IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#674 Part 1: Osis and royal power blood

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The ship drives black tall wall. 船驶入黑色的“高墙”。 The black storm looks from outside is the storm, but enters time truly, they see is actually not the storm. 黑风暴从外面看是风暴,但是真正进入其中的时候,他们看到的却不是风暴。 What Dumas, Osis and Sajin three people seeing is the dense and numerous heavy lines, the world turned into an abstract painting probably in a flash, the terrifying heavy line is twisting the world, is twisting all, the ship also turned into the abstract outline in the storm. 杜玛奥西斯沙金三人看到的是密密麻麻的黑线,世界好像一瞬间变成了一幅抽象画,恐怖的黑线扭曲着世界,扭曲着一切,船在风暴之中也变成了抽象的轮廓。 Life the strength of corrosion surrounded toward three people, at this time a Dumas and Dumas liangs person shrank toward the interior of ship, they emitted the white intelligence to stand firm the purity of three people of intelligence and bloodlines respectively brilliance, grasped red flower of God to resist the corrosion of storm. 生命的侵蚀之力朝着三人围拢了过来,这个时候杜玛个人朝着船的内部缩了回去,他们分别放出了白色的灵性光辉稳住了仨人灵性和血脉的纯净,一个手持着红色的神之花抵御着风暴的侵蚀。 Sajin follows two people to retrocede to stand in the cabin, heard the xi xi su su sound, these monsters are retroceding unceasingly, but is spying on them in the ship as before. 沙金跟着两人后退站在船舱里,听到了窸窸窣窣的声音,那些怪物在不断地后退,但是依旧在船里面窥探着他们。 However the situation, is also using the method that this ships and two people prepare, stable resistance the corrosion of storm. 不过情况还算好,借助着这艘船和二人准备的手段,稳定的抵御住了风暴的侵蚀。 The Giant God heir who these fearful no wisdom monsters that so long as in the storm breed and passed by does not turn this ship racket, then should not have the major problem. 只要风暴里孕育出的那些可怕无智怪物和路过的巨神子嗣不将这艘船拍翻,那么接下来应该就没有大的问题了。 Osis held flower of God first to sit: Then it entered inside on, close to Mirror of the Sky.” 奥西斯捧着神之花第一个坐了下来:“接下来就等它进入里面,靠近天之镜了。” He seems very tranquil, but in the look was full of the complex state of mind. 他显得很平静,但是眼神里又充满了复杂的心绪。 He does not worry about outside that the fearful black storm, but after worrying about matter. 他并不担忧那外面可怕的黑风暴,而是在担忧之后的事情。 Dumas also sat in a nearby wooden barrel, but Sajin turned head to look to the monster in darkness, finally also deeply inspires to sit. 杜玛也坐在了一旁的一个木桶上,而沙金扭头看向了黑暗里的怪物,最后也深吸了一口气席地而坐了下来。 Three people sit regarding flower of God, revolves candlelight probably. 三个人围绕着神之花而坐,就好像围绕着一盏烛火。 Humming sound humming sound ~ “嗡嗡嗡嗡~” On the ship no one spoke, even these monsters also turned very quiet probably, does not dare to move. 船上没有人说话,连那些怪物都好像也屏住了呼吸,不敢动弹。 In outside the storm, can only hear hears the fearful howling sound. 风暴里,只能够听到外面传来可怕的呼啸声。 They are waiting for like this peacefully. 他们就这样安静的等待着。 However does not know that is big of region during compared with imagination because the black storm covers, because this ship goes too slowly in the storm, the ship does not have the sign that stops and approaches shore. 但是不知道是因为黑风暴覆盖的区域比想象之中的大,还是因为这艘船在风暴之中行驶得太慢,船始终没有一丝停下和靠岸的迹象。 Starting from the next day, Sajin looks around toward outside repeatedly. 从第二天开始,沙金就频频地朝着外面张望。 Except that dark disorderly line, the terrifying shadow that but also presents sometimes, then anything could not see. 除了黑乎乎的杂乱的线,还有时而出现的恐怖暗影,便什么也看不到了。 