IATV :: Volume #19

#1845: Change of Chapter 1845 Divine State Continent, decline of monster race

My summer Wulong cannot lose, you won me, from now on I for you will be the life,” summer Wulong serious saying. “我夏武龙并非输不起,你赢了我,今后我为你是命,”夏武龙郑重的说道。 „Can you also some people refuse to accept?” Xu Zimo looks to behind people, asked. “你们可还有人不服?”徐子墨看向身后的众人,问道。 A people silence. 众人一片沉默。 Obviously summer Wulong the strength among them, has calculated that was very strong. 显然夏武龙的实力在他们之间,已经算很强了。 If even/including Xiawu dragon were killed by the second, they had self-knowledge, did not need to hit. 若是连夏武龙都被秒杀了,他们还是有自知之明的,根本不用打。 Good, everyone friendly disposition leads to wealth,” Zhao Guangrong said with a smile in the one side. “好了好了,大家和气生财,”赵光荣在一旁笑道。 I had arranged simply, everyone various its duty, guards Mt. Huoyan together diligently is the important matter.” “我已经简单布置了,大家各其所职,一起努力镇守火焰山才是大事。” Xu Zimo has not said anything. 徐子墨也没有多说什么。 He does not have the sense of belonging regarding Yaochi, complies for Ancient God inheritance purely. 他对于瑶池没有归属感,纯粹是为了古神传承才答应的。 Can guard naturally can guard, if not good that also slipped away. 能镇守自然会镇守,若是不行那也就是溜之大吉了。 Here is not his family/home, he is naturally different from these people. 这里不是他的家,他自然跟这些人不一样。 People also each and everyone retreats. 众人也都一个个退去。 Only has summer Wulong to smile toward his good intentions. 唯有夏武龙朝他善意一笑。 Mt. Huoyan is unreachable, the line of sight all covers by the flame and red. 火焰山不可及,视线皆被火焰与红色笼罩。 Let the Xu Zimo palpitation, is Mt. Huoyan. 徐子墨心悸的,乃是火焰山内部。 It is said in this is the core of flame, the Dao Fruit powerhouse goes is also burnt. 据说这里面乃是火焰的核心,道果强者进去也会被烧死。 Ordinary, here by seal condition. 平常时分,这里都被封印状态。 Now Yaochi encounters the disaster, the nature unties the seal, prepares to use this flame. 如今瑶池遭遇大难,自然将封印解开,准备将这火焰利用起来。 Xu Zimo looked for a high place, sits cross-legged to sit, places on Tyrant Shadow the knee, starts to ponder. 徐子墨找了一个高处,盘膝而坐,将霸影放在膝盖上,开始冥思起来。 After breaking through three flowers, he can feel the remarkable change. 突破三花之后,他能感受到自身惊人的变化。 Especially Divine State Continent divine soul, vast, probably a world can steamroll all. 尤其是神州大陆神魂,更加的浩瀚,好像一个世界般能碾压一切。 Xu Zimo very long has not entered the Divine State Continent interior to look. 徐子墨已经很久没有进入神州大陆内部去看了。 This he arrives at Divine State Continent time, obviously felt some are not right. 这一次他来到神州大陆,明显感觉到有些不对劲。 Entire Divine State Continent seems conducting a war, many places are burning the flames of war. 整个神州大陆仿佛正在进行一场大战,许多地方都燃烧着战火。 Even ten thousand monster tribes, the Xu Zimo supreme headquarters here, somewhat are chaotic. 甚至就连万妖部落,徐子墨在这里的大本营,都有些混乱。 my Lord,” Baimeng first welcomed the arrival of Xu Zimo. 主上,”拜蒙第一时间迎接了徐子墨的到来。 It seems like I not in this period of time, inside is very lively,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “看来我没在的这段时间,里面很热闹啊,”徐子墨笑道。 „The development of human race was too rapid,” Baimeng blushes with shame to say. 人族的发展太快了,”拜蒙汗颜道。 Forehead has unified, assumes the unsurpassed god courtyard. “天庭已经统一,坐镇无上神庭。 The world by a man rule named King Qin, was also established the Qin Empire. 人间也被一个叫秦王的男人统治,建立了大秦帝国。 Now the world together, the person and immortal two unions, start to subjugate other races. 如今世界一同,人与仙两界联合,开始征讨其他种族。 