oneself almost lead to the blunder, angry looks at Ultron, called out: I read your idea a moment ago, you solely do not want to eliminate Avengers, but wants to destroy the entire Earth world!” 绯红女巫高耸的胸脯起伏不定,知道自己差点酿成大错,愤怒的看着奥创,叫道:“我刚才读取了你的想法,你不是单单想消灭复仇者联盟,而是想毁灭整个地球世界!” Since were detected by the opposite party the true intention, Ultron did not conceal, acknowledged simply: Yes. I since the birth, to eliminate human have existed. Isn't this very natural? Initially ruled the dinosaur of Earth, exterminated suddenly, was born better race control. My all these, for the Earth true peace.” 既然被对方察觉到了真正意图,奥创也不隐瞒,干脆承认道:“是。我自诞生以来,就是为了消灭人类而存在。这不是很自然么?当初统治地球的恐龙,也是突然灭绝的,然后再诞生出更好的种族主宰。我这一切,是为了地球真正的和平。” Your this mechanical lunatic!” Scarlet Witch scolded one. “你这个机械疯子!”绯红女巫骂了一句。 The Ultron scarlet pupil twinkle glimmer, wants to make the steel regiment block the twin, may see only the quick silver to put out a hand to support the Scarlet Witch shoulders, their form then fuzziness, suddenly on without a trace of disappearance. 奥创赤眸闪烁微光,想让钢铁军团拦下双胞胎,可只见快银伸手扶住绯红女巫双肩,他们的身影便一阵模糊,眨眼间就消失的无影无踪。 Too quick...... 太快了…… Quickly to defending in the entrance mechanical soldier, the vacant glance indoor region, the intelligent system has not responded. 快到守在门口的机械士兵,茫然的扫视室内区域,智能系统都还没反应过来。 Ok, does not need to manage them.” Ultron cold snort/hum, the quick silver wants to run, really no one can block below him probably. “算了,不用管他们。”奥创冷哼一声,快银想跑,大概真没人能拦的下他。 First manages the proper business, must have this vibranium body.” “先办正事,一定要拥有这具振金躯体。” The vision falls returns to the body of vibranium, Ultron inserts the data line, when prepares itself to conduct the operation, the ceiling of basement breaks open suddenly, an iron man and hand of golden-red coating grasp the blonde guy of silver hammer, dropping from the clouds one on the left and other on the right. 目光重新落回到振金之躯上,奥创插上数据线,准备自己进行操作时,地下室的天花板骤然破开,一具金红涂漆的铁人和手握银锤的金发大汉,一左一右的从天而降。 Finally found you, not the obedient child, hasn't called the father?” Iron Man sets out from the ground, lifts the reappearing white light palm to aim at Ultron, prepares to bombard at any time. “终于找到你了,不听话的孩子,还不叫爸爸?”钢铁侠从地上起身,抬起浮现白光的手掌对准奥创,随时准备炮轰。 Landing Thor wields the hammer conveniently, before the entrance will rush to two mechanical soldiers, hammer ruthlessly will fly. The Thor hammer belt tied over the clothing fearsome thunder and lightning, hammers is extremely heavy, two mechanical soldiers hit on the wall, change scrap copper and iron of being split up. 落地的雷神则随手挥动锤子,将自门口冲上前的两头机械士兵,狠狠的锤飞出去。雷神锤缠带可怖雷电,一锤下去重达万钧,两具机械士兵撞在墙壁上,四分五裂的化为废铜烂铁。 Just like Ultron previously said, the mechanical body of mass production, in the face of the Avengers high-end strength, collapses at the first blow simply. 正如奥创先前所说,量产的机械躯体,在复仇者联盟的高端战力面前,简直不堪一击。 You......, how found here.” The Ultron unbelievable opening eye, looks is standing Iron Man and Thor two people before body, the subconsciousness will back up in the future several steps, may suddenly resound behind rustle the sound. “你们……,是怎么找到这里来的。”奥创难以置信的睁大眼睛,望着站在身前的钢铁侠雷神二人,下意识往后倒退几步,可身后突然响起沙沙的声响。 Then looks. 回头望去。 Sees only scalding hot sparks/Mars to revolve the wheel, indoor the underground research, opens a transmission door suddenly. From the intrinsic bright, shoulders Rain of four swords to take the lead to go out, is the hand wears Captain America of shield, the hand grasps the HawkEyes of assault bow and special arrow, shoulders a falcon of pair of mechanical wing, Black Widow of cool vigor black clothes uniform/subdue. 只见一点灼热火星旋转成轮,地下研究室内,骤然开启一扇传送门。从内在的亮光中,背负四把剑的雨瞳率先走出,然后是手戴盾牌的美国队长,手握强击弓和特殊箭头的鹰眼,背负一双机械翅膀的猎鹰,一袭酷劲黑衣制服的黑寡妇 The come heroes have not stood in one group, but separates the path toward the two sides, as a foot takes, handsome young silver-haired youth, finally next to last act -type goes out from the transmission gate. 现身的英雄们没有站在一团,而是往两边分开道路,随着一只脚迈出,英俊年轻的银发青年,最后压轴式的从传送门走出。 You......” “你……” Stops up Ultron of way compared with two groups of troops, visual the Avengers hero 11 is coming, until seeing the form of last youth, the heart of its mechanical is flooding desperately. 