And once, Sajin saw lets fall a tentacle from the sky, is only the tentacle is at least more than 1000 meters, passed over gently and swiftly from the The Black Sand surroundings. 其中有一次,沙金看到了从天空之中垂落一只触手,光是触手就有至少一千多米长,从黑沙号的周围掠过。 This frightened Sajin not to dare to poke head, treated honestly in the ship. 这一幕吓得沙金再也不敢探头了,老老实实地待在了船里面。 On this day, seemed like feels anything. 这一天,似乎是感觉到了什么。 Dumas also set out to arrive at the cabin door like Sajin, looked up to outside, later turned back sits in same place. 杜玛也像沙金一样起身来到了舱门,抬起头看向了外面,之后才折回坐在了原地。 Suddenly, Dumas asked an issue. 突然之间,杜玛问起了一个问题。 Royal power blood carved stone.” “王权血裔石刻。” What it is, what is royal power blood, why can it restrain various God?” “它到底是什么,什么是王权血裔,它为什么能够约束诸神呢?” Clearly, she is asking Osis. 很明显,她是问奥西斯的。 Osis said: You and others can see, when you noticed that its moment also understands why it can restrain various God.” 奥西斯说:“你等会就可以看到了,而当你看到它的那一刻也就明白它为什么能够约束诸神了。” Dumas asked: I can also notice that heard the succubas did receive the curse?” 杜玛问:“我也可以看到吗,听说魔女都受到了诅咒?” Osis smiled: Curse?” 奥西斯笑了:“诅咒?” That is not the curse, but the deceased of ancient time always thinks about not Shirdi echo.” “那不是什么诅咒,只是古老时代的逝者念念不舍地回响罢了。” The first era has not cursed, after this thing itself/Ben is the second era Dreamland strength has the transformation, has, is the name that the person of second era gives, at first is born in the Evel person Huberne note. 第一纪元是没有诅咒的,这东西本就是第二纪元梦界的力量发生蜕变后才有的,也是第二纪元的人取的名字,最初诞生于爱维尔修伯恩的笔记。 It spies on the ancient secret, thus also incurs spying on that had ancient. 其窥探古老的秘密,从而也招致了古老存在的窥探。 This could be said as the strength of initial curse, the purgatory and afterward curse to the imitation of this strength. 这可以说是最初的诅咒之力,炼狱和后来的诅咒都只是对这种力量的模彷。 So-called curse, but is the person of elapsing rigid and does not abandon. 所谓的诅咒,不过是逝去之人的执着和不舍。 But this focus, from being buried in three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss in dream star sea. 而这份执着,源自葬身于梦幻星海之中的三叶人魔渊之民 Osis looked at Dumas one, can penetrate her body to completely understand that probably her essence is the same. 奥西斯看了杜玛一眼,就好像能够穿透她的躯壳看透她的本质一样。 You are very special.” “你很特殊。” You are not the first era, but is not the second era.” “你不属于第一纪元,但是也不属于第二纪元。” In some sense, you are our one, but was born in this time.” “从某种意义上来说,你是我们的一员,只是出生在了这个时代。” Dumas: What meaning your one is?” 杜玛:“你们的一员是什么意思?” Osis with described briefly and to the point said: On you are flowing divine blood that is the continuation of Wisdom God King, wisdom that rather than the stone gives.” 奥西斯用更言简意赅地描述说道:“你身上流淌着从智慧神王身上代代相传下来的神血,而不是石头赋予的智慧。” In most ancient myth of second era, Ruler of Life took down a stone from moon, made snake human. 在第二纪元的最古老的神话里,生命主宰是从月亮上取下了一块石头,制造出了蛇人 Osis looks at the eye of Dumas, he said. 奥西斯看着杜玛的眼睛,他说。 Your birth should be blessed by everyone, but gives birth to your person is actually a not blessed person.” “你的诞生本来应该是被所有人祝福的,但是生下你的人却是一个不被祝福的人。” Dumas had not spoken again, she has listened to many these words. 杜玛没有再说话了,她已经听过很多次这些话了。 After a while, she then said. 过了一会,她才接着说道。 To her, my birth is more like an accident/surprise.” “对于她来说,我的诞生更像是一场意外。” Dumas was saying to Osis: Even not blessed person, even if appears under environment or time that in should not present.” 