The sky-bluesea, proliferates the vitality the worldto enlargeunceasingly.
The surroundingsno longerprofounddo not see the end the darkness, butbrightensto change the blueatmosphereskygradually, islayer upon layerwhite clouds.
周围不再是深邃不见尽头的黑暗,而是渐渐变亮变蓝的大气层天空,是一层层白云。Although the universe makes one yearn, butthisnarrow and smallworld can actually givepeople the intensesecurity sense.
宇宙虽然让人向往,但是这狭小的世界却能够给人强烈的安全感。Shirrais holding a book, walkedfromprevious.希拉抱着一本书,从上一层走了下来。
One side seeingsoonarrives inNorth Pole, asksalreadyimpatientSally.
看到快要抵达北极之后,问一旁早已迫不及待的莎莉。„Sally, whatNorth Sea does therehave?”
“为什么这么期待?”Sallysaid: „Ironskullsaid that itmustgrow up.”莎莉说:“铁脑壳说它要长大了。”Listens.
听完。In a flash, on the forehead of Shirraappeared the question mark.
一瞬间,就连希拉的脑门上都浮现出了问号。Sheknows certainly that the ironskullisSilersea-nymph, butthisfellow, as bighas been inconceivableto describeandas the average man.
她当然知道铁脑壳就是塞勒海妖,但是这家伙,已经大到常人难以形容和想象了。Itat this time, saidwhatmeaning do oneselfwantto grow upis?
它这个时候,说自己要长大了是什么意思?Then hasn't, grown up?
就这样,难道还没有长大吗?Sallydescribesimmediately, growing up of RuhulGiant Godiswhatmeaning.莎莉立刻形容了一下,鲁赫巨神的长大是什么意思。„With the bigfireworks, the bigmeteor is the same.”
“就和大烟花,大流星一样。”„Bigmeteorflewin the universe, the bigfireworks and center of the earthmeltedfor a bodygradually.”
“大流星飞到宇宙中去了,大烟花和地心渐渐地融为了一体。”„Like theirtwo, the ironskull must have the transformation.”
“就和它们两个一样,铁脑壳也要发生蜕变了。”Shirraunderstandsanythingimmediately.希拉立刻明白了什么。Insaihad said that the future of lifepower, changes into the ecology, is the incarnationis a world.因赛曾经说过,生命权能的未来,是化为生态,是化身为世界。Butlooks atthissituation.
而看这情况。Ina period of time, RuhulGiant God, although is also far fromthatsituation that arrived inGod Insaito say.
在近段时间,鲁赫巨神们虽然还远远没有抵达因赛神所说的那个地步。Howeverhas started, stepsmust the situation that the entireEarthswallows.
但是已经开始,踏上了要将整个地球吞噬的地步。Actuallybefore then, hasthisindicationinitially.
其实在此之前,就已经初步有了这种征兆。For example, goes to the starry sky the deathstar, swallowslavaGiant God of center of the earth, thistwohave the transformationandswallow the sign of the world.
例如,前往星空的死星,吞噬地心的熔岩巨神,这二者都有着蜕变和吞噬世界的迹象。Shirraasked: „What can Silersea-nymphmake?”希拉问:“塞勒海妖要做什么?”Sallyponderedonewill express, is gesticulating the hand signal.莎莉思考了一会措辞,然后比划着手势。„Bigskullmustswallowallwater, makingallwaterbecomeownstrength, was changed into the seabyoneself.”
“大脑壳要将所有的水都吞掉,让所有的水都变成自己的力量,让自己化为海洋。”„From North Sea, ithad constructed a secretbase there, mustfromownsecretbaselittletransformation, transform the water of the whole world.”
“就从北海开始,它已经在那里修建了一个秘密基地,要从自己的秘密基地一点点转化,转化掉整个世界的水。”Shirranods: „Reallyis the sea and water!”希拉点了点头:“果然是海洋和水啊!”
The Spiritual Godprivate cardownward, Shirrais also looking atoutsideunceasingly.
神灵的座驾不断往下,希拉在也看着外面。After a while, sheasked a questionsuddenly.
“莎莉。”„Before, didn't youtake on a mindreallypersonto leave?”
“之前,你难道不担心神真的一个人离开了吗?”Sallyhas turned head, looks atShirra.莎莉扭过头来,看着希拉。„It is not worried!”
“不担心啊!”Shirradid not understand,askedher.希拉不理解,问她。„Why?”
“为什么?”Sallysaid: „Becausegod, ifleft, Ilook forIt.”莎莉却说:“因为神如果离开了,我就去找祂。”Worried?
害怕?This is never the issue of Sallyconsideration, shecanconsiderhow, only thento do.
这从来就不是莎莉考虑的问题,她会考虑的只有怎么去做。If the godleft, thatlooks forher.
如果神离开了,那就去找她。Even if, destroysthe whole world!
哪怕,是打碎整个世界!Even if, isarrives in the universe the boundary.
哪怕,是抵达宇宙的边际。Doesand that's the end.
去做就是了。Shirraunderstands that the meaning of Sally, could not bearsmileimmediately.希拉明白莎莉的意思,顿时忍不住笑了起来。„ReallyisSally!”
“果然是莎莉啊!”ButSallyshows the smileimmediatelyproudly, appearance that Iam fierce.
而突然之间。Sallyas ifinducedanything , before lying the window, pointed under was shouting.莎莉似乎感应到了什么,又趴到了窗户前,指着下面大喊。„Arrived.”
“到了。”„Had arrived, looksquickly.”
“已经到了,快看。”„The secretbase of ironskull below.”
“铁脑壳的秘密基地就在下面。”ShirrafollowsSallyto looktogetherdownward, the visionsawblackstorm that covered the entireNorth Pole.希拉跟着莎莉一起往下看去,目光就看到了覆盖了整个北极的黑风暴。
The terrifyingstormentirenorthwill encircle, becomes a so- calledsecretbase.
同时也是。Silersea-nymphswallows the beginning of the world.
塞勒海妖吞噬世界的起点。Althoughthisprocess, probablyneedsfor a long time is very very long.
虽然这个过程,可能需要很久很久。But the fingerwithSallythenlooksdownward.
The line of sightacrossthatblackstorms, the strangesceneappeared.
视线穿过那片黑风暴,奇异的景象出现了。Northobviouslyis the coldpolar region, hereeverywhereis the water surface of glacierandfreeze, howeverin the center of thatblackstormgathering, is actually a piece of tranquilwater surface.
北之极地明明是寒冷的极地,这里到处都是冰川和冻结的水面,然而在那黑风暴汇聚的中央,却是一片平静的水面。The whole worldcannot startmighty waves, just like a mirror.
整个世界掀不起一丝波澜,犹如一面镜子。ThismadeShirraremember a place, therealsohassuchcharacteristics.
这让希拉想起了一个地方,那里也有着这样的特征。„Mirror of the Sky?”
“天之镜?”Howevercomparedinonce„narrow and small”thatMirror of the Sky on frozenmountain range, herewantedonnot to knowmanytimesin a big way.
不过相比于曾经“狭小”的冰封山脉上的那个天之镜,这里要大上不知道多少倍。Here, is the mirror of genuinesky.
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