IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#543 Part 1: Ascends the god

Chapter 543 ascends the god 第543章登神 In the agreement attorney school of lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城的一座契律师学院之中。 Mataphos and silver followed Oland to come here, the people of school received them warmly, several old men actually also knew Oland, called him for the happiness and desire lord of respectable. 玛塔芙丝和银跟随着奥兰来到了这里,学院的人非常热情的接待了他们,其中几个老头子竟然还认识奥兰,尊敬地称呼其为幸福与愿望之主。 The group sat in an inside receiving callers hall, the Oland non- commonly acquainted winds makes here person arrange the dwelling for them, then Mataphos and silver have in the place that in this city stopped over temporarily. 一行人在里面的一间会客大厅坐了下来,奥兰非常熟络的让这里的人替他们安排住处,这下玛塔芙丝和银在这座城市里暂时落脚的地方也有了。 Others drew back, Oland and two people chat. 其他人都退了出去,奥兰和两人聊起了天。 Chatted is chatting, Mataphos naturally mentioned the goal that oneself travelled, about speculation that intelligent species had. 聊着聊着,玛塔芙丝自然就说起了自己旅行的目的,还有关于智慧种本身存在的一些猜测。 Oland listens to the suspicion of Mataphos, finds it very interesting. 奥兰听完玛塔芙丝的猜想,觉得非常有趣。 Un?” “嗯?” „Are we incomplete spirit body?” “我们都是不完整的灵体?” „Did the way that or we survive present the mistake?” “或者说,我们生存的方式出现了错误?” This view is very interesting.” “这个说法很有意思。” Oland sat straight the body, his clothes were magnificent, have miracle temple and Land of Sunrise style. 奥兰坐直了身体,他的衣服非常华丽,有着奇迹神庙日出之地的风格。 His both hands gathered grasp, revealed on the finger the colorful storage ring. 其双手合握,露出了手指上华彩的储物戒指。 dream of lifetime reason of birth you talked about , because Ruler of Dreamland gave the gracious gift initially , because is not willing to see all living things to roam in the darkness.” “你说的人生之梦的诞生的原因,是因为梦境主宰当初给予恩赐,是因为不愿意看到众生浪迹于黑暗之中。” This view well-founded, I thought that your idea is right.” “这个说法是有根据的,我觉得你的想法是对的。” Mataphos heard Oland to affirm itself, said excitedly. 玛塔芙丝听到奥兰肯定了自己,激动地说道。 Yes, I said that the birth of dream of lifetime definitely has the reason.” “是吧,我就说人生之梦的诞生肯定是有原因的。” Oland affirmed Mataphos regarding the view that dream of lifetime is born, but has speculation regarding Mataphos about intelligent species, is maintaining the attitude of suspicion. 奥兰肯定了玛塔芙丝对于人生之梦诞生的说法,但是对于玛塔芙丝关于智慧种存在本身的猜测,还是保持着怀疑的态度。 But, how you must be able to show that intelligent species is incomplete spirit body?” “但是,你要怎么才能够证明智慧种是不完整的灵体呢?” Mataphos told Oland, wanted to consult his while convenient. 玛塔芙丝告诉奥兰,顺便还想要请教他一番。 I prepare to design an experiment.” “我准备设计一个实验。” After this period of time travel, I had one not to calculate the mature idea temporarily.” “经过这段时间的旅行,我有了一个暂时还不算成熟的想法。” I prepare to visit these powerful seniors, great God, comes through and them exchanges to obtain the answer, opens this experiment.” “不过我准备一路拜访那些强大的前辈,伟大的神明,来通过和祂们交流来获得答案,来开启这个实验。” Mataphos looks at Oland, asked with a smile. 玛塔芙丝看着奥兰,笑着问道。 „After you listen, says that my idea is feasible.” “您听完之后,也说一说我的这个想法可不可行。” Oland asked her: What experiments?” 奥兰问她:“什么实验?” Mataphos earnest: We assumed, intelligent species is incomplete spirit body, we since birth are the imperfect immortal spirits.” 