小岛上。Thatblood-colorvortexbeforehandtreesare getting more and more, at nightoccasionally can also see that turnswells up the merpeople of balanceto appear, is looking intonearcave entranceperson.
" Dwarf " noticed that like thissnake human in cavernare getting fewer and fewer, the livelycavernalsograduallybecomeslonely.
「小矮人」就这样看到洞穴里的蛇人越来越少,原本热热闹闹的洞穴也渐渐变得冷冷清清。At that night, " dwarf " and " elegantgauze " read a booktogether.
" Dwarfreadto " elegantgauze " listens, two peoplelaughedbecause of in story.
After looking, " after dwarf the bookgathers, suddenlyunknowingly an issuethrowing. " Elegantgauze, are youwillingto turn into the merpeople? "
他还是动摇了。As the person in cavernare getting fewer and fewer, heas ifalsoclearly recognized the arrival of somedestinyandmatteris avoidless. Sometimes, is not you are willingto choose, butis you have not chosen.
随着洞穴内的人越来越少,他似乎也认清了有些命运和事情的到来无法避免。有的时候,不是你愿不愿意选择,而是你没有选择。Then, hesupplementedone.
" Merpeople is very probably attractive, looks likewithsnake humanvery much. "
" Except forcannotspeak, cannotappearunderSun, as ifalsogood. " " Elegantgauze " askedhim: " Are youwillingto turn intooneto foster talent? "
" Dwarf " has not spoken, butasked: " Ifirstasked that the elegantgauze, youmustfirstreplyme. " Howeverwhatmakes " dwarf " not think, " elegantgauze " explicitlyexpressed the rejection. " Dwarf " does not understand: " Why? "
The girltoldhim: " Because ofthisbody, is mother gives tome. "
女孩却告诉他:「因为这副身体,是妈妈送给我的。」Shelowers the head, is mumblinglow voice: " I, ifturns intootherappearance, perhaps mother did not knowme. " " Elegantgauze " weakwords, will make " dwarf " wantto smilesometimes.
她低着头,小声地嘟囔着:「我要是变成别的模样,妈妈说不定就不认识我了。」「娜纱」幼稚的话语,有的时候会让「小矮人」想笑。However " elegantgauze " throughoutis only a child, butheexcept for the appearance and height, has become an Sir, like thisthinksalsoto feelnormally.
但是「娜纱」始终都只是一个小孩子,而他除了模样和身高,早就成为了一个大人,这样想想也就感觉正常了。At this moment, " dwarf " also smilesreluctantly, thenlongsighed.
此刻,「小矮人」也同样无奈地笑了笑,然后长长地叹了口气。Yes, the body of whichperson, is not mother givesowngift.
是啊,哪个人的身体,不是妈妈送给自己的礼物。Alsoanyone, is willingto drop outownbody, turnsanotherhas never seenstrangerace. " Dwarf " blew out the lampcarefully, thensays.
" Earlierrests. "
「早点休息。」Then, hewill givegirl'sspaciousattractiveblanketto coverforher. " Warm! "
" In childhoodthatblanketwas too small, after havingthis, youwill not feel cold. " " Coversthick, will not fall ill. "
The girllieson the bed, saidhappily: " Dwarfyoumostwere goodtome. "
" Dwarf " heard the opposite partyto saylike this,probablywas happier than the girl: " Naturally, weare the family members! " Howeverless than several days, the girlalsohad the situation of falling ill.
「小矮人」听到了对方这样说,好像比女孩还要开心:「当然,我们是家人嘛!」但是没过几天,女孩也出现了生病的情况。Even if the dwarfprotectsverywellher, butcannot preventherbodyto be feebleas beforeday-by-day. Here, eventuallyis not a suitableordinarysnake humanbodysurvivalplace.
The dwarvesdo not have the means that can only hold the elegantgauzeto arrive at the blood-colorvortexwhile the night, requestedtowardcaptainBliman. " Pleasegivehersomelives the energy! "
小矮人没有办法,只能趁着夜晚抱着娜纱来到了血色漩涡边,向着船长布里曼请求。「请给予她一些生命的能量吧!」Everyisthisonetime, temporarilyseemed like. Howeverbefore long, thenrecoveredagain.
每一次都是这样,暂时看起来好了。但是过不了多久,便又再度复原。Becausethisis onlynot goings to the roots of the problem, has the issueis notgirl'sbody, butis the exteriorenvironment. Repeatedly, insteadmakes the girlbe suffered.