杜玛对着奥西斯说:“不过就算是不被祝福的人,就算出现在一个不该出现的环境下或者时代中。” Also same can make the successful and great matter, yes!” “也一样可以做出成功和伟大的事情的,是吧!” King Osis!” 奥西斯王!” Sajin could not understand them to say anything completely, but sat is in a daze same place. 沙金完全听不懂他们在说些什么,只是坐在原地发呆。 Osis looked at this time to Sajin, asked his question. 奥西斯这个时候看向了沙金,问了他一个问题。 Sajin!” 沙金!” Your good friend does not make you live for oneself, why to can also complete this mission finally?” “你的挚友不是让你为自己而活吗,为什么到最后还要完成这使命?” Why can also come here?” “为什么还要来到这里呢?” Is only because is tracking down the so-called mission ignorantly, to oneself passing pays to feel that doesn't abandon?” “只是因为愚昧地追寻着所谓的使命,对自己过往的付出感觉到不舍吗?” He said: If so, your choice was really passes stupid.” 他说:“如果是这样的话,你的选择实在是蠢透了。” Why does not know, words that Osis spoke especially heavy. 不知道为什么,奥西斯说的话格外地重。 Sajin raised the head, is looking straight ahead the eye of Osis. 沙金抬起头,直视着奥西斯的眼睛。 I believe the god, believes that the mission is not because I am stupid.” “我相信神,相信使命不是因为我蠢。” But because I am believing the light.” “而是因为我相信着光明。” I believe that completes the mission to welcome the light, I believe that my payout can have the return, I believe what I do is right.” “我相信完成使命就能够迎来光明,我相信我的付出能够有回报,我相信我所做的是对的。” Osis: That finally is right?” 奥西斯:“那最后是对的吗?” Sajin looked to Dumas: I believe, quick had to answer the tuart.” 沙金看向了杜玛:“我相信,很快就有答桉了。” Dumas looks at Osis, Osis looks at Sajin, Sajin looks at Dumas, three people can see another from the body of opposite party probably. 杜玛看着奥西斯,奥西斯看着沙金,沙金看着杜玛,三个人好像都能够从对方的身上看到另一个自己。 But at this time, outside suddenly had the light to shine. 而这个时候,外面突然有光照射了进来。 The ship of blowing hot and cold is gradually steady, the sound of storm also becomes getting smaller, three people look together toward outside. 摇摆不定的船渐渐平稳,风暴的声音也变得越来越小,三个人一同朝着外面看去。 They by that small cabin door, saw the vast boundless starry sky and sea, saw surges the aurora inked ribbon generally in sky like the rivers. 他们透过那小小的舱门,看到了辽阔无边的星空和大海,看到了如同河流一般涌动在天空之中的极光色带。 Came out.” “出来了。” They know, this is the qualifications that they obtained allowed to enter, at least was Dumas obtains entered black wind violent internal permission. 他们知道,这是他们获得了允许进入的资格,至少是杜玛获得了进入黑风暴内部的允许。 Started to stop the ship to here, slowly sinks to the seabed. 船到了这里就开始停下了,慢慢地沉入海底。 Three people also from the ship, stand in the sea level immediately. 三人也立刻从船上下来,站在了海面上。 They walked toward front, walk can see the horizon to present a giant ice surface mirror finally. 他们朝着前面走去,走了很远终于可以看到天边出现了一面巨大的冰面镜子。 The stars sparkle in sky, mirror inside stars also follow to sparkle, the aurora is mobile, mirror the auroral zones of color also following sky link, changed into a halo of connection day of sea to rotate probably. 天空之中的星辰闪耀,镜子里面的星辰也跟着闪耀,极光流动,镜子里的色彩也跟着天空的极光带连接在一起,好像化为了一个连接天海的光环在转动。 Dumas halts, she looks that during this imagines compared with her also wants the place of beautiful. 杜玛止步,她看着这个比她想象之中还要美的地方。 Here is Mirror of the Sky, first various god contract signing place.” “这里就是天之镜,第一次诸神契约签订的地方。” But the Osis vision has extended from Mirror of the Sky, extends the end. 奥西斯目光从天之镜一直延伸,延伸到尽头。 