玛塔芙丝认真了起来:“我们假定,智慧种就是一种残缺的灵体,我们生来就是不完美的永生之灵。” Body to us, is not actually necessary, but is we connects the reality a tool.” “身体对于我们来说,其实并不是必要的,而是我们连接现实的一个工具。” However truly perfect spirit body, does not need the body also to maintain the consciousness and self-, any body is only they in the world anchor point.” “而真正完美的灵体,是不需要身体也能够维持意识和自我的,任何躯壳都只是他们在人间的锚点。” They can choose with the aid of the body exist in the reality, can change into spirit body not to exist in the reality.” “他们可以选择借助躯壳存在于现实,也可以化为灵体不存在于现实。” At this point, Mataphos looks that the eye of Oland said. 说到这里,玛塔芙丝看着奥兰的眼睛说道。 I experiment am the latter that must prove.” “我实验要证明的就是后者。” Our shapes, can actually not arrive at the world, the direct disagreement/not with world connection obtains the eternal life.” “我们的形态,其实可以不降临人间,直接不和人间连接而获得永生。” We are the spirit body lives, one type is imperfect, will actually be doomed to move toward the perfect spirit body life.” “我们是灵体生命,一种不完美,却注定会走向完美的灵体生命。” Oland shakes the head. 奥兰摇了摇头。 Disagreement world connection is also useless, even if the apostle must conduct the reincarnation, can continue the life.” “不和人间连接也没有用,哪怕是使徒也必须进行转生,才能够延续生命。” „The spirit of average person was separated from the structure of body, which intelligent species, will lose the life the shape, was only left over an once shadow.” “普通人的灵脱离了身体的结构,不论是哪一种智慧种,都会失去生命的形态,只剩下一个曾经的影子而已。” Oland pointed out the issue of Mataphos this idea. 奥兰指出了玛塔芙丝这个想法的问题。 Only then myth can through continually make the new retinue, lives melts being enthralled country in the god country through the retinue unceasingly, thus obtains the eternal life and strength.” “只有神话能够通过不断地制造新的仆从,居住在神国之中通过仆从不断地融入神国,从而获得永生和力量。” Mataphos nods, she also knows these issues. 玛塔芙丝点了点头,她也知道这些问题。 According to «Path of Wisdom» «Man-made Person And the record of Immortal Shape» «Antique God Graciousness Technique» ancient book, intelligent species cannot be immortal , because cannot leave the body.” “根据《智慧之路》《人造人与永生形态》《太古神恩术》典籍的记载,智慧种之所以不能永生,就是因为不能离开躯体。” However intelligent species and key of body connection, is the intelligence strength.” “而智慧种和躯体连接的关键,便是灵性的力量。” Intelligence meets the decrepit, even if an apostle, only then the unceasing reincarnation can maintain the life and existence, until its becomes God that moment.” “灵性会衰朽,哪怕是使徒,也只有不断转生才能够维持生命和存在,直到其成为神明的那一刻。” Time at this point, Mataphos is gesticulating the hand signal, said excitedly. 说到这里的时候,玛塔芙丝比划着手势,非常激动地说道。 Therefore my experiment idea is.” “所以我的实验想法就是。” If.” “如果。” We make one greatly is very very big, very powerful life body.” “我们制造出一个很大很大,非常强大的生命躯体。” Thinks a graciousness four points of secret technique to build, its floor has nearly unlimited intelligence to maintain the revolution of this huge life body, making him live forever.” “用神恩四分秘术来打造,它底层拥有近乎无限的灵性维持着这个庞大生命体的运转,让他永远活着。” Then we transmit in our consciousness spirits and desire personalities this body, finally the utilization remembers that divine spell and imaginary technique construct a illusion world in the brain of this life body.” “然后我们将我们的意识精神、欲望人格传输到这个身体里,最后运用记忆神术和幻术在这个生命体的大脑之中构造出一个幻象世界。” Was everyone can be together immortal?” “是不是所有人都可以一起永生了?” Mataphos more said more vigorously, completely immerses during own world and imagination. 