Hedrove the flight vehicleto fly the edge in islandshurriedly, thencircled, finallysawAya who in the raywalked.
他急匆匆地驾驶着飞行器飞到了岛屿的边缘,然后绕了一圈,终于看到了光芒里行走的阿雅。Hetook off the helmet, revealed the thickdensecurly hair.
他摘下了头盔,露出了厚密的卷发。Was shoutingto the followinglight shadow.
对着下面的光影大喊。„Your highness!”
“殿下!”„Catches, integratesyourwithin the bodyit.”
“接住,将它融入您的体内。”Heopened the box, throws the eye of Mark of RuhultoAyaonsteeproad.
他打开了盒子,将鲁赫印记之眼抛向走在陡路上的阿雅。Ayaputs out a hand, the gassed threaddelivered to thatthingherhand.
阿雅伸出手,光丝将那东西送到了她手上。Shelooked upmoonlightknight outside a ray, laterthendeferred todoing that hesaid.
她抬起头看了一眼光芒之外的月光骑士,随后便按照他说的做了。Shebelieves the opposite party, at least the opposite partyshouldnot be an unprincipled person.
她相信对方,至少对方应该不是一个坏人。Moreovershecanfeel,she seems to be longing for the strength of thatmetaleyein the instinct.
而且她可以感觉到,自己似乎在本能地渴望着那金属眼睛的力量。At this timehercrackhad spreadon the face, evencansee that hersidefacecollapsed, the dense and numerousgassed threadssamegushed outlike the sea water.
这个时候她身上的裂缝已经蔓延到了脸上,甚至可以看到她的一边脸庞都崩溃了,密密麻麻的光丝如同海水一样涌出。Sheputs out a hand, places the position that the metal ball the eyewas.
她伸出手,将金属球放在了眼睛所在的位置。Immediatelyfeels, the strength of thatout-of-controlstarted becomes controlled, but the physique that shewas collapsingunceasinglyalsostoppedbeing defeated and dispersedslowly.
立刻感觉到,那失控的力量开始变得受控制了起来,而她原本正在不断崩溃的形体也慢慢地停止了溃散。Ayareveals the shatterface, asked the moonlightknight.
阿雅露出破碎的脸,问月光骑士。„What is this?”
The moonlightknightsaid: „The eye of divine objectMark of RuhulisEarth Demonessoncefound the lettingsuccuba who helpsinherit, seems likeitto play the role, butcansofuse the eye of Mark of Ruhulsimply, you are very highwithGodstrengthcompatible.”
月光骑士说:“是大地魔女曾经找到的让魔女便于传承的神物鲁赫印记之眼,看起来它还是起到了作用,不过能够如此简单地融合鲁赫印记之眼,您果然和神明的力量亲和度很高。”Ayasaid: „Inotasyouleave, Ido not wantto liveinpalace that inyouconstructforme.”
The moonlightknightshakes the head, was sayingtoAya.
月光骑士摇了摇头,对着阿雅说道。„Doesn't matter.”
“没有关系。”„So long asyouexistinthisworld, to usis enough.”
The moonlightknightstandson the flight vehicle, thenbends the waisttowardAjatsalutes.
月光骑士站在飞行器上,然后弯腰向着阿雅行礼。„Weare willingto guardyouforever.”
“我们愿永远守卫着您。”Ayahas not spokenagain, becauseshehad fallen into a specialconditioncompletely.
阿雅没有再说话,因为她已经完全陷入了一个特殊的状态之中。Althoughobtained the inheritance of eye and succubaMark of Ruhul, butAyashedoes not haveto become the succubaimmediately, evenhowevercansee that the strength of herwithin the bodyis then defeated and dispersed, changes intomoon/month of silk.
The entireislandswere coveredgraduallythoroughlyby the silk of moon/month.
整座岛屿渐渐被月之丝彻底笼罩住。Butin the sky, moonalsobecomesespeciallybig.