The beast clan that Primal Chaos leads naturally bears the brunt, therefore had the war. ” 混沌带领的兽族自然首当其冲,所以发生了大战。” This makes Xu Zimo very interested. 这让徐子墨十分的有兴趣。 Actually he very long has not looked for Primal Chaos, in oneself weakest that time, Primal Chaos for his Way Protector. 其实他很久没找过混沌了,在自己最弱的那段时间,混沌替他护道 He has complied with Primal Chaos, must help him expand monster race. 他答应过混沌,要帮他将妖族壮大。 Therefore after Divine State Continent establishes, Xu Zimo then first makes Primal Chaos come to manage. 所以神州大陆建立以后,徐子墨便第一时间让混沌进来管理。 monster race was also logical, became the Divine State Continent first large clan. 妖族也顺理成章,成了神州大陆的第一大族。 But afterward, as human race is getting stronger and stronger, between two clans the chamber has resisted. 但后来,随着人族越来越强,两族之间已经分庭对抗。 Arrived the present, human race has the universal strengths again, starts initiative attack monster race. 再到现在,人族有大一统的实力,开始主动攻击妖族 Primal Chaos?” Xu Zimo asked. 混沌呢?”徐子墨问道。 It is estimated that is just badly battered in the tribe,” Baimeng said with a smile. “估计在部落正焦头烂额呢,”拜蒙笑道。 Since Xu Zimo enters three spend realm, the Divine State Continent world upper limit again is enhanced. 自从徐子墨进入三花境界后,神州大陆的世界上限再次被提高。 Some many people have broken through Great saint, started to go forward toward Dao Fruit. 已经有许多人突破大圣,开始朝道果前进了。 Do not despise Divine State Continent indigenous. 千万不要小看神州大陆的土著。 Because the entire Divine State Continent trillion population, immortal cultivation are an extremely involution matter. 因为整个神州大陆亿万人口,修仙已经是一件极其内卷的事情了。 In trillion people, always has such several powerhouses. 亿万人中,总有那么几个强者。 I see him,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “我去见见他,”徐子墨笑道。 In fact Baimeng several people in Divine State Continent, but helps Xu Zimo keep the order, will not help monster race work as the goon. 事实上拜蒙几人在神州大陆,只是帮助徐子墨维持秩序,并不会帮妖族去当打手的。 Ten thousand in monster tribe, 万妖部落内, Innumerable Monster Beast come and go. 无数的妖兽来来往往。 Primal Chaos as most powerhouse, has ten big kings of beasts. 混沌作为最强者,旗下有十大兽王。 Xu Zimo is somewhat curious. 徐子墨有些好奇。 How if the monster race belt/bring of dark green profound territory to Divine State Continent can? 若是将苍玄域的妖族带到神州大陆会怎么样呢? This moment ten big king of beasts as well as Primal Chaos, are discussing in the tent. 此刻十大兽王以及混沌,正在帐篷内商讨着。 When Xu Zimo arrives at the tent, was blocked by entrance two Monster Beast. 徐子墨来到帐篷时,被门口的两只妖兽挡住了。 Human, had human to rush in our supreme headquarters,” two Monster Beast saw Xu Zimo, immediately lost one's voice shouts greatly. “人类,有人类闯进咱们大本营了,”两只妖兽看见徐子墨,顿时失声大喊道。 Perhaps no one has thought, having human dares is so bold. 恐怕谁也没想到,有人类敢如此大胆。 Went to say with your monster ancestor, I must see him,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “进去跟你们的妖祖说说,我要见他,”徐子墨笑道。 „A your human also wants to see our monster ancestor, comes the person, takes him to me,” the left sheep essence loudly shouts. “你一个人类还想见我们妖祖,来人,给我拿下他,”左边的羊精大喝一声。 A team of nearby patrol caught up instantaneously. 旁边巡逻的一支队伍瞬间赶了过来。 They take various types of weapons. 它们拿着各种兵器。 Xu Zimo narrows the eyes to focus, sees these is the Primal Chaos subordinates, depresses kills intent. 徐子墨微眯着眼,看到这些都是混沌的手下,才压下杀意。 Drinks one lightly: Primal Chaos, has not seen me quickly.” 轻喝一声:“混沌,还不快来见我。” The sound is not loud, actually shocks broadly, spreads over all around directly. 声音不大,却恢宏震撼,直接传遍四周。 