因为这只是治标不治本,有问题的不是女孩的身体,而是外部的环境。反反复复,反而让女孩饱受折磨。Buttobehind, the issuewas even more serious.
而到了后面,问题越发严重了。Thistime, was the internal organshad the failureproblem.
The dwarveswait forin the bedside, is pale, the eyestaresin a big way. That that probablyfalls illis not a girl, butishe himself is the same. Hesees the girl on bed, onewill lift the hand, onewill put down. Helplessappearance.
The girl on bedwas sayingtohim, in the wordsmentionedthatnot to know that as usualwas the realmother, is calledexistence of mother.
床上的女孩对着他说,话语里还是和往常一样说起了那个不知道是真的妈妈,还是叫做妈妈的存在。Herhandgrabs the blanket, is strokinggently, the eyeonewill close, onewill open. " Dwarf! "
" Isomewhatthought mother, herbodywas big, soft, in vain. " " Even ifoutsidewindis big,
「我有些想妈妈了,她的身体大大的,软软的,白白的。」「哪怕外面的风再大,Also a pointcannot feelcoldly. "
The girlalsohurtsis pale, thereforewanted saying that unceasinglyanythingalleviated. Suddenly, sheshouted an opposite party.
" Dwarf. "
「矮子。」At this time, " dwarf " raised the headhurriedly. " ? "
这个时候,「小矮人」才匆匆忙忙地抬起头来。「啊?」Hesets outto look at the opposite party, askedkindly. " What's wrong? "
" Whatwants? "
「是要什么吗?」Howeverfinally, the opposite partyaskedhim:
" Cansayagainwithme, what is Divine Country? " " InDivine Country, is the personwill not grow? "
" Dwarf " somewhatstupidlylived, does not understand that whatrelationsDivine Countryanddoes grow up? However, the girlthensaid.
" Because the personmoregrows up, morehasmanyworries. "
" After growing up, cansay goodbyewith mother, after growing up, will meetmanypeople, thentheywill turn into the tree and person, no longermanagedme. "
" After growing up, thesehappythings, will turn into not the happymatter. " " After growing up, the thing that allobtains, will losegradually. "
The girlhurtscloselyfrowns, thensipped the lipto say. " After growing up, is unhappy. "
" Dwarf " sees the girlpain the appearance, immediatelywantsto hughim: " Walks, welook forCaptainBliman. "
「小矮人」看到女孩痛苦的模样,立刻想要抱起他:「走,我们去找布里曼船长。」Howeverat this time, the girlrejected: " Ido not want. "
" Dwarf " asked: " Why? "
The girlsaid: " Because of the nexttime, will be more uncomfortable. "
" Dwarf " this timedoes not know that what to doshould, helook the girlpainandbrings the eye of hope. He can only nod, sips the lipto sayrepeatedly.
" Okaygood. "
" Does not go, wedo not go. "
" Wedo not go, do not fear,does not go! " " Elegantgauze! "
" Wedo not go. "
After comforting the goodopposite party, hewalkstowardoutsidetotteringly.
安抚好对方后,他跌跌撞撞地朝着外面走去。Heis walkingat the same time, arrives at the halfway, side of bodydoes not know why startsto twitch.
他一边走着,走到半路,身体的一边不知道为何开始抽动。Hecannot controloneselfbodyto be the same probably, canseebottom ofhiseye, wipes the blood-colorto reappearunceasingly, might occupyhisentireeye socket.
他就好像控制不住自己的身体一样,可以看到他的眼睛底部,一抹抹血色不断地浮现出来,好像要占据他的整个眼眶。Untilhearrived atoutside, at this timehesent outto laugh wildly.
直到他走到了外面,这个时候他才发出狂笑。Althoughinsmiling, butin the laughtercould not feel that anytruehappy expression, seemed some organ of bodyto lose control was the same, making one controlsends outto laugh wildlyfreely.
" Hahahaha! "
" Ido not know,Ido not know! "
" Icannot grow upforever, foreverso manypain, Iwhere, regardless ofarrives, thisworldmustdestroy all my. "
" He must always destroyall that Ihave, keepssame placeme, bundlessame placeinme. " " Iwantto buildto embark, want the farthestplace, actuallycannot escape, cannot escape. "
" Ialwaysthink that can certainlyfindDivine Countrynexttime, whoknowsfoundis not the purgatory, is the abyss, eitherisonealsowants the fearfulplacecompared with the purgatory and abyss. "
" Ido not know. "
" Ido not know how shoulddo, howmustdo, thisworldcangive the response. "
「我不知道该怎么做,到底要怎么样做,这个世界才能给予回应。」Hemoresaidis more demented, moreovercansee that hisbodyemitted the red and blacktwoaura, a markfromabyssappearsinhisbody surface, onegroup of strangeincantationsealappearedinhiseye.