玛塔芙丝越说越起劲,完全沉浸在了自己的世界和想象之中。 But she has not noticed, a form does not know when appears before the front door. 而她没有注意到,一个身影不知道何时出现在大门前。 She is delimiting as before excitedly, imagining. 她依旧在非常兴奋地划着,想象着。 Although they, once left this fantasy world to lose all, will dissipate instantaneously, however in this fantasy world, all and real world was exactly the same.” “虽然他们一旦离开了这个幻想世界就失去了一切,甚至会瞬间消散,但是在这个幻想世界里面,一切都和真实的世界一模一样。” This also proved that our true shapes are anything.” “这也就证明了,我们的真正形态到底是什么。” What demon spirit, ghost and snake human winged human lizard human.” “什么魔灵、幽魂、蛇人翼人蜥蜴人。” Is our external shells, clothes.” “都不过是我们的一个外在的壳,一件衣服。” Through this experiment, we can certainly see our real appearances, will see our final shapes.” “通过这场实验,我们一定能够看到我们真实的面貌,也将看到我们最终的形态。” Mataphos said this saying time, saw Oland, some form that the one side just came. 玛塔芙丝说出这话的时候,就看到不论是奥兰,还是一旁刚刚进来的某个身影。 Nearly by her these words, being startled chin. 都险些被她的这一番话,给惊掉了下巴。 Oland then no longer by a listening younger generation told the story that indulges in fantasy regarded the words that the opposite party spoke, but pondered truly earnestly, possibility that started to ponder the opposite party these words. 奥兰这下不再是以一种听晚辈讲述异想天开的故事来看待对方所说的话了,而是真正地埋头沉思,开始思考对方这番话的可能性。 Crossed some little time, Oland raised the head. 过了好一会,奥兰才抬起头来。 The life form that in this case, you said most accepts a lower status certainly is the myth shape.” “如果这样的话,伱说的这种生命形态最低就一定是神话形态。” However the strength arrived in the myth situation, a method of your building virtual world, no longer is what illusion.” “而力量抵达了神话的地步,你这种打造一个虚幻世界的方法,就已经不再是什么幻境了。” But was equal to saying that built a special god country.” “而是等于说打造出了一种特殊的神国。” Oland does not know that this indulgent idea is feasible, but he said. 奥兰也不知道这个异想天开的想法到底可不可行,但是他还是说道。 I have seen the sky garden, has seen the country of knowledge, has seen the country of divine spell.” “我见过天空花园,见过知识之国,也看到过神术之国。” Their structure ways are different, has the respective characteristics.” “祂们的构造方式都不同,也有着各自的特点。” However with building the way of life body, makes god country, holds the innumerable consciousness personalities with a brain, with remembering divine spell makes in a brain the world.” “而用打造生命体的方式,来制造神国,用一个大脑容纳无数个意识人格,用记忆神术来制造一个脑内世界。” Oland listens to this conception, cannot bear express admiration. 奥兰听完这个构想,也忍不住啧啧称奇。 You, if can be successful.” “你如果能够成功的话。” This certainly is a brand-new god country shape!” “这一定是一种全新的神国形态啊!” But at this time, entered another person in hall to speak. 而这个时候,进入大厅之中的另外一个人说话了。 „It is not the special god country, is the perfect god country.” “不是特殊的神国,是完美的神国。” Enters all spirit body of myth state to maintain the consciousness to remain, maintains the personality, can lead everyone to be together immortal, this has gone far beyond the concept of ordinary god country's.” “进入神话国度的所有灵体依旧维持有意识存在,维持人格,能够带着所有人一同永生,这已经远远超过了普通神国的概念了。” Time at this point, an opposite party words revolution. 只是说到这里的时候,对方话语一转。 