而天空之中,月亮也变得格外地大。Thatmoonlightshinesabove the islands, almostchanged into the light beam, the twofused together, changed into a light ball.
那月光照射在岛屿之上,几乎化为了光柱,二者融为一体,化为了一个光球。Ajatwithin the bodythathugestrengthdissipatesfinally, part of remainingcongealmentsinone.
阿雅体内那股庞大的力量逸散到最后,有一部分残余凝结在了一起。Herbodystartsto change.
她的身体开始发生变化。Hercrackhealsslowly, the gapalsogrows intoslowly, pulled out the spatialbodyalsoto be filled upby the fleshlike the chinawaregenerallyslowly.
她身上的裂缝慢慢愈合,缺口也慢慢长上,如同瓷器一般被掏空的身体也慢慢被血肉填满。Hertailvanished, grewboth feet.
The face that shevanishesalsogrows, but the originaleyedisappears, changed into a complete in bothnewdemoneye.
她消失的脸庞也重新长出,只是原先的眼睛不见了,化为了一双全新的魔眼。In the eye, is producing an inverted image the light of specialmark, thenflashesto pass.
眼睛里,倒映着特殊的印记之光,然后一闪而逝。Butat this time.
而这个时候。Entirewith the outside world of And □ ya, thatgassed threadgradualcongealmentformation, as ifchanged into a hardouter covering.
“轰隆隆!”Thisislandswere wrappedprobablyby a giantconeonething, is separated from the land and seaunderthatmoonlightlittle, goestoward the sky.
这座岛屿就好像被一个巨大的球果一样的东西包裹住了,然后在那月光之下一点点地脱离大地和海洋,朝着天空而去。Itdoes not belong tothisworldthoroughly, was twisted the illusory image under moon.
-------------------Onindividual lift device.
The moonlightknightgrabsownhelmet, the visionlooks that coneonethingleaves.
月光骑士抓着自己的头盔,目光看着那球果一样的东西离开。Hiseyeby the cone of thatillumination, saw many 's shadowsindistinctlyprobably, sawAya.
The opposite partysaidanything, buthehas not heard.
是感谢吧!Veryordinary, is very simple, but is very real.
很普通,很简单,但是却很真实。Hewas tired, buton the faceactuallyshowed the relaxedsmile, felt that until nowsurgedto be laxin that vigor of whole body.
他累极了,但是脸上却露出了轻松的微笑,感觉一直以来涌动在全身的那股劲都松懈掉了。„Your HighnessMoon Demoness.”
“月之魔女殿下。”Helooked forMoon Demoness of half a lifetime, entiremoonlighttemplelong-cherished wishfrom generation to generation, finallyachieved.
他找了半辈子的月之魔女,整个月色圣殿一代又一代的夙愿,终于达成了。Although the opposite partyhas not become the truesuccuba, whenseesthatpair of succuba'seyes, heknowsoneselfhad found.
The moonlightknightlies downon the seat of individual lift device, closed the eyeto fall asleep.
The out-of-controlflight vehiclefliescrookedlyin the sea, the moonlightknightactuallyunderthatmoonlight, had a gooddream.
失去控制的飞行器歪歪斜斜地飞在大海上,月光骑士却在那月色之下,做了一个好梦。On the vault of heaven in dim light of nightconeonethingcontinuouslyrises, aroused the interests of many, the people of places of thousandislandare directingtothere.
夜色里的天穹上球果一样的东西不断地升高,也引起了不少人的关注,千岛之地的人都对着那里指指点点。„What is that?”
“什么东西飞起来了。”„Spacehas a luminous spotto flutter.”
“天上有个光点在飘。”„The light of whatlargespatialshipis?”
“是什么大型的空艇的灯光吧?”ButvariousGodis also paying attention tothis.
而诸神也在关注着这一幕。Orfrom the feelingto the seed of Moon Demonesspresents the time, theyhave projected the vision in And □ yaabove.
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