" Hee heehee hee. " " Hahahaha. "
「嘻嘻嘻嘻。」「哈哈哈哈。」At this time, hisprobably a person who could not control the body, swayed back and forthon the ground. The mouthfullis the sand, but also is talking overunceasingly.
" Elegantgauze! " " Sorry! "
" Hahahaha, Ishould notlook that thesepeoplecarry offyourcorpse. "
" Ido not know,does not knowthesepeopleare the people in corpse eaterchurch, Ido not know,does not knowthesepeopleareto deceivemy. " " ! "
" WhyIdid not spellwiththesepeople. "
" Mywillis not why firm, by the families/home of thesesilver whitechurches
The partnerscontrol. "
伙控制住。」Heis movingwith a handon the groundlittle, the whole personcannot see the normalappearanceagain. Perhapsheis insane, butthistypewas pressedbyhimcrazilyin the heart.
他在地上用一只手一点点挪动着,整个人再也看不到一点正常的模样。或许他早就疯了,只是这种疯狂被他压在了心底。Alsopossiblyhisitself/Benis a lunatic, butactuallycamouflages a normalappearancebefore the person. Twoaurainhiswithin the bodyentanglement, conflict.
也可能他本就是一个疯子,但是却在人前伪装成一副正常的模样。两股气息在他的体内纠缠,冲突。Ifin the reality, it is estimated that his condition, the flashmustfall into the abyssor the purgatory. Finally, hearrived by thatredhugevortex.
如果是在现实,估计他这状况,一瞬间就要堕入深渊或者炼狱了。终于,他来到了那红色的巨大漩涡旁边。Helooks atswirling of thatdistant placecentralrevolving, thenoneturned.
他看着那远处中央旋转的水涡,然后一把翻了下去。In the water, his pestersintogether, the body that can never controlcomesfinallylittleaffably. An invisiblehandcaughthim, suppresses the strength that hewill soon collapsetemporarily.
在水中,他那纠缠在一起,始终不能控制住的身体终于一点点舒缓开来。一只无形的手接住了他,也暂时压制住了他即将崩溃的力量。When " dwarf " opens the eyetime, hesawoneselfhave stoodinThe PlatinumCaptainBliman'sfront. Bliman Stationlooks athimin the distant place, shakes the headgently.
" Youhad the insanity. "
" divine bloodto the highgracious gift, the intelligent speciesmutualfoodis the taboo. "
" Even ifyouare notvoluntary, even ifwere willingby the devourer, backlashis also closely associatedthroughout. " " Dwarf " did not acknowledgeoneselfwere insane: " Inotinsane, Iam very normal. "
「哪怕你不是自愿,哪怕被吞噬者心甘情愿,反噬也始终如影随形。」「小矮人」并不承认自己疯了:「我没有疯,我很正常。」Blimansaid: " Insanedoes not representto degenerate, normalis notacts. "
布里曼却说:「疯不代表堕落,正常也不是扮演出来的。」ThisCaptaindivine specieslooks at " dwarf " , thisfollowedoneselfmanyyears of two. " Dwarf, do youobtain the clearyourheart? "
" Perhapssurroundsyouris notthisworld, butisyourself. "
" Yourwhyalwaysplaceselectwrong, becauseyourselfwere strandedbyyourselfin the past, butyouchoose the wrongthistype of shacklesto be deeperevery time. "
" Individually uncorrectable. "
" Dwarf " , no matterthese, heraised the head. " Elegantgauze, captainSir. "
" Can you, rescue the elegantgauze. "
「您能不能,救一救娜纱。」Bliman: " Icangiveher the shape of merpeople. "
" Dwarf " somemeaningsmoves, butfinally, is shaking the headfiercely. " It is not such. "
" Ido not throwherinsuchworld, throwsin such brutalworld. "
" Whencannotspeak, forever can only livein the darkunder waterbelowmerpeople, orgoes, whenpassed outmost, even the sensation of timebecomesslowfostering talent. "
" Dwarf " got hold of the hand, looks like a stubbornchild.