But the unlimited intelligence, this is impossible.” “但是无限的灵性,这根本不可能。” Intelligence is a very special strength, will deteriorate, will be decayed.” “灵性是一种非常特殊的力量,会变质,会腐朽。” Even if the God intelligence strength, cannot withstand the consumptions of tens of thousands of even countless person.” “哪怕是神明的灵性力量,也经不起成千上万甚至无数人的消耗。” Perhaps only then the True God in legend, can construct the so perfect state, is leading all followers and followers steps into together eternal.” “或许只有传说之中的真神,才能够建造出如此完美的国度,带领着所有的从者和信徒一同踏入永恒。” Mataphos also knows own this idea has many indulgent places, she grasped scratching the head embarrassed, then said. 玛塔芙丝也知道自己这个想法有着很多异想天开的地方,她不好意思地抓了抓头,然后说道。 Therefore, I most can only conduct an experiment to confirm this.” “所以,我最多只能进行一个实验来验证这个。” Even if can only make a limited intelligence special life body construction, even if can only upload consciousness spirits of young some people, maintains young group of people existed for 100 year and in 1000 even 10,000 years, very fierce!” “哪怕只能制造出一个有限灵性的特殊生命体架构,哪怕只能够上传一小部分人的意识精神,维持一小群人在其中存在一百年、一千年甚至一万年,也非常非常非常地厉害了啊!” Also proved that my idea is right.” “同时也证明了,我的想法是对的。” Then, Mataphos then responded what speech is another person. 说完,玛塔芙丝这才反应过来说话的是另外一个人。 Mataphos looks to that wear homespun cloth clothes, the appearance averagely not wonderfully, after coming, gives the man of Oland and on Mataphos but actually leaf tea. 玛塔芙丝看向那个穿着粗布衣裳,打扮平平无奇,进来后就给奥兰和玛塔芙丝倒上树叶茶的男人。 Is bewildered, does not know who completely the opposite party is. 一脸茫然,完全不知道对方是谁。 The opposite party are smiling to Mataphos, placed in front of one cup of tea her. 对方对着玛塔芙丝笑了笑,将一杯茶放在了她面前。 „!” “给!” How do you think of this experiment?” “你是怎么想到这个实验的?” Mataphos received cautiously, asked the opposite party. 玛塔芙丝小心翼翼地接过,问对方。 You are the teacher of this school, can actually ask that like this points to the issue of source abstrusely.” “你是这座学院的导师吗,竟然能够问出这样深奥直指本源的问题。” Oland smiled: He is Sukob, here master.” 奥兰笑了起来:“他是苏科布,这里的主人。” Sukob acknowledged that looked that said to Mataphos: I listened to be very long, did not hate to break you, was really very interesting experiment idea, the idea of talent.” 苏科布承认了,看向了玛塔芙丝说道:“我听了很久,都不舍得打断你们,真的是很有趣的实验想法,天才的构思。” Mataphos looks at the front this low-key and ordinary man, never expected that it is that will soon become God of Contact and Legal Code of god, in the mouth exudes one to call out in alarm immediately. 玛塔芙丝看着面前这个低调且普通的男人,没想到其就是那个即将成神的契约与法典之神,口中立刻发出了一声惊呼。 „?” “诶?” Sukob actually and does not care about the things on these status, asked directly. 苏科布却并不在意这些身份上的东西,直接问道。 Can say?” “能说一说吗?” Your these idea development processes?” “你这些想法诞生的过程?” Mataphos looks immediately to the silver, pushed in the direction that she sits, probably such comparison has the security sense. 玛塔芙丝立刻看向了银,朝着她坐着的方向挤了挤,好像这样比较有安全感。 She is somewhat anxious, points at the silver is holding in Astrology Ball to say. 她有些紧张,指着银抱着的占星球里面说道。 