IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#532: Mutant future

CIA scientific research facilities Center. 中情局科研基地中心。 Provides to the Mutant construction residential district, after Charles and Eric leave, here only has original master Hank, Raven remains. New Angel Salvadore, Darwin, Alex, as well as Sean. 提供给变种人的建筑住宅区,在查尔斯和埃里克离开后,这里就只剩下原主人汉克,瑞雯留守。还有新加入的萨尔瓦多、达尔文、亚历克斯,以及西恩 In a construction hall in building, the people gather together talked the variant topic, perhaps everyone was the Mutant reason, who could let loose, became the friend of telling one another everything rapidly. 一楼的建筑大厅内,众人聚在一起交谈变种话题,兴许大家都是变种人的缘故,谁都放得开,迅速成了无话不谈的朋友。 I have not really thought before, besides me and Charles, so many Mutant that is at variance with the average man.” “我以前真没想到,除了我和查尔斯以外,还有这么多异于常人的变种人。” Raven the feeling, she has been using the contour of ordinary woman, immediately with studying scholar Hank intimately sits together, shows the happy satisfied happy smiling face. 瑞雯啧啧感慨,她一直用着普通女人的外形,当下和研究学者汉克亲密的坐在一起,露出开心满足的甜蜜笑容。 I am also, before you come, the senior official does not know my Mutant status.” In Hank eyes also only has Raven, the smile said. “我也是,所以在你们来之前,连长官也不知道我的变种人身份。”汉克眼中也只有瑞雯,微笑道。 Yes, knows oneself are not only, is not lonely, this was really a too lucky matter.” “是啊,知道自己并不是唯一,并不孤独,这实在是太幸运的一件事了。” Angel Salvadore and the others also the face belt/bring smiling face, this perhaps is a big reason that they choose to join. 萨尔瓦多等人也脸带笑容,这也许是他们选择加入的一大原因吧。 Right.” “对了。” Darwin proposed: Since gathers together rarely, or under respective demonstration each other variant ability.” 达尔文提议道:“既然难得聚在一起,要不各自展示下彼此的变种能力。” I do not have the opinion.” Angel Salvadore smiles. “我没意见。”萨尔瓦多笑了笑。 Ok.” Raven does not have the opinion, others also nod to echo, since the scene is similar, that does not need to obstruct to conceal conceals. “可以。”瑞雯没有意见,其他人也点头附和,既然在场的都是同类,那也没必要遮遮藏藏的。 I proposed that first comes by me.” “我提出的,就由我先来吧。” Black driver Darwin is very happy, under the people gaze, he sets out from the sofa, arrives by the fish bowl of wall by, submerges in own head the water completely. 黑人司机达尔文很痛快,在众人注视下,他从沙发上起身,来到靠墙的鱼缸旁边,将自己的头完全没入水中。 After turning very quiet several seconds , a Darwin's face transformation, gives birth to the fish gill, obviously can survive in the water directly for a long time. 在屏住几秒呼吸后,达尔文的脸一阵变换,生出鱼鳃,显然可以直接在水中长时间存活。 This is one of the environment adaptation variant ability concrete manifestations, the people see to say splendidly. 这就是环境适应变种能力的具体表现之一,众人看到直呼精彩。 After a person of preheating demonstration ability, others also no longer hide. 在一人预热展示能力后,其他人也不再隐藏。 Hank withdraws the shoes and sock, reveals itself strongly such as the big foot of Beast/wild animal ; Raven distorts for others respectively, even the sound manner is exactly the same ; Angel Salvadore unties the coat, melts own four wings to float spatially, and puts out one to corrode the statue sufficiently the violently poisonous saliva ; Sean opens the mouth, shouted that ultrasonic wave, broke the landing glass window of hall directly. 汉克脱开鞋子和袜子,露出自己强壮如野兽的大脚;瑞雯分别变形为其他人,连声音神态都一模一样;萨尔瓦多解开上衣,化出自己的四翅浮空,并吐出一口足以腐蚀石像的剧毒唾液;西恩张开嘴巴,喊出一阵超声波,直接震碎了大厅的落地玻璃窗。 Alex who finally is one's turn the self- imprisonment, under visual that in others anticipate, he can only leave the hall, arrives in the deserted courtyard. 最后轮到自我监禁的亚历克斯,在其他人期待的目视下,他只能离开大厅,来到空旷无人的院子内。 