In the tent, the Primal Chaos spirit shakes, ran fast. 帐篷内,混沌精神一震,快速跑了出来。 Eldest child, you came,” the Primal Chaos great happiness, goes forward to pay a visit hastily. “老大,你来了,”混沌大喜,上前连忙拜见。 Numerous Monster Beast are startled. 众多妖兽都是一惊。 Own monster ancestor pays a visit toward a human unexpectedly. 自家的妖祖竟然朝一个人类拜见。 Doesn't this end? 这不完了? monster race and human race make into this now, no one has to think own eldest child unexpectedly is first revolting. 妖族人族如今打成这样,谁也没想到自家老大竟然是第一个叛变的。 „Does monster ancestor, you do?” Other Monster Beast asked hastily. “妖祖,你这是干什么?”其他妖兽连忙问道。 Urges to go faster , Primal Chaos is also disinclined to explain at the same time, expels all Monster Beast. “去去去,都一边去,”混沌也懒得解释,将所有妖兽都赶走。 Only leaves behind ten big kings of beasts. 只留下十大兽王。 Respectful please enter in Xu Zimo the tent. 恭敬的将徐子墨请进帐篷内。 This tent quite some shapes march the tent of going to war temporary arrangement, inside is self-contained, on the wall is drawing a big map. 这帐篷颇有些像行军打仗临时布置的帐篷,里面设施齐全,墙上画着一张大地图。 Xu Zimo is impolite, goes in then sits in the high-rank directly. 徐子墨也不客气,进去便直接坐在上位。 Azure wolf kings of beasts in ten big king of beasts wanted to say anything, was actually prevented by other kings of beasts. 十大兽王中的青狼兽王想要说什么,却被其他兽王阻止了。 Everyone could see, the Xu Zimo status is not ordinary. 大家都看得出,徐子墨的身份不一般。 Ten big kings of beasts do not worry, because Primal Chaos will definitely explain. 十大兽王也不着急,因为混沌肯定会解释的。 How does eldest child have the time to come back?” Primal Chaos asked curiously. “老大怎么有时间回来?”混沌好奇问道。 Comes to see you,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “来看看你们,”徐子墨笑道。 Heard that you did make war with human?” “听说你与人类开战了?” Not to mention, disappointed training of eldest child,” Primal Chaos said with a sigh. “别提了,辜负老大的培养了,”混沌叹息道。 My this group of good-for-nothing later generations, cannot struggle human race, was entered the supreme headquarters.” “我这帮不成器的后辈,还是没能争过人族,被打进大本营了。” How do you plan?” Xu Zimo asked. “那你怎么打算的?”徐子墨问道。 He read the map, clarity that very above marks. 他看了看地图,上面标记的很清楚。 Entire Divine State Continent, monster race and human race should hold 2/3 domains. 整个神州大陆,妖族人族应该占据了三分之二的地盘。 Other 1/3, are other races. 另外三分之一,是其他种族的。 Now this 2/3, 80% belong to human race. 如今这三分之二,有百分之八十都归属人族了。 Remaining monster race occupy 20%, it may be said that puts up a last-ditch struggle. 剩下的妖族占据百分之二十,可谓是垂死挣扎。 Right, puts up a last-ditch struggle. 没错,就是垂死挣扎。 Primal Chaos after these years practices, the strength is the Great saint peak. 混沌经过这些年的修练,实力已经是大圣巅峰了。 Only has the one pace from Dao Fruit. 距离道果只有一步之遥。 Or it already half Dao Fruit. 或者说,它已经半步道果了。 Individual strength definitely is most powerful, selects only one to one estimated that no one feared. 个人实力肯定是最强大的,单挑一对一估计谁也不怕。 But that side human race, will not select obviously only. 人族那边,显然不会单挑的。 According to Primal Chaos, human race has formation, six Great saint arrange this to suppress him. 混沌所说,人族有一阵法,六名大圣布置此阵便可压制他。 It can constrain forehead these people at risk of life, but the oppression of the people of the world of mortals King Qin makes people thorny. 它拼死能拖住天庭那些人,但是凡间秦王的铁蹄却让人棘手。 Primal Chaos sighs. 混沌叹了一口气。 Said: I currently do not have the means that can only the dying war.” 说道:“我目前也没办法了,只能死战了。”
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