Has an illusory map in Astrology Ball, I the consciousness will put into window-shops to have a look at the scenery.” “在占星球里面就有着一个虚幻的地图,我会将意识投入其中逛街看看风景。” Watches, sometimes I can think.” “观看中,有的时候我会想。” I, if also the own virtual worlds, I stay in for a lifetime do not come out.” “我要是也有一个属于自己的虚幻世界的话,我就一辈子呆在里面不出来。” Mataphos gesticulated, the look showed the look of expectation. 玛塔芙丝比划了一下,眼神露出憧憬的神色。 Security sense is full.” “安全感满满的。” Sukob and Oland have not thought, the idea of opposite party comes. 苏科布和奥兰没有想到,对方的想法是这么来的。 However their two cannot completely understand Mataphos this dwelling female idea, therefore somewhat look at each other in blank dismay. 不过他们两个并不能完全理解玛塔芙丝这种宅女的想法,所以有些面面相觑。 …… …… The dim light of night goes black in thoroughly, the group star glitters in the backdrop. 夜色彻底陷入黑暗之中,群星在天幕之中闪烁。 Does not know how long discussed that in the lights until hall became somewhat dark, Mataphos is hitting the yawn and two seniors and gods chooses the farewell. 不知道讨论了多久,直到大厅里的灯火都变得有些幽暗了,玛塔芙丝打着哈欠和两位前辈和神选告别。 Mataphos harvests finally fully, not only obtained many suggestions. 玛塔芙丝最后收获满满,不仅仅获得了很多的建议。 Moreover she obtained the brand-new template again, is alchemist and tower keeper, there is witch spirit and agreement attorney. 而且她再度获得了全新的模板,是炼金师守塔人的,也有巫灵和契律师的。 Two brand-new intelligent species morphological changes, although knows that this shape the secret cannot bring any powerful strength, but can actually make Mataphos know the intelligent species secret clearly. 两种全新的智慧种形态变化,虽然知道这种形态的秘密也带不来什么强大的力量,但是却可以让玛塔芙丝更清晰地知道智慧种的秘密。 Mataphos also asked a question on the way: Why did the tower keeper occupation call tower keeper?” 玛塔芙丝途中还问了一个问题:“守塔人职业为什么叫守塔人?” Oland told her: Because I once was tower keeper, is defending a white round tower.” 奥兰告诉她:“因为我曾经就是一个守塔人,守着一座白色的圆塔。” Finally, Oland told Mataphos. 最后,奥兰告诉玛塔芙丝 If some day you got the answer, or place that needs me to help.” “如果有一天你得到了答案,或者需要我帮助的地方。” Please write a letter the miracle of white tower city to advocate temple, I come immediately.” “请你写信到白塔城的奇迹主神庙,我会立刻前来。” Mataphos nods, expressed gratitude. 玛塔芙丝点头,表示感谢。 Certain meeting.” “一定会的。” Leaves the hall, goes to the agreement attorney school for the place of rest they arrange time. 离开大厅,前往契律师学院为她们安排好的休息之地的时候。 Mataphos is having the yawn, while somewhat excitedly and silver said. 玛塔芙丝一边打着哈欠,一边有些激动地和银说道。 Silver.” “银。” Today harvests very in a big way?” “今天收获很大呢?” The silver looks at Mataphos, although just she has not spoken, all that but said Mataphos at heart. 银看着玛塔芙丝,刚刚她虽然没有怎么说话,但是却将玛塔芙丝所说的一切都记在了心里。 The silver asked Mataphos: Really can make that thing that you said?” 银问玛塔芙丝:“真的可以制造出你说的那种东西吗?” The night wind gets up, Mataphos grabs the inspection lamp and clothes tightly: This is very difficult, I don't know either!” 夜风起,玛塔芙丝紧抓着提灯和衣服:“这很难的,我也不知道啊!” The silver looked oneself are holding Astrology Ball, lifted suddenly, handed the Mataphos front. 银看了看自己抱着的占星球,突然抬了起来,递到了玛塔芙丝的面前。 Some Mataphos doubts: What's wrong?” 玛塔芙丝有些疑惑:“怎么了?” The silver said: Can try with my Astrology Ball, makes that thing that you said?” 银说:“可以用我的占星球进行尝试吗,制造你说的那种东西?” Mataphos: „, This is your treasure.” 玛塔芙丝:“诶,这可是你的宝贝。” The silver said: Doesn't matter.” 银说:“没关系。” Another side. 另一边。 Oland and Sukob are standing in the hall as before, looks direction that the silver and Mataphos leave. 