IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#586: The end of Imperial Japan journey

Eternal Flame has roasted Hulk, let alone Logan. Eternal Flame, that outward appearance seems like, has no flame of difference from the ordinary flame, is actually the true gods lifeform can burn continually. 永恒之火绿巨人都烤过,更别说罗根永恒之火,那外观看起来,与普通火焰没什么区别的火焰,却是连真正的神明生物都能烧死。 Flaming combustion of Eternal Flame on the Logan both feet, the quick even white bones revealed. 永恒之火罗根双脚上熊熊燃烧,很快连白骨都显露出来了。 Occupies the day photo of Logan body, felt that own soul energetic body, for several hundred years do not extinguish immortally, actually burnt down part in this time rapidly, making him unable to bear the pain wail. 占据罗根躯体的天照,感觉自己的灵魂精神体,数百年来不灭不朽,在此时却迅速烧掉了一部分,让他忍不住痛苦哀嚎起来。 You do not know.” “你不知道吧。” Kyle holds the golden fire devil, looks at the day photo that about sways back and forth indifferently, the say/way of caring at all: Body that you occupy, is only I look for him, was only completely family's duty. If you like that body so much, that fires the nihility with him.” 凯尔托着黄金火盘,漠然看着左右打滚的天照,满不在乎的道:“你所占据的躯体,只是我家族的一位仆人。我来找他,只是尽了家族的义务。如果你这么喜欢那具躯体,那就和他一起烧成虚无。” These words routed the heart of day of photo to guard instantaneously, is knowing that is unable to take the handle the body immediately. Clenching teeth of he makes an effort, makes some choice at heart, the opened double pupil closely closes. 这句话瞬间击溃了天照的心防,在知道无法将当下躯体作为把柄。他用力的咬了咬牙,心里做出某种抉择,睁开的双眸紧紧闭上。 As the day photo wears in divine tool cancels jade, cracks a crack. The translucent human body that then, one group of average men are unable to see, from Logan on is emitted by Eternal Flame is burning, the extreme velocity departs outward, wants to flee this war. 随着天照戴在身上的神器勾玉,崩裂出一道裂缝。而后,一团常人无法看到的半透明人体,从被永恒之火烧着的罗根身上冒出,极速往外飞出,想要逃离这片战局。 „To run?” The Rain eye pupil floats the cash light, has prepared interception. “想跑?”雨瞳眼眸浮现银光,早已做好拦截的准备。 Although she cannot see the transparent spirit body, but the thought spirit, can cover hundred meters range the region, in the day after the soul leaves the Logan body, twinkling then sensation to subtle magnetic force of soul energetic body sending out. 她虽然看不到透明的灵体,但意念精神,能够笼罩百米范围的区域,在天照灵魂离开罗根躯体后,瞬息便感知到灵魂精神体散发的微妙磁力。 Found you.” Rain shows a faint smile, toward searches the hand to grasp void, the thought forms the translucent giant palm, as if grasps the human body that some does not have in the hand. “找到你了。”雨瞳微微一笑,朝虚空探手一抓,意念形成半透明的巨人手掌,仿佛将某个不存在的人体握在手中。 Rain.” 雨瞳。” Kyle holds up the golden fire devil simply, the Rain second understands his meaning, the thought giant palm turns over downward, will be pinching the thing goes to the golden fire devil. 凯尔干脆将黄金火盘举起,雨瞳秒懂他的意思,意念巨掌往下翻转,将捏着的事物投向黄金火盘。 Ahhhhhh!!” 啊啊啊!!” The Eternal Flame twinkling leaps up to rise up half meter, golden fire devil intrinsic, resounds through extremely pitiful pitiful yell sound. Kyle takes back Card Space the golden fire devil simply, the war is peaceful immediately. 永恒之火瞬息蹿高起半米,黄金火盘内在,响彻起极其凄惨的惨叫声。凯尔干脆将黄金火盘收回卡牌空间,战局立即安静下来。 The Rain low pupil looked that to Logan that the both feet scorches, Logan still in the stupor, he wears cancelling jade on neck, in the soul energetic body of day photo, after investing Eternal Flame fires, the surface cracking is getting bigger and bigger, disrupts the powder until cancelling jade of emerald. 