比两批人马堵住去路的奥创,目视着复仇者联盟的英雄一一现身,直到看到最后一位青年的身影,它的机械之心满溢着绝望。 Has not compared this more desperate matter probably. 大概没有比这更绝望的事情了。 This time calculates you to suppress, but I will not give up!” “这次算你们狠,但我不会放弃的!” Ultron grief and indignation shouts one, gets hold of the machinery double fist, its body starts to elevate temperature to give off heat, after a half second, body just like the explosion of highly explosive grenade. 奥创悲愤的大喊一声,握紧机械双拳,它的躯体开始升温发热,半秒过后,躯体宛如高爆手雷似的爆炸。 Rain extends both hands promptly, the ultra-large thought forms the spatial gas hood, the explosion control in one meter range, is unable to affect others. 雨瞳及时伸出双手,超大的意念形成空气罩,将爆炸控制在一米范围内,无法波及到其他人。 After explosion, the body of Ultron only remains section of scrap iron, flaming combustion on floor. 爆炸过后,奥创的躯体只剩一截废铁,在地板上熊熊燃烧。 From exploding? Really dull.” Kyle shakes the head, what he has not seen clearly Ultron to be long. “自爆了?真没趣。”凯尔摇了摇头,他还未看清奥创长什么样呢。 Also without beginning, frightened the opposite party from exploding? 还没动手,就吓到对方自爆了? The Tony analysis said: „The thought of Ultron is only the intelligent data, each mechanical body of steel regiment, is its spare clone. It seems like it knows that fierce of godfather, does not dare to continue to stay here, therefore simply this body from exploding.” 托尼分析道:“奥创的意念只是智能数据,钢铁军团的每一具机械躯体,都算是它的备用分身。看来它知道教父的厉害,不敢继续留在这里,所以干脆将自己这具躯体自爆了。” Escaping real decisive, what is that?” “逃的真果断,那是什么?” God of Thunder Thor takes back the hammer, looks to the work table, others also toward there gathering vision, size up are lying down the vibranium body on stage. 雷神索尔收回锤子,看向工作台,其他人也往那里集聚目光,打量着躺在台上的振金之躯。 Tony narrows the eye: It seems like, should be Ultron, especially to the body that oneself build.” 托尼眯起眼睛:“看来,应该是奥创,特地给自己打造的躯体。” When Kyle sees the work table body on vibranium, the intention moves, walks up, sizes up the outward appearance and coating of body carefully, the eye is getting more and more bright. 凯尔看到工作台上的振金之躯时,心念一动,走上前去,仔细打量躯体的外观和涂漆,眼睛越来越亮。 Will not be wrong, this is the future Avengers top strength- Vision prototype. 不会错的,这是未来复仇者联盟顶尖战力-‘幻视’的原型。 What a pity, Vision is various collection universe factors, the special life body of achievement, now Ultron also achieves the first step, namely most foundation the body of vibranium. 可惜,幻视是集各种宇宙因素,成就的特殊生命体,现在奥创也只是做到第一步,即最为基础的振金之躯。 Also needs three big factors...... 还需三大因素…… Kyle thinks of here, suddenly gawked staring, has a bold idea at heart. 凯尔想到这里,突然愣了愣,心里冒出一个大胆的想法。 We destroyed this body, so as to avoid a long delay usually means many problems.” “我们把这具躯体毁了吧,免得夜长梦多。” Thor this coarse man brandishes the Thor hammer directly, does not need others to make the decision, the Thor hammer winding thunderclap electric light, to the work table on vibranium body is being a hammer. 索尔这糙汉子直接抡起雷神锤,不待其他人做出决定,雷神锤缠绕霹雳电光,对着工作台上的振金之躯就是一锤。 Buzz-’ ‘嗡-’ The reliable work table splits open the serious slit, may lie down in the body of above vibranium, is intimate the Thor hammer to strike directly, not only returns safe and sound, transforms the thunder and lightning as the energy on the contrary, stores up in within the body. 牢固的工作台迸裂出严重缝隙,可躺在上面的振金之躯,正面挨上雷神锤一击,不仅毫发无损,反倒还将雷电转化为能量,储存在体内。 Quite hard! Probably hammers on the Steve shield!” Thor is surprised. “好硬!好像锤在史蒂夫的盾上!”索尔惊疑不定。 Naturally was hard, this is vibranium builds.” Tony ill-humored say/way. “当然硬了,这是振金打造的。”托尼没好气的道。 He has looked, the Ultron big fee/spent makes flustered, how possibly to use the ordinary material quality. But vibranium did not vanish in the world, initially only, made the Captain America shield, how South Africa also to have surplus? 他早就看出来了,奥创大费周章造出来的,怎么可能用普通材质。可振金不是在世上绝迹了么,当初唯一的一块,也做成美国队长的盾了,怎么南非这边还有剩余的? Makes me come.” “让我来吧。” Kyle arrives around work table, stretches out a finger, the fingertip reappearing two stars energy. He will point at according to the body of vibranium forehead. Under the swallowing corrosion of two stars energy, the vibranium body forehead caves in downward, forms a fingerprint to be hollow quickly. 凯尔走到工作台跟前,伸出一根手指,指尖浮现双星能量。他将手指按在振金之躯的眉心上。在双星能量的吞噬腐蚀下,振金躯体额头往下塌陷,很快形成一枚指印凹陷。
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