奥兰和苏科布依旧在大厅里站着,看着银和玛塔芙丝离开的方向。 Sukob said with a smile: Future Star Demoness, Witch Doctor Gods family, this coordination is very interesting, does not know that both of us do have the opportunity to see Witch Doctor Gods, in this legend Creator god.” 苏科布笑着说道:“一个未来的星之魔女,一个巫医之神的眷者,这配合真的挺有意思,不知道我们俩有没有机会见到巫医之神,这传说之中造物主身边的神祇。” Oland has not actually met this words, but asked ; How you feel, that method that she said.” 奥兰却并没有接这个话,而是问道;“你觉得怎么样,她说的那种方法。” With building the way of intelligent life body, founds a perfect god country.” “用打造智慧生命躯壳的方式,建立一个完美的神国。” Sukob shakes the head: I want to found such god country actually, but at my strength is not possible.” 苏科布摇了摇头:“我倒是想要建立这样的神国,不过以我的力量是不可能的。” The existing myth path is long-tested, moreover misses the shooting, at this time Sukob was indeed impossible to bet this luck again and has not passed through the method of confirmation. 现有的神话道路已经久经考验,而且就差临门一脚,这个时候苏科布的确不可能再去赌这种运气和未经过验证的方法。 However Oland or Sukob, indeed are interested to that idea that Mataphos gave. 不过不论是奥兰还是苏科布,的确对玛塔芙丝提出的那种想法非常感兴趣。 Sukob: Little miss has the talent very much, the thought powerful and unconstrained style moreover is bold, and unconstrained.” 苏科布:“小姑娘很有天分,思维天马行空而且非常大胆,且不受拘束。” „In the idea is very bold, the person the courage also was too small a point.” “就是想法上很大胆,人却胆子又太小了一点。” Thinks words that beforehand Mataphos spoke, Sukob cannot bear want to smile. 想到之前玛塔芙丝说的话,苏科布也忍不住想笑。 Founds a perfect god country, to hide does not come out in.” “建立一个完美的神国,就是为了躲在里面不出来。” Hahahaha ~ “哈哈哈哈哈哈~” Oland cannot bear, with smiling. 奥兰也忍不住,跟着笑了起来。 Talent somewhat will always be separated from the condition of crowd, this was good.” “天才总是会有些脱离人群的状况,她这样算是不错了。” Said after two people, the expression of Oland became earnest. 说完了两个人之后,奥兰的表情变得认真了起来。 I noticed that many people came, has many familiar faces.” “我看到不少人来了,其中有着不少熟悉的面孔。” Thunder temple and moonlight temple and Salvation Society have the secret agents in various countries, in the city everywhere is.” “雷霆神庙、月色圣殿、救世会还有各国的密探,城内到处都是。” „The evil disciple of abyss mission, the silver white church also arrived, even I also bumped surface with Lord of Purgatory directly.” “深渊教团的邪徒,银白教会也都到场了,甚至我还和炼狱之主直接碰了一个面。” Oland looked to Sukob: Your this tenth god ceremony ceremony, is very lively!” 奥兰看向了苏科布:“你这成神仪式典礼,很是热闹啊!” Sukob as if does not care: Did not say these people.” 苏科布似乎并不在意:“不说这些人了。” Meter must come, she was not very happy to the letter/believes that I mail, said me too on a grand scale.” 墨忒尔也要过来一趟,她给我寄来的信很是不高兴,说我太大张旗鼓了。” „The harvest temple patriarch also came, what a pity Kurmis cannot arrive personally.” “丰收神庙的牧首也来了,可惜库尔弥斯不能够亲自到场。” Oland somewhat sobbed: Kurmis and his student, were really a pity.” 奥兰有些唏嘘:“库尔弥斯和他那个学生,真的是可惜了。” …… …… On this day. 这一天。 Ten Thousand Snakes Ruling State highest trial court. 万蛇执政国的最高审判法庭。 Why does not know, this court no longer opens today, in the square everywhere is a guard, forbidding anybody to approach. 不知道为什么,今天这座法庭不再开放,广场上到处都是卫兵,禁止任何人靠近。 Go away.” “走开。” Does not want to look casually blindly.” “不要随便瞎看。” Today here cannot enter.” “今天这里不许进。” Even if however entered the square, in people's eyes anything cannot see. 