雨瞳低眸看向双脚烧焦的罗根,罗根还在昏迷中,他戴在脖子上的勾玉,在天照的灵魂精神体,投入永恒之火灼烧后,表面裂缝越来越大,直到翡翠的勾玉碎裂成粉末。 Originally is this.” Rain aspirates lightly, said toward the Kyle report: Logan he should be all right. A moment ago, was cancelling jade who he wears, imprisoned his soul body, now the check died honorably, his soul returned to oneself body.” “原来是这样。”雨瞳轻吐口气,朝凯尔汇报道:“罗根他应该没事。刚才,是他戴着的勾玉,禁锢住了他的灵魂体,现在勾玉碎了,他的灵魂回到了自己躯体上。” The serious place, is the burn that Eternal Flame creates, Logan Healing Factor has not been effective on the contrary. 严重的地方,反倒是永恒之火造成的烧伤,罗根自愈因子都没有发挥效用。 hard Kui has Eternal Flame, otherwise could not really have done to him.” “辛亏有永恒之火,不然还真奈何不了他。” Kyle shakes the head, regarding soul, is that side Ancient One, most understood how to process. What a pity, for these years, from these Mage, had not extracted related Ability Card. Only can wait for the Doctor Strange present world. 凯尔摇摇头,对于灵魂方面,还是古一那边,最懂得如何处理。可惜,这么多年来,一直没有从那些法师身上,抽取到相关能力卡。只能等奇异博士现世了。 The time arrives 6 : 30. 时间来到六点半。 Sun has raised slowly, the golden sunshine falls on Kyle and Rain, as well as lies down on ground Logan, the surrounding area 500 meters obviously are stretch of ruins. 太阳已经缓缓升起,金色阳光落在凯尔雨瞳,以及躺在地上的罗根身上,方圆五百米显然都已是一片废墟。 Regarding Imperial Japan, this may be called in history the darkest evening, finally past. 对于日桑来说,这堪称史上最黑暗一晚,终于过去。 Takes Logan, should walk.” The Kyle left hand puts on the dangerous abstention, the right hand draws a circle, in the front makes a circle transmission door. “带上罗根,该走了。”凯尔左手戴上悬戒,右手画圈,在前方制造出一扇圆型传送门。 Understanding.” “了解。” Rain complied with one, she at the back of four swords, single-handed empty grasps downward, thought stupor Logan floats. 雨瞳应了一声,她背着四把剑,单手往下虚抓,意念将昏迷着的罗根漂浮起来。 In Kyle moves toward the transmission gate, from the horizon of city not far away, flies suddenly together the small shadow, the familiar shout resounds, master, waits for my!” 就在凯尔走向传送门时,从城市不远处的天边,突然飞来一道小小的黑影,熟悉的呼喊声响起,“主人,等我一下!” Un?” “嗯?” Kyle stops the step, narrows the eye, accidental/surprised looks toward that side. Sees only a small airplane, has the mouth has eyes, flies toward them. Nears the surface, the small airplane distorts for the appearance of small-scale square shape robot. 凯尔停下步伐,眯起眼睛,意外的往那边望去。只见一艘小型飞机,有眼有嘴,朝着他们飞来。接近地表,小型飞机变形为小型方形机器人的模样。 Vis, how you came.” Rain is astonished looks at the opposite party. 维思,你怎么来了。”雨瞳讶异的看着对方。 I am the intelligent steward of master, which to cannot certainly drop me!” The Vis whole face is proud, slightly runs to go forward, jumps to the Kyle shoulder on. “我可是主人的智能管家,到哪当然都不能落下我了!”维思满脸自豪,小跑上前,跳到凯尔肩上。 You also felt all right to say.” Kyle shot a look at its one ill-humoredly. “你还好意思说。”凯尔没好气的瞥了它一眼。 This Vis, returns to Earth, all day likes toward Stark Industries and Tony runs, can see it is really lucky. Now, solved at Imperial Japan here matter, it long in coming. 维思,回到地球,整天喜欢往史塔克工业托尼家跑,能看到它实属幸运。现在,在日桑这边的事情都解决了,它才姗姗来迟。 The tracing nose of Vis user-friendly, the report said: Master, I have the significant message transmission report.” 维思人性化的摸摸鼻子,汇报道:“主人,我可是有重大讯息传达汇报。” What message?” Kyle asked. “什么讯息?”凯尔问。 Vis replied: Scarlet Witch and quick silver, then appeared to the twin sister and brother.” 维思回答道:“绯红女巫和快银,那对双胞胎姐弟出现了。” What?!” Rain hears word, in the heart moves, subconscious looks to Kyle. “什么?!”