IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#584: Logan and day photo

The time is close to six points, the Eastern horizon has exuded fish-belly white, the curtain of night of Tokyo half such as the tide removes, the Yin-Yang common border is the central city area war without ended. 时间接近六点,东方天际已经泛起鱼肚白,东京城半边的夜幕如潮水褪去,阴阳交界即是还未结束的中心城区战局。 „The sword of your maidservant in the hand, fights with me.” “把你侍女的剑拿在手上,和我战斗。” The Miyamoto Musashi even control breath, the forehead blue vein bulge, grasping of effort holds the double sword, said toward Kyle. 官本武藏均匀的控制呼吸,额头青筋凸起,用力的握持着双剑,朝凯尔说道。 Since with Sasaki Kojirou one post-war, he unmanned energy enemy on the Imperial Japan swordsmanship, died until 60 years old, no one stimulates his fight desire again. Each time, in pre-battle, has known the victory and defeat, this feeling is arid and tasteless. 自从与佐佐木小次郎一战后,他在日桑剑道上无人能敌,直到六十岁死去,没有人再激发起他的战斗欲望。每一次,都是在战斗前,就已经知晓胜负,这种感觉枯燥而无味。 But met Kyle of time, Miyamoto Musashi realizes immediately ahead of time, sufficiently the sensation of asphyxia that his body and mind suppressed, this was he has not felt in that time. 而遇到当下时代的凯尔,官本武藏提前体会到了,足以将他身心压制住的窒息感,这是他在那个时代未曾感受过的。 I am not the warrior or the swordsman, does not need the sword.” “我不是武士或剑客,不需要剑。” Kyle gives a calm smile, making Rain remain same place, proceeds to take a step to go out alone, is in front of Miyamoto Musashi to lift the left hand, stretches out a middle finger slowly, comes, this is my weapon.” 凯尔淡然一笑,让雨瞳留在原地,独自往前迈步走出,当着官本武藏的面抬起左手,缓缓伸出一根中指,“来吧,这就是我的武器。” Rain cannot help smiling, is covering mouth titter in the back, Boss also has such not proper side occasionally. 雨瞳忍俊不禁,捂着嘴在背后偷笑,老大偶尔也有这么不正经的一面。 „Are you joking with me?” “你是在和我开玩笑么?” The Miyamoto Musashi eyebrow coldly shoulders, on the face reveals the anger, although does not know that sets upright the middle finger is what meaning, actually knew itself to receive the greatest shame indistinctly. How to say again, he is also most powerhouse who Imperial Japan represents a time, the strongest sword that until now no one can treat as an equal is bold! 官本武藏眉毛冷冷挑起,脸上显露怒气,虽然不知道竖中指是什么意思,却隐约知晓自己受到了莫大的羞辱。再怎么说,他也是日桑代表一个时代的最强者,至今无人能平起平坐的最强剑豪! Is a respect predecessor good? 尊重点前人行不行? Good, I earnestly.” Kyle nods, extends an index finger again, in the food two fingers combines to make sword before the body. “好,我认真点。”凯尔点点头,再伸出一根食指,食中两指在身前并成剑型。 Courts death!” “找死!” Miyamoto Musashi really got angry, is raising the double sword, an arrow step then proceeds to flush away. Suddenly, before he rushes to the Kyle body, two cold blade glittering, in the hand the double sword attacks from the different angles respectively to Kyle. 官本武藏真的怒了,提着双剑,一个箭步便往前冲去。眨眼之间,他就冲到凯尔身前,两道冷冽的刀光闪烁,手中双剑分别从不同角度攻向凯尔 Does not see Kyle to have what movement, saw that the double sword must wield cuts on him, he double refers to reappearing to wipe to dazzle the color flowing light, then the extreme velocity moves double to refer. The finger in a short time, impediment one on the left and other on the right lives in the front sharp sword blade, sends out dingdong sound that gold/metal Tiejiao said. 不见凯尔有什么动作,眼看双剑就要挥砍在他身上,他双指浮现起一抹炫彩流光,然后极速移动起双指。手指在短时间内,一左一右的阻挡住锋利剑刃,发出金铁交鸣的叮当声响。 Miyamoto Musashi only thought that is grasping both hands of sword hilt, transmits the huge rebound strength, the fingers/tiger mouth shock, the double sword almost letting go ball flies. 官本武藏只觉得握着剑柄的双手,传来巨大的反弹劲道,虎口剧震,双剑差点脱手弹飞出去。 