IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#526: Points at the blade

In bar. 酒吧内。 Caesar and Eric are away from less than one meter distance, each other to the apparent same place, under Eric's magnetic force operation, several screw nails floats off slowly, momentarily just like bullet launch. 凯撒与埃里克隔着一米不到的距离,彼此对视在一起,在埃里克的磁力操纵下,几枚螺丝铁钉缓缓浮起,随时都会宛如子弹般的发射出去。 Caesar did not seem to detected that potential danger, on the face is maintaining the calm smile, the uninformed god of death has blocked own throat. 凯撒仿佛未察觉到潜在的危险,脸上保持着从容的微笑,浑然不知死神已扼住自己的咽喉。 Murderous intention inflation in Eric heart to biggest, the finger moves slightly, must operate the screw bolt to Caesar a lesson, but in this is at a crucial moment, a hand towering builds from behind on his shoulder. 埃里克心中的杀机膨胀到最大,手指微动,就要操纵螺丝钉给凯撒一个教训,可就在这千钧一发之际,一只手突兀从后面搭在他的肩膀上。 Quite quick! 好快! Eric heart one startled, has not noticed completely, has been standing a big man. 埃里克心头一惊,完全没注意到,身后已然站着一个高大男子。 The big man wears the uniform/subdue suit, in the hand wears the cerebral cortex glove, the face also wears covers up the mask of most facial expression, the density that whole body covers up, has almost not revealed the tiny bit skin outward. Under the dim light of bar rich affective tone, that pair such as the eye of Beast/wild animal is staring at him spookily. 高大男子身穿制服西装,手上戴着皮质手套,脸还戴着遮掩大半脸容的口罩,全身上下遮掩的密实,几乎没有对外袒露一丝一毫的皮肤。在酒吧富有情调的黯淡灯光下,那一双如野兽的眼睛幽幽盯着他。 Do not act to him, this is for you good...... similar.” The Red Devils Azazel low body, whispered by Eric ear hoarsely, “别对他出手,这是为了你好……同类。”红魔鬼阿撒佐低下身子,在埃里克耳旁沙哑低语, Who are you?” Eric narrows the eye, the finger is moving slightly, that several screw offset directions, aimed at the head of Azazel. “你是谁?”埃里克眯着眼睛,手指微动,那几颗螺丝偏移方向,瞄准了阿撒佐的脑袋。 Azazel proud reply: I am serve the unsurpassed supreme person, Red Devils Azazel.” 阿撒佐一脸自豪的回答道:“我是侍奉无上至尊之人,红魔鬼阿撒佐。” On nearby Caesar forehead full is the black heavy line, what thing is this? 旁边的凯撒额头上满是黑色粗线,这是什么玩意? Eric also arrived by the thunder obviously, did not say a word, does not know that is thinking anything. 埃里克也显然被雷到了,一言不发,不知在想着什么事情。 „Have you seen the finger blade?” Azazel selfish say/way. “你见过手指刀么?”阿撒佐自顾自的道。 Eric surprise shouldering brow, finger blade?” 埃里克诧异的挑起眉头,“手指刀?” Right, a finger can treat as the blade, is in an impregnable position, how unable to shake......” “对,一根手指就可以当做刀,立于不败之地,如何也撼动不了……” Azazel is preparing to open the mouth to explain that side Caesar leaves the seat suddenly, the hand catches his behind some type of thing directly, under gaze that like this in other customer faces compel ignorant, wants big Azazel to drag away toward out of the door. 阿撒佐正准备开口解释,那边的凯撒突然离开座位,手直接拽住他身后的某样东西,就这样在其他顾客一脸懵逼的注视下,将比自身还要高大的阿撒佐往门外拖走。 We have another chance to meet.” “我们后会有期吧。” Caesar does not return, waves, dragging the tail of Azazel to go out of the bar front door. 凯撒头也不回,挥了挥手,拖着阿撒佐的尾巴走出酒吧大门。 Two odd people.” “两个怪人。” Eric light snort/hum, puts down the hand, that float in the screw bolt of midair, was fallen by pounding of gravity control on the place again. 埃里克轻哼一声,将手放下,那悬浮在半空的螺丝钉,重新被重力支配的砸落在地。 However Caesar guessed right, in his hand remains the bloody air/Qi, the body is lingering the negative aura of revenge, tonight indeed is to kill people! 不过凯撒猜测的没错,他手上残留着血腥气,身上萦绕着复仇的负面气息,今晚的的确确就是要去杀人! Slaughters! 还是大开杀戒! Pays!” “买单!” Eric the gold of scrap similar tooth, will throw on the table together, hastily leaves toward the bar outside at the back of the backpack. 