„Whatmonster is this?”
“这到底是什么怪物啊?”Everyonescared, theyhave experiencedmanyvarvels, has seen all kinds ofmonsters.
所有人都吓坏了,他们经历过许多奇异之事,见过各种各样的怪物。Howeverhas not actually seensuchscene, witnessedowncompanionturnssuchcrazytentacle monster that does not die.
但是却从来没有看到过这样的景象,目睹自己的同伴变成这样的不死的疯狂触手怪。Finally, they can only accelerateto fleein a panic.
最后,他们只能仓皇地加速逃离。The Black Sandisthisseaquickestseveralships, is even aboutthesemonsters unable to catch up, buteveryonecanfeel, thesemonstershangas in oneselfbehind.黑沙号是这个海上最快的几条船,快得连那些怪物都追不上,但是所有人都可以感觉到,那些怪物依旧吊在自己的身后。Theyhave not given upas before, is tracking downthisThe Black Sandas before.
他们依旧没有放弃,依旧在追寻着这条黑沙号。Howeverthen, the crew on The Black Sandalsostartedto have the mutation.
但是接下来,黑沙号上的船员也开始发生了异变。Somepersonsleepswake up, discovered that ownbodyin the secretionmucus, ownfingerwas mounted the fluid couplingbythatin the same place, graduallyturned into a tentacle.
A person, twopeople, threepeople.
The captaincame to the cabin, crew that looks atalldisassimilations.
船长来到了舱室,看着所有异化的船员。„Captain, whatthisis, whatthisis, how will Iturn intothis?” The crewis brandishingowntentacle, retrocedesunceasingly, hewantsto avoidthattentacle, cannot flee.
“船长,这是什么,这是什么,我怎么会变成这样?”船员挥舞着自己的触手,不断地后退,他想要躲避那触手,却怎么也逃离不开。„Weare also turning into the monster, what to doshould, wealsobe ableto live?”Somepeopleholdoneselfhead, eye of ziwants the cracklooks atthishellgeneralscene, shoutsdesperately.
“我们也在变成怪物,该怎么办,我们还能活着回去吗?”有人抓住自己的头,目眦欲裂的看着这地狱一般的景象,绝望地喊道。„Weshould notcome tohere, hereis the abyss of the world, is the human worldpurgatory, is not right, wants the fearfulplacecompared with the abyss and purgatory.”Somepeoplecollapsethoroughly.
The captaindoes not have the means that can only orderto close the levelcabinall the people of disassimilation, preventsmorepeoplefromthissituation.
船长也没有办法,只能下令将所有异化的人关到底层船舱,避免更多的人出现这种情况。However, thiscannotcontain the disassimilation the situation.
然而,这并不能遏制异化的情况。On the ship the increasing number of peoplegrew the tentacle, lost the snake humanshape.
渐渐地。On the shipoverhalf ofpeopleareso.
船上超过一半的人都是如此。Then, everyonebordered onto collapse, the order on shipcollapsedthoroughly, did not have the meansto maintain again, thisisship of the monster.
The situation, is getting more and more serious.
情况,越来越严重。On this day, a hugeshadowappearedunderThe Black Sand.
Before , is breathless, cannot see the boundaryoutline.
其前无声息,也看不到边际轮廓。Onlycansee that the boundlessshadowfloatedfrom the seadeep place, appearedintheirsidesuddenly.
只能看到无边的暗影从大海深处浮了上来,陡然出现在了他们的身边。But the person on ship, accompanies, arrived at the broad side.
The disassimilationplatoonbecomesonerowuniform, is gazing atunderwater, seems listening attentively toanything.
异化者们整齐划一地排成一排,注视着水下,似乎在倾听着什么。Suddenly, somepeoplepoint under are making the sound.
突然之间,有人指着下面发出声音。„Isgod'sson, was the child of Godmeetsus!”
“听到了吗?”„Heis summoningus, ourcompanionsare callingmyname.”
“他在呼唤着我们,我们的同伴在喊我的名字。”„In the seabed, they are waiting forus.”
Under heupturnsfrom the ship, the direct selectioncrashed into the sea.
他从船上翻下,直接选择了坠入大海之中。Butdisassimilationone after another, are followinghimtogether, plunged into the sea.
The captainlooks atthis, is actually incapable ofpreventingradically.
船长看着这一幕,却根本无力阻止。At this moment, the desperatemoodspreadsthoroughly, evensomealsocompletepersonalsochosewas followingdisassimilationtogether, plunged into the sea.
这一刻,绝望的情绪彻底蔓延,甚至一些还完好的人也选择了跟随着异化者一起,跳入了大海之中。„Did not have the means that wecould not live.”
“死吧!”„Dieslike this!”
“就这样死吧!”„The Giant Godheir, eatsme, pleaseeatme.”
The despairwill infectprobably is the same, the personjumped down the shipone after another.
绝望就好像会传染一样,一个接着一个人跳下了船。No one, no onecanbearthishugedespair and pressure, canface directly such fearfulscene.
没有人,没有人能够承受住这巨大的绝望和压力,能够直面这样可怕的场景。At this moment.
此时此刻。CaptainNormandinalsofrom the ship, helooks at the emptyshipfinally, looks under the shipthatgiantshadow.
看着。Thatis the Giant Godheirhoversunder the storm.
那是巨神的子嗣在风暴之下游动。„The child of Giant God?”
“巨神之子?”Facingsuchaspect, even if healsofelt that mustfallinsanely.
面对这样的局面,哪怕是他也感觉要疯掉了。„God, is thisyourpenalty?”
“神明啊,这是您的惩罚吗?”„Isweintrudes the restricted area that the mortalcannotenterabsolutely?”
“还是惊扰了您的长眠?”Then, heaccording to the broad side, turnedlittle.