但是哪怕进入了广场,在常人的眼中也什么都看不到。 Because vision institute and above the square, that kingdom of past was biggest is also most dignified, symbolizes the trial court of law to vanish impressively directly. 因为目光所及的广场之上,昔日的那座王国最大也最威严,象征着法律的审判法庭赫然直接消失了。 A strange strength isolated the entire highest trial court, making it imitate, if were separated from the world to be the same. 一股奇异的力量隔绝了整个最高审判法庭,让其仿若脱离了人间一般。 But the entire lunar eclipse city also opens settles, entered the martial status from the hidden place, huge ceremony technique rotates under the place bottom, is connecting each area court and agreement attorney trade union in city constructs. 而整个月蚀城也开启了结界,上上下下从暗处进入了戒严状态,庞大的仪式术阵在地底之下转动,连接着城内的每一座区法庭和契律师工会建筑。 Powerhouses stand in these constructions crowns, is inspecting this city. 一个又一个强者站在这些建筑的顶部,巡视着这座城市。 The wind and rain wants. 风雨欲来。 Atmosphere dignifiedly to the extreme. 气氛凝重到了极点。 At this moment, the silver and Mataphos take the vehicles to drive into the square after the examination of guard, then stops in the end of street. 此时此刻,银和玛塔芙丝乘坐着车辆经过卫兵的审查驶入广场,然后在街道的尽头停下。 Looks at a blank the square, Mataphos is somewhat perplexed. 看着一片空白的广场,玛塔芙丝有些不明所以。 Makes us go from here?” “让我们从这里进去?” But, doesn't here what have?” “可是,这里什么都没有啊?” Mataphos is invited to come here, somewhat surprised across walks toward front. 玛塔芙丝受到邀请来到这里,有些惊疑的穿过朝着前面走去。 Across ripples, she discovered that front emerged out of thin air a be continuous upward stair, on the stair is the dignified court construction. 穿过一层涟漪,她就发现面前凭空出现了一个绵延向上的台阶,台阶上是威严的法庭建筑。 But under the stair of not far away. 而不远处的台阶下。 snake human standing both sides that many put on the judge and agreement attorney long gown, are waiting to greet them, as soon as they appear, the opposite party recognized. 多名穿着法官和契律师长袍的蛇人站立两旁,正在等待迎接着她们两人,她们一出现,对方就认了出来。 Sir Star Demoness.” 星之魔女大人。” Sir Mataphos.” 玛塔芙丝大人。” Mataphos is pointing at itself, is happy and embarrassed: I, Sir?” 玛塔芙丝指着自己,又高兴又不好意思:“我,大人?” After they salute respectfully, then puts out a hand to aim above the stair, is the most deep place of trial court. 他们毕恭毕敬地行礼过后,然后伸手对准台阶上方,也即是审判法庭的最深处。 Ceremony and ceremony will soon start, you came up to be OK directly.” “仪式和典礼即将开始,您直接上去就可以了。” The silver has no feeling actually, walked along the pitch directly, Mataphos is calling the name of silver, pursued. 银倒是没有什么感觉,直接沿着斜坡走了上去,玛塔芙丝喊着银的名字,也追了上去。 Stands in the highest place of stair, Mataphos has turned head. 站在台阶的最高处,玛塔芙丝回过头。 Penetrates the ripples to look outside world and crowd, felt that outside all are so fuzzy. 穿透涟漪看着外面的世界和人群,感觉外面的一切都如此模糊。 „Is this energetic force field territory?” “这是精神力场域?” Indeed is the energetic force field territory. 的确是精神力场域。 However as strong as this situation, it has been able to call it half myth domain. 不过强到这个地步,其已经可以称之为半个神话领域了。 But at this time a woman penetrated the ripples, arrived here, the personnel who below greeted salute immediately, the opposite party also walked toward above. 而这个时候一个女人穿透涟漪,也抵达了这里,下面迎接的人员立刻行礼,对方也朝着上面走来。
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