At this time, he saw the radiant brilliance appeared from the end of the world, that is a round of silver moon. 这个时候,他看到了璀璨的光辉从世界的尽头浮现了出来,那是一轮银色的月亮。 She surrounds the world to rotate in star, has delimited the backdrop and aurora star sea slowly the line. 她环绕着世界在星界之中转动着,缓慢地划过天幕和极光星海而行。 Divine Moon!” 神月!” Strange moon raises slowly. 奇异的月亮缓缓升起。 Here does not have the wind, is icing up obviously does not have the chill in the air. 这里没有风,明明结着冰却没有寒意。 The sky was cleaned probably, the moonlight had not had the blocking to fall, but that with the flash of ice surface contact, the entire ice surface is only melting instantaneously. 天空都好像被清洗过了一遍,月光毫无遮挡地落下,但是那光在和冰面接触的一瞬间,整个冰面瞬间消融。 The ice surface dissolution of Mirror of the Sky, the ray penetrates that mirror continuously downward, to deep place. 天之镜的冰面溶解,光芒穿透那镜子一直往下,通往深处。 Then. 然后。 Three people saw an ancient mountain, a reaching to the sky mountain. 三个人看到了一座古老的山,一座高耸入云的山。 The dim moonlight ripples shine in the summit, can see that is establishing the dense and numerous constructions along the mountain, the ancient sacred palace on summit seems greater. 朦胧的月光涟漪照射在山巅,可以看到沿山建立着密密麻麻的建筑,山巅上的古老神圣殿堂显得更加伟岸。 The pray sound that in a flash, the sincerity of trillion years of years, countless people believe headed on, presses in three people of hearts. 一瞬间,亿万年岁月的厚重,无数人信仰的祈祷声扑面而来,压在了三人的心头。 The Osis complexion flash changed, his nearly call general region the vibrato was saying. 奥西斯的脸色一瞬间就变了,他近乎呐喊一般地带着颤音说道。 Temple of the Sky!” 天空神殿!” Under dim bright moonlight. 朦胧明亮的月光下。 Because one thing their arrivals received the induction, emerges from that ancient sacred palace slowly, has the ray. 一样东西因为他们的到来受到了感应,缓缓地从那古老神圣的殿堂里浮出,带着光芒。 That is a carved stone. 那是一副石刻。 The carved stone continuously rises, breaks through Mirror of the Sky, breaks through the cloud layer, reveals in the front of three people. 石刻不断升高,突破天之镜,突破云层,显露在三个人的面前。 It presents time, along with countless people with the sound of pledge and chapter that the ancient language song sang, along with the pray sound of generations Hinsai follower. 其出现的时候,伴随着无数人用古老语言颂唱的誓约和篇章的声音,伴随着世世代代的希因赛信徒的祈祷声。 Dumas also by this scene controlling, gawked to understand some little time this/should made anything. 杜玛也被这场景给镇住了,愣了好一会才明白过来该自己做些什么了。 She goes forward immediately, to " Royal power Blood » carved stone. 她立刻上前,面向《王权血裔》石刻。 Queen of Angel Dumas distributes the pledge in this, by the antique time to high blood and royal power as the testimony, was shown by the unsurpassed wisdom.” 天使之王杜玛在此发下誓言,由太古时代至高的血裔与王权作为见证,由无上的智慧来证明。” Starting today, Land of Bright each winged human, has the qualifications to choose own belief.” “从今天开始,光明之地的每一个翼人,都有资格选择自身的信仰。” So long as its belief does not violate the agreement and category between gods, they can choose oneself God freely.” “只要其信仰不违背正神之间的约定和范畴,他们可以自由地选择自己的神明。” Her sound and pledged to surround above the carved stone, seemed like past various God with these ancient existed to be the same. 她的声音和誓言环绕在石刻之上,就好像昔日的诸神和那些古老的存在一样。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Various god contracts further extend, spread the winged human state from the snake human state. 诸神契约进一步延伸,从蛇人的国度蔓延到了翼人的国度。 