雨瞳闻言,心中一动,下意识的看向凯尔 The Kyle whole body shakes, the double pupil extraordinary splendor again and again, was moved the heartstrings by this message. 凯尔浑身一震,双眸异彩连连,被这则讯息拨动了心弦。 When the twin sister and brother are the Lorna family member, Lorna joined the family initially, Agent Venom and Carl Family Clan, world looks for their whereabouts. What a pity, leaves Earth to Lorna, was seized by the Thanos subordinate, absolutely does not have their whereabouts and message. 那双胞胎姐弟是洛娜的亲人,洛娜当初加入家族时,毒素特工和卡尔家族,就满世界的找他们的下落。可惜,一直到洛娜离开地球,被灭霸的手下抓走,都完全没有他们的下落和讯息 Braves now finally. 没想到,如今终于冒了出来。 Walked, leaves here to say again.” Kyle enters the transmission gate, Rain brings Logan to follow. “走,离开这里再说。”凯尔进入传送门,雨瞳带着罗根在后跟上。 In mirror space. 镜像空间内。 Here Japanese-style villa is perfect, has not come under the influence of real world. Cherry Ji has changed the kimono, sits on the ground, the beautiful pupil looks circle transmission gate that former sparks/Mars revolves unceasingly. 这里的日式别墅完好无损,没有受到现实世界的影响。樱姬已经换上和服,坐在地上,美眸看着身前火星不断旋转的圆型传送门。 When saw that Kyle comes after the transmission gate, cherry Ji is almost subconscious setting out, investment that swoops to his bosom. 当看到凯尔从传送门进来后,樱姬几乎是下意识的起身,飞扑的投入到他的怀抱。 Kyle embraces the cherry Ji soft slender waist section, pats the back, pointed at referred said behind: Some people were injured. Cherry Ji, can you conduct the treatment?” 凯尔揽住樱姬柔软纤细的腰段,轻拍背部,手指了指身后说道:“有人受伤了。樱姬,你可以进行医治么?” Cherry Ji finds out from Kyle the head, Rain enters from the transmission gate, the thought is operating the Logan body, profanes moves to put on the tatami. 樱姬将脑袋从凯尔身上探出,雨瞳从传送门走进,意念操纵着罗根身体,轻慢的移放到榻榻米上。 He injures quite serious, I try.” “他伤的好严重,我试试。” Saw that the Logan both legs were scorched, when cherry Ji is startled, leaves the Kyle bosom, arrives at the tatami side, extends the fair delicate hand toward the both legs of burn. 看到罗根双腿都被烧焦了,樱姬吃惊之余,离开凯尔怀抱,来到榻榻米旁侧,朝着烧焦的双腿伸出白皙柔弱的手。 Cherry Ji revolves oneself treatment ability, one group of warm light appear from the hand, fall on the both legs that Logan changes beyond all recognition, that suppresses the Healing Factor ignition wound, recovers at the naked eye visible speed, finally slips off burned black shameless. 樱姬运转自己的治疗能力,一团暖光自手上浮现,落在罗根面目全非的双腿上,那抑制自愈因子的灼烧创伤,以肉眼可视的速度痊愈,最后褪下一层焦黑的死皮。 Logan, the year is most miserable.” 罗根,年度最惨。” Vis teased one. Logan works loose from the extraterrestrial shackles with great difficulty, returns to Earth, arrives at the Imperial Japan traveling alone, falls to such a fate, but also wants Kyle to rescue, lost face loses to the family/home, fed in the family, the Wolverine prestige was destroyed in a moment. 维思调侃一句。罗根好不容易从外星牢笼中挣脱,回归地球,独自来到日桑旅游,又落到这么一个下场,还要凯尔来搭救,丢脸都丢到家了,传回家族里去,金钢狼的威名毁于一旦。 „The master is fierce.” “还是主人厉害。” Vis looks that cherry Ji sighs with emotion, it seems like that the family must add the positions of many false my mother. 维思看着樱姬感慨,看来家族又要加多一个伪家母的位置。 He was all right. Lies down the morning, perhaps will wake up.” “他没事了。躺上半天,也许就会醒来。” Treats, cherry Ji takes back both hands, caresses the hand sleeve, wiped the sweat of forehead. 医治完毕,樱姬收回双手,抚起手袖,擦了擦额头的汗水。 What a strain.” “辛苦了。” Kyle touches the cherry Ji's head, turns the head, told to Rain and Vis: „After and other Logan were sober, rides the fighter aircraft to return toward New York.” 凯尔摸摸樱姬的脑袋,转头,对着雨瞳维思吩咐道:“等罗根清醒后,坐战机往纽约返回。” Yes!” “是!”
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