埃里克将一块小块类似牙齿的黄金,扔在桌上,背着背包匆匆往酒吧外离开。 The bartenders look at the scrap tooth gold before table, the neck shrank shrinking frightened, fearful whisper: Also is really...... three odd people.” 调酒师看着桌前的小块牙齿黄金,脖子受惊的缩了缩,心有余悸的嘀咕道:“还真是……三个怪人。” After late at night . 深夜之后。 The moonlight sprinkles US near coast, a large luxurious white speed boat anchors in the sea level. 月光洒落美国近海岸,一艘大型的豪华白色快艇停泊在海面上。 The internal member in Hellfire club, still, Emma, as well as Genou, stood in the speed boat open-air top layer, looks slowly Henry who under is stepping onto the ship ladder to set up the colonel. 地狱火俱乐部的内部成员,尚,爱玛,以及杰诺斯,站在快艇露天的顶层上,望着下方缓缓走上船梯的亨得立上校。 Dear colonel, welcome you to join us, I believe between you and me also many cooperation.” “亲爱的上校,欢迎你加入我们,我相信你我之间还有很多合作。” still face had the smiling face, kind moved toward Henry to set up the colonel alone. 尚脸带笑容,和蔼的独自走向亨得立上校。 Henry must set up the colonel complexion to be cloudy, arrives at top level of the speed boat, arrived at still Shenqian, he suddenly pulled out a highly explosive grenade from the pocket, another hand covered buckle that detonated the grenade. 亨得立上校脸色阴沉,走到快艇顶层,来到尚身前,他突然从口袋内掏出一颗高爆手雷,另一只手扣住引爆手雷的拉扣。 Gives me money! 1 million dollars, I will leave the US thoroughly! This is my only condition, otherwise I will detonate the grenade!” “给我钱!一百万美金,我会彻底离开美国!这是我唯一的条件,否则我会引爆手雷!” Colonel, you chose the worst path.” “上校,你选择了最糟糕的道路。” Still the smiling face on face disappeared, has not dreaded the grenade, instead proceeded one step, instigated saying: You draw, I did not mind.” 尚脸上的笑容消失,并没有畏惧手雷,反而往前一步,怂恿道:“你拉呀,我不介意。” Henry must set up the colonel hand to shiver slightly, this realized, what oneself threatens is one group of lunatics who attempt to provoke the war, does not know that has the Mutant kind of what ability. 亨得立上校手在微微颤抖,这才意识到,自己威胁的可是一群妄图挑起战争的疯子,还是不知拥有什么能力的变种人类。 You do not draw, I draw.” “你不拉,那我拉。” Still must set up in the colonel hand to take the grenade from Henry with a smile, is in front of his, opened the buckle of highly explosive grenade. 尚笑着从亨得立上校手上拿过手雷,然后当着他的面,将高爆手雷的拉扣拉开。 The grenade changes to one group of shock-waves immediately and explodes the wave to blast out, before then instantly, still both hands gathered ten suddenly, will explode the wave control unexpectedly in the minimum range, and absorbed all impacting energies completely completely. 手雷当即化作一团冲击波和爆浪炸开,在这之前的刹那,尚的双手突然合十,竟将爆浪控制在极小的范围内,并将所有冲击能量全部吸收殆尽。 Dying that takes advantage of only wrestles by the enemy is easily reduced and solved, Henry must set up the colonel mouth opening, stands in same place does not know that should say what good. 唯一依仗的绝命一搏被对方轻易化解,亨得立上校嘴巴张大,站在原地不知道该说什么好。 Gives back to you.” “还给你吧。” Still stretched out two fingers, selected gently, in Henry must set up on the colonel shoulder, wiped the dazzling energy conduction in the past, Henry must set up the colonel mouth to move, the words have not exported on one pile of flying ashes dissipate toward the sea. 尚伸出两根手指,轻轻点在亨得立上校肩上,一抹耀眼能量传导过去,亨得立上校嘴巴动了动,话未出口就化一堆飞灰往大海消散。 white Queen Emma and turbulent current Genou have been looking on silently, must set up the colonel to treat as a clown Henry completely. Still as the Hellfire club secretly owner, the leader, was in them strongest Mutant. 白皇后爱玛和激流杰诺斯一直在默默旁观,完全将亨得立上校当做一个小丑。要知道,尚作为地狱火俱乐部幕后老板,领导者,可是他们之中最强的变种人 Still. The variant ability for the energy to absorb the body contacting, and transforms into oneself uses, can strengthen own strength, speed and endurance with it, the energy or absorbing rebounds. 