Miyamoto Musashi will fly upside down in the future, the wooden clogs continual tread treads the ground, retrocedes about five meters, this slows down that strength, unbelievable looks flowing light that Kyle double refers, that is what strength......” 官本武藏往后倒飞出去,木屐连续蹬踏地面,后退将近五米,这才将那股劲道减缓下来,难以置信的看着凯尔双指的流光,“那是什么力量……” Although a moment ago was only the probe, but he used 89 strengths. May cut to strike ultra-fast, was not only responded by the opposite party, but also really with finger rebounding. 刚才虽然只是试探,但他还是使用了八九层的实力。可超快斩击,不仅被对方反应过来,还真用手指给反弹回去了。 Continue.” “继续。” The finger is supplementing the two stars energy, cancels the colluding finger, Kyle is a little listless. Let him to Miyamoto Musashi, but also is not really able to be earnest. The disparity in their both strength, being just like one is to practice martial arts, one is immortal cultivation, missed a big boundary, absolutely does not have the means same contest. 手指附带着双星能量,勾勾手指头,凯尔有点无精打采。让他对上官本武藏,还真无法认真起来。他们两者实力上的差距,好比一个是练武的,一个是修仙的,差了一大境界,完全没办法同等较量。 How possibly...... can miss so many.” “怎么可能……会差这么多。” The Miyamoto Musashi cold sweat is dripping, is unable to accept this fact, the wooden clogs, are continue charge into go. This time, he uses most self-satisfied two days of first-class, to the Kyle vicinity instantly, the double sword on both hands changes into afterimage, in a half second divided to cut more than ten to cut to strike. 官本武藏冷汗淋漓,无法接受这个事实,踢踏着木屐,继续冲向前去。这次,他使用平生最为得意的二天一流,冲至凯尔近处的刹那,双手上的双剑化为残影,半秒内就劈斩出了十几道斩击。 May regarding Kyle, this be slowly is too too slow. 可对于凯尔来说,这还是太慢太慢了。 As dingdong makes noise, the Kyle two fingers, easily prevent cutting of divine sword to strike. Finally, the sword edges of two swords, gives simultaneous/uniform Qijia with the finger simply in the fingertip. 随着叮叮当当作响,凯尔两根手指,轻易阻挡住神剑的斩击。最后,干脆把两把剑的剑刃,用手指给齐齐夹在指尖。 Miyamoto Musashi is sweating profusely, strenuous in the future will entrain, the sword that may be gripped will be entirely still, how whatever he will make an effort unable to pull out. 官本武藏满头大汗,吃力的往后拉拽,可被夹住的剑纹丝不动,任凭他如何使劲也拔不出来。 Sufficed?” Kyle asked calmly. “够了么?”凯尔平静问。 Miyamoto Musashi loosens holds both hands of sword, looks at Kyle, inevitab said with a smile miserably: I have not thought, I will be defeated several hundred years later, defeats, in refers to sword on.” 官本武藏松开持剑的双手,看着凯尔,无可奈何的惨笑道:“我没想到,自己会在几百年后被击败,还是败在‘指剑’上。” Kyle clamps the double sword to raise in the future, two Imperial Japan regard, if the divine tool sword, from the sky has delimited two radians, was caught by his behind Rain steadily. 凯尔夹着双剑往后一扬,两把日桑视若神器的剑,在空中划过两道弧度,被他身后的雨瞳给稳稳接住。 I hope, you can kill me with you strongest strength, making me have a look, disparity.” Miyamoto Musashi deeply inspires, opens both hands toward Kyle, reveals the chest of no defensive measure. “我希望,你能用你最强的力量杀死我,让我看看,彼此间的差距。”官本武藏深吸口气,朝凯尔张开双手,露出毫无防御措施的胸膛。 Such as you hope.” “如你所愿。” The Kyle left hand five fingers spread out, the entire palm was covered by the two stars energy, dazzling dazzles the color flowing light to past on the left hand arm. 凯尔左手五指摊开,整个手掌被双星能量覆盖,刺目炫彩的流光在左手臂膀上流转。 He changes the palm to proceed to push, dazzles the color energy light beam to eject together loudly, was covered Miyamoto Musashi, in an instant then annihilates the nihility. The energy light beam passed over gently and swiftly from the Godzilla top of the head, passes through several tall buildings after 500 meters, until vanishing in the Eastern horizon. 