But concludes the successful flash in the contract, the ray on «Royal power Blood» carved stone suddenly becomes radiant incomparable, its above the ring around the sound suddenly became great. 而在契约缔结成功的一瞬间,《王权血裔》石刻上的光芒突然变得璀璨无比,其上环绕着的声音突然变得宏大了起来。 It recited the pledge that past various God is distributing, is witnessing concluding of various god contract. 其吟唱着昔日诸神所发下的誓言,见证着诸神契约的缔结。 However, just like the time adverse current, the sound that it sends out no longer is this era gradually, but is the antique sound. 但是渐渐地,如同时光逆流一样,其散发出的声音不再属于这个纪元,而是太古的声音。 That sound was greater than before does not know many times, Dumas overlapped in the together sound from that finally, listened to be clear what some syllables said was anything. 那声音比之前宏大不知道多少倍,也杜玛终于从那交叠在一起的声音里,听清楚了部分音节说的是什么。 God said that...... comes the virtue niche......” “神说……来德利基……” Royal power blood...... Siler family...... Hoatson family...... Samoll family......” “王权血裔……塞勒家族……霍森家族……萨莫家族……” We control the throne that the god is granting, our royal powers will never decline.” “我们驾驭着神赐予的王座,我们的王权永不衰落。” Star light Schillon will reside in Temple of the Sky forever, Ruhul who we wield the sky, is defending eternal Holy Mountain...... “星光席仑永居于天空神殿,我们执掌天空的鲁赫,守着永恒的圣山……。” princes of royal power......” “王权的诸子啊……” I am Temple of the Sky chief priest Schroeder, I am the person in God's chosen......” “我是天空神殿主祭司施罗德,我是神选中的人……” God, when Yesel can wait till your arrival!” “神啊,耶赛尔什么时候才能等到您的降临!” The voices of countless person collect the encirclement side Dumas, the sound also becomes more and more quickly. 无数人的声音汇环绕在杜玛身边,声音也变得越来越快。 In the words, Dumas saw the innumerable ancient forms across own side, saw probably the river of history flows from own side. 话语里,杜玛看到了无数个古老的身影穿过自己的身旁,就好像看到了历史的长河从自己的身边流淌而过。 Some people are reverent, some people are arrogant, some people are demented, some people despair. 有的人虔诚,有的人高傲,有的人癫狂,有的人绝望。 Even if similarly is the belief, can have the ways of innumerable expression. 哪怕同样是信仰,也能够有着无数种表达的方式。 Her vision and line of sight pulled closer unceasingly, gather above that carved stone. 她的目光和视线不断地被拉近,聚集在那副石刻之上。 Finally. 最终。 She saw internal is , the picture on that carved stone. 她看到了内部的所在,那幅石刻上的画。 On the carved stone carves in a plain palace had been having the picture, but Dumas has not seen clearly, the picture of that carved stone then enlarged the limit, really changed into during the distortion. 石刻上刻着一座古朴的宫殿里曾经发生过的画面,不过杜玛还没有看清,那石刻的画面便放大到了极限,于扭曲之中化为了真实。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Her consciousness by drawing during the antique years, returned to 250 million years ago probably. 她的意识好像被拉到了太古的岁月之中,回到了两亿五千万年前。 During she was suddenly absent-minded stands in one completely with the palace that the deep sea giant stone built, the side is standing was born in the most ancient intelligent life. 她恍恍忽之中站在了一座完全用深海巨石搭建出的宫殿,身旁站着的都是诞生于最古老的智慧生灵。 This?” “这是哪?” She does not understand oneself in, but body actually cannot help but earth movement. 她不明白自己在哪,但是身体却不由自主地动了起来。 She follows at a loss everyone together, exists to worship on bended knees toward some position to the high place. 她茫然地跟着所有人一起,面向高处向着某位存在跪拜。 In the mouth is shouting loudly. 口中高呼着。 