" Ido not want, shewas strandedinthisnarrow and smallvortex, can never see the hope. " " It is not right, the human worldwas too fearful, was too brutal. "
" Iwantto giveherone, suchstate that shesaid. " " Divine Country that shewants. "
「我想要给她一个,一个她所说的那样的国度。」「一个她想要的神国。」Blimandoes not know that whatwordsshoulduse, describeslike thisnaivefond dream. " Except forbecoming the retinue of god, withoutothermeanscanenterDivine Country. "
" Howevercanthink,formulatesDivine Country. "
" OnlycanbeGod. "
「只能是神明。」Blimanraised the head, looksto the distant place. " Inthisworld. "
" Is close toGodonly, perhapsonly thenthesegiantstonedemons. " " Theyare away fromGod, onlymissedonestep. "
" Was actually strandedinoneforeverneverpossibly the birthwisdom, is unable to becomein the Godbody. "
" Dwarf " lookdelay, heas ifalsoknowsoneselfare tracking downone the fond dream that is difficultto realize, butactuallyhas totrack downthroughout.
「小矮人」眼神呆滞,他似乎也知道自己在追寻着一个很难实现的美梦,但是却又始终不得不去追寻。Blimanlooks at " dwarf " , askshim. " You? "
" Why do youalsoresistto turnfoster talentor the merpeople? "
" Dwarf " raised the head, looks atBliman, the corners of the mouthtwists the mouth sidewise, revealsoneon this smile. " Youdid not say, Ibroke the taboo. "
" Inmywithin the body, is flooding the contamination and dirtiness. "
" Ifturns into a fish, can perhaps becomeclean, is? " Blimanrememberedjust " dwarf " to say the words, were usedto refutehim. " Fishmaynot have the wisdom. "
" Itcannotspeak, no
「它也不能说话,也不Canliveabove the land. "
The dwarfseems like a verydoubletargetperson, by havingelegantgauzeandhe himself, turned intotwopeopleprobably. " Has not had, is at least clean. "
矮子似乎是一个很双标的人,当论起娜纱和他自己的时候,就好像变成了两个人。「没有就没有吧,至少干干净净。」Blimanwaves, " dwarf " will send back.
布里曼一挥手,将「小矮人」重新送了回去。Howeverhisvisionlooks at " dwarf " , as ifknowsgeneral that he, will come backbefore longagain. When the opposite partyleavesthoroughly, Blimanlookedto the distant place.
但是他目光看着「小矮人」,似乎知道他过不了多久,就会再回来的一般。当对方彻底离开的时候,布里曼又看向了远方。Theseabovesea, manufacturelandingplacegiantstonedemon. " SageLanecontractstonedemon! "
那些在海洋之上,制造着陆地的巨型石魔。「贤者蓝恩的契约石魔啊!」On the bed, " dwarfis cleaning the sweatforelegantgauze " cautiously " , is cleaning upherbody. Butat this time, girlthin an entirecircle.
床榻上,「小矮人小心翼翼地替着「娜纱」擦拭着汗水,清理着她的身体。而这个时候,女孩已经瘦了一整圈。Herbodyalsostartedto grow the suppurating ulcer, the whole personwas weak the speech to breatheunceasingly very longair/Qi, canput outseveralcharacters.
黎明时分。Took care ofheroneall night, does not dareto wink " dwarf " suddenlyto see that the eyesheopened the eyeslowly, sayingbigpile of basescould not understandisanything'snonsense.
照顾了她一整夜,连眼睛都不敢眨一下的「小矮人」突然看到她缓缓睁开了眼睛,说出了一大堆根本听不懂是什么的胡话。Sheis gasping for breath, is sayinglittle. " Mothersaid. "
" First, inglass jarwewill never dietruly. "
" Second, only theninnewspecies , during the choiceappears, canchoose the end. " " Third, finallychoice, but the species, will be bornin the nest of lifebreeding. "
「第二,只有在新物种在抉择之中出现的时候,才可以选择终结。」「第三,最后抉择而出的物种,将会在生命孕育之巢中诞生。」Shestretches outis young and skinnyarm, saidsadly.
" Ithinkat that time,isIwill never choose, canstay here forever. " " Dwarf " cannot understandwhat is thishoweveractuallyknows, " elegantgauze " is not soon good. Dragsagain, shereallymustdie.
「我当时想,是不是我永远不选择,就可以永远留在这里了。」「小矮人」听不懂这是什么意思但是却知道,「娜纱」快要不行了。再拖下去,她就真的要死去了。Butinthisfearfulworld, the deathwas not the end.
而在这个可怕的世界,死亡并不是终结。Sheprobablyreallymustbecome a fish, or an insect.
她或许真的就要成为一条鱼,或者一只虫子了。Hegrabs the hairno use, deeplyattractedseveraltones, thensuppressed the expression that the superficialmoodandwill soon lose control , the tearsis actually fallingunceasingly.