他翻动手掌往前推去,一道炫彩能量光柱轰然击出,被笼罩在内的官本武藏,刹那间便湮灭成虚无。能量光柱自哥斯拉头顶上掠过,贯穿五百米后的几栋高楼,直到消失在东方的天际。 A wisp of golden sunshine, by the holes of several tall buildings, the photo falls in a war in confusion. 一缕金色阳光,透过几栋高楼的窟窿,照落在一片狼藉的战局上。 Solves Miyamoto Musashi, Kyle arrives around Godzilla, with that pair of ice-cold beast pupil looking at each other, dawn. Also the plan lies down on the ground, when others' living target?” 解决官本武藏,凯尔走到哥斯拉跟前,与那双冰冷的兽眸对视,“天亮了。还打算躺在地上,当别人的活靶子么?” The Godzilla nostril blowout scalding hot steam, the body wound mostly has scarred, the defensive power is incessantly astonishing, its self-recovery ability, is also top in the biological chain. 哥斯拉鼻孔喷出灼热蒸汽,身上伤口大多已经结疤,不止防御力惊人,它的自愈能力,在生物链中也是顶尖的。 Stands up from the ground, Godzilla has not attacked Kyle, even does not exist the hostility, deeply after looking at his one eyes, shakes the head to shake the tail, worms one's way into toward giant Dongkeng. 从地上站起,哥斯拉没有对凯尔进行攻击,甚至连敌意都不存在,深深看了他一眼后,摇头晃尾的,朝着巨大洞坑钻了进去。 As the vibration of similar aftershock sways, before long, Godzilla vanishes in the city. 随着类似余震的震动摇晃,不一会儿,哥斯拉就消失在城市中。 Really likes annoying the troublesome fellow.” “真是爱惹麻烦的家伙。” Kyle shrugs, looks at the likes and dislikes Rain of four swords, Imperial Japan army that behind, completely loses the fighting spirit. 凯尔耸了耸肩,看向背着四把剑的雨瞳,还有更后面,完全丧失斗志的日桑军队。 First leaves here.” “先离开这里吧。” Kyle thinks, walks toward Rain, but just took one step, he looks askance suddenly, looks to a direction, the golden pupil double pupil reflects the black flame that one group of extreme speeds approach. 凯尔想了想,朝雨瞳走去,只是刚迈出一步,他骤然侧目,看向一个方向,黄金瞳双眸倒映出一团极速临近的黑色火焰。 Bang-’ ‘嘭-’ As if reacts without enough time, the black flame that Kyle was raided hits, the body was covered in the twinkling completely, burns a hot person him, and even a surrounding area five meters surface also ignites the scalding hot black flame. 仿佛来不及作出反应,凯尔被袭来的黑色火焰击中,身体在瞬息被全部覆盖,将他燃烧成一具火人,乃至方圆五米的地表也燃起灼热的黑色火焰。 Boss!” 老大!” Rain calls out in alarm one, looks to the direction that the black flame raids, sees only 30 meters away, when does not know from, Logan has stood there. 雨瞳惊呼一声,望向黑炎袭来的方向,只见30米外,不知从什么时候起,罗根就已经站在了那里。 Right. 没错。 Suddenly launches the black flame attack to Kyle, sends out the family to contact the urgent code word, making Kyle come Imperial Japan, oneself actually missing Wolverine Logan. 突然对凯尔发动黑炎攻击的,正是发出家族联络紧急暗语,让凯尔日桑,自己却下落不明的金刚狼罗根 Logan wears one set of Imperial Japan local white governing god robe, on the neck wears cancels jade the jade decoration, on both hands holds one round a bronze mirror that inscribes the strange symbol, dresses the wooden clogs to proceed to walk. 罗根穿着一套日桑当地的白色御神袍,脖子上戴着勾玉形的玉饰,双手上捧着一轮刻有奇异符号的铜镜,穿戴着木屐往前走去。 Logan? It is not right, who you are.” 罗根?不对,你到底是谁。” The Rain double pupil silver glittering, wants to read the heart of Logan, was actually lodged in Logan within the body, strange powerful consciousness stopping. 雨瞳双眸银光闪烁,想读罗根的心,却被寄宿在罗根体内,陌生的强大意识给阻拦住了。 I am the day photo, thou can call me the day to illuminate the Sir.” “吾是天照,汝可以叫我天照大人。” A Logan face indifferently, looks by Kyle that the black flame covers, whispered: By the day according to the thing that the god flame photo arrives, will not extinguish, has burnt. Like this burns the ashes, devil criminal.” 罗根一脸漠然,看着被黑炎覆盖的凯尔,低语道:“被天照神炎照到的事物,不会熄灭,会一直燃烧下去。就这样燃成灰烬吧,恶魔罪人。”
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