This ability, I am even hard-to-control, you were careful.” “这能力,连我自己都难以控制,你们当心了。” Alex makes others hide after the wall, oneself arrive at the courtyard center, deeply after inspiring, the body projects to burn the bright high-energy light beam suddenly. 亚历克斯让其他人在墙后躲好,自己来到院子中央,深吸口气后,身体骤射出一道道灼亮的高能光束。 The high-energy light beam falls on the lawn, the plow has the profound drainage ditch, falls on the statue wall, detonation smashing. 高能光束落在草地上,犁出深长的沟渠,落在雕像墙体上,将之引爆粉碎。 Hank and the others have peeped after the wall, nearly hit a target by the high-energy light beam, they are looking at Alex body all around, suffers no difference to attack a region in confusion, as if by prior agreement holds breath a cold air/Qi. 汉克等人一直在墙后偷看,险些被高能光束射中,他们望着亚历克斯身体周遭,遭受到无差别攻击一片狼藉的区域,都不约而同的倒吸一口冷气。 Has not noticed in the people of demonstration variant ability, at this moment, the CIA scientific research facilities entrance, is receiving a powerful surprise attack of Mutant influence. 在展示变种能力的众人没有注意到,此时此刻,中情局科研基地门口,正受到一股变种人势力的强力突袭。 whistling-’ ‘呼呼呼-’ Wild tornado appears from out of the door, the straight line flushes away along the base front door, bears the military power attack sufficiently the fortress front door, in this rout of shape under successively with the offensive of natural disaster. 一股狂暴的龙卷风从门外出现,直线沿着基地大门冲去,足以承受军事力量打击的堡垒大门,在这形同自然灾难的攻势下节节溃败。 The iron gate, wall and sculpture, the agent soldier, all keep off the thing before tornado, all inhales, follows dragon Juanwang the endless sky to throw. 铁门、墙体、雕塑,特工士兵,一切挡在龙卷风前的事物,全都吸入其中,跟随着龙卷往无尽天空抛上。 Main hall encounters the alien influence invasion! The opposite party, only have one person! The attention, the opposite party only has one person!” “主厅遭到外来势力入侵!对方,只有一人!注意,对方只有一人!” The alarm sound resounds through in each corner, when the fully-armed agent, rushes the main hall conducts surrounding, only saw that wears the suit, wears the middle-aged man of metal helmet, fearless takes a step to enter. 警报声响彻在每一个角落,当全副武装的特工,赶到主厅进行包围时,只看到一位身穿西装,头戴金属头盔的中年男子,无所畏惧的迈步走进。 Comes the person to halt, otherwise I opened fire!” “来人止步,否则我开枪了!” Chief Djena walks in the frontline, pulls out the special characteristics pistol, aimed at does not have any security measure still. 杰纳长官走在最前方,掏出特质手枪,瞄准了没有任何防盗措施的尚。 You can open fire.” Still had not stopped, selfish continuation advance. “你可以开枪。”尚没有停下,自顾自的继续前进。 Chief Djena clenches teeth, touches off the trigger, several spears/guns of continual vicinity, accurate hit still chest. The jacket that but still wore continually has not broken guarded, seems contacting the instance of body, the kinetic energy that the bullet contains is then absorbed by the ability. 杰纳长官咬了咬牙,扣动扳机,连续近处的几枪,准确命中尚的胸膛。可连尚穿着的西装外套都没破防,仿佛在接触到身体的瞬间,子弹蕴含的动能便被能力吸收。 Still coldly smiles, before arriving at Chief Djena completely the body, is on the one hand grasping his neck, the kinetic energy that will absorb released from the palm, Chief Djena the extremely fat body flew upside down immediately. 尚冷冷一笑,完全来到杰纳长官身前,一手抓着其脖子,将吸收的动能自手掌释放出去,杰纳长官臃肿的躯体当即倒飞出去。 Senior official! Opens fire to me!” “长官!给我开枪!” The agents eyes that the one side surrounds were red, the rifle palate, a series of bullets strafed crowded to still. 一旁围观的特工们眼睛都红了,步枪上膛,一连串的子弹密集扫射向尚。 Awaits same place in motionless, to the bullet attack, the bullet falls on him, the kinetic energy forfeits completely, has not caused the tiny bit damage. 尚待在原地一动不动,任由子弹打击,子弹落在他身上,动能全部丧失殆尽,没有造成一丝一毫的伤害。 