说完,他按在了船舷上,一点点地翻了过去。Healsowantsto upturnfrom the broad side, plunges into thatsea.
他也想要从船舷上翻下去,跳入那大海之中。Howeverat this time.
The unusualsituationappeared, surroundingstormlittledissipation, andstartsto snow.
异常的情况出现了,周围的风暴一点点消散,并且开始下起了雪。„Whish whishwhish whish~”
The blackstormsubsides, the shadow that stuffs the worldwalkedtowardThe Black Sandfrom the distant place.
黑风暴平息,一个充塞天地的影子从远处朝着黑沙号走了过来。Thislet the preparationandowncrewrushes to the captains in seato stoptogether, looks at the distant placeat a loss.
这让准备和自己的船员一起奔赴大海的船长停了下来,茫然地看着远方。Heis staring, saidwith the tone that onetypedoes not dareto believe.
“神?”„Is that...... the Spiritual God?”
“那是……神灵吗?”Itsaw that the blackstorm under dim light of nightalldissipates, is only left overten thousandli (0.5 km)clear sky.
The starry sky of distant placehasundergreenlight screen that proliferates the entirevault of heaven, existence of carrying the world, stands erectin the end of the world.
远处的星空有着遍布整个天穹的绿色光幕下,一尊承载着世界的存在,屹立在世界的尽头。Thatpassed byexistedto noticethisship, sawhim.
那路过的存在注意到了这艘船,同时也看到了他。Itis sidewaysslightly, is gazing atthislike the thing of antscommondust particle.
其微微侧过身来,注视着这个如同蝼蚁一般的微尘之物。Thisalsomade the captain on shipseeclearly, that„Spiritual God”intop of the headexistence of carrying/sustaining.
这也让船上的船长清晰地看到了,那“神灵”头顶上承载的存在。„Is thatourworld?”
“那是我们的世界?”„Is this...... the end of the worldtruth?”
The captainas ifunderstandswhy the personcannot come here.
船长似乎明白了为什么人不能来到这里。In his opinion, the end of thisworldis hiding this world's largest secret, secret that the mortalcannotknow.
在他看来,这世界的尽头藏着这个世界最大的秘密,凡人不可以知晓的秘密。Absent-minded, heheardthat„Spiritual God”to sayanythingprobably.
“……”Hecannot understand, butthat„Spiritual God”alsoturns aroundto departlike this.
“轰隆!”That„Spiritual God”onestepspans, raiseslayer upon layer the monstrous waves, pushed tooutsideThe Black Sand the storm.
那“神灵”一步跨越,掀起层层巨浪,将黑沙号推向了风暴之外。But the captainlooks atthat„Spiritual God”, does not understand that whatItdid say?
而船长看着那“神灵”,不明白祂到底说了些什么?„What are youtellingme?”
“您在告诉我什么?”„Imade the mistake, Idamn?”
“我做错了,我该死?”„Should Iaccept the penalty?”
“我应该接受惩罚?”„Said,ridiculedmyignoranceandsmall and weak?”
The captainpursuesalong the broad sideunceasinglyto the direction that Spiritual Godis, calls outtowarditloudly.
“为什么?”„Why do youonlyputmeto leaveonly?”
“您为什么只唯独放我一个人离开?”Howevergoda few wordshave not only responded.
然而那神祇一句话都没有回应。Hiscarrying the world, moves toward the endsilently.
祂只是默默地承载着世界,走向尽头。Captaindesperateshouting, but alsowantedto sayanythingagain.
船长绝望的大喊,还想要再说些什么。Butat this time.
而这个时候。Thisship that does not have the crewto control, the front surfaceis givento run uponby a gianticeberg, the captaindropped, fellruthlesslyin a corner.
这艘没有了船员操控的船,迎面被一座巨大的冰山给撞上,船长跌落了下来,狠狠地跌在了一个角落里。Butat this timeheraised the head, actuallydiscovered that ownboth handsstartedto secrete the mucus.
The captainlooks at the both armsdull, withonetypedoes not know that is the desperateorhappysoundsaid.
船长呆呆地看着双臂,用一种不知道是绝望还是开心的声音说道。„Originally, Ialsoturned into the monster.”
……Nihility Bacteria Motherbends downto look atthateveryman-madeboat, gazes on the shipthatto look atownmortaldumbfoundedly.虚无菌母俯身看着那艘凡人造的小船,注视着船上那目瞪口呆望着自己的凡人。„Oh, issnake human!”
“哦,是蛇人啊!”Nihility Bacteria MotherindeedfoundoneinNorth Sea the lifebody that is difficultto see, howeverthe whole world, it is also that easiest the lifetemplatefound.虚无菌母的确找到了一个在北海很难见到的生命体,但是在整个世界上来说,其又是最容易找到的生命模板。Nihility Bacteria Motherlooked atone, preparesto depart.虚无菌母看了一眼,就准备离去。Butat this time, the distant placepresented the sound.
而这个时候,远方出现了动静。Nihility Bacteria Motherraised the head, lookstoward that side.虚无菌母抬起头,朝着那边看去。„Probably......”
“好像……”„Whatthinghadto appear?”
“有什么东西出现了?”Nihility Bacteria Motherproceeds.虚无菌母往前走。Arrived atbroadLand of Polar Northside, hereshesawStone Demon Kingstandsin the Mirror of the Skyedge, an eagerappearance.
“白色的石魔?”„It is not the ordinarystonedemon.”
“不是普通的石魔。”„Feelingis very special.”
The fungi of massivenihilitychange into the heavy snow, surroundstalks in whispersaroundNihility Bacteria Mother.
大量的虚无之菌化为大雪,环绕在虚无菌母周围窃窃私语。„Rare and preciouslifebody, speciallifetemplate.”
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