Comes the virtue niche king ~ “来德利基王~” Comes the virtue niche......” “来德利基……” She is kneeling time raised the head quietly, saw in vacant sits the great shadow on plain stone throne. 她跪着的时候悄悄抬起头,于茫然之中看到了一尊坐在古朴石头王座上的伟岸之影。 That form wears the royal crown, holds up the scepter in hand high. 那身影戴着王冠,高高举起手中的权杖。 In a flash, she sees the ray to spread to the entire royal palace, spreads to the whole world. 一瞬间,她看见光芒蔓延向整个王宫,蔓延向整个世界。 The intelligent ray and sprinkle with the scepter to the high authority to the human world, but special marks also fall, in knelt on that great shadow front existence. 智慧的光芒和至高的权柄随着权杖洒向人间,而一道道特殊的印记也随之落在了跪在那伟岸之影面前的存在身上。 Dumas saw that huge appears to form beyond description in these are kneeling existence behind. 杜玛看到一个个庞大到难以形容的身影浮现在那些跪着的存在身后。 Dumas listens to these people to shout with the ancient language. 杜玛听着身边的那些人用古老的语言喊着。 Fusion, fusion......” “融合,融合……” fusion monster.” 融合怪。” Dumas: Fusion?” 杜玛:“融合?” Dumas quite a while does not have the clear fusion is what meaning, when that word was shouted by her, she understood anything suddenly. 杜玛半天都没明白融合是什么意思,但是当那个词被她喊出的时候,她突然间明白了什么。 Ruhul!” “鲁赫!” These forms, are Ruhul Giant God. 那些身影,是鲁赫巨神 Dumas saw that the past succuba cannot see, looks incomparably clearly. 杜玛看到了昔日魔女也没能看到的一幕,看得无比清晰。 But the picture also then dropped the curtain to here, that carved stone of sky fell gently slowly, took back the ray. 而画面也只是到了这里便落下了帷幕,天空的那石刻缓缓地飘落下来,收回了光芒。 That is great floods the voice of the whole world, vanishes to disappear gradually. 那宏大得充斥整个世界的声音,也渐渐消失不见了。 Dumas stands in same place, in the mind is also reverberating shouting of these people. 杜玛愣愣地站在原地,脑海之中还回荡着那些人的呼喊。 But Osis looked to her: Saw?” 而身旁的奥西斯看向了她:“看到了吗?” Dumas nods: Royal power blood!” 杜玛点了点头:“王权血裔!” She looks at Osis: Originally, is the meaning of child of God King, their descendants.” 她看着奥西斯:“原来,是神王之子的意思,还有他们的后裔。” Is these, is grasping existence of Ruhul Giant God strength.” “是那些,掌握着鲁赫巨神力量的存在。” Dumas is also first awareness, originally the strength of power appears like this, on each flows the people of strength of intelligent power to come from allocation of Wisdom God King. 杜玛也是第一次知道,原来权能的力量是这样出现的,每一个身上流淌着智慧权能之力的人都来自智慧神王的赋予。 Above that carved stone, is carving the origin of beginning and strength intelligent power. 那块石刻之上,刻着智慧权能之始和力量的起源。 Osis said: You distributed vowing to them, is the infrangible pledge.” 奥西斯说:“你对他们发下了誓言,便是不可违背的誓言。” Dumas: Various gods must distribute the pledge to this carved stone no wonder.” 杜玛:“怪不得诸神要对着这块石刻发下誓言。” In three people, having Sajin is still vacant. 三人之中,只有沙金依旧茫然。 He does not understand what royal power blood, could not understand the sound that shouted to say anything. 他不懂得什么王权血裔,也听不懂那呼喊的声音到底说着什么。 However quick, he showed the smile. 不过很快,他就露出了笑容。 Because he knows, Land of Bright starting from this moment opened the fetter, everyone can use various God the strength freely. 因为他知道,从这一刻开始光明之地打开了束缚,所有人都可以自由地使用诸神的力量了。 Sajin has turned head, looks to the black storm. 沙金回过头,看向了黑风暴之外。 Our ideals......” “我们的理想……” Realized.” “实现了。” He saw in the sea level to present the second child and third child's shadow probably, saw in the school the shadows of these winged human apprentices, everyone same showed the smile with him. 