Several agents see the bullet to be invalid, the Rocket artillery that will carry along takes out, aiming was still an hysterical/frenzy bombed. 几名特工见子弹无效,纷纷将随身携带的火箭炮取出,对准尚就是一阵狂乱轰炸。 Still instead revealed sneering that worked, towed to entrain Rocket of tail flame to bombard on him, has not blasted out the impact and explodes the wave, was suppressed one group by his both hands forcefully, treated as the absorption of nutrient content in the body. 尚对此反而露出得逞的冷笑,拖拽着尾焰的火箭炮轰在他身上,还未炸开冲击和爆浪,便被他双手硬生生压制成一团,当做营养成分的吸收到身体内。 Now, was one's turn me.” “现在,轮到我了。” Still proceeded to tread on, a surrounding area three meters ground, was cracked immediately the lava, powerful shock-wave exploded the wave to flush away toward the agent, submerged them like the tide, the following construction body wall rumbled a big hole. 尚往前一脚踏出,方圆三米的地面,立即龟裂成熔岩,一股强大的冲击波爆浪朝着特工冲去,如同潮汐将他们淹没,连带后面的建筑体墙壁都轰出一大窟窿。 Rumbling!’ ‘轰轰轰!’ The ground within base range sways to continue, because the agent in Mutant influence and base launches the showdown, causing the scene to be extremely chaotic, Raven one group of who have not undergone the field training, escape in the hall corridor everywhere. 基地范围内的地面摇晃不止,由于变种人势力与基地内的特工展开对决,导致场面极其混乱,未经过战斗训练的瑞雯一行人,在大厅走廊内四处逃跑。 Prevents her!” “阻止她!” One team of agents have not bumped into still this thermal weapon end matter, actually ran into Queen white. Changes the body of body diamond, Queen white takes a step in the courtyard gracefully, bullet dingdong falling on her. 一队特工没碰到尚这热武器终结者,却遇到了白皇后。变身钻石之躯,白皇后在院子内优雅迈步,子弹叮叮当当的落在她身上。 white Queen cold Ni they, are opening both hands, the release the spiritual attack, the agent are holding the head, if in abundance wheat cannot fall to the ground. 白皇后冷睨着他们,张开双手,释放出精神攻击,特工抱着脑袋,纷纷如麦子似的倒地不起。 But another side of the base, the tornado is still wreaking havoc to continue, intrinsic goes out of a non- mainstream youth slowly. 而基地另一边,龙卷风还在肆虐不止,内在缓缓走出一位非主流青年。 The vigorous and resolute solution all agents in base, still, Queen white, the turbulent current, three people from the different directions, went to the hall that Raven and the others are. 雷厉风行的解决掉基地内的所有特工,尚、白皇后,激流,三人从不同方向,来到瑞雯等人所在的大厅之中。 Everyone, just like me, higher human.” “各位,和我一样,高等的人类们。” Still took off the steel helmet, looks by together Raven and the others, said with a smile: I will not harm you, should say, I will not injure casually similar.” 尚摘下钢铁头盔,看着靠在一起的瑞雯等人,笑道:“我不会伤害你们,应该说,我不会随便伤害同类。” Raven one group have not spoken, is gazing at vigilantly still. 瑞雯一行人没有说话,警惕的注视着尚。 still Weixiao said: Everyone, one a revolution that belongs to Mutant, will soon start. Once our ability expositions, become the slave or the white mouse of average person either, either becomes the ruler in new world.” 尚微笑道:“各位,一场属于变种人的革命,即将开始。一旦我们的能力暴露,要么成为普通人的奴隶或小白鼠,要么成为新世界的统治者。” „To become the slave, is a King, you elect. To continue to remain, fights for the average person, when on the spot. To join our, walks on the line.” “想成为奴隶,还是王者,你们自己选。想继续留下来,为普通人而战的,待在原地。想加入我们的,走过来就行。” Still words just fell, Raven and the others the face had the unusual look, some people have moved. 尚的话语刚落,瑞雯等人都脸有异色,有人已经动心了。 This also still chose the main purpose of attacking, he do not kill Mutant that Charles gathers, but plants a seed in their hearts, momentarily revolting is the seed that Mutant fights. 这也是尚选择出击的主要目的,他并非要杀死查尔斯招揽的变种人,而是在他们心中种下一颗种子,随时叛变为变种人而战的种子。
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