尚。变种能力为吸收身体所接触到的能量,并转换为自身使用,能用它来增强自己的力量、速度和耐力,或是将吸收的能量反弹回去。 This ability is the true thermal weapon difficult adversary. 这能力可谓是真正的热武器克星。 Attractive.” Emma stands up, clapping holds, the brow shoulders suddenly, blurted out: Some people came!” “漂亮。”爱玛站起身,拍拍手掌,眉头骤然挑起,脱口而出道:“有人来了!” As if verifying her caution words, from the speed boat lower-level shadow, Eric who changes the diver's suit surmounts the parapet, arrives at top level of the speed boat, coldly is gazing at still. 仿佛印证着她的警示话语,从快艇下层的阴影中,换上潜水服的埃里克翻越栏杆,来到快艇顶层,冷冷注视着尚。 Is you.” The look that still Luchu was astonished, once cultivated has studied Mutant to oneself, he remembers certainly, was Eric this has the good variant talent let alone. “是你。”尚露出讶异的神色,对自己曾经栽培研究过的变种人,他当然记得,更何况是埃里克这拥有不俗变种的人才。 Yes, is I.” Eric coldly smiles. “是啊,是我。”埃里克冷冷一笑。 Be careful, he wants to kill you!” Emma complexion drastic change, changes to become the body of diamond rapidly, kept off in still Shenqian. “小心,他想杀你!”爱玛脸色剧变,迅速变身成钻石之躯,挡在尚身前。 Just made this movement, several handles toward still the lasing past bayonet, striking that dingdong made noise on Emma. 刚做出这个动作,几柄朝着尚激射过去的刺刀,叮当作响的击在爱玛身上。 Strikes inadequately, Eric left hand raises, wants to continue to control the bayonet, but Emma's movement is quicker than him, uses the powerful thought wave to attack his brain. 一击不成,埃里克左手抬高,想继续控制刺刀,但爱玛的动作比他还要快,使用强力意念波攻击其大脑。 Ahhhhhh!” 啊啊啊啊!” Eric both hands hold the head, low roar that sends out the extreme pain. 埃里克双手抱头,发出极度痛楚的低吼声。 Goes!” Genou Stone crosses the finger to revolve, creates violent customs handed down from past generation body of one group of super revolving, under unshielded Eric will rumble the speed boat, crashes to arrive in nearby sea. “去!”杰诺斯通过手指旋转,创造出一团高速旋转的激流风体,将毫无防御的埃里克轰下快艇,坠落到旁边的大海内。 Still hopes for is restoring the quiet sea level, told: We hurry to leave this.” 尚望着恢复沉寂的海面,吩咐道:“我们赶紧离开这吧。” Yes.” Emma nods, at this moment, the shining light just like the pillar, the photo from several hundred meters falls on the luxurious speed boat. “是。”爱玛点了点头,就在这时,明晃晃的灯光宛如柱子,从数百米外照落在豪华快艇上。 still meet the sea level of illumination is looking, obvious several US warships, assumed the potential of surrounding to drive toward here from near coast. 尚迎着照亮的海面望去,可见数艘美国军舰,呈包围之势从近海岸往这边驶来。 „The opposite party has Mutant, is using the thought to locate we.” Emma who is restoring the human body, turns sparkles the shining diamond body, said quickly. “对方有变种人,在用意念定位了我们。”正恢复成人类躯体的爱玛,重新变成闪闪发亮的钻石躯体,快捷道。 Escapes quickly!” At this time is still not able to maintain continually calm, took the lead to flush away toward the lowest level of luxurious speed boat. “快逃!”这时连尚也无法保持沉稳了,率先往豪华快艇的最底层冲去。 In some US forces warship deck. 某艘美军军舰甲板上。 Opposite has to the person who I am similar the ability, he shielded my thought!” “对面有与我类似能力的人,他屏蔽了我的意念!” Charles finger holding down temples, anxious said to nearby Chief Djena: I could not help, remaining you can only depend on you!” 查尔斯手指按住太阳穴,焦急的对旁边的杰纳长官道:“我帮不上忙了,剩下你只能靠你们自己了!” In luxurious speed boat side sea level. 豪华快艇旁侧的海面上。 Gave up any idea of that escapes!” “休想逃!” As a head finds out from the sea level, Eric facial expression is fierce, the left hand lifts high, as the magnetic force passes the body, the iron chain that the luxurious speed boat comes to anchor floats off from the seabed, wild collision pounds to the luxurious speed boat. 随着一颗头颅从海面探出,埃里克脸容狰狞,左手高高抬起,随着磁力透体而出,豪华快艇抛锚的铁链从海底浮起,狂暴的撞砸向豪华快艇。
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