他好像看到了海面上出现了老二和老三的影子,看到了学院里那些翼人学徒的影子,每个人都和他一样露出了笑容。 ------------------ ------------------ That moment of various god contract signing, the whole world can hear that various god to conclude the pledge the sound. 诸神契约签订的那一刻,整个世界都能够听到那诸神缔结誓约的声音。 Meanwhile, the Dumas sound also along the Dreamland biography to the distant place, spreads to each ear of myth. 同时,杜玛的声音也沿着梦界传向远方,传入每一个神话的耳朵里。 Was OK.” “可以了。” The bright heaven, Romil stood in temple said these words. 光明天国,洛米尔站在神殿之中说出了这句话。 He complies with the decision that Queen of Angel Dumas made, arrived under the clock tower in heaven in this moment, sounded the ding. 他遵从了天使之王杜玛做下的决定,在这一刻来到了天国的钟塔之下,敲响了钟声。 With the bell of heaven clang clang the sound, he sent out oracle. 伴随着天国之钟的铛铛声,他发出了神谕 Various god contracts conclude.” “诸神契约缔结。” Land of Bright all winged human starting today, can choose the belief freely.” 光明之地的所有翼人从今天开始,可以自由地选择信仰。” Similarly, Land of Bright all winged human, can pass in and out in other states freely.” “同样,光明之地的所有翼人,也可以自由地进出于其他的国度。” The oracle reverberation of place Queen of Angel Romil in entire winged human Land of Bright, reverberates in each bright temple, reverberates in each sky envoy mind. 天使之王洛米尔神谕回荡在整个翼人光明之地,回荡在每一座光明神殿之中,回荡在每一个天空使的脑海里。 Some sky envoy accept safely, some do not dare to believe that some do not believe that this is oracle, thought that this was the evil god occupies own consciousness to seduce itself to degenerate again. 有的天空使安然接受,有的不敢置信,有的坚决不相信这是神谕,觉得这是邪神占据了自己的意识再诱惑自己堕落。 However in any event, is unable to prevent the decision of god. 但是不论如何,都无法阻止神的决定。 Meanwhile. 于此同时。 The Land of Bright sky opened one after another door, revealed shades of the Divine Country. 光明之地的天空打开了一扇又一扇门,显露出了一座座神国之影。 Went out of illusory shadows from that Divine Country, walked into Land of Bright, entered the winged human state and city. 从那神国之中走出了一个又一个虚幻的影子,走入了光明之地,进入了翼人的国度和城市。 various God the strength manifests a presence in the sky, shone the winged human world. 诸神的力量显圣于天空,照射进了翼人的世界。 Massive has been transferring the duty to become the alchemist and agreement attorney and magic knight and other occupation of winged human, at this moment from walked secretly. 大量的早已经在转职成为了炼金师、契律师和魔骑士等职业的翼人,此刻一个个从暗地里走了出来。 At this moment, they can appear under the sunlight finally. 这一刻,他们终于可以出现在阳光下。 They will establish various God temple in Land of Bright, but what is more important, they will establish the Alchemy workshop by the winged human status, establishes the winged human trial court, establishes winged human the city of demon net. 他们将在光明之地建立起诸神的神殿,而更重要的是,他们将以翼人的身份建立起炼金工坊,建立起翼人的审判法庭,建立起翼人的魔网之城。 Finally, establishes the magnificent winged human civilization. 最终,建立起辉煌的翼人文明。 The demon network and divine spell country. 魔网与神术之国。 Vivien and Anli opened the front door to Land of Bright similarly, looks at the Land of Bright land outline, looks that the divine spell shadow moves toward this stretch of land and human world. 费雯安丽同样打开了通往光明之地的大门,看着光明之地的大地轮廓,看着神术的影子走向这片大地和人间。 A charm sharp tablet falls from the sky, crashes into winged human Matta to arrange in order the duchy along with the ray, stood erect in their national capital. 一座魔力尖碑从天空落下,伴随着光芒坠入翼人的马塔列公国,竖立在了他们的国都之中。
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