他无助地抓着头发,深吸了几口气,然后压住了表面的情绪和即将失控的表情,眼泪却在不断地掉落。Finally, hesets outfiercely, runstoward that side of sea. By the fishy smellredsea, hejumps down.
最后,他猛地起身,朝着海的那边跑去。腥红之海旁边,他一跃而下。HesawBliman'sformagain, raised the headsaw that the opposite partyis gazing at himself.
" Dwarf " saidloudly: " Captain, the elegantgauzewants is not good, pleasesaveher, the merpeopleis also good, anythingis good, pleasesaveher. "
「小矮人」大声地说道:「船长,娜纱就要不行了,请您救救她,人鱼也行,什么都行,请您救救她。」HoweverBlimanactuallysayssuddenly: " Ithinkis very long, thatfantasy that perhapsyousaidreallymayrealize. " " Dwarf " firstgawked: " ? "
然而布里曼却突然开口说道:「我想了很久,或许你说的那个幻想真的有可能实现。」「小矮人」先是愣了一下:「啊?」Afterward, henearlyissaying of trembling: " Captain, whatyousaidis? "
随后,他近乎是战栗的说道:「船长,您说的是?」Blimanwiththatpair of wisdom , and tranquilpupillooks athim: " Means, arethesegiantstonedemon. " " Iftheyare willing the strengthto the elegantgauze, the elegantgauze to becomeGod. "
" HoweverGod, naturallycanestablishDivine Country. "
" Dwarf " has not heard, hassuchmethod, butthinks that the status of opposite partythoughtis not accidental/surprised. Becauseheisthe oldest, isdivine species, is the God Kingdescendant.
「小矮人」从来没有听说过,有这样的方法,不过想到对方的身份又觉得不意外了。因为他是最古者,是神明种,是神王的后裔。Howeverheis similar toholdsstraw to graspgeneralaskingat this moment: " Thesegiantstone do demonwant? " Blimansaid: " Theyshouldnot reject. "
但是他此刻如同抓住一根救命稻草一般的问道:「那些巨型石魔愿意吗?」布里曼说:「他们应该不会拒绝。」Then, " dwarf " half of the dayhas not said the wordsto come, perhapshehas not thought that the thing that oneselfwantone daywill realizetruly.
接下来,「小矮人」半天都没有说出话来,或许他从来没有想到,自己想要的东西有一天会真正实现。In this manner.
还是以这样的方式。Blimanlooks at " dwarf " , toldhim.
" Butwantsto becomeGod, establishesDivine Country, ceremony and method of needingto becomeGod. " " Thisthing, only thenIhave. "
" Dwarf " immediatelyunderstandsanything, thistoneisBlimanmustmake the transactionwithhim. " What do youneed? "
「小矮人」立刻明白了什么,这口吻是布里曼要和他做交易。「您需要什么?」Blimanpondered a meeting, thensaid.
" Ihope that I can also utilize the Divine Countrystrength. " " In this case. "
" Icandraw support fromDivine Country, radiatesthe whole world the strength of life. " " Theydo not needto imprison , the nautical miles of thisblood-color. "
「我就能够借助神国,将生命的力量辐射到整个世界。」「他们也就不用一直囚禁在,这片血色之海里。」Blimanlookedto his
布里曼看向了自己的那Somecrew, theseturnedexistence that fosters talentwith the merpeople. " Yousaidright. "
" Youdo not hope that the elegantgauzewas strandedinthisnarrow and smallvortex, can never see the hope. " " I also hope,mycrewcanleavehere, cansee the hope. "
「你不希望娜纱被困在这个狭小的漩涡里,永远看不到希望。」「我也同样希望,我的船员们能够离开这里,也能够看到希望。」Blimanas ifthought through anything, or the essentialnode, unloadstheseheavythings on shoulderfinally, the relaxedregion the smileis looking at " dwarf " .
" Wecanin the name ofSupreme God, undersigning the contract. " " Ibyname of the oldest and God King, follow the promisesurely. " Suchcontractandpromise.
「我们可以以至高神明的名义,签订下契约。」「我将以最古者和神王之名,必定遵循许诺。」这样的契约和许诺。Even ifnotin the originalthatworld, a world that do not havevariousgods. Alsono onedareseasilyto renege on a promise, becausethisis the name of Supreme God.
哪怕不在原来的那个世界,一个没有诸神的世界。也没有人敢轻易反悔,因为这是至高神之名。In the early morning.
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